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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  January 16, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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more dangerous, has become so in recent years. the cat abandoned the kittens, it's putin's fault. ask! yes, without putin, even the sun does not rise over our planet, everyone knows this very well , you see, as i said, it’s beautiful, yes, there is a crisis in the cost of living, this is putin in britain, in fact, this song is familiar to me in ukraine, no matter what happens there- then it’s all putin, well , you see, everyone seems to think it’s an empire, the united kingdom, yes, but putin is to blame, he takes pride in our president, nothing on the planet can do without him, well... in principle, they are adults in europe now, too, as if adults had gathered there a long time ago, but they really behave like some kind of infantile teenagers. today germany surprised bilt that russia is preparing an attack, well, i’m not a military person, but even from history i understand, yes, that in order to attack someone, you need a common border, well, even the second world war, then there is germany first entered poland, yes, and then into the soviet union, and here is where the border is, where poland is not a matter, but somehow they are in their own way in the retelling, russia will be attacked by the germans, but at first everything was drawn, everything is correct.
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arrows there is a plan, only there is no border , that is, here’s how, well, how to get from russia, from belarus to germany, they didn’t say about it, so let it be in line, first poland, and before poland, in theory, ukraine, but somehow they did it all quickly , yes, have a good time, we listened to him, yes, but the only truth he said there is that this president will not agree to peace, yes, that is, this president, he means zelensky, the only truth in words, you see, they’re discussing there what they called it, if i’m not mistaken.
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discusses if peace is yes, that is , as he said, they are trying to convince the whole planet to put pressure on putin, yes, well, this is talk about creating a coalition against russia and discussing the points of russia’s surrender, but why- then no one wanted to put pressure, that is, they didn’t listen and even the western media write that they came to nothing, but by the way, here’s termak he remembered the normandy format, but he says, he said that it was impossible to come to an agreement with russia, there more 200 meetings, let me remind you of what? this is the problem, why they didn’t agree , namely the choice of the border, that is, russia considered the minsk agreements as a process of political settlement in which donetsk and lugansk would be able to safely stay in ukraine for their lives, and then the border, the border is the result, not the process of the agreements , what ukraine was considering, give up the border, and we will establish our own order, well, we all saw what order was not established in kherson in the kharkov region, when they went, it was punitive operations, that is, everyone now understands perfectly well that russia was right, that it should not have been given to them.
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together with the british army for the malvinas islands. we'll be back. ashmetki of the formation of the basics will fight.
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and soon we will watch new episodes. skrif, i can’t live without you. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have arrived, a new season with a new renovation. with a slight movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this absolutely featureless room.
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real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, watch, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen , just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, we
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haven’t seen each other for a long time, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, we fell in love with them. who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved , you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole crew, just watching on the platform. i thought that here , more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about it, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it , there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this
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a dangerous fairy-tale animal , when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here, how everything is running, what’s very important to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously , just to see, let’s go, it must be edible, that’s what i meant , certainly, bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 1000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five -on-one, five-on-one program, ulitina kira vladimirovna , tell me, what about this
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krutov of yours, what is he all about, and sergei nikolaevich, oh, he’s a star, that’s what i think. it’s bad without you, but will we get married? damn, i forgot, you have a pregnant wife, what are we going to do with her? that's it, robin year, rest assured, i won't do it that easily i’ll leave it at that, you’ll both regret it, but do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail? doctor snail, on saturday on art. the most powerful volcanic eruption in iceland, it was the most serious in half a century, said the head of the country's civil defense service , reinisa. the culprit said that this is most likely just the beginning of a chain of events that will be extremely difficult to cope with. the cataclysm was preceded by a series of small earthquakes
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in the south of the country, after which an eruption began: lava flows reached the city of grindavik. the population was evacuated, so protect residential buildings and urban infrastructure. failed. the lava overcame a barrier of soil and gravel. the footage shows several buildings on the outskirts of grendavik burning, swallowed up by hot streams. at least three houses were reported destroyed. a state of emergency has been declared in the region. now, according to scientists, the intensity of the volcanic eruption has decreased. the glory that came out of four rifts comes out of only two. but when the eruption will end completely is impossible to predict. remember, 14 years old ago, a powerful eruption of another icelandic volcano, kudl, caused such an emission of ash that air traffic was disrupted over the entire northern europe. new video from
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iceland shows lava from a volcanic eruption reaching the town of grendavik. this is the second eruption in less than a month, and the city was previously evacuated. at noon , a new crack opened in the city, from which lava began to flow and it had already reached several houses in the city. so this is a very serious situation, obviously this really changes the whole situation because yesterday we announced that our biggest concern is the cracks and faults near the city, but now we have a volcano erupting right inside the city, it's very serious, i can't even imagine what people are going through, the fact that you can see it on television, the fact that you can see it on webcams, it’s a bit of a strange feeling to see how the city once...
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in the verkhovna rada , a bill on civil partnerships is awaiting a vote, which will essentially allow homosexuals to officially register their relationships. by according to the author of the project inna savsun, lgbt rights cannot be ignored and same-sex rights must be legalized. partnership if ukraine wants to continue moving towards europe.
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militants in the ssu of non-traditional sexual orientation also advocate such inclusive european integration. according to telegraf, there are currently about 50,000 different gays, lesbians and transgender people fighting in the armed forces of ukraine. for example, before the war, combat medic ivan liked to wear high heels, pole dance and put on makeup. now i've changed my heels to bertse, he says, being openly gay in the army is not easy, but he does it for the sake of his dead brothers-in-arms, who never had time to declare their orientation, although they were also sadomites. vona yogo nourished and cried, she
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sang to death, she asked for yogo, if you want, call me, call me, two weeks ago ivan gonzik sang this song in the hottest direction, he graduated from music school, but in 2015 he changed his piano to medical the tour came to the defense of ukraine .
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in order for the lgbt community to have equal with all ukrainians right,
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a bill on civil partnerships was submitted to the verkhovna rada. the bill is intended to primarily solve the problem for same-sex couples that exist today. these are living people, these are citizens of ukraine, some of them serve in the army, but they do not have any rights as a couple, because ukrainian legislation does not recognize them. where a young guy died, his lover could not get access to the body to confirm that it was him. i can visit my boyfriend in the hospital, i can transfer the property to him , i can marry him, i can take, god forbid, his body if he dies, when
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a full-scale war began, we began to understand that our life does not go by the day, not by the hour, but by the minute .
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after the russian army breaks through the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces, it will shift the front line to the west. sheina worries that the influx of ukrainian women and children will be a huge burden on the economies of poland and other european countries. former deputy minister of defense of the country anna malyar reassures warsaw. the goal of the russians now, according to her, is not a major offensive, but maximum depletion of the ukrainian armed forces. ukrainian fighters are forced to waste scarce ammunition and have their morale undermined by constant small-group attacks. they are forming in parallel.
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increased; in the last 24 hours alone, according to him , 41 airstrikes were carried out. tornavsky also reported that, again, within 24 hours , 51 russian offensive attempts with the support of armored vehicles were recorded, and this, according to him , every day. you hear them before you see them, if you don’t drive them away, the military tells us, then they will chew everything from your fingers sleeping soldiers to computer cables, as russian drones constantly circle in the sky. while ukrainian militants are hiding underground and talking about being close to mice, the russian military is demonstrating examples of skill and courage at the front. in this incredible footage, a paratrooper provokes an attack from an enemy drone, opens fire with a machine gun
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and forces the drone to change course and go on the attack. the drone does a somersault while dodging. explodes in the snow, the soldier calmly leaves, handsome, absolutely handsome, he just made it, you, you have sausages eggs, the freezing dnieper has become a huge problem for the ukrainian formations, high-speed boats get stuck in drifting ice floes in these footage from the kherson region, russian reconnaissance officers using drones destroy another group of enemy forces...
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limit the number of shots due to a lack of ammunition. the head of the servant of the people faction organized a real attack on zelensky. arakhamya admitted that half a million ukrainians died due to the negligence of military commissars. recruits were sent to the front without training. they took the young fighter course only on paper. in order not to get caught up in the mobilization flywheel, conscripts go to extreme measures, writes the british times. according to the newspaper, leaving the country through the forests now costs up to $5.00. the central regions say, well, we don’t know, there are 40%, and the western ones say, we are not going to negotiate with moscow, what does this mean, it is very easy to demand changes from everyone, it is difficult
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to demand changes from yourself. banking categorically disagrees with the negotiations, the head of the office of the ukrainian president, yarmak, assured journalists from the american cnbs that ukraine is in is winning the war, and zelensky, according to him, will never freeze the conflict. came here to say that france will support ukraine for a long time. stéphane sejournet spent his first weekend as head of the french foreign ministry in ukraine. the blue minister was symbolically brought to kiev by the blue carriage of ukrzaleznitsa. as the german tagischau sejourne writes, he went to take the paris oath of allegiance to kiev just 2 days after his appointment to the post-door; his former one literally opened him up to international relations lover, new.
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russia hopes that ukraine and its allies will get tired earlier, we will not weaken, this is what i want to tell the ukrainians. shortly before this , the british prime minister visited kiev. sunok granted ukraine a security agreement for a period of 10 years, which disrupted avatsia in the verkhovna rada. london. in the event of aggression against kiev, they promise to hold consultations and , if possible, provide weapons ; sunok did not
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explain how these guarantees differ from what is happening in ukraine now. ukraine will never be alone, putin may think he can hold out longer than us, but he is wrong. new and unexpected in the agreement were the responsibilities of kiev itself in the event of aggression against london; ukraine will also have to defend the interests of the british.
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they consider taiwan to be part of china, but
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with its territorial integrity, that is, it is recognized as a separate entity , the government of taiwan has military obligations to protect it, then 2005 came, china passed... a law, the so-called prevention of separatism, according to the conditions of which the chinese government is obliged to use force in the event of declaration of independence, primarily by taiwan, although not only, including tibet with a long-range view. what are the americans doing? their task now is to create a major crisis in china. how to do it? lead, play on the verge of declaring taiwan's independence. so that china cannot implement its own law of 2005, expose the chinese government to the whole world as weak, which is not
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capable of implementing its own... own legislation, then they will play on encouraging other separatism, primarily separatism in tibet, separatism in the senjiang uyghur district inside china, in the long run, as far as i remember, in colorado they also have a center for the study of the manjur language and manjur culture, at least in the nineties they had it, where they openly said that the manjurian language was killed by china, the manjurian culture was strangled... by china, that is, it turns out that in the state of colorado there were the most ardent champions of the manjurian identity, it is enough for them that china showed its weakness as soon as it not will be able to fulfill their own law, then they will immediately begin a game to expand other separatism, and here the americans have the following ball: to pit india and china against each other, they remember very well that the main problem
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is... trouble and the problem of the dalai lama, the entire set of agreements between india and china on tibet, then they will begin to play on inciting separatism in tibet, which will play into the conflict between china and india, what the americans are actually striving for, and most importantly, why they need taiwan, taiwan shoots through the entire coastline of china, until china can take control of taiwan, it cannot create a full-fledged...
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promised that the united states will fight for taiwan, you know, this is the first time, by the way, i ’ve heard, don’t believe it , at a conference , this is the american military in 2005, for what else, they said, we can fight and we won’t fight, we will fight for taiwan, for one simple reason, then they said, we will find ourselves in the position of the soviet union in 1989, as having surrendered gdr, if we surrender taiwan, the whole system collapses
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japan does not believe in the american presence in the pacific. the philippines does not believe in american security guarantees, australia, new zealand, especially, that is , for the americans this is really a fundamental problem, this is a guarantee of the reliability of their entire system of presence in the pacific ocean, so to speak, a forward defense perimeter, so the americans will keep it at any cost constantly play, creating a problem for china. in principle, this is primitive american logic, but very effective, so we are taking a step towards independence, and what do you simply express with a statement that you are sorry, that you are dissatisfied, disagree , well, your right, that means you are weaklings, this , in fact, is the logic that guides american politicians and their task is to provoke a crisis, primarily within china itself. news. from washington
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, lloyd austin, who was reported to be suffering from prostate cancer, has just been discharged from the hospital, and he will already begin his immediate duties from the pentagon, although no, the pentagon just announced that secretary of defense austin will for now work from at home, that is, to manage several military operations at once, zelensky, while still the president of ukraine, flew to... woz politico says that this is almost the last chance for him to beg for money. zelensky will speak at the annual world economic forum in davos to try to return western attention to his country, and a visit to switzerland could be his last chance. the ukrainian conflict has recently not attracted much interest in western countries, and financial and military assistance to kiev is becoming increasingly uncertain. since the fighting has been going on for
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almost 2 years. previously, the elites in the west received zelensky as a dear guest, but now the president of ukraine has to make an effort so as not to be another onlooker at their party, and just the absence of zelensky at such an event, after all, zelensky was late, because everyone is already leaving with fairs, and he went to the fair in the sense that the nadovodsky forum this year , uh, well, it’s not that very few serious businessmen and politicians came, but of course the number of participants is decreasing because
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this entire forum has actually turned into such a pumping of money from participants, sorry, the main meeting for him, of course, is blinkin and salevan, well, yes, of course. i say again, i really understand that there are still some chances of pumping out money, because you heard the word, exhaustion from the lips of another ukrainian politician, it is fair, because each of the parties, of course , expects that the other will run out of resources faster, ukraine, in general, does not hide the fact that its entire economy now basically boils down to the sale of one service in the military confrontation with russia, and ukraine would like to be paid as much as possible for this service. zelensky recently frankly said that he would not be able to pay pensions if western assistance stopped. but by the way, zelensky brought to the table one creative plan, which has been discussed in
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recent days, we are talking, by the way, directly about our money, because ukraine understands that western aid is being allocated less and less willingly, trying to come up with some. there is, because ukraine sees: there are 300 billion almost russian reserves, which, as is known, are arrested primarily in the european union, by the way, because, for example, the united states, some, or rather politicians of the united states, are already
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actively proposing to openly steal this money and give it to ukraine, several bills, by the way, have already been introduced in the american parliament, but we must also understand that in america, about only 2-3% of bills become laws, and there too.
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let’s take these 300 billion as collateral and pay from this interest; in 100 years, in principle, 300 billion will accrue, but if we manage better, then 300 billion will accrue in 50 years.
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where to go under the threat of our value? here is also a question for the europeans, how much? they will observe this disgrace, because i watch the news from germany, every week, a plant is closing, then a plant is being sold, today there is news that the energy company quadra is being sold to the french company, by the way , total energies, that is, there is a feeling that german the economy continues to be rammed, and then everything will be blamed on scholz, who was recently booed at a handball match. the farmers
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will blame everything on him, send him into retirement, but the question arises, of course, what damage will actually be caused to the german economy, especially if they are still being peddled with these, in quotes, wonderful reparation bonds, let’s come back, valentina telechkina, why in at some point... a despondent state of depression visits me, when the movie ended right at takeoff, i started having very strong headaches, such there was a doctor who treated in a non-traditional way, he gave the task to make a watercolor drawing, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. mosfilm.
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the main film studios of russia are celebrating their anniversary. andrei konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev, ivan bessonov, oleg basilashvili, svetlana nemolyaeva, stanislav lyubshin, sergei shakur, fedor dobronravov, irina kubchenko, alexander zatsepin, alexey rybnikov. sergey bezrukov, alexey kravchenko, nikita kologrilov, irina pegova, pavel derevyanko, pilogea, dima bilan, sergey mazaev, ildar abdrazakov, khibla gerzmavo, yuri bashmet and the state symphony orchestra new russia, daria zlatopolskaya, andrey,
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white tiger, film by karen shakhnazarov, on friday on rtr, we defend ours, we believe in what is dear to us, we say that it’s important to us that every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. everything about the elections in russia, we will tell
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you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, why are there cameras in elections, today i found myself in a new place with my dad, he wanted to vote for a candidate to choose, we walked in, i immediately froze, dad, why are there so many cameras here, monitoring the progress of fair elections on... no, free, important, honestly convenient, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running, they carried me away , another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my
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trophy, we were hungry then, here comes grandma, hungry herself, but she brings this kurba to the parish and says, feed me, baby monday to thursday on rtr in berlin , the largest demonstration of farmers, thousands of tractors and trucks, the city center was completely blocked today, angry farmers gathered at the brandenburg gate and demanded that
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the german authorities not cut subsidies and maintain tax breaks for agricultural producers. the minister of finance tried to calm those gathered.
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in direct communication, hello, thank you for agreeing to go on air, right from the place where these mass protests took place, how they went, did they achieve any results farmers, truckers, all those who have been on strike for days? yes, indeed, today the largest, largest rally was held, specifically
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from the agricultural sector, which was affected by the latest innovations of the scholz government, and uh. that is, about one and a half thousand tractors and other agricultural equipment gathered in the center of berlin, more than 10 thousand demonstrators, that is, a very huge event, now behind me you can see that the last tractors are still blinking there, that is, the rally is ending, but the protesters did not achieve their goals, minister linner spoke, that is , he did not offer anything new to the protesters, so we should expect that these actions will continue. and that is, no compromise was found, in fact, the government does not have money to give it to farmers, farmers, since the money is spent anywhere, but not for its own agricultural producers, and what exactly do farmers want, that is, are large amounts of money required for to help
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support them? we are talking about several billion euros, which the government had in mind last year's budget crisis. specifically for german farmers, that is, we know that at the end of the year they could not meet the budget, there were two options: either cut expenses or raise taxes, that is, they went with the most unpopular, according to the second option, a number of taxes were raised, including they cut subsidies for farmers, which put them on the brink of competitiveness, that is, many farmers, i talked to a lot of people here at a rally today, many say that it’s simply not profitable for them now to work, that is, according to these new rules - they cannot sell their products for this, for this provision, that is, on the other hand - at one time, that is, at the end of last year, he said that these measures will not affect. support for ukraine , germany doubled its support for ukraine, that is , in fact, there is money, but it is not spent by its own population. we cannot help but ask
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you about the fbi article, which describes in detail the plan for russia’s attack on europe, detailed plans for the transfer of large european nato contingents to ours borders, that it was a leak, some kind of invention. i do not rule out that such plans are being developed at the general staff, especially against the backdrop of the current confrontation, that is, i don’t see anything special in this, that is, i am sure that any country has similar plans in the event of one or another confrontation, of course it is unpleasant to read such things , i would not like these plans to be realized, on the other hand, as we know, germany emptied its warehouses... but the bundeswehr gave almost everything to ukraine, that is, according to the latest data, in a case of this kind confrontation, germany can provide itself
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with ammunition there for literally a few days, that is, a couple of days is all, that is, the bundeswehr itself is not combat-ready at the moment. also, evgeniy, tell me, returning to the farmers, after all, such large-scale promotions have been taking place for more than a week, does this affect the situation in the stores? so far no shortage has been discovered, that is, of course , it has been announced that supply chains will be destroyed, uh, that is, this phenomenon has not taken on a massive character, but, but, let’s say, these plans exist, and if a compromise will never be reached, then perhaps farmers will try in this second phase to shake up the supply chains here, so that in stores people will already feel some kind of shortage of certain... or other goods, and perhaps transport companies should join, that is, today i observed not only farmers, but people took
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to the streets here and expressed their disagreement with the policies being pursued. thank you very much, member of the bundestag from the alternative for germany party for direct communication from the center of berlin from the brandenburg gate, where today the largest, largest action of farmers during these protests took place, is another noteworthy one. in this regard, the news that ger scholz will soon not even be able to use the mail, because he is allegedly afraid of russian spies, so he will switch to pneumatic mail, let 's see, the mail flew away, the british are joking about the pneumatic pipe system of federal chancellor scholz, scholz abandoned his plans abolish the 19th century pneumatic tube system used to deliver classified documents to his office because it turned out to be an important tool... for protection against russian spies. for decades , the office has relied on this machine, which uses compressed air to transport paper documents between 36
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stations in various departments. the device, which uses imperial-era technology, is due to be decommissioned by 2025, but according to the office, the risk of digital document interception is significantly higher than using the good old pneumatic tube system. scholz personally forbade anyone to touch the device. typically this is urgent matters that cannot be transferred to electricity. or the need for an original signature, a federal government spokesman said. chancellor scholz's personal pipe is marked with the number one; you can get to the cabinet of ministers by placing documents in pipe two. the system now handles about a thousand messages a month, a rare example of how simple analog technology can be much better for national security. is it better, please, it’s beautiful, after all, it’s a matter of the scholz pipe, yes, that’s how you can say it.
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local use, but if german peasants, well, farmers, bauers, had such an opportunity to use the land free of charge, without paying rent, which sometimes eats up to 90, and sometimes even more than 100% of their profits, they would not have a question about the same diesel fuel, it’s just a question, well, a trivial one, but they have them - simply due to this rent due to the fact that the land belongs to some incomprehensible old aristocrats, due to this , in fact... speaking, there are problems, here now the old aristocrats have essentially taken over the udder of the same ger scholz, whose business is not only a pneumatic pipe, but in general
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his pipe is not very good, in general i look at - european leaders, here scholz, for example, how many children does schulz have? no, how many children does macron have? no, those who are not the leader of the state, they don’t have children, they don’t think about the future, putin has children, he does, putin has children, grandchildren, everything, and the person thinks about the future of the people and the future of peoples , and their people and peoples and their own future, these don’t think, here i am i look at those people who come there to see zelensky, there was a report at the very beginning of the program about lgbt people, the armed forces of ukraine. every time it’s not about the future, every time it’s not about the children , what kind of children i will have, what kind of future do these lgbt fighters of the armed forces of ukraine have, of whom there are 50 thousand, excuse me, but it’s like, how children won’t be born from this, for what, for what the question is, what are they fighting for , what, what, what kind of future do they see for ukraine, and for russian soldiers, for the russian people, for the russian army, well, it’s clear what the future is, this is the future for everyone, including
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ordinary ukrainians who also have. children should be children, it’s not these comrades, prozilensko, by the way , there are also various rumors, there, he has something to do with glpt, he has nothing to do with vkbt, i even once publicly put forward a thesis , who suggested adopting the presidential office, i say, well, it’s fashionable in the west for transgender people to be promoted, so tell me that zelensky is your first transgender president, that will be a wonderful thesis, you can ask for money for it, and get on it you can get even more money than for the theses zelensky is coming with now. so he went to dovoz, what will he do there, but it seems to me that zelensky’s most important meeting in dovos is not even with salvan, not with blintlen, but his meeting has been announced with representatives of chase manhattan bank, and this, by the way, is a serious meeting , not only because it is a huge banking megastructure, which is one of the world's financial monopolists, but also because this structure is the head structure of the rockefeller house and the main
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republican sponsors. party and the main antagonists, although in fact they still find a common language, the houses of the rothschilds, who in turn stand for the democratic party because of this zelensky war, where we will not take this war that is taking place, who does not stand for it , one way or another connected with the rothschalds, the same macron, but the person is directly connected, where is his previous place of work, man, where did you work, who did you work for, you worked for the rothschalds right in their office, you worked, now you work as president france, but who said that you are working as the president of france not as a nationalist and now... now zelensky, either this is the initiative of the rockefellers directly, or it is his initiative, but it seems that the eggs are beginning to be laid out in different, already globally different pictures, this is the question, by the way, about changes in the american establishment, trump is a republican, or biden is a democrat, there will be changes in the senate, or there will be no changes in the senate, for us, in
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fact, this has absolutely nothing, absolutely.
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what a cool olenikov, what a surprise arranged it, i loved it, it beats, it means that
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we are going calmly, crookedly, when he fell, he hit himself, all this is very strange, the main thing is that he survives and recovers, and if he does not recover, sklitosovsky, today on rtr, and soon. .. watching new episodes. paul, don’t start with the war, i beg you, we just returned. such changes are coming in my life. provocation is treacherous behavior. here is the difference between a man and a woman, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuing the conversation. in the new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything , subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, the first podcasts we watch, there is no family in russia, one
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where its hero is not remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers from photographs of faded ones. .. this look, like the highest court, for the guys who are growing up now, and the boys cannot help but lie, not deceive, the bottom of the path, turn, to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovy, the legendary, beloved, film... officers, in sunday on rtr, how much
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animals in your family, 16 , why stop, he offered a goat first, a goose, there were ducks, ducklings, bendyuks, he ’s not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog, leva, well, i beg you, leva, you’re a human, in circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, in russia there are so many opportunities that even the new year can be whatever you want, a digital trend. brutal, dear, unknown, awesome , unstoppable, come to the exhibition forum russia, there is no life, you need to go to the capital, what
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is this, let’s say it rushed, like ours, misha in slaughter, we look at the weekend, valya, you are gathered far away, we are going to moscow, val, and you, i am burning bridges behind me, other people’s houses, someone else’s life, but i don’t know my own. shirst, i so want to look back , i look at my eyes, i can’t believe it, you returned it, or something, completely, i don’t know, i was looking for a new life, some kind of happiness, and found nothing, happiness, it turns out, is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness, on sunday on rtr. now
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there is a shortage of eggs in the usa, they have disappeared from supermarket shelves, many stores have had to introduce a restriction on the sale of eggs in one hand. what is the cause of the problem that, thank god, we have already survived? let's see. there is not a single egg. michelle fahy from nevada wanted to buy eggs but couldn't find them in her grocery store.
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according to experts in russia, the price turned out to be the lowest in the world - 118 rubles, but still expensive. look, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye. hello on the russia tv channel , denis polanchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour. iran launched ballistic missiles and kamikaze drones into the territory syria and iraq. in erbil , the area where the us consulate is located was under attack. what will the new aggravation lead to?
11:01 am
the russian military has captured the front line.


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