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tv   Pryamoi efir  RUSSIA1  January 12, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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trump in court in a civil fraud case, the crowd cheered and chanted his name. the former us president said that the whole process is politicized, this is a witch hunt, behind which biden stands. one of the former american president’s supporters, senator jt vance, said that trump’s second term will be everything we liked about the first, but on steroids. speaking of which, donald himself. decided to get in shape ahead of the elections. media reports that the american presidential candidate has lost at least 13.5 kg. and the key role in this is played by, well obviously milania trump. trump has already given up ice cream and chocolate pies. just before the start of the 2024 presidential race, septuagenarian donald trump has reportedly lost weight, too.
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trump's weight was a record 97 kg, which is 11 kg less than it was in april when he checked into manhattan court, some, in particular tv presenter oprah winfrey , wondered whether trump was resorting to weight loss drugs. i'll tell you this, republicans stick together.
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well, to some extent yes, that’s it, but the question is is different, of course, the first, and firstly, the military command closed the strait, they themselves asked to close it now directly for all the ships that enter there, so they have done more in the last 24 hours than all the houthis combined in the last 2 months, that is, they are physically closing it now , they are recommending it, because now , apparently, there will be revenge, and this means that the americans are on the side of the houthis by chance. i’ll tell you now who is in whose country, the problem lies the next problem is that blinkin, who was flying around the middle east, and that he was flying in, and he was gathering a coalition, there, of all the coalitions, he gathered bahrain, alone, accordingly, all the coalitions directly participated in the strikes , it turns out that we have the uk , the usa, australia, canada, bahrain, that’s it, the netherlands, no, the netherlands, and accordingly they supported five more, that is, respectively, germany, south korea, well, that is, five countries, 10 countries. italy from all countries refused
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large ones, france supported, but did not participate in the operation itself, although they were invited , you yourself know that in france there are other things going on there now, the question is that in germany there are also other things, but they also supported and in general there are other things, there ryut is leaving, he is the last one who has now decided to support, in fact , i remind you, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs is new, you have your own topic, i already mean we have it with them, they definitely have a new minister of foreign affairs of france, the husband of the new one. the prime minister of france is also a man, if we want to talk about family relationships in the cabinets of ministers, in this regard, well, what are the houthis, we had a situation when, respectively, spouses were in power in the cabinet of ministers, now they are also spouses, everything is official, yes, and yes, we also had everything ok, we didn’t have a problem like that, there weren’t such people, but there were spouses, god forbid it won’t happen, well, it’s already unlikely, but we’re for it, i mean it’s impossible, well, when there are two men, according to the law. the world figured it out, it
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realized that it wouldn’t be interesting, after all, this is nato, nuclear power, such things are happening here, well , it’s curious, curious, yes, bloomberg also stuffed it somewhere curiously into a basement, so this is curious, now everyone is naturally discussing the strike, why, because the problem is this, the problem is that despite all the support, a very narrow level of solidarity, so to speak, on this issue , the second assaults are now starting, this morning there were attempts, well, they were specific, of course, but they were still connected with iraq, that is the problem . is the fact that this krasta is developing into that famous big, big war, and what does it threaten us all together, in fact , how much does it influence, why is it more important than ukraine - to the extent, well , at least for the world, why on average the houthis reduced this - world trade by 1.3% - for november-december, that's 67
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billion, they just took it and withdrew it in 42 days, on average they withdraw about 1.5 billion per day of trade, i remind you... that the export of european union fell by 3.1%. so, and this despite the fact that it is calculated only november, since november, only since the nineteenth, they started doing this, that is, in general, there seems to be an even higher percentage, even with such intensity as it was, they would have spent the entire budget of the us department of defense in a year, and i remind you, of course, netanya said that this year the war would go on, if it continued in this format, this would be 700 billion net losses from, as it were, trade turnover, plus everything is just purely based on problems with... than the blockade of taiwan. the blockade of taiwan is assessed from an economic point of view, the blockade is not a military action, the blockade of taiwan, according to such economic components, it is 1 trillion, and this is already
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accumulating more than two or three, and so on, for us, that is , it’s even somehow awkward to pronounce the surname starting with z zelensky. in this regard, in two in 42 days - the houthis caused more damage than military assistance to ukraine from the united states, despite all this, it’s cool, they have a budget, their gdp is 19.5, they are 3.4 caused more damage than their gdp for the entire year, in 42 days, this goes to the question of what some countries have modern technologies, drones, for some it’s time to learn the word, respectively, to find out how the processor works, it’s time i think everyone agrees.
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i remind you that even though they don’t even completely control the country to one degree or another, they’re named after their brother, but not fundamentally, they cause more damage to the global economy than all the warriors put together recently in 42 days, some know how to howl, that’s why from this point of view, this is a problem, this is a problem greater than all the damage that could happen, accordingly, from eastern europe in the future, we also hope for tomorrow, we hope for us, but we understand that tomorrow no military action will take place, this can be seen from mahar, there is no accumulation there, so the question is... prospects for what, in principle, will directly happen, we are talking primarily about the economic components , we see a decline in gdp in taiwan, accordingly, against the backdrop of a transition, as it were, a concept, features with chips, china will be ashamed to put additional pressure, there will not be to add further pressure, the statements they make at their negotiations within the framework of this component, the economic one again threatens the americans, it
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’s already awkward to joke about the latest chinese warning, they said, well , if you come again tomorrow, it will be bad for you, if i come, i’m talking about the american one.. it was assumed that the red line was the acceptance in government institutions, respectively, of representatives of taiwan directly on the territory of the united states, i remind you that this already happened last month, last year, so from this point of view the red lines they moved, moved , moved, the question is different, that if there is an economic confrontation, and trump comes, it will be, and even before trump’s arrival, elections there began between china and the usa, so it will be a cherry second , because we have already lost, as it were, one and one and - accordingly, five percent is obtained, that is, this is trillions, this is very 5% or 1.5 trillion dollars, this is a lot, one and a half trillion dollars is somehow very a lot, these are two american defense budgets , for example, roughly for comparison, this is times more than the budget of individual countries,
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that is, therefore, from this point of view, these are the main risks, the problem itself is that all these problems are cut out, that is, as it were they turn into internal political problems in the united states, why, and that today our day began such a fun one, and our democrats decided accordingly.
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his minister of defense, as if they were not making this decision, he is now, as if they were still in the situation room, he was in the hospital, at this time it was autumn
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now, so they decided to attack, they did not even receive permission from congress, in the usa this is a requirement, not to notify congress, but to obtain permission from it for war, therefore, this is military action on the territory another country, so from this point of view, even bush , in principle, tried to do this, well, he received supervision, so from this point of view, this is a big problem, that is, his left is falling off, not only have they retreated in palestine, but they will now begin.. .in one place, we know what place and what a disease
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, we’ll be back in a minute, don’t ever dare touch me, i understand, you need to let him go, who’s a bragina, and why don’t you go home, i don’t have a home, and where i live now, i’m very upset, what. .. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the order is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite vehicle
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, there are 10 million drivers mopeds, try the taste, oh , your eyes run wild, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, eat away your mind, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became real a talisman for its owner, in secret to the whole world , on saturday on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, it’s been a long time since we
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’ve seen you, sovereigns, well, you you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one in them fell in love, who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, repin, the whole team, only on platform we look. we will tell you all the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important , it’s honestly convenient, why are there cameras in elections, today my dad and i found ourselves in a new place , he wanted to vote, choose a candidate, we walked in, i
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immediately froze, dad , why are there so many cameras here, monitoring the progress ... 40 years have passed, and that mom has nothing on the table, three pickled cucumbers, bring mom something hot, warm her up, everything will be there at once, and appetite, mood and a holiday of the soul, but you won’t remember it, new year - this is just a rehearsal, here is the old new year - this is already the premiere, sold out, the old new year, premiere
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on saturday on rtr. the kamchatka peninsula is one of the most environmentally friendly places on the planet. the nature of kamchatka is unique: geysers, hot springs, glaciers, giant faults, lakes. the pride of kamchatka is volcanoes, ice, stone, fire-breathing giants, the most powerful of them are included in the klyuchevskaya group. the majestic klyuchevskaya sopka, the
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highest active volcano on the eurasian continent. the volcanoes of kamchatka are a world natural heritage site, where the natural life of the kamchatka peninsula has been preserved in its pristine purity. so, the economic collapse in the european union, that... they tried to destroy the russian federation, at the moment of destruction we fell into pieces, we ourselves see what is happening in germany, the transport blockade, a transport disaster, tractor drivers have been rallying for three days, on monday the 15th farmers will go to take berlin, in france it is also
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clear what is happening, and at the same time there is the same scandal, interesting. spicy, very strange for us. we are transported to europe, and the head of the european bureau, anastasia popova, is in direct contact. nastya, tell me, we had a hard time digesting the french prime minister, there are rumors about the new head of mit, they know each other. not only acquaintances, if he were a woman, they would probably talk about nepotism, but here they seem to say that they appointed him for... his political achievements, not the ones you thought, professionalism, or rather, not the one you thought, but in fact, they say that he is a young, promising politician who is ready to carry out, that the most important thing in the life of macron’s policies, in fact, french satirical magazines are already laughing at this, publishing photographs and such
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collages where you insert any face, and macron will still remain in place, but actually, how does this appointment justify? it's a matter of course not that they are husband and wife living together, although according to rumors they even broke up 2 years ago, had a fight, and maybe now, because they will work together, maybe they will get back together, although the rumors also still need to be confirmed , no one held a candle, but nevertheless they say that his main advantage is that he worked all this time in the european parliament, accordingly on short terms with ursula fonderland, corresponds with her every day, knows all european officials in fact becomes. sixth prime minister who leaves the european parliament. the main goal of france now is the european elections, these connections within europe and the ability to find a compromise between all countries. in fact, this is the very experience that can be useful for france in the international arena, since, as we know, france, together with europe, has now been pushed very far and no one actually
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respects it now, although earlier, of course, this country was considered one of the great powers , whose opinion was listened to, but will the thirty-eight-year-old politician be able to lead france at this level, of course, is now a big question, for macron the main thing is different, the main thing is france’s aspiration to europe, to the center of europe. he wants paris to play the main role in this internal arena, so such a politician who returned from brussels, although he refused many times, he had different offers, well, of course he couldn’t refuse such a post, so there will be such a tandem, well and if, of course, gabriel otal continues to participate in the presidential elections, he has such ambitions, and many they predict exactly this scenario, since this is such a mini macron, and macron needs his own person who will carry out his policies further. since he himself cannot run, well, then we will wait for a certain first lady or first monsieur, well , whatever you call it, this is already difficult, cool, cool, thank you very much, incredible,
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of course, in our opinion, the first openly homosexual, prime minister and first open homosexual, foreign minister , france, present day, chief of the european bureau anastasia popova is in direct contact, thank you, but... thank you, well, these are not the first people who deviated a little from the norm, yes , in a high position, probably 10 years ago, he came to control the ground forces, also an open homosexual, the commander-in-chief of the us army at his conference was the first to openly say, yes, i’m like, well, that’s it, just live with it, okay, well...
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dollars, that is, they’ll print money, everything will be, everything will be, it’s impossible to stop the defense- industrial complex, well, no one, not biden, not austin, no one can say ration there, boeing there and so on, so on, so on, it means to the pillars of the american economy that there will be no money, you will no longer produce anything, you will not supply anything, no, no one has the courage for this, the same trump , at that time he was elected thanks to funding, well, something. an organization like the union of defense industry like that and borrowed money from them for the election campaign, this time it will be the same - a brawl in yemen, well, for now it’s a brawl,
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you know, such sluggish shootouts, alone in others are being shot at, there are no particular results, well, seriously, the american and the british were dropped in half , what 73 missiles, five killed, six wounded, this is a war, no, this is not a war, this is a brawl. uh, in ukraine and in ukraine everything will be very fun in the future, because the european defense-industrial complex has developed over these almost 2 years, and western capital has realized that this is a matter of making money, that farmers there dump manure on alexander platz, let them dump it, lord, transport routes bypass berlin, there are a million of them, that’s all, excuse me, fairy tales for well, what you are of course describing is very similar to some kind of catastrophe.
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we will be the first to know about this, alexander grigorievich, again, hello, let him in, there are no forces that could hold him, you are probably the first here to show this, pasha, you are filming this, pasha, hello, hello, next, yes, you learned this from pasha then, in the first person, you just tell me what is happening and where, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i always have to be there. connection. moscow, kremlin, putin. again we will see show more the rest. thank you very much, come again. on sunday on rtr. i want
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to go to college. which institute is this? on filf? oh my god! throw it away, start by saying that you have cheat sheets? i need to do it, i really need to, you know? two friends, one believes in fairy-tale princes, i hope my gray will come to me and take me to his home. no, no grays. happens. entrepreneurs, the other believes in herself, you are the best girl in this dorm, marry, no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i don’t want to be happy, and what do you need for this all you need is, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the seaside, act, high hopes, on saturday and
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sunday on rtr, i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here that’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it , there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, here there are questions like everything is running, really check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously just have a look, let's go , it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there are not 1000, zhenya will add his own something that many people use , the strongest love for the game, this is a five -on-one program, i'm oops, five on one...
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i'm 40 years old and i'm a lonely loser, nadya, we decided to rent out your room, and i'm alexey, yours, mom, as much as you want ? children, and this has something to do with utilities, good rooms, decent women, you want to get to know me better, please, don’t give up so easily, admit that you just don’t like him, or vice versa, you like him, i’m not in the mood for romance now, i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, but i don’t have a crush you have no sympathy, lyosha, who is this? and this is
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alexei’s legal wife. a decent family will rent out a room today on rtr. you will meet the morning with urbich and there will be no problems. to get to know the country, how beautiful it is.
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on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. an adventure capable of sparking a global war. the us and british attack on yemen will be discussed by the un security council, which was convened by russia. how did world leaders react? two dead and six wounded in gorlovka and donetsk in the ssu were again hit with cluster munitions. how is
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the situation on the fronts? latest news from. defense, how conventional aerial bombs are converted into high-precision bombs, and how defense enterprises in the moscow region have increased production fivefold. the minister of defense checked the execution. what will a railway carriage look like in the near future ? in the future, what will happen to the aisles and the long shelves, what the head of russian railways told vladimir putin. so, under the pretext of protecting shipping, the western coalition led by the united states and great britain today attacked ships with precision-guided munitions. facilities in yemen, while joe biden did not notify congress about this operation, as a result of targeted strikes , civilian infrastructure was destroyed and sana'a international airport was damaged. at the same time , the houthi spokesman said that, despite the attack, the red and
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arabian seas will remain closed to ships that are connected to israel. and iran said that instability in the region will only increase. valentin bogdanov has details. an american tv viewer saw the first footage of night strikes on... at 8:00 pm us east coast time. as usual, it was time for prime time, another war live. columns of fire against the backdrop of a dark sky, it’s hard to understand where they’re hitting, but reports from the pentagon should add to the victory. a rough map has already been prepared; the targets are houthi warehouses and positions for launching missiles and drones. explosions thundered in the international area.
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the united states' operation in yemen involved radar systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, and aerial vehicles, which were particularly important because they were able to hit a drone storage facility and launch pads. the latter is expected to make televised addresses, but the american president, who has spent at most an hour in public over the past 20 days, is limiting himself to a written statement, taking into account the fact that the head of the pentagon austin is still in a hospital bed, the situation is more than spicy. today, at my direction,
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the us military, together with the uk, with support from australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands, successfully struck a number of targets in yemen used by the houthi mi rebels to establish. that they will have to pay a price for what they are doing, so we are on our way to initiating a policy of containment in this region. of course, i liked my demands from both parties, but even some of biden’s fellow democrats are already pointing out to him that the president is acting
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usa without the approval of congress, in the meantime , the first protesters appear in new york's time square near the white house, hands off yemen, they chant. yemen now resembles a waskut blanket, but most of the country is controlled by the houthis. after the bombings , a representative of the houthi leadership said that the americans and british should prepare for a retaliatory strike. our facilities have come under lightning attacks, and we will not hesitate to respond: we have the capabilities that allow us to conduct legitimate self-defense. probing the waters, the united states recently submitted its own proposal to the un security council.
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several other countries proposed to russia to make appropriate amendments to the document, but the westerners rejected them; nevertheless , those whom the united states invited to the new, so-called coalition kept silent. it won’t work, in connection with the british-american strikes on yemen, on russia’s initiative, an urgent meeting of the un security council will be held today. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and maria bolatvina, news from new york. western strikes on targets in yemen were strongly condemned today in moscow. in our the foreign ministry emphasized that the actions of the united states and britain are irresponsible and even adventurous in nature and are a direct threat to global security. a large-scale military escalation in
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the red sea region could negate the positive trends that have emerged recently in the yemen settlement process, as well as provoke destabilization of the situation throughout the entire middle east region. we call on the international community to strongly condemn the actions taken by a group of countries without a united nations mandate attacks on yemen. we proceed from the fact that this is an adventure.
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declares that it will give them the necessary response in the region by joining all its forces with the houthis. china is concerned about tensions in the red sea and calls for calm, restraint and avoiding further escalation of the conflict. the red sea entry is an important international trade route. we hope that stakeholders will play a constructive role in ensuring the security and stability of the region. 650 ukrainian military tanks and four armored vehicles.
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location of ukrainian armed forces soldiers was hit by a nato
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self-propelled gun. in the kharkov region , motorized rifle formations thwarted six attempts by ukrainian forces to rotate in the vicinity of lake liman. in the same area , attack aircraft and western groups captured large strongholds. the units eliminated the militants and cleared minefields . the number of civilians injured during the shelling of gorlovka has increased to six. two more died. ukrainian fighting. first they hit the brigade of power engineers with artillery, and during the evacuation the victims were also attacked by an ambulance. the shelling of gorlovka does not stop at these moments, and last night two dozen czech vampire shells were fired into donetsk at once. report by vadim topalov. ukrainian troops hit a peaceful area of ​​donetsk with multiple launch rocket systems. there was no less explosion in the streets.
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often, and i have house 206, i am changing the window for the third time, this time ukrainian terrorists attacked from a position in the karlovka area, this is 20 km north-west of donetsk, here is a crater, as a result of which... gave according to the version ukrainian military, probably a very important military facility, the sixty-second school, glass flew out here in the second and fourth grades, you can see the degree of destruction for yourself, again shrapnel was used. employees of the investigative committee found evidence of this inside
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the educational institution; here , classrooms were damaged by striking elements ; two kindergartens were also damaged as a result of the shooting; four apartment buildings and three private buildings were damaged by shells on the territory of a utility company. residential buildings. ukrainian militants used a vampire multiple launch rocket system, presumably these are missiles that carry 9,000 metal fragments, which results in a very large affected area. six people were injured, including the shuttle bus driver. some of the victims are in serious condition, and assistance is being provided to them. in medical institutions of the city. vadim topalov, vladislav medianik, news, donetsk. heavy snowfalls caused road closures immediately in several regions of the volga federal district. due to a raging snowstorm , traffic on one of the major highways in ugra was limited; in the tver region, power supplies disrupted by bad weather are being restored.
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real winter has arrived in the south of russia. there is a snowstorm in crimea, passage to mount aipetri is closed. difficult situation on the angarsk pass and on the tavrida highway. maritime passenger transport has been suspended in sevastopol. snowfall has begun in the sochi mountains, cars are slipping, special equipment is drifting on the road due to high avalanche danger the ski lifts at the resorts were closed. in kuban , not only the streets, but also the decks of ships are cleared of snow. this is how, on one of the ships, near the port of yeisko, sailors are struggling with bad weather. there is a snowstorm on sakhalin, storm winds and almost zero visibility. an emergency warning has been issued. russia is firmly among the top five countries in the world in terms of volumes of passenger and freight railway traffic, such data were given by the head of russian railways oleg
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belozerov at a meeting with vladimir putin in the kremlin today, so in terms of passenger traffic our country is second only to india, china and japan, and in terms of passenger traffic cargo it differs from the previous one in that it is 30 cm wider, which means that the shelf will be longer, not 83 meters, but 2 m, well, this is a traditional problem of walking along a carriage, 5 cm wider, the passage in the carriage, when such the carriage
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will be ready in december, that's exactly the gauge from very serious progress into the module. production in two regions in st. petersburg in chechnya, assembled from an ecological frame made of pressed timber, increased fire resistance, everything is done inside, it is simply closed, so modular, it can be assembled and installed quickly, installation only 4 days. the west is rome during its decline, with this headline it came out today.
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succeeded despite colossal external pressure, and the hindustan times even writes that becoming number one in the eu, during the conflict in ukraine, the introduction of sanctions means a stunning success for moscow and a failure of the policies of brussels and washington. more than 1,800 thousand signatures have already been collected in support of vladimir putin’s movement itself in the upcoming presidential elections. the candidate's campaign headquarters has just reported this.
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we were all brought up on his films, starting from the adjutant of his excellency's recent roles, it is impossible to somehow overestimate his role in general, in principle, in the development of the small theater, and he did a lot for the small theater. wonderful, but the most important thing is that he is a decent person, even-tempered, decent, always rooted for his cause. well, further in the program, how conventional ammunition is converted into high-precision ammunition, what else did sergei shaigu see, what did british prime minister sunok come to ukraine with after the us ran out of money for kiev? you will hear about this in a couple of minutes. and again we will see, we will show more than others. hello. moscow, kremlin, putin, every sunday on rtr. in
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the far north-west of russia, above the arctic circle, lies a true treasure trove of nature, the kola peninsula. sometimes it is called russian lapland. the nature on kola is surprisingly diverse, including taiga and tundra mountain ranges, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola peninsula is washed by the barintsevo sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current; it does not freeze all year round. in the east and south the peninsula separates from the mainland ice-bound white sea. some scientists
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believe that the northern cradle of humanity - the legendary hyperborea - was located right here, on the kola peninsula. from the first note. beauty, repeats, from the first phrase. a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place , you swim shallowly, with the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, business, or something , we’ve been together since first grade, we ’re also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap i’m covering for you, the brigade, stop with the cars, the whole brigade, only on the platform
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look, you are looking 100 to one, what is our task, open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the help, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, like... 7.8, 7.8, 7.8 , how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, no, pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid, now, if you win, then... cheers 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr.
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there are so many opportunities in russia that even the new year can be whatever you want, digital, trendy, brutal, native, unknown, awesome, unstoppable, come to the russia forum exhibition. don't you ever dare touch me, understand? you need to let him go, who? bragina? why don't you go home? i don’t seem to have a home, and where i live is now on a desk.
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what's happened? let's go, let's go, he's dead, what should we do? well? sklifosovsky. today on rtr. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. in the pendensky region, fsb officers detained a russian who was going to transfer data abroad about the sensitive enterprise where he worked. this is footage from the scene of operational actions. according to our department, in november last year, the suspect established contact with the polish intelligence services in exchange for a promise of political asylum and planned to disclose information about the volume of production, the location of workshops and electrical substations. vladimir putin called on the prosecutor's office to ensure the rule of law during the upcoming presidential
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elections. defend the rights of citizens, identify disturbances in all areas of life. the head of state congratulated the department’s employees on their professional holiday, which is celebrated today. the work of prosecutors is always noticeable, behind every decision, presentation or protest, warning or verification material, restored rights and, what is extremely important, people’s faith in the triumph of law and justice. and this year our citizens expect you to be just as active and attack.
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in the clear and timely execution of state defense order tasks, it is also necessary to increase efforts in the fight against crime and extremism, corruption and misappropriation of the budget. in the context of anti-russian sanctions, as part of anti-crisis measures, special attention must be paid to monitoring compliance with legislation in the economic sphere. not only to increase, but also to modernize the production of ammunition, transferring them from the category.
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rockets. public transport stops in belgorod will be reinforced with sandbags and concrete blocks. modular structures will also be used for shelter, which are manufactured for the ministry of defense. this was stated by the regional governor, vecheslav glotkov, during the inspection and restoration of houses and facilities affected by the shelling of the ukrainian armed forces. secretary of the general council of united russia andrei
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turchak is currently in the region. at the moment, almost 2,500 square meters have been restored. meters of window structures. the work should be completed soon. from the first day, we are together with belgorod, together with the belgorod region, together with belgorod residents. and within limits. humanitarian mission that we we deployed here, helping in temporary accommodation centers, bringing humanitarian aid here, now our volunteers have been working, we are restoring what depends on us, restoring it quickly, we are trying to do it as much as possible within the promised time frame, which you have committed yourself to, since yesterday you we saw that we were starting new, intensified actions to ensure the safety of belgorod residents. the ukrainian border service today established a special regime, introduced special passes for staying, living or working 5 km from the border, so that those who does not want to fight for zelensky, they could not
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come closer and leave the country illegally. however, as even the western press notes, such measures only lead to new, more resourceful ways to avoid mobilization. dodgers wearing fins and a wetsuit were caught on the banks of the dniester. some are willing to pay. artificially aging yourself using makeup costs 25 hryvnia. washington today finally put its sponsorship of ukraine on hold. as they said, the white house has already handed over the last package to the kiev regime aid from their reserves, and new batches will be sent only when.”
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british prime minister suna hastened to rectify the situation. he went to kiev by train and , not empty-handed, decided to increase the annual support of the banking sector to 2.5 billion. but in the ministry of foreign affairs, the head of the ministry became the leader of the presidential renaissance party, stephane sejournet, the lover of prime minister gabriel attal, with whom he had some some time ago , official partnerships were even formalized.
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one of the key tasks of the updated cabinet of ministers is stop the economic downturn. according to the central bank of france, last year alone , a record number of companies over 55,000 went bankrupt in the country, and not only small and... medium-sized businesses were closing, but large ones; this did not happen even during the pandemic. all news can always be found on the media platform, we look in the application or on the website, but the news continues to follow the developments of events. stay with us. the pentagon did not properly monitor aid supplies to ukraine. as a result, the party disappeared. weapons worth billion dollars, the new york times writes about this, citing the report of the inspector general of the us department of defense. meanwhile, the verkhovna rada returned the scandalous law on mobilization to the government.


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