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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 15, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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flag, and the ukrainian nordic representatives unanimously applauded the british. this is probably what kiev’s sovereign democracy looks like, you lie either at american feet or at british ones, they say putin should know that he cannot defeat free people. at the same time, the ukrainian armed forces are digging trenches to try to have time to go on the defensive. the commander of the joint forces in the armed forces of ukraine, naev, said that it was necessary to do engineering work, as they say. the day before yesterday, according to him, right now the vso is hastily erecting barrier systems, the soldiers at the front are open, not embarrassed by anyone, they declare that the north atlantic alliance itself is learning from russia how to properly conduct defense, because it has no experience of its own, the british times puts pressure on the patient, the newspaper assures that ukrainians are massively avoiding mobilization, they are ready to go even to death, just not to serve in...
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talking about the fact that since 2022 , border guards have already pulled out 19 corpses from the river , the publication describes the situation on the tisza river as follows : men, just of military age, who tried to escape from zelensky, and found at least five more people dead frozen in the forest, the same thing is at the front, in these frames the dry lander shows that in the january frost... the dead bodies of his brothers-in-arms freeze so much that it is not possible to dig them up for identification . in the carriage, the vsushniki are trying to shoot back with everything that is left, this is what a cluster munition explosion from the usa looks like, which is called in the first person. from the position of the commander of the russian tank , submunition explosions are clearly visible, which in dense wooded areas caused significant damage. not provided, here it is
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ukrainian tank crews have finally found sets of winter camouflage nets for their entrusted armored vehicles and are now boasting about their updated white leopard, although not the second, but the first modification, and the vehicle, judging by its surroundings, is definitely not on the front line, because otherwise something will happen to them , which causes our servicemen sincere joy to watch it. so, with a well-aimed, single shot from a ptura, our volunteer fighter of the coastal detachment tiger with the call sign timber carrier, turns an armed forces tank into a pile of scrap metal, just listen to how with sincere, genuine joy, the russian soldier conveys greetings to the whole family at the other end of our huge country, right from the front line. there is a hit,
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a hit, sura, brothers, sisters, my children, the tank over there burned the folder, that’s how it should be, ours is white. from us there are russians and about a kilometer away there is kurdyumovka, temporarily occupied by the russians, this is a fragmentation site. it will be
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loud, plus plus, i’m working on the left edge of the first landing, aha yes i threw it. plus, plus, that's it, now we're rolling back, to cover, to cover everyone, where are these, there were a lot of them situations when you arrive, you have half an hour to rest, you take off your ankle boots, lie down, wrap yourself in a sleeping bag and wake up to a mouse gnawing on your finger, we have a section of the front where it’s hot right now.
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armored vehicles, concentrations of manpower, firing points, we are trying to hit enemy fire weapons. in weather like this, like now, everything is not so bad, now it’s frosty outside, but there’s no
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precipitation, the bird flies calmly, sees well, it’s not bothered by either wind or rain, it’s much easier to work in such weather than in rain or snow or fog, but what’s shooting there? zeushka, that means there is a drone above us, i respect you, i believe that the barrier should have been built much earlier, the construction of canopies takes too much time, but it turns out that we are building the barrier directly during active operations, here we see that first we set up dragon teeth and barbed wire, then we stretch this steel cable between them, only then we set up minefields. by using an excavator digs the trench itself, and then the soldiers themselves, that is, the infantry that occupies this position, equips them from these materials, well, whatever one may say, also, well , whatever one may say, it’s still the old school of the soviet union, it ’s the heir of russia, so in terms of fortifications , it is one of the best in the world, let's be honest, let
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's be honest, that is, everyone is learning, not only we are learning, when i was studying in europe, nato is also studying there in full swing, they are redrawing, looking, looking. i believe that it is now more than urgent to do everything to steadily and quickly improve the situation in ukraine so that it can survive, because at the moment i assess the situation in such a way that the russians have an advantage, that the russians are now doing just enough to keep the situation boiling, to lower morale ukrainian soldiers were completely unimpressed by vladimir putin. provide further assistance to kiev, and even western military experts admit that the weapons that are now coming from the west to ukraine are too small for the ukrainian armed forces to managed to stop the advance of the russian army. vladimir putin is in the far east, and there he said that the russian economy is very strong, that the russian economy is now stronger than
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the german economy, that the russian economy will experience strong growth this year, not by 3.5%, as predicted, but higher, and he he also praised the powerful military-industrial complex of russia for all the products that it produces... russian military-industrial complex enterprises, that is, russia makes it clear to the rest of the world that it is strong and has no doubts about its victory. russian vks over the past week, 23 group missile strikes were carried out on enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, if you can still call it that; a significant role in the destruction of military facilities, warehouses with ammunition, as well as western weapons, was played, of course, by hypersonic daggers, in addition to ballistic missiles. .. strike drones hit the deployment points of vso personnel of foreign mercenaries. the ministry of defense reported on this today. all designated targets were hit. the minister personally assessed the production process of such high-precision weapons shaigu. for the first time, the process of assembling those
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same planning and correction modules for aviation factories was shown. it is these weapons that are converted, as they say. to smithereens at the strong positions of the ukrainian armed forces, allowing the crews of the sud-34 fighters not even to enter the enemy air defense operating zones. our productivity has increased by 40%. our production volumes have tripled compared to the twenty-second year. in the twenty-fourth year , we plan to increase the capacity even more, in this case taking into account the appearance of new machines. just like - it’s clear, that by producing products you have tripled, yes, that’s once, at the same time you have increased
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the number, and yes, you have increased the capacity, the machine pack has been increased, look how many machines are ready for installation, our productivity has doubled, twice each worker , but everything necessary is available, the necessary groundwork has been done, therefore... there is no doubt, the tactical missile weapons corporation has developed high-precision air-ground-based ammunition, managing planning and correction modules for equipment free-falling reaction bombs with a caliber of 250-500 and 1500 kilograms have successfully proven themselves during a special military operation, the created ... unified high-precision noise-proof ammunition is passing through the final stage of testing, in addition, the corporation has solved
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the problem of increasing the accuracy of hits based on the mechanical resistance of ammunition and has organized mass production of controlled modules, planning and correction of controlled modular glide bombs control units for rockets. well, the head of the guru terrorist budanov told why. kyiv's contour offensive fizzled out. reason: russian drones and russian mines. budanov did not talk about the carelessness, lack of education of the ukrainian senior command staff and the entire nato, which is important, about corruption, the reluctance of ordinary ukrainians to fight for zelensky. in general, as they say, bad tansors are hindered by imins. she made it even funnier.
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it is clear that one of the predictors gave up his life. the seizure of crimea, which is dreamed of in the presidential office, is impossible, according to predictors. ukraine will not return the peninsula. voice them, fearing, as he put it, for moreover, the carpathian witches are talking about new losses of territories at the front for the vso, that is, it turns out that all ukrainian sorcerers are agents of the kremlin. new zrada.
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this is a pessimistic forecast, yes, you don’t want to talk about it, no, because here they wanted to kill me for such words, you need to die the first time, then you can be resurrected. christ died and then rose again, and so does ukraine. moskal is sitting in your house and laughing at you. we are
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in the carpathians. they tell her about the future with cards, lay them out under under the supervision of a cat. don't expect anything good, trouble, a little bickering about this ukraine. this one won't stop very much. and then kalina’s forecast, even more terrible. crimea will become ukrainian again. something is not very good. it's hard to get it
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back. can we?
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the transgender epidemic continues to sweep the united states, according to the publication aks, an increase in the official number of trans people in the twenty -third year last year was observed in all states except south dakota, where, on the contrary , there was a sharp drop in the state of people with gender dysphoria, as it is scientifically called the perverted state when you want to change your gender has become almost a quarter less,
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overt sexuality of a clearly offensive nature, as well as any nudity of transvestites, will be considered obscenity, but the main thing is now like this...
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he is 34, both handsome, and both powerful, it turns out that they came through the bed, as they say, husband and wife are one satan, which one is the husband, who does it? the role of the woman is unknown, but you must admit, all this is incredible, macron personally lured both of them to positions, and
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you yourself know what they say about macron. "i want to express my gratitude and loyalty to the president, i want to thank edouard philippe for his trust, this week gabriel hautal
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was appointed prime minister, replacing elisabeth borne, the first woman to hold this post, by appointing atal as prime minister, president macron is making history "it's true that atal just became the youngest person to hold this post, but that's not the point at all, he also became the first openly gay person to hold this post, however information." atal shared about his personal life not of his own free will. in 2018 a brutal expose was published by his former classmate juan branco. in his book , branco claims that since gabriel otal entered into a relationship with macron's adviser, he began to achieve political heights through bed. the political advisor in question here is stéphane sejournet. the two lovers met at a business meeting in bersa in 2015. their romance lasted 8 years.
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his rise was rapid, he became a deputy at 28, secretary of state at 29, then press secretary
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government, and then the minister of education and the prime minister. president pacron appointed former partner gabriel attal, his new prime minister, as foreign minister to breathe new life into his flagging administration. stephane sejournet, member of the european parliament and general. secretary of macron's renaissance party will replace sixty-seven-year-old catherine colona, ​​who has failed to make a significant impression in her 18 months in charge of foreign affairs, promoting thirty-eight-year-old séjournet, the former adviser to macron, who had never worked in the government, caused a wave of surprise, since he was in a civil union with the thirty-four-year-old star of the political scene atal, although otal spoke freely about his ...
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the war on the front ended, it somehow feels like it ended enemy or when everything ends with the enemy, what is he saving on, where is he saving, how are things going there? yes, hello, this is really big news, but unfortunately, there is no way to say that this will be acutely felt right now advanced, because the ammunition,
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weapons, equipment that were supplied... they were not supplied to kiev, let’s say, day after day, a certain reserve was formed, such a material base was formed, which for quite a long period of time will cause us a lot of problems, but by the way, this is even visible from the results of targeted strikes by our troops on warehouses, we see how much is stored there in the rear part of ukraine, but yes , indeed, in some sections of the front line, our soldiers have long been saying that the enemy is saving with... outfits, this is primarily due to the fact that they realized that their attempts to counter-offensive led to nothing, so they save, collect as much as possible in order to try to repel our attacks, and here too, unfortunately, what we constantly talk about is that we need to differentiate between what is used on the front line in fire contact with our troops and the moment when the civilian sector is shelled, when civilians are attacked, here, unfortunately, the enemy does not save shells,
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but... we hope that this kind of stab in the back from the west will have a serious impact, but again, just a few minutes before we turned on, i saw that sunak promised zelensky a lot of help, so these are idiots who are ready to sponsor and to support the prolongation of the war, they are still there, such steam is coming out of their mouths, it’s cold there at the front, in moscow -20, what about the fighting in the donbass? what to do now, is this a good time for an offensive, are there any nuances? yes, indeed, we’re just returning from another shoot, and it’s not as cold here as in moscow , but you can also feel the meteorological winter has come here in full force, it’s frost, it’s snow, well, in principle, with all its attributes, and here it’s important to note, of course, that our army knows how to fight in whatever the weather
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conditions were. they were not, of course, an additional problem, additional discomfort for the military personnel who are on the front line, especially on the first line, in the trenches, where it is very felt, but let me remind you that during the entire period of the special military operation, unlike the enemy, our troops did not complain that they were hampered by snow, rain, bad weather, and so on, and indeed we will remember the same footage of exercises that are regularly carried out in our troops, this is in arctic conditions, in difficult terrain conditions, therefore, we really know how to fight everywhere. georgy, about the kharkov region, at least a few words, we know all the speculations of american propagandists, supposedly putin, allegedly on monday, supposedly is about to liberate either kharkov, or the entire region, as if he is recording the accumulation troops, whatever is there now, but really the liberation of kharkov and other cities.
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it will be, because these are among the goals of our special military operation, and why is the western press now pushing this topic so hard with kharkov, there are questions here, i think that perhaps this is partly an attempt to lobby for additional help for kiev, after all not only zelensky makes money from this, but as for the military situation in the kharkov direction, we have ongoing military operations in the kupinsk area, in other areas, well, constantly applied. strikes with high-precision weapons on the locations where enemy personnel of our western mercenaries are stationed, on places where ammunition is stored and in military production, and these strikes have now become very massive, very concentrated on all of this, and this gives the opportunity for enemy air forces to run around shouting that look, it has already begun. thank you very much, thank you very much, military.


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