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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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us permanent representative to unkehale, florida governor desantis, entrepreneur ramaswami, but the rest of the republicans will be able to fight, perhaps for second place, trump’s lead is simply colossal now, the final poll of the death register newspaper shows. the publication has been conducting these studies for 81 years, that is , the publication can be trusted; people are interviewed immediately before the caucuses. so, for donald 48.
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despite visiting only 14 of the state's 99 counties, he already has 50% of the vote, donald trump still has a huge advantage among republicans on issues, trump scored 48%, these 48% are the most. trump votes for him with great enthusiasm. most viewers say trump can win the race against joe biden, while only 23% say it will be very difficult for trump. if you want to rid america of the scammer biden, go to the caucus tomorrow. it will be.
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his closest rivals rhonda sandis and nicky haley have ratings of 61% and 48% , respectively; president joe biden received significantly lower numbers in the recent poll, with just 57% among democrats. said they would be satisfied with him as the party's candidate. i don't think we have ever been as close to a third world war as we are now, and i always say in every speech i make that i will prevent a third world war. i know all these people
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, good bad, indifferent , it doesn't matter, i know them all, they won't mess with us, we are weak, we are ineffective, our country is being laughed at, and bidennomics is an absolute disaster. i think that trump's second presidential term would cause enormous damage to the united states, just leaving nato would have become a disaster beyond repair. judging by the polls, ordinary americans do not strongly agree with russophobe bolton that trump will win.
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to relax at a country residence in order to somehow save his rating, the current us president is planning a program to stimulate the economy through tax breaks for businesses and households worth $70 billion, he reports today, if congress approves the project, the program will be able to start working in march, will last until the twenty- fifth year, businesses will be given benefits when research and development costs. they will also
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increase tax deductions for investments, reduce taxes on children for ordinary people, expand benefits for families with low incomes, and promise all these preferences. the white house , most likely, is trying to distract people from economic problems, another problem, a shortage of eggs in the usa, eggs, something is happening to them all over the world, now in america, warblers have disappeared from supermarkets, stores even had to introduce restrictions on the sale of eggs in one hand. the cause of the crisis is hiv-influenza, due to which 11 large farms in the united states were forced to destroy millions of turkeys. millions of chickens, not dried, while statistics came out over the weekend, in russia we also know problems with eggs, and so they are the cheapest in our country, it turned out there is not
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a single egg in the world, michelle fahy from nevada wanted to buy eggs, but not i found them at my grocery store.
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the flu has simply ruined our entire poultry industry, this will affect prices, perhaps eggs will be unavailable in some places, and their prices will rise in others. california federation poultry industry says farmers are taking extra measures to protect chickens, but the problem could also affect backyard chickens. backyard chickens may simply become extinct, even if you only have five chickens in your yard. the same goes for foreign policy in the united states.
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ukraine, but biden has run out of ideas on how to actually achieve peace, the army believes. russia successfully continues the demilitarization of ukraine. former deputy minister of defense of ukraine gyana maler said that the russian goal now is not a major offensive, but the maximum depletion of the armed forces of ukraine. ukrainian militants are forced to waste scarce ammunition and undermine morale with constant attacks in small groups. at the same time, a new unit of the russian army is being formed, so moscow is preparing for the next stage of military operations, molyar believes. earlier, zelensky also predicted that the russians would start something global this coming spring, and it would be up to older
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ukrainian soldiers to resist this global offensive. the youth of the armed forces of ukraine is practically over, the commander of the fifth separate division directly admitted on ukrainian tv tarasenko's assault brigade according to... according to the average age of soldiers in the armed forces of ukraine 40 plus. there is a catastrophic shortage of young guys on the front line. you hear them before you see them. if you don't drive them away, the military tells us, they will chew off everything from the fingers of sleeping soldiers to computer cables. with russian drones constantly circling the sky, this ukrainian artillery unit essentially lives underground. while ukrainian militants are hiding underground and talking about their proximity to mice, the russian military is demonstrating examples of skill and courage in front. in this incredible footage, a paratrooper provokes an attack from an enemy drone, opens fire with a machine gun and forces the drone to change course and go on the attack. dodging,
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he does a somersault, the drone explodes in the snow, the soldier calmly leaves. handsome, absolutely handsome, what did he just do. get stuck in drifting boats in this footage from the kherson region. russian intelligence officers using drones destroy another group of enemy marines. the goal of the russian general staff is to interrupt supply chains and maximize to deplete the armed forces of ukraine, says former deputy minister of defense of ukraine ganna molyar. the american institute for the study of war claims that russia is preparing air assault brigades that will land from helicopters and attack the ukrainian armed forces’ fortifications from the rear. you could really feel the power of this american gun, but ukrainian artillery
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units are now having to limit the number of shots they fire due to a lack of ammunition. the head of the servant of the people faction organized a real attack on zelensky. arakhamia admitted that half a million ukrainians died due to the negligence of military commissars, recruits were sent to the front without training; they completed the young soldier’s course only on paper, so as not to get caught in the flywheel.
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in ukraine was held by stepan sazhurne, the blue minister was symbolically brought to kiev by the blue carriage of ukrzaleznitsa, to take the paris oath of allegiance to kiev, as the german sazhurne writes, he left just 2 days after his appointment to the post-door, international relations were literally opened to him by his former lover, the new prime minister of france fromtal. zelensky did not hug the foreign guest and during an official firefight.
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this is the important message we convey to you. russia hopes that ukraine and its allies will tire sooner. we will not weaken. this is what i want to say to ukrainians. shortly before this, the british prime minister visited kiev. sunok, granted ukraine security agreements for a period of 10 years, which earned him a standing ovation in the verkhovna rada. in the event of aggression against kiev, london promises to hold consultations and, if possible, provide weapons, which is what sets these guarantees apart.
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sufficient assistance, the defense of the ukrainian armed forces is rapidly collapses, the bank will have to sign
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capitulation, the new york times believes. at the same time, the pentagon began an investigation into where american billions actually disappeared. the defense department's inspector general is investigating whether shipments of more than 40,000 weapons, such as stinger missiles and night vision goggles, were properly tracked. according to the report, about a billion of the allocated 1.7 billion were.
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you see, this is a very important point, this is what directly concerns, of course, this is the germans, who bil was investigating something there, says that he is preparing for a war with russia, it seems like some kind of stupidity, in fact this is true, i ’m telling you for sure that what’s happening now, the americans there don’t know yet, how to get out of this difficult situation with ukraine, but they perfectly... understand that this war needs to be done in europe, and it’s no coincidence that this clown went there to say, the baltic states, in fact , they seem to be asking for money both here and there, tell me what’s his name name, but in fact it’s not only for money, understanding to go to the baltic states for money, but this is probably the last place where you should be, here are the provocateurs, they
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are naturally noble and for this he... do it in order to bring in some troops there, even nadov’s, something else , to create tension there, from along the entire line , that is, finland to the baltic states, that’s what we should do, how to react to this, well, we can also gather troops there, yes, accordingly, where should we take them, that’s what they want to we sent our troops there from ukraine, at least some part, so that it would at least be a little easier for them, but here is a very interesting point: it’s possible to gather nato troops there, but with what to fight? where are the shells? of course, there is money, the shells are where all the weapons are, it’s quite difficult, so for us it ’s like, let them put what they want there, there’s no need to react to these provocations, just like, for example, they bombed belgorod, for what , so that we, as if in an emotional
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outburst, went to fortified kharkov, very strongly. strengthened, that is, we are provoked by in all directions, it’s good that our ministry of defense understands this perfectly, these are very important points that they are waiting for the main blow, and where they don’t know, they don’t know, this is the most important thing, and it will be, they understand this well, it will , therefore , here the general staff of the ministry of defense behaves very correctly in this relationship, as for germany, bilda is very short, in russia in moscow everything is written in... there are jokes on this topic, in particular from the ministry of foreign affairs, the russian german newspaper was called duck, there are different ones federations in germany comment as seriously as possible, just that the german ministry of defense bundesfer refused to refute the information, saying that berlin is officially preparing for any development of events, even for something that is unlikely, in general
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they are definitely preparing for a war with the russians, but of course they need to be there somewhere the bundeswehr has a rake. put it in the hallway, probably, so that they come out once, well, at least to remember at least something, but such a possibility exists, exists, that we will not do this to react, how they will provoke us to this, this is still unknown, but what they will do is generally even 100%. well , let’s see, we need to sort out ukraine for now, i’m sure that we will succeed too, this eggplant came there, as the prime minister says, he’s there to show... this story is about how they signed some kind of agreement there and that ukraine should help in the event of an attack on england. by the way, there is one president in argentina, a wonderful one, who says: so falkland, we will free you, prepare your corps there, guys, this is most likely very likely, prepare to lay down your lives
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for britain, as you do in ukraine, in fact, on your territory, but you can also do it there, otherwise... they will help you here this is very doubtful, this is very doubtful, even, you know, you can say, here some experts say that the main thing there is the economy, but it’s not the main thing, he’s the same guy there, take it, he’s being attacked, it’s saudi arabia, that it i wanted to completely wipe it off the face of the earth, to compare, for example, not only she, by the way, there was a whole coalition there, well, what succeeded, failed, and it’s the same here, they have 52 countries fighting something against us, doing something there. well, what's next, well, what 's next, as they say, but for now nothing, nothing will happen, because victory will definitely be ours, and what problems do they have, as they say? in our case , zelensky, so to speak, if he doesn’t give them, then america will help, then our pensioners will die, that is, he is threatening genocide of pensioners, yes
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so what happens, say, blackmailers , don’t give money, that’s it, pensioners will all die , in general, iron logic, great, but that’s not the problem with them, you know, there’s war, there’s a lack of money there, for pensioners , but the main thing is that they protect there , you know, homosexuals, there, that’s great, in general, they’re introducing this law there, now let’s give these guys preferences there, let them fight there, these ones here, but for the sake of fairness bring it in, carry it, are still not able to vote, yes, but this is probably not possible, but i don’t know whether it will be or not, but it is being discussed. savsun is lobbying for a law on the need to legalize homoseals, we are not discussing the deputies yet, but we are not discussing them, they are discussing that this
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is what they should be given privileges , but for god’s sake, this is europe, they are there to see them, and this midovitz of paris has arrived there, hello guys , i’m not i will tell you through what place they enter the british government through what doors. most likely it goes through the anus once, oh, i’ve arrived the first place he came to was, of course, kiev , well, naturally, where else could he come, and what is he there with them, i don’t know, france - forgive me, god, it’s just deteriorating before our eyes, and it will be there this olympics, how to be held, forward, e europe, the olympics, you need to make the ephel tower far from being a symbol of france. a rooster is a symbol, that 's right, that's right, that's the correct symbol, a rooster, or better yet two, one on top, the other on bottom, they say they separated, as for
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the family contract in the cabinet, in in this sense, there is no crime, they used to cohabit before taking office, they quarreled, they have no crime at all, you understand, what’s so normal here, it’s not mine, so to speak, it’s not mine, one of the experts here, macron said from friends on the right the gay on the left is gay, this is what france is like today, they are going to hold the olympics there, listen, bugs and cockroaches, plus today they are fighting rats, great, go ahead, that is, well, no, this is not a joke, they really go out on patrols to fight rats, even close children's playgrounds, well, what can i say, well , go ahead, go to the olympics, i don’t know that it will be wonderful there or what? it is unclear and they are seeking the strategic defeat of our country, but in fairness , the homosexual, the one who the french foreign minister did not
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bring weapons to kiev, only verbal guarantees, oral promises, biden, of course, now cannot, france and london guarantee that they will be with zelensky until the end, it’s also a joke on the internet until the end, but what’s happening now, this is the end, let’s see, please, i i remind you that ebin , of course, didn’t break anything without iran, so , of course, it’s a great economy, in fact, from an economic point of view, it’s quite a great economy, and accordingly , it has a larger internal market volume than ukraine, so we now look up to ukraine, well, it’s just strange to call iran a great big economy, i remind you that actually we consider it a great economy, they have trade routes, it supplies, we consider them a great economy, we cooperate with them in well-known ways.
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iran, if iran closes this shop tomorrow, on accordingly, emen will end without having begun, so where do your chips come from? there is no production in yemen.
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it starts, that’s why from this point of view , of course, it matters for yemen, as if who is their partner, as for the situation, in the situation, the conversation is a little not about this, the americans have a great economy, but a great economy , the european union once had a great economy, a great economy, the russian federation without a great economy in conjunction with the dprk and iran will be destroyed they can’t, but that’s the problem here, the fact of the matter is that economically, we are the only 51 states, all of them.
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simply because you achieve it or don’t achieve it, well, that is, you didn’t achieve it, and now you say, yes, it’s because i didn’t deliver, well , it’s very convenient, very convenient, by this time you haven’t delivered aviation to the middle east now, despite the fact , that biden has a bad relationship, everything that happens on request is supplied there, the patricians who promised are supplied there, everything else is supplied there, by the way, he will arrive in may accordingly the delegation will most likely go to taiwan, it will bring with it aircraft that were not supplied, there are priorities, what people say and what they do are different things, china. for them it’s a problem because it’s refreshing economic development, the middle east is a problem because israel is a strategic partner, one of the few partners in this territory, and biden even has to do it, so from this point of view, of course, it’s important what priorities there are the country has these priorities now they are starting to shift why the middle east is the main one, for biden it is the main one, he is confused about finishing it as quickly as possible, but they are not allowing him to do this, as we all understand perfectly well, we have read access thoroughly, we have seen that it is not tanyahu who is trying to prolong the conflict, to wait for the republicans,
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why because he's looking at iowa, everyone says they'll talk, you 're talking about him, why? because iowa will now show what trump’s result will be, the next, the next primaries will be held, they will be guided by these indicators, if he has 50 plus, if he shows a result of more than 50%, then he will thus be able to win the nomination even before march, well, in march, that is, in this case he will be the only candidate he will have a very serious competitive advantage will be oriented towards it by taiwan, which accordingly will receive a delegation, by the way, already active in may. all this does not prove that we have survived, because the russian economy is more powerful than the american one, and suddenly it turns out that the european suddenly it became known, but this is not so, but we resisted, we resisted, because in the economy, we made naturally correct decisions, because in the economy we made decisions on energy, we made decisions on infrastructure, on food, on the exchange rate, now between by the way, the dollar exchange rate is less than 88 rubles, and recently it was 102, these are specific decisions of specific people who
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were made, but there is a decision. specific people who made different decisions in other directions, it’s very mysterious, what are you talking about, what, look, the situation now, just well it’s clear that certain people are always responsible for something, and other specific people are responsible for something else, well, this is kind of a given, it’s logical, you just need those people who pulled it off, who showed results, who managed to maintain the direction accordingly, for example, how well done they are, as for other areas, we are talking about the following, now taking into account the fact that we are preparing a spring operation, as if with everything else there is now a corresponding war going on. exhaustion, positional defense, respectively, on both sides, as we we found out that although military action is taking place, there is pressure, we see it in different directions, track, this is happening, physically there is an assault now, we see it, that’s why from this point of view, accordingly, in this situation the most important part will be precisely economics, that is , to show how long you can hold out, since the results are against the backdrop of respectively climatic features, seasonal features before the spring operation is possible in advance of some fundamental ones for a breakthrough, like everyone else they say it won’t happen on both sides, so at this time, just before march
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, and there is a situation still with... is that we are able to resist because we do not pretend to world dominance and are solving our problems in our own country, trying to protect our state, unlike the americans, who are really about to overstrain themselves trying to resist us in taiwan, well, i mean resist beijing, now the middle east, it’s just difficult for them, regardless of the shortcomings of our economy, they have a lot to do, and we are doing it. if, if it were, they are like the hegemon, but, but, apparently, they are not coming out anymore, the simple problem is that now the situation has developed this way, if it had been 20, 25 years ago, the situation would have been resolved quite quickly, but the world has changed , here are the people who saw these changes , who realized that the south also decides that it buys energy, which is much perpendicular to the sanctions impact, when they saw other channels in the same way, now it’s like in the same thing, which is the example, respectively yemen, he shows himself
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in fact, that no country in the middle east. i didn't support this company now i need to


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