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tv   Sto k odnomu  RUSSIA1  January 13, 2024 10:10am-11:00am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] without a code of conduct is akin to this monkey, but she also has an instinct: she pees where she wants, where she wants, poops, wants to eat a banana, wants not to eat a banana, freedom, only she is a monkey, that’s when she began to comply with codes, in any case in this case, mr. darwin assures us that she turned into a human being, of course, the theory is not that
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controversial... don’t give up, don’t complain about anything, love your loved ones, yes, that’s all true, the question is how much willpower we have to do this do everything, well, i have to do it half and half, i can do half, half i can’t, but already ok, already, but i’m trying, i think, i’m already 100 years old, and i’m still thinking, improving myself, how can i not lie, not give in, not bend, not be proud? okay, whatever will work out, dr. mestyakov was with you, happy old new year to you, still remember about your liver, it’s true on this side, remember about the liver, take care of it today, it’s been so difficult for her the last few days,
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until dates.
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hello, well, let's read on, come on! then you will see a brave handsome prince, he will stand and stretch out his hands to you, “hello, asol,” he will say, far, far away from here in a dream, i saw you and came to take you with me, you will live with me in a deep pink valley, you will have everything you want. era, this is a fairy tale about our mother. why about mom? well, your dad was a captain, which means he sailed to her. well, in general, yes,
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but... our mother's fairy tale does not have a happy ending, because your dad drowned in a storm, i also would like my dad to be a captain, not a builder. when i grow up, i will become a captain, of course, you will become a captain, everyone hi, dad, great, great, well, how are you doing, everything is fine, yes, we walked today, no, we read, all day, or something, dad, i also want to be a captain, so wait, what did you eat today? for lunch, yes, i’m not hungry, but just a little. i guess
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there's nothing to eat for dinner either. and put the milk in the cellar , keep it, i’ll take it to the woman, maybe she’ll sell it, dad, what will we eat, and by the evening it will grow, i found a clearing of strawberries, good, all the best, tomorrow morning i’ll take you and your mother, pick them and sell them, dad, i won't eat strawberries collect, prepare for nikzamen, mother
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will return, tell her about the fish. “she’ll break all the dishes, yes, our mother raised us as a princess, i’ll help, so, come on, stop, come here, handle it yourself, men have no place in the kitchen.” zink, hello, take the newspapers, you see what i ’m doing, throw the box, danilov has arrived , i just saw him, and why are you so happy
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, it’s infuriating that love has passed, i’ve already forgotten , why has it passed, i’m suffering, you see, i’m sitting , i’m cleaning the fish, he said, he’s going to the dance, you put the newspaper, what? no more, good luck zin to you, i burned everything again, era, well , who’s going to marry you if you can’t even fry potatoes properly, happiness isn’t in potatoes, what is it, in your books, or what? but i like burners, no one will eat burners, because it’s harmful, come on. eat the salad, there are vitamins, oh, already at the table , hello, hello, mom, hello, hello, you're already eating, hello, hello, bon appetit, what a pleasant thing, look, my daughter
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has cooked the coals again, you should at least start in the morning did you cook something, some kind of food, there’s all the sevka hungry day, lost all weight. “i ’m not going to put her through 5 years at the institute, okay, she’ll finish her philology department, then where else, become a school teacher for 3 kopecks, let her?” new technology is coming, quickly, usefully, and most importantly money, you imagine her as a dental technician, i don’t, but you don’t need to imagine anything, the job needs to be done, eat, eat, daughter, sasha wants you to have a good profession, dental technology , he’s right, do something you don’t like all your life, suddenly you’ll get used to it, you’ll like it. you'll get carried away, oh my god, why? we really need him, he
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’s not worth your little finger, hush, no, sasha is good, he doesn’t drink like others, he brings money into the house, he needs his father for the food, what are you doing, you know that i can’t afford you two on my salary i can handle it, i’ll go to college soon, i’ll have a good scholarship, let’s think about another institute, no, i’ve decided everything, i’m going to the philology department. mom, did you bring me the books i asked for? i won’t be able to carry books for you anymore, i quit my job at the library today, sasha made an agreement, and they’ll take me on as boss hr department, construction department, wait, which construction department, where are you, and where is the construction department? nothing, i can handle it, i can do it, i have to, the job is good, the salary is good, you don’t have to, you’re in the right place in the library.
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i don’t know, i, exactly, i, it seems to me that i’m living somehow wrong, i ’ve been in the grip of illusions all my life, you are as ethereal as you, that you sat down, it’s good that i met sasha, he knows how to land, you have to live a real life like everyone else, era, where are you going, era, wait, era, era, don’t you dare force him to quit his job, but the library doesn’t work, and you don’t like entertainment anyway. seva, be kind , go to your room for now, firstly, never dare to talk to me in such a tone, secondly, any love passes sooner or later, you will understand this later, thirdly, it is you who have passed it, you didn’t have it at all, if my father had been alive, everything would have been different, come on, come here, come, sit down. tell your daughter about the captain’s dad,
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come on, she’s a big girl, i beg you, don’t, you have to, but there was no captain’s dad, it wasn’t, your mother won a car in the lottery , volga, can you imagine, some people buy 100 tickets for nothing, but she bought one and won, volga, one person who liked to ride in free cars appeared, we went for a ride, yes people, we had a good ride. and then he disappeared along with the volga, and your mother was left alone with
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a belly, that’s all love, you’re lying, mom, mom. why are you doing this? how else? it’s not me, it’s you, your daughter from childhood, your brains are all filled with books and fairy tales. well, are you sitting? go talk to her. by god, tomorrow i’ll throw all these books in the hell out of the trash. will you smoke? i will, hold on, there is a fire, we
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have everything, why are you dressed up like that, zin, that’s me, and danilov doesn’t like smokers? it's okay, your skirt is beautiful. thank you!
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oh, danilov, hello, sina, are you yours? zin, well, i'm sorry, zin, please forgive me, zin, that we're just bitching , that we'll wait, stand there, talk, where are you going to talk, where, on the sinual, you love me, seize the moment, and you love me, of course, you're the coolest girl here, okay write a receipt, what? write a receipt, what kind of receipt that you will marry me, we will certify it with a notary, seriously, yes, i’ll tell you honestly, i will never marry you, i need another wife, which one, which one is from the city, from a good family, definitely with a higher education, i still want to build a career, he
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will become a prosecutor no less, so i need a wife appropriate to whatever culinary technique it is, it doesn’t matter. as you were, you will remain a collective farmer, right? danilov, you haven’t become too cool, you and i are from the same collective farm, i haven’t forgotten, so i was cool, you didn’t forget, otherwise i wouldn’t have fallen in love , so let’s go, listen, i already brought a blanket and prepared a pillow, he got ready, yes, he knew that i would agree, yeah, danilov, if i want, i’ll marry a city guy , he will love me, carry me in his arms , pass you by the goat of the prosecutor, fantastic, you know why, why, because you don’t have enough for happiness, and for happiness he needs, of course, sober calculation, the desire for a goal, and you you'll fall in love with some idiot, you'll also marry him, give birth to him, well, you'll have you have 2-3 months of happiness there, and then that’s it, rotten everyday life, you will rejoice at the harvest of cucumbers, grapes, a rare day when your husband
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is stressed, then 20 years will pass, you will become a fat , unhappy woman, you will watch brazilian tv series about love and regret that you didn’t you went with me to the moaning, but i won’t regret it? will you? i won’t be an old fat unhappy woman, can you bet? let 's bet, i'll be happy, loved, beautiful with a higher education? well, it makes no sense, but let's argue, so what? well, if everything goes like this, then i will divorce my third young wife and i will marry you. everything is funny to you, so laugh. danilov, come on, real conditions, if i still get a higher education, marry
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a city man, then you become... in the extreme north-west of russia, beyond the arctic circle, there is a real treasury of nature, the kola peninsula. sometimes it is called russian lopland. nature. the kola region is surprisingly diverse, including taiga, mountain ranges, and tundra, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola peninsula washes barintsevo
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the sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current, does not freeze all year round. in the east and south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by the ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity - the legendary hyperborea - was located right here, on the kola peninsula. from the first note, beauty, repetition with the first phrase, worse. a bird in your hands, like a feather in one place, your braid floats finely, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, belov, or something, first grade and i are together, for everything, what are we doing, we also answer together, and in
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all this crap, i’m covering for you, the team, brake from the car, the whole team, just look at the platform. what are the next tasks? i ’ll tell you this separately, when the cameras are turned off, where to go and what to do? you just recommended never reading american newspapers straight from russia, from china, foreign of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation , the day begins and ends there, the first thing they told me is that we have a lot of them, the buryats don’t flee on the helicopter we will learn about
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this is the first, hello , on rtr, mom, ao, i want to go to college, which institute, philfa, oh, my god, what are you, a teacher, or something at school, well, what’s the prospect, i just came up with it , and what is the prospect there, first grade, second , third, well, in the city i’ll take my mother away, please, everything, there’s a technical school, i’ve already agreed, my father will bring a car of food for them , you think you’re studying, you already have everything, mom, you understand me, i don’t want to work at a bakery all my life like you, i want to start something, so at least start with this, at least start with the dairy factory, well, i don’t want to, and by the way, it’s not bad, absolutely
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not bad, there are eggs, there is milk, butter, you will always have fat, mom , listen to me, i’m listening, i’m listening, i’m listening to you, mom, well, i don’t want to live like you, and why am i living poorly, or something, you live well, but i don’t want pigs, chickens, this bathhouse is on the way, i understand what you want, i want to marry urban, be happy. do you think there is happiness in the city? mom, well, not right there, not in the village, happiness daughter, right here, that’s what everyone agreed, what a bastard, have you been too busy again, or what? you're a striped brute, i told you that i need you to drive me, lord, ask me, lord, lord,
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forgive me, will you bring me, oh, you will,
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girls, do you want to buy something? “we’re not going, excuse me, but we’re still not going, we’re stuck, there’s no need to press all the buttons in a row, i’m late for the meeting, philology department, yes, hey, i’m there too, someone can hear us,
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let us out, please, anyone?" let me know how many people are stuck here , someone please call the elevator operator help, we are stuck in the elevator, i advise you not to waste oxygen, this is so little, it’s still an organizational meeting, maybe you’ll shut up already, so welcome, we are stuck in the elevator , you read, it’s impossible, it’s possible, i certainly expected that here the philology department will have such crazy people, but so be it, i didn’t expect to see people like you here either, what kind of people are they, i’m sorry, of course , but she looks like an inter-girl, you saw yourself in the mirror, of course, and garden scarecrows are not your relatives, no, dispatcher, reception,
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hear us, answer if you can, throw away what you throw away, start, say that you have cheat sheets, the one who should study will be the one who has to, and you are a medalist, go, no, i have two b’s, but i need to enroll. it’s very necessary, you know? i understand that then you will definitely do without any cheat sheets. come here, but i won’t give you anything, you’ll say
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he killed you. two, come in both, this is the last one, yes, two. hello, hello, hello, your exam, please take your ticket, the eighteenth is shalevich, the tenth is tarasenko, i can do it without preparation, please sit down and listen to you, a literary genre is a group of literary works
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united by a set of formal and substantive properties, as can be seen from the definition. uh-huh, that's enough, yes, uh-huh, uh-huh, we'll be glad to see you in september, yes, thank you
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, yes, see you in september, goodbye, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, and tarasenko, tarasenko, closer, please, uh-huh. tenth ticket, i passed, it’s okay, you’ll prepare better, you’ll do next year, that’s it, no, everything they asked me in the exam, i’m up to i read this and i will study here , i will be a student, because i’m lucky , because i’m smart, be careful, be careful,
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and i got in, i got in, dear friends, i, as the dean of the faculty of philology , congratulate you on your admission, now raise . the hands of those who came here to read books, well, everyone who raised their hands, you can write a letter of expulsion, but why? no, no, no, you, of course, will have to read a lot, but i ask you not to forget that the language department, i, for example, teach, including latin, from which many of you will cry, get bad marks, pass, and retake exams. you and i will laugh together later during the exams, so , does anyone want to leave? no, no, no, no, well, then get started larisa
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leonidovna. thank you, sit, sit, sit, guys, hello. danilov, bye, danilov, what are you doing here? i'm studying here. oh, come on, tell me. where do you study? i study at the philology department. yes. yes. are you serious? yes. rarosenko, you're doing great, really cool, i congratulate you. it's only the beginning.
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where do you live in the dorm? yes, 112. broke down with us cause it somehow you can’t do it yourself helped damn it, let’s ask someone for a stepladder everything get out of there please because men should be doing this and not us what is it wait don’t touch mm that’s what it smells like damn you fry cutlets yes here i love the smell, how delicious it smells when we eat it , will you eat it? yes, i’m going , i’m going, running, i have a guest coming soon, we need to clean up in time, come on, come on, be careful, he says
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that as long as you can clean, as long as you need, we’ll do that, hold it, hold it, it’s heavy, that’s it, no, that's it, i'm already tired , that's it, i'm hungry, let's go , let's clean everything up first, take a rag, wipe off the dust, the flowers of the fields, in the wash, maybe we'll eat, but wait, that's it, hung it up, washed it, covered it, bread ! wait , maybe we can do without bread, we without bread , where, girl, do you want something , no, thank you, girl, girl, buy it for me, look how beautiful it is, from your garden, and
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expensive. 50 rubles in total, which package, any, please, keep it, good health, thank you, may the new year come and joy and success, and we will provide you with it in every hall, laugh loudly, everyone is running somewhere, everyone is calling someone, these sweets have been traveling around the city for 40 years, and that mom has nothing on the table, three pickles, bring mom something hot. new year is already a premiere. full house, the old new year is just a rehearsal, here is the old
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new year, the premiere. today on rtr. you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task, open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underside, the name of which character from pushkin’s works, everyone knows, how much is 7.8? 7,8,8, how many, who is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, no , pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, god forbid, now beep, if you win, then hooray!
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100 to one, tomorrow on rtr, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well , look at the screen, looked at me, carefully , look, look, sign the agreement , we sign one thing... we sign, look, let's look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, every time i cry, it's very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down in the hallway on the floor, didn't say, i'll stay here, the military had to be informed that there's just... animals simply die, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be at the wedding out of spite, the main thing is that we are
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together. our. ours don't abandon our own. from monday to thursday. on rtr. hi beauty. this is my bed. what? you 're lying on... to play, well, lie down next to me, there's enough room for two, you want to be mine girl, instead of dasha, you are beautiful, why are you lying on my bed? listen, girl, all the beds in this dorm will be mine, if i want, immediately leave my bed and my room, have you lost your fear, or what? leave my room. you know who you
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're talking to, get out, you 're talking to me like you're talking to me, you're sick or something, kick that bitch out of the room, what? era, it’s me, open up, what have you done to exile, and he’s telling you to get the hell out of here, but because he... he’s a bandit, and you want him at the same time, he was a gentleman, even why are you with him, i love how you can love him, in different ways, on... “study, it will come in handy, pestered, yes, offered to become his girlfriend instead of you, not instead, but another one in his grief, and you
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talk about it so simply, and you still continue to believe in great pure love, yes, it seems to me that everyone believes in it, listen, princess, really, move out of my room"? with joy, but there are no free places, hello, hello, bon appetit, thank you, don’t get too busy, mm, and this is kolya, very nice, very tasty cutlets, in general, the most delicious thing i ate in your building, by the way, from the chemical and biological department... i see, here are the girls, thank you very much, you fed
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me, gave you something to drink, so, i’ll go, give me back the apples, you feel sorry for me , whether? 112, you have to remember , this is who, like who, your guest, you left, he came, asked for food, but i thought, since your boyfriend, let him eat, nel, this is not my guest, you saw him, don’t understand that he didn’t i know where it’s from, i’ll never call someone like that, i mean, where are the cutlets, he ate it all, how he ate it, damn it, it was a snack, damn it! the girls in the kitchen were telling me that at least one of them was asking for food in the rooms, that’s where the smell of the cutlet came, nelya, next time you hit it in the neck, okay, okay, now i
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have something to feed mine, that’s it. go to bed, let's have a lecture tomorrow morning, good night, good night,
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dash, what are you doing, you feel bad, i feel good. dash, dash, my money is gone, you didn’t take everything that was in my wallet, no, who took it, aslan? listen, sheep, i don’t advise you to ask him these questions, and what should i do, there’s only a week left until the scholarship, i don’t know what
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do, call your parents, have them send them, hello! hello , i brought sales books, take them, show them, yeah , mostly roman, yeah, yeah, and czechs, yeah, i’ll take these, come in a week, in a week, yes, maybe i’ll sell something, thank you, so , thanks to this theory. and we know that many people are at a crossroads for a long time, but in the end no one is completely indifferent. i thank you,
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the lecture is over, thank you all, goodbye. thank you, not mine, but they will be useful, not yours, then you need to return the money to that person, you’re kidding, shall we go to the canteen and eat? no, they need to be returned, to whom? i don’t know, i’ll give it to old age, and old age will sort it out, well, i forgot, you ’re a principled person, a metalhead, neither for yourself nor for people, good morning, hello, hello, hello, i saw the elders in the buffet yesterday, i bought so many cakes,
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the money you gave her, everyone was laughing at you , you have to lie, how naive you are, you don’t believe me, ask her yourself, huh... but take off your clothes, we’ll be the third, i have nothing to lose today, will i lose anything? someone else, in the songs of the wind the thoughts are very simple, except for the sky there is no other truth, this song will replace me from
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the heights, who did not... fly by, in the field we will blow the wind , i have long dreamed of it, in the field we will blow the wind, i have long dreamed of it, in the field of the watching peter, i have long dreamed of it, we have a short break, and a slow dance will be performed for you, i’m dancing, will you allow me, what’s your name, beautiful stranger? i'm zina, seventh floor.
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you ate all my cutlets. oh, that's right. and i think the face is so familiar. well, now i know for sure, you are the best girl in this hospital. i'm in love. yes, i'm the best girl worldwide. but not for you. ok bye.


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