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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 16, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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please fly, 400,000 euros, this is one ticket, this is the average price, so to speak, for the pre-voz forum, so this is a globalist party, there was information today that a hot dog in davos costs 42 dollars, just a hot dog, normal, yes, normal , expensive party, yes, very expensive, but you see, this party, on the one hand, is, as it were, the western part of it, it is a mixture of such arrogance, cynicism, and, as it were, such a ball of kissing snakes, but in fact... this crowd resembles an aging lady in diamonds, who gets dressed, puts on new jewelry, but she can no longer be liked, her time, her youth are gone, in this sense, this is the pre-voz elite western forum, of course, it’s exotic against the backdrop of the swiss alps, but for russia, especially, it’s absolutely no longer relevant thing, that’s what’s relevant, of course, and it’s unnerving... america,
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of course, this creates a certain hysteria. this is today's visit by the north korean foreign minister, tsoisonghee, who held talks with lavrov. i don't know, of course, well it’s clear that current issues of russian-north korean relations were discussed, but perhaps i could be wrong, but the program for the future of our president’s visit to north korea, his meeting with kemchenyn, i don’t know exactly, we’ll see, we’ll see, but it’s absolutely not excluded. that is, north korea is a fortress, a fortress that resists all these challenges from south korea, japan and the usa, most importantly, it has reliable, solid weapons, completing, of course, the image of a large, giant russian bell that strikes and its sounds are spreading, clearing away western impiety from all these, so to speak, horrors and perversions, well...
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east asia, we have to admit, however, that the policy of the united states of its regional satellites to create threats to the security of the korean people's democratic republic does not at all contribute to the advancement of in a positive direction. today , strategic friendly relations are developing between our countries, thanks to the special attention of the chairman of state affairs of the dprk, comrade kimchenun, as well as the president russian federation, comrade putin. please , support from the united states and ukraine, in fact, i have spoken about this many times, this is not only for the sake of ukraine, this is primarily for the sake of europe, or rather, the transformation of europe into such an anti-russian alliance, and the united states did this consistently, in the fourteenth year europe was engaged in russophobia, from the year 18 she began to restrain russia by force , conducting numerous exercises near our borders. anti-russian
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scenario, now europe is being prepared for war, so that europe does not, say, do reckless steps from left to right, she was assigned to deal with ukraine, this gathering in davos, this is when the powerful of the world gathered there, first of all the europeans, salevan explained to them there on his fingers how to support ukraine so as not to cause, as they say, the attention of orderlies , because when scholz announced there that he... would allocate 8 billion to ukraine for military aid and he also got a farmers’ uprising, now this will be done under all sorts of humanitarian slogans, through private funds, ukraine will receive enough money to last her for the very time that was allotted to her, well, an important circumstance, the reduction of the diesel subsidy will cost the scholz government 860 million, that is, he was unable to find 860 million for his own.
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they took the american, and not the national, as they say, policy under the belt, but in order for it all to work, they gathered together, zelensky came to the show, and the europeans said, yes, we will find something there, something we’ll scrape together, but ukraine must demonstrate something, that these investments will somehow pay off, so saleon tells zelensky, go on the defensive, and sirsky says that the ground army will also surprise with something, that is, they should please european investors with something, that the ukrainian... army is more alive than dead, what could it be, this morakts, these will be terrorist attacks, it will most likely be in the north, on the northern border, it’s not for nothing that they have been working so closely in the belgorod region for a long time, in principle they can do something there, because transport
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is bad, but walking through the forests of the north ukraine is, in principle, possible and can concentrate there a certain number of such pedestrians who will try... to cross this line of contact in the north and surprise, as they said, the russian army, but our army is ready for this, but the main question here is this: does europe need to decide a difficult task, a double task, on the one hand, to help ukraine, on the other hand, it is preparing for war with russia, they were told so, when there was a summit in vilnius, the issue with the rapid reaction forces was discussed there, so if tomorrow there is war, how much can europe expose active? so that they do not hesitate to join the battle. at the summit in vilnius they counted and there were only 40,000 pieces from all over europe. therefore , a program was adopted that the european government will work on to bring this figure to 500,000 pieces. well , sequentially in three stages, they assigned them, so 100,000 for 10 days,
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200,000 for 30 days, here’s 500,000 up to 180 days. well, of course, this requires money, we need investment, we need to somehow revive the military... industry, well we need to work on this to work, and in order for the hands to do it faster and so on, uh, all sorts of newspapers, like bild, write terrible, terrible scenarios that russia will survive ukraine, then they will make claims to the baltic states, again the suwalki corridor begins, well, right there, of course , the baltic countries again sat on their favorite record, which are broadcasting that yes, yes, we urgently need to prepare, kala kalas, kaja kalas, as they say, immediately squealed about this, well, that is, we, of course, pulled sweden into this matter and finland. what en stoltenberg says periodically the arctic, the arctic, we need to remember his dad, torvald stoltenberg, who was still there in the early 2000s talking about the need
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to create an arctic nato. and the fact that when we examined this archipelago in 2007 to understand how widespread our economic zone is. it was like our peace initiative, but in 2008 the americans adopted directive 66, this was under barack obama, who said that america would protect its interests in the arctic by military means, that is, the americans were the first to take the step of militarizing the arctic. well, of course, lacking the resources and resources , finland and sweden were needed for this ; work began in 2008 to involve both finland and sweden in the nato bloc in order to confront russia in... and the last thing about the world hegemon, which constantly unleashes the next conflict there in the future, most likely another aggravation of relations between the dprk and south korea, the situation there is heating up. the hegemon seems to be doing everything right, on the one hand, according to the manuals of the nineties, how he
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led everyone to peace through a demonstration of force, but with the yemeni houthis he clearly miscalculated, here his direct participation in this military conflict was supposed to... tell the strength of the hegemon, but how many times have they been bombing these unfortunate houthis, the result is zero, in response they receive blows from iran, from the army , and there is nothing to answer, because the military command had clearly prepared for such a development of events, this is their military operation, guardian of prosperity, such a very beautiful name, clearly did not take into account such a response from iran and the fact that the houthis can fire at warships in the united states, and now hegemon - in fact turns into what we usually call the decline of an empire, if we recall history, all great empires, before their collapse, had many conflicts on their borders, but the americans themselves create these conflicts, in the hope that with these conflicts, as it were, the whole will bring the world to its knees, but as they say, there are
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no contradictory moves in history; in fact, it turns out that the americans , by creating such conflicts, are bringing their own collapse closer to an end. with the middle east they couldn’t figure it out; as a result of the escalation that the americans began 5 days ago, the price of oil increased, the houthis said. this morning the temperature dropped to -10. it’s
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tiring, the guys can’t do it anymore, it’s raining, then mud, then snow, add to this the losses. losses are much more important, especially against the background of the constant pressure of russian soldiers. in these frames the russian. the unit is destroyed by ukrainian fortifications in the vicinity of donetsk. the bmp crew moves into position, shoots down the enemy supporter with targeted fire, and this the combat work of the kuban artillerymen near marinka, the crew of the howitzer with an accurate hit destroys a temporary deployment point in the ukrainian armed forces. the russians have a weapon, and we'll look at an example now, namely this one: it's called tornado s, and it's one of the best missile launchers in russia. it's actually reactivity. multiple launch rocket system, as we see, which can launch several missiles at the same time, however, the russians have switched their attention to
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launching individual very valuable guided missiles, they are aimed at the russian satellite system and can attack the desired coordinates with an accuracy of up to a meter. the trajectory of this missile can be adjusted, that is , you can shoot really accurately, hitting the target with an accuracy of several meters, and we are now seeing an example of this, this is a strike on a ukrainian military base. this weapon that we see here is not located 10 km behind the front, 70-80 km behind the front, yet with its range of 120 km it can cause destruction where the ukrainians do not expect it at all, namely up to about 100 km behind line front, however, this is not the only thing that the russians bring to the front or continue to use, but we see a frame with this weapon here for the first time. ukrainian militants publish footage showing the main military tank of the american army. the abrams, which washington handed over to kiev in the amount of 31 , never appeared at the front. the thickness of the armor on the upper part of the hull is only 25 mm, which makes the vehicles vulnerable to russian
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fpv drones, forbes magazine reports. apparently, fearing reputational losses for defense us companies, as was the case after the destruction of the british challengers, the pentagon banned the ukrainian armed forces from using their equipment. london itself has been trying to prepare ukraine for war with russia since 2014, british defense minister shapps admitted. we must lead in upholding our values ​​around the world, and ukraine is an example of this. this year, her future may well be decided. we have brought together about ten countries to help ukraine train here in the uk. today i can announce that since 2014, after russia launched its invasion of ukraine, more than 60,000 ukrainian military personnel have been trained under our programs. drivers and mechanics for american abrams tanks will now be sought at the labor exchange. vacancies will appear. on the website of employment centers , the ukrainian ministry of defense reported that with the help of a recruiting system,
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the military department plans to make up for losses at the front and solve the problem of a shortage of qualified personnel with mobilization evaders. the head of the nikolaev regional administration proposes not to stand on ceremony to limit their civil rights. leader of the faction servant of the people arakhamia organizes a bank protest and says that most conscripts have not even undergone basic training.
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wearing such special clothing, they were detained in the odessa region on the border with moldova, the mass exodus of recruits, the average age of the ukrainian armed forces soldiers, which is now 40 plus, does not bother the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry and the commander of the ground forces at all. in an interview with rators, sirsky promised a surprise to the western allies. the reporter explained kuleba. abc tv channel why the bank wants to mobilize another half a million soldiers. i i'm damn seriously saying that even if we run out of weapons, we will fight with shovels. because what is at stake for ukraine is the existence of this nation, the existence of this country. the commander of the ukrainian ground forces said that the ukrainian armed forces, which is now in active defense, can still be surprised. our goals remain unchanged, holding our positions, exhausting the enemy,” said syrsky. ukrainian troops are conducting small counterattacks, which the commander called
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active defense. they keep the enemy in tension, looking for opportunities to strike, but there are still hostilities on both sides. scale to save ammunition and people. russia has also probably learned to contain its losses, syrsky said. zelensky is also trying his best to surprise. today, as politicians write, in the latest attempts to return attention to the country, the ukrainian president speaks at a world argumentative forum in the swiss capital of bernie. the government board received a modest red-carpet guard of honor . zelensky was met near the gangway by two flower beds with yellow-blakite flowers. the only person from the country's leadership who attended the official handshake ceremony was the head of the swiss foreign ministry , cassis. the further route took place on military helicopters, which in terms of the number of passengers were more like a minibus. zelensky went to dovos to return ukraine to the spotlight. zelensky will speak at the annual world economic forum in
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dovos to try to return western attention to his country. and coming to switzerland could be his last chance. ukrainian. the conflict has recently not attracted much interest in western countries, and financial and military assistance to kiev has become increasingly uncertain as the fighting has continued for almost 2 years. previously, the elites in the west received zelensky as a dear guest, but now the president of ukraine has to make efforts not to turn out to be just another onlooker at their party. i am a great lady president. i am grateful to madam president and her team for the agreement that our teams are already beginning preparations for the event in switzerland level. leaders of the global peace summit, this summit must fill with the necessary energy everything that has already been achieved to determine that the end of the war must be exclusively just, the restoration of the force of international law truly complete. whether russia should be involved in the summit. as for the list of countries, we are open to everyone, to all countries of the world that respect our sovereignty and
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territorial integrity, so draw your own conclusions about who we invite. the main achievement of the meeting of officials in the field national security officials from 83 states, which the day before the opening of the pre-construction forum studied zelensky’s so-called peace formula, took a collective photo with a large number of participants from a larger number of countries, mockingly, writes the financial times. the white house wants ukraine to change its strategy in the fight against the russian army, moving from attack to defense. jake salevan will convey the corresponding message from his boss, the president. biden zelensky on the sidelines of the world economic forum in davos. zelensky understands the meaning of such a decision, although he wouldn't like to hear it or talk about it publicly. therefore , he should tell sullivan to respond to biden by reminding the us congress that ukraine can only conduct an adequate defense if the us and its allies ensure that it has all the necessary capabilities. zelensky should also tell tsalivan that kiev will stop driving
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western tanks through well-mined trenches, since there is no point in this. starkov. as they say, we live in amazing times, then the european peace fund pays for arms supplies, which has already in fact, it’s not surprising, and the international economic forum in davos discusses everything except economics, but it’s really not economics to discuss now, as a result they are discussing a certain zelensky formula, which there is nothing to discuss, because there is no reason for any discussions for dialogue between conflicting parties, as a result , the british financial times rightly writes , at least... yes it writes rightly, that a photograph with a large number of participants is the only result of all this the outrages that are still being discussed at the international economic forum, they are going to discuss a new disease, they even came up with a name so that it would be convenient to promote it, disease x, that is, even a schoolchild will remember it, they haven’t diagnosed it yet,
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they don’t yet know what it is, but for sure knows that it will be 20 times more harmful than the past covid epidemic, and that... it’s interesting that ideas for vaccine production immediately appear , look where in the uk porten down is the same, as they say, the bad old town where the british are engaged in chemical, bacteriological weapons since the beginning of the 20th century, this is the same laboratory that is located next to the city of saltbury, well , now let’s not go into the long history of the poisoning of skripols by the same newcomer, which was done in the same portendown, that is, again exactly the same most, now. it’s amazing that we see the united states of america united in behavior, it would seem that the hegemon needs to demonstrate its muscles, and the united states always demonstrates them on someone weak, has fought. showed that you strong, like a hooligan in the yard, beat someone , everyone is afraid of you, it seems like there is a reason for war with iran, yes, there is shelling
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of iraqi kurdistan, the city of erbil, iran does not, does not deny that these are its missiles, they struck objects banned in russia - the islamic state, and the united states of america does not, does not deny, they immediately take responsibility for themselves, well, yes, they say, it was we who shot. usa, there seems to be a reason, the united states of america started wars, without a reason with less reason, suddenly, that we we see that the representative of the council on us security, otson, or as in the good old way, watson, comes out, only, of course, this is the only statement for this minute, and there are only quotes, it doesn’t look like the usa at all, yes, that’s what they say , not a single american. the object was not attacked, there were no casualties among the americans, while calling these strikes reckless and inaccurate, here the question arises: if not a single american
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object was attacked, and this was an inaccurate strike, it means they were still hitting the american objects, they simply didn’t hit. well, in general, the united states of america demonstrates its reluctance to enter into a direct military conflict with iran. what do they need? and they need tension, they need chaos, they need... some kind of confusion, so they shot at the houthis, the houthis responded by shooting at the american ship, and then they would start shooting at the ships of all the other participants in this pseudo-coalition, that’s what they need , and they demonstrate the same position around taiwan. by the way, i would like to remind you that the blow to the houthis was on the eve of the elections in in taiwan, in my opinion, in this way the united states demonstrated its muscles, on the one hand, and on the other hand , demonstrated to beijing that it did not want a serious military clash. they want to freeze the current status quo around taiwan, that’s what the americans want, as much tension as possible, but not participation in a military
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conflict. the question is why? yes, because a full-scale war is full of unexpected big troubles. start a war with iran, there will be losses, sunken ships, coffins to the united states of america, they will put an end to on the election campaigns of the current american administration. therefore, here is chaos, muddy water. the consequences, well, that is, the empire is collapsing, everyone seems to see it, and only one person does not recognize it, this is the american president biden, and as a consequence of the united states, i rather
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have the feeling from the blows that for some reason they inflicted on the pakhusites in yemen, then they immediately got hit in the face by tehran, but kept silent with taiwan. i’ll say it again, the first thing joe biden did was call. to beijing to say, no, we have nothing to do with this and we stand for your territorial integrity , we are also already seeing in ukraine, they will try to persuade zelensky, to go on the defensive, because it was not possible to defeat putin, the only thing biden is doing now is trying to transfer zelensky’s funding to the european union, and more, but also , so as not to jinx the sensations, biden has nothing anywhere. ratings down, before announcing trump's victory in iowa, it became known that biden's ratings fell even lower by 1.5% compared to yesterday. and
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this is also a fifteen-year anti-record, it’s crazy, we’ll be back in a minute. happy birthday, how cool lenikov is, huh? the prize was arranged, i loved you, he beats, it means that , calmly, brace, let's go, when he fell, he hit himself, all this is very strange, the main thing is that he survives and recovers, and if he does not recover, skletosovsky, today on rtr, and soon, we’ll watch new episodes, polino. all for the premiere of the new season of the sklifosovsky series.
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will you meet me? morning with urbich and problems with nothing, to get to know the country, how beautiful it is, just taste it, we’ll go there let's add kiwi, enthusiasm, you just need a madness of taste, what's next, honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products and unique recipes. do you know why people consider proteins to be living carbohydrates? to have fun jumping through life, an unusual answer, i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health, food formula every saturday on rtr, mosfilm, the main film studios in russia celebrate their anniversary: ​​andrei konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova , denis matsuev, ivan bessonov, oleg basilashvili,
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svetlana nemolyaeva. stanislav lyubshin, sergey shakurov, fyodor dobronravov, irina kubchenko , alexander zatsepil, alexey rybnikov , sergey bezrukov , alexey kravchenko, nikita kologi, irina pegova, pavel derevyanka, pelogeya, dima bilan, sergey mazaev, ilzakov, khibla gerzmalov.
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happy birthday to vastrakha, valentina telechkina, openly about the innermost, in kindergarten i sang a chestushka, and i’m small, neat, and of course, there was applause, i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow received you so well, you didn’t regret it, you sent articles about me that... i’m having an affair with korolkov i had, with black pankratov, with zaradik nakhopetov, not a single novel, or rather one , which is for many long 50 years, here it is my golden one, the kingdom of heaven, this is my huge loss, i’m not leaving yet, i’m still talking to him all the time, it’s difficult, so i ’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday,
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extreme republicans, it was like this yesterday, it will be like that tomorrow, so vote for biden. the new york times states that trump’s first victory is indeed only the first victory, but it is already a sign of biden's complete defeat in the november vote. former us president donald trump won
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the internal republican vote in the state. iowa, thus taking the first big step towards revenge with current american leader joe biden. and this revenge will probably take place not only within the framework of the presidential race, but in the courtroom. regardless of what happens next, trump's success in iowa represents a remarkable revival of a political career that seemed to be in tatters. local voters were not deterred by either the extreme cold or the growing legal threat to the former head of the white house. they accepted it with a vision of a vengeful turning point. meanwhile, the current confident victory. trump was a setback for his two main opponents, florida governor ronald santis and former us ambassador to the un nicky haley, who wasted a lot of time fighting both each other and their main opponent. so? so, the most important thing that happened is the election campaign itself, which will influence including the situation in the middle east. why? if it weren’t going on in the usa right now, of course, biden wouldn’t be trying to turn anything around, because there are republicans there who
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are actively discussing this topic. they also move the situation.


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