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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  January 15, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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or it doesn’t matter there, it’s possible there , it’s also now a warring country, but most of all , of course, i was struck by risha sunok: listen, this is simply amazing, you remember, yesterday zelensky was traveling around the european union, which is not what, but the european union, yes, then he was going to delivery, it is quite logical that sunok, he could very well meet to sign this historical document, even in the baltics, even in switzerland, even in europe, zelensky could drop by with pleasure into his apartment in london. so as not to go like this on the train to kiev, then back to the dovoz and so on further, but pay attention, sunok gives the command to take part in his bombers in a military operation, someone else’s military operation, which in general is a serious violation, you recalled today that biden was obliged to appeal to congress, so biden, he’s everything - after all, the commander of the executive branch, the legislative branch of all wings that are possible and...
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ask permission to strike syria and did not receive this permission and was not able to carry out the same missile strikes, and sunok gives the command, well, because of washington they ordered and runs away, simply runs away. to kiev from the enraged deputies of parliament, laborites, who are now asking, no, we approve, we would have given permission, but you had to ask us, we, the deputies of parliament, we had to give you permission, he is hiding in this way, just in kiev, where it is more difficult to get him and signs these supposedly historical documents, this is how the sunok works, this is how modern management works, tomorrow of course they will ask him in the end in britain,
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the heirs of russia, here she is alone fortifications is one of the best in the world , let's be honest, well, that is, not only we and i are not studying, when i was studying in europe, that is, nato is also studying there in full swing, that is, he redraws them, they look, they have no, no practice the creation of such fortifications, well, after the second world war, the kiev regime also began to build defensive lines, banderovitz with the call sign lizard laments that the command came to this too late, they should have burrowed into the ground last spring. this is the video the construction of fortifications publishes commander of the joint forces of the armed forces of ukraine naev in the footage of trenches, dragon teeth and barbed wire. now the conflict in ukraine resembles a football match going into extra time. both teams
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have made most of the changes, tired, but there is no winner yet and the prospect of a penalty shootout doesn't particularly appeal to either side. thus, both countries will try to score a golden goal in extra time and get. the prize from a military point of view is the goal - an operational breakthrough. a successful ukrainian counteroffensive could significantly shorten the war. kyiv it is necessary to sit down with your western partners and plan the conditions for achieving this result and victory. the ministry of defense of ukraine has certified the second sample of women's body armor. the first one was approved at the end of december. the new model has the option of being adjusted to the anatomical features of each woman. two: one. well, military commissars continue to catch men, and in the kiev region they have extended the work of checkpoints, said the regional commandant aleynyuk. according to him, 7,400 people have already been checked on them and, as he put it, caught a certain number of draft dodgers, in odessa , instead of checkpoints, stops. military commissars
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continue transport mobilization. zupinka stefanova, 51 amazingly stetski fight the men for this, the police help them in this, handsome men, and zelensky rides around the baltic states, says that if latvia stops helping kiev, it will turn into the latvian region of russia, and he hints to estonian journalists that tallinn should extradite ukrainian lads are fit...
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the gift is relevant, because the emtak factory, which made military clothing for zelensky was destroyed by a russian missile. but the jacket is not enough for zelensky, in latvia he demands money, he is indignant that 70% of all the millions allocated to kiev from washington remained in
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america to prove how well he is fighting in the armed forces of ukraine, zelensky is talking about some completely outrageous nonsense, supposedly in a day. ukrainian air defense shot down 12 planes at once. when this happened, he did not tell, in other sources there was never any information about this grandiose victory, if there is no funding, when there is no funding, we must understand that we cannot help but give pensioners get a pension, i’m not pushing for pity or anything now, we can’t help but give it to them, it’s simply impossible, because old people will die, that’s how it will be, there are medicines, there are still some issues during the war. we have more than 11 million pensioners, this is not a joke, more than 11 million. are there many such countries in europe? not much. at the same time, washington was unable to fully account for the almost 40,000 weapons supplied to ukraine. 10,000 atgms, javelin, 2,500
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stinger anti-aircraft systems, 750 camikat the drones are missing switchblade, 430 air-to-air missiles, but now the ukrainians will have nothing to steal. the white house admitted it. that the money for kiev has run out and assistance to zelensky has been suspended. we issued the last package of the available supplies we had to support. funding, which is why it is critically important that congress act on this national security request so that we receive continued funding, assistance we have been providing is currently on hold, and attacks, which the russians are carrying out are only intensifying. the speaker of the ukrainian air force, ignat, admits to shoot down all russian missiles, the esa does not have enough funds, while claiming that the russian army allegedly uses s-300 anti-aircraft missiles for strikes and simply takes the number. cnn refutes his words. american journalists write that the russians are constantly
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improving their tactics, in particular they have begun to use new jet drones. in addition, night camouflage is applied to the uav and the location of the exhaust pipes is changed so that confuse ukrainian air defense. the russians just sit behind their fortifications and say: “come here, come on, don’t be shy, hence these losses of 500 plus.” thousand people, these are not only killed, there are killed and seriously wounded, and now they want to call up another 500,000. russia has the initiative. the question is, are putin and the russians going to take advantage of this, do they want to do something? i 'd say probably yes, but not right now, they 'll just let things run their course because they're winning, there's no reason for them to do anything change. if your opponent makes mistakes, don't say anything that might prevent him from undermining his own strength. in parallel there is another war, i’m talking about the middle east,
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us actions there are fraught with a new grandiose, perhaps a third world battle, said retired us army lieutenant colonel daniel davis in an interview with fox news. in his opinion, the measures taken against the kussites not only do not help stabilize the situation, but can also lead to escalation and an increase in oil prices, as they have already done. biden apparently does not have a clan, the main competitor of the militant john in the elections, trump, said that biden has gone crazy, his mental abilities are a disaster that will lead the united states to hell, donald trump believes, in the sense that because of biden, for no reason, ultimately the third world war will begin, though only if grandfather joe ’s physical ailments do not kill him first, according to congresswoman margerit.
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where the hell am i? jill goes to the car and he's like, where am i? so, this is a helicopter, it
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first goes in one direction, then in reverse, the same person, commander in chief. last year or in 2021, during a trip abroad, biden fell and an incident occurred that was difficult to hide, but this is the reality for people who are over 80, who are in old age, especially when they are suffering.
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forgive me, lord, hegemon , who last night started a war in the middle east, tomorrow there are elections in taiwan, maybe something will happen there too, everyone knows about ukraine, they heard about iraq, they understand afghanistan, this is the reality, please, this is problem, olya, because i always want to find a rational explanation, but it’s difficult
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to reduce everything to the intestines, biden, austin’s bladder or cognitive. abilities of the president, but these could be purely human problems, but this turns into a problem of the modern world, and what is happening now in the middle east, the bombing of yemen, is another, i’m looking for a word, such, you know, boorish spitting by the americans in the face of all humanity , this is really, this is a challenge, because... what - from the point of view of international law, with from the point of view of existing international institutions, remember, we once said, this is being done without the sanctions of the un security council, now it’s somehow funny to even say this, because this is always done without the sanctions of the un security council, it is done under justification, which means this is some kind of
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us self-defense, which is located there thousands of kilometers from that point. where they are engaged in self-defense, and you know, i try all the time, nevertheless, to find some kind of rational explanation for this, after all , this is being done for some reason, here is a certain an ambush, because, as many military experts say, the military result of this attack, where 100 missiles were used, there were 73 targets, according to their information. we are amazed , and, i draw your attention, i think you talked about this on the morning broadcast today, that this is a completely different type of using aircraft missiles, this is not like we have in ukraine, where there is a powerful air defense system around kiev, and we use our own aircraft and their missiles, without entering the range of ukrainian air defense, the houthis don’t have such a problem there, just like in
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in the gas sector there is no obstacle for israeli planes, they are even visual... look at this, again, i am not a military expert, i can only be guided by what i read today, the military consequences of this strike are very small, the houthis say there were five dead, six wounded, even the american means are not very clear about what they actually hit, they say that they hit factories that... than hamas had in the gas, so, apparently,
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there is no such effective military result, the question is, what then? done, for what? that he shit himself, this is all about joe biden, well, that’s the kind of person she is, and the fact that he is running naked along the corridor of the white house, we also learned from marzhari, when she flexed her fingers about the fronts, she spoke absolutely correctly, she spoke about that means ukraine, about taiwan, about iran, about pro-israel, well
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, the conflict around the gas sector, now the houthis, iran, she said, translating into russian, the text there is quite long. the dans, mr. president, will not fall from all this, especially since it’s on your southern border, this means a multimillion-dollar attack from illegals, illegal migrants, which means then again the question is, well, does ms. taylor greene understand this, does biden really not understand this, well, or at least his advisers, but they still don’t understand this cognitive state, like the president, they somehow distinguish sour from press, the same blinky. or salvan, so it seems to me that there is still an answer, and many experts today are inclined to believe that this entire american strike is not designed at all for a military result, but... as i already said, there is no direct military result visible, when the chinese commented, at the end the chinese representative had a very clear phrase, they say that what we are most afraid
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of is the escalation of this conflict, its continuation, its build-up, because the direct consequence this build-up will undermine the interests of the two main economic competitors of the united states of america, china and europe, which... has long been economically brought to its knees by the americans, starting with the beginning of the ukrainian crisis, because american logistics for all communications from india and china, it is in the other direction, it is across the pacific ocean, it is on the western coast, so they are the suede strait and bab el - now i will get confused, whatever, in short, call it the strait from the southern part of the red sea, yes. it is much less expensive for them than for the chinese and europeans, so it seems to me that this is such a big yet another american
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game, but the problem, it seems to me, is precisely that it is very unclear how to win in this game today, when you have to play on all boards, by everyone figures, all fingers, and even trying to hide under an epaulette, which means the ace of trumps, it’s not very clear how to get out of all this... problems and bombs, shells, missiles are over for now for ukraine, this is also, in general, a fairly serious signal, i think that the main victim today, who took a double dose of cocaine today, is of course mr. zelensky, despite what sunok promises him there are big gifts and signing some kind of agreement, of course this is not... comparable to what zelensky generally expects from the west today, this talk, completely crazy talk about the fact that you have to support our pensioners, this is
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generally not from a great mind, this in my opinion, you know, such an emotional breakdown, because a politician who plays such serious games has no right to blurt out like that, because he simply admits that there is no country, no financial system, no money, no economy, you please , contain. otherwise it will be bad for you, because here the russians will win, that’s what we’re dealing with today, and by the way, that’s all, today everyone kept silent about one very important episode related to sunak’s trip, but it is alleged that he will carry 14 coffins back from kiev, he will take 14 bodies, british mercenaries who died near kharkov and there is such information, but there is no official confirmation,
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a strategic partner of the americans, then take the money from you, when we have to support your pensioners, why do we need you need one like this. the main illustration of zelensky’s condition is, of course, a photograph that appeared on the internet, a completely dirty, very dusty car, this also characterizes the attitude towards the ukrainian president, he is being driven along the baltic road, he looks out of the window as if asking a question, what, sorry , lord, emen, something... else emen, what about me, the americans are really great in this regard, first they blew up our nord stream, this is to talk about the fact that emen-husita is also about money and
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resources, about oil and gas, the same one the babtelmandel strait, yes, i will also try to pronounce it, the mandep strait - this is also so that energy resources are not supplied about austin, he personally supervised everything. he, the chief of the pentagon, lying in a hospital room, communicated with the president of america in the situation room in the pajamas of a military hospital. there are no photographs, but once again, a joke about our gerantocrats, yes, that’s what they said about them, the handshake is strong, he’s still wow , i think it’s infested with pentocrats - children, compared to sriks, just children, us secretary of defense. lloyd osin announced monday on a new us-led operation targeting security concerns in the southern red sea and gulf of adina following recent houthi attacks on commercial
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shipping in the region. i am announcing the creation of operation prosperity sentinel, a significant new multinational security initiative under the joint maritime forces and under the leadership of its task force 153 that focuses on security in the red sea, austin said in a statement. the announcement was made after monday the uss carne responded to a distress call from a commercial vessel after it was hit by multiple shells in the southern red sea, a us military official said. secretary of defense lloyd austin broke his silence after concealing that he was in the hospital to speak out as the united states dropped bombs on iranian-backed targets in yemen, an action aimed at undermining and weakening the houthis' ability to attack the danger of seafarers threatening global trade on one of the world's most important waterways. we'll be back in a minute. we stand up
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for what we have, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr.
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from the first note, beauty, repetitious , from the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, your braid floats finely, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile , back of the head, business, or something, we first class together, we are also responsible for everything we do
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together. in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the brigade, slow down the cars, run, the whole brigade, just look at the platform, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls. we are going to donetsk, you are with us , yes, when my soldiers come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let's say, my trophy , someone was hungry, here comes grandma, she’s hungry herself, but she brings this kurba to the shelter and says: baby, feed dogs, to lend a helping hand, olga and i
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decided that we needed to take the guys. from monday to thursday on rtr.
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or do you want to elect a person who openly declares, from the first day i will become a dictator, who directly tells you: i will remove you all. i will take all the journalists, all the gays, send you into exile, make you disappear, you want a country like this, then you know who to vote for, you need to make a decision. please, yes. now it’s not the top news in the usa, but the top news there is of course you are the caucuses that will be in monday, there are approximate data , accordingly, there won’t be any democratic ones, they will be counted on super tuesday, but the republican ones will be, what is a caucus, it ’s kind of different from the primaries,
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it’s a gathering of people, as it were, and accordingly , this is the first opportunity to compete with the real ones ratings with trump, trump arrives there on monday, by the way, there is snow and snow there, but it doesn’t matter, the important thing is what the first result will be, because according to operational data, according to median sociology, he can score more than fifty, 52 more, this approximately 30% will be more than that of the closest presidents, and well, most likely the second will be nicky halley with a high probability, as it were, and if you believe another kind of sociology, at the moment when biden spoke on fox news with his interview, where he said including that biden is dragging the world towards the third world war, he is old, gray and miserable, and at the same time nikki and heil spoke. along with ron desantes in the debate, television ratings indicate that 68% more americans watched biden, trump, than at his competitors, well, which indicates that he certainly has much more,
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the last debates, in general, in the last stages, few people look at them in principle, but the question is that this is specifically for iowa, this is the first state, they don’t look debate, but for some reason they are looking at trump, specifically counting for states as a whole. tat will vote, that is, there, it will be by caucus, most likely this will be the result, with a high degree of probability, if he gets more than 50% in his first vote, there will be several of them, usually the primaries are determined, that is, the candidate is determined within, well, actually determined within several months, because there is usually one wicket, well, as a rule, candidates take out others, they all fall off gradually, now in fact, taking into account the fact that christie dropped out of our elections, there are only three or four candidates left, normally, well, in the sense of like competitors, who seem to be conducting a purposeful campaign, started precisely for this...
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these elections, so from this point of view, he is with this economy is now telling how good this is, against this background with the rise in oil prices on the domestic market, this is great news, because in the usa it is not reflected at gas stations immediately during the day, well, the next day, so from this point in my opinion, this will be the most important factor, that is, the americans helped the houthis raise oil prices, and with their miraculous blow, i would say that the houthis already raised oil prices accordingly, by hitting them the americans added, of course, plus 2, 5%, within the framework of the blow straight. right away they did, they hit oil prices when they actually banned, or rather recommended, not to allow a tanker to pass through this strait, why? because as a result, we have already had tankers turn around today during the day, that is, previously the houthis let through tankers that were actually separately marked, that were going in
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separate directions, for example, from the same qatar with gas carriers, and now, accordingly, it’s empty as the americans hit, everyone there is going around, in this under the action of the united states is much higher than the damage from the actions of the houthis, they seem to have screwed up everything there for the last time. month, but the question is that american colleagues will suffer from this, why? as we have said many times, the only alternative route is the panama canal, and the panama canal is now one-third impassable, because accordingly there is a drought , everything else, they are actually using iron now to pass this canal, and so as a result the whole world will suffer, including the usa, because they have the main part of them, respectively, terminals are located on the east coast, and not on the west coast, from where it’s easier, so you still have to go through panama , and there are actually queues there, by the way, back in early january we had turkish channels like if the strait is a hub, it would also be because of storms and bad weather, so from this point of view, as if now the whole world will meet with this, what is most important is next week, as if we are all
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talking in detail here, so next week week zelensky will be at the summit in davosi on tuesday, respectively, the bulk of his enterprises will be exactly on tuesday , respectively, then, by the way, on wednesday the shallows of argentina will speak there, i will remind you that inflation is 200%, if anyone wants to ask what high inflation is in the last a month, that’s accordingly, well, in a year the expression is, but still this is a lot, and... together with macron, that is, they will speak on the same day, and accordingly, negotiations will also take place there later khabik, so the most important thing is that negotiations are now underway with orban, the official will come to him, it will be approximately on thursday, friday, or thursday, and on the 29th before the summit there will be a meeting in uzhgorod with kuleba, directly, and there they will negotiate with hungary on providing financing , now with...
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they saved the situation, once again, they gave 200 billion, now we are talking about 40 for 4 years, you like 50, although everyone is talking about 40, okay, but again for 4 years, like this will save the situation, even if they break it, now there is a budget gap due to external funding is 33 billion, they need to take it accordingly during this year, find it, accordingly, but if we are not talking about ukraine, well, plus money for war, we are not talking about ukraine at all and with all our love for..
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italy and france, so on the 29th, this negotiation thread will take place, i just want to look at the situation a little more globally, that’s the same. funds in full, so the question is being discussed about what negotiation track
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is on, when, accordingly , did you read the agreement that was signed with the uk, you noticed, the most important thing is that these are parts of the agreement, a second attack was written there, not the first, this is an exit to the negotiation track, these are the same security guarantees in the event of peace negotiations, so from this point of view, they signed it, actually in fact, therefore, from this point of view, the question is how to prepare accordingly now... this is the corresponding direction, and what will be the results in this direction by february, by the 29th, by the end of january, by february, announced guarantees security up to ukraine's entry into nato, once again promising ukraine's entry into nato, but from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada did not speak about repeated ones, the verkhovna rada, look carefully, the very agreement that they signed is supposed there, the country also hints at this, precisely accordingly. security guarantees in the event of a negotiation process, that is , in fact, this presupposes
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security guarantees after the completion of this entire process, now the uk cannot physically provide security guarantees because it will immediately have to go to war to enter, therefore, from this point of view, war is an action as a last resort, therefore, from this point of view, it is as if this question is waiting, sunoka also has his own choice, a really strange statement, a strange guarantee of security, but if you signed them, then you enter into a war, we then strike london, not because we are the aggressors, but because how can we act, other than not strike the british capital.
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how they see it, accordingly, this is zelensky’s formula, the world is tied to this, therefore partially, therefore from this point from the point of view, this is what will happen, i say, it will be published in... next week , in principle, this information has already appeared, so from this point of view, this track will be like this, the one who, relatively speaking, the end of january will show some result by february, the overall configuration will actually depend on this, if... financing, that is, we have it on the nineteenth, so negotiations are starting now - in the usa, the adoption of the first part of the budget, then, accordingly, in early february the second part of the budget , they are already most likely they don’t agree, they either extend it again until the end of the year, or they don’t extend it, but if they don’t extend it, there will be no money, there is no money for
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financing in this extension, that is, if they extend it , they will again have to take a separate bill in order to in order to carry out funding, but the border will not go anywhere, so from this point of view, it is more surprising why ... negotiations are needed, zelensky himself, i don’t know, maybe he also didn’t read what he just signed, speaking in the verkhovna rada , said that we are not ready to negotiate with russia, any delay is like death , putin will take a break, rest , gain more strength, but then you heard, that ’s all, uzbekistan, estonia, well, they are different countries, it seems to me, sometimes he names them in random order, well, putin it means he won’t calm down, i also quote.
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well, you’ll regret it, everything’s bad, cerebral edema, let’s go, silvosovsky, you didn’t want to harm him, you did, but it’s better never to tell anyone about it. continuation, look at rtr today. vol
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dorji, the walls are shaking, big ones have come changes, into the new season with a new renovation , a slight movement of the hand, we are moving from this room to a completely faceless one, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans before our eyes they turn into a project. i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every
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sunday on...rtr there is no life in the capital , it’s necessary that it seemed to explode at the mine, like at the mine, mishav the mine, we look at the weekend , it’s far away from you, we’re wearing a mask, val, and you, burning bridges behind you, at home , someone else’s life, but your own didn’t work out, i so want to look back, i can’t believe my eyes, you ’re back, or something, completely, i don’t know, you were looking for a new life, some kind of happiness and didn’t find anything, happiness, it turns out, i’m here is waiting in our village, but is it possible to find
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lost happiness on sunday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism is a parallel agenda, the conversation will continue in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe and listen look at the media. look, shocking details on the loud platform, look at the first podcasts, which stories, andrei karaulov’s ex-wife and yulia mareeva are similar. opened pandora's box, even those who worked in the house are ready to tell the truth fugitive foreign agent, servant, there were orgies,
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were the victims of the red room even minors, i can make the future of your daughter, you must give her to me for maintenance, the pencil fell, malakhov, today on rtr, a long ovation, a meeting.
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the uk is one of ukraine's most important supporters, especially regarding military aid supplies. the assistance we have already sent will continue this year. so we are moving ahead of this deadline with a new commitment of £2.5 billion more than previous years. this reflects.
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communications my colleague alexander khabarov. sash, hello. we understand, we guess about the level of the daily star newspaper, nevertheless, on the front page there is a message about men's underwear , the need to save money. risha sunok in kiev, quite generous, 2.5 billion, how does one fight with the other, and if there is at least some information, what is the essence of the security guarantees that risha sunok issued. good evening, olga, what about the daily star newspaper, here is the euronews tv channel, maybe
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there will be a more reputable publication for you, a few weeks ago i published information, citing local british charities, that in london a quarter of households have difficulty providing themselves with food, this is the capital of great britain, and not some english outback, now about the agreement that was signed.. vsunok in kiev with zelensky. the fact is that at the previous nato summit in vilnius, the leaders of the seven agreed that instead of admitting ukraine to the north atlantic alliance, each of these countries would sign a bilateral an agreement with kiev on security guarantees and london now boasts that it did it first, that is, it did it first. within the framework of this agreement , emergency consultations between kiev are provided and the issue is also being worked out
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within the framework of this agreement that britain considers the possibility of seizing frozen russian assets abroad, but in general, within the framework of this cooperation, which london offers to kiev, programs are also provided on... intensive teaching of english to ukrainians language, for this, by the way, money will also be allocated from the package that resisun spoke about, but this addition that happened, the fact is that before that, the uk annually sent, well, spent 2.3 billion pounds sterling on ukraine, this year 2.5 2.5 billion, these additional 200 million, they will go to supply ukraine with various types of drones.
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direct communication london, great britain, it would be interesting to know about our offensive in the kharkov direction, or successes on the kupinsky sector of the front, or what what is happening in the vdeevsky direction, or in the artyomovsk area, this is considered an attack on ukraine, is it rishisunok who will enter the war, or is he talking about some other incident, about
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the ukrainian capital, sashni is not there.
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said, but i liked it about the mobilized, he says, no, well, if you are a person of mobilization age, you did not legally leave the territory of ukraine and you do not pay taxes, well, there are questions for you, i of course apologize, but if you, mr. zelensky, four times, four times you were invited to the military registration and enlistment office, you didn’t come there, you were elected president on the slogans of peace, you led the country to war, yes, you killed hundreds of thousands
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of people, well, probably these people also have a problem with you.
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considering that we have almost 11 million pensioners , well, who’s to blame, now you’re running around, i’m actually surprised, i’m ashamed on the one hand, on the other hand it’s surprising that the president doesn’t understand how... funny he looks when he comes to a third country and says: if you don’t give us money, our pensioners will die, you know, ours, these people actually earned money for their old age, actually these people paid their money to the state pension fund, and the state is obliged to support these people, and the fact that you started a war, steal money from people, shift everything, utilize the population there, you have almost 12 million people leaving, labor. special population left the country, well, this is your internal policy, who is to blame , you had a chance, by the way, the europeans will not be able to present anything to the americans, now i see how they shift responsibility
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to the europeans, if only they open their mouths the europeans will try not to finance the americans, they will say, this is your continental conflict, you had to resolve it yourself, what kind of claims there are, three rounds of negotiations could not resolve it. happy birthday vastorok, valentina telechkina , openly about the innermost, in kindergarten i sang a chestushka, and i’m small, neat, and of course, there was applause, i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow received you so well, you didn’t regret it, you sent articles about me that i had... an affair with korolkov was, with black pankratov , with zaradik nakhopetov, not a single novel, or rather, one , which is for many long 50 years, here it is, my golden one, the kingdom of heaven - this is my huge
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loss, i’m not leaving yet, i’m still talking to him time, it’s difficult, so i ’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday, on rtr.
10:55 am
this krutov of yours, what is he all about, and sergei nikolaevich, oh, he ’s a star, i feel so bad without you, and we ’ll get married, and damn, i forgot, you
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have a pregnant wife with her, what are we do we will, well, that’s it, robin hood, rest assured, i won’t just leave this, you’ll both regret it, but do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail? doctor snail on saturday at rtf, there was no sadness, the woman bought a piglet. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again. will set everyone up. this is an incredibly charming face that you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well , then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, trink-trink,
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the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, i at first they shoved in a red snake, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals... in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers from photographs of faded ones look, this look, like the highest court, for the children who are now growing up and boys are not allowed to. don’t
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lie, don’t deceive, don’t deviate from the path, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovoy, the legendary, favorite film of the officers, on sunday on rtr, you are watching 100 k alone, what is our task, the whole board is from... we can handle it, if you ask, then with a podbokh, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much will it be, who is on work , speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i chop oak, no, pluck, problems with...
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55, and russian fearless men 38 people run a marathon, 42 km, their faces are covered in icicles, but they made it, our the country cannot be defeated, isabella borisova, a participant in the 42 km marathon, is approaching the finish line. how do
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you feel, how the route went, good, calm ran, hang around, look, bye. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sittal, hello, we’re leaving. on their professional holiday, employees of the investigative committee meet at the combat post. in the directorate of the investigative committee for the lugansk people's republic, all the material evidence, in moscow, in patriot park, the second forum of special operation veterans, speaks of importance.


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