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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 16, 2024 10:25pm-11:31pm MSK

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who speaks a lot and loudly at work , if you answer, then with humor, i chop oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for.. . headache , god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, well, we...
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in the gas sooner or later it will turn into a waterway, which will begin to drag in others, this is very two important wording that iran struck the territory of pakistan, afghanistan, pakistan and a terrorist group in pakistan, we still haven’t broken down the manufacturing factories, this is the baluchi organization that i told you about last time, they were there, that’s how it is, they watched the program and followed the advice, i just named it, yes myself not. just in this
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regard, it doesn’t matter at all, directly, indirectly, what difference does it make, what kind of clash is going on, a clash is going on, perestroika is going on, reformation of the entire system of international relations is taking place, a rift is being formed, new contours of this future are being formed, they are now being formed through a huge number of conflicts, once upon a time it was the first world war, the thirty years' war, now there are a large number of conflicts, a huge number, so what, well...
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wait a second, but in fact, the real hegemony of america began precisely with “this is a very deep thought, so you can here on the use of nuclear weapons, so it is obvious that to restore hegemony they must use nuclear weapons to show the whole world that they will stop at nothing in order to stay on this one, it is the only one, and does not play any role, them there was determination." now they are showing that they have the determination to use these weapons, let me remind you that they are the only country whose military doctrine includes the preventive use of nuclear weapons, and that this is very important, so they have no internal chatter, who say: what are you , how can you, what are you talking about, stop nuclear weapons and they also use them preventively in certain ways, stop. there’s no
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need, we still have to live, we have to be optimistic, but of course we need to understand that we need to understand, of course what do they think otherwise, everything, of course, is not used against nuclear powers, they don’t care, that’s the point, it’s this feeling that no one cares that forms this gap, and why does no one care, because the americans trampled on everything international right, everyone is allowed, but why is it that the americans can, but others can’t, we can take... a strike on pakistan, we won’t think about it anymore, pakistan has nuclear weapons, yes, no, that’s right - that could be bad example in this plan, okay, you can hit, anyone can hit anyone, just think about it, abstract now from the details , a strike is being struck there on iraq, strikes are being struck on yemen, turkey is striking on iraq, turkey is striking on yemen, we have begun to perceive this as some kind of routine, yes, absolutely, and this is happening in many parts of the world, but first of all this happens in the middle east, which has been repeatedly called.
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precisely what forms the uniqueness of this current situation, because this has never happened in history, but all transformations of systems of international relations passed through military conflicts, it’s just that now this is the form, but it is very non-standard, we are not dealing with the same leaders who were in the west, we are dealing with clownery in the west and quite serious leaders in the east, who are still acting responsibly, but everything there are certain boundaries, which the situation actually showed, here is iran... they were egging on the result that the americans tried to break, to form a dividing line, he said about fiber optics, this once again emphasizes the need to form these dividing lines, optical fiber, the vanity channel, form a dividing line there too, we now
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see that there is a shell there, in my opinion, yes, yes, the shell stopped transportation across the red sea, and not only this company, everyone will present transportation, americans are interested in the formation of this gap. which would pass through eurasia, they have a map where the americans are in the center, and there is europe and there is asia, but they need this fault, because it will give certain chances, as it seems to them, but in fact they are in this too they are mistaken, as in the fact that you can control chaos, you cannot control chaos, chaos begins to control you, moreover, everything that you tried comes back to you, this is how you reap it - yes - the wind, whatever you sow , you reap the wind. this is what it actually is, it’s still coming back like a boomerang, that’s why the americans fled for afghanistan, that’s why they have to leave the middle east, but they don’t want to, which means they’ll cling to it, using any possible means, it’s russia that tried to form there is trying and quite successfully to form
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an inclusive security system, the americans cannot do this, they act through destruction, through their geopolitical ambitions, unlike us, we have pursued a fairly responsible policy there and are pursuing it. they don’t like this state of affairs, they need to undermine the world, undermine the world by any means, we already see that tankers have gone through south africa, yes, the flow of goods is changing its routes, in this regard, we will continue to see what will develop, we need to look at those countries , through which this flow is still going on, turkey remains, which has not yet been affected, but it is only a question of how the americans will act in relation to erdogan, they can act with a whip.
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we don’t intend to avoid it right now , just the minister of foreign affairs of north korea met together with our president , this meeting shows that the contours of a new world, where there are responsible players, but who are ready to defend their sovereignty, this will be that same new world that is coming, these are the responsible players who ready to defend their sovereignty, but do not have expansionist aspirations regarding global domination, domination, superiority of themselves over others, uh.
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without something that just stings, that is , it can happen in extremely different ways, i would like to, but i’m afraid there’s little chance, it’s necessary, well, that is, i would like the glass to be half full or half, i’m just looking at why it ’s full, it depends on the processes depends, this is a necessary dilemma, if you take a sip, then it’s half empty, and if you pour, then it’s half empty, and the question is, what’s in there? pour, i'm serious now no, what's the big problem here, what?
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if it works, there will be a different development of reality, of course, no one knows whether it will work or not, but they are sure that it will work, because it will seem to the rest of the world how much. how merciless they are, they believed that something else would work, they were confident that their other arsenals would work, when they see that one by one the usual means do not work, they approach what worked in forty-five, unfortunately, this is this not good, not bad, we are dealing with people who think completely differently, this is not dostoevsky, they are not worried about the tears of a child, the fact is that semyon arkaevich said correctly. well, well, well, they’ll also bomb there and there’s a difference , that’s the point, that’s exactly why nuclear
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weapons are needed, so they indicated that they defend free trade, they indicated, they indicated, that’s it, yes, of course, no, because enzara after this only makes things worse and starts hitting more, that’s the problem, that’s what netanyahu is facing now, why does he say, it’s not clear what’s in his head, because when he entered the gas, he believed that he would solve the problem, but his house was on fire because he didn’t solve the main problem. he did not return home, he did not return home the unfortunate hostages, he completely forgot about them , but this is not his problem at all, but this is now his problem, because politically there are all the time demonstrations that he, as a military leader, will be guaranteed against , so that he too follows the next path of escalation, now there is a shootout negite, now there is the possibility of war with lebanon, this is the problem, if it doesn’t work out there, i’m already left wondering what to do, i’ve lost everything.
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there are no arguments about how china is promoting some kind of bases there or something else in relation to europe, this is in great contrast, because in may of twenty-two there was a nato session where they said that they would all control the eastern, north- east asia and that they are not going to turn into a global side for the defense of democracy. what is this connected with? i think this is due to the fact that a certain global positioning has changed, a certain american politics, they are now trying. and apparently it is quite successful in forming a new nato there in east asia from japan, south korea, the philippines, the united states, australia, and the philippines becomes the reason and center of this formation. you know, this is a very interesting thing, a very interesting event, because we all thought that now we were very afraid of the situation in taiwan, so to speak, escalation, anything is possible. but as often happens in the united states, although they fall down, they always have. have a plan and plan b, plan b is the south china sea, plan b is precisely
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the philippine-chinese contradictions and even conflicts around all these ships that the filipinos sank on these shallows, which the chinese claim, in these clashes, because the filipinos send there accordingly - food, weapons, and the chinese both prevent and demand this, now they demanded that this is madra's food, finally they removed it - so to speak, they towed it from this place, so , where is it now there is this conflict , it is beginning to take on the character of a conflict, which, on the one hand, unites the pro-american allies, because now the japanese have concluded an agreement with the philippines on the joint use of bases and it was generally a fantastic picture, when the japanese imperial flag, it continues, so to speak, to be used by the japanese fleet, so... the philippines is moored by one of the flagships of the japanese fleet, the so-called destroyer aircraft carrier,
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which receives f-35 aircraft, well one of them, so to speak, and he was saddled with the flag of imperial japan and a number of japanese who live in the philippines about 200,000, but there was a small group there that greeted this with japanese flags. if oberation memory, forty-second year, japanese imperial.
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that the security treaty of the 5th year is only along the borders of the recognized philippines, now they said that these are philippine ships, which are transport ones, which are going to this sierra, there is another one in one place, they also sank one schooner, here this is the territory of the philippines, and since this is the territory of the philippines, then they will defend it , today south korea, france, which also offered the philippines, the americans, naturally with their ships, the japanese, you know, that is, in fact, here, fit into this patrol this policy of marcos the younger, who officially stated that he is all oriented towards the united states, that china is an enemy, has launched a campaign inside the country that says: here we are, poor filipinos, why? yes, because the chinese occupied all these spratly islands, where there are oil and gas fields , if we had come there, we would have extracted there, then
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we would all be there and live very well, you see, and this propaganda works, because he says that the chinese are like would have been stolen from us. these are our lands, and the chinese say: these are our lands, we will never move even 1 cm from this, here is this conflict, here it becomes even more dangerous under certain conditions than even the taiwan conflict, because after all , apparently, to sacrifice taiwan as some kind of factory of modern technologies, while the americans are apparently not ready, they must apparently withdraw all the factories from there, and after that it will be possible to sacrifice taiwan, so what you choose is, as you correctly said, a certain region. where, in general, there is nothing special, the south china sea , a small war is being organized there, quite likely, a small war is being organized, and then there will be an option that either this war, it will become larger, or this war will force it in a certain way, it is difficult imagine, but china is like would have moved, and this is the same goal that they set through ukraine in relation to russia,
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because if china is not able to hold onto these territories in the event of such a thing ... the opportunity, roughly speaking, to land again will be the japanese military on the territory philippines, and marcos is so now with his politics, marcos jr., you know, this is the son of ferdinand marcos, who at one time left for the united states, was forced to flee in 1986 after the famous revolution there, here he is he lived for a long time, then he returned, so he
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turned out to be so pro-american, he is so rapidly leading the matter towards a conflict with china, because go. michal mikhailovich. the collective west is currently, let’s say, frankly not ready for a big war using only conventional weapons. not in terms of stocks of weapons and military equipment, not in stocks of materiel, not even in acquisition methods. therefore , expect that in the near future there will be
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regional conflicts, well, where is the low intensity, where relatively high intensity. will develop into some kind of conflict on a global scale, but in the near future i would not expect this, well, despite the fact that i am a militarist to the core, at times even nuclear maniacs, but i would not expect such a development of events in the near future, that’s even why , in this regard, i would like to return to the publication in the german newspaper bilt, the build is, strictly speaking , the german truth of our time, by and large , but taking into account the number of subscribers. views, i must say frankly, despite the fact that this newspaper is characterized as a tabloid , information is often published there, well , quite reliably, i mean these plans there in relation to suwałki ... dora, with russia, there is an invasion, well, the fact that there was a transfer of 3000 nato troops, the conflict recently in it's been published , i want to say right away that this is hardly the fantasy
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of a journalistic team, like the editor-in-chief gave the task to the department of politics and the army, come on guys, draw me something so that later we will be quoted, i don’t think 100% this is a leak from military department federal republic of germany, why do i think so. because this document, it has nothing in common with strategic planning documents, real documents, this is not an explanatory note there of the cooperative part of the plan for the use of the bundeswehr, these are not operational directives, this is not a decision on regroupings, so you read it, then you think, this is apparently according to instructions the bundeswehr had developed some kind of independent rural scientific center, dumped this information into the build. what is the point of this publication? in my opinion, he most likely has a purely internal significance, and is intended, well, like the german fatherland is in danger, all the forces are aimed at reviving the combat
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operational capabilities of the bundeswehr, all the forces possible are aimed at restoring the german defense-industrial complex to the requirements of the level of modern warfare, this is probably how it should be perceived, and such in in general, it is a fad , it is common in the west, since they all gain experience from conducting a special military operation, in this regard, again , we must not forget and say that there, like in the west, all the gunpowder has disappeared somewhere, in they have nothing left in their powder flasks, this is still 50% of world gdp, they can easily increase the output of military products in a very short time, in fact, the publication in the build calls for this, now a few words about our affairs... i must say , recently, a lot of those organizational and staffing events, large organizational and staffing events that were carried out in 2008-2012, well
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, unfortunately, we had to carry out counter-reforms, for example, returning the fleets , commander-in-chief of the navy, return the air defense and air force armies, commanders-in-chief of the aerospace forces, abandon the formation of new brigades, and many brigades were reorganized. what do i personally mean, this is again purely my value judgment, this is an opinion from the category if i were the director, let’s say so, but even earlier, let’s take
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1998, when the air force and troops were united air defense of the country, then many liberals and democrats threw the military as a slap, but nowhere is there in the west there are five types of armed forces, why do we have five, let’s change, cut, reduce spending on the armed forces, and by the way, it’s not a fact that in the west everything was right, again, in the same united states has six types of armed forces, i am not leading the conversation to the point that it is necessary to revive some types of armed forces, at this stage it is still premature, but in the ninety-eighth year from the armies of individual armies against air defense in the air armies created the so-called air force armies. and air defense, it is my deep conviction that in the near future it is necessary to return, at least only in the western strategic direction, to the formation of air armies,
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already at a new stage they can be called aerospace defense armies, because their functions are too different of these associations, after all, the air army is a purely shock function, and the army, the future army, the army of aerospace defense is still purely defensive and... in my opinion , it is still necessary to lead to these steps in first of all, of course, concern for our national security, because the air defense and the country's most important facilities and groups of armed forces, well , we need to strengthen it, when some people say, we are constantly doing this, yes we are constantly doing it, when they say there is something like, but that’s not there, that’s not there, well, i can only remind you there is always something missing, i can only remind you that in the glorious soviet times, for example, in one year we had...
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again, of course, defense spending must be commensurate with the capabilities of the country, with the capabilities of its economic complex, but still return to the air armies and aerospace defense armies, at least in the western direction, at least in both directions, it is not necessary to take action on the scale of the entire country of the far east, there is siberia, transbaikalia, no, only where it is most necessary, in my opinion, this will be the best way.
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so, girl, like this, everything will be fine, masha, like this, like this, you are in danger. and you brought her yesterday, we remembered, well, in general, the data was taken, that’s all, andrey, here you are i heard, hello, it’s day, night, day,
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they’ve posted security at the prosecutor’s office, masha, what kind of security, what are you saying, marya serge, they’ve done everything, they’ve set it up, sit down. and you know who this guy was, who came for the jacket, his brother works in the main office in the weapons department, and his last name is buteyka, so you need to go to the prosecutor’s office, find out if everything is fine there, masha, what a prosecutor’s office, look at yourself , you need to rest, of course you need it, that’s right, let’s all go out of town together, that’s better, let’s go, frost, sun, and vodka,
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marusya, what is the air, how good it is that you and i have finally come to rest, yes, it’s a pity for the owners to fill such a beautiful house, i wish i could live and live, listen, masha, can you and i take a look inside at the layout, huh? well, listen, in the video, prutkin says that he was walking, let’s better pull it, stop being lazy, in the video, prodkin says that he was walking from the bus from there, going there, but there is no stop there.
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why not? doesn't his testimony fit into the case? well, they climb somehow, but i’m sure that he was not alone there, he left the scene of the incident on accomplice's car. now , as far as i understand, prutkin is an ordinary bor, not a robber, not a murderer, they took him only for cover, and then they simply set him up, so vychvanov got carried away, but the deputy is not there, i practically established the identity of the observer, whom then they took me to the forest. come on, come on, come on, it looks like it’s a police officer, yes, they finally got to the bottom of the trouble, and it also looks like they attacked
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me in order to seize the wallet, marya sergeevna, i didn’t even i ask where this one is wallet, i won’t tell you anyway, i didn’t expect anything else from you, well, maybe, after all, we can watch it somehow, why are they doing it like that? fights back, i wouldn’t want to watch it without the permission of the ambulance, he will soon recover, i’ll interrogate him, everything will become clear to us, we shouldn’t have sent you to gorchakov’s brigade, you know, marya sergeevna, let’s write a report to receive weapons, huh. .. hello, investigator of the prosecutor's office, may i? hello, hello, nice, please sit down, i would like to see your employee. buteyka, buteyka? yeah, but
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he, he’s not here now, yes, but where is he? business trip? yes, on vacation. when will it be, i can’t answer that for you, thank you for the comprehensive information, you’re welcome? i am tormented by suspicion: was it a bottle or was he killed in the woods? a police officer was killed, and so far we have only one person involved from the police, this is taken from a fake cousin, well then it turns out that the butey put bombs on the helicopter, and what kind of intersections could he have with the helicopter? let's go to the hr department of the main internal affairs directorate, find out about the vacation, and at the same time an address we'll find out. let's.
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who are you, we are visiting buteyka , hello, he’s been away from home for several days now, and he usually spends the night at home, but if he doesn’t go on a business trip, there ’s his bag, which he goes with on a business trip, understandable, thank you, please, the agreement remains just sign, i’m angry, i’m angry, i’m angry with myself that you weren’t there before. strength, i couldn’t, you are a strong woman, you managed to get rid of alendikov, everything is very, very bad, they opened a case, you’re not tired of running back and forth , you’re tired, well, stay, in case you change your mind, skleposovsky, tomorrow on rtr, now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is a door scratched by dogs. he
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could have become a zoologist or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups. taster. i always like to eat a lot. or a rescuer, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr.
11:04 pm
no life, we need to go to the capital, it’s at the mine, it seems to have rushed, like at the mine, misha is at the mine face, we look at the weekend, it’s far away you’ve gathered, we’re going to moscow, val, and you, i’m burning bridges behind me, other people’s houses, someone else’s life, but my own hasn’t worked out, so... i want to look back, i can’t believe my eyes, are you back at all? i don’t know, i was looking for a new life , some kind of happiness and found nothing, happiness, it turns out, is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness, on sunday on rtr.
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cunning, the eye is on fire, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, when everyone is at home on sundays on rtr.
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let's take the tomatoes, no, you have to take them there, but these, well, these are greenhouses, solid. these are good ones, that’s what it ’s worth, so how much are your tangerines, and how much are your tangerines? beauty for you 40 rub. kilogram, well, that’s all, but you definitely beat prada on the scale?
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please, thank you, bodyguard, oh well, hello, while the race was being played, the main
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duel of the day, at the finish line. andrey, thank you, i fried the fish, great, pour some wine , come on, what kind of wine, cabarnet, red, and the crab is white, well... well, that means i didn’t please you, what are you doing, andrey, i have tickets i bought it for the theater when, and tomorrow,
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andryush, what? “i’m on duty around the city tomorrow
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, of course. it’s cold, that’s how you sit, how many children die at the hands of their own mother, the davichi went out, the beautiful woman, the god of sending a healthy child, and you can imagine, she hit his head with a cutting board, screamed, prevented him from sleeping , i don’t understand, maternal instinct, it’s embedded in the subcortex, maybe they don’t have a subcortex? you’ll detain her, but where can she be, right, hello, kurlacheva’s apartment, yes, call shvetsov, it’s you, yeah, thank you, hello, oh, mashenka, hello,
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vasil kuzimovich, they even found me on duty, what happened, oh , what happened, can you imagine, they just reported that the helicopter died, what are you saying, there are a lot of guards there, by your own death, if you can, come right now, that’s it, i’m going, i’m going, doctor panov, when are you have you ever seen helicopters, no, heard a lot, want to go to his corpse, shot, blown up, died in a hospital bed, just like that, what a shame for a crime boss, yes, listen, maybe he slipped someone else’s corpse? now he’s crossing the border somewhere, now we’ll see, describe, bacteloscope.
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hello, yes, it’s me, so let’s slowly gather everyone and come to me, okay, we agreed, if anything happens, call me back, we need to talk to the next doctor, you think, well, hello, colleague. i’ll take a robe, uh-huh , how this happened, i can’t understand the cause of death, the condition seemed to be stable, although the etiology of the disease could not be found out, well, at least some assumptions, i can’t imagine, we had to take a spinal cord puncture, but there were no brains, and this morning he got worse, they called me, but i didn’t have time to get there, you take him, certainly. excuse me, can i be present at the autopsy? now we'll look at the corpse and decide there. come on, colleague, look how
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beautiful this thing is. we need to take it out of harm’s way and give it to my wife. yeah, that's reasonable. otherwise, on the way in the carrot , someone will get their hands on it. look, the fabrics under the cross are hyperimitated. “listen, the lock is kind of strange, i can’t open it, well, doctor panov, your opinion about the cause of death, well, who knows, what a hefty scarecrow, everything is possible, including mechanical sphyxia, they put a pillow on the face and hello to the parents, that's true, well everything is possible, i’ll come now, excuse me, what’s your name, pavel leonidovich, you know where skorodomov lies, i know, but this is not my patient!” see
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him out, okay, he’s unconscious, you’re sure, but you doubt, he’s came to myself, no, in , well, good, good, in this case. well, when about an hour and a half ago, approximately, listen, don’t burden me now, my head is swelling, i don’t know, i can’t say anything, but i’m collecting now everyone, right, and you do what i told you, i’m talking about 3 hours after, mashun, wait, don’t leave, hi, you’re already here, the little rats are fussing, well , they’ll tell you from the kul, maybe they infected him with aids , but what kind of aids, aids makes you lose weight, and this is a wild boar, and this is definitely a helicopter, who else, it’s a pity? get used to the idea that he fooled us and slipped us to a friend, but it’s not clear why he died, the doctors say the composition of the blood has changed, machine, by christ god i ask you, go
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to the autopsy, i’ll give you the operas, but let’s see what there the gentleman will say, but i said, i said, only marble, but she always doesn’t like something, bronze, that’s it the prosecutor came to his attention, of course. we waited, now we’re happy, the newspapers wrote that he was a bandit, so he died and it’s good, he’s a robo-full corridor, let the man die in peace, yulia nikolaevna, we want to return your thing to you, let me light a cigarette, you’re talking about the cross, let’s move away, the chain lock is not it comes unfastened, when they gave it to roman, he almost lost it, i advised him to solder the lock, who gave it? i don’t know, i really don’t know, it’s an ancient thing, it’s literally worth it, from the royal treasury, if you damage even one link of the chain,
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it will lose half the price , uh-huh, well, it’s probably impossible to bury such a thing with such a thing, and of course, i ’ll live on this jewelry until my death, but i can’t wait for the jeweler, i’ll bring the jeweler, he ’ll open the lock, okay , let's wait. we need to set up security, but they can hide the corpse? there is no corpse, serious things can have value, but with wire cutters, dear heart, can you imagine how much this little thing could cost at one of the auctions, expensive, the wife says from the royal treasuries, okay, i’ll give you a man to guard the king, you there. my it will cost a lot for the client, go there, everything is covered there, okay, so what?
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nothing special, submucosal hemorrhage, flabby spleen, red lymph nodes, and what the hell does that mean, sura, i ask you, if not you, vasya, were you scared of me in the morgue, so with you, and i fell under the helicopter blades, hob, hop. “i know this decoration, i know it very well, i appreciated it more a city ago, come on, it’s a good thing, eh, the path is that since then the decoration has been subjected to alteration, in what sense, well, you see, they took out the central stone, there was a large
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sapir, who is the previous owner of the cross? well , i can’t say this until i get the consent of the parties involved. i'll tell you that refusing to testify will result in criminal liability. well, why do this right away? and then i don't remember it. i have it in my file cabinet in the store. let's go to the store. but it will cost my client dearly. please, here you go, these are sellers, these are buyers, thank you, tell me, is the cross really from the royal
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treasuries? no, this is on purpose. they said to increase the price, oh, it’s a shame that the stone was changed, but i must admit that they chose an equivalent one, in terms of weight and cleanliness, and it’s more beautiful, really, no, you’re wrong, nature loves calm tones, everything that hits the eyes , evokes... in the sense of authenticity, so is he real? no, the stone is undoubtedly natural, but if a calm, black sophira is irradiated, it can give out such an unnatural brightness, okay, i ’ll take the cross from you, and i’ll explain everything to your client, it will cost her dearly, all the best, here you have the records of the jeweler, please establish
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who bought and sold the cross, what a smothered woman, marya sergeevna, why did these people with the cross give up, i don’t work on the helicopter at all, i work according to chvanov, and you don’t work according to chvanov? that’s right, why don’t i work, so as not to do harm, because if you don’t work, then it’s impossible to do harm. work, work, manu, what do i want to say, have they established the cause of death of the helicopter, lagidin? no, not yet, the case is complicated, well, involve the military medical academy, appoint a commission examination, so, i remind you that...
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girl, you need to be evacuated urgently. the level of radiation in your office exceeds all permissible standards. yes, why are you smiling? your hair will start to fall out, then you will know. where is the source? here. well, the conclusions are disappointing, enough time has passed, the criminals have not been identified, that the investigator can say his justification? i don’t consider it necessary
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to make excuses; we have done everything possible. the criminals have not been identified, but the case has received wide public attention. andrey ivanovich, what do you say? planning is lame. marya sergeevna, please answer, do you have an investigation plan? presented? the plan was
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not drawn up by the investigator according to the form. i gave instructions to redo it and personally approved it. with such unprecedented assistance, the investigation is marking time. consequence. established with sufficient accuracy that the target of the criminals was not deputy besyagin, but crime boss lagidin, who lives in the same entrance. so you order to inform the duma that the deputy accidentally blew himself up. the death of a deputy is a tragic accident, an explosion connected with the murder of businessman chvanov. what other businessman? let me explain now. the fact is that businessman chvanov was killed in his country house a year ago.
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if this were so, then first of all they would not have killed chvanov’s wife. i think the motive is something personal, family. what nonsense. and what are you going to do next, be closely involved in chuvanov’s personal life, you should have been doing this from the very beginning. korablev,
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have you found the owners of the cross? found, found, please tell me, konstantin vasilievich belogriev, moved to us permanent residence, address unknown, read on, read on, bagunets, anna leonidovna. resistance, got 15 days, take me to the office, and then do what you want. mariaevna, have you removed the source danger from the prosecutor’s office? no, i have everything, i’ll fire you, thank you,
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you see, the murder of your relative has not yet been solved, and since kakvanovna helped. in business, possible versions are connected with her, thank you, you call her ivanovna, natellochka always hated her middle name. anna leonidovna, please tell me what this could be connected with photograph, it was a terrible tragedy, but whose funeral is this? it's my brother's funeral here. there is a little napkin standing by the coffin, and nyusha, her mother. my brother was a very
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kind man, but weak-willed. matella took after her mother. nyusha brought all sorts of companies into the house and she cheated on him, and he caught him more than once. her, so, one evening i couldn’t find a place for myself, as if i had a presentiment of something. when i came to ivan, he was lying on the sofa with scissors in his temple, but the most important thing is how natelochka survived it all, because it was all on in her eyes, nyusha was weaving something that made drunk ivan fall on the scissors, supposedly and...
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matelochka interrupted her in a firm voice and began to tell how it all happened. dad came home from work and dispersed the entire drunk company, and mom grabbed a pair of scissors and hit him in the temple with the tip of the scissors. was a criminal case initiated? lord, i was on my knees in front of the investigator, begging him to close the case. incredible, right? i became the best lawyer for nyusha, why? well, just think about what awaited the little one ahead, the father was killed, and the mother was in prison, because she would have been an outcast with a stigma daughter of a murderer, did ivan want such a fate for his child, and how could i allow this, but how did i manage to stop the case?
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i gave the investigator a bribe, we had a family jewel for the ring cross with a large sapphire, i sold it to save natelochka’s name, and then what happened to the cross? natella remembered the good, when things went well for her, she found it, bought it and brought me the cross. i was so touched, and the purchase was made in your name? yes, i signed something there, but natella said, my cross, i i didn’t take it, no, i gave the cross to natella, after the ransom, did you see the cross? of course, what kind of sapphire was he with? big, 9.5 carats, so oval, dark, almost black, what?
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