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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  January 16, 2024 5:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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algae, the water began to recede, its level exceeded a meter, there were mountains of garbage on the streets and mangled cars scattered everywhere, which had been carried away by the current. just a few hours ago, waves flooded the publication’s embankment; shops, banks, schools , and even the international airport had to be closed for a while. tonight, after the big news, watch the continuation of the ninth season of the medical drama with klifosovsky, two episodes at once, don’t miss it. vesti continues to monitor developments in russia abroad, stay tuned. we continue the release. in the donetsk direction , tank crews in a breakthrough destroyed the temporary deployment site of ukrainian militants. strikes on positions were carried out by guided missiles based on coordinates. received from
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a reconnaissance drone. from the leading report of the military correspondent of the news stanislav nazarov. we get to the positions of the first slavic brigade along the forest belts line and under the cover of electronic warfare systems. now there will be a fire mission, we will send coordinates to the infantry, we will lead them. if we are pushing the enemy back, so that we can work against him better, we are moving closer to the front. the further away the enemy is, the more difficult it is to hit him. outfit 29. you are charged and charged. arrows! enemy kamikaze drones are operating near donetsk, aerial reconnaissance of ukrainian militants, so the artillery crews are carefully camouflaged, all the work takes place in the trenches, even the gun is installed below ground level. with us, well, as they say, everything is buried. dugouts, cellars, shelters, we have everything buried. that is, we basically have nothing on the surface. we have a change of place happened very quickly, as if we still had those on duty at that old position.
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they came here, worked, dug, that is , in principle, exploded as best they could. d-20 howitzers do not work here, batteries, guns are dispersed along the front line, firing positions are constantly changing. our infantry is supported by artillery crews of the first slavic brigade, which work from such well-camouflaged positions, working in the fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine. artillery. near donetsk works in constant interaction with tank crews, after to carry out combat missions, tanks are serviced in such technical centers that are located near the line of combat contact, so that after easy repairs the equipment can return to combat work, we service it ourselves, when there are such faulty ones that we cannot do it ourselves, accordingly it becomes on rumbat, that is, it is brought there. we take the base,
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there’s already mud there, let’s say there’s an engine or something else that we won’t be able to hit enemy targets ourselves, our drone records, the copter operators adjust the fire, aim lay, shot, well, accepted, work is in full swing in the trenches near donetsk, the calculations receive new target coordinates. the artillery of the first slavic brigade hits the enemy around the clock. stanislav nazarov, vitalik kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, news, donbass. branches of the association of veterans of special military operations have appeared in twenty-three regions of russia. in another twenty , the paperwork for their opening is completed. the main task of such centers is to provide full support for soldiers who have returned home from social and psychological support to rehabilitation and assistance to the family. you.
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these days the second forum of special operation veterans is being held at the patriot center . let's win together. elena erofeeva will continue. 60 metronome beats. there is a minute of silence in the hall. they remember those who did not return from the battle. fairness, care, respect. combat veterans of special military operations need help returning to peaceful life. did not encounter bureaucratic callousness, medical red tape and the detachment of employers, so that they did not run to the clinic for medicine, but to find vacancies to the employment service, the authorities today are giving a clear signal, defenders of the fatherland are being heard, career military personnel, volunteers, mobilized, returning from the combat zone, widows and mothers of dead sons, almost 400 people from different regions of russia came to this conversation in the first person.
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senior lieutenant soshin, having returned from the front-line trenches to his native yekaterinburg, was ready to tell boys and girls what war was. i tried to contact a school in my area, but the directors simply refused. they just wrote, we did it ourselves. in tyumen children's center grad is already 35 years old.
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the tyumen high command died in the northern military district zone. it was difficult for the mother to survive. galina found solace in social work, collects humanitarian aid and sends it to the children at the front. it's not about money here, it's about moral help. today the foundation of defenders of the fatherland rests on these women’s shoulders, having survived their pain and helping others cope with their loss. i made a proposal that the defender of the fatherland foundation have a coordinator who could.
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people of society to participate, that is, to be close in soul, close in heart, with the person who needs help. more and more caring people are engaged in the rehabilitation of military personnel, this helps to return to peaceful life much faster, because the future of the country depends on it. elena erofeeva, olga allenkina, sofia petrosyan, mikhail vitkin, kirill malikov, news. now the footage that we literally just received.
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level of power, do not sit in their own like people from among you, from any office in general, but share the fate of the homeland, and not together with the people together with the army, strength of spirit defenders of our fatherland, their deep awareness of patriotism is certainly amazing, i repeat, if they have a desire to further apply their best qualities in various spheres... of civil service, this desire must be supported. further to other topics: metallurgy, mining industry, energy, agriculture, transport, affordable housing. 4 trillion rubles have been invested in the development of the economy of the far eastern regions of our country.
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participants discuss how to use government assistance as efficiently as possible all-russian forum for the development of the far east, prospects, ways and methods. report from khabarovsk by nadezhda kurilina. most economic indicators in the far east significantly exceed the russian average. nikolai kharitonov, chairman of the committee for the development of the far east and arctic, began his speech with this fact.
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the forum paid special attention to the purchase of their own housing with a mortgage for residents of the far east and the arctic; today it is difficult to borrow even at 2%, but probably today we must wish a year of family to our young people, young people to step confidently to conclude. marriage to get married, to get married, so the court should be interest-free, i think that money will be found, and this program will be picked up by young people, it will be a good motivation to start families and give birth to many children. this mechanism, according to nikolai kharitonov, can be worked out in the far east and the territories of the arctic zone, and then extended to the entire country. nadezhda kurilina, roman matveev, vesti khabarovsk. poland is ready to host on its territory at the eastern border. the military contingent of germany, which is calculating options for a clash with russia. this peace formula
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is being discussed in davos, where zelensky came to remind europe of himself, while scientologists are being rounded up in his country. evgeny reshitnev will continue. the swiss city of davos , together with ukraine , is holding an international conference to gain support for the kiev peace formula. they don’t talk about this out loud, but everyone understands that this formula for zelensky’s peace is pure populism, it is not... feasible in its semantic part, because essentially demands the surrender of russia, but this is only one point out of ten, the rest contain empty formulations, such as the quote “return of justice”, this is what representatives of 83 countries are seriously forced to discuss, their presence is the main achievement of the last meeting, says the head of the brussels bureau of the financial times, henry foy, who entitled his article from davos with the question: why are negotiations on...
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russia, without russia's participation there will be no peace. the position of the kiev regime was broadcast by the head of the presidential office, andrei ermak, who, like his boss always wears military uniform, only zelensky wears sweatshirts, and ermak prefers gymnasts. this does not change the essence, and this president and his administration are a party of war, it will not be any other way. this president, this team, we will never accept any frozen conflict, our strategic
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goal, as i already said, is to go beyond the borders of 1991, such speeches can only be said by someone who is either inadequate, not noting the waste of territories, or a cynical liar. in general, kiev, despite its efforts, according to bloomberg, failed they do not want to drag the countries of the global south to their side, as before. zelensky, who was met by the president of switzerland, arrived at this result of the negotiations. in europe, they also began to work out utopian scenarios; the bilt newspaper, although the tabloet, refers to sources in the bundeswehr, which, according to the publication, are preparing to repel an attack from russia. this is stated in a secret document, according to which a possible escalation between nato and russia could occur as early as february of this year. by the scenario described by the newspaper. russia already wins in ukraine in the summer, after which it provokes conflicts in the baltic states. in response,
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nato is bringing 300,000 soldiers to the border, of which 30 thousand are germans. then, however, the authors of the publication explain that this is just a legend for military exercises, which supposedly has no relation to reality. in the real world, it is not russia that is preparing aggressive plans, but germany continues to train ukrainian soldiers at its training grounds. this is on the one hand. on the other hand , the bundeswehr’s next attempts to place its army contingent in poland and the situation is now favorable, in contrast to the old government, which stated that at least seven generations must pass before... the new cabinet is pro-german, so if the germans want to strengthen nato’s eastern flank in poland, how do they made in lithuania, welcome. today it became known that zelensky, who recently visited the baltic states, raised the issue of ukrainian emigrants of military age. the german authorities
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have previously stated that in order to expel them from the country there are no legal grounds; apparently, the same answer was given to zelensky. we will definitely not do anything on our part to hand these people over. ukraine must appeal to the people here to ask them to return to help their homeland. in their homeland they continue to take revenge on everyone, now mainly in public transport and just on the streets. this is footage from odessa, where military commissars go out on raids every morning. and here is what the governor of the nikolaev region says. if you are a draft dodger, you have no right to live living life to the fullest and enjoying yourself. if you are a draft dodger, sit.
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be encouraged, everyone seems, i am convinced, briefly and clearly, i am convinced, i refuse, everyone says a word, there is perhaps more courage in this than in death during a doomed assault. evgeniyv and maxim shchepilov, the situation is aggravated by the fact that for the first time after the coronavirus crisis, the german economy went into recession. than it has, a hole in the budget of 17 billion euros. skillfully using protest sentiments, politicians from the alternative for germany are gaining momentum, which for the first time the rating is ahead of all the old, respectable parties from germany, our feed mikhail antonov. at 7 am the sirens of powerful engines sounded over berlin over gulgutkov. all
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central streets are clogged with tractors and trucks. the farmers came to find out if their seven-day protest was convincing enough, what? the government changed its mind about solving state budget problems by increasing taxes and eliminating subsidies for diesel fuel. this will be a gut punch because i have a small business. i see that it is becoming more and more difficult for small businesses, because of new regulations, because of bureaucracy, we are not heard, we have no influence. these people apparently have little hope for change, so they mock the traffic light, as the current coalition is called, as much as they can. here's one hanging from a crane, hanging down from a traffic light. the government should waive the co2 tax and other burdens. the government takes our money and sends it abroad everywhere. in the colony of machinery that filled the tiergarten, werner's tractor stands out, which decided to personify what farmers consider evil. from left to right, chancellor scholz,
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economy minister habik and head of mid berbuk. 900 million euros that the authorities are going to take away from farmers.
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there is something wrong with the current coach: 76% of germans are dissatisfied with the work of the scholz government, according to a new year's survey by the ince pollster. for more than two years in power , the chancellor did not find a way to demonstrate those managerial talents that the germans voted for, and he developed a previously unknown ability to hide from problems. during the week, christians protested to the authorities they never found a common language. the scholz government seems to be ready to postpone the abolition of subsidies from 24 to 26, but farmers are obviously not happy with this, they call it death in installments, while even federal president steinmeier points out the lack of communication between the authorities and the protesters, the chancellor. the country has been paralyzed for a week, and he still has not spoken out on the substance of the conflict. but he tried to put a shadow on the whip. in a televised address on saturday , scholz said right-wing extremists
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wanted to seize control of the protest. this coincided with press publications and information about secret meetings that the leadership of the alternative for germany party allegedly holds with active nationalist groups. democracy is in danger. in his place , scholz sent finance minister lindner to the rally, who had previously...
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he said the government intends to compensate farmers for the loss of subsidies through more careful calculation of income taxes. in essence, this meant that the subsidies would still be taken away, so the trade union leaders stopped going to the bundestag to meet with nothing depended on the leadership of the coalition parties. it looks like farmers will have to travel to berlin regularly as long as they have diesel to spare. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, hosted by germany. taiwan. has never been a country and will not be one in the future, so the chinese foreign ministry commented not only on the outcome of the elections in the region, but also made it clear to the next american delegation in taipei that they would not
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allow an orange scenario there. report by alexander baltsky. and yet it is not for nothing that the newly elected head of the taiwanese administration in his election program he said: “washington is the main ally, because before the lieutenant had even taken office, this ally had already sent guests with congratulations.” formally. all of them are former, from ex-assistant to the us president for national security hadley to former deputy secretary of state steinberg, which means that the official white house had nothing to do with it, but in beijing they regarded everything as the americans crossing the red line and expressed a strong protest. we urge the united states to approach issues related with taiwan, be careful not to send any wrong signals in any form to the separatist forces over the so-called independence of taiwan. after all, biden personally, together with the head of the state department, recently confirmed that the united states does not support the independence of taiwan, but then how can these words be explained? we
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are honored to meet with you today to reaffirm that america's commitment to taiwan is strong, principled and bipartisan, and that the united states stands with friends. friends did not remain in debt, bursting with compliments, separately and to blinken , speaker of the house of representatives johnson, that in the american congress the registration is almost open to form a new delegation for may, while beijing has repeatedly emphasized, especially in recent days, that the elections in taiwan are regional, and this is an internal matter of china. any resident of the island of taiwan who wants to achieve so -called independence will be severely punished by history and law. anyone who violates the one china principle in the international community and interferes in china's internal affairs is trespassing. more partners in taiwan
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less, the severance of all relations with taib was announced in nauru. the republic of nauru will no longer recognize the chinese republic of taiwan as a separate country, considering it an integral part of chinese territory. in beijing, this step was welcomed, and at the same time they again drew attention to the fact that the anti-chinese course of the taiwan democratic party does not reflect the main point of view of the residents of taiwan, which the elections on the island just showed. despite the victory in the election of the head of taiwan's administration, the majority in the island's parliament is pro-american forces those political parties that oppose the arms race with mainland china for restoring dialogue with beijing have also lost their advantage there, thus leaning towards peace, and...
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american soldiers, residents of akinawa, in such conditions the reboot of the main far eastern fort of the united states began . the new american base in japan will take 9 years to build, but the japanese, judging by the report by sergei mengazhev, are not ready to wait; they are already storming the construction of the pentagon on land and on water. a man on a horse is desperately trying to hold on balance and avoid an oncoming coast guard boat. a diver jumps on top of him. the fight lasts a matter of seconds; in the background, giant pincers on a construction ship dump multi-ton handfuls of soil into the sea for the construction of a new american base off the east coast of akinawa island. the shutdown of this pentagon facility, a new surge of protests, in response to the court's decision that the administration no longer has the right to obstruct the construction of a floating heliport. this is how it looks from a bird's eye view: in place coral reef with a unique ecosystem
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. surrounded by concrete blocks and barbed wire, another facility of the american armed forces, the fact that as a result nature is dying, including, for example, rare species of animals, the almost extinct dugong sea cows, can now be found here only in the form of protest agitation, base builders, of course, not interested. the american futemma base is located right in the center of the city of ginawan, osprey tiltrotors are visible in the airfield, extremely dangerous machines, in the sense that problems with them happen too often. recently. one of them crashed near the nearby islands during a training flight, all eight crew members died, after which the operation of these half-helicopter, half-plane was suspended for an indefinite time, however, the navists demand not only that this base be removed away from the city, but, in principle, that it be moved to another part japan, since the island itself is already overloaded with us military facilities. we board the boat at dawn at the farthest edge adjacent to the base of the fishing port
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henoko. there is shallow water here, so the embankment work in this part of the water area was completed quite quickly, what is striking first of all is the impeccable cleanliness, transparency and color of the sea water, almost immediately several motor boats of the coast guard rush parallel to us, from there, without ceasing, we hear demands to leave the territory, patrol boats are now blocking us so that we cannot get closer to those canoes on which the protesters are now, the task of activists on these...
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attempts to appeal to conscience, not to disfigure nature to think about future generations, people in black boats accept in silence, and then the detention of activists who illegally entered the restricted territory begins. to build this base on the island
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, large-scale land acquisitions are currently underway. mainly in the southern part, exactly where during the war most of the japanese died in the battles with the americans for akinawa. local residents told us that the remains of the dead are often found in the ground, which end up in trucks and become part of the foundation. for an american military airfield. according to the plan, fill work in this location will continue until 2033. sergey mengazhev, alexey pichko, east asia news bureau, akinawa island, japan. staraya police detained three pranksters who were hooligans and hooligans in the subway and filmed it on video. young people ran on the roofs of trains, unscrewed light bulbs and kicked the cars. vitaly karmazin will tell you more. in these footage, twenty-year-old vladislav belokopytov, the so-called blogger who organized pranks in in the capital's metro, screaming heart-rendingly, disturbing passengers, hitting trains, damaging property, did you take a light bulb from the subway? i... i forgot
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, the authors filmed their video here at the krasnoprestinskaya metro station, the main character of the video jumped over that fence, ran along the roof of the car to this second chandelier and unscrewed it... two light bulbs, which are still missing. he did all this just to attract new viewers. i ended up in the moscow news. now belokopytov is not happy, he walks heavily along the corridors of the moscow police department, answers to questions from employees. i hopped on the train with another person, a blogger, and ran through it. what else did you do? also on mechelisky prospekt metro, hit with a u-turn. off your feet, and the train is approaching, do you repent of your sadness? i repent, not only could he himself have been hurt, as has happened more than once, but he also created a danger for train traffic; the damage in the metro has already been calculated. we thank the police officers at the metro for their quick, well-coordinated work to
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apprehend the offender. we are preparing a claim for damages and will also seek assigning the violator mandatory work in the metro. it is now quite easy for the police to catch such people. the moscow metro has a facial recognition system. two more were detained with belokopytov, a twenty-year-old native of the rostov region was identified, as well as eighteen and sixteen-year-old residents of the capital who committed deliberate and gross violations on the territory of the moscow metro. another detainee, maxim grishin, also organized a race on the roofs of carriages. ra, where are you going? ra, what are you doing? who do these people turn into next? pranksters, it is clear from the story of edward beale and mikhail litvin. the first one, while filming a video, caused a terrible accident with victims. the second shocked the audience by burning cars, driving them either into a restaurant, or into a shopping center, or into the glass wall of a car dealership, all for the sake of views that bring money, and therefore those detained after leaving the metro, forgetting about remorse, already declare that they have no income they will quit,
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you will continue to film pranks, of course we will continue, this does not stop me, a new law must stop, the state duma is going to recognize such publications as aggravating both the characters in the videos and those who filmed them will be responsible for the circumstances when offenses are committed. timo propaganda is violence, it is unacceptable to involve young people in illegal activities, it is unacceptable to create the feeling that this is useful, it is safe, and it is profitable. the court sentenced the prankster detained today to administrative arrest for 7 and 10 days, two of the violators are students, it is possible that they will be expelled in the near future. vitaly karmazin, igorvyzhlitsov, maryana pepanyan, alina skachkova and dmitry kamsky, news! a historic building has been returned to moscow several years ago, they already tried to repair the appearance of the bas-relief decorating the novokuznetskaya metro station, a plaster frieze created during the great patriotic war, but then the figures
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of the red army soldiers were simply barbarically covered with paint, and restorers had to save the famous decor. ilya filippov will continue. even before the opening, in the architectural magazines of the thirties it was called bright and spacious. frolov in besieged leningrad, he died from collecting mosaics, mosaic artist vladimir , famine in forty-two, and diarrhea could transport it to moscow and hand it over to the metro builders. the metro named after narkomtyazhe
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koganovich worked during the war, provided shelter from bombing and continued to grow. the third stage of commissioning new stations was underway. however, for the front frieze on novokuznetskaya it was necessary to use inexpensive plaster. many foreigners in the metro do not believe what it built. in conditions of austerity, what about marble and bronze? in those years , lazar koganovich said that the exploiting class took this material for themselves, it is necessary for the marble to be proletarian, so it is proletarian, only it hasn't stopped being expensive. novokuznetskaya is already 80 years old, the plaster bas-reliefs have become the most unstable over time, several times they tried to make repairs here, namely repairs with a bucket of paint and a brush, they were covered with ridiculous colors. for some reason, historical forms in the metro were often entrusted to ordinary painters. and then the object had to be saved, the same thing happened here, the restorers worked at night, removed the paint with steam, restored the lost ones, painted with thick paints, like oil paints, which gave a film, and accordingly, a greenhouse, yes, the plaster could not
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breathe, and , accordingly, it was destroyed inside, which is why such an urgent intervention was required, now the entire frieze, light, clean, the same as it was commissioned in 1943, with all the military subjects, in the form of a rotunda , popularly known as shaiba. on the site where the temple stood, which was demolished in 1934, but there are initial sketches where the entrance to the metro is integrated into a residential building, this residential building strongly resembles the radio house on pyatnitskaya 25. the mystery is that the radio house was already built after the war, and there is no other similar building here. the house is recognizable by its unusual corner entrance, although in the thirties it was planned as a metro construction building. well, today we see a decision that was dictated by the time to which raton is accustomed.
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an elderly woman, every day, in russia , electric heating, due to which she died , from three to ten fires occur due to gadgets standing on charge. the topic will be continued by igor agienko. damage that is not covered by money from the lives of people who died in fires in the moscow region the day before. during the inspection, also a survey of the owner of the house revealed that the deceased woman lived with her in the house and was in the living room on the eve of the fire, with the electric blanket turned on. heaters, electric scooters, robotic vacuum cleaners , portable batteries, this is just the beginning of the list of gadgets included in the fire risk group. those who have ever seen something like this burn in their home will definitely not forget this. there was a phone that sat on charge all night with him. i took it off the charger, put it on the nightstand, went back to bed, and began to fall asleep
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i heard a squeak, opened my eyes and realized that my phone on the bedside table was on fire, my wife was calling me from someone else’s phone and screaming that our house was on fire, the phone exploded right on the bed, the linen caught fire, the house began to burn inside, the clapboard was, well, the firefighters arrived , half the house burned out, malfunctioning electrical appliances happen every day. taking into account the fact that now every extension cord is marked with a rated
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power, but counterfeits are still very common, the socket group is designed for a load of 3.5 kw, that is more than 3.5 kw, it is not recommended to connect to this line, because there will be heating, which will result in destruction of the insulation, melting and, accordingly, fire, but not a single extension cord will withstand if a kettle, microwave and heater are connected to it at once, the result is overload. as a rule , a very powerful one takes a large amount of power and puts a huge load on the electrical network, in addition to this, there are phone chargers there, and so on and so on and so on, for the sake of experiment, we, together with the firefighters, simulated the ignition of a kettle due to faulty wiring. to extinguish electrical appliances, you must under no circumstances use water, you definitely need... not an extinguisher, but before that, read how
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to use it, pull the pin and to prevent this from happening, each powerful device must be plugged into a separate outlet, in any apartment it is necessary there must be a fire extinguisher. igor agienko, nikita shchuchkin, andrey lapidus, igor stepanov and ilona agasieva, lead. well, then regional news will continue to be released. a device that hides car license plates from cameras, it is now prohibited not only to install, but also to sell. the dorogomilovsky court allowed blocking such advertisements on the internet. it's convenient, fast, doesn't create queues, i'm for progress. the fast payment system is now in the metro; all subway stations have been connected to this service. how it works? utilities are clearing
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the city after yesterday's snowfall and preparing for new atmospheric pressure to drop to record levels. we will find out from our weather forecaster how the weather will change. drug production in moscow has increased almost 2 and a half times. one of the most powerful pharmaceutical clusters is now being formed on the basis of technopolis. what results does this give? so, the dorogomilovsky court of moscow banned the sale on the internet of special devices that hide the license plates of traffic cameras. we are talking, for example, about the so- called framework of deception. distorting the license plate number, the announcement of their sale on online platforms was declared by the court to be information prohibited for distribution on the territory of russia, which means this may cause the sites to be blocked. in addition, such publications are contrary to the road safety law. the police, in turn , reminded that there is a fine for driving a car with unreadable license plates.
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article 122, part two of the code of the russian federation on administrative offences, provides. the police also reported that over the past year , more than 12 thousand administrative protocols were drawn up in the capital for unreadable license plates and for the use of devices that hide registration plates. turnstiles at all moscow metro stations were connected to
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system of fast payments, you can now enter the subway without a card using a qr code. this payment method is currently being used in test mode, but passengers are already actively using it. how to connect to the sbp, what other payment methods are offered in order not only to get on the metro, but also to save money on travel. detailed instructions from igor yaroslavtsev. we lost our three and we don’t have our bank card with us. it’s okay, you can now pay for your metro travel using the fast payment system. we use the same principle as in a store qr code, you only need a smartphone. in order to pay for your trip using the fast payment system, you will need. the screen is shown into a small camera above the horizontal green line. a tip is to place your phone against the bottom edge
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of the sticker with the turnstile number, so the camera will read it faster. the price of the trip is the same as with a bank card - 61 rubles. thanks to the fast system. passengers will once again be able to return to their usual convenient way of paying for travel using a smartphone. this is russian technology, which belongs to the bank of russia, it safe protected. 8 million people, that’s how much the capital’s metro transports per day on average. there are many ways to pay for a trip; moscow is the leader in terms of their number. the majority, 80% of passengers, of course, pay in triples. it also has a virtual version. which can be issued through the same moscow metro application. you'll have to keep an eye on topping up your balance, but trips will be cheaper. 54 rub. you can save even more if you connect payment using biometrics. more people are using this service 300,000 muscovites. it's convenient, fast, and doesn't create a queue. i'm for progress. there is
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another payment method: moskvich card. a million residents of the capital have it. a new format in the form of a sticker with a chip that can be placed on a smartphone is being tested. paying by card at the turnstile no longer surprises anyone, and the new method of payment via sbp is just beginning to be mastered, it will probably be more convenient, why? well, it’s faster, most likely the payment will go through, well, i think it would be more convenient if you don’t have a card, well, at least you don’t need to carry cards, you don’t have a friend according to your tastes and colors, but i think that there is a system , this one, it works, i think it’s successful and kind of comfortable, the new technology is already working at all subway stations, but the developers are...
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building the troitskaya line with 17 stations. more than 90 km of roads will be built in the capital. 30 transport structures and a dozen pedestrian crossings. the moscow high-speed ​​diameter will connect to the solntsevo-butovo-varshavskoye highway. there are also plans to complete the construction of the southern rakada, which will improve transport services 24 urban areas. over the past 24 hours there have been snowdrifts. in the capital they have grown by 5 cm, now the depth of the snow cover is 20% higher than the climate norm, utility services are continuously clearing the city streets due to the thaw on the roads. therefore, highways, sidewalks, bus stops and approaches to the metro are treated with reagents. also, according to weather forecasters, the first half of january became
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one of the coldest in the last 75 years, and if increased frosts are no longer expected in the near future, then snowfalls will soon cover the capital with renewed force. and besides snowfalls, muscovites will face another test this week, normally low pressure, it has already dropped 20 units below normal, this... is strong to the drop that a person experiences when climbing the oka tower in moscow city, which has 85 floors. well, weather forecasters warn that the pressure could drop a few more points. i welcome victoria chernikova to our studio. victoria, hello, well, is our weather getting ready for records again? but no, it won’t reach records, although the pressure today is real very low, about 730 mm. but it also happened lower, and most importantly, a steady increase will begin at night, we will prove it. there will be gaps in the clouds between the cyclones, so there will be very little snow on wednesday. in mozhaisk, no precipitation
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is expected at all, but with a change in wind it will become colder and drop sharply by 10°. at 10-13 below zero tomorrow almost throughout the moscow region. it’s mildest in sergiev passad, here it’s only -6. in moscow, the coming night and day will be -8-10, cloudy with clearing in some places, light snow, on thursday in the morning it will already be -18, but in the second it will start snowing in the afternoon. from which the day will stretch, the epiphany night will leave almost nothing left of the frost. victoria chernikova told me thank you about the weather. the boiler house in solnechnogorsk will be completely modernized after a leak that occurred on the new year holidays; a new boiler, water purification system and steam generators will be installed there, and the automation system will also be changed. the program runs until 2026. governor andrei vorobyov spoke about this today during a visit to another boiler plant. v in the mirontsev area, it is now operating as normal, to provide the residents with heat, a second boiler has been connected, my soul hurts,
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the pump will be delivered and everything will be installed, this is already a big shift, this is important, yes, it’s like, it’s impossible without this pump, two network ones, and pressure, which means people will have a temperature, yes, well, today we are working on two boilers, i withstood the frost on one boiler, mother, the people we served from this boiler room. today in september, yes, builders have completed monolithic work in the tower of the national space center, its height is almost 290 m. the construction of a forty-meter spire is currently underway; it consists of nineteen levels of reinforced concrete structures, almost all of them have already been completed in the monolith. let me remind you that the national space center is a giant academic cluster that is currently being built in pili, it is being created on behalf of the president, and completion of work is scheduled for this year. the production of medicines in the capital has increased almost 2 and a half times over 5 years. about 100 companies are already working in this area. and
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on the basis of technopolis moscow is now being created one of the most powerful pharmaceutical clusters in the country. moscow manufacturers supply medicines for cancer patients, immunomodulators, vaccines, serums, antibiotics and other drugs to the russian market abroad. oksana saw how modern pharmaceutical enterprises work. nothing superfluous, just a huge glass container of the pharmaceutical substance; in this sterile room the entire process of producing the unique drug simax begins. patented high technology production does not require huge areas, since it is based on peptide synthesis. the drug, an original development of russian pharmacists, is widely used in the treatment of strokes, severe traumatic brain injuries and neurological diseases. in terms of efficiency and safety in the world. it has no analogues, we are a full-cycle company, which means that everything, all complete production, starting with the substance and ending with the finished dosage
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form, is carried out on our site. the entire process is almost completely automated at all stages, glass vials are filled with 3 ml of the substance on-line, each of 100 liters of substance produces 3,200 units of finished product. each bottle coming out of the conveyor is carefully checked to see if there are scratches on the bottle or the cap has some kind of defect. even the scales have a separate room here to eliminate air vibrations. the company produces up to 2 million packages per year; medicines are sold
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to the domestic russian market, as well as for export to central asia and indonesia. and this is only one name based on the technology park strageno has a dozen of them, and this platform was created, among other things, for the development of pharmaceutical projects. on the territory of mosmetpark we have a full range of laboratories to carry out the entire test cycle, prepare the necessary documentation, submit documents to the regulator to enter the market for this drug. the new form of work allows pharmaceutical companies to save time and medicines get to pharmacies faster. the production of medicines itself has also accelerated; this is a pharmaceutical enterprise in zelenograd opened a year ago, they immediately followed the path of import substitution. 75% of all drugs that the factory produces are included in the list of vital drugs; they are used in all areas of therapy not only in the moscow region, but throughout russia and neighboring countries . about 5 billion tablets per year, and more than 800 million capsules per year and 8 million packages.
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in the coming months we will launch production of pre-filled spitz with a capacity of 20 million per year. the company has created an entire department for the development of medicines, now in testing there are fifty new drugs. oksana maksimova, ilya popov, andrey lapidus, ekaterina cherushev, and all vasavichev, yulia antipova, to lead. more than 28 thousand honorary donors in the moscow region will receive an increased annual cash payment. indexes by 4.5% it will exceed 17,000 rubles. there is no need to submit any applications, the money will be transferred automatically. the regional ministry of social development recalled that a number of benefits are provided for honorary donors in the region, for example, they can enjoy free travel. subtropical rangeria of the apothecary garden, a poisonous bush of the bushmen has bloomed, as experts warn, the plant is very
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fragrant, but at the same time dangerous, poison is made from its juice, which... some african tribes smear the arrowheads with, and in the neighborhood you can see a recently blossomed giant lily, however , in order to admire it, you will have to stand in an impressive line. the little panda katyusha began to cut new teeth, another video was shared by the moscow zoo, as experts explain, the cub has grown up he chews on everything that gets in his way, and every day he finds new entertainment for himself; in these frames you can see how katyusha is already quite confidently moving around the enclosure. and even tries to grab the leg of an employee who came to clean the room. yauza park now has its own grand staircase. the previous structure was so damaged that it could not be repaired and already posed a danger to park visitors, so it was decided to replace it with a new staircase with three viewing platforms and a white colonnade. this the place is very popular with honeymooners, which is why the descent is also called
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a wedding descent. wedding descent. connects two multi-level walking routes of the park: the upper one is the main walking road and the lower one is an eco-trail along the yauza river. thus, the staircase descent is included in the general concept of the road and path network and opens colorful landscapes of the yauza river floodplain to park visitors. the width of the descent is almost 2 m, it is built on stilts, which complies with all environmental legislation.
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happy birthday to you, oh, happy birthday happy birthday to you, dear irina, be like a joint, a country house is waiting for us.
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why did i drink my wife’s blood, be quiet , don’t scream, why did you do this, to raise the hemoglobin, but it didn’t rise, well, now i have pain and cramping in my stomach, or maybe i was poisoned, what should i do? no , well, you don’t need to drink blood, but firstly, it’s simply not absorbed, but she said so convincingly, yes, it’s understandable, you need to use slightly different means, well, for example, i’ll now prescribe you a medicine containing iron, use others, there lotions possible do , apply plantain, moisten the urine, go to church, pray to god, which icon, the mother of god,
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okay, thank you, go see a psychiatrist, i understand everything, i won’t drink blood anymore, i promise, uh- huh, oh, lord, you do you know that her mother hates you? well, her father likes me. and anyway, what's the difference? the main thing is that christina and i love each other. mom, hurry up, i still have to go out of town to my boss’s birthday party. now. so you
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'll be late? i might be late. maybe, i won't come at all. why such interest? i wanted to call christina. great, maybe she can move here? cool, i thought about that. look how it all turns out. you're moving in with the judge, christina here. i'll pay the rent, that's it. adult life, as you wanted, an excellent plan, only christina’s mother will marry me later, it’s done, close it up, mom, i’m sure she didn’t grab all your household things, well, seryozha, come on, in general, i’m in moscow, something -what did you buy, help, help, push, oh, maybe sit on top, no need, well, let’s hurry up, guys, we’re like this
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we’ll be late, okay, now i ’m delaying everyone, yes, get dressed, yes, come on, come on, we haven’t agreed. wow, it’s heavy , come on, carry it, let’s go out, bye, goodbye, your daughter called, and why, nothing, she wants to stay with nikita today and they’re actually planning to move there, so be it, great, why are you being spiteful, they’re the ones not small, let them try, i understand that you don’t care, but i have one daughter, we heard this, with a blow . envelope, like everyone else, everyone is dumped, bye, girls, good watch, all the best, how much can we do? an a, i think it’s normal, well, according to our salaries, yes, tan, we left, we’re already
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late, sign , don’t envy us, you still can’t drink, guard our department, have fun for me, definitely, because of that guy , so they couldn’t come for us, yes, i’m now forced to wobble through this village manure on my heels, do you remember what? on friday at 2:00 pm we have to pick up ilyusha, of course, i freed up the whole day for this. well done, doesn’t it bother you that we haven’t even once met with our family about this, and then with whom? will stay when we go to work, well , with someone, with my mother, with my mother, so if my mother can’t cope, we’ll look for a nanny, great, that is, we take a child into the family and immediately throw him off to some stranger’s aunt, no, this won’t happen, since i signed up to be ilyusha khromov’s mother, no other people’s aunts, i understand, i didn’t expect this from you, well, what’s not expected, and then what school will he go to, the nearest one, the nearest one, you know that we have a wonderful french singing school near our house, and then there are clubs, you know that he is interested in chemistry.
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“did you find him a chemistry class? no, no, sports, whatever sports, well, what kind of sports will he do, any, bone, we have a wonderful pool near our house, you amaze me, it seems to me that at first there is no need to overload him, well, of course, yes, let him sit on his phone everywhere, look, we were in a hurry, we were in a hurry, and the first ones came here, well, yes, the nights are beautiful, take out your phone and we’ll choose ilyusha’s mugs, masha, are you sure you won’t go with me to the birthday? well, i told you that i don’t like noisy companies. come on, put on a cardigan, then without tie, no tie. listen, be sure to tell kostya and sasha to come to us, we all need to talk about ilyusha together. yes. oh, what a handsome guy, wonderful, yes, wonderful. i still can’t understand how sasha decided. i never expected this from her. well, you know
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my complicated attitude towards her, well now , and now, now we are one family, oh, what a handsome man, grandfather, young, went, handsome , don’t get drunk, uh-huh, run, i don’t take the keys, don’t take it, don’t take it , oh, bye, hello, hello, how are you? if you 're asking if my husband lost cards, then no, no, i’m not even asking, you told me to get involved in these matters, are you offended? no, i understand that you wanted the best, you found the documents for the apartment, no.
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and i asked him, asked him, he said that he took the documents to write a meeting , it’s funny, like children, listen, it surprised me too, but he said that this is normal practice and the formal apartment he bequeathed was made to me, you yourself believe that he owes you a lot of money, i’ll pay you back, tell me how much, keep your husband busy, or better yet, contact a psychologist, help me, i can't handle it on my own. yes, you were right, i looked at the computer, there, there really is a casino, he won’t go to a psychologist. what should i do? we’ll think of something, i’m not
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asking you, i’m ready, it’s 12 o’clock, i’m on edge, okay, now i’ll change, let’s go, the taxi is already waiting, what happened, everything’s okay. everything is fine.
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wow, oh, wow, this is a house of culture, i wouldn’t be surprised if they fly in from pavelovo solnik in a helicopter, and kostya, kostya, meet us, flyers, we are here, meet me, here, where is the helipad, well, the keys , whose keys, well, here are the keys to the house, in i’ll be next to you in the next 24 hours, it’s clear, you should leave my phone number, let’s go, no, well, this is a level, but crumbly, there is generally a connection here. wi-fi works, of course there is wi-fi, a password, that you slam the door, you see a person resting after a day, what difference does it make now to go around, it’s still about... wake up, by the way, i booked a table in the restaurant, good place, pleasant people, alex, it’s not me who’s thinking of jumping off, colleagues, good morning, be sure to yell like that, it’s time to get up soon anyway, how did the night go? calm, thank god, okay, yeah, there was one
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drunk with a knife, he was in intensive care, just fine, so uh, dear friends, as you know, part of the department left for irina alekseevna’s birthday, but us. with you , thank god they didn’t invite you, so today we are working with doctors khabarov, sokolov and semenchuk, these are real masters of their craft, who, unfortunately, remained in the shadows all this time, great, so today i’m with you, well, it’s somehow not far-sighted, i would say, because a surgeon needs a fresh look, a fresh mind, and you, after the night, i i think i’ve always dreamed of working with dr. semchuk, it’s just that there’s less competition today, there’s a chance to excel, everything is very clear, yeah, well, we always have healthy competition. welcome in general, let's go on a round, arin, oh, a restaurant across the street has opened, maybe we'll go in the evening, you're inviting a date, well, not a date, but just
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sit and have a drink, well, let's go, well then let's go on a round, yeah. what a thrill, the water is warm in the pool, let’s arrange water treatments, but it’s not good to swim without replacements, when pavel arrives, but soon any minute now we have to talk for a minute, let’s talk, hold it, hold it, we haven’t decided anything, or what, in the end , we’ll congratulate you, we’ll hide, then we’ll run out , happy birthday, that’s all, idiocy, hold it, please, but why are you necessarily organizing amateur performances, or what? guys, can you imagine, there’s a big gym up there. are you on klukov’s excursion, that i just asked, okay, great, let’s start with pilates, together, listen, i’m feeling a bit uneasy, it seems to me that it’s not in vain that we gathered all of us reindeer hunters here, you remember the movie 10 they don’t crack, we will all be killed here, let's beat him,
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and oh, what a horror, they’re driving, i mean, they were stunned, you didn’t do anything at all, nothing. well done, this is delivery, what is it, delivery , food, snacks, alcohol, delivery, what grub , of course, come on, come here, help, there is a lot of good stuff there, if everything is cold, now we will have to go broke, and we are nimble, let’s hurry up already, hello, yes, yes, that’s right, come visit us. wow, hello , wow, i wish i could live like this, that you grabbed everything, give it to me, okay, i’ll do it myself, but i’ll tell you, you can depend here for a week, everything is well organized, and how old is pavlova, 16, oh,
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for sixteen she doesn’t look good , are you quiet, what are you doing, so, i have a question, someone didn’t hand over the money, i did, and so, we have our own gift, yes, yes, yes, yes, we... we now, now, here, tell me, is that you? no , well, for the family, but that’s another matter, oh, listen, friends, what if irina alekseevna doesn’t like surprises at all, oh well, everyone loves surprises, oh well, i can’t stand it, for some time now i’ve been afraid of surprises, so me too, but i adore it, but i don’t, but my whole life is a complete surprise, i’m afraid of surprise, it smells so bad generally simple.
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so we continue the infusions. in the previous volume there is a positive trend, but i would redo the lusia, great, get on with it, well, i thought i was going to the operating room today, first get on with the ultrasound, and you bring me the ryko tests, they should be ready by now, thank you, and arin, what if you sulk like that, but i’m not sulking, why don’t you answer my message then, i was busy, well, this is stupidity, you’re offended because of stupid points, i ’m not offended because of stupid points , why should my fate depend on... you're not alone you will decide this, right? let's go to dinner today, and i can't, i'm tired, i'm going to sleep, well, then i'll take you home, we'll see, well... okay, let's fuck off these stupid points, let's just, just forget about them, we have relationships, this
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is more important, let's go to work, arin, i like you, you guys know this, from a difficult patient, i need your help as a receptionist, yes, now we will finish the examination and come , yes, i'm waiting, hello, hello, thank you, yes that i... came out myself, thank you very much, thank you, goodbye, irinavna, why? so big? well, i understand, next time there will be a hut, let's go, okay , there is something to eat in this hut, they promised me that there will be enough food for everyone, for everyone, for both of us, well, yes, i meant that , listen, if you behave the same way in this house as you do in a car, then go ahead while you have the car, go ahead. it's late, let's go, yes, really , come in, please, we've come, why are you shouting, i
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see that we've come, happy birthday , happy birthday, happy birthday, and three, four, we've come congratulate you today happy birthday, we always wanted to have you, behind the sharing, everything, already, thank you, thank you, birthday girl champagne, thank you very much, thank you everyone, thank you, hello, tanya. here they brought him, losev fyodor gennadievich, 43 years old, hello, hello, what happened
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, his wheel was run over by an accident, no, he was walking along the road, a huge truck rushed past, its wheel flew off and drove over it, can you imagine, not very good, yes help me, it hurts a lot, tanya, we have ultrasound and x-rays, arin is with me, yeah, first toast, attention, thank you, the life of every person, boss... matters, for each of us, irina alekseevna, and for me, you played a huge, big role, and as the poet would say, but having fallen in love with her, you can’t help but fall in love madly, our creative team is not independent i came up with nothing original , neither a charade to act out, nor a song to sing, so we decided to give you an envelope, an envelope, a studio, i’m sure your imagination will help you decide what to buy with this money,
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hello, retinue, alex, a patient has been brought in, i’ll be there soon, hello , seryozha, hello, popov, konstantin mikhailovich, 32 years old, let's go, let's go, jumped from the eighth floor, ran into branches, thanks to this he remained alive, multiple fractures, no feeling in his legs, very bad.
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and what a cool olenikov is, well, what a big man, such a surprise was arranged by a beauty, well , i don’t know, i don’t really like him, i’m generally afraid of him, that’s right, be afraid of the unpleasant one, he ’s a drunk, and you girls just don’t understand men, if only pavlova had gotten olenikov’s resignation letter first write against whom you are friends with i got it i got it defeto borisovich yeah well on a grand scale, well, generously. i’ll tell him, girls , how to help, nothing, nothing, you are a queen,
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open the champagne, yes, let’s ask the men, don’t let me, let me, a man should open the champagne, anya, i was just thinking, let’s sign, oh well why, well, i understand that we were divorced and - you were a free woman, so, anechka, what about? anna, anna, well, anna, don’t be tormented, mikhail, she won’t agree until you get down on one knee, i’m ready, even on two knees. anya, so, i’m waiting, anna, mikhail evgenievich, i’ll think about it, i’ll ask, happy day birth, and in general everything somehow
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happened by accident, i didn’t want to jump from this floor, i accidentally slipped, we understand, we understand. he can’t feel his legs normally , what difference does it make to you, you were going to die, i wasn’t going to, at first i was going to die, and then i changed my mind, i already decided to leave the roof and slipped, fell, you know, i’m trying to understand, i need to do x-rays of the cat, that’s all indications for a consultation with a psychiatrist, why are you looking younger, you can’t do without me, your whole department is exhausted, sochanits, i’ll take the rap, good afternoon, suicide attempt, lumbosacral injury , possible fracture. hello , hello, hello, i really want to live, please help me, before i should have wanted to live, why did you call me here, we’ll meet at the cat’s house, i told you, let’s go to the cat’s house. i need to jump from the eighth floor in the hospital. bone, what is it,
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barbecuing? of course, it will be ready in 5 minutes. why let's drink to the cook, come on, young dad, oh, okay, everyone's in the know, congratulations, congratulations, thank you, but we're still at the beginning of this path, so... ugh, oleg, what about you and marinka, it’s okay, it’s short and clear, but exactly nothing is clear anymore, well, maybe you’ll talk to her, she’ll let you back in , she’ll feel sorry for you, great plan, i’ll do it, so,
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you’re a judge, okay, she tells you at home , get up su? it’s coming, i mean, you , you, exactly, i wanted it, that’s it, but they’re killing me , there’s no life, i need to go to the capital, it looks like it rushed to the mine, like in a mine, misha is at the mine face, we’re looking at the weekend, god, val, far away are you the one who is going to moscow, val, and you? i burn bridges behind me, other people’s houses, other people’s lives, and my own life didn’t work out, i so want to look back , i look at my eyes and don’t believe it, you came back, completely, i don’t know, you were looking for a new life, some kind of happiness, and found nothing, happiness, it turns out, is waiting for me here in our village , but is it possible to find lost
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happiness, on sunday on rtr. favorite song, they play in our studio, let's go, birthday, favorite music never gets old, real songs, real feelings sound.
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hello, andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturdays on rtr, here’s me. ask for family one where your hero would not be remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers, looking from photographs of faded ones, this look, like the highest court, for the children who are growing up now, and the boys are not allowed. do not lie, nor deceive, nor turn aside from the path, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovoy, the legendary, favorite film
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of the officers, on sunday on rtr. anatoly borisovich, i wanted to thank you for helping kostya lazarev with the establishment, but nonsense, no, this is not nonsense, you probably know that this is my grandson, you know, without you we simply wouldn’t have succeeded, thank you very much, nikolaevich, right?
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if i fell through the ice, maybe i ’ll call my parents and warn them, no, i ’m alone, there’s no one to call, and you have fluid in your stomach, and
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wipe yourself off, you need an emergency operation , it’s free, i don’t have any money, not a penny, but you have policesms, nothing, nothing, i don’t, listen, don’t worry, hospitalization is free, and naturally we won’t take you out into the street in this state, but can i assist, no, alex, you can’t. arina will assist, and you, please, take care of the cards , there is still a lot to be done there, so, prepare the operatsion, it’s delicious, ninochka, please give me a red pepper, you are the same as always, thank you very much, so don’t sit on the alda at all, friends, friends, i ask for a moment of attention, i propose to raise the first toast to the birthday girls, dear... irina alekseevna, ira , ira, uh-huh, irishka, you are not only an excellent leader, as i see, but you are a wonderful
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comrade, yes, and a friend who never it won’t, let’s drink to her best qualities, hurray, thank you. we have such a magic ball, everyone must write their deepest wish on it, it will definitely come true, yes, everyone will have to do this in a minute, the birthday girl writes first, time has passed, a minute for everyone, this is for you, for everyone, for everyone , wait, wait , don’t count,
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57,587 cheers, thank you, and now everyone needs to quickly burst these little balloons, otherwise your wishes will not come true, the main thing is that the eyes get what, come on, come on! also, well, what will it say, young people, how much is a fracture of the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra needed? urgent surgery, otherwise motor function may not be restored, sit down again, and we can assist, i need one assistant, it will do just fine, and you stay in the emergency department, someone has to
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do the black stuff... and you organize the operation, i understand, don’t forget, he pesters me after the operation , well, alex, that’s the price, guys, come over, if elya comes, don’t let her come to me, i’m afraid to look her in the eyes, and elya, who is this, this is the girl because of whom everything happened. i love competitions, i just want to kill you, how active you are re-examination soon, tests need to be done, you remember how you are, it’s normal.
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what's the news, things didn't work out for me with burdenko , i'll be leaving, i didn't get along with burdenko or with martenov, with both of them, well, wherever you go , to the skliv, well, then i started leaving, listen, i wanted to try something new, it didn't work out, i'll be back . where are you going to return, i’m tired of sticking around with my sticky tapes, i don’t know, so far i’m happy with everything , seryoga, help you, the house is so big, all the toilets are occupied, and what are you doing here, well , don’t tear yourself away from the team, otherwise there are khanins everyone is fed up with their competitions. you’ll freeze,
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oh, alex, a girl came about popov, your suicidal, talk to him, and what has i got to do with it, now this is not my patient, i don’t know what happened to you.
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well, he liked me, apparently , he asked me to meet him, i walked with him a little, and he asked me to get married, i refused, and he just went crazy, started stalking me, writing, calling me at night, saying that if you are with me if you don’t, i’ll open my veins, hang myself, jump out of the window, basically, he didn’t just come up with this, now i’m getting married, he found out that's all, and he says that if i 'm not with him, he'll throw himself off the roof, well, apparently ... he threw himself, but i didn't have time to stop him, he made some kind of nightmare out of my life, calm down, girl , after the operation a psychiatrist will work with him, this is a standard procedure, and i can talk to him only after the operation,
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surely this is because of some girl, now she will lose her legs due to idiocy, listen, intarn, you will have a very there are a lot of corpses and disabled people, if you whine over everyone, you will be a crappy doctor, at what stage are we, we finish, what are the measurements, interesting,
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attention, a competition appears. i’m a fish, you are fishermen, we take fishing rods, oars and row, it’s you who put in a beautiful bottle of whiskey, that ’s the winner, there’s plenty of whiskey on the table, no , no, no, just a duck, i’ll dive now, okay, don’t touch me, let’s start, i’ll film, i want to capture the fact of this biography of yours, this is wak hanali, get ready, one, two.
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here, maybe, i'm trying my best , won, friendship, congratulations, a little, a little, a little, oh, why are you here, why are you here at all, and what are you, i was fishing, fishing, caught more, no, this is not a woman’s business, this is a man’s business , not a woman’s, the holiday was a success, yes, thank you
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very much, thank you, everyone liked it, it’s all for you, everyone asks you to say thank you, ira, yes, my dear, let’s not do it here , “you wrote an anonymous letter on me, like in the good old days, what are you talking about, what a bastard, and then they called me on the carpet, threatened to fire me, also because of our batman, because of the robot, yes, which one do you have why - it doesn’t work well, oh it doesn’t work well for me, i get it, let’s talk about it tomorrow let's talk, really, today is a holiday, and they also whispered"? that someone wrote a denunciation, that i am in cahoots with the supplier receiving kickbacks, what and what is wrong, yes, but
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no one knew about this except you, the applicant , do you think that i wrote, i think so. only i don’t understand what i did to you, but i loved you, oh you loved, well, that ’s right, it’s hitting, that means there’s nothing to say, stop it, please why are you silent, i wrote, what i wrote, i’ll write again if necessary, i understand, well, you’ll regret it,
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calm, everything is fine, quiet, calm, quiet, why are you shouting, is this some kind of deer, or what? the car quickly to the entrance, run, grab, go, damn it, calmly, everything is fine, everything is fine, quietly, mowing, ivan nikolaevich, you, where are you, peace.
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you are stunned, or something, such things are not a joke, oleg mikhailovich, where are you, enemy, so what do we have here, a belly full of blood, but can i carry out an audit, can we, just let’s do it quickly, we have a patient in critical condition, no one will die today, not on my shift, come on, come on from the other side.
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what happened, what's going on? tell me, i don't understand, i'm done sewing, bleeding stopped, not a damn thing stopped, look there, he’s bleeding somewhere, he doesn’t hold the pressure like you did, the seam has come apart, i don’t understand. so give it to me, give it to me, we are losing a patient
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because of you, by the way, it could be a stroke, he could have fallen, this stroke, but what a stroke, he hit the back of his head, well, this stroke fell, how did it happen, irina alekseevna, how did it happen, well... yes, he fell and hit himself. how long to drive according to the navigator, about 40 minutes, you had to call an ambulance, well, how long would you wait,
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anya, hold on, what, no, let’s do it again.
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can i tell the driver, i said, let's go, yes, no, yes, i just fell, hit myself. hello, this is the waiting room, hello, yes
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, what happened to you, i wanted to know about the man who was brought to you, who was run over by a wheel, i don’t know, the wheel was coming from a f, he is now a doctor for nikolai yuryevich’s pirogi operation, damn, what’s going on, who are you, relative, no, he’s homeless, it’s just my wheel , the wheel came from my car, it turns out that i indirectly injured him, i’m worried, but how long will it take to operate on him, well, it’s impossible to calculate the time of the operation, but you can wait here, and after the operation the doctor will come to you, thank you. well, how was the operation? it’s bad, there’s no feeling in my legs yet. and this is all because they didn’t take me to the operating room. alex, are you offended or what? listen, there is
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a girl waiting as a receptionist, because of whom he jumped, he is now in the intensive care unit, take her there, he needs support now. are you crazy or what? i’m your servant, you’ll take her yourself, don’t forget about arina and the evening, you promised me, alex, envy is a very bad feeling, try moving your fingers, why can’t i feel my legs, but because you jumped from the eighth floor and be glad that you are alive, you tell the truth, i will remain disabled, we performed a very, very serious operation on you, the result... we must wait, sensitivity can still be restored. danya, is the operating room ready? so what happened? then, then, what operating room, let's go,
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guys, orderly, let's get ready for the operation. stay in the office with you. yes, nina, take it, yes, irina sevna, i’m with you, let’s go, hello, is it because of you, did he jump? yes, well then i'll stay, why did you come, well go away, but i don’t want to see you, i’ll have to, why did you climb onto the roof, did you really want to jump, or what? you don’t understand that this is not a method for solving problems, i don’t love you, leave me alone, i’m getting married, it’s my fault, i didn’t want to jump at all , i gave up, i’m already punished, my legs don’t work, why? i brought her here, i thought that he needed to be supported, i supported him, the young lady is on her way out, on her way out, i told you, excuse me,
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why are you throwing tantrums, man, well, she’s a good girl, she’s pretty, then what did she go on, and now not to live? i have to hope, you know, hope that sensitivity will be restored, and maybe it will be restored, wait, be patient and wait, i’ll come again, well, everything is bad, extensive hematoma, intense swelling of the brain, but anything can happen, risk of strokes , and a heart attack, vascular ischemia , little chance, let’s go, in general, this is all strange, anechka, what are you hinting at, in general, he was so drunk that he couldn’t stand on his feet , and what actually happened between them, does anyone know, maybe she was quarreling, well , where are you going, well, where are you going, and what did he suggest,
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fell, fell hit, fell hit, can i make you some more coffee, clip it, clip it, add two cubes of pofol,
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first operating room, waders, what have you got there, we have a tense hematoma, i understand, the operation is still in progress, they took it with a tense hematoma. i also frayed your nerves, like artyom, do you want us to leave, no, i want this day
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not to happen, just for this day not to happen, adrenaline two cubes. well, faster, bloody outpouring, big eye, there is no one to resuscitate, defibrillator, oleg, there is no one to resuscitate, you hear me, come on 100, 150, 200, come on. “listen, wait, wait, ari , please forgive me, i was very harsh
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during the operation, i’m sorry, i won’t forgive, that’s impossible, anyone can make a mistake, yes, but not at the risk of the patient’s life, as if with this has never happened to you, it would be better if lazur continued to work with us, he at least looked like a person, tan, we finished losev’s operation, how was he?” "here is a girl just waiting for news. hello, are you a relative? no, i’m a driver. i was a truck driver. urgent surgical intervention was required, now i’m in moderate condition he is in intensive care due to severity. can i see him? unfortunately, non-relatives cannot be admitted to the intensive care unit. doctor, you see, while we were waiting for the traffic police ambulance, we were talking. he is alone, he has no one. i understand. please, doctor. tatyana, when the patient wakes up about... okay , thank you, oh, nikolai yuryevich, yes, everyone is here , if anything, who is everyone, everyone who went
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to congratulate pavlova, and lenikov became ill and was brought here, now mash on rachinskaya is operating on him , who is operating, irina alekseevna allowed, irina alekseevna allowed, it’s a mess will it ever end here, good evening, hello, hello, what are you? happened, an accident at a birthday party to which i was not invited, you know, nikolai yuryevich, it could still be, you were very lucky, so i only have one question, why are there two doctors working in the operating room who are not on our list? in the state, pavlova allowed narachinskaya and bragin to operate, because we are all drunk, because you are so drunk, well, because we have been here since our birth, why are you drunk and haven’t left? home? “everyone is free, there is someone here to operate on, it’s good that they didn’t invite you to the birthday party, you know, it still seems to me that
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all this is very strange, the main thing is that he survives and recovers, and if he doesn’t recover, there will be an investigation right away “, of course, we will all have to testify, what can you say about the tank, the white tiger, this is the white devil, the germans have the only one like it.” on friday on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already
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understand what the vietnamese’s favorite is. means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh , it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say , a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. in secret around the world on saturday on rtr. everything will be fine. this is our new obstetrician-gynecologist. ulitina kira
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vladimirovna. tell me, what is this krutov of yours, what is he all about, and sergei nikolaevich, he is a star, i feel so bad without you, we will get married, and damn, i forgot, you have a pregnant wife with her, what are we going to do? , that’s it, robin, rest assured , i won’t just leave this, you’ll both regret it, and do you even know that you’re in the hospital like a snail on... doctor snail on saturday on rta, all about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, honestly convenient, what a newsletter is, we my sister spent the whole day drawing the ballot,
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writing down the candidates, and didn’t forget the moms. with dad , they very cleverly applied many degrees of protection , took colored markers, made water marks , with him we’ll go vote, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot won’t pass, because in in russia , the ballots are marked better than money, they are very carefully sewn up, they have the most powerful protection , your cunning will not work, people choose honestly, but my dad and i... we are very glad that we are your candidates, it is free to choose in the country, important, honestly convenient. well, he had an aneurysm, it turns out that the blow caused
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a rupture and hemorrhage. we didn't have time to do anything. guys , a man died over the police, call the police, wait, you need to think about what to say, well, in the end , his aneurysm ruptured, there is no crime, yes, but first he hit his head, and if... it opens, yes , we need to call the police, it’s necessary, so, so, we stick to the version, he accidentally fell and hit his head, yes, yes, well, it ’s true, that’s how it happened, so it’s necessary warn everyone else, but that the police will come, that’s right, severdianatorska, i
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’ll go, i’ll say, i’m with you too, yes, and i pushed him, pushed him hard, hard, it was an accident, we’ll all stand for this, you didn’t want to i wanted to harm him, i wanted at that moment for him to fail altogether, for him to disappear. but it’s better never to talk about this to anyone. nikola. well, i’m a gentleman, well, i didn’t come up with an idea, i’m ready as never before, then let’s go, guys, sign, see you tomorrow,
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bye, bye, uh, yes, nikolai yuryevich, you can nikolai yuryevich, may i have information for you, have you seen pavlov? no, i probably didn’t see it, in my office, but what happened there? i have no idea, i only know that olenikova is being operated on by bragin and norachinskaya. wow? yes, wow, i decided, my shift is over, let them sort it out themselves, right? well, since your shift is over, i have information for you, today arina left half an hour earlier, i know, i let her go myself, so much is not counted. and dima along with her, yes, yeah, alexey, tell me, do you have such detailed information about all the employees of our department, well, not about
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everyone, but i know something about dimaya arina, here is the address of the restaurant. lyuda, thank you so much for your understanding , when i leave, i texted you, goodbye, well, what will remain until the morning, of course, it’s unknown how long it will take, katya is already sleeping, well, what will we do with...
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i don’t know anything i know, okay, how are we going to explain that we operated on you here today, i’ll just explain everything, pavlova has already written a statement that the walkie-talkie required specialists from other centers, that’s all it’s legal, it was illuminated, but that’s enough, “ don’t be afraid of anything, i’m with you, but i understand, thank you, katya , the doctor on duty called and said you can go through, but only for 5 minutes, okay, thank you, nadya, please give the girl a robe and show me to the intensive care unit, okay, let's go , i'll give you some dressing gowns. hello, hello , to the investigative committee, captain sleptsov, i 'm talking about olenikov, but i understand, i'll take you to the photo department, it was she who called the police. okay, are all the other witnesses in place?
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no one has left yet. great. tell me, no one left, i will talk to everyone separately. yes. fine. i have some water. hello. hello, katya. how did you get here? i went over the wheel, they let me in, how are you, are you in pain? but it’s okay, it hurts, i endure it, i’m used to enduring it all my life. the traffic police officers said, it’s not my fault, but due to the circumstances, it wasn’t you who unscrewed the wheel, and it wasn’t me who did that before work, you know, i still feel somehow wrong, i have a proposal, if you no place to live at all, maybe...
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katya came from somewhere, still no one to anyone it doesn’t help, i don’t care, i am who i am, if this doesn’t suit someone, it suits me, okay, i’ll go, you ’re getting better, i ’ll definitely come see you again, of course, ask for some water there for me they brought it, okay, good-bye, get well soon, thank you, so you’re saying that... you were just standing with alenikov talking, yes, i’m saying that we were just standing and talking, he was already quite drunk, he tripped and fell, no, i didn’t... say that, i just did it when he did it
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a step back, it’s just obvious , i can’t say that he tripped over something, he just probably stumbled somehow and fell, an accident, of course, no one else hit or pushed, no, no, of course, you forgive me, the man held a high position, we need to figure everything out, i understand, i have to talk to everyone. um, can i borrow your office temporarily? yes, of course, of course, please, thank you, yes. and you - are you and olenikov in a relationship? yes, he began to live, when a misfortune happened to my son, my son died, and he, we began to live together. and how, what, how? how did you live? fine.
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should you call someone, it means you are spouses , yes, you both work together here, worked, now it so happens that i work in the clinic, i am burdenko, then on what basis did you perform olenikov’s operation here, irina alekseevna pavlova, as the head of the department , gave us permission to operate, the situation was complicated, our help was needed, what was the complexity of the situation, the picture showed a tense hematoma, well, how can i explain this, such a bag of blood, and the situation required an emergency operation, well, during the operation it was revealed that the source of the bleeding hematoma was an aneurysm, cerebral artery, rupture of the aneurysm and led to the death of the patient, unfortunately, well, in such cases, death is not uncommon, of course, well, i must include admission to the operation business, yes of course, but what will happen, yes, the person died, you are spouses, yes, well, we are now divorced. yes, but
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we live together and get married again, yes, like where you were when everything happened, and we were all together on the street, were taking pictures, everyone was on the street, no, well, not everyone was in the house, bradin, kulkov, pavlova and olenikov, yeah, and you didn’t notice any tension between pavlova and olenikov, maybe some kind of sura, no, everyone had great mood, no one... swore, yes, everything was fine, we were standing on the street, kulyakov ran out of the house, it said that something had happened there, he himself ran after the driver, we entered the house, saw olenikov, decided to bring him here, well, in such cases he usually calls an ambulance, but we decided that it would be faster this way, especially since there was a car full of doctors, yes, but the doctors who were all celebrating, all drank, well, they didn’t drink that much, some didn’t drink at all, i’m sure...
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i remember that bragin didn’t drink, i also noticed that we were sitting next to each other at the table , mm , i see, and you, as i understand it, are also spouses, yes, yes, ah, i see that you have only married couples here, the work environment, perhaps , contributes to this, we have a very good work environment, olenikov’s son shot himself in your department, uh, yes, yes, and how olenikov worried about it, how hard it was for his father, he didn’t blame pavlova for what happened, no? nobody wasn’t to blame, the boy simply couldn’t cope with his difficulties, that is, irina alekseevna had no conflict with alenikov , no, i didn’t notice it, listen, well , he organized everything, well, this whole surprise, brought us together for her birthday , olenikov treated her very well, okay, so you helped bragin take olenikovo out of the house. yes, but not only me, he was
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unconscious, yes, he wasn’t conscious in the car, no, unfortunately, but like at a holiday, everything was fine, and leinikov didn’t quarrel with anyone, everything was fine, everything were positive, positive, of course, it seems you recently had a trial, yes, i was acquitted, but that has something to do with it, but not something to do with it.
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what i observed, everything was fine with them, on that day everything was also fine, absolutely, but he wanted to give her a holiday, rented a country house, he invited us all for a surprise... small houses, and i think i now i’ll let you all go, today will never end , i can go home already late, i have children there
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and you have a child, yes, we need to collect his things, give them to someone, i don’t know, funeral more. and the ministry of health will deal with this, do you think , i’ll call him back, the investigator said, everyone will be released soon, if anything happens, the investigative committee will call everyone separately, yes, thank you very much, goodbye guys, i’m going home, yes, yes, is it possible, they told me that that’s it, i can... take apart my bag, yes, yes , of course, i’m sorry for keeping you so long, but i had to figure it all out, i understand, now it’s clear that there was an accident , i think , we won’t even start a case, yeah, and what’s next, we’ll wait for the results concealments, they will be tomorrow, we will establish
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the cause of death everything, even if he did not fall by accident, he still died as a result of a rupture, not a rupture, and this death was from natural causes, yes, but what does it mean that he did not fall by accident? well, you never know, but it doesn’t matter, i don’t need an extra case on my hands, but i don’t see the elements of a crime here, all the best, and accept my condolences, thank you, irina alekseevna, please see me off, okay. nikola nikolaevich, how are you going, should i call you a car? no, i called a taxi myself, i know how, phew, i’m tired, so pick me up on friday
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ilyusha should come to us right away, oh, ivan nikolaevich, no, we’ll come to us, and we took special time off, or lyusha needs to adapt, wait, i don’t understand. “i thought ilyusha would live with us permanently , wait, didn’t we decide that, no, we couldn’t decide that, even purely technically impossible, we are now foster parents, guardianship will check us, let’s do it, we’ll be there tomorrow let’s get together and discuss, well, a fresh head, ivan nikolaevich, okay, let ’s have mom be with us tomorrow, so i think we’ll decide everything.” "we are waiting for you tomorrow, yes, yes, yes, bye, uh-huh, yes, rest, why did we tell him all this, kostya, when we didn’t discuss anything at all, didn’t decide anything, this is so important, such things are decided in advance on the shore, dad , you're right, we made it
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to the last minute, mom, i myself, good night, try to sleep, thank you,
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my friend. happy birthday vastorka. valentina telechkina. frankly about the secret. in kindergarten. i sang chestushka, and i’m small, neat, and of course, there was applause, i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow, like you accepted, you didn’t regret it, they sent articles about me that i had an affair with korolkov, with black pankratov, saradik nakhopetov, not a single novel, or rather one, which is for many p... years, here it is, my golden kingdom heavenly - this is my huge loss,
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i’m not leaving yet, i still talk to him all the time, it’s difficult, so i’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, no life. it takes a century, it seems like it exploded in a mine, like in a mine, misha is in the face, we look on the weekend, far away, you gathered, we are going to moscow, val, and you, burning bridges behind you, other people’s houses, other people’s lives, but your own didn’t work out , i so want to look back, i can’t believe my eyes, you’ve returned it, or what? i know, i was looking for a new life, some kind of happiness, and didn’t find anything, happiness, it turns out
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, is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness, on sunday on rtr, you’ll still have dessert, i’ll still be there . sorry, girl, what, something else for you, pavlova, it’s funny that dessert is called that, bastard, yes, be kind to pavlov, okay, even your insults come out cute, bastard, you like me, yes, i have a chance, i need to check, can i kiss you, try.
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hi, what are you doing here, you were passing by, just, well, just pass by, we’re busy, i... i see why you’re busy, something doesn’t suit you, maybe i’ll go sit, you brought me here, here and sit down, your dessert, you will order something, thank you, no, thank you, thank you, i wish you all the best, and that is, so, yeah, exactly like that, until goodbye, fuck us, yes, now don’t expect high scores, i scared you, what are you doing here? i'm coming to you, what happened? i
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don’t want to wake them up with katya, but why didn’t i call? the phone died, i’m hungry, yeah, i want to eat too, you’ll have dumplings, dumplings for the night. i’ll be there, come in, don’t be afraid, your mistress has already left.
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hello agent, how are things going? no, it’s too bad,
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of course i would have prepared breakfast, but you don’t have anything in the refrigerator except dumplings. and if there are such surprises every evening, for this occasion i will buy porridge, oatmeal, tea indian, and yoghurts, and yoghurts, damn, i need to stop by home before work. why do you need to come, i understood everything, don’t scream, don’t yell at me, you’re sleeping, darling,
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get up, listen, well, let me sleep, all night. was working, zaslavsky called me, you owe him 5,000 dollars, listen, these are my problems with him, i will solve everything, you play, i work, you see, you play in a casino for money on a computer, and how much do you still owe, and to whom do you maybe i should still pack my things and immediately leave... this apartment, you pawned it, listen, there are your documents in the box they’re lying there, go check what’s started, what kind of interrogations? well, i’m playing , what’s next, i need to somehow rest, i can’t work all day long, i can stop at any moment, you understand how to stop, just take it right now, quit it, right this second, otherwise,
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what else , i can’t live as a dependent person, what do i... do you want, i’m afraid, i don’t know what will happen tomorrow, where we will end up, i want you to stop playing, so what should i take the computer, pull out the wires, so what? what should i do? go to work already, i really have to go, we’ll talk in the evening, no forget to call zaslavsky, he rudely and insolently shouted obscenities at me, a well-mannered man, educate me, i need to take your pills, thank you, call me irena, irina fedorovna, okay, i’ll call you now, irina fedorovna,
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irina fedorovna, frolov is there urgently asking you to come over , that's it, yeah. i’m running, running, running, oh, oh , and could you bring something to be at home, except from the earthly brush, and i’m a sportsman, i don’t have things, uh-huh, tell me, i’m tired of just carrying things back and forth, that means you assume in advance that you will stay here not for long, oh well, i’m not talking about that, tell me, oh, what is this, stupid, tell me, it’s my grandmother. i said it when i wasn’t very sure about something, but i ’m here, don’t doubt it, you know, i have a difficult experience of communicating with a man, so when a man comes to my house with one brush, i have some suspicion, sorry , i opened it with my own key, but i called, you’re not answering the phone, it’s my day off, i see, hello, hello, i need to talk to the sale,
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let’s go and wait in the hallway. damn, damn, what are you doing? who are you, this is my ex-husband, you said that you were never married, this is a common-law husband, lord, it was a long time ago, but who cares, and danya is who, this is my son , a difficult teenager of 15 years old, what are you he didn’t tell me anything about them, firstly, we haven’t lived together for a long time, it’s better, they’re closer to each other, and in general you and i have never talked about this. vanya, that ira, i remembered everything, who i am, what happened to me, yeah, i ’ll tell you everything, only you will like it, well, tell me, do you remember how you and i separated? i remember, van, in absentia , you disappeared somewhere, but i didn’t disappear anywhere, i just left
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so as not to drag you into my affairs, what kind of business, i’m a thief, and they catch me, i’m a thief, i’ve always been a thief, even when we were married, i'm a thief, this is my profession, i rob rich houses , the last time didn't turn out very well, i... i got into one house on a tip, the owner shouldn't have, but the owner accidentally returned , we had a fight, he came at me with a gun, i pulled it out and shot, killed a man, but i’m not a murderer, it happened by accident, you know, i was defending myself, ira, i i ask you, help me, i have to leave here , otherwise they will find me anyway, look
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, i beg you, please sit down, roma, come in, roma, maybe you can explain to me why you are breaking into my apartment, whenever you feel like it, i told you, i called, you don’t answer the phone, by the way, i’m roman, sergey, something happened. “i need to leave urgently, danya will live with you for a while, and you asked me, lenochka, you are your son too, i can’t leave him alone,
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he’s going through a difficult period, no, alone of course there’s no need to leave him, but actually , where are you going, to kogalym , a new representative office is opening there, i’ll be gone for two weeks, no, well, you could have told me about this earlier, warned me, damn it, you couldn’t, everything was just decided this morning, well, i could have some plans, here i have seryozha”: for example, plans, well, that means i’ll have to change, danya will soon arrive with things, well, danya will come, and i’ll probably go, no, no, no, you will stay, seryozha, you will stay, you know, roma, seryozha is very good at get along with teenagers, he himself has a 20-year-old son, yes, yes, seryozha, yes, rom, you still have some questions for me, but no, no, i see that everything is fine with you, don’t be jealous, so what? you, as much as possible, naked me. new meetings and acquaintances are already waiting, the flag is in your hands, romochka, thank you, yes, i want to warn you, danya is now quite pratish, hates the whole world, behaves like an evil monster, i
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can handle my son, i assure you, i can handle it, my job is to warn , goodbye, goodbye, it was nice meeting sergei, see you goodbye, goodbye, roman, goodbye, elena.
8:00 pm
do you know what happened yesterday? and i told him what happened yesterday, i told him that we were in a cafe and that we had a wonderful evening and that we kissed, i don’t see the point in hiding this from him, and i won’t bother you, i’ll go to work. arin, the situation is this: alex knew that we would be in a cafe, but i didn’t realize what he was up to. forgive me please, i didn't...


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