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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 15, 2024 9:20pm-10:26pm MSK

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at some initial stage we could exchange the dead, now they don’t even want to talk, it’s not profitable for them , they abandon their two hundredths, continue to receive money for them, they are taken away, but they don’t want them, and lastly, look also at the ukrainians, eurostat.
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refuse workers in germany , but why refuse, if they start handing them over, then the entire legal system will collapse, that’s right , so you see, the circle is closed, what do i mean, the terrible picture is that these pensioners, old people will fight who now understand what the problem is, for whom this picture is terrible, like for whom, for these people who stayed there, and who cares about them, like who cares about them, these are purely relatives’ dreams, the centuries-old dream of the west is coming true.
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happy birthday, what a cool olenikov, and such a surprise, my love, that we’re going calmly, we’re going, when he fell, he hit himself, it’s all very strange, the main thing is that he survives and recovers, and if he doesn’t recover, skleposovsky, tomorrow at... .tr. and soon,
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we will watch new episodes. it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it, so i warn you about the premiere episode of sklifosovsky, the best prevention. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs. he could become a nerd. or athletes, we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups, a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a lifeguard. but he is a doctor that everyone needs.
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treatment should not be self-medication; you must contact a specialist. doctor myasnikov, every saturday on rtr. what can you say about the tank: white tiger? is this a white tie for you? kazubanovsky, the germans have the only one like him, she doesn’t have a crew, they say it’s like some kind of ghost, all these games are muddy in the swamps, but he’s not, you believe in the place , he’s here, you think he’ll appear, he’ll appear, he’s looking for me . white tiger, film by karen
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shakhnazarov, on friday on rtr. the threat of the outbreak of world war iii no longer confuses the west. washington is ready to push any country into the pits of war, as long as it happens outside the borders of the united states. american analysts continue to scare europeans with evil russians and impose on them creating our own pan-european
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there is no problem with the proliferation of nuclear weapons, then pandora’s box will open, because after this all non-proliferation treaties collapse, that is, it simply disappears, then nuclear weapons are either produced in-house or purchased, as we also know in the world as the programs of a number of large asian countries were sponsored by completely different participants, then everyone will have nuclear weapons, then it is quite obvious, well... argentina has nuclear weapons and there comes such a citizen who is now came to the elections, how many seconds later will he use these nuclear weapons to solve his problem, by the way, with the british, that is, here too, even the count will go about once, or assume that the americans
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will strike the houthis, and the houthis will say yes , no problem at all and they will hit with nuclear weapons, say, on israel or on american bases in the middle east.
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fortunately in our country it was taught well, i hope they are now returning to proper teaching, while poland and bulgaria, and a number of other countries work as arsenals, then they produce weapons , they do, the more the better, they think that these weapons
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should kill us russians, well, britain has long gone mad, i listened to grand shabs, i couldn’t shake the feeling that this was a man representing the empire speaking. that is , some pathetic nonentity comes forward, who has nothing, and talks about some kind of greatness of some country that has lost everything. and now they say: “zelensky, you are a new little devil.” not very complimentary, i will say so
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politely, based on historical results. not a very complimentary person, well, probably the one he was drinking, he was sniffing, but what the hell was he talking about, that is, this nonentity, suddenly began to talk about something, how he would restrain us, about some greatness of britain, what are you talking about, what greatness of britain, pedophile prince, britain. mired in scandals, a corrupt , insignificant country of thieves that rob world capital, who naively believed that it was possible there, some of ours, but thought that it was somewhere, but there was a law, well, like, as vladimir vladimirovich said, you will suffer swallow dust, then they have no dust beg, these mediocrities suddenly argue that now they are pouring on yemen, and yemen will answer you like this, the houthis, you are not worried about... with them, you will wash your face with the bloody south in britain, you don’t understand who you are messing with , when
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you talk about russia’s brutal war in ukraine, who says, your soldiers, criminals, murderers, recall what you did at abu ghraib, recall what you did on the territory of iraq, afghanistan, when now it comes to light how british specialists shot hibernating civilians, you have no right at all. neither about what are you talking about, you are a nation that killed your monarchs, someone got a hot crowbar in the anus, someone got their head cut off, what are you even talking about, you nonentity, you worry that you got raked everywhere, and we still remember how you are worthless allies, after the revolution during the civil war war, what did you do here, land your expeditionary forces, will you answer us for this? so don’t worry, vladimirich
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was right about you, everything will come to you, you will know everything, but by the way, in fact, there are very deep people, i was even surprised that france is not i was afraid to publish this time at home, before that only in japan, the french sociologist and demographer emman toda, who wrote the book. leaving no stone unturned from the west’s self-image, by and large continuing the theme of not the decline, but practically the defeat of europe. i think that one of the real strategic goals of the americans from the very beginning is to prevent cooperation between germany and russia at the present stage. germany's rapprochement with russia is what american geopoliticians fear. it's not russia that will win, it's the west
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will lose and reality will win. the reality is that we are not in the era of the 1914 war. on the eve of the war in 1914, we lived in a world of states experiencing a demographic boom with economic, industrial and military power that was growing everywhere. and everyone was afraid. that their neighbors had much faster growth, so the french were afraid of the germans, the british were afraid of the germans, and the germans were afraid of the russians, then there were inexhaustible demographic resources, which made it possible to fight two world wars, but now the developed world is characterized by demographic deficit, what will happen next is that one day, i say frankly, the united states will have to withdraw its empire from europe. asia from all regions where they support conflicts. and contrary to what
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everyone thinks, it will happen to us when the us stops protecting us. that is, you say that nothing will change. no, we will live in peace, we will have peace, the best thing that can happen to europe is the disappearance of the united states. the book is called the defeat of the west. moreover, i like that the british and united the states of america are still temporary. which we call the united states, and not all of america, only its northern part, they sincerely say: we don’t want to fight with the houthis, what are you saying? we are talking about them, that...
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that is, the level of schizophrenia is phenomenal, and yes, the british and the americans, of course, yes, it’s them, they’re in syria, it’s not clear what they’re doing, i didn’t invite them anywhere, they destroyed libya, they they say that you are the terrible houthis, they behave badly, and what country did the houthis destroy, where did the houthis invade, well, just for fun, that’s it the general secretary of the hsb, hasan nasral, he explains exactly like this,
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there are hundreds of thousands of them with families, i don’t know how many, on their territory, people who earn good money, live well there, suddenly they are all used to constantly communicating with weapons, suddenly they are all will return to the territory of the united states, and what will they do there, that’s what they will do there, no matter where the minister of defense is, he has already
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been discharged, well, there will be another question where from, that’s it. i have a question, where? maybe it's a doppelgänger, that's a giant problem. let's remember here is our situation, when our troops were withdrawn from afghanistan, this created a whole series of social, including problems, so - not everything is so simple for europe, but in this case i want to say that rather from germany, that’s when our groups of troops were withdrawn from germany, this is rather a creation. but they betrayed them earlier, but if the world hegemon leaves everywhere, withdraws his troops, it is he who admits that he has become unsteady, this will not be
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like a gift to everyone, like a gift to all of humanity, no, i have said it many times, i hope, and i would even say, i believe that we will jump out of this nuclear trap, i won’t explain now,
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unexpected things happen, both negative and positive, here we still need to focus more on our own analysis than on the opinion of foreign experts, who are often there late they predict and tell something, in this regard, i want to mention that before the start of the broadcast this name was heard. in a few days, exactly two next sunday marks 100 years since the death of the greatest politician of the 20th century,
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perhaps the greatest, but definitely one of two or three of the greatest, vladimirovich lenin , who a little over 100 years ago wrote a work predicting everything that is happening now very specifically, namely... and a small work in general, maybe even a boroshir would call it, imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism , among the signs of this, he said that the export of capital was becoming more important than the export of goods, that’s right, well , let us remember that it was still an abstract, no, well, yes, he wrote an abstract on a fairly well-known work. of that time and there about it and it is straightforward, well, that is, this is not the essence, it is not important, that is, this article makes sense in itself, it is brilliant, but this was the development of the economic discussion that
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was happening in europe at that time, well, everyone is starting from some then discussions, he wasn’t just trying to explain that it’s not a matter of pure economics, of course, it’s just the world, but the article is the strongest, only the world arose spontaneously, everything else happens as a result of heterogeneity. who told you that? the world arose spontaneously, in the beginning there was a word, my friend, yes, only cats, so - he said that financial capitalism at the stage of imperialism is financial, that is , mainly speculative capitalism, what we mean now in its pure form are all these, so we even show how beautiful it is, we even show how beautiful.
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who is the creditor? apparently all other countries of the world. the next question is, first of all , the american people, american institutions, there, as i understand it, the biggest debt is to our own, the biggest debt to the fed, well, i say, well, that is, debt is an issue, that is this is not what we call debt, that is, it’s not like petrovich, or rather grandmother, that is, it’s not like why, but if all countries are countries in a good sense.
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can happen almost instantly, but we expect it to be a very, very, very long time, in my opinion it is quite obvious that , of course, this and that indicates that the west has realized that it is impossible to maintain power in the same way, the west has practically a resource base there zero in comparison with the other world, all that remains is military strength practically no one has them...
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technology, all nuclear weapons themselves, yes, well, well, that is, another thing is that not everything is so simple there, okay, well, yes, a nuclear bomb, yes, every schoolchild can make, let’s say, high technology, this is not high technology, the fact is that the west, well listen, once high technology in the 19th century, is now not perceived by you as high technology, once upon a time the west, among other things, had unconditional military superiority at the level of military equipment, now.
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well, this is one of the signs of the oldest civilization, but not a single oldest civilization simply agreed, and now let us leave, the existence of civilization actually agreed, because when there is a path to fight the birth rate within oneself, when there is a renunciation of one’s traditional beliefs or values ​​or convictions, this is yes, we agree to disappear, but when people say: we agree not to have children, by and large it means
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that we agree to disappear, no, i... but the fact is that they are promoting this ideology to the rest of the world, so for them to assume that they will disappear, i have not yet first of all extended themselves, the rest of the world rejects this, no, they are simply accustomed to the fact that their ideology is always passing on, so when they offer another ideology, it is perceived as conveying, especially since they still dictate the game in all sorts of ways, the imf, the imf, could...
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shakhnazarov is not here, but his famous film is the courier, there is the main character, a wonderful person, freedom-loving, free-thinking, i fell in love with him the most beautiful the girl, well , she’s really not bad either, and so on, everything seems to be fine, everyone admires him, but what is the ending, what is his future, because he has nothing to offer, nor this girl,
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he composes a new one, language, translation, where is the refusal russian, where the translation is from koreltsy to latin, in any case, they are creating their own new culture, from our point of view, it is not refined enough, good, and so on, but they are doing this, and under this influence, including this same ukrainian people it turned out that we...
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he still swarms himself, but could he, and if zelensky fulfilled what he promised to his election program, how would ukrainian society react to this, but it would have devoured this zelensky in 2 months, but ilyech was not devoured, then the fact that he is a scoundrel, yes, but vladimir ilyech is not they devoured him, although sometimes he went not only against the whole society, even against members of the politburo, well, don’t put your finger on this. it’s either god or god and napoleon bonoparte didn’t gobble up, besides, i rolled out cannons in paris, and there were churches on tsendenii square and fucked everything he wanted
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zelensky could then have fucked up, about ukrainian nationalists, about ukrainian oligarchs, but no problem, napoleon didn’t care, neither the french fighters for the republic, nor people much richer than to fight.
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who did everything possible so that there would be no history, so you want those who imposed our generation with you, our generation with you betrayed the country in which we were born, in our generation with you these traitors and... are, they are now teaching in universities, they are still headed by many, cultural figures who betrayed they escaped their people, this is our generation, i’m saying that now this needs to be dealt with urgently, quickly and powerfully, to be dealt with by someone, you can’t give orders to that train once or twice, no, of course, that’s why the same bolsheviks, whom you mentioned , they gave the order, they wrote it, they didn’t give the order anymore, the bolsheviks themselves were, among them there were outstanding...
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the ideology has changed over the years , the mood of the people has changed, the real ideology is now at the front and the military-industrial complex, which doesn’t care about the participant, conditionally speaking, naked parties, so disgusting dances, dzhigurda with this volochkova, this is equally denied by society, this is all, this is foam, this is gone, this is no longer there, this is, yes no, of course, you understand, we just need to go beyond here in this social circle and see a completely different world already. it’s just different, when you go, talk to
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people, you see, it’s all different, it’s just that now a number of those living there in this narrow stratum don’t want to see, hear the iron posture of the victorious country, in vain, in vain, a new culture is being created, a new language is being created at the front, they will not just come... the old comprador elite, now they will correct themselves, they will tell the people how to live, no, there are the guys, there are the poets, there are the writers, there are the directors, there they are, they will come back, they are now working there and using it, i don’t have such a rosy picture, but whoever said rosy, i’m just stating, well , you’re stating, so am i, well, advertising.
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the program is on air for 60 minutes, we have a special episode, we start with breaking news, 60 minutes, don’t miss it, tomorrow on rtr.
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that's it, that's it, that's it, come on, come on, save your strength, everything will be fine. this is our new obstetrician-gynecologist, kira vladimirovna ulitina. tell me, what is this krutov of yours, what is he all about, huh? sergey nikolaevich? oh, he's a star. i feel so bad without you. you and i will get married. oh damn, i forgot. you have a pregnant wife, what are we going to do with her? well, that’s it, robin god, rest assured,
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i won’t just leave this, you’ll both regret it, and do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail, doctor snail on saturday on rtf. dmitry, well, in general, i’m somewhat fascinated by the metaphor of liver sausage pressure. in fact, i’ll tell you this, just imagine, if they had been flint there, yes, and not these cowardly , absolutely monstrous generation of european politicians, we would have had a war there in europe, in general, by now, because neither one
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normal german politician is normal, he would be the rudeness that poland did not... to understand how much easier it became to make nuclear weapons, just count the computing power of computers of that time and the computing power of the computer that you’re about to buy around the corner, to your phone, and even you can even calculate this even on your phone, but i ’ll tell you this, the americans actually have this
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unfortunate agreement about - this is exactly the agreement, it was not an agreement that everyone was going to abide by, but an agreement that was there... all the time like this, yes, that means they were twisting, turning, they were drowning this unfortunate agreement for a long time, their behavior at the last one is what is called a conference on consideration where it should have been accepted resolution, and that means they stuffed in there condemnation of russia regarding ukraine, about everything, but it was clear that they did not want any single resolution in support of this agreement, they are a system, they will tell everyone that they are this system.
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there were separate british tests of nuclear weapons, purely national, all this happened, but this has not happened for many years, so to say that britain is a full-fledged nuclear power, and france, these yes, these had, firstly, absolutely and technologically independent nuclear weapons program, more moreover, they had an absolutely independent technology, quite original, uranium enrichment, and so on, there are a lot of interesting things there, but in general, i think that this generation of politicians, it is maturing to try european ones, first of all, politicians are maturing before somehow trying to figure out what nuclear weapons are, is it really that scary, yes, it’s clear that
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it’s better if the americans do it with a broad hand, so to speak, yes, and then they will seem to be pure spit and so on , but the fact that there is this psychological readiness for a situation with the use of nuclear weapons is emerging, i don’t even have any doubts about that, but you know what the whole problem is, it’s what almost overwhelmed us, it’s a loss in the elite, in general in the general public, as they say, the broad masses of the public in society, the historicity of consciousness, you know what the most terrible question is. was for students, especially if there were people from europe in the group, it was simple, in which city the telzite peace was signed, so to speak, and this and this is the whole name of the city, soviet, yes everyone was hanging out here, the presence of foreign
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students, i didn’t understand, because there were some germans sitting there, they, they just didn’t know, they were the first answer naturally. and then, by the way, no one believed that the earth was flat, unlike the author of the song, but in reality this is also such a metaphor, people forgot.
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infinity of irresponsibility, well , the last thing i would like to say is that i see that in world politics, especially where there is a significant power element, a military power element, there is the cumulative effect, it seems, starts with some small ones, there they hit some container ship, hushito, oh well, and in reality there was nothing special at the beginning of the redistribution of maritime traffic. yes, now you look, nothing at all , here somehow this red line of more than 100 container ships has already started, but
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the last ones mean gas carriers, just in case, just in case, firefighters, excuse me for such a metaphor, they are starting to bypass the red line sea, because getting hit by a container on a gas carrier, well, this will be very interesting from the point of view, well, just to see how beautiful it will be, but this is no one. doesn’t know, because a gas carrier has never really exploded, by the way, this is very interesting, we need to give the kussites an idea, but there is such a cumulative effect, before our eyes, in fact, over 6-7 months, this is a patchwork quilt globalization has begun to break, and we see points where it can break, and i’ll tell you this, i analyzed these points like this, and wherever... it breaks, our interests are greatly affected, then there is one way or another, this is directed against us with some kind of edge. well , vladimirovich, first of all i wanted to convey
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my best wishes to you and korin georgievich shakhnazarov, he was especially singled out as a real marxist, from a group of young marxists in one of the arab countries, although they look like they are all laden with weapons, they look more like anarchists, but they all internationalists, the oldest is 38 years old, i looked among them... there are sunnis, shiites, druze, christians, arabs, there are armenians, and now they are all marxists, all marxists, true, they confuse who marxists are and who communists are, but nevertheless they believe in a bright future, the most important thing is sympathy for our country, they believe that after russia’s victory over nato in ukraine, russia will return in full force to the middle east, december 28, on your program, concluding... the third year, we said that the twenty -fourth year would be very difficult, and before it had time to end,
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a barbaric blow was struck on belgorod on december 31, and from that time on the key moments began: january 2 in berutiya there was a terrorist attack , there is no other way to call it, as a result of which one of the hamas functionaries, who often came here to russia, died, and on january 8, one of... the head of the special forces, razvan khitbal, died, and on the ninth his friend, who rushed to his aid was also killed by an israeli drone. on january 3, a huge terrorist attack took place in the province of kirman, as it now turns out, these roots lead, a thread, or rather leads tighter to israel, to this we can add, to the same time, this is massive unrest in ecuador, the chaos of argentina by the president is getting shallow, we talked here. on the first day, when this boy was jumping in the hay or posing with this saw that he would bring argentina to a standstill, but
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that’s how it goes, the situation in the african region worsened after ethiopia recognized the independence of samaliland, this list can be continued, if we take the russian shelling territories, both new and old, the trace of western intelligence services is clearly visible, it seems that... completely to everyone this planning and leadership and management, even to me, seems to have been led by british and american instructors. here , something else outrages me: just in these january days, from british, american, czech and swedish weapons, dozens of our compatriots died. i would like to remind you that china has imposed sanctions on four us companies that supply. weapons in taiwan, maybe it’s time for us to also impose some kind of sanctions on this micro country
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called the czech republic, they have lost their shores, because that they are dying from their weapons... 70% of the dead are women, children, more than 400 thousand people are already sick with infectious diseases, which is understandable, yes, this is a huge number, it is spreading rapidly, now this morning i listened to one of our news respected television
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news companies broadcast the israel defense forces.
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on thursday-friday, a meeting of the un international court was held in gaga, at which the claim of the south african republic for genocide qr was considered. remember, you spoke about genocide, about genocide to israel, i ask forgiveness, yes, i apologize, so you said what and what is being done, this is the first sign, and the world has begun to stir, and the most important thing is that... an international court filed a lawsuit against israel for genocide in the gas sector in the gas sector, and many countries are they supported this one, this one, and then the anglo-anglo-saxons’ attack on yemen, they split it even more and showed the world who is on the white side and who is on the black side. now i don’t even understand which side turkey , for example, yes, a nato country should formally be
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together with nato, but now it is hammering on territory of syria. you, russia, have taken a pro-palestinian position, i say, my friend, what an oak tree have you fallen from, but he says with a smile: but oaks don’t grow in our desert, okay, i understood him, i say, you understand, it’s the same for us , that the child is from israel, that the child is from palestine , we are for you to solve everything there peacefully, finally the arabs have found a common language, no, there are resolutions, they are two states, yes, now they say that these are strikes on the houthis,
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they will break them, they won’t break them at all, since 2002... the americans, the british and their allies they launched over 400 strikes on yemen and the houthis, but they didn’t aim at all without ground aviation. they have a tank to carry out a ground operation, they won’t go for it, and the houthis say that there is a crowd of borvans with old aks in sandalet, guys, they have the most modern army, and if they want, they will go like a drill so that god knows where they will stop, saudi arabia understands this, so saudi arabia has already received it, has already fought with him, she fought, she understood this, maybe london. these are these madmen like biden, scholz,
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macron, these guys who are in these three emirates of poland, finland, they are stubbornly dragging the world into the third world war, of course, it’s almost inevitable that you should worry so much, well, no need to worry, treat calmly, in the first part of our program we remembered two scientists -
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john mearsheimer never missed an opportunity, for the last 2 years to explain that the war in ukraine is the result of a criminal mistake, stupidity, the american elite, which allowed expansion to the east provoked russia, and john mehrscheiber speaks no less often than elon musk or donald trump about the threat of world war, which is in connection with this. american politics arises, in his book he came to a very interesting conclusion that american, well, rationality, foreign policy, yes, the rationality of american foreign policy, he
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writes about europe, but mainly about america, is determined by the extent to which this foreign policy fulfills the theoretical guidelines that now dominate the american or, say, european elite. and you and i live in a country where the situation , in my opinion, is exactly the opposite, that is, at least in the humanities we are confident that science is sociomorphic, that is, it is similar to the society that creates and develops it, therefore for the russian federation, rationality in foreign policy - this is the protection of national interests, ensuring security, this is actually quite a deep or just a very deep conclusion of john mearsheimer, which helps us understand,
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chernobyl and after fukushima, people realized that radiation is not so terrible, unfortunately, no one is going to do the calculation , which means that when it starts, it will continue to follow such an unpredictable scenario that einstein’s prediction that he doesn’t know what the third world war will be, the fourth will definitely be made of stones will not turn out to be accurate, there will simply be no one to fight this war , advertising. birthday, and what a cool olenikov , and she gave such a surprise, i loved you, he beats, it means that calmly, firmly, we are going, when he fell, he hit himself, all this is very strange, the main thing is that he survives, gets better, and if he won’t get better, skletosovsky. tomorrow on rtr.
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the ox is trembling, the hay is shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces. ideas are overflowing. drink a radiator in an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac , real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality , as you look, let me into your home,


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