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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  January 12, 2024 5:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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the tasks of the updated cabinet are to stop the economic decline. according to the french central bank, last year alone , a record number of companies over 55,000 went bankrupt in the country, and not only small- medium businesses, but large ones are closing. this did not happen even during the pandemic. all news can always be found on the media platform. we look, on the app or on the website, but the news continues to monitor developments. stay with us. the pentagon did not properly monitor the supply of aid to ukraine, as a result, a shipment of weapons worth a billion dollars went missing, the new york times writes about this, citing a report by the inspector general of the us department of defense. meanwhile, the verkhovna rada returned the scandalous law on mobilization to the government, but it is being carried out online, and more and more new ones are appearing.
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the property of russia, the house of moscow, was called in the russian media an act of state robbery, to which a response will follow. the baltic states are so small that in 2 days zelensky managed to visit three countries in vilnius , met with ukrainian children who were dressed in embroidered shirts, and the head of the lithuanian government, ingrida simonita, came out to meet zelensky, apparently, was supposed to be wearing a ukrainian headscarf, which was too reminiscent of the famous pavlov posadsky. here, ukrainian nationalists should stir up another scandal, as happened with the dior brand when...
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it removed an advertisement for clothes in the russian style. from lithuania, zelensky went to estonia, spoke in parliament wearing a new sweatshirt, a gift from prime minister kaja kallas with an inscription in estonian. tallinn promises kiev 1.2 billion euros until the twenty-seventh year, over the next four years estonia will be cut off from its 0.25% of gdp for military aid to ukraine. estonian president karis said that he supports kiev’s strikes on russian territory. strikes deep into russian territory are a 100% escalation, but it does not in any way correspond to a clear strategy of military operations, which washington demands from kiev on the eve of the forum in davos. this topic will be reported by bloomberg during a backstage meeting with zelensky, and will most likely be raised by the us national security advisor, jake salevan. a year ago, before the onset of spring
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, there were great hopes that ukraine would break through through some fortified russian positions, but this did not happen, the united states wants to see ukraine with a clear war plan that can give some progress in the coming months. the burden of responsibility for failed military operations is carefully shifted to kiev, as if washington had nothing to do with their planning. the quintessence of the absurdity of the whole adventure with a counter-offensive is expressed in an interview by the author, expert jack utlin from.
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i rejected his black and white vision, as wanted in washington or brussels. war on ukraine has its roots in 2014, its reasons in the development of the ukrainian political arena, in relation to fellow citizens of russian nationality, and of course, in the total influence of the united states on everything that happened and is happening in ukraine after 2014.
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the western strategy in ukraine, the goal of which is to damage russia, simply does not work, reads the slovak prime minister. speaking about himself, fitza said that he is not the kind of politician he would like to do. from russia the enemy. evgeny reshitnev and maxim shchepilov. news. protests took place in warsaw demanding release politicians from the circle of the president of poland. the former head of the country's ministry of internal affairs was arrested by his deputy, although the head of the republic tried to hide them in his palace. duda himself said that they would pardon the detainees whom he had so far helped avoid punishment for corruption, and then accused the new prime minister tusk of political purity. about what this conflict could lead to in the highest echelons of polish power, at a rally of supporters of the party of law and justice of several tens of thousands of people, this is the largest protest since kaczynski’s party, morawiecki and duda have lost control over parliament and the government, the main
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demand of the protesters is down with the tusk regime, 300 police officers are on duty, while the protest is peaceful, after the end of the rally at the presidential... a march is planned through the old city to the sejm building, the parliamentary complex has already been surrounded metal barriers, the action was called a protest of free poles. supporters of law and justice came out to the rally after the detention of former head of the ministry of internal affairs mariusz kaminski and his deputy machiya wonzik. in last month, a court sentenced them to two years in prison for abuse of power in 2007. before their arrest, they literally hid on the territory of the presidential palace. whose owner is still their party comrade andrzej duda. we know that police forces are gathering in the vicinity of the president's office to contain us. but in the end, even the presidential palace did not save the two politicians from arrest. the former head of the ministry of internal affairs and his deputy were detained and taken to prison in tinted jeeps. both kaminsky
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and vonzik were pardoned by president duda in 2015 year. the polish president still believes that his decree remains in force, though. immediately after the arrest, supporters of the former ruling party began to gather for a protest. enter the presidential palace and imprison those pardoned by the president. and before the start of a large rally at the ministry of internal affairs, it was decided to transfer detainees from the pre-trial detention center in warsaw to prisons in other cities.
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poland's current ruling coalition blames the law and justice party for the resulting chaos. we expected that the party that lost these elections would nevertheless will go to all sorts of tricks to create an impression. according to supporters of the current prime minister, president andrzej duda did not have the right to pardon kaminsky and wonzik 9 years ago, since at that moment the sentence had not yet entered into legal force. donald tusk accused his main opponents of the fact that, having lost, they do not want to give up power.
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replaced the leadership of polish radio and television, but the old team refused to leave their jobs, and apparently, the party of justice and justice will continue plans to sabotage the work of tusk's government. the president of poland plans to re -pardon his imprisoned comrades and complain about the actions of the new cabinet to the eu leadership; in addition, duda promises not to sign new laws adopted by the tusk government. such a situation in the polish government can hardly be called working. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov. european news biro. failures in us foreign and domestic policy have brought
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biden's rating to a historic low. recent polls show that his performance is only 39% of americans approve of the president. the chances of staying in the chair are slim, so us citizens are now closely watching those who intend to change the owner of the white house. about what the republican debate showed about who the democrats are preparing to release into the arena, our own. correspondent in the usa. dmitry melnikov. iowa, where the first republican primaries in the united states will be held on monday, was covered in snow and completely frozen. moscow’s hand in this has not yet been seen, but it could not have happened without russia at the debate. two alternatives to trump again without trump himself. he's here in iowa, having lost 10 kg while visiting fox. a few hours before the start of the debate about the end of his election campaign. nicky haley and ron disantes
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battle it out one-on- one for the vacated percentages. losh, there you can find out everything yourself. special attention is paid to the former us permanent representative prion and the former governor of south carolina. haley is quickly gaining popularity and not only among republicans; the white house is also monitoring her company. hawkish position towards china and russia. first of all, the support for financing kiev cannot but please the democrats. it is a huge misconception that we have to choose between israel and ukraine, or between israel securing the national border. if we support ukraine and israel, this will amount to only 5% of our defense budget. she doesn't talk about how the conflict will be stopped, she says: "we will end this by admitting ukraine to nato." and then she has a salad of words, into the new year with old problems, congress has not yet given money either to ukraine, or
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to israel, or to the confrontation with china. elections in taiwan are already this weekend and the united states has announced that it will send a certain delegation to the island after the voting, for some reason they are urgently importing huge quantities of fuel to their neighboring military base in the philippines, the more alarming are the words of support for taiwan, which at a meeting with a representative of taipei said by speaker of the lower house mike johnson. of course we want to help, protecting taiwan is very important to us. it's sharp in beijing responded to these statements by calling on washington to take a more responsible approach to upholding the one china principle. elections in taiwan are china's internal affairs and do not tolerate any outside interference. the united states has openly made irresponsible remarks regarding the island's elections, which china has strongly rejected .
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how to explain the statement of former verkhovna rada deputy andrei derkach, who said that in 2022 us secretary of state antony blinken demanded that zelensky organize his physical elimination after the next publication of documents compromising the bidens. derkach announced illegal financial flows between the kiev authorities and washington curators. on april 21,
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2022, the ukrainian court handed over these 6 million. cash cache, in agreement with representatives of burizma, at the disposal of the military unit of the main intelligence department of ukraine, here is the number of this unit, this is a secret decision, no one has seen it yet, after a period of time, the northern streams begin to explode, an attempt is being made on dugina, prilepin, tatarsky, the leaders of the ukrainian special services do not hide it.
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the current president is in general physical condition, and the election landscape in the united states may yet change radically. and if trump is nevertheless removed from the election, then nicky haley will be the likely republican candidate, but the democrats are also preparing their own plan b, and it’s not biden. if the party nevertheless decides that the current president is not worth running for a second term, another woman may appear in the arena. it’s no coincidence that more and more people are here the name of the former first sounds.
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by the way, the city road workers have already cleared it, the grader was working, but the locals still have to plow their plots, they won’t let go of the shovels, you walk in and the door won’t open, well, you sweep it all and then you just walk through, my son works in city, on the morning of the sixth we got up, he said,
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it’s so sweeping, i said, i probably won’t go by car on the bus, in the end our bus got stuck, it was standing there anyway. throughout the region, for example, petrovka, omsk district, from the village this morning i had to to get out on foot, i drove, i drove and i arrived, the road ended, it was snowy and the city highway workers brought all their reserves to clearing the city highways, but they will also attract private equipment to fight the snow, the umsk mayor’s office is allocating an additional 25 million rubles. first of all, the main streets will be swept, but car owners. they are waiting for the equipment to reach the inter-block driveways, but in the meantime they are helping each other overcome snow barriers. here is the master of sports in wheelchair fencing, konstantin beach couldn’t get there this morning to his car on his own, got stuck on makohi street right in front of his house, but other drivers arrived in time. the management company is helping on its own,
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but still they will not be able to completely clean the entire road, which is cleaned with a large tractor and grader. but for drivers on the highways. there is already good news: traffic is open on all sections of roads that were blocked and swept up on the border of the omsk and novosibirsk regions , a line of cars stretched for tens of kilometers, we waited all night, but now we can go in any direction. elena belyaeva, denis loparev, alexander ryabtsev, lead omsk. the moscow region police are looking for scammers who tried to defraud a pensioner of 1.5 million rubles. the script is classic. unknown people called. on behalf of a friend and acted out a dramatic plot. the trusting woman had already managed to transfer part of the amount to the attackers, but then a vigilant guard came to the rescue. igor ageenko about what everything is. ended, accidentally caused an accident, a person was injured, i need money for an operation, such the call came to the pensioner from a friend , or rather from her relative, the friend herself
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was supposedly at the surgeons at that time, and she says that it’s my friend who’s sewing up her lip, she says, and then she’ll come over, so i say, i’m at my place pensioner, you know that i’m a pensioner, that’s where i get a lot of money, and we... says how much we have, we just collect it, that’s it, and then we’ll give it to you. as a result, everything that was, almost 150,000, was taken by the courier, and the money had to be wrapped in bed linen, like a donation to the hospital. all this time, the pensioner was constantly under pressure, demanding that she not turn off her home or mobile phones, that is, they kept her in suspense. a few minutes later , the victim called again and the attacker said that more cash was needed. the confused woman agreed to give all hers. savings went to the bank. at the entrance of the house, the citizen met the concierge and told her about the current situation. the vigilant woman immediately realized that this was
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a deception and, together with the victim, called the police. then everything went under control operatives traced the courier who took the money to balashikha and identified the recipient, who in turn, of course, was not in the know and had no intention of deceiving anyone, well, it just happened. have you deceived someone? i personally. no, i was rather led, i had to accept the parcel and receive further instructions on what to do with it, and who were you supposed to receive the parcel from? from the so-called curator. now the police are looking for other accomplices in the crime, and are also studying similar episodes in the capital region. igor yagienko, victoria makarova, lead. the commercial fishing season for whitefish has started in the far east. he only plans to go to sakhalin. harvest, 13,000 tons, the first days the catch is twice as much as at the same time last year, the waga is frozen in the open air, packed in
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bags and sent to local retail outlets on the mainland. report to natalia pretty. in thirty-degree frost , paronaisk fisheries workers unload the arriving batch of freshly caught fish. this year it is going faster than ever. not on the shore before there are less than ten people, some of them monitor the collection of baskets, and the other unloads white fish into kamaz trucks. the islanders will work non-stop for the next 3 weeks. they throw a trawl, two steamers, they go, they pull from both sides, and then the haul takes place. the entire catch is taken to pre-prepared ice platforms, it is distributed throughout the entire territory so that the fish freezes naturally. here it is important to follow one rule so that navaga does not freeze in the ice; it is turned several times a day. it’s like...
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basically it’s a little bit heavy, it’s cold, but so basically we are already used to it. in just the last 2 days of work, more than 400 tons of fish have been unloaded from fishing vessels, this is twice as much as last year, at least 160 people are working day and night, by the end of the winter fishing season, fisheries producers on the eastern coast of sakhalin plan to produce about 6.00 tons of whitefish fish. there will be affordable fish, we ship to all regions of the sakala region. cities will be sent to us, and we also send fish to the mainland. in total, until the end of the winter season in the region they plan to produce about 13,000 tons of wag, now its
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price in the regional center is 115 rubles per kilogram, but with an increase in supply, the cost of fish will decrease in a short time. natalya is pretty, pavel kuksov, leading the sakhalin kurillas. at the russian exhibition at vdnkh today , three regions are presenting their achievements: kaluga, ryazan. and the bryansk region, at their stands they will talk about the conquest of space, scientific achievements, and lessons from the history of the great patriotic war. well , alexey petrov will tell you about how the past day ended at the exhibition. the belgorod region is one of the most economically developed regions of central russia, and today it has also become an example of perseverance and endurance. day of the belgorod region, the anthem is being played here now. on stage, there are many children, residents of the region and participants in a special military operation. of course,
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the most discussed topic is safety. after the ukrainian terrorist attack on december 30 , volunteer construction workers from all over the country headed to the region. the main task is the implementation by all services of the ministry of emergency situations, the national guard, the police, self-defense, and municipal administrations government of the belgorod region, to protect residents. the task, based on the permits received, especially in winter, is to prevent residential buildings from defrosting. of course, it is important to help our business and restore its activities. i am very grateful to the government of the russian federation. because we received 700 billion, this is the second large tranche, 200 billion, we added 400 million from the regional budget, now we are adding 250 million to support small-medium businesses in the shebekinsky district. stands of all regions demonstrated support for belgorod residents today at the russia exhibition, thousands of tulips, like a symbol of courage, as well as heart-shaped cards. immediately after the exhibition, the governor went to moscow hospitals, where
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belgorod residents who received treatment are now being treated. the most severe wounds and concussions, a detailed story about this a little later in the news, right now about how, despite all the threats of the kiev regime, the belgorod region is developing its scientific and industrial potential, in a report by my colleagues from the local branch of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company. sharp rocks, deep canyons, fantastic caves, all this is about the chalk mountains, from which belgorod got its name. today it is one of the main symbols of the entire region. the belgorod region ranks first in the central federal district in terms of the volume of shipped goods of its own production. at the lebedinsky mine, unique reserves of the kurdish magnetic anomaly are being developed, and the plant’s quarry is the largest in the world for the extraction of non- combustible minerals. belgorod land supplies pork, poultry and milk to dozens of regions of the country. fertile black soil fields annually produce a record
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harvest of sunflowers, grains and... 122 kindergartens and 221 schools have been renovated within the framework of national projects based on public-private partnerships , and new ones are being built this year, on behalf of the president , on the territory of the complex, an algorithm for success began work; a center for gifted children, created taking into account the experience of sirius . one shift lasts 2 weeks, the campus is designed for 120 gifted students, the center is open 24 hours a day , year-round. the belgorod region is also a sports region; at the end of last year it was among the top five regions in terms of involvement of the population in physical education. over 2 years, over 200 sports grounds were built, one of the most grandiose in recent years is the belgorod arena. the multi- functional sports arena has a seating capacity of 10,000. today belgorod arena is the largest cultural and sports facility in the black earth region. last summer, this place was a vacant lot, in just a year a unique
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and... this center for adaptive sports was erected . the summit after the start of the north-west military district, the belgorod border region was under threat terrorist attacks of the kiev regime, but the residents of the region where the third military field of russia, prokhrovskaya, is located, are holding firm. belgorod residents, who are now being helped by the whole country, have united in dozens of volunteer organizations, supporting the civilians of our soldiers at the front who suffered from ukrainian shelling. and this is what the stand of the kursk region looks like, here you can find out why the region is proud of its black soil and what it is? the stand even has samples of smells, iron, lightning, apples, the governor shows roman starovoit. there is a kurdish nuclear power plant on the territory of the kurdish region, and of course, other industrial giants, how are they developing? despite the fact that our main task today is to ensure security, and unfortunately we experience terrorist aggression from ukraine almost every day, we are implementing all national
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projects. announced by our president, this means that schools, the healthcare system are being repaired, the region is actively interacting with other border regions in everything that concerns security, volunteers are on duty, we are currently working together with the border department of the kursk region, together with them at checkpoints we are on joint duty, this is our main task, in addition, we continue to deal with military affairs, art, training, medicine, about the heritage of the earth and new breakthrough projects, my colleague, journalist of state television and radio broadcasting company kursk, evgeniy danets. a farpost of the russian state on the border with the great steppe, pechenegs, polovtsians, nogais, warriors of the grand duchy of lithuania and the polish-lithuanian commonwealth came here, but world history does not know a greater battle than the forty-third near kursk. the outskirts of ponerey, a year ago there was just a wheat field here. on the eightieth anniversary of the victory in the battle of kursk, it seemed
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to rise from the ground. a warrior tearing and pushing apart two rocks, two faces of a fiery arc, the crew of the tank alyosha, the hero of russia of our days, they were awarded here. the largest ore deposits on the planet lie right here, among the fertile black soils. most recently , miners and metallurgists of zheleznogorsk introduced a complex for the additional enrichment of iron ore concentrate, a unique production for russia. the main construction project in the kursk region and one of the largest in the country is a new nuclear power plant. each operation is unique. kursk region is a pilot region for industrial tourism. 30,000 people visited non-resort facilities for. the course itself is changing, today the route network has been completely redesigned, which includes new buses and electric buses , the tram tracks are being reconstructed, nightingales are singing on the streets, all year round, to the famous kursk nightingale, which you can listen to in the spring
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thousands of ecotourism lovers come to the region, and now bronze ones have joined. at vdnkh today, the day of the oryol region greets guests with the famous turgenev oak, here ivan sergeevich turgenev himself and... the heroes of his works. it is in the oryol region that spasskaya lutovinovo, the estate of the famous writer, is located. they value literary traditions and are proud of the glorious history of their land, emphasizes another native of the oryol region, who came to the exhibition specifically to support his small homeland. eagle was born as a fortress, it was favorite fortress of ivan the terrible. the eagle did not let anyone enter the capital without a fight, not a single enemy passed through. the biggest battles took place there. and oryol region, it, as a capital and literary-military-patriotic region, does a lot to educate the younger generation and support our guys who are fighting against nazism and fascism in native ukraine.
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oryol convoys, the governor says, are sent to the front line almost every day. on a daily basis, six to seven times a week, we deliver humanitarian aid to our guys who are fighting have organized work with families who are in the region, social passports. notes another native of the region, the legendary children's doctor leonid roshal. they are doing the same thing that all of russia is doing today. there are no regions that would not respond to the situation today. there are fighters who will participate at this moment, we are the front line and sacrifice their lives, yes, for protection. homeland, it's in the blood. on the implementation of innovative solutions , state television and radio broadcasting company orel correspondent anna boeva. the first monument in russia ivan the terrible. it is from this place that the journey for tourists around
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the oryol region begins. the city is developing rapidly, new schools and kindergartens are being built. the renovation of the city's important red bridge crossing has been completed. parks and squares have been transformed. unique production of telematics equipment with technologies.
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truly russian, perhaps that is why the largest population of teeth in the country feels so at ease in the endless fields of the oryol polesie national park. what routes do animals take in winter? a question that is of interest not only to members of the united nations, but also to respected scientists. they watch wild animals from the earth from the air, in parks, in nature reserves. ilya koshlinov found out what information they collect and why it is needed. step by step, the senior state inspector covers several kilometers on skis every day, his route passes through the protected territory of the trans-baikal national park, human tracks are rare for these places, the movement of animals is immediately visible in the snow,
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we had a fox, we take into account the afterbirth determined, yes, of course, that is, the majority of accountants from state state inspectors, they are already all familiar with the trace. inspectors pass on the data from the registration cards to colleagues in the scientific department of the national park, where research work is carried out, and later specialists determine the number of various animals and... migration, and how does this affect the flora? we can assess whether the population is growing or declining, yeah, and that is, and what factors can influence it? accounting and monitoring is carried out not only with land, but from the air, for example , it is better to observe moose remotely, because they are called forest giants, their behavior is unpredictable, some individuals reach about 2 m in height, such a giant requires a lot of food, in connection with this these... ungulates often migrate to areas where there
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is more food. these personnel will be included in a special educational program conducted by specialists of the protected subglacial sea for schoolchildren of the republic. this time we are talking specifically about the animal world, and of course, each inhabitant is interesting in its own way, and we let's reveal a little the secrets of their iron life. you can see nature untouched by man not only with the help of educational films, but also with your own eyes. organized recreation on the territory of transbaikal. national park starts from this place; those wishing to visit these places must go through a mandatory registration procedure, which lasts no more than 5 minutes. eco-tourism is becoming popular: some go for ice fishing, others visit hot springs and simply enjoy contemplating the beauty of fresh water. air. for lovers of hiking , there are also special routes and observation platforms. winter tourism, a commandment near the sea, is not only fishing, snowmobiling and boating, it is also admiring the beautiful views, for example, going up to
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the observation deck in monakhova you can see such a beautiful cheverkuvsky bay, right in the palm of your hand. preparation for the winter tourist season includes a large amount of organizational work, including even the arrangement of ice roads. the very first major big works always begin, this is from the preparation of ice crossings, that is , before we launch them, open them, a lot of work is done on... on documentation, on preparing the infrastructure. it was in buryat that russia's first state reserve, barguzinsky, was created, which was opened on january 11, 1917 to protect the sable and its habitat. this event marked the beginning of the formation of a reserve system throughout the country. the oldest reserve in the country is, of course, its human resources, its scientific potential, its preserved natural complexes that, well, really, they are in the original form in which... nature gave them to us.
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three unique natural territories are under the protection of employees of the sub-sea reserve: the barguzinsky nature reserve, the trans-baikal national park , the frolikhinsky nature reserve. the northeastern coast of lake baikal can be called a unique place where natural diversity and ecological balance have been preserved. ilya koshlinov, nikolay mandzhuev, lead buryatia. muscovites will have to choose a name for the baby orca naya from moskvarium. voting will start. active citizen on the site. the baby was born at the end of december. this is the first birth of a killer whale in an artificial habitat in our country. newborns weigh almost 150 kg, length is about 2 m. during lactation, naya spends a lot of energy, so fish give her twice as much as usual, up to 80 kg per day. but visitors will not yet be able to see this family of killer whales. they have now been isolated in a separate pool.
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in primorye, active clearing of river beds began, heavy excavators, bulldozers loaders are working in the districts that suffered the most from the summer floods, they are removing tree debris from... the work will go along the next bank,
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crossing the spassky municipal district. spask dalny took a serious hit from the flood last summer. sedimentation of rivers is one of the main causes of floods, experts say. clearance work has not been carried out here for more than 40 years. we are working in emergency mode. the main advantage of this work is that we use this equipment, which was purchased on the initiative of the governor in cooperation with the ministry of eastern development, we are saving a lot of budget funds, here. the efficiency of work is the same as with a contractor, but the cost is just a multiple of different, less. for efficient work , 40 units of equipment were purchased from the municipalities of the region; bulldozers, dump trucks, loaders, and excavators with long booms are working on the ground, they allow you to remove soil over long distances. clearance work continues in the oktyabrsky district, the strugovka river is being freed from sediment here, the scale of work is 70,000 cubic meters. now we're straightening it
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the channel, because the area that we dug is only 80 m in a straight line, but if in a circle it turns out to be 280 m, and there is a 10th turn where. inspected the work done on the rivers , noted the effectiveness: in the near future a column will be formed that will go to work directly in usurisk, here danerechensk, in all those places, in addition, this is the so-called go-emergency special forces, which will work to prevent those floods. starting this year , an agency for hydraulic structures, land reclamation and hydrology will begin operating in primorye. already we are now recruiting staff and purchasing new equipment. victoria samoseva, maxim molygin. news primurye. black blizzard, sudden warming and thunder. the weather the day before took the capital on a climate ride. snowfall covered the city. by evening , in some areas the snowdrifts had grown to almost half a meter, and the temperature dropped from zero to
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10°c. marina gromova has all the facets of the moscow winter. the sky is certainly cloudy, but the horizon is visible. suddenly a dark cloud begins to approach moscow from the right, and in a second the bell tower of novodevichy disappears monastery, and behind it a powerful light screen on the third ring, visibility becomes zero, it seems that twilight has fallen on the city, that could be the name of a film in the thriller genre, a black blizzard, a phenomenon that today swept moscow and the region, the weather changed sharply at noon , wet snow began to fall, the atmospheric pressure dropped, the residents of balashikha did not immediately understand, was something thundering outside the window? today a rare phenomenon was recorded in the moscow region: a winter thunderstorm. the cyclone was quickly moving towards moscow, but most importantly, the cold front was moving at high speed. the frontal section seemed to displace,
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forcefully displace, the warm air that was in front of it. even this was not the end of natural surprises. has stopped, at least in this area, but it has become noticeably colder and, most importantly , a strong piercing wind is blowing; in such weather, of course, it is better not to go outside without a hat. the cyclone came to the moscow region from the north-west, in the morning it was about zero, during the day the temperature dropped to -13, snowfalls, starting every now and then in different areas of the city and the moscow region, covered the roads. behind specialists from the situation center observed the situation over skat, dozens of snow removal vehicles were on the road, emergency commissioners were ready to help at the moment... a jack for cars, a jack for trucks, here are cans for fuel, today motorists were advised not to drive, not the best conditions, especially for beginners, in an extreme situation a lot depends on experience, and also on the design of the car, on front-rear wheel drive in case of skidding, you need to act differently,
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on a front-wheel drive, if you skid, you always need to hold the gas so that the front axle pulls you forward, on a rear-wheel drive, it depends on the situation, in what corner did you fall? there is a fine line here, that is, if the angle is already very large, release the gas, if it starts to carry a little, then also carefully push it out with the gas. alexander, an extreme driving instructor, but such trips are categorically not welcomed. a drift enthusiast was recently spotted on the moscow river; unstable it can end sadly, as in this video from the pskov region. sasha, get out, they never tire of warning the moscow region that the ice on not every body of water is now strong enough to support even a person.
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a typical situation: a tractor clearing the road is blocking the passage, the cars of villagers who are trying to leave the village are backing up, there is a stream of transit traffic in front, everyone’s nerves are on edge. we can’t leave here because...
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logistics are very complicated, there are costs
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, but he refuses to comply with the court’s decision. both the delivery time of materials and the time of shipment of finished products are increasing. local residents also suffer losses; trucks, tractors and vans, which are now forced to drive through the village, regularly get stuck, breaking not only the road, the trucks are healthy, fences are being broken, there are sewer manholes at the turn at the sports base. constantly getting knocked down. akop muradyan himself assures that he acquired the land legally and disposes of the site in accordance with its purpose. industrial site. i get a gip for the construction of a warehouse complex. any other questions for me? there is a story, there are extracts. how the land plot ended up in private ownership is now being investigated by the regional prosecutor's office. it has been established that the land plot is classified as land for industry, energy, and other transport. the chekhov district is considering
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the possibility of changing the general plan to return the road. we will launch the procedure for confiscating land into municipal ownership and begin preparing documents for the subsequent construction of the highway. true, an intractable entrepreneur does not give up so easily intends and plans to defend his rights in court. alexey knor, gennady talochkin, mikhail. residents of dubna near moscow fear a large-scale flood due to construction work near a local lake , the only dam that separates the reservoir from the moscow canal may not be able to withstand it. in addition, the shore is flooded, or rather littered with garbage, causing environmental damage amounting to millions of rubles. details from igor roslavtsev. with each blow of the hammer, the anxiety of the residents of dubna grows more and more. lake lebyazhye on the shore of which construction is going on from the moscow canal separated by a narrow dam. people are afraid that if the land is drained, the city will be washed away. it is
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a buffer, a natural peat buffer between the moscow reservoir and the science city of dubna. the pressure created by these activities on the unsupported dam from the side of the moscow canal will lead to its erosion. at the beginning of summer, we already talked about this; the lition company leased 1.5 hectares of land near the lake. cables have been laid, constructions like these are appearing here and there, future campsites, construction and household waste has also been brought in, that is, that’s all
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lay here for several months, was buried , then covered with sand, since there is peat here to lay paths here, that is , all these paths here, let’s say, even all these houses, they stand on garbage, a representative of the developer’s company assures that they will sell them here tourism project, all permits have been received and there is nothing to be afraid of. the difference between the level of the moscow canal and the level of lake lyabyazhye is no more than one meter; school knowledge of physics is enough to understand that a breakthrough requires pressure or backwater, there is none here, i believe that these fears have no basis, partly the land is located in the water protection zone of lake lebyazhye, and partly in the water protection zone of the moscow canal, they are aware of the situation there. buu canal named after moscow received an order from lithion llc for approval of excavation work on a land plot, the approval of which
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was refused to the institutions, but they continue to insist on approval.
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the baby and i were taken to the dushanbe city hospital and they treated us very well. the mid-flight birth occurred during a flight from moscow to dushan-b. when sanovbar dzhumaeva’s water broke and contractions began, the airline crew immediately came to her aid. the most important part was entrusted to nadezhda ivakina, a twenty-six-year-old flight attendant and former felcher of the city hospital. we always have a birth kit on the plane. the woman in labor was immediately placed on an empty row of three chairs, a couple of minutes later a girl appeared, the birth was declared successful, they decided not to interrupt the flight, elbows, hold the thigh, cover your bare hand, such situations for flight attendants are part of the work that they practice at the training center, and these skills
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are required regularly, exactly a year ago the company’s crew also successfully... gave birth on a flight to khujand. a separate block of training is working with children, and this is not only the delivery of children, but also the transportation of minors in general, so that everyone, starting from infancy, can successfully reach their destination, and it does not matter whether they were born before or during the flight. happy in my native dushanbe mom was immediately hospitalized, but, according to local doctors, no special help was needed. mother and child feel satisfactory. first aid was provided to life.
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get dressed, move out, get ready for work.
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that, really, i didn’t want, you would be the last
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man with whom i would want anything, i won’t do this again, don’t touch me, i won’t, never dare touch me again, i understand, pass, oh, sorry, pasha, time has passed, can i tell the story, yes, of course, thank you, it’s strange, i can’t sleep at all i want to, although we walked all night, i was interested in you, you are very interested in the knife, of course. you also have a lot of work , but i can invite you for morning coffee , but this is already the third cafe of the night, well, if you don’t count shawarma, they just opened, let’s go
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, let’s warm up, please, thank god, it’s warm here, hello, hello, have a seat, you pronounce it so formally, i can’t help but obey, excuse me, this is professional, ah, so, milk, yes, ah , i’ll have coffee, and you, and i’ll have tea with lemon, okay, do it, ugh, well, this is a story about the man who carried pipes into trunks for so many days, of course, but you told me , nothing will happen to you, well, this is not secret information, especially since they wrote a lot about this story, well, i usually don’t read things like that, i don’t think it will affect me, and yet all these people live among us. and some maniac killer can work as a modest sales manager or a waiter, you ’re scaring me now, okay, seryozha, you’re not scared,
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tell me why your wife left you, love passed away, it happens, then we’ve been around for a long time divorce, i know that, but you now live with your mother and son, but then... or come to me now? well, i live alone, why did i have to freeze for so long? it’s not far here, young man, we’re canceling the order , you’ve been digging around for too long, kolya, that’s it, i ran , i’m late, let’s run, i ’ll also lie around now, i’ll translate a little bit, come on, don’t be ashamed, while you’re alive man, everyone has their own job, is it my fault that i work from home? and you know, when you worked at the airport, you were strict, businesslike, collected, when i worked at the airport, you you know very well what stress there was
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, how much of life i was responsible for, this is not my volume , well listen, my thing is to translate women’s novels at home in peace and quiet, yes, you have changed, it used to be interesting with you, you know, it’s interesting, now it’s boring , you used to jump starzanka, with a parachute, pure adrenaline. some kind of arzanka, i have diabetes, i’m a sick person, that’s it, please don’t be too humble, you go to the pool every day, that’s right, movement is life, and by the way, it’s time for you to move, come on, i took the keys, what you're so pale, everything 's fine , yes, fine, fine, well, look, i tried on everything, everything's fine, everything's fine, let's run, run, run, run, window, close the window in your room, okay, come on,
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well, how are you? , it’s bad, my legs have become paralyzed, others say that it’s time, but i think i’m not lying, yes, i was unlucky, i just wanted money for myself. for what? i want you not to tell anyone what happened at that intersection. what about cameras and witnesses? the cameras were turned off, the witnesses weren’t pointing at me, so everything was fine, everything was special for the holo flight, so that’s how it is 20 thousand dollars, then what? how much do you think my paralysis costs, i need treatment, you can give me more if you want, but if not, then i’ll say that you ran a red light, and that that guy is in a coma because of you, and i’m left without legs , i see from... there is
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money, what are you doing here, you can’t get up after the operation, go back to your room, i came to check on my friend, that’s it, i’m already leaving, transfer by phone number, immediately, your friends are interesting, how are you doing feel, thank you, good, sensitivity is returning, like you and they promised. i’ll check the control , wow, you feel it, and yes, great, doctor, please tell me where it’s better for me to undergo rehabilitation, well, it depends on your financial capabilities, i have them, but then i would recommend switzerland , i will come. during the next round,
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get better again, thank you, yes, hello, irina alekseevna? yes, where did you get my number? it doesn't matter now. and what do you want? you know, i wanted you and i to meet.
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you are directly obligated to help, ilyush, they have already taken it away, further, that it will be generally unknown what you are proposing, kostya, how do i know, this is the first time in such a situation, but they will definitely not be given guardianship, whatever you want around the dock, you can directly say that you want to offer this guardianship for us, well, well, if we consider this there as one of the options, well, i want our child, ours with you, you know, i want to bear him, i want to give birth to him, then love and raise him, lyosha is a wonderful boy, but he is not ours, is he a stranger, or maybe you have already decided everything? yes i'm nothing i decided, i’m telling you, this is one of the options, just well, if we formalized all this correctly, gave guarantees to the opikunstvo later, so what? well , tell ivan nikolayevich, give it, well , give it away, as i don’t know what a toy is, give it up, hand it over, this is a living person, well, this is a huge responsibility, and i don’t even want to talk about it. good morning, konstantin germanovich,
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hello, hello, angela has come to her senses and there is sensitivity in her legs, who is it? slip fracture of the thoracic vertebrae? we'll take it, that's it, it's not too hot for us, let's go, no wants the ball, don’t let him take it, don’t walk for less than an hour, okay, bye, bye, hello, i’m coming to see you. can i pass? well, come through , thank you, i obey, i have a request to you , please leave slava alone, slava and i have a family, a child, yes, we have problems, but we will solve them, it’s just that... the
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thing is... , that misha, he adores his father, he can’t live without him, why are you manipulating a child, i just can’t live without him, and you’re superfluous, hello, hello, well, you’re still young, you’ll find someone for yourself, you everything will be fine, please leave calm for now. “thank you, goodbye, goodbye, i
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haven’t heard anything at all, this is slavina, my wife, hmm, maybe i don’t understand something about men, about”? you see, they don’t understand a damn thing about you, what’s wrong with me, but everything is like that with you, you kiss well, fuck you, got it, let’s go, i’ll poison you at night, i’ll definitely get away from you, and that’s right.
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of course, your bed is musical, it creaks , i wonder if you don’t like my bed, have you been sleeping on a bunk lately, it was good, me too, if we...
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i don’t know, i don’t know now, then i thought i’d kill him, i have to get over it somehow, turn the page, yeah, well, you’re sleeping peacefully, in what sense, well, how to judge people it’s not easy, especially in our country, and what’s wrong with our country, well, everyone knows that our court is the most... humane, the fairest, the most independent in the world, i ’ve never felt pressure on myself, you’re simply unique, oh yes, i'm unique, pash, well, wait for me
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, it's slippery, let's go to the head, pash, he didn't even come up to me, yeah, cool, pash, then you just my classmate. you don’t feel well, something is pressing on your heart, that everything is fine, you need help, thank you, i would have taken it away from the traffic jam, well, yes, i had to go down to
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the subway, abandoned my car, but what am i saying, i should take my car to the subway, or what, what, var, i don’t hear what you’re saying, hello, oh, are you at the market, or what? hello, no, i don’t need to yell at me, i’ve heard everything now, okay, come on, thank you, thank you, yes, i’ll give you a divorce and do what you want, even tomorrow you’re a fool, i said you’re a fool, hello, let me help you, i'm a doctor, give me your hand. you need urgently see a doctor, you are a doctor, you need to at least do ok, there is a clinic nearby, but no, thank you, i have a friend, a doctor, he is my ambassador. and it’s often like this with you , sometimes, you have to call an ambulance, otherwise you’ll die
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, look, my advice to you is to see a doctor quickly, definitely, me too, what the hell, damn metro, sorry, i haven’t been on the metro for a long time, sorry,
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bad connection, i’ll call you back, you hear , you don’t know why we’re standing there, i say, bad connection, i say that i’m on the fucking metro, that you don’t like the metro, sorry, dear passengers, please remain calm, the belt will be sent to the repair line in a minute, yes tamara, i’m still on the subway. number 10,
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how will you look for it? by fingerprints, by databases of missing people, yeah, but not by car? it’s possible, but not in this case, the car is listed as belonging to a person who died 5 years ago, it’s been written off and it’s not in any databases except as a scam, so who’s really to blame, this one or that one? well, for now we write that the guilt is mutual, but what threatens him? maybe it’s conditional, maybe they’ll let him go, or maybe they’ll give him a real sentence, but in any case, while he’s here, no one will judge him, and there is no one to open a case against, his identity has not been established, that’s good, what’s good here, no, i mean, about my own things, you leave, yes, i’ll see you off, i’ll do all that later i'll finish it.
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and hello, tanya, good morning, irina, please find me a card of vasilyeva anna egorovna and bring it to my office, yes, good, great! shot, i’m in the cliff, that
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the witness is from the newsstand, you’re sure, this completely changes the matter, sorry! and where is chernyshov, who was the second participant in the accident? let's go, how are you? uh, driver, heard, reaction, no, cars with! but help, take it off, take it off, my hand is pinched, they will find my glasses, help me!
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ah... and ah, phew, what do you think, a terrorist attack, well, what a terrorist attack, there was no explosion, let’s go , there’s no way to die now, my daughter is pregnant, and i’m expecting a granddaughter, and so are my plans,
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yes, irina alekseevna, i found a map, i’ll put it in, thank you very much, chernishov, the police are here to see you. what happened, they got off, sreltse hit the wall, the flight got together, well, the driver, the driver died, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, calm, calm, a lot
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you will suffer, it is not yet clear what we should do, that the ambulance is probably already upstairs. help, help my son, help his son, i’m coming, please, we are here, please, what happened, he hit himself, where are you hurting, i’m cold, did he not eat, or what?
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in the next ward he lies with paralyzed legs, i’m about to upset you very much, there was a witness who claims that you drove through a red light, what do you say, what kind of witness, why are you lying, be careful with your expressions, the witness, the seller from the kiosk, who is now in department and gives evidence, and he claims that you drove through a red light, oh, something’s wrong with me, please call mine, don’t be a fool, everything is fine with you, it’s better to be honest, how it was, well, i was distracted by just... i need to change the music, but this doesn’t mean anything, you, like it doesn’t mean anything, the steering wheel, the means of increased responsibility, human life depends on this, and now your girl with sore legs got distracted, oh, listen, and drove through a red light, and so on it is not necessary to treat, but the one who is unconscious is not to blame, no, he will be treated as a victim, yeah, the main thing now is to establish his identity,
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you know, it seems to me that his identity is known to me, do you want to know? nitroglycerin, yes, no, who with such a heart travels without medicine, but ran out today, man, hold on, doctors, he called in the red jacket, right? come here, the man here is really bad, you yourself, for now, you can always cope on your own, be patient with the man, you will even be saved, it’s only in the movies that they quickly save you, what are you wearing, page, page, where is the bag, bet, are you?
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here's the guy here, fuck him right through it struck straight through, how to do this , shazhlik, you’re in a storm.
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and be careful, pasha, stand still, he said, help! many of you, when you wake up, check your email first thing, and i, of course, am no exception, i’m like fedryn, let me, goddess,
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open the champagne, the degree is high, you want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions, tours to abkhazia, i was on vacation in the south for a week. morning mail with nikolai baskov through sunday.
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entrepreneurs, the other one believes in herself, are you the best girl in this dorm? married? no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, no i want to be happy, and what do you need for this? that's it, all you have to do is become a businessman , buy an apartment , take me to the sea, act, have high hopes on saturday and sunday for... this is my first husband,
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vanya prolov, ivan alexandrovich, ivan alexandrovich frolov, and you can confirm it as photographs, when it was about 40 years ago, no, we somehow broke up with him, well, in general, he went to work, then wrote a letter to divorce in absentia, well, i and a photograph. everything in general, yes, i’ve already changed my passport and there’s not even a stamp at all, good problems base, you never know if he’s wanted, but now what to do? wait until the homo comes out, tell me, i need to take a statement on the accident, okay, let's go with you. scarves, come on, scarves , come here, scarves, quiet, quiet, quiet, take your hands away, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, be patient,
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cover your faces, gods, high, high, guys. come here, we need to get the women and children out first, come on picol, the children are a woman, come here, let's go, let's go, let's go, quietly, quietly, quietly, come here, like this, hold, hold, accepted, like this. i need
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something to drag the guy, a blanket, a blanket, whatever, there is a blanket here, this is my blanket, but leave me alone, the last one needs help, that’s fine. “here, take it, thank you, well , let’s go continue the examination, take it, take it, yes , take it, carefully, legs, legs, take
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it, well done, let’s move on, come on, come on, come on, i can’t even lift him. go, go , to whom i can’t do something, but he’s fat , i’ll stay, they’ll come for me anyway , are you crazy, come on, take it, i said, you’re kidding me, come on, come on, now, well done, yes, at least you hold on with your hands, help, come on, come on, come on, come on, like this, like this, like this, carefully, carefully,
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carefully, disembark, let's go, forward, forward, faster, yes, you can, get out. vasilyeva’s disease, well, this is a patient undergoing surgery, to whom the robot gave sbony, yes, i just saw the protocol now, and there is not a single word in there that we used a robot, well, that’s right, because
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you completed the operation manually, yes, but we started with the robot, and this should be entered into the protocol, why? did you rewrite it? yes, i rewrote it, but wrong because the patient, her relatives. they won’t ask, i promised them that the latest technologies would be used in the operation. alexandra alekseevna, please sit down, please sit down , i can tell the patient and her relatives that i made a decision, well, that is, you, as an operating surgeon, to remove the tumor in the traditional way, but in the end it went away, thank god, successfully, everything is fine . yeah, just want to hide the fact that we used a robot? yes, i'm against it, why? well, because it's a lie. and what do you suggest? i demand, so that the protocol is written the way i
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compiled it after the operation. have you thought about what will happen next? what will happen to the department if everyone finds out about this? no, i didn't think about that. well, i... i thought, we will have a trial in the department, half of the department will stop working and will find out the cause of this problem, you want to frame the entire department, this is some kind of trap, i just found the only correct way, so i hid the fact if the robot breaks down during an operation, tell me if we plan to cooperate with this company at all company, we plan to work with these... of course, but you can promise me that after this incident the necessary check will be carried out, because this is calm, because the check of this device is already underway on all fronts, you just understand that this is a threat life to our patients, under no circumstances
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will we substitute our patients for doctors, doctors, thank you, thank you for your understanding, be careful, look at me, look at me, okay, look at me, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, everything, everything, maybe, i can’t, i’m healthy like, where are you, where did you go , i can’t tell him off, he’s as healthy as a boro, leave me here, someone will come back for me later, it’s true, they’ll find you, the rescuer, stop, he’s feeling bad completely, and you give him some apples, he’ll pass the time and move on, stop, hold on, get up, come on, get up, get up
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, come on, come on, okay, that’s enough, you fool, hold your basket, come on, come here, everyone is so pitiful , thank you, you need a man, not on the subway, but to ride, but to run, atik, patik, son, baby, it looks like hippocalcemia, well, it’s a type of diabetes, baby, can you hear me, hear me, but it’s not cold, it’s cold, come on, get up, get up, stop, stop, stand up, well done, help, help
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, the rescuer will be taken away, well go, well, i said get up, damn it, you fool! that you are a fool, go get up, get up, come here,
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come on, go, go home, come on. follow me, get up, get up, ah!
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where oh, ilyushka , hello, hello, hello, hello , hello, hello, you came to pick me up, ugh, oh, you’re heavy, ilyushka, i came to visit you, well , you’ll take me home, no, not yet, why? , i want to go home, ilyosh, go home bye you can’t, you know, well here... that’s how it works, you
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have to be here for now, why? because it doesn’t always work out the way we want, because it’s supposed to be that way, by whom it’s supposed to be, why? until i become your guardian, you must live here, when will you become my opicun? i don’t know yet, but i’m trying very hard, why didn’t you say that mom died? ilyush, i was going to, i just didn’t know how to tell you this, i’m already... an adult, i needed to say right away, i guess forgive me that i didn’t tell you right away, i need i should have said it right away, of course.
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but help me, help me, please , so what do you have, here, come on, i’ll process it early, that’s it, we got out, why didn’t you throw your bag there, no, i ’ll keep it now as a souvenir, here you go with your heart.
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sit down, hello, mom, what metro? no, i didn’t hear, mom, i’m completely fine, yes, i’m alive , i’m alive, uh, what are you doing, that’s all, are you scaring me like that, help, help, he’s feeling bad, completely, come on!
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how do you like it here? luzh, you try, at least, come on, i'll go, why, ilish, well, well, at least sit with me, i i don’t want to get used to you, where, take me away
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from here.
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heparin strina dopamine system that hurts alive alive alive come closer by snare come here. they said
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about glucose, i’m dripping, they raised me to the third level, i’m fine, good, but i recognized you, you’re from the cliff, we need to look at you too, don’t, i’m fine, that’s it, wait, please, there’s someone there i ran, they started screaming fires , i ran too, you know, you did the right thing, damn it, it was very, very scary, forgive me, please, good one, forgive me, god, what a nightmare, what a nightmare,
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come follow me, follow me, follow me. hello, yes, no, everything is fine, the next lineup has arrived, no, i, yes, i’m already running up to work, yes, marin. “ i love you, do you hear, i’m telling you, and that the metro doesn’t work
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, you can’t get into it, use ground transport.
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this is your omission, come in in an hour, good morning, hello, oleg mikhailovich, yes. what’s going on, why are you allowing yourself so late, you should have been with patient somov 2 hours ago, whose ankle sprained, he calls, hangs up the phone and
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complains, we don’t need complaints at the clinic , what happened, what happened, you at least sprinkled sand near the clinic, well, how much, well, i got off so easily, and some old woman on the moon rover will crawl, fall, won’t collect any bones, will is your responsibility. disgrace, please, change your clothes, go to the patients, of course, to the patients, go, work, you can, come in, i’m drinking coffee, will you, no, thank you, ilseevna, i’m coming to you on a personal matter, then sit down, in general, man, who woke up in a coma? no, just i know him, this is my ex-husband,
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wow, well, you told the police, you already said, uh-huh, they said they will check, but yes, of course, i have a request for you, is it possible when i don’t have a shift, i’ll sit next to him, keep watch , like a loved one after all, well... i understand that, but it’s not easy at all to look after the sick, there are specially trained people, it won’t be hard for you, no, no, i can do it, well , yes, well, don’t worry, no, well, everything will be fine, we have to wait, now we have to wait, yes, of course, yes, that’s it, we’ll wait, who did it, ivan nikolaevich khromov, ivan nikolaevich, okay, i ’ll go, yes. thank you, thank you, irina, yes,
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well, mom, can you open the door? did he die or what? if you can’t wait, well then open the door, they called the doctor from the clinic, how can you prove that you are a doctor? listen, i ’ve already had a bad day in the morning, either open it or i’ll go, wait, wait, i’ll open it now, hello, hello, what are we hiding , i’ve been waiting for you since the morning, me, is your face scratched? the cat attacked, went completely wild, yeah, but i don’t like cats, and i don’t like dogs,
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i sympathize, where you can wash your hands, straight to the right, who came there, who else is there, a social worker, no, mom, this is coming to me, a doctor, oh, only a psychiatrist will help you, let the new year come. and joy, success, and we will provide you with loud laughter in every hall, everyone is running somewhere, everyone is calling someone, these candies have been traveling around the city for 40 years. and that mom has nothing on the table, three pickled cucumbers, bring mom something hot, warm up the cucumbers for her, everything will happen at once, appetite, mood and a holiday of the soul, but you won’t remember it, the new year is just a rehearsal, here’s the old one new year is already a premiere. full house, old new year, premiere on saturday on rtr.
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from the first note, beauty, rapping, from the first phrase, better, a bird in your hands than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, bone, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, belov, or something, we ’ve been together since first grade, we’re also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the team, brake out of the car , run, the whole team, just on the platform, look. i thought that here, more seriously,
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you sit and think, there’s nothing to think about here, here that’s all, to play or not to play , yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, here there are questions, how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible , i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, the hint is just in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not available, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the most strong love for the game, this is a five -on-one program, i hop, and five-on-one
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on saturdays on rtr, yes, yes, i’m listening, yes, i accepted all the information, yes, we ’ll assemble a team, yes, we’ll be ready, okay, what happened, irina alekseevna, they are bringing internal decapitation to us, we have everything ready, we need to announce the rotation, please, okay, who is this? i don’t know, i haven’t applied, maybe he’s waiting for someone, but what’s wrong with you? hello, hello, what's wrong with you, i stopped hearing, i can hear practically nothing, how can you hear nothing, i hear very poorly, as if through cotton wool, as if through cotton wool, yes, it just happened, it was getting worse and worse, i’ll take an examination room, okay, let’s go, and i’m
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an adjuster, you know, hear, this is my profession, i’ll go in, please. we did the dressing ourselves, i love folk art, quietly, we put the leg in, what we treated it with, iodine, and why didn’t we apply the plantain, it’s winter, it’s clear, well, i think it will heal soon. so, i will leave recommendations, be sure to buy heparin ointment at the pharmacy, anti-inflammatory painkiller, it is better to bandage with an elastic bandage, is there an elastic bandage, no, it’s clear, well, how did this happen to you, i went to the mezzanine, now i’m sitting at home, but i should
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have gotten married, but what prevented happiness? young vase, what a vase, antique, and the mother forced her to climb onto the mezzanine, her beloved was supposed to propose on the shore of a lake in kareli, imagine, a holiday home, tame elk, tame elk, prestige, that’s it, and she says, climb on the mezzanine, get the basis that this is just an antique vase, shit, don’t listen to him, he’s lying all the time, you ’re cursing your mother and that’s where you hear it from? so every day, yes, you need to get married, i swear, oh, take off your headphones. take it off, at the end i heard, yes, i understood, it means that you are losing your hearing gradually, but as i said a month ago it all started, yesterday, yesterday it suddenly
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got worse, well, it’s like you fell into cotton wool, yes, you this has already been said, what other symptoms are there, double vision, sometimes double vision, but dizziness. no , i’m not dizzy, no, there are lapses in memory, lapses in how i remember everything, like, thank god, that means we have emergency medicine, i’ll give you a referral now, and you’ll see a local neurologist, no, i beg you, understand , i adjuster, i may lose my profession, but is it possible for me to have everything done at your place, i beg you, faina igorevna, from the vessels of the brain, it will be done, then you will come for me, sit, sit, i will come for you now, sit down, sit down, in a week you will come to see me, we will decide whether we will do
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physical therapy or not, thank you, it’s good that you came, put him in a cast, so nothing will go away for him, as luck would have it, before the injury i was willing, i even ran away from it to work i can’t, i sympathize, get better. thank you, listen, and maybe you will get what i am this of you, i beg you, the light is on me here, get you, be a man , drag the stepladder, it’s me, yes, irina alekseevna, and gennady ilyich krivitsky wrote me a letter, congratulations, well, there he is. .. so it’s all different, but in my opinion he’s bored there, we’re all screwed, and by the way, he also said hello to you, thank you, and tell him, but he doesn’t call you , doesn’t write, doesn’t call, doesn’t writes, you have everything, yes,
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these are the andresols from which i fell, she is there on the left, just be careful, she is on the left behind the basket, you see the basket, yes i see your basket, there are newspapers behind it, it’s wrapped in newspapers, they found it, she, she, hold it, mom, mom, yes, wait you lame girl, mom, girl, wake up, girl, mom, get started
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, this is the end, i’m telling you, she’ll get ahead of us like this, alex, what are you coming up with, i saw her with this nikolai, she definitely hooked up with him, don’t say, runts, arina is not like that, but all women are the same, corrupt, watch your language, i'm serious. you like her, but the wrong choice, it's none of your business when we are talking about a place in residency, everything becomes my business, nothing personal, listen, if i break your face, try it, what are you fighting here or what? well, come on, you fight, only then will they kick you out and free up a place in the prison, but for you i look at any ways, good, yes, just to achieve your goal, in what sense, you know , you got into trouble with the authorities, yes, but this is not yours business, but you don’t? they said mind your own business, shut up, come on, hey, hey, what are you fools, hey, what are you doing, where are you guys, who started it, yes me i don’t care which one of you started, so you’re both
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suspended from the operation for a week, if you don’t know how to behave, then we’ll educate you, yes please, not scary, very scary, i’m against it, and why am i asking your opinion, i’m putting you before in fact, let's go. they brought me guys, honestly, it’s not my fault at all, it’s his own fault, it’s written everywhere, don’t stand on the arrow, denis alekseevich karovaichuk, 43 years old, unconscious, complete paralysis, possible internal decapitation, how it happened, the crane boom came off, he passed by passed the crane, well, my crane, i shout to him, i say, don’t walk under the tap, yes, yes, i saw it. the man is to blame, hello, what's going on here , hello, seryozha, what's going on here is internal decapitation, i don't care who 's to blame, take him to the operating room, it seems to me , we need to go straight to the operating room, wait, tan...
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i'll take it, we had a similar case with the motorcyclist, sergei anatorich, you don’t see that i have already taken the patient, you can’t handle this alone, a team is needed here, but that’s up to me , okay, no, only with a team, seryozha , you change clothes, i’ll come too, now, tanya, what operating room, third, let's go the third operating room, order the x-ray there, forgive those who came with it, i ’m waiting for you in the operating room. so, tell me in detail what happened? you broke my vase, but your grandmother’s vase, mom, you still wanted to sell it, sell it, not break it, please forgive me, it’s true, it turned out somehow awkward, it seemed like it fell right out of my hands, god forgives. expensive vase, it
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’s priceless, let me give you a nitroglycerin tablet under your tongue, like this, and you know what, i’ll make an appointment with a therapist tomorrow, okay, i’ll come, mom, we have more there’s no need to climb down onto the mezzanine, we don’t have anything valuable there, not anymore, i wanted to give it to you and masha for the wedding, mom, are you confused in the testimony? first sell, then give, then what kind of wedding , you don’t love masha, listen, maybe we’ll call an ambulance, no need, you don’t want to marry masha anymore, i really want to, i would have proposed to her if i hadn’t gone to antrisoli, but now she’s resting, alone without me, again it’s all my mother’s fault, you can’t worry, don’t worry me, you don’t love me at all, i love you, mom, i love you i love you very much, but sometimes... it’s very difficult for you
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to bear, oh my god, who else is there, they’re calling , open it, thank you, look through the peephole, the city is full of bandits, what kind of bandits, i’m listening, hello, hello, who are you? i'm a doctor, where is misha? misha, misha, misha, masha, masha, i'm here, masha, misha, you, you left on the train, no, i, well, i changed my mind, how can i leave you in this state, i love you, i love you too, propose to her, you fool, don’t argue with your mother, hello, hello, margarita spalovna. "thank you, doctor, good health, yes,
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seryozha, okay, nikolai yuryevich gives it away, he alone will operate on internal decapitation, kostya, you are free now, free, come with us to the operation, there won’t be enough of you there, now we need you to be present, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, you for now, figure out the name, so what about '. did an accident happen? no, as i understand it, there is something with a construction crane. i'm waiting for you at the x-ray. okay, i'll find out. my crane's support was torn off by a boom right on top of it. yes, i saw it. hello. in general, your colleague is now undergoing an x-ray, tell me, did you work together? do you know him? yes, yesterday was his first day at a construction site, he doesn’t know the safety rules at all. don't stand under the arrow. that is, new. well, he’s sobninsk. maybe he had some concomitant diseases.
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complained, said that we need to get checked, what should we do, well, wait, if you have to go, leave the phone numbers at the post, let's go, goodbye, nikolaevich, hello, we've arrived, well, i understand, we'll be there now, the police are on the object has arrived, they ask you, that’s it, i got it, i’m in a hurry, they won’t blame me, i saw everything, i’ll give it testimony, listen, yesterday i asked the foreman to look at the karma, i didn’t like it yet. says: go to work, don’t be trendy, tell the police, don’t mess with them, they’ll write it off as an accident and fine, but if this guy dies, then so be it, there’s a rupture and dislocation of the atlas of the occipital joint, connecting the occipital bone with the first cervical vertebra, there are more questions than answers, i’ll be intubating with endoscopists, so why do we need konstantin germanich, don’t you think
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there are too many people for one, no one thinks it’s very difficult the operation, i agree, it’s good, who will conduct it, let dr. kulikov command, he had such experience. those who came with him don’t know anything, they say that the patient only went to work yesterday, they said that he was still complaining about his heart, we just didn’t have enough heart, so, well, sergei anatolyevich, give me the command, where to start, i suggest stabilizing first injury, install a rod and spinal screws to secure everything, the material is, of course, there, you are outside sklefosovsky, we are ready for any injuries, everything is here. this is not from kleifasovsky, and there’s everything here, kostya , that’s enough, that’s it, everyone has arrived, stay here
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, idiots, they’ll come now , take the speaker, yes, i’ll take it, we’ll take it home, let’s go , thank you, hello, girl, we need help, hello, what’s up it happened? should i call someone? now i’ll look at the idiot, he has a very severe burn on his face, can we have a free doctor, wait, dmitry georgievich, the patient is waiting in the waiting room, will you take him, no, i have a round in 20 minutes, and i’m free, i ’m going, i’m going, well, let’s go, you can be ashamed tell me what happened, don't tell me, they will still ask, i can’t say, you have to be such idiots, why are we idiots, we’ve been doing this all our lives, since college. well, you fools, why did you do that? so, here's the trio standing, waiting, hello, doctor, we have a burn, so show me, okay, tanyusha, register the patient, we'll go for the antishock, okay, so let's go, yes, let's go, i'm not going anywhere, but i ’ll go, you don’t have to go anywhere, wait here
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, i’m a friend, we’ve been friends for 20 years, be careful, please, girl, let’s go, i need to get you registered, i really hope you have something to do today simple and... interesting, we have something interesting today, far from simple, everything, maybe it would still be wiser to call some more experienced nurse before we start, no need, nina, handle it, danin, thank you, ivan nikolaevich, i was always sure that we would become friends, nikolai yuryevich, postin, nikita romanovich, 45 years old, i also had to contact this idiot. something is always happening, last time he drove a snow scooter into an ice hole, now it’s a beard, you know, he had a beard like a fat lion, he has a passport, well, he probably has a passport he has, well, what kind of policy, girl , we had a party at the dacha, it’s clear, well, how it happened to you, so you, nikitos, i’ll tell you, don’t strain me, look, don’t be distracted,
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we’re having a holiday at the dacha now, we light a cigarette from a torch, why, a torch from torches, well , we have this tradition, when we drink, we light a cigarette from torches, how old are you, look at... 45, so no need to swing on the closet, oksana sergeevna, well, that’s all ok, there is no burn to the cornea, great, what a cornea, he has a burn all over his beard, what are you talking about, let’s sit down, i’ll treat you and i’ll let you go, which one i’ll let go of, hospitalization and daily dressings are necessary to prevent infection, wait , wait, i don’t understand something, one says i’ll let go, the other says hospitalization, so my colleague and i may have different opinions, in principle i agree with colleague, hospitalization is indicated for you. you will be given a referral to the burn department, well , there’s a holiday at my dacha, there’s a lot of people, they’re all waiting, what a holiday, you need hospitalization, you understand that, okay, no one, okay, that’s it, sorry, the guys are right, i filled out the documents, thank you, tatyana, we are transferring to the burn department,
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i will see him off, please, i told you, shave his beard, be careful, goodbye, well, before, alex, you cannot tell the patient the opposite instructions. this is not professional, you want to talk about it, you’ve already talked about it, well, they say, you need to go to the hospital. i wish to write a sting. hello.
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now in the bathhouse in ours you would remember to soar, oh you would whip you, the parasite that you, now, wait, wait, who woke up in a coma, took my hand and i opened my eyes, maybe i moved something wrong there, how are you feeling, i don’t hear anything, it’s clear that you don’t hear anything, falina igorevna, i’m... finished, please bring the patient to me, let me you, here, here, please come in
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, leonid stepanovich, and we found a tumor in your brain, it puts pressure on the auditory nerves, so my hearing is gradually decreasing, i also have... what, no, i didn’t say that, rule out malignant the nature of the tumor, i can’t, so we’re transferring you to neurosurgery, you will have an operation there to remove the tumor, then histology, wait, wait, what kind of operation, no, i'm afraid, listen, i've never had any operations, i've never even had appendicitis, well, great, now you're advised to have an operation . faina igorevna, come here , prepare your papers for neurosurgery, no,
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no, no, no, no, no, no, i refuse, quietly, everything is fine, everything is wonderful, don’t worry, quietly, everything is wonderful, now we will listen to you, quietly , quiet, quiet, we pipe now we'll take it out, suck it, yeah, oh, now it stinks, now, now, now, now. so be patient, quietly, quietly, quietly , quietly, cut it off, like this, everything is fine here, well done, i ask you to let me go home, where will you go home, with a swelling in your head you will go home, you have no choice, a free person always has there is a choice, but you don’t have it, you don’t have a choice, you understand, irina alekseevna at the photography department offers help, and you are trying to get by, agree to the operation, i won’t let you go anywhere until you agree, don’t you have the right? i, maybe i don’t have the right, but this is all for your own good, so good, everyone has calmed down
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, i’m tired of this, which means that faina igorevna will now give you papers and you will sign them, these are papers about refusing the operation, no, no, i agree, thank god, okay, transfer to neurosurgery, it’s always better. to delirium tremens, tell me, it’s very painful , no, it’s not painful at all, but i’ll feel something, no, you will feel it, yes, feel great gratitude to our wonderful doctors, go ahead, and you will for surgery, definitely, but you want it, yes, well then i’ll be there, come on in. well, that’s it, the prostheses have been installed, we need to fix it between the spinous processes, forgive
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me, grab it from me, yes i’m holding it, don’t, give me a titanium rod, we need to fix the second cervical vertebra, nikolai eurevich, tighten the screw, why can’t you do this, sergetovich, if i wish i could do everything myself, why do i need that brigade, we did everything here with dignity, it’s a pity, anechka, what are you doing, how’s your condition? unstable on maximum doses of tonics, i’m trying to prevent swelling now brain, let's lower the clamp, yeah, that's it, the shunt is working, blood circulation has been restored , now let's start decompressing the nerves, doctor, tukfer, for the first time i see that don't stand under the arrow worked, it seemed to me a formality, quiet, quiet, quiet, it's possible, yes, yes, yes, yes, quiet, everything is fine, everything is wonderful, listen, you... are now in the hospital, undergoing treatment at the sklefosovsky institute after the accident, you
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remember the accident, i don’t remember your name, remember, i don’t remember how don’t you remember, vanya, vanya, you are vanya frolov, who are you, like who, i’m ira uspenskaya, i don’t know you, but what year is it now , remember what year - i don’t remember, i don’t remember, i don’t know, oh, irina alekseevna, there’s a man with a complaint against kulyakov, i scribbled down a whole page, wow, where is he now, waiting? let's go figure it out, what are you doing here, strangers are not allowed here, irina rossevna, this is the man, hello, and you are the boss, yes, yes, i am the head of the department, and you know, your kulyakov did not help me and left me out in the cold , yes, what help was provided, say for hospitalization, no, no, it’s not true, it’s a lie, i felt bad
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, i was cold, and it seems to me that you don’t feel well either, yes, you were drinking, i... yes, yes, no, but that’s not relevant to the matter, yes of course, i will definitely sort out your complaint, and you leave your contact to tatyana, as soon as i figure it out, i’ll call you right away, okay, thank you for your understanding, goodbye, come with me. oh , mikhail evgenievich, wait a minute, have you had such cases where a person doesn’t remember anything, well, yes, of course, there were, but how it comes out later is different for everyone, he seems to be thinking, he puts his words together logically, i don’t remember you, who are you , but what is his head like, yes, it happens, tell me,
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do you know him, yes, i’m his wife, his ex, here she is, what happens such, yes , well, you know, i’m on duty today, his condition is stable, well, if anything happens, you call, okay, van, it’s good that you woke up, look at me, don’t you remember, i’m ira uspenskaya, your ex wife, ira, you will remember everything over time, relax, don’t stress now, i work here, i will beat you up, oh, lord, listen, where were you, looking for a toilet, you found it and didn’t find a toilet, well, leave your coordinates, but no, don’t, i forgive
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your doctor kulyakov. goodbye , it’s wider, well, well, the stabilization system looks decent, sewing, unfortunately, this does not guarantee the restoration of motor functions, sewing, oh well, well, tomorrow morning there will be some clarity, what are you saying, he’s still alive for now, this is generally a miracle, such cases are one in a million, well, if they call me on television again, i will talk about it, colleagues, thank you for the teamwork, nina, you from the first complex operation, ninochka, you did well, thank you, congratulations, and you are geniuses , who would doubt it, we work where it’s not isklifosovsky, oh, you can’t scare
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the surgeon before the operation, my hands will shake, erina alekseevna , there will be no operation, as there won’t be. now go monitor every patient in my department. yes, yes, krivitsky. i'm hearing you. yes, i understand that you are calling from haifa, it’s very nice. this is not interesting to me, because i know almost everything about you. faina said hello to me from you, and i gave her greetings too.
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said hi. we are working. no, i do not have. time to talk, the patients are waiting, bye, bye, kostya, i did a dna test, i took the samples yesterday and were silent, well, i’m telling you, hello, hello, kostya, i’m now on my way to get the results, i’m the only one who’s afraid, come with me, okay, let's go, thank you, kulyakov, you pig, i'll just drink some coffee, okay? i’ll warn you, kostya, ivan nikolaevich , that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, i’ll wait , did you forget your wallet or something, i have some change, no, i don’t have change
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, i’ll give you the money, no need, i’ll find it, kostya, i waiting for you. what? nothing, just wanted to say it was a brilliant operation. that's right, i did it. well, you worked as a team. is it called working as a team? but it seems to me that this is just insubordination and we will reprimand everyone in a good way. well then, would you be wrong? why? because? the boss should be wise and not touchy, i really should listen to all this now, i shouldn’t, well, i’m just telling you from the outside, it’s clearer, listen, our
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relationship is our relationship, and work is work, that’s about it i'm not very it’s interesting to listen to your opinion, hmm, very in vain, because i’m for you, yeah, but only for now, just for now? while our relationship lasts, rather cynically, come here, here he is mine. oh , well, well, oh, how proud i am of you, tell me how the operation went , well, how, how it went, well, everything went well, i don’t envy you, well, the result is still unclear, uh,
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you have 20 rubles, now, what - that is , i’m taking everything, come on, don’t be greedy, so, listen to me, don’t wait for me tonight, ivan nikolaevich and i need to go to the same place, but well, where will you go, it’s a secret, no, not a secret. he did a dna test, we need to get the result. clear. you don't need to tell me anything now, okay? i understand perfectly well that you would like there to be no coincidence. he turned out to be someone else's child, and ilyusha would have quietly stayed in the orphanage. kos, don’t make a creature out of me. you're wrong. go ahead and call when you know the result. alex, wait, what do you want? i just saw arina with pirogov. and how did you like it? very.
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in short, i propose to present a united front against her. agree. world. tanya, yes, who was in the staff room? that's all the money was taken out, i don’t know, from strangers , someone, well, there is, there is, what’s there, hey, hey, ivan nikolaevich, kostya, well, listen, i’m afraid, look. yes, kindergarten, here we are, well, mine, yours, dna match, thank god, well, well
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, congratulations, phew, well, i knew it without this piece of paper, kostya, let’s go to guardianship now, nikolaevich, hey, what kind of guardianship, evening already, well , this needs to be noted, well, ivan nikolaevich, well... you got a warmer right today, yes, my mother gave it to me, well, i know, ugh, that's it, that's it, that's it, calm down, i'm 40 years old and a lonely loser, nadyusha , we decided to hand over yours rooms, and i’m alexey, your new little guy, mom, how many children do you want, and how does this... have to do with utilities, good rooms , decent women, if you want to get to know me better, please don’t just...


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