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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 15, 2024 2:30pm-2:54pm MSK

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there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers, looking from photographs of faded ones, this look is like the highest court for the children who are growing up now, and the boys cannot lie or deceive , not going out of the way, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovoy, the legendary, beloved, film officers, on sunday on rtr.
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hello dear friends and comrades , your beloved is live. program 60 minutes hot on the heels, we’ll probably start with shots of the day that you definitely haven’t seen and it seems that this does not happen, the russian fighter caused himself to be hit in beer by a drone of the armed forces of ukraine, then he dodged calmly and went about his business, well , that is, nails should be made of these people, and this is footage from the ukrainian bridgehead in krynki from the cold winter on the dnieper, the channels between the islands on which all the logistics of the ukrainian armed forces went, the result of the ukrainian... their boats and boats
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became easy prey for our drone pilots. the washington post publishes reviews of ukrainian fighters about combat work in the krynchas. in short, vysushniki is terrified, the dnieper river has turned into a mass cemetery for ukrainians marines. the entire shore is littered with bodies. vysushniki now call the dnieper the river of death. so that ukrainian boys continue to die, as if fearlessly, at the fronts. general staffs. showed a miracle weapon transferred by the pentagon. perhaps for the first time, the american m1a1 abrams tanks, equipped with the standard first- generation arad dynamic protection kit, were spotted. it is argued that abrams is already somewhere on the first line, will the american machine add motivation to the armed forces of ukraine before the first battle with the russian army, probably yes, then everything will be exactly the same as with german leopards for...
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without training , more and more unusual recruits are being sent to the front, for example, this guy with the call sign spider said that he went to buy himself a hat for the holiday, and ended up in so, where in just a week he allegedly became a cameraman the atgm is already working on the front end. the new york times writes that experienced bandera supporters complain about poorly prepared brothers-in-arms, saying that they live on the front lines for an average of a week, many of them are no longer young.
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all the cats we took with us ran away, the rats scared them, sometimes a ferret comes to visit us helps with rodents, to be honest, i don’t pay attention to mice, they are quite harmless and at least somehow distract attention, because of the russian drones in the sky, this unit of ukrainian artillerymen is essentially alive. underground all the time, when
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there is no need to hit targets, about a dozen men get along in a dugout dug a few meters under the frozen ground, thanks to the internet, they can communicate with relatives and see better. a life that they cannot now be a part of. recently , a russian charapnel shell fell near one of our dugouts. we didn’t expect anything, we were sitting in the dugout, it was still quite scary. the flash was visible even from where we are sitting now. some team members could not cope with the constant shelling and were transferred to other units, but they are not criticized here. one of the thoughts that can be heard here is that ideal soldiers do not exist. there is no point in sitting at home, saying that you are sick or that you were not born for war, no one was born, you learn everything on the battlefield, and if you don’t study, then the war will not forgive you for your mistakes, everyone will have
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to fight, there is no point in hiding, this is the message that the soldiers want to convey to their fellow ukrainians as the war moves towards its end. ilya stands motionless, looking at the horizon against the backdrop of the frosty cold. the desert froze in silence and peace. i have to monitor any takeoffs and movements day and night. as for the russians, they are located less than 50 km from here, near kupinsk. all this takes place on a section of the front for which there are intense battles and the natural conditions here are extremely difficult. this morning the temperature dropped to -10. it’s tiring, the guys can’t do it anymore, it’s raining, then mud, then snow, add to this the losses.
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providing more aid to ukraine, and now these soldiers on the front line are running out of ammunition. you can feel the power of these american weapons, but these ukrainian soldiers have to limit the number of shots they fire due to lack of ammunition. this division showed us its reserves, consisting of only twenty shells, just a few months ago they were receiving about 200 shells a day. well, the so -called green cardinal of ukraine ermak.
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"there will be no peace without russia." kases subtly hinted that such a meeting could be the last for ukraine, that is, they started talking coolly. everyone understands that the best discussion about peace right now is being conducted by the russian army and is conducting it extremely successfully.
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the former example of poland believes that the russian army has a significant advantage, not only at the front, but in industry. morawiecki called the situation critical, clarified what caused this. causes great concern for the entire north atlantic alliance. deputy secretary of nato mircea dzhuana named the whole, called on the entire western bloc, especially kiev. security guarantees were announced in britain, saying that london undertakes to provide ground
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, sea, and air assistance to ukraine, but with one caveat, not this time, in the next war. however, the ukrainians were so happy that they promised, in turn, to save london if moscow attacked it. and all this for a small price, some 2.5 billion pounds sterlin. the next people to arrive in kiev after sunok were gays. minister of foreign affairs.
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will remain france's priority despite the growing crisis, meaning support that he says will continue. despite the increasing number of crises, ukraine remains a priority for france. this is an important message that we convey to you. he confirmed that the french government would pledge to support ukraine for as long as necessary, but did not announce new arms deliveries.
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after all, history teaches us that a democracy that survives always wins. putin cannot understand that although you
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can kill individuals and destroy buildings, no army can ever suppress the will of a free people. this historic treaty between the uk and ukraine is expected to bring reassurance to the ukrainians as us aid is effectively cut off. this is an agreement on our alliance with great britain, on support, and not only great britain must react within 24 hours if aggression against ukraine occurs. ukraine will also protect your ally and your partner within 24 hours to respond in one way or another to support the uk. if russia wants to attack, if putin wins
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in ukraine, he will not stop. our adversaries around the world think we don't have the patience or resources for a long war to unfold, and because we're faltering now, we're cheering on not only putin, but his allies as well. ukraine wants to use the world economic forum in davos to gain support, there is a feeling that support for ukraine is declining. in orthodox greece plans. legalize same-sex marriage, allow the adoption of children by homosexual couples, the country's prime minister mitsetakis announced this, a bill to legalize marriage for gays. the greek opposition also supports it, therefore, according to the media, the initiative will almost certainly gain the required number of votes in the greek parliament. meanwhile, in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, a bill on so-called civil partnerships, which essentially will allow homosexuals to officially to register their relationship is still waiting
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to be put to a vote. according to the author, mina sawsun, lgbt rights cannot be ignored. same-sex partnerships need to be legalized if ukraine really wants to continue moving towards the european union. civil partnerships for gays in ukraine are also actively supported by lgbt representatives military ford. according to the telegraph publication. now in the armed forces of ukraine. there are about 50 thousand soldiers with gays, openly gays, lesbians, and transgenders. for example, a combat medic. before during the war, he loved to wear high heels , danced on the pole, did his makeup, and now ivan has changed his heels to his ankle boots, he says that being openly gay in the army is very difficult, but he does it for the sake of his dead brothers-in-arms, who never had time to open up and come out their orientation, although they were also gay during
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the war. she fed him and cried, she cried until death, she asked him, if you want, call me, call me.
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after the start of a full-scale invasion , he returned to service. i understand that i own this profession, i will be of great benefit there. for a year now, ivan has been fighting on yet another front, legal. it all started with two photos that went viral online. i did not declare that i was an lgbt military man or anything like that. i wasn't ready. it's not easy being a military man.
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stories where a young guy died and his lover could not get access to the body to confirm that it was him. i will be able to visit my boyfriend in the hospital, i will be able to transfer the property to him, i will be able to marry him, i will be able to take, god forbid, his body if he will die. when a full-scale war began, we began to understand that our life was not going by the day, not by the hour, but by the minute, we automatically realized that if not now, then never again. pavel and his boyfriend vladislav together...
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well, biden moved on to threats and blackmail, saying that the republicans, and trump personally , will have to pay for a lot if they do not approve the allocation of more than 60 billion dollars to ukraine, although blackmail from the elderly us president is no longer the case not scary, trump at a campaign rally in iowa stated that joe is completely incompetent, the only thing he knows is to threaten.
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donald's position is shared; trump is already giving what is called biden a 5% boost. and this is just the beginning. 62% of americans are already ready to vote for donald trump, biden's approval rating is only 33%. this is an anti-record, and an anti-record both for biden himself personally and for any previously serving american president over the past 15 years. in order to somehow try to change these numbers, political strategists brought biden into the public eye, the place chosen for this seemed to be ideal, joe’s native state of pennsylvania,
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the only thing that the administration did not take into account was biden’s progressive dementia and donald trump’s own supporters, who were waiting for bidenov at the bicycle store under the cry of a loser, biden was advised to get out. home to washington, but that wasn’t the most important thing, then joe decided to go get some coffee at a coffee shop and the first thing he said was, my name is biden and i work in the senate, that is, biden made a mistake again, after which he again scared a minor the child with his strange approach from behind, the footage shows that joe approaches the teenager , the girls begin almost point-blank attentively. to look at either her or the books on the shelf, the girl turns around in shock and tries to turn away. judging by the reaction of the american president, he himself did not understand why
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he did it. the journalists of the presidential pool, who ran after joe into the coffee shop, did not understand this either, with one single, rather pressing question: does biden trust the head of the pentagon, austin, after he hid the hospital from biden about his illness. instead of answer. to joe's questions, he probably decided to bribe the journalists by offering to buy a smoothie for $6, according to austin, who...


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