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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  January 15, 2024 9:30am-9:55am MSK

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including the goals of our special military operation, and why is the western press now pushing this topic with kharkov so much, here is the question and i think that perhaps this is partly an attempt to lobby for additional help for kiev, after all, not only does it make money zelensky, well , as for the military situation in the kharkov direction, we have ongoing military operations in the kupinsk area in other areas, well, strikes are constantly being carried out with high-precision weapons. at the locations of our enemy's western personnel mercenaries at ammunition storage sites and military production, and these strikes have now become very massive, very close to all of this, and this gives the enemy the opportunity to run around shouting that look, it has already begun. thank you very much, thank you very much, war correspondent georgy medvedev on the direct line front line. we
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really really need the kharkov region, it’s as if the enemies themselves specifically pointed this out to us by inflicting terrorist attacks on belgorod, in the very center, remember, on the new year’s tree in central square on new year's day, continuing to create a nightmare for the belgorod region, that is , we need to push them out, we will assume that the kharkov region is the very buffer zone that we urgently need directly. now , as for money , as for the americans’ statement that the money is all, sunok came, sunok supported ukraine, brought 2.5 billion pounds, well, that is, ukraine was transferred to britain, there is no one else to deal with ukraine now , there is no time, look what a circus it is now, these are almost live broadcast footage from verkhovna rada, madness. it’s a shame
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we say it every time, like a mantra about sovereignty, this is it, yes, sovereignty, look, well, everyone ’s settled, shady colleagues, let’s agree. taschp colonel, knight of the order of courage, is infinitely glad to see you. you have finally returned to us, as far as i understand, straight from the special operation zone for just a short time, tell us. well, what’s happening, it’s all, is the consequences of american policy. during the period from the first special operation to the end of the twenty-third year, the americans spent 40. 3.9 billion dollars on injection into
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ukraine, and the germans, 17.1 billion. in third place is britain, with different estimates, about 6.6 billion dollars, now 2.5 million pounds, additional injections led to the fact that americans. half, to put it mildly, well, i don’t understand a little that today it’s not at all true that president biden rules america and world processes, the owners of the military-industrial complex of the united states, the essence of a transnational company, rule. who earn
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their future from this process and, accordingly, the americans very clearly understood that everything with ukraine, the project failed, just like in afghanistan, they are gradually shifting this onto the shoulders of germany, just a week ago mr. scholz persuaded all his colleagues, by calling by phone, to take over the time of expenses, this is how we missed. accordingly, the arrival of mr. sunak is still a shadow policy of the european union, although it is not part of the european union, but nevertheless, the british commonwealth is very clearly involved in the main processes to seize regional areas of the whole world, as we are now we looked at what was happening in the red sea, because as soon as the american military-industrial complex became extremely inconvenient for industrial corporations to build new
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logistics routes, and this entails additional costs , including for security, including for oil , and so on and so forth, very quickly the factor came into play when...
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because what was intended for production, mainly weapons, were now destroyed by our attacks, this fight against industrial potential significantly reduced ukraine’s ability to defense, after all, war is an economic war, in addition to this, damage to the potential in manpower, according to the same lutsenko, they lost about 500 thousand in a year and a half of the war. man, the burning , supposedly all-popular mobilization, it also won’t give them much, because not only do you need to have instructors to train such a mass of people, you also need to have trained personnel in the form of tactical commanders, platoon commanders, companies,
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battalions , where they will get them is also unclear, so the americans clearly understand that all the money, which is almost... 44 billion, they rolled through their military-industrial complex, because zelensky clearly admitted here that the money ended up somewhere in the pockets of the americans, what did the ukrainians get? received a destroyed country, killed loved ones and the murky prospect of being divided in half, sooner or later the question of negotiations will be raised, they tried to sharpen it just before the new one. remember, 2 weeks before the new year, there were clear mentions in the media that it would be nice if zelensky met halfway, sat down table, a strike on the center of belgorod on december 30 - this was a consequence made by these british
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, in order to prevent them from sitting down at the negotiating table, why exactly the british, let me remind you, in april of twenty-two, as soon as the negotiation process in istanbul... began to emerge contours and agreements loomed on a very real scale, the corresponding agreements were announced, we began the withdrawal of troops from chernigov, kiev, well, from other territories, the british immediately appeared, the movement to raise funds for the purchase of supplies to ukraine immediately began lethal means of armed struggle , in fact...
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in the training of the ukrainian marine corps, and so on, i’ll just take a lot of time to tell all this, so in fact, ukraine is in for a very difficult time, and as i understand it, the participation of the british is aimed primarily at dragging out, dragging out the negotiation process, prolonging the armed conflict over time, making it latently flare up, latently fade, as the west needs it, so i think...
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therefore, they are far from independent opponents, although they invest money, send instructors, fight with mercenaries, to every country in europe now. there are questions, we have believed for too long that these are some kind of superhumans who should give us an assessment, now we must sum up the results and give an assessment to them, if our ancestors were a nation of killers, and not a nation of warriors, germany and many other countries europe would never have existed since napoleon hitler’s campaigns; it’s the biggest stupid thing we’ve done in history. the modern history of russia, well, the soviet union, was brought out warsaw pact troops from those territories
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for which our fathers and grandfathers paid with blood, this is the biggest stupidity, this society is infected with the bacillus of nazism, sodomy and many, many things disgusting to god. a simple example, ukrainians betrayed orthodoxy, they are now paying for the fact that they betrayed god and their kindred people. europe, having turned itself into a big casino, forgot about god, became a hotbed of sadomism, this is an infection, it must be treated, and only a russian soldier can cure it, the men at the front are in a normal mood, excellent mood, we have been slowly moving forward on different sectors of the front for more than a month now, i want to say that the war is over. very high-tech, and the most important thing in the fight against technology is to save the lives of soldiers,
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so we will move smoothly, little by little, increasing efforts, using new technologies. in this situation, i would like to emphasize the role of volunteers. i represent the volunteer corps of the ministry of defense, people who, for completely different reasons, left home and family and came on their own. not according to mobilization, not being in contract service in the ranks of the armed forces, they left their relatives and friends, and they are fighting on the very front line, the time will come, and it will be necessary to take off, well, my hat to these people, especially to those who laid down their lives for the independence of our homeland, these are unique people, there are many questions that require resolution, well... for example, we have very young people who have not yet served in the army, but are already
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fighting in our ranks, it probably makes sense to count their participation in combat actions in the northern military district how, well, not urgently, conscription service in the armed forces, well, this is one of the questions, so watching how young people, or very old people , perform combat missions together, not sparing themselves, it’s worth a lot, that’s when they watch. .. now ukrainian mothers are sobbing for their murdered tarasiks, everyone else, having given birth
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to bandera, nazis, let them pay for what our mothers, sisters, wives, children are experiencing today, in the end, along the entire line of contact from belgorod to bryansk in other regions of our country, even here in moscow, so in any case we are obliged to stop this, to put an end to fascistism. this story, we are guilty before our fathers and grandfathers for allowing this, that in the nineties we gave the opportunity to raise this bandera evil spirits in lvov, then in kiev , today this time has come and no one has the right to evaluate us as we restoring our country, how to restore the justice laid down by our fathers and grandfathers, this is probably the most important thing, low bow to you, according to official information.
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it can’t get any worse, kolya, run, call me soon, just operate, hear, i beg you, skliposovsky, continuation, let’s watch today. on rtr, and soon we’ll be watching new episodes, skrif , i can’t live without you, you’re watching 100 to one, what’s our task to open the whole scoreboard, we’ll cope, if you ask, then with the underbelly,
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the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows. how much will it be 7.8 7.8 7.8, how much, who is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would think about chopping, not plucking, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, a set for headaches, god forbid now beep if you...
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he doesn’t have a crew, well, it’s kind of like a ghost of some kind, all these games are dirty in the swamps, but he is not, you believe the mystic, he is here, you think he will appear, he will appear, he is looking for me. white tiger , a film by karen shakhnazarov, on friday on rtr , everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important,
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it’s honestly convenient, how to vote while traveling, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we to the village to rest. but ours grandfather thinks that rest can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but his mother told him, vote directly in the village, be a mobile voter, dad, mom supported, i already wrote a statement about this, by the way, the whole family is going to the village , animals, adults and children, relax in nature and choose mobile, choose in the country freely, important, honestly. comfortable. so, zelensky is hosting british prime minister sunak in kiev right now. sunok became the first foreign leader to come to ukraine this year, which was a hasty boast in the verkhovna rada. he promised that the united kingdom would help keiv with the development of its military industry in order to
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win the war with putin. well, that is, an illiquid asset in washington.
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i thought they would kiss at the end, but they didn’t. ask! olga, american policy is characterized by incredible consistency, and i would even say, cynicism, because look, the first time i read the idea of ​​​​conducting a military operation in yemen in the american press exactly 14 years ago, it was the winter of 2010, americans. it doesn’t matter at all who are sunnis, shiites , or anyone, they have a very clear goal, to take control of the passage to the red sea, not to overstrain themselves, but for...
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then they will give the eu countries their conditions economically, they have undermined their energy connections with russia, now they will take control of the tanker routes, it doesn’t matter , the main thing is that they take control of yemen there or not, the main thing is that the american fleet is stationed there, they believe, in which case they could cut off supplies through the red sea, the europeans must do this know and be obedient, carry out any decision, just a second for them to understand... who is the boss now? biden is old, autumn is in the hospital, he is waging war on the beds in the ward, the catheter, the intensive care unit, who
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is responsible for what now, again, they will not overstrain themselves, just like olga, they have raised a huge number of officials who think approximately the same way, because remember this idea obama, his administration, also offered our hopes.
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therefore, all countries that border russia, ukraine, finland, poland, and in the future germany are given the same the role of the future is opposed, as they believe for themselves, against russia, or the sword, here, as they work out, taiwan too. their very task is to throw china into war and thus stop its economic development, but as for those countries that want to give up their sovereignty in exchange for some mythical preferences, look what is happening in france, because this is very significant, great france , which, under degol, under gheskardtin under chirac, put forward its projects, and spoke about the mediterranean sea, and... its presence in africa, spoke about her ambitions in the middle east, what she is talking about now, we see. the reason is simple, as soon as sarkozy
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said that we don’t need galism , we don’t need the greatness of france, we are a junior partner, not like the usa, great britain, well, so you are treated as such, i would say, a small, rather harmful european country, which can be used if necessary. now the french newspaper lupignon even came out with a cartoon where a child's seat, you know, is for young people, says, there is a place prepared for the prime minister
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new in the cabinet of ministers, when , you know, zelensky is now speaking from the height of his age, yes, experience, landing, young inexperienced, well, well, what do you want, he does not understand what pensioners are, that is, so that you understand, zelensky 8 months older, somehow get paid, no, you should be americans, he calmly says, by the way, according to this logic, now who will be a yemeni pensioner?


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