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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  January 16, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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democrats will win the elections and then there will be no deal either, but this is unlikely. trumpists in congress have already told their speaker that if he puts the immigration reform package to help ukraine to a vote, he will immediately be impeached. it is unlikely that johnson will go against his own people, especially considering how poorly the previous speaker of congress ended for a similar reason; he was fired. for a deal with the democrats, well, that is, without help from the united states, ukraine could remain right up until the end, right up to the elections, but there’s hope that biden and the democrats will still lead in the elections, but this is unlikely, biden’s rating fell to the lowest level among all presidents in the last 15 years, within a day it fell even lower, but trump had a confident start, donald won a landslide victory.
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well, the democrats, in order to prevent trump from reaching the elections, have only one thing left to do: shoot donald, look.
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thank you, we love you all, what a turnout, what a crowd, and i really think now is the time for everyone in our country to come together and fix the world, fix problems, avoiding the death and destruction that we are seeing has almost never happened. president trump continues to dominate issues. despite the fact that four criminal charges were brought against him, he pleaded not guilty on all counts. the former us president is campaigning even more aggressively in iowa than in 2016, urging voters to go to the polls and vote only for him. nbc news officially confirms that trump holds a landslide victory in iowa, leading nick haley and ronadas by nearly...
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we get along well and this is good news , not bad, certainly not fake, because if it weren't for fake news, 90% of the problems in this country would have been solved, so russia would never have attacked, and israel would never have been attacked, the situation with ukraine is very terrible, the situation with israel is no better, but what happened, happened, i can definitely sort everything out, i know president putin very well, i know.
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the disappointment for haley is that the polls show her well-positioned to win the general election. his message goes to every voter republican primaries, but why, especially after all the chaos of january 6th, because they feel forgotten, they feel betrayed, joe biden has failed to satisfy their concerns, they want something different. from now on we are suspending the presidential campaign, as it should be , there is no path for me to become the next president, but you know, i am missing things that we do not want to see in this country, i am very worried about it, about america, we are walking on thin ice, we
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did everything in our power to help everyone, every single one of us in this room did everything to save this country, i already called donald trump on who are you voting for? for donald trump. why? because i think he's capable of getting his act together. i think he is not a politician, so to speak, he has a love for the country and the interests of the people. what is the most important question, the question that determines your vote. economy. second border. who will you vote for? for donald trump. why? have you noticed what the hell our country is heading to? that's the point. president joe biden's firing process is already has begun. in the middle east, in this regard , a total aggravation almost began a world
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war. during the night, ballistic missiles and kamikaze drones from iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps attacked the us consulate. in the city of erbel they write about significant damage, although, judging by these images, the us consulate was completely destroyed. tahran also struck at the american military airbase at harir and the international airport, which was closed after a brutal bombing, as officially stated. the airport is still not working. got it about the american one too. headquarters kurdish security service, as well as the residence of a local businessman associated with israeli intelligence, mas. iran took responsibility for everything. at the same time , the yemenite kussites also announced that they would henceforth attack all american ships in the red sea, both military and merchant ships.
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the day before, an american tanker had already been hit by a houthi missile in the gulf of adam. however, the american media are talking. that everything is fine, and us citizens were not harmed, although there is, of course, a possibility that there were no casualties, only because it was not profitable for the states to get involved in another war right now, but they simply decided not to notice the killed americans. the white house said it viewed the strikes by iran's revolutionary guards and yemen's houthis on erbil and the tanker as reckless. and as inaccurate as possible, and also in the white house they said that they had now come into contact with tehran, be that as it may, for iran, this is a clear pr success , another humiliation for the hegemon, which officially took the position of tolerating, once again,
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iran’s attack on the american military bases, this is certainly not the third world war, but in general we can consider this... a shift in world politics, since very few people really humiliated the americans, they swallowed it. iran has claimed responsibility for the attack in northern iraq that killed at least four people and
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injured six others. drone missiles were launched in the erbil area, near the airport, leading to the suspension of flights. the islamic revolutionary guard corps said that in response to terrorist crimes committed against the enemies of the islamic republic of iran, the guards struck...
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what signal is iran sending and to whom? i think this is a very significant signal, although the attack is not much different from iran's previous actions, it was the largest missile attack carried out by iran since the assassination of general sulaymaniyah in january 2020. this message is addressed to the israelis and, by extension, the united states. we have reviewed reports and tracked rockets that landed in northern iraq and northern syria. no american military personnel or american installations were harmed, we are in contact with senior officials iraqi officials, as well as with kurdistan officials. the united states will continue to evaluate what happened, however...
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the united states in the middle east is burning with a blue, apparently democratic flame, after a two-week hospitalization, the seventy-year-old head of the pentagon austin was finally discharged from the hospital. however, austin will not return to work yet. now he will control the american army not from his hospital bed, of course, but from his home sofa. they even installed a special connection in austin's house. the washington post writes that after an operation associated, as is known, with prostate cancer, austin requires rest at home and also requires physical therapy. the message says that...
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the truth, who runs the country anyway, who makes the decisions, who will ultimately bear
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responsibility, something unpredictable will happen, tehran will hit, for example, not erbil, right on washington. breaking news the us secretary of defense has been released from the hospital, a statement obtained by us states that after consultation with doctors, lloyd austin has been released from reed national medical center, he continues to recover on the advice of his treating doctors. his duties remotely before returning to the pentagon. it is also reported that he has full
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access to the necessary secure communication lines. we received a statement not only from his doctors, but from the minister of defense himself. in it, he says that i am grateful for the excellent care i received at walter reed hospital and want to praise these outstanding doctors. i will continue my recovery and carry out my duties from home. look forward to full recovery. doctors. it is said that he was discharged after his prostate cancer was successfully treated at an early stage of the disease and that his prognosis for recovery is excellent. the minister of defense spent about two weeks in the hospital, and the diagnosis of cancer was simple.
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this has been going on for almost a month, let me tell you, i've been talking to our military personnel and veterans, they are almost, not quite, but almost as angry about this situation as they were about our defeat in afghanistan. yes, afghanistan is of course worse, getting worse. yes, people died there. but comparison this is appropriate, the military leadership in the person of mili
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and austin are losing the war due to serious miscalculations and do not fire anyone. if a guy in my platoon lost his rifle during the iraq war, we somehow enlisted an entire city just to get one heavy machine gun back because our commander wanted it back, otherwise we would have been discharged from the army, and loyd austin nothing, but what if one of my guys went into self-isolation, decided to extend his vacation for a couple of days, he would be demoted in rank, deprived of his salary, and he decides not to inform the commander-in-chief... the country of his subordinates has been at war for 100 days in israel, a deadlock in ukraine, a new president in taiwan who can provoke china and iran. we carried out an airstrike on an iranian agent in baghdad when lloyd austin was nowhere to be found. who gave the order? who's in charge? tell me who's in charge? this is
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jake sullivan, this is the vice president, who? we just don't know. yes, someone was just passing by and heard that... russia was going to germany, well, that is, we now have a chance, an opportunity to get rid of all this public at once, sending them to berlin, what is most remarkable
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, they decided to defend their rights, the rights of russian gays, at the russian embassy, ​​look. the highlight of elgtshnikov’s performance called “wake up russia” was this strange bearded sodomid in a dress, who apparently decided to censer what is called the space around the embassy for a quick resolution of the situation. but the fate of gays who fled abroad must be understood as tragic. this is how a transgender from russia committed suicide in a refugee camp in the netherlands. this is the fifth suicide of an lgbt person from russia in recent months, everyone had the same narrative, they complained about depression, complained about the lack of medical care, the lack of psychological help, the lack of medication and hormonal therapy. well, that is
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, first they sheltered the people, and then they killed them. having finally gone crazy with their inclusivity in america, the us federal aviation administration, which is responsible for the safety of american flights, is now recruiting workers who suffer from severe intellectual problems, psychiatric illnesses, and other mental and physical conditions within the framework, as they write on the official website, of diversity and inclusion. the disadvantages that can be encountered in working in civil aviation, including working as a pilot, include problems with hearing, that is, with the airplane. a deaf pilot is flying, vision problems are also indicated, the plane can be flown by a blind pilot, it turns out that the absence of a limb is not
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a problem, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual retardation, mental disability and even dwarfism. recently, this approach twice could lead to irreparable consequences, one happened the other day when a hole appeared in boeing, the reason is that the aircraft manufacturing company has recently also taken a course towards inclusivity, hiring 40 employees at once for leadership positions. the company's main goal for interviews was not to find experienced employees to hire, but to find people who belong to the diversity group. the same problem befell the airline.
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united airlines partners with several colleges that historically have african-american graduates, they not only recruit employees without any experience, but as one journalist noted, united airlines also recruits employees from an organization called: sisters of the sky, which is where they come from they recruit pilots for their team, the funny thing is, the abbreviation of this institution is written as sos. now we can definitely believe that
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everything in this airline has a sense of humor. ok. the company also wants to put as many black women at the helm as possible, regardless of their experience, in order to inspire other black women. by the way, they completely excluded white men from their educational institution. and now we are forced to think that this is actually progress, except for the diversity of modern people. the company has another trend: over the past few days, employees of various airlines have reported the following: here is one of the letters. quote: airlines have an unofficial pilot assignment program that assumes that people related to diversity must fly accompanied by other pilots. the federal aviation administration is actively recruiting workers with severe intellectual disabilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions through its workforce hiring initiative. to promote diversity and inclusion, target disabilities include hearing impairment, visual impairment, amputation, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe mental
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retardation, psychiatric disability and dwarfism, the department's website says. the federal aviation administration is overseen by secretary of state pete buttigieg's department of transportation and is the government agency responsible for regulating civil aviation. horrible events happened to passengers on a united airlines flight. above the surface of the ocean, one of the passengers on the flight told cnn that it was like a roller coaster, according to her, people on board were screaming in fear. the most interesting fact in this story is that that the airline tried for a very long time to remain silent and not disclose information about this incident, not much we know about the reasons for what happened, the only thing we know is...
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they are eating supplies for the russian army, it is noteworthy that merce actually threatens scholz and demands from the chancellor to give an answer to the germans, why aren’t the taurus striking yet? in
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russia, we go further with you, the german publication welp, analyzing arms supplies to kiev in december, writes that out of 15 billion for the armed forces of ukraine, only one single billion came from biden, the rest was sent by european countries, the main sponsors were london and berlin, the germans, although they are already trying, even more than the british, reported that... they would refuse subsidies to their farmers, just so as not to abandon zelensky. the german defense ministry is investing in the production of ammunition, which is used to kill our military and civilians not only within the country, but abroad. scholz allocated 278 million euros to an unnamed french plant for the production of 68.155 mm ammunition. again. the germans
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ordered 70 thousand shells from the french for the murder of russian people, another 700,000 at its factories in germany, spain and australia the rhein metal concern wants to produce. well, that is, ukrainians from the west are needed only to service the guns, the rest will be brought by nato, brought by nato, produced by nato, in general, this is very convenient for them, terrible, of course, humiliating for... germany already this spring russia is throwing the ukrainian army back to where - very far away, to what extent bilt does not know, and then putin goes on an attack on nato. fiine national times
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hints that... new frontiers may affect at least europe, and the west has exactly 5 years to prepare for a direct battle with the russian army, the army of china, iran and the dprk. nato's eastern flank has even less than 3 years. this deadline was announced by estonian prime minister kaja kallas in an interview with the times. defend the baltics, repel putin's invasion. britain is also getting ready. london announced the shipment of 20. poland, the baltic states, germany and the border of the kaliningrad region. as the ministry of defense reports, the once great britain, or as it can now be called, little britain. in rehearsals for war with russia will involve
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an aircraft carrier strike. a group of eight ships, including submarines, the center of which will be an entire aircraft carrier of the queen elizabeth class, as well as f-35 fighters, poseidon surveillance aircraft, defense minister grann schabs said that the main goal is to counter the threat to the foundations of the western world order, which naturally poses . the uk is set to send 20,000 troops to take part in the biggest modern cold war nato exercise, the defense secretary formally gathers to announce these plans today. forces from 30 ato countries will also take part in the exercises. and also sweden, which will soon join the
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bloc. this. an event typical in scale, what can be said about similar actions by nato and what is its impact? in your opinion, will there be a reaction from russia? nato, in particular great britain, on behalf of the minister of defense , declares that a new era of collective security has arrived. since the summit in vilnius last year, they have embarked on what nato has described as the bloc's largest exercise since the cold war. in total , about 40,000 military personnel will take part in them. britain sends 1,600 soldiers.
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russia and the west are once again at odds, and events around the arctic are heating up more than ever, these factors. further push to fight, because now there is something to fight for, although at first it may seem that this is the arctic, a frozen wasteland, in fact it contains a fifth of the world's oil and gas reserves and the same amount of valuable minerals, such as lydium and graphite, they are necessary for production of semiconductors, which are the center of everything from nuclear missiles to satellites, and are also used to make the batteries the world will rely on as it transitions away from fossil fuels.
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sank two deep-sea submarines to the bottom of the arctic ocean to plant the russian flag there, but his efforts go far beyond the symbolic flag planting, he backs up this gesture with enormous firepower, most notably the arctic is home to russia's most formidable navy, the northern fleet, which is based on the kola peninsula and includes two dozen submarines, as many combat missile carriers, as well as secret...
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the russian leader will one day rival the suede canal as the main artery through which trillions of dollars of world trade will flow from asia to the west. in 2022 , nato secretary general jan stoltenberg said that the arctic has become the achilles heel of the alliance and needs to be strengthened. a few months later, military aircraft from fourteen nato countries, including nuclear bombers, took part in large-scale exercises at...
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all swiss meetings, i inform you that zelensky will negotiate personally with alevan, he was sent personally by biden to convey to zelensky the demand that he no longer attack and go on the defensive. zelensky is
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aware, but if you believe bloomberg, he will try to convince sulivan. let's see how this ends, the ukrainian president himself. just announced that he had already held constructive negotiations with stoltenberg, the leader of the north atlantic alliance promised that ukraine would someday become part of nato, again, no deadlines, no details, and there is no more talk about weapons, just a warm handshake, let’s go to the front, tarte war correspondent alexander peskunov is in direct communication, along with some remarkable data.
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funding has already affected the front, good afternoon, olya, good afternoon, the studio means it’s at the front, how does it feel? at the front , the shortage of people in ukraine is very well felt, accordingly there are no people, there is nothing to fill the trenches with, they are moving on to the new tactics of mobile groups, well, like new, this it’s a pretty old tactic , it’s been used before, well, in other conflicts, but here it’s the feeling that they don’t have enough people, here’s the ammunition, here’s the lack of their 155 ammunition of this caliber, they’re trying to compensate with a large
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number of drones, fpv , these kamikaze drones, well, let’s put it this way, this is artillery for the poor, but that is, to somehow try to plug the shortage of ammunition for cannon artillery, this one , with the help of these drones, this is, in principle, a problem on all sectors of the front , but our... military, let's say, have found ways to fight these drones, as they say, the soldier, he is very creative, and they use whatever they can to shoot them down, and they use shotguns, pump-action guns, shotguns, and they probably saw all this video, how our drone fighter dodged, that’s why it’s not, well , the number of drones that ukraine is now using at the front, it didn’t solve their problem with ammunition, that’s why there is such a strong
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feeling that they have problems in this direction, what ours says intelligence, from what we understand, from what we can to voice, i mean the sensational statement of syrsky, i don’t know, maybe brovada, but the commander of the ukrainian ground army said that the mtr is preparing surprises that can surprise russian surprises in the near future. are there any assumptions about what direction we are talking about, are there any assumptions at all? well, they announced , it seems, that they will go to the crimea, if we consider this situation with krynkas, with this bridgehead, um, then, well, let them try, as they say, the situation there is not very good for them jars, here. if now, well, until the frosts, they
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were more or less somehow able to supply their units that are there by water, somehow these boats slipped through, now the channels began to freeze, the ice is rising , it’s hard for the boats to pass, well, count on that, that the ice will stand up and infantry will run through the channels there, something will be carried forward, well , that’s also the case, that is, it’s one thing when you ’re sailing on a boat, and another thing when you’re... dragging the whole thing on your hump, so therefore , to count on the fact that they will try to move somewhere in this direction, well i think this is suicide for them, uh, well, all these attempts with offensives, some surprises, i think this is an attempt to beg for money, that they are still in good spirits, that they can still show their western masters, sponsors that they are ready to fight further, give us some money for ammunition
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, so we will fight until the last ukrainian, well, the situation is that they are really fighting until the last ukrainian, that’s why for them people who live in the controlled territory of the kiev regime are consumables, that’s why of course they will to say that yes, we will attack, we are ready, that’s it, we have everything, we’ll recruit a million people there with... as he promised to gather an army of a million, well, now he’s gathering, what will they get, maybe something like this tell the situation in the direction how much is left until the chasovo yar , we think it’s clear in meters in kilometers, there is success there, of course, there is success in the artyomovsk direction, we have movement from several directions, if before the emphasis was still in the area of ​​ticks...
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we don’t have those for the front edge here movement in several directions in the artyomovsk area, this includes offensive actions from andreevka and from kurdyumovka. and from kleshcheevka, and directly from artyomovsk towards krasnoye we are advancing, moving forward, and the northern artyomovskaya there is movement, that’s the task , i think so,
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they have rest points there for personnel and training grounds where they organize their units, warehouses of some kind with ammunition are located with ammunition further from chasovo yar - this is movement towards konstantinovka, because konstantinovka is part of defensive line, derzhinsk, konstantinovka, slavyansk there, this is it. the urban agglomeration is large , that is, the settlements there are located very close to each other, and in fact it is like one continuous defensive line, having struck konstantinovka there, we cut this defensive line and the group that is located in zerzhinsk is practically
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surrounded, is deprived of supplies, from the south we are pressing in those units that will be located directly. well, in the settlements that i indicated above, that’s why the artyomovsk direction is actually quite promising for us to attack, well, the enemy there claims that we have overtaken 80 thousand there, well , no, we are advancing as usual, every unit has an offensive zone, every brigade of the regiment there , and there, well, what 800 , 8000 is that, to transfer such a number of people, well, you can’t hide it... that’s how many times i went to this direction, but there aren’t so many people there, we enter regularly, slowly, carefully, take care of people , they are trying to minimize our losses, commanders, that is, the experience has come, there is no such thing anymore, hurray, once with a saber on a horse, there is a rush on a tank, well, no at all, colossal experience has been accumulated, thank you very much, sash,
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alexander peskanov, military correspondent on the direct line of the front line, that concerns weapons, as for requests. give money , kuleba went a little further, said that ukraine still does not give up, plans to fight even with shovels, does this sound convincing, a very controversial issue, it looks pathetic, funny, especially bearing in mind that a year ago kuleba i already talked about this, that is, this is a self-quote and greetings to the ukrainians, who are really treated like cannon fodder, well, that is , the dead will give sticks and...
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this is all serious, you know, the world is changing and radically, that’s the main news, which today in europe is that the new king of denmark is frederick x, and we haven’t even mentioned it, how wonderful it is, why? i will explain a simple thing, only for the simple
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reason that we are not interested in this at all, not that before, as it was, there is the queen of england. i went for a walk there its zhuzhe and that something got there somewhere, something else is curious there, copenhagen and london allocate money to protect democracy and one and the other are monarchies, but this is of course funny, well, their democracy there is not like ours - then, you see, some presidents actually organized elections here, what the hell, that ’s it, the king is all that, in general, you also need to think about it, maybe you need to emulate them, that’s it, let’s start with the main news here ... there's some company recruiting mental retards, i don't know anyone there who is transgender, there's all that stuff, they're protecting this is all who is there in america, buttige, this transgender. what difference does it make between us? i don’t
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understand much about this, they are all called by the same word , we have them, accordingly, so, what is he wrong about? well, listen, if a country can be run by a person with insanity and inadequacy, why can’t a company pilot manage the same condition, it seems to me absolutely correct. more, go further, go further, the minister of defense needs to appoint the same all the others, everything is fine, but let’s make a reservation right away, we are in no way making fun of physical ailments, there are simply physical conditions that require treatment, government management of such people, because let’s say a pilot, well, it’s impossible to be a pilot if you’re blind or have no arms, you know, well... well, it’s possible for them , well, you have to understand what we’re dealing with , this is really a new reality, so they live in it, and for god’s sake, trump will come there, it
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doesn’t matter to us at all, trump talks about it there, that we are there with putin, i know everything we will decide that you will decide that you can decide, you can only decide one thing, to say that on december 21, 2022 we presented to you where nato should be in our opinion, if you take it there, yes , yes, we we’ll decide, everything else, no, it won’t be a revolutionary situation in the world today, as the classic said, this is when the lower classes do not want to live in the old way, and the upper classes cannot govern in a new way, so they cannot govern in a new way, there this lloyd austin came out of his clinic, i don’t know, they had one operation, the second one, they probably forgot a napkin somewhere in his ass, they made a second one again, and once iran, get a gift, a blow to the consulate in iraq, and what the united states said, they, you know, like how
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our foreign ministry used to be, now he is completely different, he expressed concern, yeah, that’s how they expressed concern, everything, you know, is real, this is today, this is today’s state of affairs, in general this should be a precedent for the third world war. everyone thought so: what could happen? i just wanted to tell you the news that they hit american military bases, came at night at about one:30, many impressionable people grabbed their hearts, immediately wrote that we welcome the third world war, no one even reported on cnn or the washington post, they seem to have a primaris, they are busy, this indeed a precedent, the americans literally wiped themselves off closer to the morning, a statement appeared that the americans were not injured and... nothing terrible happened, we are in contact with iran, we are the americans in contact with iran, although iran says that they were injured ,
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it’s not the footage that says that the embassy was destroyed, of course, i’m just changing the world , they should understand this perfectly well, guys, and now this friend came to the dovoz, i think he just got confused, he thought it was a dovoz, it’s called , he’ll come , give him a load, for you, this is, so to speak, all the weapons that... why don’t they give money for weapons there to ukraine, because, you know, there, well, the republicans
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have something with the democrats, there in europe too, nothing like that, you can give money, what’s the point, where are the weapons, that’s the problem, money print, they will print as much as they want , there are no questions, but with what to arm, arm with something, you are right when you say that they used to sit in donetsk, and then boom-boom. they have nowhere to go, nowhere to go, the only thing they can surprise us with is, as one of the military men said there, they can
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surprise us with the fact that they will quickly get away beyond the dnieper. these are them, we will really be surprised, and their attack is no longer possible at all, even if they are there, today they are mobilizing, as they say, with these strange methods, several hundred thousands of people, which i strongly doubt , by the way, everyone understands perfectly well where they are being pushed now, they need to surrender, run away and confront these military commissars, cases have already begun when military commissars are shooting at them, are there any? all sorts of cases, just footage appeared on video on social networks when a military commissar knocks on an apartment, the door is opened and the military commissar is shot, and specifically shot, using these methods, how many people, he ’s going to fight with us, this friend, we have to surrender, volga, get in touch, everything's fine, i'm on my own i personally saw how the commander of the ahra tag team there was talking with the opposite side
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, if before they were so spirited, they are there , well, there is an exchange about ... europe for the war with us, that’s what they are doing, in europe the poles again understand what and what we extreme here again? yes, it turns out that you guys are extreme, but they still won’t be able to resist us, this is germany, now they will prepare the germans for war with us, why are they scaring them now, now they’re done with ukraine, the next europe, of course, europe, but no question, we don't we are going to do nothing, that’s what you will do, you will take off from romanian airports to bomb us, you will not
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let our ships through, you will organize all sorts of provocations from belarus. should have destroyed iran, or at least tehran kept silent on the delivery biden himself did not go, he only sent salevan, the main goal of the meeting with zelensky was to say that you can’t defeat putin, you didn’t win, go on the defensive, look, the white house wants
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ukraine changed the strategy in the fight against the russian army from attack. moved on to defense jake sullivan will convey the corresponding message from his boss joe biden to zelensky on the sidelines of the world economic forum in davos. zelensky understands the meaning of such a decision. ukraine's counter-offensive failed. the russians were too well dug in, and the ukrainians had lost too many soldiers and used up too much ammunition, especially for air defense against the relentless russian missile attacks. attack is always more difficult than defense, but for ukraine now this cannot be the case speech. therefore, zelensky should tell tsallivan to respond to biden. reminded the us congress that ukraine can conduct an adequate defense only if its us allies ensure that it has all the necessary capabilities. he feels the need to deny that the conflict has reached a stalemate, so his goal will remain the so-called peace formula, which was discussed in davos at the level of national security advisers, but russia was not invited, so everyone knows that it is a dead end. the most shocking thing here is how strong the west is has already betrayed kyiv. we'll be back in a minute.
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every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house , sat down on the floor with passersby and said: i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to it’s bad for a wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon theirs, from monday to thursday. on rtr.
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what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a hint, the name of which character from the works pushkin, everyone knows how much it will be
3:53 pm
seven eight, what and now, whoever is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer with humor, i would chop down an oak tree, not pluck it. problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on prt. there’s no life, you have to get up, it’s like it’s rushed at the mine, misha, into the face, look at the weekend, it’s far away, you’ve
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gathered, we’re going to moscow, val, and you’re burning behind you are bridges, other people’s houses, someone else’s life, but your own life didn’t work out, i so want to look back, i look with my eyes, i don’t believe it, you returned it, what? i really, i don’t know, was looking for a new life , some kind of happiness, and found nothing , happiness, it turns out, is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness, on sunday on arter, and so kuleb’s new plan is to get drunk , the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine told how, while working , he constantly...
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along the southern border of israel, but the second more important domestic american plot is, of course, trump's unconditional victory in the state of iowa, ramaswamy's simultaneous withdrawal from the election race in the priimaries system, and of course these public threats from biden to the republicans if they do not support, so to speak, the ukrainian passage of ukrainian money, and all these things and trump, biden's threats and all these primers. passions, they seem to put forward, well, two, two such scenarios: on the one hand, of course, such a further triumphal march in the republican states of trump, on the other hand, the response of the democrats, including
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and the deep state, radical, i’m not excluding the plots of the script there, well, i don’t know, in the spirit there is john kennedy of the sixty-third godlas or there is a split about the civil into republican democratic states and so on, there are a variety of scenarios here - this is an american... track today, that is, in fact, look, yes, by the way, what cuban, the great revolutionary chegiwara, said, he said, in order to hit american imperialism, you need to drag it into three, four vietnams, well then the vietnam war was relevant, so today, in fact, the words of the chegivars, they seem to be coming true, the americans created a ukrainian vietnam, they don’t know how to get out of it, they unleashed it, they encourage the israeli, in fact , genocide in gas, such an israeli, palestinian vietnam.
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before our eyes there is this american-houthi showdown with yemen, the third, relatively speaking, vietnam, and the americans seem to have created some kind of model for protecting navigation in the straits, that is , they are projecting this model onto the taiwan strait, the malacca straits there, and other strategic maritime hubs , well, on ours eyes tonight, so to speak , well, i don’t know whether a fourth american-iranian vietnam will happen, we’ll wait and see, while the americans have wiped themselves off after iran’s strikes on erbil and...
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zelensky’s arrival there, yesterday’s discussion of the peace formula, without making concrete decisions , discussions of certain guarantees of the security of ukraine, that is, the hypocrisy is amazing, when 2 years ago russia, specifically before this began, offered clear guarantees of security in europe, all this was thrown out, hypocritically and seemingly arrogantly rejected, now they are talking about guarantees security, of course, these guarantees lie in russia, in moscow, in the svon specifically. its conditions, that is, well, but the second part of the prevos, it will be tomorrow, of course, that is, ukraine is over, tomorrow there will be a discussion of a possible recession, the american projection on the european economy, here are the threats of new pandemics, that is, this global one, so to speak, the track of the world economy, it is the main one, of course, it is gathered for this purpose, well, in general, of course, it is like a globalist party, and a ticket there for one person costs 400,000 euros, there are also more expensive tickets, please, fly
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, like an aging lady in diamonds, who dresses up, puts on new jewelry, but she can no longer be liked, her time, her youth are gone, in this sense, this is an elite western forum, of course, this is an exotic background the swiss alps, but for russia, especially, it’s absolutely no longer a relevant thing, that’s what’s relevant, that ’s of course, and it makes america nervous, that’s of course... a certain hysteria, that
4:01 pm
’s passing.


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