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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  January 16, 2024 11:30am-2:00pm MSK

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a real drama played out in the family of actor boris tenin. svetlana agureeva, who in her youth decided to give birth to a daughter from him, now after the actor’s death decided that her daughter has the right to an inheritance, but the decision to enter into a battle for property opened the floodgates, they decided to tell their truth not only the widow and mistress of boris tenin, but also the only recognized son timofey. would a normal daughter do this? the recognized son and unrecognized daughter of boris tenin. confrontation. and in the evening after the big news, watch the continuation of the ninth season medical drama with klifosovsky, don’t miss two episodes at once, they follow the developments in russia abroad, stay with us.
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in komsomolsk on the sea they began construction of a production complex where baikals will be produced. work to create a light multi-purpose aircraft is being carried out on behalf of the president of russia. lyudmila smirnova will tell you what is the current need for machines of this class, when the first planes spread their wings in the sky. the frozen ground gives in reluctantly, but this swarm of special equipment knows his business so that baikal, a native of the far east, spreads his wings in the khabarovsk sky as soon as possible. on the site. heavy equipment is already in operation, you and i have a unique opportunity to see at the very beginning how the new russian light-engine aviation is being born. the tsh plans to build here by the end of this year, and next year to begin producing new aircraft for baikal. the task is to complete the construction six months ahead of schedule, from january 2 without holidays, cavalry to dump trucks, so around the clock. the work goes on around the clock, 24 hours and...
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the new complex is being built near existing aviation enterprises, this is the yuri gagarin plant and the yakovlev production center, there is all the airfield infrastructure, but the builders watch the air show every day right from the site. that today we are fabulously lucky with a thermometer of only -23, but still, despite the harsh far eastern climate , truly greenhouse conditions have been created for the creation of new production. we are talking about the benefits of the priority development territory and the resident of the site baikal, as part of tor khabarovsk, will receive them in full. these are, first of all, tax benefits, this is social insurance, all this is and will be provided to our residents. well, one of
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the important benefits, yes, is the building itself, which will be built at the expense of the ministry of eastern development, will be transferred to our resident at a preferential rental rate for a long-term period. work on the creation of light multi-purpose aircraft is being carried out on behalf of russian president vladimir putin. the new car, named baikal, will be able carry out cargo and passenger transportation, rescue flights and even agricultural work. the first seven that will arrive in the khabarovsk territory will be...
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and the demand for them among the far eastern regions is high: 105 light multi-purpose vehicles by 2030. the issue of reducing deadlines is coordinated by the regional government. the new plant will be able to produce at least 20 aircraft per year. it is planned that the first winged aircraft will fly to the far eastern regions next year. lyudmila smirnova, alexander garilov, maxim nazarov. news. khabarovsk. the largest. in russia, the nuclear power plant in the leningrad region is expected to undergo important changes, it is planned to decommission two soviet units, instead of them new russian reactors will be installed at lnp, their construction is already underway, ilya karelin visited the site. the leningrad nuclear power plant lights every second light bulb in st. petersburg and the region, and also provides a third of the energy for the entire north-west of the country. today it is the largest nuclear power plant in russia in terms of installed capacity and the only one that operates on reactors of two...
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types, uranium-graphite and water-water. over half a century of its service, las generated more than 1.115 billion kilos of energy, which would be enough to provide electricity to the whole of russia. for a whole year. there are clean and dirty zones on the territory of the nuclear power plant. we are talking about background radiation. arrival from one zone to another is only through the sanitary inspectorate. entering the dirty room, everyone changes into a white special uniform and turns on an individual dosimeter. the device will record the radiation dose that a person will receive. the permitted daily allowance is 100 microsievers. for an outsider, a nuclear power plant a real labyrinth of countless corridors, staircases, and hall passages. there is a special way to navigate here. there are coordinate system signs on the doors. room, building, room, it’s written, mark, at what mark, here it is +140. the control readout, the brain of the power unit, the reactor, the turbine, the pumps, the operation of all systems is regulated from here, each component has its own operator. the shift
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lasts 8 hours, each team has five employees, interestingly, the lighting on the control panel is dim. this the employees explain that it is necessary to have light bulbs, monitors, and indicators on the panels. visible, because you have to monitor many sensors. the most difficult thing, according to engineers, is starting up the power unit after repairs. this is the most difficult thing, to get the first 150-170 mw electric. then almost all reservations will be set to automatic mode. in addition, employees regularly carry out a responsible operation, reloading cassettes with nuclear fuel, without shutting down the reactor, right in the process of nuclear fission the spent fuel is removed from the heated channels and new fuel is loaded. the manipulations are carried out. this is the central hall of a working reactor, right under my feet there is a biological protection from ten meters below there is an active zone, where a nuclear reaction is taking place right now, thanks to which the coolant is heated and supplied to the turbine, which is how electricity is generated.
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the leningrad nuclear power plant not only generates electricity, but also produces radioactive substances that are in demand in medicine and industry for more than a quarter of a century. isotopes are chemical elements with a structure changed at the atomic level. unique properties. one of them is cobalt 60. due to its strong gamma radiation, it is used to sterilize medical instruments, increase the shelf life of food, disinfect valuable wood, and much more. several more isotopes - yot-125 and yot 131, malibdenum 99 and samari 153 are used in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer . the leningrad nuclear power plant is a real city within a city, the energy complex is so big, that from one. from part to part you have to travel by bus. today , the leningrad nuclear power plant consists of six power units, the oldest two of which have already been shut down for subsequent decommissioning, generation is ongoing at four, and two more power units are under construction. we have begun construction on the third and fourth block of vvr 1200. this is a program that will provide
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jobs for our people and a source of energy here in the northwest for the next 100 years. this is, of course, the main task. new. the reactors must replace two historical ones. water-water technology, according to experts, is much safer. graphite uranium, however, does not allow the production of valuable floods. reloading of cassettes here occurs only once every year and a half. these pictures show a historical event. the process of physical startup of one of the new reactors. these power units are not only safer, but are 20% more powerful than the old ones. in 2032, las will completely switch to pressurized water reactors, which will be another significant milestone in the history of the leningrad atom. power plants. ilya karilin, alexander loginov, dmitry dolgov, alexey chubko, vesti leningrad region. the irkutsk regional children's hospital received a new x-ray diagnostic complex and a computed tomograph. the total cost of this most modern equipment is 83 million rubles.
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its purchase was made possible thanks to the national health care project. which range of studies allows the complex to be performed? alexey baklanov found out. this x-ray diagnostic complex is controlled remotely from the control room, has increased maneuverability and versatility, allows you to perform the entire range of studies in the modes of radiography, linear tomography, fluoroscopy, is customized individually for each patient, and most importantly, it gives a significantly lower radiation dose to the child’s body than devices of previous generations. due to the fact that here there is an amplification of x-ray radiation in the image processing itself, here... much less radiation is required in order, well, roughly speaking, to enlighten the patient and identify his pathology. the cost of the complex is 23 million rubles. and this msct device for 128 sections, another recent acquisition of the medical clinic is already worth 60 million. it also
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allows you to obtain high-resolution images, helping radiology diagnosticians quickly decipher the results. the multislice computed tomograph is equipped with a full package of programs for assessing all organ systems, including pathology of the cardiovascular system and oncological diseases. according to the doctors. technology makes it possible to diagnose, and therefore treat, dangerous illnesses in children at the earliest stages of development. pediatric oncology and oncohematology has always been an acute health problem; in a year, 80 children were initially diagnosed with malignant neoplasms. this figure, it is wavy, but year after year, if you carry out large statistics, it is all over russia, in principle, all over the world, it is approximately the same and the x-ray diagnostic complex and... the children's regional hospital received an msct device thanks to the federal program "fighting cancer diseases." and in
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general, according to the national health care project, medical institutions in irkutsk in 2023, the region received 175 units of high-tech honey bearding. alexey baklanov, viktor tagmitov, lead irkutsk. the ulyanovsk aviation plant is modernizing production to increase production of the il-76 md-90a heavy transport aircraft. within the framework. technical re-equipment , an automated production line for aircraft assembly has already been put into operation. our correspondent eduard estomin watched how the next giant transporter was being created. magic and movement is when the gates are opened slowly, and then one of the aircraft units, but the compartment in the fuselage f2 is only one link in the complex unit of the il-76 md-90. now this fuselage compartment is the first to arrive at the assembly line. stage is production site number one, it is here that the unit will dock with other fuselage compartments directly on these
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stocks. the unit itself was assembled in a separate workshop, like the other two brothers. next , transportation to the assembly line, unloading using a crane beam and installation on so -called hydraulic shoes. good, you need to tighten it up, good. the next stage is the relocation of the compartment, it is installed on the stocks of production site number one, and this can be said to be a piece of jewelry work. he is called a wizard at micron-scale docking of compartments, for which he underwent special training. we load the compartments here, we completely measure them, after that we load the data into the station, into the console and directly carry out the docking, that is. this requires, well, three or four people entirely instead of what previously required a whole
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team of a brigade. then the fuselage will be sent to other production sites, where it will be they will join with detachable parts of the wing, install the tail unit, and also mount the power equipment. we must increase the production volume of military transport aircraft (76 by more than 30%), we must more than triple the... production volume of the ms-21 aircraft. at the same time , the issue of additional recruitment for enterprises will be resolved. the main incentive is a good salary. over the past year it has increased by more than a quarter. the average amount is over 80,000 rubles per month. eduard estomin, alexander rasokhin. news ulyanovsk. the epiphany festival of angels and archangels opened in azhevsk. thirty sculptors are carving an incredible thing out of ice. beauty of the figure, report by elena lebedeva. at st. michael's cathedral
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the figures of angels and archangels are already clearly visible. ice blocks are transformed by sculptors into a work of art. if we just make some kind of plane, then it seems simple, it seems too monumental, too flat. when we break it down with lines like these, especially the less the better, it becomes very interesting. every winter valentin semyonov changes his qualifications as a designer to an ice sculptor and every time he gives free rein. fantasy this year , a master from izhevsk decided to create a flying angel so that a miracle would happen, construction tools are used. this is a catfish for harvesting the main mass, that is, throwing off some large volumes, a smaller catfish, it is already larger for this final type of ice processing, creating such an interesting texture. almost 30 sculptors saw, cut and polish, carving real masterpieces from fragile ice. the festival has long been interregional. participants of many russian competitions in izhevsk for the first time built an ice town on
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the central square, and are now creating an angel with an eight-pointed star. a very beautiful place, a very beautiful atmosphere, these angels, yes, flogging, flying, icy, they are just like crystal. the festival of angels and archangels has been gathering masters in izhevsk for the thirteenth winter. this year, artists came from moscow, samara, chelyabinsk, perm territory and sunny sochi. in addition to st. michael's cathedral with the sculpture of urodnik. on the corlutka, on collection of the font on the izhevsk pond , it was from there that the ice blocks were brought, this year the material is durable, 35 cm thick, for sculpture, the thicker the ice, the better, and the larger the piece, without any joints, the bottom is clean and there is no silt , no gas formation does not occur, and therefore the ice is good enough , we’ll see what happens at the baptism, how long the figures will last depends on the weather, however, this year only the summer heat can melt such a mass. ilina lebedeva, yuri afanasyev, news from udmurtia, tea, manenka,
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manenka, yes. you also need to love a person in order to take him and come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question is of course interesting based on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, this is what a person lives for, it should have a continuation, what is a good conversation based on, trust? i am so contradictory, my wisdom and cunning have turned on, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, even. when everyone is home on sunday on rtr kamchatka peninsula, one of the most environmentally friendly places on the planet.
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the nature of kamchatka is unique. geysers, hot springs, glaciers, giants. faults, lakes, but the main pride of kamchatka is volcanoes, ice , stone, fire-breathing giants, the most powerful of them are included in the klyuchevskaya group, the majestic klyuchevskaya sopka, the highest active... volcanoes of kamchatka - a world natural heritage site, preserved here in pristine purity natural life of the kamchatka peninsula.
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and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation, the first podcasts we watch, oh, everyone is in one carriage, great , don’t force it, on saturday, since our women have gone to bed, let’s not waste time, the point is,
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i won’t get bored on vacation with such colleagues.
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ours don't abandon our own. from monday to thursday. on rtr. on the russia land of opportunity platform. the competition continues. this is our family. more than 70 thousand families from all regions of the country applied for participation. the competition will end in the summer in moscow. and now our keimerovsky correspondent alexandra bernikova met one of the families.
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the small house was rebuilt and expanded, this the head of the family himself was in charge, there are women's and men's parts, spacious rooms and a living room, his best friend and assistant is his grandmother, roman's mother herself has many children. i always dreamed that i would have many grandchildren, otherwise why live in the world, you need to leave something behind, of course i’m proud of my son and his daughter, of course i’m proud, they’re great, and i’ll always be there to help, the family of prislup winners, winners of various district and regional competitions, decided to test themselves at the federal level last november, submitted an application to the project, it’s a family affair, it’s a serious struggle, more than 100,000 participants, all the kids, dad and mom... and grandma, including us, like creative activists, everything is interesting to us, we’ve somehow pulled together here, probably even more, in 2 months of the correspondence stage we completed 30 tasks out of thirty,
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creative, sports, intellectual, culinary, even on the basics of first aid. on january 18, there will be famous names of semi-finalists, the circle will be narrowed to one and a half thousand families, the prislup families are determined to win, and the main prizes, certificate for home improvement , joint travel. alexandra bernikova, sergey sardaryan. here everything is like in traditional racing, a high-speed track, obstacles, sharp turns, only drones are used as racing cars; although they are small, they are enough. they are fast, such a multicopter can accelerate to almost 60 km/h, so it is not so easy to control it; the operator acts as a pilot, although he does not sit at the helm, all control is done
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using a remote control and special glasses. to feel like a real pilot, when you need to have a control panel and such virtual glasses, so you put them on and see the track from the first person, you get the feeling that you are in the cockpit of the drone itself, flying at incredible speed and feeling like... a real pilot, the task of esports athletes is to fly at speed through everything rings and do not touch them. our track is endowed with, well, several different elements, there are, that is, direct elements, there are so-called tornado elements, there is a figurative chair, flags, there is an electronic notch, which at the end of the finish line is electronically the camera records the flight time of each pilot, at the end we then find out, well, the time, who made the shortest circle. before leaving for the start, the participants get acquainted. on computers, like race car drivers, esports athletes study the route in theory to avoid surprises during the flight. to do this, pilots first overcome virtual obstacles. alexander taratynov, who
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started flying drones just a couple of months ago, admits that this route is not easy for beginners. i enjoy flying on them, it’s like flying on an airplane or a helicopter, only it’s much more better, you put on these glasses, sit down to control the drone, you fly on it, this feeling of flight, a feeling of, well, something. water is very cool. drone racing is a very democratic form of e-sports. among the participants are representatives of different professions and ages. both schoolchildren and adults can compete in one start. alexey ustich from krasnodar works in the it field. he has been flying drones for 2 years now. he assembles and repairs his own flying cars. small drones, as a rule, they all come from the factory, large ones very often collected by components, individually. this is a very, very common occurrence. similar competitions were held in the region. for the first time, the organizers say that every time there are more and more people who want to spread their wings and conquer new heights, so they plan to develop drone flights at speed further. we
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are now purchasing equipment, inventory, in february, from march 1, already on march 2, the first event will be held either at the dynamo stadium, or we are looking for a site that meets the standards. the organizers expect that the next massive drone competitions will be held in krasnodar. maria zaripova, vitaly voronkov, news. all news is always available on the media. we look at the platform, and by this time we have everything , denis polanchukov was with you, see you, what can you say about the tank, the white tiger, it’s a white devil, you don’t think so, the germans have the only one like that, they don’t have the same. he is the white tiger here, a film by karen shakhnazarov,
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on friday... more than just television, it is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly! the loudest.
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i will operate, i'm scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but it exists, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, dizzying shows and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, even i don’t know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music,
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both are difficult, you do it yourself understanding program about animals, among friends, when difficult trials come into our lives, very it is important to unite, not to betray anyone , no matter what happens, the story of a mysterious disappearance is live on air, the whole studio is discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years, advanced documentaries, now the flag of the russian federation is rising above the norwegian one. sea, it was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph, our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe, current news, political investigations and impartial analytics. live program 60 minutes. the news goes on air. hello. key events, what will this day be remembered for? when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth. vladimir putin is sitting in this chair; he is in the audience, just like you
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and me. remember, he enters through these doors. everything you can’t imagine russia without. only on the rtr planet channel. in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, purity in some hertz, silence does not even breathe. we leave as defectors, marveling at the love of the sun to the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our souls. hello, this is our program. being an officer's wife is a pride and a feat. our heroine managed not only to survive the pain
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of loss, but also... began to make her husband's dreams come true, this photo is unique, because when he wrote on social networks, i saw that in the avatar there is a man after me, i i think they are still so happy, i think where does this person live, if he has such photographs, the smiling guy dmitry semyonov burst into ksenia’s life in 2012, since then he has captured her attention on...
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in novosibirs, gave flowers and flew away, well, of course, after such an act, there is no question it was, soon ksenia realized that she had fallen in love and... agreed to get married, he proposed to me on his birthday on the day of special forces, it was october 24, i thought for a very long time, and he asked what was the reason for such a long choice, i say , i need to think, but he took water, a glass, drank water, set it down , he said, i thought, he did the whole wedding, there was a violin, a carriage and exit registration, in 2016 the couple had a son ruslan, dmitry was happy with the appearance of an heir , but due to duty all the time... he went on business trips, and in the winter of 2022 he ended up to the nwo zone. guard major dmitry semyonov commanded a special forces detachment. he considered his charges his children and said
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that he was responsible for them with his head. the soldiers loved and respected him. one day, a wounded soldier refused to be evacuated to deliver a letter from the qing to his commander. hid him under a bulletproof vest and went into battle, well , a couple of days later he died, and when they were looking, it turns out, well, his body was missing, i kept saying, like there should be a drawing there, in our studio there is the widow of the hero of russia, dmitry semyonova, ksenia, hello, ksenia, hello, hello, ksenia, do you know how dima died, tell us about it? on may 27, twenty -two, it’s my birthday, a friend called me and said: “ksyosh, sm is missing, you
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always said that without preludes the truth.” and i say, what do you mean disappeared? well, at first i didn’t react, because... he could always go on reconnaissance and he might not be there for 5-7 days alone, i was like, well, what do you mean i’ve disappeared, well, we’re like, we’re waiting, but it’s just so hard for me and such silence, and may 30th, which is my birthday ruslana, they call me and say: that’s it, they found a body, it’s dima, we’re taking it, 2 hours later they call me and say, oh, no, it’s not dima. on june 18, they called me and said that well, it’s definitely him, they identified him there, and accordingly, i was already burned, i started telling him that no, show
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me the photographs, which means they told me, no, then that it’s impossible to know , there will be a dna examination, at some point they called me that he didn’t match, the next day they called me and said it was a match, then they called and said no, it’s not him, then they said it would repeated examination, then they said that the date was accurate, and accordingly, there was just a funeral in july, that is, before that , we lived in this swing, but i always hoped that when he had just disappeared, i went to church, and a lot of our friends called me, my athletes and him there , they said how to help, and i said, here except the lord no one can help, and well , pray, then vladivostok, st. petersburg, that is, all of russia, wherever my friends are, wherever our guys are, all churches, and muslims and orthodox christians and shamans, i myself am from the ikutsk
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region, everyone was connected, and my friends flew from jerusalem, they brought 12 candles, and i kind of put these candles, as... well, i started saying that dima is waiting for you and the candles have already burned out, there’s nothing left in the end, and i’m like, oh my god, i’ll accept any choice, absolutely, i won’t complain, blame someone, but leave this man here, when they told me, that yes, definitely him, and then father, he told me, well, perhaps you were fighting against some kind of world, which is unknown to us, perhaps you did everything there, probably your war is not here, it is somewhere else, well, as i promised, that is, i never asked the question, why is this so, and i was in a conversation with our friend,
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on the eve of may 26, i say, so i tell semyon what he wants, let him do it, just not on my birthday, when i saw the call, and we agreed that this man, he doesn’t call me just like that, that is... only if anything, when i saw it, i thought, well, that’s it, i just didn’t know what was ahead on the sorslan waiting for more such downloads, when fate gives you a chance every time and... takes him away in a couple of hours, then i heard that he disappeared on my son’s birthday, that he was gone, and now my son and i have my birthday, the date of death followed by ruslan, that is, in 3 days we are all together now, and it turned out that life gave him to me on his birthday, and took him away on mine, please accept our condolences, tell me, when did you find out that he was dead, that is. .. whether you know it or not, well,
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military personnel of his level are always where it's hot, when he left in january, he hugged me and said: ksesh, you know, if i have a choice between our son and others, i will choose others, but because we have one son, and i owe at least 300 more return sons to their mothers. weren’t you offended that he chooses not his family as a priority, but his subordinates , i had no choice there, that is, you love men, yes, he immediately said that i am a military man, right down to the depths, i always come first service, and i don’t belong to myself, he says, i’m a blade in the hands of our homeland, he also had such a rule... he forbade
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writing to him for any business trip, sending photographs, letters, parcels, all women send, but i’m not allowed, everyone said that i was kind of a kind of wife, and i told him, one day, well, i look like -not really, i also want to send you something, but he gave me bushido, the way of the warrior, to read, he said, you will find the answer to your question, and i found it, and it was written there that a commander goes to war. must burn bridges so that he is not distracted by personal emotions on the battlefield, and after that, but i had no questions, and the only time i broke the rules was that ruslan drew a drawing, which we transferred to his zone, and this drawing of ruslan, it was always with him, yes, with dmitry, no, we in april, but i still, i’m very grateful to this family, this devin is subordinate... and his wife tells me, let’s send it,
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well, come on, like, well, that’s a different story, that’s not it at all, that’s all the rest is so much different there, well, what are you risking, well , he’ll grumble, he’ll grumble, humanitarian start get lost, that is, the cars there are under fire , they don’t let them go, they don’t let them go there, the car broke down there and at some point she calls me, says max 300 and well, well, she says it’s not difficult for him there, that is, for the family. the military even somehow said that there were 300 fragments , that is, already, so maxim left and a hospital car drove up, well, as if it was taking them there to the evacuation zone and with humanitarian aid, and max he said, i won’t go there for evacuation, he went, everything was wet there, he says that’s why there, he threw all his everything that he sent, took out the drawing and returned back there deep into... 70 or 100 km it turns out
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that then they told me that dima disappeared, then died and we didn’t know whether it reached him or not, because there was no connection with max either, and he called me on may 31 and said: ksyusha , i made it, i made it, i reported it, i said , i got a kick from him, he said, what are you doing here, he shouted, he says, at me, and i said, sat down, said , and i have a letter, he says he went deeper into this dugout he says and looked, he says the drawing and says this he smiled and said, i didn’t try at all when i got home and i’ll swear, i put it down ruslan drew what he drew there, he’s protecting, it turns out he’s a small one, he’s a kind of person behind an adult’s leg and here... with tanks there with an ax and he attacks,
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he says, they are protecting me, so max’s wife is yelling, she says , he called you first, he thought it was so important, i say what kind of spirit you need to have inside to, well, escape the zones with the cart pattern there, how much does it matter? characterizes as a commander. and i always say, here you are, but we didn’t know, then they canceled it, that is , again it’s all hanging, and i always say, he’ll come out, he says he’ll come out. he says such a talisman, when they called me , they said that we had found a corpse, i demanded from everyone that there was a drawing, that i was like, well , where is the drawing, and we all thought that there would be a drawing, i would immediately understand that that’s it, this one, but the drawing, well, no, we only
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have a photograph of this drawing, it’s so iconic, the colleagues of your husband’s subordinate also remember it, of course. did not exist, he could find a way out, it would seem, even in hopeless situations, i am proud that i served with him. major semenov was very demanding of the servicemen of his unit, a competent and decisive officer. it was these qualities that later helped our squad to effectively carry out their tasks. he was like a father to us, and
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when we went out to complete tasks with him, peace reigned in our souls. the man was, of course , uncompromising, everything that he did not conceive, everything he did, everything turned out as he said, and we will never forget what he taught us and what he brought up , as they say, cold calculation, cool head, dmitry vladimirovich, you are in our hearts, and until the end of our days we will remember, we have a colleague in the studio, dmitry semyonov. alexey with call sign, tenth, yes, alexey, hello, why tenth? well, i have a big family, there are 10 people in my family, five brothers, five sisters, that’s why i’m like the tenth, the most extreme, what kind
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of commander was dmitry, please tell me, as a commander, he could have punished somewhere, somewhere to forgive, that's when... you come up to him, he always responded kindly , never refused anything, i’ve known him since 1914, he was still a lieutenant, we served together as if from 1414, then we kind of started, here we are with them , well, let’s go to this shervodsky forest, alexey, what kind of shervodsky forest is this, what is this place famous for, well, you know, we went into this shirnovsky forest there naturally. nothing familiar, nothing, and there it was as if the ukrainians were already prepared for this, so when dmitry was clearing out all the waste there, he the enemy was about 50 meters away, as i remember dmitry, he didn’t sleep for four days, so he moved forward, commanded
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the rest of the commanders to advance, i cleared it out here, they slowly followed him, the same thing advanced, cleared out, and at what circumstances did he die? well, as i read , he was left alone, in the trench , well, naturally, the enemy’s manpower was already approaching him, there were four people there, me and four or five, the forces were unequal, yes yes yes, but he seemed to take two f grenades, of course they came closer to him, he blew himself up, and how will you remember him? outside of hostilities, he was a good, good person, here he is all the time, dmitry, he is in the service, in the service, and have you ever seen, i don’t know, tears in his eyes, for example, i saw tears, but this is when ilya lynchings, samosodov ilya died, wow, that’s it, that’s the first time
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i saw this, there were tears in his eyes, that he had probably lost a very good person too, so we have a story about '. this footage shows a 2015 graduate marshan school ilya samasudov made plans for the future, he dreamed of being a military man , did everything to fulfill his desire, first became a cadet at the ryazan higher airborne school. in ryazan, here now i am standing in my outfit, as always, in most cases i perform. outfits, then the young officer served in the gru special forces, then on duty he went to the northern military district zone. a few months later, guard senior lieutenant ilya samosudov was awarded. the order of courage posthumously, this is the place where
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our heroes are buried, here we are very often, we go, cry, talk with our son, ili had a call sign thunder and as if during the funeral nothing was foreshadowed, and his body was lowered and there was thunder, as if fireworks from above, the parents still cannot believe what they lost . my only son, everything at home reminds me of him, his cross that was on him, here it’s a little bit, as if washed off, but the blood remains, this cap was also on him, it smells of war, i’m wearing it now. together with his parents, ilya is mourned by his fiancée diana; she decided to wear a white dress.
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i didn’t have time, i saw my beloved to the front, but i found out that i was pregnant, i told him the happy news in a letter, the letter was dated the eighth, on the eighth, may 8, it was delivered to him, well...
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on the day it was stored on the twenty-seventh , i was in such a state, i don’t even really remember the funeral myself, but i remember such a re-post, there were some calls from military personnel and everyone said that semyonov had disappeared, it was may 27, the day of the funeral, what’s in your hands , natalya, that same letter? ilya didn’t receive it, you can read it, yes, of course, please, it was written by his girlfriend diana
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, she wrote a line here, a photo of an ultrasound scan, i’m really looking forward to you calling me, come back soon, it’s very hard for me without you, i love you, honey, i kiss you our child, take care of yourself, your diana, so she also wrote to him and put it in an envelope, that is... he wrote: i’m putting you an empty envelope, a piece of paper and a pen , waiting for an answer, but he never received the letter, he really wanted it, i think he guessed that he had there will be a child, i proposed to her just before the new year, and then we left for in january they had already left, and he did not have time to receive this letter, no, in principle a letter.
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she came, she stayed for 2 weeks, well, we travel, of course, one thing is hard for her, ilya would have been a wonderful father, a wonderful husband, ilya loved children very much, very simply , he really wanted a girl, of course, and well, he really misses it’s hard alone, ilya followed in the footsteps, as i understand it, of his grandfather, yes, yes, this is his great-grandfather, great-grandfather. probably
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only in the eleventh grade, he decided that he would go to the ryazan airborne school, you found out about this when he was in the tenth, eleventh grade, eleventh grade, yes, that he finally decided to become a military man, yes, yeah, and somehow it was his decision, he went on his own undergo a medical examination , left school so that he could undergo this medical examination, went to the military registration and enlistment office, and as if there were very few chances to enroll after school, well, he had very little, but he said that well, this year it won’t work out, next year, as many as necessary it will be, that’s what i’ll do, but he did it the first time, so you said about skiing, you are now somehow continuing these traditions, of course, how are we? last year, no matter how hard it was for us, in spite of everything, with the help of our friends, a lot of people supported us with these
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ski competitions in order to hold the competition in memory... so they took place last year on february 4, in this year we are also preparing for them, we hope that every year there will be an open championship in the marshansky district in cross-country skiing, named after ilya, named after ilya, i would like to address you with words of support, president of the russian ski racing federation, elena. good afternoon, first of all, good afternoon, dear parents, a real hero of our country, i think that despite the greatest grief that could have happened in your life, you raised a hero, i am very grateful to you for this, you hold ski competitions races that
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your son loved and did, i first want to thank you for... because the memory of your child, thanks to you, will certainly be eternal, because such events, they are not one-time events. i'm sure that at the very in the near future, young and young athletes will take part in this race, who will learn even more about your son, and accordingly, they will tell even more children how... wonderful he is, what a wonderful real man he was, if it turns out that after all, you starting this season you will hold this race, i promise you that i will find time to come and bring more olympic champions with me so that we can all communicate together, and we have already personally told you a huge thank you for your son, this is a huge
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support, because to hold competitions... it’s very hard, very hard, and we live in the regional center, it ’s even harder for us, in general we would really like to hold them every year, further in the program, how dmitry was able to convey a message to his beloved wife even after his death, and he like this in a typical way, i told you, don’t leave my boys, who’s helping, why the son of the hero of russia dmitry semyonov and ruslan met with vladimir putin oh,
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all in the same car, great, don’t push it. on saturday, since our women love to sleep, let’s not waste time with such colleagues in you won’t get bored on vacation, polina and i are happy to host you here in our home , a romantic date, i beg you, don’t move, we’ll fall, i’m afraid of heights, i ’ll run to the embankment back and forth, okay, i have a meeting there, and in more detail, what are we going to do, are we leaving, how are we leaving? on saturday on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire scoreboard, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the podbokh, the name of which
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character from the works... everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, a lot and loudly. says , if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, no, pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for headaches, no god forbid, now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday.
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ulitina kira vladimirovna, tell me, what kind of cool guy is he, huh? oh, he’s a star, i feel so bad without you, we ’ll get married, and damn, i forgot, you have a pregnant wife, what should we do with her? we'll let you know, that's it, robin hood , rest assured, i won't just leave this, you'll both regret it, and do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail, doctor snail, on saturday on rtr all about the elections in russia, we will tell
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you in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, where to find out everything about the elections, the situation has become tense, grandfather cannot find the leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer, child, this is your work , open the laptop, i will tell you you... in secret, there are resources on the internet about elections, i opened the site immediately in the know: information about candidates, elections, places and dates, voting results of election campaigns. wow, how technologically advanced everything is, you can see for yourself by looking on the internet on the portal tsikrf, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, your favorite songs are played.
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such a family, where their hero would not be remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers, from photographs of wilted trees
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, look at this look, like the highest court, for the children who are now growing up, and the boys are not allowed,
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they didn’t get up anymore, they brought it in 15 minutes. ksenia, how did you meet natalya? we we practically didn’t know each other at all, that is, by families, i know.
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he said, he knelt down next to him , he said, he became like this, he said, lord, i’m so tired of burying you, when will my devil be here, he was holding this note in these hands, and he says: here, ilya, ilyukha, you left behind he said, he left himself, that is, everything is fine , well, it’s ilya, 15 minutes have already passed since ilya died, for me this will always remain such a moment of sincerity that it seems to me, somewhere inside after a series of deaths, guys, here, dimyk probably has some of these paternal feelings played out to the fullest, that for the first time he allowed himself to be publicly, weakly, well, cry, that is, then they also told me that this is the only son of aunt natasha, a genius and just in the news, in the news feed in tombolsk region it was announced that elisa masudov’s parents organized a ski tournament, i think we should definitely go, because these are the people we have with them... even the philosophy is apparently the same, the most
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interesting thing is that i told one of our mutual friends, let’s go to lynchings, my heart is right, well, i need it, and we we came to natasha with uncle gena, and we met, and ruslana loves natasha very much, degena, just a year ago, after the new year, yes, ksenia came with ruslan, now we are very friends, very much, ksenia in general is... my wife our commander, she somehow united children, wives, mothers. ksenia, how did the idea of ​​creating a fund, call sign sm, come about? in general, i was very far from this story, i worked in the field of intellectual rights, at some point on march 1 , a friend called me and said: ksyosh, you are a lawyer, i have my husband died, we have five children here, what should we do next? and on march 1st i thought that we need to change the concept.
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in my life, somehow i trained as a military medical lawyer, improved my qualifications , and well, i was far from volunteering, that is, i began to approach this field in january of twenty -three, which means i dreamed about dima for the first time, i dreamed about him and says: ksyusha, don’t leave my boys, and i mean in the dream , by that time we already had a lot of such well... everyday problems there, there are a lot of such problems and i it means to him in a purely feminine way there in a dream , right here you left me, i can’t do this here , this one offends me and he’s like that in a typical way he says, i told you don’t leave my boys, but i’m thinking what to do, i’ll do it anyway, here i am that i can, well, basically there and i wrote the next day and i’m from such
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a neighboring area, these northern people were such a big support for me, that is, it all went very quickly, at some point our friend igor called me from st. petersburg said: “there’s a good man here who found out that you you do, they will bring you an envelope, this is so that major semyonov is alive, alive, when i opened this envelope, there was an amount of a million rubles, and for well..." the volunteer that i am, and
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i look at this money, i think, well, who is this person, i still don’t know who he is, i always say good people from st. petersburg, my good northern people started this project, and i just knew, you know, dima had several dreams, he he always told me, you know, i want my boys, they are so smart, they are so talented, we need well, how cool is the men's equipment there, that is, all the gifts i had were women for... february, she gives hearts, and i give a jetboy or a lasermancer knife, because at some point a friend called me and said, ksyuzh, what to give my husband ? i say, what about him? i don’t know, she says, he said, call semyonova, because your... hearts are tired, i also want a jetboy, so i started asking the guys how to help, and we started buying a copter, i started writing on social networks, as it is, this is how i do it, i collect it, like this, and the guys got this
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help and drone batteries and we, he wanted a car, he says a car is always important, so that my guys would receive the award faster, he took it to headquarters , and we gave the car to the unit. and also, and i also want to build a wrestling school, i say, where in cheboksary, that is, in principle, chuvashia is so famous for wrestling, he says: no, no, in the village in my village, i say, yes in yours there are few people there, what other school is in your village, he says, no, i want, here’s help for the unit, sports
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competitions, dedicated to children just for the sake of children, lessons of courage with an interactive large database, these are dima’s dreams, and which became the engine. courage, talks about the feat of dmitry and today ksenia conducts interactive lessons of his unit, explains the rules of tactical medicine, shows the equipment of the soldiers, lets them look through a thermal imager, invites everyone to try on a bulletproof vest and helmet.
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the guys say that 80% of deaths are from shrapnel, and the most important thing is to always cover your neck. recently, ksenia decided to start immortalizing. okay, in the end it looks like this the net, it must be attached here for our soldiers, the wishes of those who made this net, this is on the front lines for the boys, lugansk, donetsk, dug-in candles there in lugansk, a humanitarian project call sign sam
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was launched recently, but is already making regular shipments to donbass, this is it works out for us, well, this is... a towel that we are taking to the hospital, and drawings, we are constantly asked for children's drawings in the hospital, thank you, thank you guys, the drawings are here, continue to support our fighters, and we will act as those people who will be theirs deliver, ksenia, of course, you are the ideological inspirer of your foundation, call sign cm, but there are people who help you, we want to invite to the studio a person who helps you, but whom you have never met before. who do you think it is? oh, i don’t know, so many people help me. dmitry klepikov. finally, hello friend. he helps me so much, and i personally have never even been there. tell us, tell us about dmitry, who he is, what he does, how he helps you? the most interesting thing is that i
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don’t know so much, that is, i know that he also a lawyer, a colleague from kirinsk, but for me this is the person who gave me a platform. good deeds, i always say: without my northern people, without dima, dima is such a financial person, he is responsible for fees, for checks, for reports, because i’m still a person of a creative type, everything that connected with very precise documents, it’s difficult for me, and i always share with him, i ask for his support , when i said that i want to make a network in orphanages, because i want to give some kind of brighter mission, everyone told me that the idea is just as crazy as possible, it won’t work, and only dima told me that i should try it, when i asked for a car from entrepreneurs, they told me everything was impossible, dima said try it and... we have this gazelle in the video, this was given to me by two entrepreneurs, they just brought me the keys, i went into the salon
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and picked them up, they said sam should have his own car, this is a key person in our lives, how did you find each other, well, in january 2023, we organized a group, it was called kirinska pomozhie, kirinsk assistance svo, and there, somewhere at the end of january , a message appeared from the girl ksenia semyonova asking for help. there were, in my opinion, 100 sets of underwear, there was something else , to be honest, i didn’t believe it at first, well, i’m a lawyer by training and i often come across in my work that there are a lot of scammers of various kinds, so the next day the head of the irbogachon called me, and said that such a girl really exists, that she is from the katon region and that please contact her, if possible, help, they called her. at the end of january and somehow we quickly became friends like that , decided to combine our forces, and after that
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our group began to be called kirin skatonga for help, i would also like to say about my town, about my wonderful people, we have the katansky district, it is the largest in irkutsk region, well, where is ksenia from, it turns out to be 139. kirinsky 43, also large, kirinsk has a population of 16. i suspect that they are quite small, maybe there are some stories that you would like to tell us, especially touching ones? i
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had one amazing case when i grandma called and said: i want to help , but i only have socks, and i just started , i think, well, okay, she says, just socks, come take them, i say, for socks, she come, i can’t, i went there in the car , she named me some point in the tree, that is, i am a strange grandmother... i drove up, she really gave me socks, when i came home, then in these socks there was a thermal imaging sight worth 110,000 rubles. and i tell her, where did you get it? she says: what's the difference? she says: you are the only one a volunteer who came to me to get socks, which means i can trust you, so i realized then that i have to carry it myself, go there myself, because i am... responsible for every socks, and for every jar, such
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the unity of people, state people, but here, that is, in our little ones there, it would seem that we are just such ordinary people, there is such great support from all regions, i say, we have such an interregional project, i say, it turned out to be a project, further in the program, why major semyonov’s son ruslan met with the president russia vladimir putin, what about you? what was dmitry’s last dream that the hosts of our program dmitry kharatyan and yuta helped fulfill, this is the only thing that i haven’t realized yet, it’s my birthday, what a cool olenikov, and i arranged such a surprise, i loved you, he’s beating, so what? calm down, skrif, let's go, when he fell, he hit himself, all this
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is very strange, the main thing is that he survives and recovers, and if he doesn't recover, skletosovsky, today on rtr, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think , there’s no need to think about it, this is all here, to play or not... to play, yes, yes , that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, here there are questions, how is everything it’s neglected, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see , let’s go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one, the hint is just the most gambling team, if there is not 100,000, zhenya will add his own, then what
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many people use is the strongest love for game.
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we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's look, look. in the application or on the website. a real drama took place in the family of actor boris tenin. svetlana agureeva,
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who in her youth decided to give birth to a daughter from him, now after the actor’s death decided that her daughter has the right to inheritance.
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well, on the twentieth morning, ilya didn’t get up anymore, they brought it in 15 minutes. ksenia, you organize wrestling tournaments and opened a sports school in your husband’s homeland. let's look at the story about this. our first new year's tree was a lot of fun, a first class lineup. childhood friend. recalls: dima was the life of the party, mischievous but kind, always ready to help, and also a professional athlete, with whom there was never a dull moment. dima is in the middle here, they are coming from a height, the clouds are visible, the chuvar flag, the altitude is somewhere around 4.800-4900. dmitriy semyonov was fond of mountain tourism and freestyle
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wrestling. in his home village, local residents opened a well-equipped gym. now annual competitions are held here , they opened in honor of dmitry, that since it was like his dream that the children of the village, the children of the village would become healthier, smarter and in the future they would set themselves higher goals. those people who knew him, loved him, respected him, everyone took part in whatever way they could. at dmitry’s home school, a museum corner was made in memory of him. now if you look at the photos school years, you see, he... is always in the center. dmitry visited his favorite school more than once, where he met with teachers and taught lessons on courage for children. on december 8 , 2022, a secondary school in the village of trenkasy was named after the hero of russia dmitry semyonov. we meet with his family, with loved ones, for example, fellow students, with colleagues. they
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tell us about how brave, decisive and smart dmitry vladimirovich was. about his ability to be friends, dima came up with a plan that we would get together once a year go to one of the mountains in russia. the friends kept their promise and always get together once a year. kseniy, this is also dima’s dream. they opened a school and held tournaments. and i really want ruslan to climb elbrus. after dmitry, your main man is now your son, ruslan. let's see a story about him. is here to hold it, you didn’t ovaz, when my dad and i went here, and we were so happy, ruslan
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semyonov is already 7 years old, he, like his dad, is engaged in wrestling, only his sparring partner is now more and more often, mom ksenia, get ready for the strongest blow, mom, come on, i can’t stand you, ruslan is honing his technique in the mini-gym, which dmitry managed to make right in his house. dima always had a dream that the gym would be accessible, because he works very hard when he comes home, and then he doesn’t want to go somewhere. and when we went to my homeland with ruslan for the holidays and arrived, all this was already done. i really like to remember when my dad was humble. they all lived together, once they went to tambov for their husband and father, i would like to be like him in strength , go to serve in the army, do the same
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, so that my dad would be proud, look, my dad jumped with a parachute for the first time, apparently he had a blast, and you will jump with a parachute, jumped, my dad is the best in the world and dad, well... he teaches me the most important thing to be kind and lucky, it’s a pity that we can’t look at our past, in our studio we have dmitry eksenia’s son, ruslan, hello, ruslan, hello, ruslan, hello, rosika, tell me, what kind of dad was he like? remember, well, i remember that he was the best at everything. i even took all sorts of examples from him, he was kind, yes, but what did you like to do together? well, go upstairs to practice
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techniques, he held it like a thing, and i beat it off with big gloves. ksenia, is it true that dmitry wanted to meet with our supreme commander-in-chief, right? yes, he wanted to. cadet, well, for him, that is , he has his own commanders, and there is a chief commander, i say what he wanted, he always told me that something needs to be done, they don’t just invite you to the kremlin, my son succeeded do this, let's look at the screen , well, putin, bye, yes, bye, yes, ruslan semenov first met with vladimir putin in the fall of 2023, on the day of national unity on red square, he was closest to the president and did not miss . opportunity to meet, everyone said, you can have a photo with putin, you can have a photo with putin, just three months later, on christmas eve 2024, ruslan visited the official
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residence of the head of state, in novoogoryovo, he was invited as one of the guests of honor. by the way, i went into the book. what book? about my dad, because my dad is a hero of russia, he gave his life for... for all of us for our homeland, we invite you to the presentation of the book, when you have time, come, thank you very much, ruslan, you’re great, ksenia, but it’s true that dima i loved the mountain very much, when i told our mother, i said, mom, we will go on a honeymoon to elbrus, she told you that our northern taga is not enough, whoever speaks normal goes to elbrus in the mountains, we should go there to the sea, one said , what sea, mountains, mountains, he says, checking. i say at the same time, i’ll check, well , it’s okay, you say, you’ll drag me if i feel bad or not, and then i thought, lord, that is, but he’s already married, that is, there’s no way back, and i’m near the top of the lbros and i think, lord, why
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, this is now such a life, and it will always be and he will always yes he is mountains, mountains, he says, i rest there, the mountains check and the mountains leave those people who will not leave you, because it is so hard there, i want to climb too , that is, when ruslan will be able to get up for physical activity. up, i want to ruslan climbed elbruz, we are with him, and so that he can say from there, we have a video of where. get up and say that i love you too, this is the only thing i haven’t realized yet, here is a great opportunity to realize what you haven’t realized yet, so we want to give you a gift certificate.
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to go to the mountains, where do you take it, ruslan, this is an excursion, ruslan, dima always told you that the mountains, the peak, it is very close to heaven, you can touch them, let’s try to touch them there, thank you very much, thank you very much for memory, for this meeting, for what you told us today, if you don’t talk about it, the guys will forget. i always say that there are a lot of living heroes, thank god, and this is their story, now, but the guys leave anyway, and for me, for natalia, for everyone, it is always important, now, to do the maximum to leave history to our children, god bless you help from above in this very difficult, but very important matter, and god bless you and your families, thank you, this was our program. real
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stories about our people. see you next time broadcast on the russia channel. see you. see you. hello on the russia tv channel. denis polanchukov is in the studio and most importantly by this hour. iran attacked syria and iraq with ballistic missiles and kamikaze drones. in irbil , the area where the us consulate is located was under attack. what will the new aggravation in the region lead to? the russian military captured a forward observation post of the ukrainian armed forces.
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captured by ukrainian militants. the strikes were carried out by our formidable helicopters. ukraine will fight with shovels. head of mid-independence, about delays assistance from the usa. ramaswamy announced his withdrawal from the us presidential race and declared his support for donald trump. cars are drowning. 300 russian tourists are in the epicenter of a severe storm on the island of mauritius. a tank, about a dozen armored vehicles, an electronic warfare station and other equipment were destroyed within 24 hours by our soldiers in the donetsk and yuzhno-donetsk sections of the special operation. gun, shot! in the kupinsky direction, artillery destroyed three mortar crews and a
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drone control center. the battle. goes for every dugout in ssu. they built an extensive system of fortifications and minefields there. and yet, attack aircraft from the west group managed to capture a forward observation post of the ukrainian armed forces and capture ukrainian military personnel. an enemy command post was hit in the area of ​​svatovo and kremennaya. the attack was carried out by the crews of the k-52 and mi-8 helicopters. a large-scale attack by the ukrainian armed forces was disrupted in the krasnolimansk direction. the stormtroopers tried to attack with armor support.
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military trucks delivering ammunition for artillery and tanks, vehicles carrying howitzers to new firing lines. infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, which both deliver assault groups to the front line and provide their cover during the battle. and, of course, more and more often here, in the serebryansky forestry, we see the most modern russian t-90 breakthrough tanks. the trenches on the line of contact must be full height. and, of course, they are made broken in order to minimize the scattering of fragments in the event of a possible hit by mines fired by the ukrainian military. the front line in serebryansky forestry, the positions of the central units. military district, from here to the enemy is about 400 m. the assault groups begin to work after a massive artillery barrage. but farthest behind the line of combat contact here in the krasnoylemansky
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direction, of course, is the intelligence of the central military district, operating in extreme conditions, but despite this, the task of protecting people remains the most important. in reconnaissance units, each soldier is a separate combat unit. he must always think well so that he can replace his comrade when performing any task, selection is underway, most of them with combat experience from various units where they previously served, the ministry of defense, of course, in the neighboring sector near the tor ledge , tank crews of the central military district are hitting enemy strongholds, completing a massive artillery barrage. for camouflage, after going to replenish spent ammunition, be sure to display.
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in this assault unit, each soldier is assigned a specific role: a machine gunner paves the way for the rest, twos with machine guns quickly occupy the trenches and... they begin to methodically clear them of the enemy. behind there is an evacuation group, which, if necessary, is ready to provide first aid to the wounded. let's go, let's go! this, of course, is not a real attack, just combat coordination at a training ground. during training , real grenades are used with live ammunition; this is done specifically so that the soldiers get used to the sounds of shooting and are not afraid of them. all actions are completed... the fighters make no mistakes, delay can cost lives. soldiers take their jobs to the utmost responsibly, since this is the last training before the real assault. before carrying out the assault, the unit’s fighters conducted aerial reconnaissance and studied
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the enemy stronghold that they would take; they dug out an exact copy of it in order to identify all the weak points. the unit already has three successfully taken support positions behind it. now we are training how to take the prop correctly. so that people don’t cluster together, so that they don’t be together, you know, after all, they didn’t come for a picnic, they didn’t come to fight, that is, the guys are already reaching such an extent to automaticity, that they already know how many people are running, how they are running, that the standstill was held, well, in this regard, how it works, the machine gunner, the machine gunner, the assault units are at the very forefront and , perhaps, are most at risk, the fighters are great understand, but no one has ever refused to carry out an order.
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35 apartment in three high-rise buildings,
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glass was broken in the windows, a fire broke out on one of the balconies, it was quickly put out, a state of emergency was declared in the city, an assessment commission was working damage. treatment and rehabilitation, social adaptation, legal support, this is only part of the assistance provided to veterans of the northern military district, the state fund, and defenders of the fatherland. in patriot park near moscow, the second day of the special military operation veterans forum , let's win together, started today.
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russia putin 2024 banners appeared on the streets of major russian cities in support of the current president in the upcoming elections. propaganda posters depict business cards of regional capitals; in novosibirsk there is a photograph on the banners ice sports palace sirena in yekaterinburg. moscow, kremlin. vladimir putin is running in the elections as a self-nominated candidate; his support has already been collected over 1,800 thousand signatures, which is six times more than is needed for registration. 2 months before the elections, united russia opens headquarters of public support for vladimir putin throughout the country. in gaichin , a photo exhibition “the hero’s wife” and a meeting with svo participants were timed to coincide with this event. manufacturing workshops are held at thematic venues.
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a lot, he didn't lie, he didn't lie to himself, he never lied to the viewer, neither on screen, nor on stage , nor in life, forever with his country, never against conscience, the unbending russian character, and also a noble appearance, a burning gaze, and of course, remarkable talent, the most precious thing a person has is life, it is given to him once, and he must live it in such a way that it is not painful, painful for the years spent aimlessly, if the director
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understood what to play until the cameraman said, they prevented us from meeting, just not vasya, we need to show the nobility of the russian officer , he looks like a winner, then suddenly - what is it, she’s faithful to him, and i ’m always some kind of guy and never got married, so what is it, then his peace... the role turned out to be fate, uniforms smelling of gunpowder all my life are up to the shoulder, and there was no day more important for him than may 9, when, with portraits of his parents, he led the column of the immortal regiment. there are only a few names left from the heroes of bygone times. 10 years ago, this sculptural group was located on frunzinskaya embankment; this, of course, is more than a monument to a film frame. an amazing case when the fictional character ivan varava became
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a true hero of generations, a true symbol of the profession, the hand of the bronze figure has already been polished to a shine, and the pogonchikvan... egorochek is dressed, rubbing happiness to how many boys the film officers suggested the way to. what is this statement? razgerley, grandson. that's it. what’s your name, yegorych? love, protect, protect russia. a bust with a quote from lonovoy was installed in lipetsk, and this is volgograd, where the monument was opened last year. in kirov , the sculpture appeared on the territory of the alexander greene gymnasium, which of course is not by chance, because how to introduce the hero to girls to others.
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the main aristocrat of stage and screen, shervinsky, vronsky, anatol kuragin, dozens of leading roles that went down in history, one incomparable episode. beautiful swimmers, anyone? “that group in striped swimsuits, he went for humor, he had a very developed need for this, so he considered the best role in a movie to be a striped flight, a two-minute role, where he said where it was impossible, there was no time to lie, i myself always said that life
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is a deception, that they put us in a place where, asking our consent, they force us out of it against our will, and that we only love those who have passed on, in the museum of the vakhtangovo theater, where lonova served for 65 years, a notebook open on the page with his birthday, awards, of course, the most expensive star of the hero of labor, an impeccable frag from the play marina, knights of the stage today they will remember together with the audience, the performance, enlightenment was called pushkin's line: to the singer of love dubrava and peace. polina eermalaeva, elena fenoshina, vladimir overin, anton kasimovich and pavel alekseev. news. and this is what we will talk about further in our program: iran is attacking, who is under what a new aggravation in the region will lead to. ukraine will fight with shovels,
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the foreign minister is independent, and aid from the united states is delayed. and cars are drowning. 300 russian tourists are in the epicenter of a severe storm on makit island. this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen , just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, good luck, white, well, you
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know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in they fell in love, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions questions. now they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is - this is a door scratched by dogs, he... could become a zoologist or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30-dash 34 years old, we can pull up as a taster. i like to eat a lot always or
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lifesaver. here here here. but he is a doctor that everyone needs; treatment should not be self-medication. you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, what can you say about the tank, the white tiger? this white devil is no fun for you, the germans have the only one like him, he doesn’t have one. crew, well, it’s kind of like some kind of ghost, even, all these games are muddy in the swamps, but he’s not,
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you believe in mysticism, he’s here, you think he’ll appear, he’ll appear, he’s looking for me, white. tiger, film by karen shakhnazarov, on friday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. conquer. order ready. explore. nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is. there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh
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, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say it’s done right the bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. in secret to the whole world on saturday on rtr, what is razhdenya, how cool lenikov is, and such arranged a surprise, i loved you, he beats , it means that, calmly, with a bang, we’re going , when he... fell, he hit himself, it’s all very strange, the main thing is that he survives and recovers, and if he doesn’t recover, sklefosovsky ,
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today on rtr, you are watching the news, we continue the release. that night, iran launched missile attacks on syria and iraqi kurdistan. the islamic revolutionary guard corps took responsibility for the attack. explosions. thundered in the city of erbil, in the area where the us consulate is located. for a while the world stood still, waiting for a reaction. from washington and shell impact data. it turned out that american facilities were not damaged. masad operatives were targeted in iraqi kurdistan, killing between five and nine intelligence officers. the missile traveled 1,200 km and hit the target. in syria, in idlib , the islamic revolutionary guard corps destroyed a camp of banned militants. in russia isis, this was called a response to the recent terrorist attack committed at the grave of general soleimani in iran. at the same time, the houthis attacked
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an american cargo ship in the gulf of adam and said that they now consider them their legitimate us and british warships are targets. the middle east conflict had already brought down joe biden's rating, while donald trump became the leader among republicans in iowa, receiving a majority of votes. our correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov, has details. a powerful strike by ballistic missiles and kamikaze drones on the territory of iraq and syria. iran attacked multiple targets, including the american consulate in erbil, the islamic revolutionary guard corps said. was also hit by a missile the headquarters of masada in iraqi kurdistan, which, as the iranian military stated in a statement, was the center for the development of planning terrorist operations in the region. this attack was a response to attacks on members of the resistance axis in syria and lebanon,
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as well as the january 3 terrorist attack in kerman, iran. the number of victims of iran's retaliatory strike is still unknown. the united states was quick to declare that no american troops or american installations were harmed. the us state department came out with condemnation. the united states strongly condemns and expresses today's iranian attack on irbil. condolences to the families of the victims. we oppose iran's reckless missile attacks, which undermine stability in iraq. in the us itself, all attention is paid to the state of iowa, where from missouri to mississippi in the evening. 1,500 polling stations have opened, schools, churches and public libraries are hosting meetings of supporters of republican candidates. this is how the long process of electing the american president begins in the assembly hall of a simple school, and in fact, this is the only opportunity for ordinary americans to directly influence the outcome of the presidential race. such intimate meetings of supporters with discussion
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of candidates and subsequent voting, sometimes on pieces of paper... america accepts the inevitable, the former president at the start of the election cycle had more than 50% support, and this is a record. in second place with a margin of 2%, florida governor ron desantis still beat out nicky haley, who
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was tipped to become trump's backup from... "we love you, it's time for our countries to come together, be it republicans or democrats, liberals or conservatives, and change the world, solve the problems of the day, fix the destruction. this has never happened before, but it is important and i want to do it. while supporters celebrate their victory, democrats admit that their darkest predictions are coming true; such a powerful leap by trump right at the start in iowa does not bode
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well for them. those who voted for trump chose not only him, it’s like..." they say nostalgia for the good life of the past, which is hardly possible in the new world, but for the sake of this hope the residents iowans turned out to be ready, despite the frost, to make their way through the snowdrifts to the polling stations. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, hosted by the izoevs. kiev still excludes any negotiations with moscow before a turning point on the battlefield in its favor, head of the ministry of foreign affairs kuleba said in an interview with the american abc channel. the point was that kuleba said that ukraine itself is ready to fight by any means. we are running out of time, but our dedication and desire to defend our
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country have not yet dried up. even if we run out of weapons, we we will fight. the differences between republicans and democrats in the united states have reached a critical point this time, this is the opinion of a columnist from the politika newspaper. the author notes that the internal political split in the united states undermines confidence in this country as a world leader and a stronghold of democracy in stability, which more than once speaks of the final transition from a unipolar world to a multipolar one. new rallies of thousands in germany, this time supporters went on the offensive. immediately after the tractor protests in berlin, over 15 thousand people in essany and a number of other cities took to the streets, demanding a ban on the quote: fascist alternative for germany. the opposition right-wing party, which occupies a strong position in the state parliaments, has recently been marked by a scandal; many publications have appeared in the press about secret meetings of the opposition leadership with activists of neo-nazi groups, which has given rise to right-wing
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activists demanding a complete ban on activities. vacation to mauritius is safe, as reported by the association of tour operators, russian tourists who are now spending vacationers do not leave the hotel. on the island, where tropical storms hit belal, a curfew has been in effect for 24 hours, the rains and winds do not subside, and powerful waves have flooded. today at 16:30 on our tv channel watch andrei malakhov’s program. a real drama took place in the family of actor boris tenin. svetlana agureeva, who in her youth decided
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to give birth to a daughter from him. now, after the death of the actor, she decided that her daughter has the right to inheritance, but the decision to enter into a battle for the property opened the floodgates. tell your truth decided not only by the widow and mistress of boris tenin, but also by his only recognized son timofey. is your daughter normal? this is what the recognized son and unrecognized daughter of boris tenin would have done. confrontation. and in the evening, after the big news, watch the continuation of the ninth season of the medical drama sklifosovsky. two episodes at once, don't miss it. vesti is keeping abreast of developments in russia abroad. stay with us. loved and love, i’ll wait until i can’t wait, it ends with the number 50, we talked
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in numbers, here’s the number 50 - i love you, the yellowed pages of a love letter have been cherished by muscovite svetlana agureeva for more than 20 years; for many years the woman kept a secret that she decided to reveal only recently; svetlana claims that her daughter masha is an illegitimate child. famous actor boris tenin, whose grandfather is people's artist of the ussr, legend of the mayakovsky theater, boris tenin sr., someone told me that dad is not dad, and i thought, how did i get into the series now? for maria gruzdeva , her mother’s revelation was a shock, but the real shock was the news of death newly acquired biological father, because the hopes for the meeting that masha had already begun to dream about were dashed to smithereens, i realized that this was all i was striving for, so to speak. now it’s no longer possible. after the sudden death of the actor, svetlana decided that her daughter had the right to be the heiress of her famous father, but the decision to enter into a battle for property opened the floodgates.
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not only the widow and mistress of boris tenin, but also the only recognized son timofey decided to tell their truth. there was complete deception and manipulation, like that. people arose when you need to cut an inheritance. where have you been before? what will the rivals say to each other and, most importantly, what words will timofey tenin be ready to address to maria gruzdeva? is the heir to the famous dynasty ready to find a sister with the help of dna testing? svetlana agureeva in our studio. hello svetlana. good afternoon. what made you apply to our program? i came to your program for justice, for help from you personally. well for the support. of course , viewers and television viewers as well, because we have nothing to prove in the courts yet it turned out that the third application was filed in court, when in fact i
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told masha about the fact that she has a natural father, everyone supported me, my whole family, they said that really, light, well, finally, but you did the right thing , that she told you that there was still a biological father, i just didn’t want to traumatize...
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almost immediately after that, well, 51 years old, 51 years old, let’s listen to what you said, what a beautiful love story you had, attention , this was the first mutual love in my life, we met unexpectedly, we came out of... to meet each other, he looks at me point-blank, it turns out that he has seen me more than once in the actor’s house, that we all work there, he asked me for my number, he said that it’s not possible. .. i
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’ll call, he called 5 days later, when we started dating, we practically weren’t there at all, it seemed to me that i wasn’t at school, or at work, or at home, because we went to the parks with him, we went to some beautiful places that he loves, i went to turtselykova to serebryany bor, borya was the first to admit to me love, and i understood that it was mutual, everyone knew that boryamo was the groom, and everyone was shocked by the whole situation. which happened then everything was fine - until i invited him to move in with him, i said why am i paying for a rented apartment, let's you and i live with you, he told me, i have a woman living there, just she had nowhere to go, she’s actually an adult there, she has a child there, she just asked to spend the night, in general, as she asked to spend the night, she didn’t leave there, i i tell him that in order to build some kind of serious relationship, you have to tell me, do you love me or not? he told me then that i
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don’t love you. after 3 months, he wrote me a letter, the letter ends with the words, i must tell you the way it is and was, and during our autumn conversation. i loved you and love you, i will wait until i can’t wait. it ends with the number 50. we had our own - a secret language so that no one could understand us. we talked in numbers. we had some meaning encrypted in each number. here the number 50 is. i love you, after this letter, of course, i forgave him, on my birthday, he meets me at the metro, he says, come to me, we will celebrate my birthday, from this moment we will start our new life, and i i stayed with him, and just that night i became pregnant , our happiness lasted for a month and a half again, after which i suddenly find out that the woman did not go anywhere, then at some point he tells me, i slept with her and... after that i left, i
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took a test, i realized that i was pregnant, i understood that i needed to tell him about it, i i wrote him a letter, where i wrote that my daughter was not born, so that he knew about it, she carried him on theater duty, that was all over, after all, after all, tell me, he knew that he had a daughter growing up , who is raising another, we have a lot of mutual friends, here in history, i hope you noticed, we worked in the same place.
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his mother was born on the same day as me, we have the same birthday, yes, in general this magic haunted us constantly, that is, we could read each other’s thoughts, and our third i gave birth to a daughter on his birthday, and my second daughter was born on his son’s birthday, that is, all the numbers we could have crossed, but why do you still think that he married that woman who became a homewrecker ? ? i can tell you this, he didn’t marry her, he lived with her when she was pregnant, he was already dating someone else, the indicator is that perhaps there was no love there, that is, he simply stayed with the woman who was , i was a strong person, i always knew my mother always taught, so that, light, you never need to ask anyone for anything, you don’t need to depend on anyone, count on yourself, make sure your child is happy, we will help with everything else, we...
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our friends told us, so that the scammers wouldn’t take the apartment, he just had to register the child there or do something like that, in general, his friends advised him to marry this laziness, this was already there after a romantic story with a new woman, but nevertheless, how i understand that this marriage shortly before his death helped this laziness receive an inheritance and, let's say, take apartments and become a profession, you know, if a person settled in his house and never left, despite the fact that... he gets
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apartments, dachas, plus, probably, he probably claims now for the apartment of a ninety-two-year-old , that yes, i think so , yes, but it’s possible, she just doesn’t want to share with anyone, guys, yes, but do you think , the editors just told me that you have a suspicion that there is black magic there, i want to put it this way, this is the question, andrey, i would like you to ask her personally, because from the moment when our trials began, i myself don’t really believe in it, but... for me it was a shock when i started to feel bad, i started going to doctors, the doctors told me that you have everything is fine with my health, but my condition is such anxiety, i have terrible dreams, i feel absolutely, well, bad, everything inside me is just trembling, and i call masha,
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i say, masha, listen, you feel good, she he starts telling me the same things that are happening to me, let’s talk to slena treshchinskaya, i don’t know, whether you have met before or not, she is here today, now we will ask her personally. that you are plotting death, going to witches and eliminating the heirs? where is masha? masha, i ’m seeing you for the first time and i want to see masha, but do you know the girl, have you seen her too? we saw each other, andrey, when did we see each other? we saw each other when you arrived, just on the night that i picked you up. you knocked on the door, borya didn’t open it for you, and you sat on the fence, just like that, and waited for him in the yard, so it was you, yes, it was me, why didn’t you tell me introduced, so borya said so that lena doesn’t tell you any nonsense, let
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’s get out of here quickly, it’s clear, i ’ll deal with her myself, this was just at the moment when he said that i’m no longer with lena, i broke up with her, she left forever, and in the morning lena came, she said that you had already come with the girl, to her personally too, let's hear about your visit, attention, after bori's death, naturally, timofey takes over the inheritance, bori has no inheritance, that's just it this small apartment in which tim was born, six months later, six months later well, this is it, the day before tim enters into the inheritance, they call me from the notary’s office and say: we have received an application: from the person, as they said, a claimant for the inheritance, i see that the application was filed by a young girl named masha gruzdeva, she is filing a claim against mikhail borisovich, boren's dad, he's actually a 90-year-old man, a lawsuit against him, she considers herself
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boris's daughter, so she's laying claim to the inheritance, you may never believe it, but borya was very afraid of losing me, so borya. when he hid everyone, everyone, everyone, what if he had them there, he everyone hid, i didn’t know anything, i lived as a happy woman, but when timulka was one and a half years old, the woman became confused, i said, what did you want, then she starts pointing confusingly at the girl, saying something, she was confused, apparently, she said, i would like to introduce my daughter and timofey, i say, why, what, what kind of connection, and i understand that this conversation is unpleasant for me. borya should figure it out first of all, it wasn’t me who slept with her, borya got out of it, somehow i don’t remember, but the thing is , he probably called her, after some i asked him for a while, i said, what is there, what is the situation in general, in that story, what
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is it all about, and he tells me, and there is his own love, carrots, firstly, i don’t know whether masha’s daughter is borin or not, people arose when it was necessary... to cut off an inheritance, where were you before, when a person was ill, dad, dad, dad was treated for 7 years, fought for him, light, you knew that he was treated, that this is what he was sick with , i knew that borya had suffered a stroke, our mutual friends told me this, i reacted to it like this, i don't know how serious it was.
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they married boris literally shortly before his death, when he was already in an unchangeable state, seriously ill and did not understand. what’s going on, we met bori in 1995, from that day we lived for 26 years, of course, yes 26 years, look. timofey was born to us in our seventh year, when we were already living together, in general i was always happy, sick, i already understood, he kept hiding all the wonderful beautiful women, a ghoul , what’s-her-name, light, yes, but, well, such a person, well he likes beautiful women , i didn’t know anything then, how old is your son, my son is 21 years old, your daughter, my daughter is 22 years old, but that is, all this somehow goes in parallel with you, it turns out like this, here’s another interesting
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question to you, elena, you don’t deny the connection between your boris, well, in fact, your wife, with this woman, and the fact that maybe maria is really the daughter of your bor, yes, yes, look how a sweet girl comes up to me after the performance, there's some kid walking between the chairs, she didn't introduce herself, she said, and you're in the collection are there any?
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bori was like my fiancé, if anything, he helped me sue this photographer, he said, without your consent, photographs were posted, i’ll help you, and we put together a statement together, so she confirms, now i’m saying, that means , here a beauty appears, here are two beauties , i understand everything, i myself am a screenwriter, a plot designer, that is
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, for the characters in general, this is in general, and i find out that this line converges in me, i understand that apparently there was an affair, if people insist, if people seem to yes, but there is second question, light, why didn’t you come, didn’t demand a cleaning examination when he was alive. no, answer the question, and i will answer this question, this question has a very simple answer, i just loved him very much, i knew how stressful it would be for him, i talked to him about it, wait, i talked to him about it, i talked, he said, light, i already believe that this is my daughter, i am ready, if necessary , to communicate, but not with her, but with me about her, but you have, just at the moment when this took place conversation, i... have was, well, he had to be either the first or
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no one, he knew that i had another man next to me, he knew that he was growing, that my second daughter was already growing up, and since borya another man was raising my daughter, that a second one was born daughter, and i didn’t do the examination, so as not to interfere, they would have taken a toothbrush, taken a hair, put it, i understood how it would end with alimony, our heroine answered elena’s question that at the very beginning of the program you said, firstly ...
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who claims that she is boris tenin’s main last love, what will she tell it’s a unique correspondence and an incredible advertising story for us. there is no life, we need a capital, what is this? nashakhte, it seems to have rushed, like nashakhte? we look at the weekend, you are far away, we are in moscow, val, and you are burning bridges behind you, other people’s houses, other people’s lives, but your own hasn’t worked out, i so want to look back, i can’t believe my eyes, you’ve returned or something,
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completely, i don’t know, i was looking for a new life, some kind of happiness, and found nothing, happiness is... waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness in sunday on rtr, you must meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing, to get to know the country, how beautiful it is, just try it. for the taste we will add kiwi and enthusiasm , it’s just a madness of taste, what’s next, honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes, and you know why people count proteins as fatty carbohydrates in order to have fun jumping through life, an unusual answer, i make a wish that
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all our tv viewers have good health, a food formula every... on saturday on rtr. mosfilm. the main film studios of russia are celebrating their anniversary. andrei konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev, ivan bessonov, oleg basilashvili, svetlana nemolyaeva, stanislav lyubshin, sergei shakurov, fedor dobranravov, irina kubchenko, alexander zatsepin, alexey rybnikov. sergey bezrukov, alexey kravchenko, nikita kologrivov , irina pegova, pavel derevyanka, pilageya, dima bilan, sergey mazaev, ildar abdrazakov, khibla gerzmavo, yuri bashmet and the new russia state symphony orchestra, daria
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zlatopolskaya, andrey malarov and karan shakhnazarov. in the grand concert, the first 100 years, the anniversary of the mosfilm film studio, live broadcast from the first pavilion, on friday mrtr, come on, save your strength, everything will be fine. this is our new obstetrician-gynecologist, kira vladimirovna ulitina. tell me, this cool guy of yours, what is he all about, and sergei nikolaevich, oh, he’s a star, i feel so bad without you, and we’ll get married, and damn, i forgot, you have a pregnant wife, with
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her- what are we going to do? that's it, robin hood, rest assured, i won't do it that easily. i’ll leave it, you both will regret it, but do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail, dr. snail on saturday at the rta. watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. do not miss. 60 minutes. today on rtr. tell me, please, how can you help? could there be some drama going on in this house? drama? drama can happen anywhere. a real drama
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took place in the family of the grandson of the famous commissar migra from the old soviet films of boris tenin. a history of complex, confusing love relationship, his grandson, the young actor boris tenin, is in the spotlight today. muscovite svetlana agureeva, who in her youth decided to give birth to a daughter from him. now, after the death of the actor, she decided that her daughter has the right to the inheritance of the famous alleged father. before leaving for advertising, svetlana met with boris tenin’s daughter, elena treschenskaya, now listen to what the actress says, who assures that she is the main love in boris tenin’s life. attention. there he was. for me both a friend and a teacher
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now i can’t, well, besides the fact that i was a very close and dear man. bori was very insightful, he saw people, but he was so direct that he was tough , someone said that he was tough, but i liked it, i felt easy with him, i liked the way he he reasons , he was very smart, he did n’t care to some extent how those who were not important to him treated him, he read people, what i lacked, a stranger, i’m svetlana agureva, i say, well yeah... what does she say that's what you think, that borya is so good , you are with him, and you know that he has a daughter there, well, i come to borya and say, like this and
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that, explain, tell me, he says, oh, this is the light again, bore reacts like this when there’s a person, here she was god’s dandelion, and then her whole essence appeared, there was such a feeling from his words that it was as if there was some kind of intent behind all her actions, that there was complete deception and manipulation, like this, and he told me then... this story, which in fact, in order to keep him, as i understand it, or something, she became pregnant, and before that he told sveta that i would not marry, no matter how , yes, especially since i don’t want children, but he declared his intentions, she he was deceived, and this deception, he always reacted negatively to her, and she did not immediately say about the child, as he told me, when she told him about it, he took it as, well, a deception. like some kind of betrayal, once he explained everything to me, i didn’t even have a question anymore, he made it so clear, it didn’t even surprise him, but it didn’t surprise me i was surprised, why would you call me, well
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, what do you want from me, really, and what should i, well, okay, this is part of your life, well, how would you deal with this, and what does it have to do with me, well, can i answer everything - yours, firstly, there was no call from our conversation on the phone, there was a completely different conversation, there was a conversation like that, why weren’t you happy with boriya, so i want to be happy with him, why are you deceiving me, i’m saying now how it was, as i remember it, and i know, she called me on the phone, i didn’t i spoke on the phone, i only found out about you about your daughter, you’re beautiful, why don’t you still write fairy tales, you’re a great actress, you cry very well, you’ve already said it, now you’ve said it, let me tell you. that i had two abortions in the selection , excuse me, a loving woman does it from her beloved
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, i will tell you here myself, you have already spoken here , let someone else speak, help me please start, everyone who just turned on the tv during the commercial, gulnara joined us, tell me what you think, how i understand one says: 26 years happiness, the second one carries all the love, and for good measure, as i understand it, you have been together for at least decades, yes, he lives with you, yes, love each other, he writes to you in text messages, you are my blood, you my main love in life, this is what it’s like to listen to these ladies here in the studio now, when you realize that you were, andrey, let me say a few points, so briefly. yes, well , my relationship began in the theater, first of all, we were friends at first, he...


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