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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 15, 2024 10:25pm-11:30pm MSK

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r: the ox is trembling, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room with absolutely no faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be surprises complete. and there is a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them in to your home, big changes, every
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sunday on rtr, there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers look from photographs of faded ones. this look is like the highest court for the guys who are growing up now, and the boys cannot lie, deceive, or go astray, on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovoy, the legendary, favorite film officers.
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on sunday on rtr, dmitry, yes, well, excuse me for introducing me, i give you my word, given your dislike for you, vitali yatovich, well, nothing the scary thing is that it’s not personal, it’s systemic, it doesn’t like americanists, well, americanism. korea, yes, so to speak, we love, so to speak, the american people, but we don’t love american imperialism, but i think the point here is not imperialism, and in general this is all that is happening, i just suggest looking at it from a slightly different angle on what is happening, including from the point of view of conversations about a possible transfer there or, so to speak, permission for the europeans to have some kind of nuclear weapons there, i don’t really understand who will do all this, honestly to say, technologically, you can probably imagine how they will get raw materials, install centrifuges, well, as if in reality there is still an industry, that means making it.
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probably, although in reality this is not so trivial, so, but, but who will really manage all this, a decision must be made, this is a whole, i think the estonians are ready, they, they said, we are ready to give oruz, we really don’t have one, if we had oruz, oh, we would be with the estonians, we are armed with the estonians, well, it ’s something like that, but at the same time it seems to me, that all this talk about weapons, well , firstly, who stirred it up once again in 200 already in 24, well, duke bendel wrote a big... on the website of the coton institute, so to speak, everyone applauds, although the cato institute is such in general, a pacifist organization, one of the most pacifist organizations in the united states, although they tried to expel doug bend himself from there twice, once they expelled him and returned him because he was selling some kind of articles there, and the second time because he spoke too much so to speak sistrebinar even from the point of view of the coton institute, so to speak, positions, but nevertheless, his article , if you read it, it says this, listen, well, let’s not fight for europe, that’s if...
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problems from europe will run to our western border, but actually , so to speak, to leave in the end there is not a nuclear war even in europe, between germany and russia there, for example, although of course it’s scary to imagine, but it’s no less scary to imagine, this is absolutely, well, i even i don’t know what to call it, that’s all managerial management, this middle management really holds the positions of truly national government leaders, well, that’s all. this is a collapse
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within weeks, everything will collapse there, this is really wonderful, no, this is of course wonderful, well, just imagine, so we have, so we have a southern border and good contacts with that. it’s not easy at all, here is the entire western border, it will be like this, and in fact, if in the southern region, let’s say right away, we don’t allow refugees from finland, well, yes, there is a border we haven’t closed it, we’re leaving it closed , i’m just saying that, no matter how much we ’ve been developing, we still can’t develop a migration policy, and by the way , with regard to the europeans, it would have been nice to think about it a long time ago, because that’s it, that they don’t let us in there now, this is what it’s like, this will last for a couple of years, well, until the people there give in. in the opposite direction, and the united states itself is doing a lot to get out of this europe or simply leave it without control, but simply the united states in the twenty-fourth year will demonstrate dozens, if not more cases, when entire - generally speaking,
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sectors of the country's governance will remain unclear, who is leading them, who is making decisions, well, listen, this is the first january story with lloyd austin, well, as good as new if you meet the year, you will spend it that way, moreover. so to speak, at first i had a fairly clear idea of ​​what happened there, the collapse of government, clan struggle, everything was clear, but when i started digging further, i somehow got a little i even believed some conspiracy theories , well, listen, okay, lloyd austin was hospitalized, excuse me, who kathleen hick, deputy secretary of defense, forbade him to return from rick's port to washington, the third in importance, there is not even the head of the joint command of staff, who was notified on the third , there is this kelly maxaman, she...
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did all this, oh, who gave the go-ahead for the attack, so to speak, reptilians, well, as i already said once on this program, so it seems, in my opinion, dima said that this is even more it’s a scary version that imagine that there is no reptilian behind the scenes , this is even scarier, these are all people, they
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control it all, like this, yes, and internally, if you feed a suunok, he will look like a reptilian, yes, you see , i think he will ask soon. so that they feed him, but here, yes, well, it’s not his father-in-law who is rich, he has the internal, internal part of politics, which in the united states is simply a civil war, that is, they are, well, now now now now they're starting, there is also nothing good in a nuclear power , well, but in fact, look , the caucuses are starting for you, while biden is not leading any company, but john kerry will be leading the company for him... he is leaving with, therefore , the head of the post, a young active and octogenarian, then climate fighter , this means at least three things, how old is he? 80 80 years old, he’s eight years old, he’s strong , yes, well, he really worked well with lavrov, well, look, firstly, the climate means it hasn’t passed, they’re talking about the climate anymore
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they won’t be at all, that is, the climate has ceased to be a factor in the leverage of some kind of foreign policy action, which means that the international division of labor no longer interests anyone. and this means that attacks on the houthis, generally speaking, are also generally done so as not to look like too much of a weakened hegemon in the eyes of the world community, well, because if you are not involved in climate change, that is, you are not regulating the international division of labor, how long the goods go by and large doesn’t bother you, on the other hand, john kerry after all, this was a man who always said that you need to have good relations with china, because it is the largest emitter of these very ones... it was believed that the presence of the figure of john kerry would keep him from a direct and harsh conflict with china, which means this the problem has also gone away, finally he’s not just leaving for nowhere, he’s leaving for
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biden’s election political headquarters, he’ll most likely be one of his leaders, and he’s now obama’s man, before he was, as it were , together with biden from the kennedy clan, but, but now it kind of means... it turns out that this person will be in charge of this whole thing, and that means, well, on obama’s instructions from someone there, it means that this headquarters will either continue to work until the elections, or i’ll simply turn off the biden company . at some point, and what will happen there, no one knows , once again, huge, the main thing is that biden is never turned off on the ramp, but that’s not the point, it depends, a huge army, there are hundreds of trillions of dollars in turnover, so to speak , here's the daily, you know, military bases all around, who is in charge of all this, how decisions are made, maybe after all we are sitting on the reptilians, well, listen, it seems to me that the reptilians, they just appeared when it was necessary to explain that there was no one. as a matter of fact, well, i think that this is the situation here, their internal circuit is of course shaking, the external circuit
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is shaking, both circuits are staggering, watching what is happening with their rivals, well, here in china , for example, they, i think, they are now thinking very hard about a strategic decision, and undoubtedly, one of the solutions will be to leave more of where, and this will actually not be so good for us, that is, we will get static pleasure further from the problem, well , two things, so to speak, two two carthaginians. yes, so to speak, first, of course they will definitely do something with the dollar, well, just in the end, it’s like it’s cleaner there, well, there will be all sorts of nuclear bombs, this is the first, the second option is also here when retreating, which they usually do, they offer discharge, reboot and all sorts of other things, by the way here ’s a thing too, don’t take it, you know, how to take it, don’t take it, there’s such a thing, the problem here seems to be our common one, we have two problems, we’re still attached to the dollar and we still don’t know how to win world, but there was only one. the period, in my opinion, after the crimean war, was very short, when , at the expense of peace, we returned everything that
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we had lost by military means, but i don’t know any more examples, let me give you a hint, that is , these are actually, here look how well they lose, there yes, yay, we the swedes are breaking, so to speak, bending, but in reality this is a whole huge set of challenges, right from january 1, 2024, we have been dealing with them, but i like, well, it ’s clear that the new new world order is more just.
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no need to deceive yourself, that is, this is the problem, that humanity has made a terrible mistake by allowing the building of the world economy to be based on a dollar foundation, this is the main tragedy, and here, well, it won’t dollars, there will be something else after once it gets up, base, vitalitovich, kaneshki, shells, furs, these pebbles,
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take seriously what these tribaltic emirates and other various people say there, because they have neither the resource nor the opportunity. epstein or some other lists, and now there will be many such lists, both global and regional and local, so with
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these everything is clear, the main thing is not to end up on the same video with dzhigurda, well, don’t.
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in modern western society receives its income primarily from the financial sector. this is terrible for us too, because we are with them interaction, we sell them oil, who will buy oil when from you, and not only not only not, because you have the current middle
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class, which is already by the way. smart drones will fly by the thousands over every square kilometer of a potential battlefield, killing everything that moves. don't worry, there will be a smart rap running at the meeting, which will be smart drones. this always happens. now i’m not talking about what will actually happen, i’m talking about the thoughts that they have. most likely they won't make it. but what they did is
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in particular, all this lgbt, everything else. this is a very simple thing, they destroy conservative ideology, the family, because the family is the bearer of conservative values , that’s what they do, it’s clear, simple and logical, but if we return from the financial economy back to the real sector, then these lgbt people, they won’t be able to support this real sector, then western society really why, but because they...
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i’m for it, they already understood, whether they understood in europe, i don’t know, in washington they understood for sure, well, those who thinks so, i just why, because
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if you listen, for example, to people who use taxis and minibuses, then almost every driver there is lgbt, well, this is understandable, because sometimes this is how their knowledge of moscow is described, rabinovich it turns out piho, that he didn’t return the money, i didn’t want to talk about poland today, but you see, but polish politics provides the same number of jokes as armenian radio once did, but they came up with something about armenian radio, and polish politicians can handle it themselves, so why else i like the way you speak german, i’ll sketch out the name for you now, this is the former german ambassador to poland, he was the first to come up with the idea that german troops should be led on polish territory, because he knew the real state of the polish army, which, by the way, was that they are ready to lead troops, this
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too, the new government speaks about the real state of affairs. and one more important point is that they do not believe in any victory for the kiev regime, because if you look at the argument, why and for what we need troops on polish territory, that’s where the eastern border will be. just like, if this plan, i’m not saying, it’s real, it’s partially real, it’s completely unrealistic, which publishes a build about how russia will attack in the twenty-fourth, for the second time, by the way , published in the fifth year on nato, there after all the basis is that ukraine has everything, there is no khan, that is, the basis of the plan is that russia wins, these are very important signals, they can publicly declare, express guarantees, there are different insurances there, and so on and so on in kiev come, in reality they do not believe in them. that’s it, they were written off, these signals play a much greater role than any others, but there such a curious person, andrzej sheina, spoke about this water of troops
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, can you imagine, here is the deputy minister of poland, he actually awarded there, firstly, he declared biden a gift from heaven, yes, he said that the deputy minister of foreign affairs of poland is talking about trump, he’s not very good, somehow russia believes in him, if he wins, it will be horror, horror , and he is correct about ukraine. and the poles, but they wanted to name the forms, and but attention , but attention, he somehow said a strange compliment to biden, he says biden is generally a gift from heaven, and i don’t hope that heaven won’t take him away ahead of time, it’s something like this, it’s in an interview with the polish-lithuanian commonwealth it is written, this is in all seriousness, he also beautifully told you for german, he says, if germany wants to send troops to poland after lithuania, i don’t know german as well as you, he said hertlich welkomen, that is , welcome. yes, and just recently, there was an austrian artist who said, what are you doing? it was possible, and just recently yaroslav kaczynski, as if an opponent of this new government,
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he has... to tell everyone, but these are not very key trends: empires always fall apart according to the same scenario, if we look at the roman, british and others , the collapse begins with the thinning of ideology, when they stop believing in the foundations, late rome, and checking the rome of that, the real cato or cato, as he is correctly called, that is, the rome that was once created on the capitalist hills, it was another rome, this rome of depravity, late, and
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even christianity did not save them, the british empire, the collapse, churchel, well, in general , such an outstanding reasoner, that’s why, because churchel is not valued for real actions, he failed the dardonel operation, a lot of things failed in his life, but he is valued for his reasoning, this is oscar walt in the chair of prime minister, but of a different orientation, well, he probably drank, which means that he is valued for this. the collapse of an empire, when a phrase replaces a deed, by the way, the soviet union also collapsed, by the way, another thing is that then forces were found that led to this new emergence of russia, which is feared, nuclear weapons, but in general this is the only weapon invented by humanity that was used once, so if you look at any other, well, there is a biological controversial issue, chemical and so on, everything was used except nuclear,
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chemical is not used... unfortunately, the collapse of this world system, as we say here, we are pushing into this, we don’t want to believe in it, the simplification of the use of weapons, the reduction responsibility of politicians, the reduction of international control will lead to the fact that it will most likely be applied, but it is so, and if a statesman is serious, he must prepare his country and world relations for the fact that this may happen, the probability is simply to say that this one can never proceed from this
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erroneously. well, i’ll move on to my country, here , you say, there is a french professor, mearsheimer, lenin, what are you, aristovich, this is a thinker, in fact, i’m not joking, he said a phrase about the great-grandson of aristotle, hence the surname goes, apparently, he is close to this, alexey aristotovich, perhaps he will come to these, these principles of his own, but he recently gave a formula for the actual normal coexistence of the state with russia, he
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said: there is one simple rule on how to live normally next to with russia, maintain independence , citing, by the way, belarus as an example, either you are a friend of russia, or you will become part of russia, well, in general, this is a normal rule, what the west imposes on the balts, the finns, for their successful existence, you must be enemies russia, you must to fight the russian world, to fight the russian language, as vitariy vetorevich spoke about, to rewrite history, this is a road to nowhere. this is the path to conflict, to war, the path to the destruction of one’s own identity, well, take finland during the period after the second world war, compare with other periods of finland’s existence, finland, which built this special line of relationship, it was a prosperous state, i don’t know, that now nothing good awaits her in finland, she already has huge problems at the border and so on, and i absolutely agreed with him, in in this case, belarus is an example, we maintain
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independence and sovereignty. security, we are developing allied relations with the russian federation, this project is really successful , if i were our other neighbors, i would think about it, unless of course...
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regarding, excuse me, questions for whom, i ’m just asking questions, i’m just not answering, since the transfer, this part is ending, the next question, here we are regarding this, zelensky could, could not, our discussion, and i ask this question, we all seem to we regret that in the nineties , russia’s impulse to be friends with the west was not accepted, the americans, firstly, began to expand nato, i have a question, the americans could not...
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so you suggest that i engage in discussing the issues you proposed, you you can open your programs, you conducted the program perfectly and maybe it wasn’t me who closed it. right, that's all, see you tomorrow.
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hello, it’s me, this is my turn, and this is the car, again mine, in my opinion, nothing. well, let's go, now we have a cool camera, now we'll pick up some music and start filming cinema, say something to the camera, of course, hello, hello, as usual, two servings for me
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, okay, this is tanechka, and this is vanechka, and we will have mint gingerbread, thank you, bye. let's go on vacation to africa, to africa, to africa, we'll make a movie there about the sea, about palm trees, about coconuts, grace, this is the house that i built, africa, africa, there are sharks in africa, gorillas in africa, so big in africa . evil crocodiles, oh, they will bite you, beat you, offend you, we’ve arrived, well, we’re heading to kharomy, so, who lives here, please
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forgive me, our dad is not the coolest yet cameraman, some more problems with the focus-shmokus, who is our other hero of our movie? we open the door, get ready, attention , here you are, hello, guys, who came, dad , what did you bring us, be careful, be careful, now we’ll put the camera here, let it be the one, and you come to me, my little bunny, this is a camera, dad, we can play, we can, come on, let’s see what you have. once, come on, let's get it, say something,
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something delicious, what, who is it? oh, the dog is barking, has someone come? yes, let's go have a look, let's go, who kissed your hands? and a lawyer with such a bandit gun? why with the gangster? and what a habit
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of giving each person you meet a hand, but you don’t kiss me, but you used to kiss me, you’re wearing mittens, you bought sugar, listen , i forgot, and that the bag is so heavy, that there are bricks in there or something, criminal cases, that’s their thing i didn’t forget to take it, are you going to smoke , and ask permission, what is it, i ’m coming in for groceries, i looked after the child, on saturday i probably went for potatoes, that ’s not enough for you, of course i’d rather have a pen. said someone else went for potatoes dad got married suffered viktor ivanovich, is it possible? yes, maria sergeevna, come in. here the city prosecutor's office
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sent us a case from another district, do they need to unload a case that has been investigated further from the court? of course, the killer was acquitted, and the murder was closed for further investigation. viktor ivanovich, do you know perfectly well how long my department is? marya sergeevna, well, well, i know, be it the thirteenth, well , well, for such an experienced investigator as you? victor. well, viktor ivanovich? well, look at the case, unfold it, read it, take an interest, it’s an interesting case , you’ll get carried away, for example, i got carried away, look, the killer didn’t touch the children, they found a fragment of a knife link in the stove, solid blood of a man and a woman on the jacket. you see, at first he confessed, at the trial, he refused, they say they beat him, they forced him. take yourself, yeah, well, the old song, gopnik, i say, yes, yes, yes,
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you will soon, in half an hour, okay. i won’t go, so stop it, i won’t go to sanya.
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you have a refrigerator at home, yes, so practice on it how to close the doors correctly, otherwise you won’t get enough. sorry i am they thought, so it’s like... yes it was, you were fresh then, young, like the first snowdrops, it can be fresh, shaking, happy birthday vaka, valentina telechkina, frankly about
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the secret, in kindergarten i sang a chestushka, and i’m little, neat, well... of course, there was applause , i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow, how it received you, you didn’t regret it, they sent articles about me, that i had an affair with korolkov, with pankratov black, with zaradik nakhopetov, not a single novel, or rather one, which is for many 50 years, this is my golden one, the kingdom of heaven, this is my huge one. i’m not leaving the episode yet, i still talk to him all the time, it’s difficult, so i ’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, no life, you need to go to the capital, it’s
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in a mine, it’s like i rushed, as if in a mine, misha is in the mine, look, it’s the weekend, you’re far away, we’re going to moscow, val, and you, i’m burning bridges behind me, other people’s houses, someone else’s life, but my own didn’t work out, i so want to look back, i look at my eyes and don’t believe it, are you back or something? i really, i don’t know, was looking for a new life, some kind of happiness and found nothing, happiness turns out to be me here in our village. is waiting, but is it possible to find lost happiness on sunday on rtr, your favorite songs are played in our studio, let's go, birthday, your favorite
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music never gets old.
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the best historical series, watch , watch, on the app or on the website , how many animals are there in your family? 16, and why stop, he offered a goat first, a goose, there were ducks, ducklings, turkeys, he’s not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog, lyovochka, well, i beg you, lyova, if you are human. among friends, a program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. oh, material evidence, by the way, should be kept in a chamber. we
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have some kind of tea. in bags, i don’t drink that kind, i have coffee, why did rubob fuss about chvanov’s murder a year later, but we were still fussing then, right after the slaughter, chvanov had problems with the helicopter, with lagidin, yeah, korablev, and what, completely clean shoes. i think i even got a special sponge, by the way, i advise you, otherwise for a woman to walk around in boots like these is not a camelfo at all. why is it called a helicopter?
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yes, he whistles at every corner, as if he received his first term for stealing and selling a helicopter in the army, but this is not so, it’s all bullshit, he received his first term for stealing five earflaps from an army warehouse, but why is his nickname like that, really? one cassette was dangling, it was seized during a search with his sexual exploits, well , they like to film themselves for history, and what is the exercise there, it’s called a helicopter, it’s like a long story, so okay, i let's go, ship, i'll write a request, and you 'll go to court and get permission. this is like that gopnik who confessed to the murder, but then refused, why is it a dog,
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they found a knife in the stove, they found it, the experts said that it was the murder weapon, besides , there was blood on the jackets, what else do you need, look, there was blood on the lining, and the children claim that the killer had his jacket buttoned up; during the investigative experiment, they pointed not to prutkin’s jacket, but to a completely different one. and what, why did the children separately point to the same jacket, whose jacket it was, who they got it from they took it off, maybe it was the killer, i ’ll tell you marya sergeevna, it was my jacket, how come, when i arrived there, when he was detained, the investigator needed two jackets for identification, and i was just wearing my old one, according to the legend, i was still running around the area to buy some. find me a tape from
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the inspection of the crime scene, okay, yeah, the day after tomorrow, what the day after tomorrow korablev , tonight, tomorrow i'm going to prison, the day after tomorrow, the last word, korablev, what else, find the head of the security service from chvanov's company, it seems it's him you didn’t interrogate, then 3 days. korablev, yes , masha, i’ve already jumped off, maybe we can have lunch together, well, yes, zonka, ah, i’m going to lunch, well , go ahead, what’s my blessing, i ’m on duty in the area today, so you know where to find me, what are you the dust is still spreading, but i don’t have enough space.
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hey, i finally got out, let's have lunch together, great. you're wearing that skirt again, what? well, the cut is up to the navel, i’ll burn it someday,
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please, thank you, please, thank you, we need to leave urgently, the deputies of the state duma blew up, can i eat, then eat, move, maria sergeevna, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, i’m not on duty, really, i’m on duty.
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hello, hello , welcome to the scene, look around bye, hello, golitsin, i’m listening, uh-huh, well, i’ll go among the authorities and bundle up, it’s good for my career, it’s good for my career to work, you know, a dangerous delusion, hello, hello, too didn’t...
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let the car be searched, he used to work as an operator, yes, he started in our area, a smart guy, sorry, we settled on the fact that the device is radio-controlled, yes, sergei sergeevich, where do you think the observer could have been, oh, you remember my estate, we met, you see this mansion, on the contrary, yeah, the attic here is very comfortable, the front door is in full view, i think the observer was sitting exactly where you know, marya sergeevna. i started in this area, i personally raided all the attics and basements. well, okay, i'm off, if you need anything , call me, here's my mobile phone, if anything happens, find me. thank you, let's go, who's arrived? from medics, from trumin, and from criminologists, our little guy, they say that the city prosecutor they say he came here and
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wandered around the front door. corpse one, two, deputies, security guards.
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make a simpler face, masha, you know, because whoever doesn’t know how to work teaches others to work, oh, manya, when will you get a divorce? strumin, don’t pester marya sergeevna, she’s a serious girl, she doesn’t like this kind of nonsense, there was a deputy, guys, start, we’ll go look around. and no deputy, hello, hello, hello, what the hell, city prosecutor, where did he come from? i don’t know, probably from the victim’s apartment, after all, the deputy, wait, the victim lived
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on the floor below. yes, who did he come from? lord, what was the day like? well, 20 pages, the protocols were written, that’s what from this to...
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masha, well, this is sadism, it’s not time for you to go home. no longer, and you’re on duty until the morning, so what, i can’t work 18 hours straight, you can, you can, vanechka, you just don’t know about it yet, oh, this is for us. well, what's there? there are no keys to the attic, nor to the front doors, the locks are magnetic, in short
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, you can’t open them with this selection, well, it’s night outside, so why wake up the population? well, really, mash, tomorrow in daylight we’ll see everything perfectly. well, it’s not fate, mash, really, where, what? not fate, you say? i'll still get there. how will you get there? i don't know, i'll get there. “masha , i came up with an idea, oh, you see, a fire escape, you go up the stairs to the roof, a short ladder, from the roof through the dormer window to the attic, that’s right, from the attic down the stairs, and you open the door for us.” on the other side, and there’s no other way, and you think i ’ll climb in, why not, your skirt is suitable with a slit, go, go, i ’ll help you, why me, hello, who wants this
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i have to, i actually want to go to the base to sleep, who is our boss at the crime scene, who is in charge, the investigator, come on. forward, bolder, bolder, so, happy journey. right, right, right , marya sergeevna, did you decide not to wait for the keys, so that if only i would bring the keys, those bastards,
11:25 pm
mashka, get off, we played a trick on you, mash, don’t be angry, i’ll catch you, i want to, but stop it mischief! now i’m at the police station , i’m following him, looking for someone, i’m going to lose weight like that. i didn’t look at the leg again, look, the dream of an idiot, this tracker, quiet, quiet, calm, oh, look, madam, oh, my god, who am i
11:26 pm
, where am i, come on, you’re already on your way, look, the pigeons are crap all around , you’ll pick up the margnitis, 3 seconds, 9 days no, look, looks like the man stood for a long time, waited, let’s take a cast from this, so, i came to him, oh, here she is, yes, wait, shura, don’t trample here, there was a fight here, at least three people fought, shura, come here . from your area, what, why is it so loud? and oh, the edges are fresh, they broke someone’s trap, we take them
11:27 pm
in bulk along with the sand, but wait, i’ll i didn’t take it off, that’s right, sura, well, look, really, first the attic, what if they planted the pupil here, you know, it’s going to be fucked up like that and no new one? yes, shura, the main thing is, don’t be afraid, the most dangerous experiments are carried out on the least useful crew members. i still have a little vine left. apple, boris vladimirovich, yes, please find the janitor who cleaned the yard, maybe she knows something, okay, marya serge, thank you, lord, is this, well, did you finish the inspection, did you manage without me? okay, i'll do it later
11:28 pm
i’ll look at the protocol, how long will it take? 3:00 a.m., yeah, we did a good job, yeah, i ’ll probably come back for lunch tomorrow, right? you can too later, i have a witness, well, as you wish, i’ll probably go in the cabin, i’m with you, here’s your wine, with an apple, and boris vladimirovich and i, yeah.
11:29 pm
11:30 pm
this one is too small for me, give me a wider one, here's elka, here, here's this one, here's korablev, what is it, what 's the matter, now yes, well , i have a friend, a friend is writing swimsuits, i brought him goods, and he poured out swimsuits for me, give them away , says to the girl, try this one on, please. stop immediately, but what i have prepared for you, the most beautiful one, will do, are you a fool or something, but it’s free, don’t you really need a swimsuit, too? yes, hello, okay, i understand that you won’t come, that will suit me, goodbye, skorodumov called, the head of the security service, unfortunately, he won’t be able to come today, well...


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