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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  January 15, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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he said, my name is biden, and i work in the senate, well, that is, biden made a mistake again, after which for some reason he again scared a minor child with his strange approach from behind. the footage shows that joe approaches the teenage girl, they begin to look closely at either her or the books on the shelf, almost point-blank, the girl turns around in shock and tries to deviate. judging by the reaction of the american president, he himself did not understand why he did it. the journalists of the presidential pool did not understand this either, who ran after jov hafeinya, with one single, rather a pressing question: does baidin trust the head of the pentagon, austin, after he hid his hospital illness from biden. instead of answering questions, joe probably decided to bribe the journalists by offering to buy a smoothie for $6. the black minister of defense,
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while this does not prevent him from bombing yemen, on the eve of the united states launched another strike with cruise missiles, it is not clear what purpose they were pursuing. the military wing of the yemeni kussites responded by continuing to attack tankers in the red sea, and the world, as we know, became even closer to a new big war in the middle east, or as i said. dude, bad luck!
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president biden faces - his age, one of the main issues that you have been an outspoken advocate for.
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since you have been his companion for 46 years, is there a part of you that worries about his age and health, whether he will be able to do this? he can do it, i see joe every day, i see him traveling this country, i see his strength, i see his energy, i see his passion every single day.
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clings to the pomp of the presidency, while time as the whole country is suffering, no johnny likes routine, he likes the beach, he has attention to detail, he didn't even know that his own secretary of defense was in the hospital for a week, his work days start later, briefings that were held at 9 mornings are now held at 11, meetings that were scheduled for 18 pm are now scheduled for 16:00, sometimes there are days when the american people are up... we hired a pension in the white house. in the biden white house, not for him to retire peacefully , our guests feel like at home. our vibrant venue
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offers delightful events, 24-hour tours, professional grooming and gourmet home- cooked meals. i eat whatever is put in front of me, mostly all italian food and ice cream and chocolate chip ice cream. in a white nursing home, residents feel like presidents. everything is spinning up in asia now, and he is winning the presidential elections in taiwan. the chairman of the pro-western democratic progressive party received 40% of the votes, followed by hou yui, from gomendano. who advocates rapprochement with china, 33.5%, in third, the centrist candidate of the people's party of taiwan kovinje 26.5%, but that is, as you understand, the most pro-western candidate
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of all wins, and for the third election in a row the current president of anb is not from the same pro-western party, which consistently advocates the independence of taiwan from china, this is... the best option, of course, for washington and the worst option for beijing. at the same time, this is the most dangerous option from the point of view of china's invasion of taiwan and its forceful reunification. let me remind you that in his new year's address, silzen ping threatened taiwan with the inevitable reunification, probably trying to influence the election results in this way, but it did not help; taiwan decided to follow the ukrainian path. the path is obviously to the chinese foreign ministry. they once again stated that the elections will not be recognized, and taiwan is an indivisible part of china and will definitely return to the country. apparently, that’s why biden’s first call was to the newly elected president of taiwan, urging him not to support the independence of the island. except
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this, immediately after the elections, biden confirmed that the united states allegedly does not support independence in taiwan, that is, the americans consider the chinese to be somehow naive. less than a day after the elections, the american delegation, although beijing demanded not to do so, the american delegation, led by speaker of the house of representatives johnson , landed on the island, landed, as if at home, to personally congratulate the separatist candidate on the victory, to all the warnings of the chinese mit, the americans in once again... they didn’t give a damn publicly, the american delegates have already expressed great support for america’s friends, so they said, they promised to support as much as they could. remember, the americans said exactly the same thing before the start of the special operation in ukraine, that is, america is giving a direct
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signal to beijing that it will not retreat from the island. in general, we are waiting for the time when the celestial empire, not in words but in deeds, will show the americans what is called kush’s mother the chinese. history is being made on the streets of taiwan's capital taipei as thousands of people listen to the first words from the new president-elect and his vice president. this is their first press conference since confirming they won the election. the two opposition parties, which were considered more friendly to china, gave in to them. election results were received relatively quickly, just hours after polls closed in taiwan. in the run-up
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to the election, china whispered to the taiwanese, warning them that it was a choice between war and peace, prosperity or decline, implying that the democratic progressive party, which they openly hate communists. and the leaders of beijing, according to china, is the wrong choice, although they are destined to lead taiwan for the next 4 years. are being called a choice between war and peace as fears grow that china could invade the self-ruled island it claims as its territory. this latest threat is also the biggest source of tension between the us and china, a key issue at the center of the vote. the elections here have become a very tight race, the results will go far beyond taiwan. william lai, of the ruling democratic people's party, says he is ready to challenge china. "we must win because we must defend democracy. china considers him
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pro-independence, and the people's liberation army military has vowed to defeat any attempt by him. china has made no secret of its intentions regarding taiwan. xienpeng said in a new year's speech that reunification is inevitable. during for many years, china has been intensifying surveillance, patrolling the island's waters with fighter jets and even launched rockets near the island. and they were
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also actively building up the canaer." , namely that taiwan is the taiwan of china.china states that their leadership is willing to work with political parties and groups to increase their influence and cooperation throughout taiwan. the united states congratulated the newly elected president in a press release that did not go down well in beijing. china claims taiwan as its own territory. the chinese ministry of foreign affairs states that the taiwan issue is an internal matter of china. no matter what changes happen in
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taiwan, the basic fact that there is only one china in the world and taiwan is part of china will not change. just a day after the elections, china is again quietly brandishing weapons, publishing photos of military exercises up close islands. how much do you think the island's interaction with the united states will change? the us is a very important player in this nexus. china, taiwan, usa. washington is taiwan's most important partner and its strongest defender, despite the fact that the united states has no official relations with taiwan. in addition, the day before, a chinese official delegation visited the united states, where high-level meetings took place between chinese diplomats and representatives of the biden administration. the situation could easily escalate. the sino-taiwan issue is one of... the most... dangerous flashpoints in the indo-pacific region. the whole world is closely watching developments,
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trying to understand whether the elections held in taiwan will upset the precarious balance between the united states and china. at the same time, relations between south and north korea are deteriorating. first , the dprk tried to shell neighboring territory during artillery exercises, forcing the south korean authorities to evacuate its residents. well, now south korea is moving its borders. kim said that he has long been ready to destroy siu. kim sent another signal to washington.
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north korean missile experts have tested a solid-fuel medium -range ballistic missile with a hypersonic guided warhead, ctak reported today. korean central news agency. the rocket traveled at least 500 km, reached a maximum altitude of 50 km, and then fell into the sea of ​​japan. it is already obvious to the west that... moscow shared technologies with pyongyang. naturally, there is no evidence, but there is a photograph of kim and putin at the vostochny cosmodrome, this is september. where they supposedly decided everything after a successful launch to moscow the minister of foreign affairs of the dprk (songhee) actually arrived. the government delegation was met at the airport today by members of the ministry of defense and the dprk ambassador to moscow. today , the head of the korean ministry of foreign affairs will have a meeting with lavrov,
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who will probably hand over the telemetry of the new launch to our viktorovich. the carrier carried a hypersonic warhead. hinyan stated that this piece does not threaten neighboring countries and is not a response to the situation in the region. a missile fired by the north fell into the waters off the northeast coast around 3 a.m. on sunday. afternoon. south korea estimates the missile was launched from the suburb of bhinyan and traveled
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1.00 km before falling into the east sea. siul shared this information with the united states and japan and said he was studying additional information. at the same time , the special representatives of these three countries on nuclear weapons issues held a telephone conversation on sunday and strongly condemned his actions. they said that the latest launch once again shows that the north's provocations are the cause of instability in the region and said, that security cooperation between the three countries will only become stronger against the backdrop of further provocations by phinyang. sunday's missile launch comes two months after the north said it was successful. tested new solid propellant motors for medium-range ballistic missiles, such missiles are more difficult to detect, they have a maximum range of 5,500 km, which means they can reach us military bases in guam or akinawa, japan. russia is increasing the number
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of air strikes. obviously russia has it makes sense to buy ballistic missiles from north korea, it helps strengthen the arsenal that russia already has, and it can also be cheaper and faster to buy missiles than to produce them ourselves, so given this powerful wave of shelling, we can say that it makes sense for russia take missiles from other countries so that they do not have to build up their...
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the leader also promised to increase measures to strengthen the country's defense capability, adding that the peaceful reunification of the two koreas is impossible. it's happening in the background tensions over supplies from north korea, arms and ammunition to russia. foreign ministers from nearly 50 countries, including south korea, the united states and japan, issued a joint statement opposing north korea's arms transfer to russia. the statement says that these steps by the north
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increase the suffering of the people of ukraine, support russia's war of aggression and undermine the global regime. distribution. the document also states that in exchange for the north's ballistic missiles, moscow will provide pyongyang with access to key technologies. the statement also calls on un countries to condemn the violation of several un security council resolutions by moscow and pyongyang. well, while almost all of southeast asia is actively fighting for supremacy at sea, great britain does not even have the opportunity to use its newest aircraft carriers in operation guardian of prosperity. as the newspaper reports.
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the british sit on the phone for days trying to get through to special services in this mouse war, which, including for the wretched policy, the georgians announced a succumb to everyone
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for the british, the advantage, you won’t believe it, is definitely not on the side of the guys from downing street and the palace of westminster. look. great britain. you see, great britain looks stylish and sophisticated, a modern nation, sparkling and bright, but some people will tell you a different story about it. the people who clean up after us, seeing another country filled with mountains of our dirt that they have to deal with. this picture clearly predicts something bad, this place is littered with an incomprehensible pile
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of bags and boxes, decomposed food, ancient milk bottles and items chewed by rats, britons have been warned to be wary of rodents due to an infestation partly caused by poor rubbish collections. the british pest control association said the numbers reverse within 90 days. asking for advice increased by 115%. there are around 250 million rats in the uk and the cold is driving millions of them indoors . disruptions in garbage collection over the holidays could be one of the reasons: overflowing wheelie bins and black bags full of trash are a veritable smorgasbord for rodents. specialist in london-based pest controller paul bates says there are several reasons for reducing waste collection to poor drainage and sewerage maintenance for dugorod licks that have learned to open food containers. waste and throw it all over the sidewalk, creating a restaurant for rats. another pest expert, mark moseley, said he has been inundated with calls. people returned from christmas holidays to find that
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the candy on the tree had been eaten. rats have been in their homes. pest control services are inundated with calls from people who say they have been attacked and ask for help. i'm obsessed with rats because i see them everywhere, not all over london. in the subway, on buses , in postal sorting departments, they eat what people didn’t eat, because people constantly throw food into the street, those whose houses were flooded later return to them and find that there are rats in them, is it really now are there more rats in britain than ever? most often this happens in the overcrowded areas of london, where people literally live on top of each other, then food waste is created, look at the photos, containers are open, rats are prowling through them, it's just absolutely. we seem to be fighting, but we are already losing this battle, they cannot be killed or eradicated, all we
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can do is control them. what about mutant rats? in some parts of britain they grow to huge sizes, 50-60cm. but i saw one last august, it was the size of a small cat, if you like. the reason is that due to our way of life grows rats. we eat fatty foods, we love them. with sugar and that gets passed down the food chain to the rats , so obviously the tastier we eat, the bigger the rats get, it's always been like that, you catch those rats, we've got some photos to show everyone what types of rodents are found across the country . yes, it was a huge rat that we found under the bathtub, and another we caught under the panel. we laid out special boards with glue and checked them every 2 hours. as a result , four more baby rats were caught. some people they believe that rodents are not really that big. terrible, i’m not one of them, but i was told that one of our spectators has a little mouse that needs to be looked after, he won’t believe it, he’s proud of it because it
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goes into his barn, i don’t... and now about the british parliament, a symbol of the so-called glorious past of foggy albion. now it has turned into a house of rats and this is not fiction. according to the report for the last 3 years, the parliament building has been. he revealed some interesting figures when answering a question from a liberal democrat mp. by according to him, in 2023 the rodent control team was called 541 times. this figure exceeds 42 incidents in 2022 and 227 in 2021. and that's not all. by all accounts, these
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were not rats, these were supermice. able to avoid traps, they can be seen in the house of commons, they are much more difficult to destroy than ordinary gruzuns. the british government spends tens of thousands of pounds every year to combat the rodent problem in westminster, but the four-legged pests continue to cause trouble. and these people are waging war on us and at the same time started bombing of the houthis in yemen. now there is urgent news: kyalashnikov has doubled the production of components for aircraft missiles. which is called c13, the concern reports. russia has begun production of the drel cluster bomb. this is bad news for the ukrainian armed forces, writes thought polska today. this polish edition, the ammunition is an effective destructive tool for hitting ground targets, including columns of ukrainian armored vehicles. the drill, for understanding , contains 15 homing destructive
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elements that are lowered. yes, our guys are advancing in several directions at once, now i’ll tell you in more detail, which means that in the zaporozhye direction, our guys, after a short break, resumed offensive operations, now they have begun to storm a position in the direction of novopokrovka towards rabotin, and as a result, in just a few days, several very important support positions were taken, from where it is very convenient to conduct reconnaissance and additional reconnaissance for artillery adjustment.
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this means that it continues in the artyomovsk direction. which also allows us to lead good good reconnaissance and additional reconnaissance for hitting targets and personnel, as well as armored vehicles. olga, is our enemy advancing somewhere right now, where is he currently fighting, are they having success in the wars, how has the situation changed? well, regarding the krynki, i’ll say right away, regarding the krynki, i’ll start with the most pressing issue, the situation with the krynki is just as stable,
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it’s driving us there. infantry for meat assaults , we destroy this infantry, we look at it in videos, every day two or three boats, our ships are destroyed, but the fact is that in the krynki this is such a zone for zelensky, where he can to bury a lot of soldiers, but at the same time this strategic point is not important, and not to pay subsidies means to the families of the dead, that is, missing, and okay, no big deal. as for offensive actions along the entire front line, only in small groups , there is no pressure from the ukrainian armed forces, they simply do not have motivated and trained soldiers who could break through somewhere, advance somewhere, this is so, probing soil more than offensive actions, olya, and our enemy managed to dig, he set up a temporary barrier, i ask this question with an eye
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to the fact that since now... the situation cannot last forever, it is obvious that we will go on the offensive in this regard, where the enemy has managed to prepare, well, that means they are mining they are, in principle, the entire front line, but... we have excellent already trained sappers who very quickly open these mines, this is where the problem now is with unmanned aerial vehicles, fpv drones, which the ssu is now using. throughout ukraine, there are now quite a lot of, let’s say, underground military forces, homemade ones, who make these into pividrones, due to the fact that nato countries and america are not currently supplying shells to ukraine, here... ukraine compensates for this with fpv, this is a real problem, because they use them very often, and moreover they catch you to the point where you can just shoot at the dugout there to keep fears at bay, and we, of course , have counteraction to this, our
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new reb systems, anti-drone guns that our guys have, well, plus small arms, work effectively in the seversky direction, where are they standing cossacks, sixth cossack brigade, it systematically causes harm there. baba yaga, well, the guys there two or three times a week, or even four, shoot down these baba yaga, which carries from four to six projectiles, so the problem now is mainly the fpv drones that the ukrainian armed forces use. olga, thank you very much, evgeniy lesetsin, our war correspondent, in direct communication, the front line, footage of the fvedrons with which we started our program is again on your screen, truly incredible, amazing. rare skill, the russian fighter calls fire on himself , fire opens, he dodges, then rolls, and the front eventually misses, our soldier
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gets up, looks around and goes about his business, really incredible, please, well, it is known that an optimist is different from a pessimist. the fact that a pessimist says that things cannot get worse, and an optimist says: maybe, of course, maybe, and the trends that we observe in global politics today, in principle , confirm this thesis, of course, maybe a spiral, this is a conflict spiral of a military anxiety uh is growing, and this applies to the middle east, this also applies to the far east, it also applies directly to europe, well, the americans themselves... have now somehow left the chat, well, well, because the self-propelled grandfather, it’s as if he can’t stay in this mode all the time , as today it was correctly said to work, but this does not mean that the west as a whole has left this chat, but britain has now
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temporarily picked up the flag of activity, including semantic ones, by the way, because sunok in kiev did not just sign guarantees the first of the seven countries, he also said all sorts of interesting things. in particular, he said that democracies always win, it is not very clear who he meant , great britain, which is a monarchy, in fact, or ukraine, which is never a democracy today in the current conditions, that is, someone he meant in mind, but obviously not himself, in those guarantees that were spelled out in an amazing way, rather not about ukraine, but about the interests of great britain itself, but there is a fleet to develop on the black sea, somehow everything is written there in a very veiled way, but completely not about ukrainians. absolutely , what ukraine needs now, britain is not giving it, britain is fixing its own interests in this sense, another interesting thing sunok noted is that it turns out that democracy, britain in particular, has a huge number of opponents
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around the world, interestingly, how did it happen that now all over the world, great britain, the usa, france probably also have a huge number of opponents, isn’t this direct? consistently destroying the security systems that had previously formed by the entire world community, including within the un, including within the framework of bilateral agreements, but apparently one of the problems is that that version of democracy, this carnival democracy, of the western sense, he cannot live without war, he the war is needed simply for... self-justification, otherwise, well, if there is no war in ukraine, why do you need sunk, if he has rats, yes, you either fight rats or fight in ukraine, one of two things, he chooses to fight in ukraine , because it's easier, you can talk about it yourself
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tell the population, travel, take pictures with zelensky, and so on, and by the way, there is also an interesting historical parallel about guarantees, there was a european country in the thirties that was also given everything. and great britain and france simulated assistance to poland , let me remind you that france even took away rifles from its soldiers, just in case, so that something more serious would not start there at the front with germany in 1939, these are the guarantees that our great masters issue western partners in quotes, well, literally two points, and the reality looks like this: the most rational of europeans are now apparently. the swiss began to say quite
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openly that they know, but how, what are you even talking about, what kind of peace plan for ukraine without russia, this can never happen, ah, again, because the real assessment is very simple, the mob resource is running out, uh, the technical resource is running out, the economic resource is running out, it’s not us who are talking about this, ukraine is also talking about this, in the words of its president, who frankly states, but we have no money for anything at all. even to pay state employees , and if they don’t give it to us, then we’ll be done, the president says during his trips to the baltics, by the way, i’m also very curious why he went there, what he wanted there in the baltics, besides the next meaningless statements from the outside these three in the emirates, as they are now called the baltic ones, but in the end they received nothing, well, that’s how it is, there are several hundred million, millions obviously.
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i feel sorry for the man, you can joke, we are a long time ago they have already said that all this looks like a mockery of the elderly , an insult to the feelings of the elderly, a person needs to retire, he can’t be tormented anymore, well, you see, the wife said that she still feels passion too, whatever that means, please, i i really don’t like rats, especially if they are people, yes, but to be honest, i have never seen rats this size in my life; it is generally accepted that rats are the first to leave a sinking ship. but judging by their size, they are not
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going to leave that sinking country, they are fed very well there too, i regarding davos, yesterday i very actively followed the information field of ukraine, as it all presents, well, to understand, in general, dovoz was created solely to discuss the problems of ukraine exclusively zelensky’s formula, well, something like this, yes, otherwise , that compared to the last dovos... they are trying to impose the illusion on the ukrainian people
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that ukraine has received security guarantees from britain, even the prime minister of ukraine is talking about some kind of allied relations, well, actually allied relations involve military participation, including in the event of an attack. there is nothing of this in this document, absolutely nothing of this. this is a kind of bilateral cooperation agreement, well, probably with some people. mutual obligations, but there is nothing new in this agreement that ukraine already has in relations with britain , consultations in the event of an attack, yes , probably financial assistance, yes. probably assistance with weapons, yes, you probably said correctly, but this does not apply to the current situation, this concerns the future, perhaps if someone ever attacks ukraine, perhaps these signed agreements will begin, so to speak, their implementation, now regarding funding, today the publication
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zahil reports that the democrats have once again rejected the conditions of the republican leader to unblock funding ukraine, i don’t know what the point is. the proposal was from republicans to democrats , yes, to democrats, i don’t know, we’ll probably find out later, but the very fact that there were certain conditions, they could be accepted if the ukrainian issue is important to you, and unblock funding, this is not happening , you know, in general i get the impression that, in fact, the americans, based on their national interests, are playing a certain game, the essence of which boils down to what both democrats and republicans understand.
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they will say: guys, in fact, this is a purely european conflict that you had to solve yourself, you couldn’t solve it either because the americans always responded to them in minsk, or in paris, or in istanbul, you couldn’t solve it, what there are no complaints against us in general, although we understand that at the table negotiations in minsk, istanbul and paris , the ears of the americans stuck out, but this is already an internal european problem, you please decide it yourself, whether there will be money or not, there will probably be some money, but... count on the fact that the volumes in which ukraine received funding before the start of this counter-offensive, this, it seems to me, absolutely should not be counted on, therefore nothing can be changed at the front, i only see the development of the situation in these missile and drone attacks, nothing else new
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they won’t come up with it, that is, it will be meaningless, you know, purely to maintain the degree of combustion, or smoldering. of this conflict, they will use all this, but some kind of development from the point of view of, say, the interests of the west at the front, it is no longer possible by definition, the only question is how ready russia will be, let’s say, and that’s about it , well, at least in the ukrainian media, too, they also talk, yes, about the impending offensive of the russian federation, to the extent that it is appropriate from the point of view of both military and political, at a certain moment. to already build, so to speak, not a defense strategy, but a strategy, let’s say , of moving forward, or you can call this strengthening of the position, or or whatever you want, but moving the line of contact forward, i think this is exactly how this situation will develop according to by and large
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, there is nothing to answer, you can, of course, mine the belarusian border, so i assume that there could be some kind of attack from there, but it seems to me that it has been mined there since the past of the year.
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as tough as possible, you practically lost, don’t you feel like it’s time to negotiate with russia, but ermak says it’s not time and hasn’t lost yet.
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let's come back, i can't live as a dependent person, do you want to leave her, like with marinka, but there's no way, we really need to figure it out, i love him, why aren't you together, it doesn't work out together, it doesn't work out together either, so what? you, it can’t get any worse, run and call soon, just operate, i hear... skleposovsky continuation, we’re looking at rtr tea today manenka, how you need to love a person to take and come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question is certainly interesting, based on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, this is what a person lives for, he should. to have a continuation, on which a good conversation is built, on trust, i am so contradictory,
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i have wisdom and cunning, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, even two, when everyone is at home, on sunday on rtr. there is no life, that it seemed to explode at the mine, like at the mine, misha is at the mine face, we look at the weekend, far away you have gathered, we are going to moscow, and you are burning bridges behind you, other people’s houses, someone else’s life, but your own has not worked out. i so want to look back, i look into my eyes, i don’t believe it, you’re back, or something, at all, i don’t know, you were looking for a new life, some kind of happiness, and
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found nothing, happiness, it turns out, is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness, on sunday on rtr, we watch to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries... we watch, we watch in the application or on the website, what can you say about the tank, the white tiger? this the white devil is not the same for you, the germans have the only one like him, he has no crew,
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shakhnazarova on friday on rtr. so, for the first time in 30 years, sweden will build two diesel-electric submarines that will patrol nato’s eastern borders in the baltic sea. politico writes about this today. right now stockholm has four submarines, new ones will enter service in 3 years and the main task will be to counter threats. from russia, of course. this year, nato is preparing to conduct a series of largest exercises since cold war, maneuvers, staunch defenders.
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they will start at the end of february, the main episodes will be played out in poland, the baltic countries, 40,000 military personnel from 32 states, fighters, ships, those same submarines will take part in them, and germany is seriously preparing to fight with russia, as bildesfer writes, has developed a possible scenario. moscow's attack on the north atlantic alliance. the operation should begin in the summer of next twenty-fifth year. in the russian foreign ministry, secret documents were called last year's horoscope for pisces in cancer well, that is, the formation was refuted. the bundeswehr believes that within a few weeks there will be an escalation between nato and russia. in february 2024, russia will conduct a new wave of mobilization and conscript another 200 thousand people into the army. in the spring, putin will launch a large-scale offensive in ukraine and defeat the ukrainian armed forces, which are faced with a lack of assistance from western states. the german ministry of defense
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expects that after this ethnic clashes will begin in the baltic states. against which the russian army will transfer troops to kaliningrad in order to attack suwalki corridor. nato will deploy 300,000 troops to the eastern flank for reliable containment. at a time when the united states could be left leaderless for weeks after the elections, russia, with the help of minsk, will invade the territories of the border nato countries in the suwalki corridor. of course, spetskov was also asked to comment, given that everything sounds truly epoch-making, putin’s press secretary said that in beldei. ducks often arise from the fact that he will not comment, from what peskov commented, this is a visit head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the dprk, the first photo is on your screen, there is a high probability that putin will also meet with the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the dprk today, not only lavrov, but also peskov said that we proceed from the fact that in the near future, as he put it , in
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the foreseeable future, putin will fly himself. some other objects, not only civilian, but also military, and completely devoted to us, a few months after the visits took place, kemchenyn to khabarovsk, the far east, and so on, and you look, north korean workers are already discussing their appearance in novosibirsk, several thousand people, these are very disciplined, workers are all under the control of party committees that look after them, observe them, and so on, that
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is, these are completely different from the migrants we are used to. and the video shows how military-technical cooperation is expanding as quickly as possible, how north korea, in fact, is a large military plant that is always ready to repel aggression, it began to work for us, that is, in our far in the east there are 17 million people, and there are 25, that is , this is a powerful fist, in every north korean school the second foreign language is russian, in kheniyaan there is an orthodox church, which was opened on the initiative of the north korean and ndrov authorities, that is, this is unprecedented in terms of the level of allies. relations, in fact, it’s as if we have our own belarus only in the east, that is , it is very difficult to overestimate, so our former partners from japan, from south korea, the united states, that is, are very nervous our full-fledged fist, there is a lot of talk that north korea, so as not to sound arrogant, we have great love for belarus, well , through belarus i will emphasize our great and high attitude
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towards the dprk, that is , a powerful ally is really appearing there and... neighboring countries , no matter how much we say, well, we really have very good relations with china, well, of course, even in comparison with china, this is an even better attitude, and china, too, in this direction , would also be worth cooperating with us and to develop, that is, millions of well-trained north korean workers are waiting for us, both there and here with us at construction sites on infrastructure in production and so on, that is, it is very difficult to overestimate this appearance of our powerful new ally in the east, as for the elections in taiwan, just for a second there in north korea, in particular in pyongyang, literally in a year and a half, some new microdistricts appeared, incredible in scale and volume and multi-story, the americans said that this was photoshop, i saw it with my own eyes, then the americans said that no one lives in these houses, because again there are no cardboard houses, they live, that is, they build
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quickly, there is a high probability of high quality, yes, this is a very good - and developed state, it’s just under the blockade of western countries and is experiencing very colossal difficulties with this because of this, well , the aspect that we can help with is that there is always a certain lack of development of the agro-industrial complex, our volumes and production are off the charts, although kim recently visited a poultry farm, he said that there are tons of them, there are tons of them, but for example, food can be supplied from russia and so on, that is, here the symbiosis can be very long for decades. all this , by the way, was founded, like the orthodox church, back in 1913, that is, even then it was all understood when kim came to power, the orientation was towards russia, not towards the usa, not towards china, and so on. as for taiwan, well , it’s obvious that this is what our viewer can compare with, the rise of a dpp candidate to power as president is the rise of zelensky, that is, remember him, zelensky, when he came to power, he was
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quite neutral, he came with slogans, which means that he was of some kind. there may be appeasement or a search for dialogue with russia, in the end, as his american masters told him, it will be so. the democratic progressive party, it was created with only one purpose: to prevent china from taking back. taiwan. we remember that 40 years ago china was admitted to the un, there was some kind of consensus with the united states, and the united states realized that now there is no confrontation between china and taiwan. it is necessary to create a special dpp; it was created in 1986. its main slogan is to create a taiwanese republic, to give those chinese who live there a taiwanese identity. you are not chinese, you are taiwanese, you have a special language, culture, and so on and so forth, which is what happened. the most important conclusion from these elections that have now taken place is that there used to be two decisions. one peaceful main option for the chinese with help, which means how hong kong will recover, the second military, this peaceful one, it now actually comes down to zero, because over the next four years , or maybe eight, we will see how long the dpp will last there, they will again pump up weapons,
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strengthen military support, pump up taiwanese society with anti-chinese sentiments, the most important conclusion is one more, it means that he is a very weak, weak president , 40%, this is about 6 million out of 19.5 million who voted, that is , they voted for him, that is, he does not have the support of ... taiwanese society itself, he will be forced to remain a puppet of external forces, that’s what they will tell him from abroad , let's just say zelensky and someone else from marineta, this is how he will act, a very important story, he is, let’s say, the united states, his vice president is more responsible, this is a woman named xiao, who organized pelossi’s visit to taiwan, that is, this is it’s just a direct connection, there was a representative from taiwan at biden’s inauguration for the first time in 40 years, and he himself is responsible for relations with japan, that is, he is the only politician who is so often at such a high level on... japan, in fact, like zelensky is on poland , that is, in japan - this is poland for the taiwan situation, that is, here this is the story that is moving towards this, when there is a war, that is, it is obvious that if there is no military peaceful scenario, then most likely there will be a military one, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and so on,
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most likely the chinese americans are waiting for the end of the war, this is june, may, june this year, already elections by the end of twenty -four, the situation will again be explosive there in that direction, now, as they say, it is not easier, in the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation. moreover, they just stated, as always, that taiwan is an inseparable part of china, the prc quickly responds, they say that official beijing greatly appreciates this position of official moscow. we'll be back in a minute. valentina telechkina. why at some point you are visited by a despondent state. when the movie ended right at takeoff , i started having very strong headaches, there was a doctor who treated me in an unconventional way, and he gave me the task of making a watercolor
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drawing, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, in the extreme: in the north-west of russia beyond the arctic circle there is a real treasure trove of nature, the kola peninsula, sometimes called russian lapland, the nature on the kola peninsula is surprisingly diverse, including the taiga and the tundra mountain ranges, where countless camps roam.
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in the east and south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by an ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity. the legendary hyperborea was located right here, on the kola peninsula. from the first note, beauty, repeats with the first phrase. a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place. from the first smile, we recognize each of them. profile, back of head, business, what well, we’ve been together since first grade, we’re also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the team,
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brake the car, run, the whole team, just look at the platform. there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, is it worth getting a pet?
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they pushed in a red snake , our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, that’s it, that’s it, come on, save your strength, everything will be fine, this is our new obstetrician-gynecologist. ulitina kira vladimirovna, tell me, what about this krutov of yours , what is he all about, and sergei nikolaevich, oh, he’s a star, i feel so bad without you, and we’ll get married, and damn, i forgot, you have a pregnant wife with her -what are we going to do, that’s it, robin, be.
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i’m sure i won’t just leave this, you both will regret it, and do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail, doctor snail, on saturday on rtf, right now the usa, it turns out, is in the greatest danger of unleashing a third world war, ever before, said donald trump, promised that after... winning the elections, of course, he would prevent a nuclear apocalypse, because he knows all the world leaders well, and they will immediately compete with them. donald made these statements at a rally of his supporters in iowa. the process of nominating republican presidential candidates starts in iowa today, this is the first headquarters where the so-called internal party caucuses, that is, voting, will take place. among donald's competitors are former... us priyle, florida governor
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desantis, entrepreneur ramaswamy, but if the rest of the republicans can compete, perhaps for second place, trump’s lead is simply colossal now, shows the final poll of the these register newspaper. the publication has been conducting these studies for 81 years, that is , the publication can be trusted; people are interviewed immediately before the caucuses. so, for donald 48.
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races, despite only attending 14 out of 9


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