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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 15, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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how do you feel, how was the route? news, watch bye! the russia tv channel is broadcasting news , i greet you, i’m maria sittal, hello , we’re leaving, the employees of the investigative committee are celebrating their professional holiday at the combat post, in the office of the investigative committee for the lugansk people’s republic, all the material evidence is in moscow in patriot park. forum for special operation veterans,
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talk about the importance of military brotherhood and the development of rehabilitation programs. there should be over 600 entirely domestic airliners built in russia in 6 years. details of the meeting with prime minister mishustin. blizzards, drifts and ice in moscow, snowstorms in the krasnoyarsk territory and sakhalin. the republican campaign to select a party candidate for president has started in iowa. the united states in moscow today says goodbye to people's artist of the ussr, artistic director of the small theater yuri solomen. a stronghold of ukrainian formations, 12 dugouts, armored vehicles and pickup trucks of the ukrainian armed forces destroyed our units in the donetsk direction over the past 24 hours. the enemy lost over 300 soldiers, three attacks from... in the kharkov region near lake
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liman, enemy units were thrown back to the southwest. iskander crews also carried out strikes on the enemy. near artyomovsk, from a distance of 8 km, kostroma paratroopers destroyed a ukrainian infantry fighting vehicle with a crew inside. another vehicle following in the same column was hit by artillery. and this is where it diverges online. footage of a duel between a serviceman of the first donetsk corps and an enemy drone; having lured the drone to himself, he deftly dodges it and the uav crashes into the ground. they continue to be hit by artillery donetsk and gorlovko. all crimes of the kiev regime against civilians are recorded by representatives of the russian investigative committee. over 9 years, more than 4,000 criminal cases have been initiated regarding crimes in the donbass. for the massacre of residents.
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200 ukrainian militants have already been sentenced as prisoners; today is a professional holiday for the department’s employees; they are greeting him at the combat post. report by alexey baranov. investigative department for the lugansk people's republic, what can i help you with? that's right, operational duty officer the department of the investigative committee for the lpr answers every call. dozens of appeals from citizens of the republic are recorded per day. the cases of general criminal nature that are investigated here, of course, are the absolute majority. but still not rare and high-profile crimes. here is footage of the detention of a resident of the republic recruited by the sbu, who was ordered to commit an attempt on the life of the head of the belovodsky district for $3,000. the suspect was caught red-handed at night. the accused shot at least twenty times at a passing car under control of the victim. after receiving the funds, he received a new task from his kiev curator, about organizing the murder of his employees.
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committees from different regions of russia, to equip them with special equipment and machinery, lugansky tells us. management is in no way inferior to others, even the location of offices and special rooms in the building is similar. in the department of the investigative committee for the lugansk people's republic, all material evidence is stored in the basement, some of it in safes like this: the largest ones, which are also available here in special rooms. on departure, we accepted , we go out, together with the operational duty officer around the clock in full readiness and the special forces of the department of the investigative committee for the lugansk people's...
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represents one of the most important links in the russian legal system. investigators, according to the head of state, are at the forefront of the fight against corruption and firmly guard the interests of the state, the rights and freedoms of citizens. a forum of special military veterans started in patriot park near moscow we will win the operation together. more than 400 demobilized soldiers from 89 regions of our country will participate in it. this is the second time the forum has been held by the state foundation defenders of the fatherland. the goal is to involve veterans in public and government projects; a special training program has been drawn up for participants, and the heads of the regional branches of the foundation share the best programs to support the heroes of their families. moscow drivers are not recommended to
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drive today; it will snow in the capital all day. in addition to heavy rainfall, the cyclone brought the regional central part of the country is experiencing powerful warming. there has been a drop in the last 24 hours. blizzards, snow drifts and ice on the roads of kusbas and the krasnoyarsk territory, wind speeds there exceed 20 m/s. snowstorms and almost zero visibility took drivers by surprise on the krasnoyarsk-lesosibirsk highway. well, similar pictures are now on sakhalin. due to bad weather , traffic restrictions are being introduced on the roads, and schoolchildren have been transferred to distance learning for now. elena monitors the weather situation on the island. it is unsafe to be on the street, in the neighboring in the yuzhno-sakhalin-aniva region , within seconds the wind knocked the main
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symbol of the new year to the ground. fortunately, at the time the structure fell, there were no people nearby , no one was injured, south sakhalin residents move through the streets in short dashes, roofs are falling from city buildings, due to... all visibility, traffic on intercity highways is limited, several passenger buses went into a ditch, no one was injured, the ministry of emergency situations employees and traffic inspectors are on duty on the highways, urging drivers not to risk their lives, but they are not listening all. the cyclone also added work to the energy sector, power outages occurred for some residents of aniva and yuzhno-sakhalinsk, zero visibility, stormy winds made adjustments to the work of the island’s main air harbor. at the moment, flights from moscow, flights from khabarovsk and vladivostok have been delayed, the flight from novosibirsk has been diverted to the city of khabarovsk. flights will begin to be accepted as soon as weather conditions allow. elena zhenchenko, alexey ketchik, host sakhalin kuriles. russia will increase the production
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of its own aircraft, as well as engines, devices and units for them. this issue was discussed today at an operational meeting at the government house. the program for the comprehensive development of the domestic aircraft fleet has been approved. the government approved a comprehensive program to expand the production of aircraft, engines, instruments and related units, and authorized the use of funds from the national welfare fund to finance it. over the next 6 years, a total of over 600 entirely domestic airliners should be built. the basis of the russian airline fleet will be the superjet and flagship mc21. this line. another topic of the meeting is the implementation of large-scale tasks that are now facing the russian automobile industry, there is an increase in demand and sales,
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and they plan to increase the production of domestic cars and buses. we managed to solve the main strategic problem while maintaining competencies and teams. enterprises, for almost every site that foreign companies left, we selected a russian investor, along with increasing the load on ours... this made it possible to transfer the industry into recovery mode, production in last year grew by 16%. more than 720,000 cars of different segments rolled off the assembly line in our country. it will become much easier and simpler for large families from the far eastern regions to purchase a car. the president's order has been fulfilled. as denis manturov reported from today. a triple
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epidemic: influenza, covid and orv has hit the russian regions. after the new year holidays, doctors predict a new outbreak of morbidity. in the high-risk zone, of course, are children; the situation is aggravated by abnormal frosts and doctors are calling for more action. use simple but effective methods of protection, wear masks, drink more vitamins, and in case of the first symptoms, try to avoid crowded places. and the situation. in the sverdlovsk region albert musin. fever, cough, weakness, the same symptoms in every second visitor to the emergency room. i have a high temperature, cough, runny nose, i can’t smell or taste, partially. another surge in incidence in russia this season is called a tridemic. the rise is noted simultaneously in orv, coronavirus, and also influenza, which accounts for almost half of all cases. according to sanitary doctors, the situation is getting worse. the increase is largely due to the fact that during the cold period people stay indoors more and
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ventilate them less often. at the same time , you should not be afraid of a mixed infection, that is, simultaneous infection with two or three viruses. doctors assure that such cases are isolated; if the symptoms of the disease are minor, it is better to call not an ambulance, but a doctor at home. ambulances come to the most seriously ill patients, those patients who really seriously ill, who cannot cope with the fever, who have... there are concomitant diseases. lyudmila zhuchkova has been in hospital wards for 3 months. shortness of breath , incredible weakness, and in general it seemed like you were just dying, because the slab on your chest seemed to be pressing on you. the fungus does not spare the youngest patients. there is a special influx in children's clinics these days. both local pediatricians and emergency rooms are working at maximum capacity. after the new year holidays, children return to kindergartens and schools where viruses spread. instantly putting entire groups at risk of quarantine, while the symptoms are similar to those of adults.
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we most often determine the severity of a fever primarily by fever, that is, if it is up to 38, up to 38.5 is a mild degree, if higher than 38.5 is a moderately severe degree, higher than 39.1 is already severe degree, and experts see the solution to the problem in the widespread introduction of remote work, both for sick adults and for parents of sick people. i, as a leader, understand that if he will come to work here in the team, which means tomorrow a certain group of people, a certain part of my team will be sick, why do this when a person can calmly do the work at home . albert musin, nikolay starostin, gennady lagunov, dmitry komov and elina goleeva. news ekaterinburg. tonight on our channel there is a continuation of the ninth season of the medical drama sklefosovsky. a brilliant emergency doctor oleg bragin leaves his native sklif and gets a job as a surgeon in
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a regular clinic. changes are coming in personal life. the main character's wife invites him to separate for a while. don't miss two episodes after the big news. and these are the topics next in our issue. the mine accident in varkuta, farmers' protests continue in romania and ferg, but in moscow today they say goodbye to people's artist of the ussr yuri solomin. we'll be back on air in a couple of minutes, there isn't a family in russia that doesn't remember its hero and eyes. young soldiers, looking from photographs of faded ones, this look,
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like the highest court, for the guys who are growing up now, and the boys can’t lie or deceive, don’t turn around, on the ninetieth anniversary of vasily’s birth. lunovogo's legendary, favorite film officers. on sunday on rtr. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is a door scratched by dogs, he could become a zoologist, or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 - 34
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years old, we can do pull-ups. a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a lifeguard, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist. doctor misnyakov every saturday on rtr. what can you say about the tank, white tiger? this white devil is too tough for you. the germans have the only one like him. it has no
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crew. they say it's like some kind of ghost . all these games are unlikely to be in the swamps, but he is not, you believe the mysticism, he is here, you think he will appear, he will appear, he is looking for me, the white tiger, a film by karen shakhnazarov, on friday. rtr: we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is , let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry, but she brings this
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curba to the crowd, saying: baby, feed dogs, a helping hand , olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys with us, i came across such people who are not indifferent, support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, with monday to thursday. on rtr, i’m absolutely healthy, you idiot, i have a dick, i, are you coming to visit us or forever, are you coming back, i thought, they are used to saving lives, and what are you filming here, i started a block, a block about the sklif, but who will save them yourself, you’re playing, it’s a disease
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, it needs to be treated, help me, i can’t handle it on my own, someone made a denunciation, i wrote, well, you’ll regret it, everything’s bad, cerebral edema, let’s go vasovsky, you didn’t want to harm him , i wanted to, but it’s better never to tell anyone about it, continuation we look at rtr today. this is news and we continue the publication: in moscow at these moments they are saying goodbye to yuri solomin. the ceremony takes place in the small theater, where its future artistic director came back in the late fifties from his student days. relatives and close colleagues came to see off the knight
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of the classical theater, director, and actor, who played more than sixty roles on the historical stage and the same number in cinema, on his last journey. now our correspondent dmitry kaistra is going live. dmitry, hello, over to you. yes indeed, farewell to yuri solomin is now taking place on the historical stage of the small theater, this is the most famous theater, which yuri methodivich headed for 35 years. but if we talk about how much he gave to this theater, it turns out to be quite a lot, almost 70 years. well, you can count such examples of world history on one hand. this is 2.3 centuries, he came here back in 57, when he was 22 years old after graduating from the shchepkin theater school and came a long way from leading artist to artistic director. he he really brought up a huge galaxy of artists, and today his students, friends, colleagues, and of course, fans of his talent came to thank him for his amazing
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creative life, filled with such beautiful energy of life transformation. no matter what he played, he always conveyed some information from a real russian person, an intellectual in the good sense of the word and a kind heart, so... he was distinguished by insight, this subtext that had to be felt, and most importantly, he was distinguished by the highest culture , laid down in yuri mifovich himself by his teachers. i have been serving here for 49 years in the small theater, and you know, i have always met understanding, kindness and sternness from him, how we
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play, we must play a part of our heart, give it to the audience, we will remember this testament, indeed the name and film images of yuri solomin knew, well there the whole country in many countries of the world knew his name, they knew. of course, his wonderful roles, now i ask you to show the car, this is an unusual car, this is an embassy car with a japanese flag, this is not at all accidental, because we we remember that yuri solomin played one of his brilliant roles in kuras’s version of uzalaz, and that the film itself was awarded an oscar. another famous role of his, everyone remembers his events, he is authorized to declare the bat, that’s how you said, more than sixty film roles that have become the golden fund of our fatherland. after this , the funeral service will be held in the cathedral of christ the savior, and yuri solomin will rest at troekurovskoye cemetery in moscow. thank you, dmitry. from the small theater, where at these moments farewell to people's artist yuri solomin,
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our correspondent dmitry kayster was on the air. thank you. the search for another miner continues at the mine in verkuta. the investigative committee opened a criminal case after the accident. the emergency occurred this morning due to a breakthrough of groundwater, which partially flooded the mine. 60 people were evacuated, one shah. a us fighter jet shot down a cruise missile fired by the yemeni houthis at an american destroyer in the red sea. there is no information about injuries or damage. so representatives of the rebel movement ansar allah responded to us aggression. on january 12, washington , with the support of london and the international coalition, carried out an attack. the united states, where
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joe biden’s ratings have recorded a record drop, as abc tv reports, biden is now supported by only about a third of americans. meanwhile , republican presidential primary elections began in iowa. there are four of them leading on issues. details of the election race from our support correspondent in the usa , dmitry melnikov. if we assume that the us presidential election begins in iowa, then nature has given the state an unkind sign. the heaviest snowfall and frost in history in the midst of the first republicans. florida governor ron desantis has canceled several shows in iowa due to the snow storm, this is the latest. here he is now rising to the podium, just like for nicky haley, this may be the last decisive hours in the battle for second place on the republican
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party ticket. on the eve of the voting in iowa, haley overtook desantes, everything is going to the point that she will become trump’s backup if he is not allowed before the elections. what game is the ex playing? permanent representative to the un nicky haley, a question that is being heard more and more often in the republican camp, the number of its supporters has jumped too sharply with...
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we will put an end to the war in ukraine and we will continue to insist that ukraine never join nato, but in return, we will demand that a military alliance between russia and china be prevented; this poses a great threat to the united states, since by concluding an agreement, russia and china will significantly surpass us in military power. pizza is the main dish of the election campaign, and now trump is feeding to her iowa firefighters. the state voted strongly for him in the last election. local farmers remember the good; during his presidency, trump gave them 28 billion in compensation for losses from the tariff war with china. here is one of them, a trump voter in iowa, which is called the salt of the earth, watching how his candidates, the democrats, are trying to remove him from the election. what they have done is a witch hunt, but i am sure that this will not work for them. you don't worry about it. no, absolutely, i'm sure the supreme court
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will say that all the charges are against trump.
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to operate until 2037, however, due to the increasing number of fatal crashes , the army decided to get rid of the helicopters in september last year, but kiev is ready to risk its pilots, the ukrainian embassy expressed dissatisfaction with the australian authorities. romanian farmers have resumed the blockade.
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last evening, farmers burned bonfires right on the roadway, in germany, where farmers have been on strike for a week, a large protest action is planned today, and farmers from neighboring countries have promised to join it, poland, czech republic, austria and switzerland. a major volcanic eruption continues on the icelandic rekenes peninsula. flows of hot lava have already destroyed several buildings. on the path of the fiery river was one of the oldest settlements in the country. the city of grendavik, founded at the end of the first millennium, local residents were evacuated in time. right in the middle of the city streets, there is now a huge hole about a kilometer wide, and it is growing every hour. rescuers work without sleep or rest; the construction of a protective wall turned out to be a futile undertaking, the structure collapsed under the onslaught of lava, the workers were saved only by high-speed equipment. today at 16:30
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on our channel the program "malakhov. shocking details of a high-profile story. the ex-wife of andrei karaulov and yulia mareeva seem to have opened pandora's box. even those who worked in the house of a fugitive foreign agent are ready to tell the truth. servants, there were orgs there. are they really victims there were even minors in the red room. i can make the future of your daughter. should you give her to me for maintenance? the pencil fell. the news is monitoring the development of the main events in russia abroad, stay tuned. 150,000 muscovites moved to modern high-rise buildings built under the renovation program. construction of new houses in the capital.


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