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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  January 13, 2024 8:35am-9:01am MSK

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this coalition is called a traffic light. simultaneously with the start of negotiations, a massive demonstration will take place here, near the brandenburg gate next to the bundestag, which farmers call the culmination of their protests. and, as the protesters say, if they are not heard in the bundestag, then the slogan: no diesel, no agriculture, will be replaced by the slogan no diesel, no traffic light. sergey kurokhtin, andrey putra, vesti germany. voting has begun in taiwan, where they are electing a new head of the local administration and members of parliament, and the elections are being closely watched are being watched around the world, because their results can seriously affect the balance of relations between beijing and washington and, as a result, peace in the region. about possible scenarios and reporting by our subcorrespondent in china, alexander balsky. in the semensky port there are queues in the morning when the elections in taiwan are less than a day away, the taiwanese diaspora, and here it is the largest in mainland china, is in a hurry to catch the ferry, which connects.
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they don’t say, but they have already connected their future with china, which is one and the same for them, because when they vote, they will return to the mainland again, alone a country, two systems, a huge hieroglyph with this most important principle for china... they were specially placed here on the beach so that taiwanese compatriots on the other side of the strait could read them from here. well , it is clear that from taiwan itself it is unlikely that it will be possible to do this almost 300 km, but from the islands of dingmen or kinmen, easily. the main contenders are three leitzend, from the democratic progressive party, which is actively supported by washington and whose representative has been at the helm of taiwan for the past few years. khouyu and the current mrti spartik gamindan, in contrast to the pro-american one.
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the party, this political force, advocates contacts with mainland china, believes that it is necessary to develop at least economic ties, another contender kovendzhe from the taiwan people's party, who advocates maintaining the current situation and is a clear favorite, seems not to be. i still don't know who to vote for, i feel like none of the candidates are good enough for me to want to vote. the election of the head of the taiwanese administration in beijing is called regional and they say that in the process is not together. we hope that the united states can strictly adhere to its promises, cease official contacts with taiwan, stop sending wrong signals to separatist forces advocating so-called taiwanese independence, and abandon any form of interference in taiwan's election campaign. everyone understands that too much depends on the results not only in taiwan itself and remembers how with one of their arrival on the islands... they said in beijing, adding
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that the actions of the united states will not stop the historical course towards the reunification of china, here in xiamein, on the street, which is so called taiwanskaya, local residents, menen residents are very worried about those who live in taiwan. we have one language, one culture, we are the same, that is, from the same. on the other side of the strait, on the other hand, it’s generally not customary for the chinese to talk about business, much less politics, over tea, but now they’ve decided to wait until the end of the voting , which in beijing has already been called a choice between war and peace, who is in whose country, in china they understand it well. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news, semen china. in moscow met russian citizen boris katkov, expelled from latvia, an eighty-two-year-old pensioner was called a threat to national security. without warning, his
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permanent residence permit was revoked; the man still has a family in latvia, a wife, children , grandchildren, more details from our correspondent igor danilov. even today, boris katkov did not even know that he would end up in russia; he crossed the border around midnight. on friday morning , border control officers came to him and told him that he had only an hour to get ready and prepare for deportation. by according to the decision of the ministry of internal affairs of latvia , an eighty-two-year-old pensioner poses a threat.
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it’s terrible, it’s amazing to ask such questions in the 20th century, well, we help, we tell you what needs to be done. boris katkov lived in latvia for many years, he had a residence permit with all the necessary documents. i note that the pensioner has no relatives in russia. at the border he was met by representatives of the government of the pskov region, who provide all the necessary support and assistance. the issue is under the personal control of the governor of the pskov region. igor danilov, vesti. pskov. an employee of one of the sensitive enterprises was detained in a pension. according to the fsb. he is suspected of collaborating with polish intelligence services. the investigation has evidence that the russian established contact with polish intelligence in november last year and expected to receive political asylum in
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the country. in exchange for this, he planned to transmit information about the activities of the secret plant. a criminal case has been opened against the detainee regarding cooperation on a confidential basis with a foreign state. in magadan ahead of schedule graphic is building a new international airport terminal. work on the car parking has been completed. lyudmila shcherbakova found out when it is planned to receive the first air passengers. -30° and colder, a new airport terminal in magadan is being built by a turkish company. many builders are also from turkey, but they say that they are already accustomed to the cold. outside, they are now just strengthening the metal structures on the roof and all other work.
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work, all the walls here are brickwork made of foam blocks, the air terminal is being built taking into account seismic and of course climatic features of the region. everything we have is under a thermal circuit, all work stops after -30 because we can’t use it, all our equipment stops, well, we continue after the temperature drop passes. the magadan airport terminal building is already almost half built. the work schedule here is ahead of schedule by about a month and a half, so that the process goes quickly, they are constantly working with suppliers of materials, the entire future parking lot, and it will be the largest in the region, is already ready for use. all the material is delivered here in advance. currently
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, about 120 cubic meters of penoplex are stored right at the entrance to the future terminal building. this is the material that will be used to insulate the roof. they plan to start work when it gets a little warmer, they are getting their bearings now. as of february, there are now 250 builders working at the site, in the spring there will be more than 400, construction is planned to be completed at the end of 2024. lenion sherbakov, rustam akhmetov, lead magadan. the age of their patients is measured in hours. more than 600 operations are performed annually by doctors at the neonatal surgery department in irkutsk. they help children from all over siberia and the far east. doctors save lives using the most modern technologies, in most cases without leaving. and the slightest shiram, reporting by alexey kilebra. to determine with almost one hundred percent accuracy what is bothering the baby solely by the timbre of his crying, a skill developed over decades. the nurses at the ivano-matrynensky children's hospital are not just nannies for these kids.
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we go to all the tests, feed the child, take care of him. little patients born prematurely lie here, with pathologies and after operations. the system of work of our department is generally different from the work of ordinary departments. in our case , a separate nurse is allocated for each, for each ward, this baby does not yet have a name, there is a diagnosis: a congenital anomaly, which causes obstruction of the esophagus, in addition to this, he also has problems with the aorta. a child can get to the operating table even in the first hours of life, so surgeons try to perform operations in a minimally invasive way, this is through small punctures in the body, while injuries are practically eliminated and the patient recovers faster. the child will not have any scars, this is news in preparation for the operation, it makes all parents happy. the neonatal surgery center was opened in 1994 . then it was a real breakthrough for the whole of siberia. almost 30 years later, the department remains one of the most advanced in the country. irkutsk doctors accept children from almost all nearby regions, right up to vladivostok. colleagues from neighboring buryatia came not
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only to set up patient routing, but and learn from the experience of irkutsk specialists. so that this is truly a collaboration between two clinics to provide affordable and high-quality medical care to children. more than 600 operations. per year are carried out in a unique neonatal surgery department, about 80% of which are minimally invasive, now it is a reference center for siberia and the far east. alexey kilaevt strangers, victor strotsky, news from irkutsk. region, we receive new reports from our correspondents about the most important news in the country and the world, they will tell the news.
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zavelye for me is perhaps the most an important part of my life, my most beloved, i am very glad that we live here, and even despite the fact that we have been living here permanently for several years now, people don’t understand why we moved here to an abandoned village with children, and i -i know that if we had not moved here, the village would have suffered the same fate as all abandoned villages, fires, robberies, it might have already died, now it has a chance to live on,
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my parents moved a lot, we lived in different places, but no matter where we lived, we always came here to visit our grandmother grandfather to the village, and it was not an exile , it was a holiday, it was all populated, there were a lot of children, it was very cool when the owner of this house, yulia ivanovna, came to our bathhouse, she was with us, especially when she was teary, she she came and started to undress, she took off one dress, a second dress, a third dress, then there were shirts , a simple shirt, a shirt with lace, a shirt so thin, in general, like a nesting doll, i only saw this in films, the number of these different outfits. .. was an engineer, builder, lived in the city, but when i was born
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my first child, i realized that a child needs a village, at first we spent only six months here, in the summer, and then, when we decided to build a house here, we moved completely, when i came with my daughter for the first years, people came here in the summer, here in the winter no one lived there anymore, but... old women came there, but it was felt that the village was already beginning to empty out and become deserted. we moved here on the first of april 2020, i was pregnant then, i already had three children, and i was pregnant with my fourth, there was such a flood that had not it happened for 50 or 60 years, i was cut off from the world on this island, the forest road was not yet open, it was still covered in snow, and the river tore down the bridge, we were like that. for several weeks, our bathhouse stood in the water, i have a log, it started to float, a log
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is a log in which a hole is hollowed out and water runs through it, we have a deep underground lake under the village, and from there comes such a powerful spring, this it turns out they catch him , it’s leaking along this deck, and then we fill the buckets and rinse it, every morning it started with me pulling it to a new one border. shore and tied it to the fences, because yes , it was impossible to miss it, it had to be preserved, so that you would not die, the first winter we had for a month and a half was 40°, frosty, you go outside as if you were in outer space, alone a man is standing, he is holding the door, because the door is knocked down by such temperature differences that it just opens, he is holding the door, and another one went to get water, and this one is standing, holding the door, he hears that he blinked, returned with water, he... opens the door, he comes in, quickly closes the door, that's how we lived, like peasants of the 16th century,
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my cousin from severmi comes for the may holidays, and she happily tells me that she now also stays here year-round, i was surprised, oh well, i think, well, they began to help her there with all sorts of goats and geese in order to live , very convenient when we live together. after all, we somehow insure each other, the children grow up together, play, and so, when the lights are on in the neighboring house, you see that life there is also moving, then... you feel calmer, more comfortable, i live near three roads, to the radiation of the river, where the sun is the bridges are swaying, there are three
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villages here, like three sisters, one local poetess wrote this, they seem to be looking at each other with... the grandmothers, of course, they scolded us, you don’t want them to steal, but no one they didn’t steal it, then pilgrims came here, and my grandmother also said that they said that they had been to many places, because many went on pilgrimage to the holy land, but they say, this place is somehow more beautiful, here they are we didn’t see it, at
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the beginning of 2000, for pushkin’s anniversary , we were given a pliner in our schools, i then worked in the breath of the city of mirny in mikhailovskoye, when we arrived, i saw this house, i stood on this terrace, i saw this litter running, these open spaces, i thought, my god, i experienced this when i stand at the mouth of the river in our village, of course, there are big open spaces there, but here everything is small, something northern , of course, tiny compared to mikhailovsky, but there was such a feeling, and i also heard from my grandmothers that there were three rows of houses and... there were a lot of houses, i already found, there were already 15 houses, in the houses there were already soldiers lived, the men had only two people for the whole village, the grandmothers would gather in some hut, drink tea, then have an evening, as they called it, someone would sit there at the spinning wheel, someone would knit there, that is, always doing needlework , well, we were remembering
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a past life, some stories, so apparently they were slowly swirling around in my head. i started writing it down, now i dream of finishing it and finally publishing it, i remember the story about mirapia, i saw my husband off to war, he didn’t return from the war, but gregory immediately wooed mirapia, how could she not be wooed, if she sang and danced, without leaving the circle, but it seemed like he was wooing her for this, she paid for it, because they would come to some holiday, sit at the table. now he wants to run and dance, but grigory keeps getting gloomier, gloomier, gloomier, he looks at him like that, grinya, make his face as he was, he can’t stand it, he jumps off, runs, sticks, dances, sings, dances, sings, and grinya gets gloomier, gloomier, gloomier, gloomier, well, they will leave the holiday, and he, well, imagine, came from the war, because they are all wounded, he
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beats her so much that he takes a leak and thinks, well, no she won’t come to life... somehow she’ll come back to life again , get better, rest for a week for a friend, again until the next holiday, that’s how they lived, but it seems to me that this is nature, this is the nature of man, well, it’s like a gift from god, so for example, the pussy is given to someone who sings like that, who dances like that, and is it really possible to ruin a person’s talent, gift, it will still break through, the stove is dull, it’s a little cold today, 20°, it should be warm everywhere , churches began to be destroyed here in the north in 1929, the last contemporary of pylyai ofas lived here andreevich, but he was sentenced to 10 years, was
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sent to the ukhta camps, in 1937 he died, his mother wife died. the children remained, all six children were there, five girls and a son, they tied all the little bags , some went where in russia, my grandfather served as a bell ringer in this church, that’s what it was , 40 meters high, he heard the bells, many respected that the sexton rang, we know by the voice by the ringing of the bell.
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in the seventh year it began to be built, the house stood on the corner of the church fence, many warned, what you are doing is bad, it’s not good, here i am next to church, apparently also about my life, maybe something pushed me to build a temple, it was full of weeds, that’s all, that’s the beginning. to clear the place, but at first i did all this with my pension , there were no donations, then they suggested to me, put out just three-liter cans, write a donation for
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the construction of the temple, i just put out these three cans, they started laughing at me, it’s for his hangover we throw it at a hangover, let the man have a hangover, well, they started making fun of everything, i removed these cans, because people they reached out that he was really doing something... i want to hang a sign on the house here, the last priest kulyai fas andreevich lived here, the last priest, many brought icons, church things,
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he stored it all, kept it in this father’s house, and the fire happened here in 2121, i was 8 km from here, neighbors here called me that you were on fire, i was scared, as i say, then i saw the fire passed, my heart sank. it’s generally bad, i’m tired and haven’t appeared here at all for 3 days, mostly here now our construction is a dead weight, all this happened due to a fire, my father’s house stood here, only the foundation remained, but due to the fire, the tools burned out. icons burned, a lot of church utensils burned, there was a decline in spiritual strength, a decline in spiritual strength, these
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conspirators, the criminals who burned the house, didn’t want to get anything out of it, if i succumb to these devilish moods, succumb to satan, then this it will be quite funny for them, but for me it’s death, so no matter under no circumstances, you can’t give up , look, the work you started, you can’t give up, hello , good afternoon, kid, such a big village, there are a lot of people, and how they got along with each other, how they lived, they sit together, so i noticed that on haymaking they all. that’s how they lived, with medals, they were the ones who prepared for the fact that we would take pictures of them at the sinokos , they came and presented medals, presented awards, and
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at the sinokos, well, they were all in white shirts, they were so smart at the sinokos and wore white so that mosquitoes didn't bite, that's what it looks like so one time mom, uh-huh, what kind of me was not yet, mom, aunt anna, i was born here, here’s another row of villages and there’s another row of villages, four rows, right? four rows, and in which row was your house, my house, so this is my house, the doors were painted, in the thirties the paint was not worn off, uh-huh, and this larger house , it seems, is two-story, this is two-story, two-story, there's a two-story building, there 's a myazanin, you were leaving this village here, but you were moving, i already got married there, the last time we visited was about five years ago, yeah, we didn't know the village... we knew everything these are overgrown, there are no houses, uh-huh, the houses that are these here, this house is not there, they took it away, they took it away or burned it and it’s unclear, our
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house is not there, this one...


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