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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  January 16, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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the first 100 years, the anniversary of the mosfilm film studio, live broadcast from the first pavilion, on friday on rtr, oh, everyone in one carriage, great, don’t push it, on saturday, since our women have gone to bed, let’s not waste time, with colleagues like this.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, on the app or on the website, so what do you want from me this time, talk about your son, i... already told you, your son was not capable conduct business independently, you often communicated with him, rarely, mostly on funeral, where it was impossible not to come , we can talk about your personal life, yes , please, i was convicted together with my husband, my husband, the father of my child, he died in custody, you were married after that, no,
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after liberation i lived an employee of the criminal investigation department, and that it was okay, he was a talented detective, they said better in leningrad, he was, something happened to him, no, nothing happened to him, we separated, but can i ask why? i came home late, and sometimes i didn’t come home at all; when i was at home, i lay in front of the tv. sometimes i washed the dishes after myself, washed clothes, and covered up the traces of biological existence, well, that’s the kind of work, yes , of course, work, he was a bad person, no, he was a good, kind person, he was always ready to do whatever i asked, but i don’t like asking, but if you love me, then i earned money. for the two of us, i always
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didn’t understand how it was possible to be a good specialist, have a career and not want anything next to the woman you love, but you loved each other, we lived together, i say i love you, that’s not all, people often buy into it simpletons with a complex: inferiority , but you are not simpleton, no, and neither are you, although you have a complex, you sit on the edge, as if you are about to be driven away, yes, indeed, life with a man makes you enslaved, depending on which one, with anyone, you think so, and... i’m very disappointed in men, and you? i
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don't know yet, yet. hello, sergei borisovich, hello, marya sergeevna, yeah, and what are you charging this kurlacheva with, aggravated murder, with a kitchen knife she cut the throat of her own ten-year-old son, who prevented her from having fun with her lover. oh, my god, how can one live after this? now look, hello , kurlacheva, this is your lawyer, it’s very nice , they brought it, no, but some magazines with jokes, sit down, kurlacheva,
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read the examinations, read, i don’t understand the problem there, you tell me so, read , read, the lawyer will explain everything to you. okay, sign here, please, here, that’s it, thank you, okay, i’m calling the inspector, to the cell, where, comrade investigator, may i i’ll sit here, it’s more fun here, comrade lawyer, he’ll tell me something funny, how the weather is there, but can i go to a friend in the meantime? i’ll call my client, since i’m here, at least i’ll save time, of course, of course.
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investigator, can i go to the cell, it’s kind of cold here, go ahead, the little one was scared of me, you know her, we were in the same cell for a long time. hour, i ask her, and you, baby, how did you get here, and she says, son, she cut her neck with a knife so that she wouldn’t interfere with fucking with her lover, it’s clear, so i saved her from death, i knocked on the door, i scream tsirika, immediately remove her from our
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cell, otherwise she won’t live to see the morning, you brought the indictment, yes, please, please, maria sergeevna, we are here with... i’m there in the adult zone in sablino, in sablino, in sablino , in sablino, did you meet natella rednichuk there? with natella? it's a thing of the past, she almost killed me, how? usually? excuse me,
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the girl and i are having a little chat here, please forgive me, what orientation will you be? in what sense? in sexual, traditional, here i am, traditional, despite with a lot of experience, imprisonment, anatellochka is a girl from a good family, and where did everything come from, so what you didn’t share, she had her eye on me, so she had intimate conversations with me, but i...
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i love men. “me too, although men, males, are still the same, and there is little good from them, but i gave in to the calf so much that she almost flew off the bed, and this girl from a good family grabbed a pair of scissors and hit me on the temple, which left a scar, i’m telling you for sure, she’s mad, if anyone refuses her, she’s not herself..." and why are you interested in her? i have the case of the murder of her son, but did she
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have a son? yes, he was born before the prison, it’s strange, she never remembered him, who killed him? i don’t know, i’m looking, she banged, but no, he killed a man, that means they fucked her, well, you say that she’s not of a traditional orientation, she’s him. powdered, change my word, she banged.
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viktor ivanovich, yes, did you work here in 1975? i worked, i always worked here, i supervised the police, seryozha golitsin and i started in this area together, with the general, that’s now. yeah, atella rednichuk interests you, well
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, let's see, yeah, here, well, look.
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the question arises, who ordered the killing of the helicopter? it’s some kind of nightmare, and i came to you, there was only one kill, and you’ve already screwed up three, natella gave the cross to the helicopter, she charged it with radiation, i agree, maybe she’s just tired of waiting for the radiation to take effect, but what about are we on natella? skorodomov, head of the security service, her son’s company, we need to go interrogate,
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why bother driving the car, you call at first, suddenly he had already died, and i forgot something, the phone boss, natal fedorovna, they drove for a long time, rushed like they were on fire, but still didn’t have time. what, well, a sharp deterioration in death. natalya fedorovna, give me a package and two witnesses. rita, sveta, come to me.
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that's where the wallet was. of course, the safest place, my keys were stolen. hello. investigator of the prosecutor's office, shvetsova, marya sergeevna. we open the package. men's wallet, brown, business cards, no money, micro video cassette. let's go to the fsb.
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but it’s not prutkin, i agree, whoever finds out the motive for the murder, we’ll understand who, i doubt it,
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i called chvanov’s assistant today, maybe she’ll say something... but she’ll tell you, sasha and i were studying in the same course when he got his own company , he invited me to work with him, and it was very good to work with him, he was a wonderful boss, businesslike, intelligent, you knew his wife, you knew him, and what can you say about her? she comes from a very wealthy family, her mother died when she was in school a long time ago, her father died a little later, when olga gave birth to a daughter, so what kind of person she was, it’s hard to say, you didn’t like her, you didn’t like her, you just didn’t like her,
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or were there reasons, how delicate are you? you ask, speak directly, you think that i was jealous of her, alla valerievna , even if you really liked your boss, i don’t see anything wrong with that, apparently, he was a wonderful person, it was difficult not to fall in love with him, that’s right, i really want to find the killer, i don’t believe that he was killed because of money or because of the building, and the previous investigators... that’s exactly what i thought, only you can help i need to find out details about his life, he was a very good person , he never cheated on his wife, i can swear on this, why are you so sure, but i, i
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made a business schedule for him every day, he didn’t have a free name. "if he went somewhere or left, he always said where he was and how to find him, then he was always eager to go home, in any free minute he rushed to his children and wife, and his wife answered him the same, you know, she drank and he carefully hid it, even from me, one day he asked..." me, allah, we will find me, and not finished, and then i saw an advertisement on his table about the treatment of female alcoholism, well , you never know, no, she drank and drank. she drank a lot, once he told me that olga was his cross for life, at least for the sake of the children, when, when he asked me to book him a hotel room, supposedly for
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entertainment needs, i later found out that he had been for 3 weeks he lived there himself, and she started drinking even before marriage, no, before marriage, she was a spoiled child, she was from an intelligent family, pretty, flirty, with taste, where did it all go afterwards? even when my little son was little, she somehow held on, and then she completely sank, i mean she got drunk, she really sank, she stopped taking care of herself, she didn’t even comb her hair, she walked around in the same sweater for months, i didn’t even immediately recognize that she drinks, and then she stopped appearing in public altogether, sasha even went to receptions without her, but do you think they got married for love, yes, of course, m... “well, how can that be, a young, pretty woman, it turns out marry for love, to a wealthy man, he loves, you say, doesn’t cheat on her
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, no, he doesn’t cheat on her, how can we explain that in such a life she becomes an alcoholic and stops taking care of herself, so i don’t know, i don’t know, i also thought about it all the time, because she has there weren’t even girlfriends who could get her drunk in the first years of marriage, no, well, at first there were some.” i have a reason, you think so, why do you think there was a second one, he said, i made two records , one entry was in
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the wallet, and where is the second unknown? you know, you look for who olga chvanova could have been with forced to communicate, in what sense, you know, there is forced communication in a train compartment, for example, with daddy, yes, yes, sometimes they say this, she didn’t go anywhere, quickly , let’s go, quickly, oh, look, it’s okay, look, wave , what are you thinking about? you understand, i have three murders: a helicopter, a chivan opera zurgeno.
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shveytsova marya sergeevna. very nice. they told me at the maternity hospital that you and orgachvanova were in the same ward. yes, our daughters were born on the same day. i'm investigating a murder case. what? yes, she was killed along with husband. you didn't know? divulge information from olga’s personal life, well, good-bye, goodbye.
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bosch has stayed there since yesterday, so we’ll continue to live, brother, we won’t be left without work, we’ll stand there!
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you knew lagidina, roman gavrilovich, lagidina, no, why you are together in this photo is an accident. you never know who took pictures with? how can you explain that your address and last name are in his phone book? so is his address book, ask him, in your phone book - his last name, which means the address book is not mine, it was confiscated from you, it was an accident, and this was also confiscated from you, what
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is it? this is an id. thank you, maryaov, marya sergeevna , meet me, this is a comrade from ggubop, this is izguura, they have come to provide us with practical assistance in the case of bombers, we sent parts of the explosive device to moscow, well , which blew up deputy besyagin,
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please. absolutely right, vasily kuzmech, excuse me, can i talk to you for a second? surely the buteyka checked information about warehouses and workshops, sure enough, the bastard found a warehouse, explosives, saved it, we urgently need to look for his brother, who wanted a jacket in my office, mashenka, well, we’re looking, we’re looking, let’s send someone to the soldiers’ apartment, we need them to find clothes stained
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with gasoline soil and tie them to the murder of buteyka. do it, do it, boy, okay, i’ll draw up a decree without sanctions, an urgent search, two people for a search, not an idiot, okay, two people for a search, find it quickly, vasily, they’ve been around for a long time. we’ve already left, mashenka, don’t worry, show up, lord, when will i get home? vasily kuzmich, can you wait a second, the thing is that they found there apartment, you won’t get home soon, why? we found a rookery, a brother, a buteyka, it looks like there is an ammunition depot there, we need to go immediately to inspect it, can i call home.
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andryusha, yes. listen, i'm not coming over tonight. marsha, this is the fourth time in a week. well, stop it. do what you want. the guys from obuska arrived. nothing was found. here, this is the whole catch. and a pharmacy, a clinic. laundry, are you sure this is their book? well, yes, yes, and i asked to see the dirty clothes, shoes, but there was nothing there, some panties were like old women’s, uh-huh, that’s what i’m saying, i went in the morning
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social security, and returned, the apartment is sealed, your phone number, i’ll read it now, if you have any questions, contact the rubob, yeah. what kind of organization is this? is this not a sanitary epidemiological station? please tell me your address, volkova street, building 3, apartment nine, third floor, and i have an apartment, this was bequeathed to my nephew, lord, what will it be, you seal, please take it off, come home, our employees they’ll come now and explain everything, thank you, yeah, thank you, but you’re welcome, goodbye. and you, did you and your client go to obask? no, don't worry, everything's okay according to the law, we used equipment from the reu, we found the door , opened it with keys, but
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he gave some left keys, they didn’t fit, but there was a sticky lock , the door was made of cardboard, they just pressed with their shoulders, and they entered, which apartment did you enter, which it’s written in the resolution, but what is written in the resolution, wolves? house 3, apartment 9, in the protocol, here is volkova, house 3, apartment 10, so, they caught the difference, maybe i ’ll tell them now... i’ll explain everything to them now, yeah, vasily kuzmech, we have to go, at the same time the old lady will apologize, a book return, we will arrive late, i have time, i will wait,
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mashenko, come out for a minute, please, okay. idiots, i asked two normal people, go, go, and in 5 seconds we will catch up.
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why aren’t you going, you promised to cover their back, it’s not time yet, it’s normal, normal , what’s normal, you know, these explosives, they are so cunning, they make two by three bombs, yeah, they put double, or even triple bookmark, triggered by a human voice opening the door, why the door will open, tearing first, aperitatively. yeah, what do you want it to blow up, then then we let's take a lukewarm criminal.
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well, what happened here, the guy was given away, like that. let's just a little bit, yes, yes, yes, oh, yes, that's how he, shell shock, will live.
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well, we earned ourselves a medal. can you imagine, vasily kuzmich, they say, it’s normal, it’s normal, but what’s normal, yes, they practically sent him to death, and they sit there and watch whether it will blow up or not, the bastards. “i called the hospital, the condition is stable,
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you can only hear poorly, it could have been better, you are buteykinov’s brother, you are going to interrogate, and the vertalt fighters are already in the cell, here also, well, we need to, we need to fasten it next to one of the fighters." for half an hour, listen, handsome, what did they take you for, and supposedly there are some kind of explosive devices there? crap in one word, and think about it, they tied us up for murder
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, who was killed, but the opera is the only one , but don’t worry, the opera himself was such a rotten man, you say the opera, but he’s worse from the frost, he put a bomb on dad, well, he drank some gasoline before he died. it wasn’t my brother who sent me for the crust, but his friend, such a chic woman."she
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picked him up somewhere a long time ago, paid him good money, he carried out all sorts of small assignments , you saw her, of course, you recognize her, of course, but regarding explosive devices, and i’ll say, i’ll say, i’ll say, now, that means, we were making explosive devices.” radio-controlled, i graduated from polytech, i understand , what do you know about the helicopter, it means that my brother, at the request of this woman, was watching the helicopter, as if this helicopter was blackmailing her with something very serious, well, it was she who wanted to crash this helicopter.
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marya sergeevna, hello, hello, i’m ready , why, to tell everything, let's go. you understand, i was not sure that i had the right to divulge intimate details from olga’s life, after all, she herself is silent about it.
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understands me, that’s when she burst out, what she said, you see, i ’m an adult, without complexes, and i also work in journalism, i’ve seen everything, but such a woman was raped by her own mother-in-law, and you know, i guess, continue, please, can i i ’ll light a cigarette, of course, you know,
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“i don’t think so, well, they drank by candlelight , my mother-in-law told her everything in plain text, but then she smoothly moved on to action, she didn’t resist, but what could she do, scream, you can’t stop screaming. after that , the mother-in-law poured her wine, olga pushed the glass, well, natella went crazy and beat olga with the knowledge of the traces. none , and then olga couldn’t get up, why do you think she didn’t tell her husband anything, uh-huh, i asked her about it, and she told me, you know, katya, firstly, i’m afraid that he won’t believe me, and secondly, i can’t pawn his own mother to him, well, i said, what a fool, be patient then, and how much she endured it, natella began
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to come quite often, it got to the point that olga wanted to hang herself, but the child stopped her, she began to cry, she ran to the crib and realized that she was unable to leave...
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olga told me that soon her torment would end, that they everyone will die. yes, yes, she said so, we are all going to die. and then she somehow perked up and said that sashkin’s security guard installed video recording equipment in their house, she recorded her conversation with her mother-in-law. where's the cassette? now. then olga said that she told everything to their head of security and he wanted her help, but the insanely cunning natela will still kill her, but she will do it this way. so that no one will suspect where the tape is? then olga took out this cassette, handed it to me and said: take this, maybe it will come in handy someday, have you
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watched it? marya sergeevna, i can use this material. do you think this is ethical? do you think not? please sign, you are criminally liable for disclosing these funds. and... where, where, no one dares to tell me no.
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creature, you thought well, this is your final decision. well then you'll die you will die soon.
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here you go, thank you for not drinking tea? he doesn’t drink, but maybe he’s finished? you know i don't drink. listen, maybe some valedolchik? are your eyes
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really sick? no, no, no need. vasili kudimic, remember, i asked you, a conversation between a helicopter and an unidentified subscriber on the day of the explosion. masha, if you ask for anything. and what ’s next, i don’t know, i’m again without a lawyer, that’s good, it’s better to discuss such things without strangers, we ’ve known each other for a long time. “i had a relationship with him for 15 years, if not more, i said that no one would believe me, it’s the same as saying that with
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i was the president, i agree , how did he explain all this to you, how did he find me, said that we need to kill the husband and wife who commits depraved acts with children, he said that there is no other way out, don’t put them in prison, children they will drink up such shame. enough for a lifetime, well, he said that i would be next to him, you are an experienced person, you didn’t understand that if anything happened, he would simply set you up, say that he caught you at the scene of a crime, but no, they took me completely by accident, like previously convicted, a knife was found in the stove, but you didn’t we wondered where you got a knife in the stove, and a jacket stained with blood, no, i don’t remember , how he found out that i... flew in, said: you’ll serve six months, the case will fall apart, just don’t rock the boat, well, i served six months,
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i see, nothing comes of it, he took it and renounced his testimony, but i will never say anything about him, they already said, it’s nothing, we’re having an informal conversation, even if he sits next to him and admits, “i’ll still open up. ” , where are you going, to see him? hello, marya sergeevna, hello, come in, sit down, maybe have some coffee? no thanks. do you want to tell me something?
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yes, i solved the murder of the chvanovs. do you need my help, people, equipment? no thanks. please advise, i don’t know what to do next. what advice would you like me to give you? you didn’t understand what natella was? she is not human in her, there is nothing human. you find out, and this is a magazine extract that the prevention of chvanova’s behavior is carried out by the galician detective. you’re not kicking me
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out, roman, he’s still alive, but happy anniversary, you’re practically with me now helicopters called, here is a printout from your mobile phone. well, i was a bully, i knew that the helicopters were listening and i couldn’t help but take the opportunity to frame him for the chivanovs’ case, he threatened chivanov, you know, at the request of natall ivan, yes, what do you want, i don’t know, i want give this matter to someone
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and forget about it. i can’t understand, you explain to me, how she, how she persuaded you, i can’t wrap my head around it. masha, will you allow me to call you that, after all, you are good enough to be my daughter. masha, i don’t know, call me whatever you want, you want, call it hypnosis, you want induction, you can call it a disease, but none of these definitions will explain to you what it can do.
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to do to a person, you killed two innocent people, i will answer for this, where and when, that doesn’t matter anymore. so what do you think about doing? i don’t know, you understand that you can’t prove it, of course, protkin told you something, yes,
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well, he said it. he won't say a word to anyone.
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dad, dad, where are you? do you hear? dad, i bought you some fresh buns, dad. daddy, daddy, oh my god.
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good morning, they are waiting for you near the house journalists? well, yes, i just drove past, let’s do this, yes, viktor sergeevich, i understood, okay, yeah, everything is fine, yes, i got out through the back door, then through the neighbors’ plot, there’s a whole crowd of these journalists there, and if if they started asking me something, i would... tservalas would not speak personally, thank you very much, leave me alone, i’m not at work at all, just call me victor,
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which means you can’t, you even know who i am, i know you're frosty, but you don't have it on the list, damn, what's going on, what's going on? what kind of madness is here? let's go, let's go, as soon as they found out whose daughter she was, the police immediately set up security, but what did you want? oh well, nothing, i have to go, what a horror, marta igorevna, maybe you should take a calming drink, no, thank you, let’s talk better, it’s easier for me, good, and so... did you come to your father this morning? yes, by the way, it immediately seemed strange to me that the door was locked with only one lock, and even then only with one turn
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of the key, which means the door was simply slammed, but what surprised you? my father didn't do that, he usually i locked myself with three bolts, so at night i was afraid of robbers using the bolt. i called him, he didn’t answer, then i went into the room, lord, we entered the room, i saw him, i knew that this would all end, well, what do you mean, my father has collected an expensive collection, in general, what he was afraid, it happened , please tell me about your relationship with your father, you didn’t live together, i rent a room, but i come
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here once a week, clean, wash, cook, these trips were probably very burdensome for you, yes, of course, i’m already tired after a week. i he was offered to hire a house worker, but he did not want to let anyone into his house. petrovich! “excuse me for a minute, yes elenaevna , that means the time of death, about 10 o’clock, yesterday evening, the cause, a deep wound on the temple, i have not yet discovered any other life-threatening injuries, neither a heart attack nor a stroke, i will say after the autopsy, but shortly before his death, he was inflicted.
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marin, you must sit and eat at my table over the papers, you can find another place for this, you can, be so kind, i can find a place not at your table, not in yours office, not in this city, one word from you will be all it takes, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, it’s just that what happened, well, can you imagine, they set up security at her room. separate room, treatment,
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security, i also found a princess, aksyusha, i can’t just sit and wait for something to happen, i need to act, sometimes you just have to wait and believe, do you feel it? hello, anna mikhaivna, hello, the late sviridov, for something, yes, let's go, my daughter opened the door with her keys, and he was lying near the bookshelves, covered in cows, uh-huh, hello, mikhal, hello, here is the protocol, in words, petrovich, please repeat everything that you told me, well, i’ll repeat it.
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uh, the day before yesterday, i heard someone screaming, but not like that, screaming, screaming, but as if someone was swearing loudly, i looked out the peephole, and there the deceased sviridov and a guy were fighting with someone, calmly fighting, well, he’s the one who’s deceased now, back then he was wooing some guy with an umbrella, he didn’t have time to dodge, and that means he was trying to persuade sviridova to calm down, but whatever, it ended with this guy running away, yeah. can you describe this guy? young, up to forty, healthy, about two meters, he also has a mustache and a goatee, so it’s also become fashionable to wear these beards like a boyar. so, that means the man with the beard ran away, well , i also asked igor what the matter was, and he muttered in response: another one showed up, wanting to profit, and i forgot to ask, but... have you
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seen this man here before? no, never, but what can you even say about your late neighbor sveridov? to tell the truth, we practically didn’t communicate with him, he neither talked nor drank like a neighbor, no politeness, but not noisy, well here the walls are thick, in principle, you can’t hear what was happening there at his house, it’s understandable, thank you. thank you, hello everyone, oh, anna mikhailovna, it’s so good that you came, otherwise we’re already stuck here, have you ever seen so many books, yeah, well, it looks like a catalogue, we need to check if all the books are in place, even there are hundreds here that we need to check everything, well, yes , call or, ask, let him come, help , and at the same time sort out the papers, there are a lot of notes on the table, yes, and a laptop, don’t forget to come to our department, yeah. under the table was, look,
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you have younger eyes, in my opinion, there are traces of blood on it, well, yes, it’s blood, by the way, the prints are very good, thank you, that’s what i thought, and ana mikhailovna, i also looked at the locks, they are unbroken, i took prints from the handles, and pay attention to the crusts and bindings of the books that fell from the shelf, yeah, there are smears of blood, that’s right, smears, well, look. yourself, and what does that mean? well, if the books were on the shelf, then most likely the person was grabbing them with a bloody hand. well, yes, sviridov’s nose was broken, and he... so, he was clinging to the books, then fell, some of the books fell with him, listen, don’t you think that there aren’t enough books on the floor to fill the free space on the shelf? valerie, that’s why i said, check the catalog to see if all the books are there, let’s go, hello,
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hello, have a seat, marta yuryevna. tell me, among your acquaintances or your father’s acquaintances, there is a tall man of about 40, with a beard and mustache, that ilya, this cannot be, and he didn’t even know his father, who is ilya, my fiancé, and you are his father haven't introduced you to your fiancé, you don't understand after my father quarreled me with the previous two, i decided that... my personal life no longer concerns him, hmm, but how could your father quarrel between you? yes, he immediately yelled , cursed, thought that they had come to rob him , so i told ilya that his father is a paranoid psychopath, it’s better not to have anything to do with him, well , that’s right, that’s what they said, he’s a paranoid psychopath, but
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how could it be otherwise? the psychiatric hospital was crying, but ilya could not kill him, this is not about murder, but about the conflict on the eve of the murder, will you arrest him? no, we'll just talk to him. and now they will take you to the expert forensic center to take your fingerprints. for what? do you suspect me too? your fingerprints are needed in order to understand who else was in your father’s apartment, besides him, you. and you know what? here, here, please write down the address of your fiance. right here, right there. 12,500 rub. this is an expense order, please write it off, it’s unnecessary, i said, it’s under my responsibility. alexey dmitrievich, it’s easy for you to talk, but for me to guide you through accounting. i need to teach you, don’t fool me. everything is fine,
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i've already signed. thank you, you are free. goodbye. thanks a lot. well, now we can have some coffee, we would love to, but it’s time for us to go to the department, don’t go too heavy on coffee either, i forgot what the professor told you, but you’ll forget about it, i don’t know what you dug up there this ivanov, but i found out something through my own channels, and the little guy between us, speaking, is an outright loser, what do you mean, well, usually the remaining officers, they sink their teeth into the matter, you can’t tear them away, but this ... "engaged in construction, it didn’t work, agriculture spread , it didn’t work again, some kind of fraud with land plots, i didn’t really look, but it’s immediately obvious that if not an offer, then a scam, and his reputation, so to speak, is not very good, really your information does not
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contradict ours, well, michal, let's go, thank you very much, please, no thanks, i ask you, friends, that's what they are for... "to put leverage when necessary, so this is unnecessary, thank you, he doesn't like it at all, i do. what did this crazy person write about me? i didn’t touch him with a finger, i was just defending myself, you see, it was he who hit me with an umbrella, okay, but i didn’t answer him, after all , he’s an elderly man, last night siridov was killed,
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killed, killed, and marta knows, knows, my god, poor thing, listen, i need to go to her, support her later, but now... “ please tell me about your conflict with the light. but what can i tell you? martha immediately told me that her father and her character are the same, but i didn't think it was that much. did you have his address? well, i looked in martha's passport, she it’s registered in his apartment, so he came close to him like an idiot. but here instead, please, in more detail. well, sviridov immediately opened it for me, i thought they had brought him some kind of book, well, i introduced myself like that, said that i love marta and..." they decided to get married, well, then it started, getting married, the moustachioed guy seduced the fool, that in my collection for getting, what collection, igor petrovich, i love yours, how come this fool has such scumbags as you know how many there were? you have already submitted an application to the tax office
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, we are going to have a child, she doesn’t have any children will happen, she will have an abortion, under no circumstances, who are you? what were you thinking , you ungrateful piece of trash, you know, i wanted to treat you like a human being, i thought that you would understand, but there’s nothing to understand here, i see right through you , you bugger, i won’t allow you, that’s enough, i won’t allow martha to support and serve you, in response , they received only insults and humiliation , they sat down on the young girl’s neck and hung him, but you’re not ashamed, you’re freezing, are you crazy , no, don’t go, in general, i’m from the apartment, he’s behind me, screaming like a knife that martha will not wait for his inheritance, and he will bequeath everything yegor, yegor, yes, i didn’t tell her anything so as not to upset her, in general, she was right when she said that... he’s a complete psycho. where did you go immediately after the conflict with sviridov? here to the workshop. i have an urgent order and i've been working
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all day. and in the evening and in the evening. martha said that she was busy until late and would go to her father in the morning. but i spent the night here to finish quickly. and no one saw you around 10:00 pm? you never know, did anyone come in? no, no one came in. i always lock myself when i work. okay, let's go back. figure, do you know who it is? i have no idea. an, are you busy? come in, come in. severidov's time of death was confirmed at around 10:00 pm. oh, and the murder weapon? - i don't know yet. i can only say that the blow was caused by a certain object, which entered the brain at a sharp angle, piercing the temporal bone. earlier, i discovered a particle of metal, which i already gave to borisych. what else? in severidov's arms. blood was found from the nose, as long as there was a tear there, otherwise he had excellent health and could
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have lived many more years, cancellation hello, yes len, thank you, ain, share, ivan sergeevich ivanov, 51 years old,
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just a cunning maneuver, and its main goal is to gather journalists, i can’t even think about it, but don’t worry, really, i really want to believe that everything will be fine, do you hear, i’m telling you, ilya, he’s reliable, faithful... he couldn’t be honest, and even more so his father would n’t even let him on the doorstep after a quarrel
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, i don’t know who he’d let in, except maybe any of your fellow bibliophiles, marta igorevna, who is egor? egor, i don’t know, your father is with you never mentioned the name, egor? “no, it seems not, but although, wait, my mother was still alive, i remember, i returned from school, and my mother and father were arguing about something, quarreling, my mother demanded that my father recognize some egor, and my father shouted that he didn’t need bastards, bastards, yes, he said that the boy in the orphanage would probably become a thief and steal his precious books, i asked.” "who is he , but my father snapped that it was none of my business, and then my mother got sick and
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there was no time for questions anymore. have you heard anything else from your father about yegor? no, please forgive me, i don’t feel well, i’m dizzy, can i go home? yes, of course, thank you very much, i'll see you off, okay. marta igorevna, are you pregnant? yes, ilya probably told you, it’s very slippery on the street, be careful. thank you, i'll try, goodbye, goodbye. philip
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, listen here, this is what needs to be done, the traces of blood on the knife belong to two different people, on the handles, the blood of sviridov himself is of the second negative group, on the blade, the first is positive, it seems that when sviridov was attacked, he grabbed the knife to defend himself with it, and the blade is dull, so he most likely stabbed someone with it, uh-huh, that is, the killer must have been stabbed early, well, at least a scratch, there’s only blood on the books... what about the rest of the prints? well, not all are identified, but there are prints of at least two unknown people. okay, i understand. borisoch, see you tomorrow. hello. hello.
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in addition to the apartment, he owns two warehouses, we checked them, it ’s just an abandoned hangar, but where is he keeping ksenia, he has no relatives, we are trying to find his acquaintances and acquaintances, an hour ago the profile plan was put into effect in the city, sorry, i don’t know what it is , as soon as he falls into the field of view of any municipal surveillance camera, he will be immediately identified, the whole city is one big trap for him, ah, we are him we'll definitely catch you. it's a matter of time, this is time, ilya , these are minutes, hours and days of my daughter's life , please stop, yes, stop the car, i 'll get out, okay,
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judging by his behavior, he's not himself, i don't know what it is, state of passion or systemic... disorder, i don’t care right now important, but if he calls and says, jump off the bridge, i’ll jump, if he says wave your arms and fly, i’ll fly, and not because i’m so cool, i just have no choice, and you say it’s a matter of time, well, experts, than please, good morning everyone, good morning, good? i don’t even know where to start, start with something? we returned all the fallen books to the shelf and there was a gap of about 15 centimeters. yeah, that is, some books really disappeared, but which ones? well, we are now clarifying, there is one interesting point: per day after his death, sviridov won the book of hours of 1816 at an auction, the auction ended at
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22:00, and 5 minutes later the seller wrote to sviridov that he urgently needed payment. so did sviridov answer? no, and half an hour later the seller wrote to sviridov, maybe i’ll bring the book as usual, and that’s where the correspondence ends. yeah, so it turns out that at 22:05 sferidov was already dead? is it like this? valera and can you find out the details of this seller? of course, here is registration using passport data, now is the moment, irochka, what do you want? not much useful yet anna mikhailovna. sviridov had terrible handwriting; it is very difficult to decipher his current notes, but those that were read were mainly data on auctions. i see, so, here is our salesman, uh-huh, write it down, do you want to ride with me? yeah, just a second, valera, then print out a few of these photos for me, yeah, it will be done, here’s
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kanonenko, semyon petrovich, thank you, i ’ll wait for you in the corridor. yes ok. and in the morning she smiled again in front of her window as always, uh-huh, couples, hello, kanonenko semyon petrovich, he is most obliged, major avdeev, investigator of the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs, we need to ask you a few questions, please, in the office, tea, coffee, no, just in the office, please. semyon petrovich, please tell me, the day before yesterday you put up a book at auction, a book of hours, a book of hours, you put it up, you can’t imagine how it tore me from my heart
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, but the purchase has not been confirmed, apparently, i’ll have to put it up again, what’s the matter, but can we look at the book before, of course , i ask, i hope it’s not stolen, i’ve been using it for about 20 years... you know this, yes, igor, but the purchase i still haven’t confirmed it, honest people don’t do that, for me the damage is small, so he caused irreparable damage to his reputation, but i think now he won’t need his reputation, the fact is that he was killed. lord, how they killed, who? this is what we are trying to find out. semina petrovich, are you familiar with these books? wait,
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some people know each other, this is the gospel, i wanted to buy it from him, but alas, you know, sviridov is a classic gopsek, he buys everything and sells it. extremely rare, yeah, okay, and another question, what is your blood type? first positive, by the way, i am an honorary donor, i consider it my duty to share blood with those who need it, thank you for the information, i’m glad to help, i hope you find the scoundrel who dared to take the life of our friend, we don’t have any data on yegor igorovichev in kaluga i will discover you need to look for george , georgy, yuri and igor, egor can be a derivative of all these names, i heard, yes,
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look for these names, and you also need to establish surveillance of kanonenko’s apartment, if he tries to take something out, detain and check, i understand, well, i need information on to this kanonenko, as usual. everyone recently broke away from something ancient, namely, in sviridov’s catalog there are five books in bronze bindings or with bronze overlays, but they are all in stock, only
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four. incunabula, a book of chronicles from 1493 , by hartmann scheddel, in a unique handmade bronze binding, that’s what it says in the catalogue, we didn’t find it, uh-huh, we checked everything, we’re all crazy, it’s unclear, so enlighten me how incunabula differ from. .. antiquarian books, everything is very simple here: incunables are printed books published before 1501, before that there were manuscripts of everything that was printed after 1500, antique or ancient. so i found a photo of the book of chronicles, and yes, this piece could well have been from this binding. yes. listen, this is the first time i’ve encountered a book as a murder weapon. well, i must say that it’s a book. it’s large and heavy, dimensions 47 x 32 cm and it contains 286 sheets, yes, it’s quite possible to kill something like that, yeah.
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i checked the local telephone number of afanasyev’s workshop, on the evening of the day of the murder at 15:00 they called him, the conversation lasted 15 minutes,
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9:30 yes. another 15 minutes is 9:45, that is, our artist could not get to sviridov’s apartment before 10 o’clock in any case. it turns out that way, it's a shame, he could have made a good prime suspect. yes, anna mikhailovna, andrey, kononenko’s fingerprint was found in sviridov’s apartment, only one, but which one? with traces of sviridov's blood on his hands. i didn’t like this guy right away, yeah, get ready for a search of kanonenko’s apartment, but there is a decree, there will be one.
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andrey petrovich, oops, semyon petrovich, open the safe, please, yes, of course. gentlemen, understand, this is purely for security reasons, the money for the apartment of koplelov’s daughter, the one we are looking for, will not fit there, we need to look for this one in bronze binding, this thickness, we will look, just a second, we haven’t looked at the table yet. gentlemen
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, you are aware that you are invading my personal space, you are barbarians, gentlemen, semyon petrovich, why are you so excited, it’s nothing personal, this is our job, please sit down, this note was lying on top of the other papers , are not similar to these auctions, there is only one letter. it’s very difficult to decipher, i think i succeeded, a group of four digits 4872, the telephone code for the city of tula, the remaining six digits are the city telephone number. installed whose? yes, it belongs to georgy igorevich krinitsky. according to the tula passport office , he was born on may 12, 1984. these numbers are: 12 05 84. wait a minute, if you subtract 9 months,
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you get august 83 083. date of conception? yes, sviridov was interested in this man and his birth. he called him late the evening before his murder. here's the phone company's response, same number. ira, you you take away the bread of the criminal investigation department. well, you 're a great fellow, oh, anna mikhailovna, if only someone other than you had noticed this, oh, andrei petrovich, i'm going, well, come back, so
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we, yes, we'll have a snack. if you have time, i ’ll show you this, come on, come on, yes , well, take the dumplings, you’ll have time to open the dumplings , you can’t even imagine where, here you go, the book of chronicles, please love and favor, kononenko hid it in a very funny way, but more about that later, well, let's... so allow me, gentlemen, here she is, incunabulula, so the place is from... loma coincides, we are looking for her now luminol, ir, be a friend, turn off the light, yeah, oh, if you please see the traces of erased blood,
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and well, that’s it, gentlemen, the killer has been found. thank you, petrovich, yes, michal, something is wrong, we need to check kanonenko’s dna for wounds, and it would also be good to find out why sviridok called a certain korinetsky, kolenitsky, and who else is this? georgy igorevich krinitsky? yes, we believe that this is the same yegor to whom sviridu, according to afanasyev, wanted to bequeath his treasures. what, are you saying that krilicki killed him next? day, what is he idiot, or what? still? borisovich, when will a comparative dna analysis of the blood from the knife be ready? you need to be patient a little. well, here you are, bear with it, but i have something to do.
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erechka, turn on the light, please. so unique that you killed its owner? no, no, no, no, i would never dare, but you dare? you don’t understand, igor was already dead, and i couldn’t resist, i
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actually took away the chronicle book, and also the civil alphabet with nerve teachings, and a study on nadezhdin’s bracket heresy, but i didn’t kill. tell me, please. what happened that evening, consistently and in detail, you know, when sviridov won my book of hours and did not answer the correspondence, i called him, he didn’t answer the phone, then i decided to take the book myself, we live nearby, why such a rush, i already i said , i’m buying an apartment for my daughter, i needed money for a deposit urgently, despicable gold rules the world, and how did you get into the house, i know the code for the intercom, when i approached... i noticed the door was not locked, only closed, i first he knocked delicately and then entered. igor, my friend, you where, why is igor named, me now, now we will, now, now, now, my god,
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my god, the book of chronicles, is it really the same one, basbook. i confess, the demon confused me, otherwise we would have dealt with the demon. what time did you come to sviridam? wait, i think not before eleven. yes. tell me, semyon petrovich, are there any puncture wounds or scratches on your body? wounds? where? don't believe me, i can take my clothes off? no, no, not here in the laboratory. check,
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valera, you’re not too carried away with the sculptures, but i want to check how... it’s applied fatal blow to sviridov. yes. it’s better to do it the old fashioned way, so to speak, using analogue methods, and only then using a computer model. the results of the blood from the knife are ready. i'm reading. with a probability of 95.7%. the dna belongs to close relatives, father and son. i examined your kanonenko. there are no injuries on his body. well, yes. it’s clearly not suitable, excuse me, yes, i’m listening, yes, i’ll be right there, they delivered my messenger.
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well, are you going to tell me everything or everything, everything, i ’m not going to deny anything, i shouldn’t have lost my temper, of course, he got mad at my dad, yes he behaved, to put it mildly, not very well, but you and your father had never met before? i lived without him when i was 5 years old, my mother died, but how did you find out about sviridov? my grandmother told me, she said, she lives in kaluga, she once refused to marry her mother, did not recognize me, then my grandmother got sick, sent me to a boarding school, but when she died, how old were you, 14 years old, the director of the boarding school called sviridov, found him, i thought he would take me, but this was not the case, he flatly refused, okay, excuse me, i don’t want to remember this, so how did you meet sverid?
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what didn’t he tell you? he called me himself, almost at night, asking me to come, as if he wanted to atone for his guilt, at first i hesitated, my wife said: go, father, after all, when did you come to him? i went to coluga after work and arrived late in the evening. in general, egor, tomorrow we’ll go with you to the notary, i’ll issue a note against you. martha turned out to be an ungrateful creature; she didn’t care about her father when she got married. martha - who is this? your sister, the good-for-nothing, got knocked up by a dead child, i don’t want to know her anymore, all he thinks about is how to rob me? wait, how much do you earn? don’t worry, i have my own business, a wife, two children, do you want to see my grandchildren? then you'll show me.
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“so, son, according to my will, i will sign over your apartment and my collection , which is worth a lot of money, and you will pay me alimony every month, for example, alimony, you sent me at least a penny when i was a child, happy birthday to me at least once.” congratulations?" “you know how many years i spent in a boarding school, did you think about me then? yes, your mother, she should have to think when i gave birth to you, when i jumped into the bed of the first man i met, smita, to my mother, oh, that’s right, i didn’t take you from the orphanage then, i knew that you would grow up to be a bandit.
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what a murder, when i left, he was conscious, lying on the floor, swearing at how much light, blood, wiping away snot, but they don’t die from this, but they die from a blow to the temple with the corner of a heavy book bound in bronze, no book, i i didn’t touch one book in his apartment, come on boris, hit him, just as conveniently as possible, just as your hand lays, so hit him, stop, stop, stop, well, it’s not flat, borisoch, you need
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to hit with the angle of the binding, the corner, but for me it’s flat with the support, come on, okay, it’s awkward to hit with the butt, yeah, so let’s see, the angle is not the same, and the depth is less, you need to hit harder, boris, you see, stronger, so, the next victim, the blow from the side did not hit the temple, yes. this is where borisovich needs to be hit, right here, borisovich, without fanaticism, oh, let me try, wow, what a heavy thing, i just can probably drop it, for sure, irochka, smart girl, drop it, come on... height is 45 meters, like sviridov’s, the trajectory is the same,
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let's go. oops, now it looks like it, now it will be possible to make a computer model, i double-checked everything several times, there is only one conclusion, neither krinitsky nor any other person could have inflicted a fatal injury on isviridov, then who killed him, no one. and that in general, dad, i knew that you were a bastard, but if such a hailstone, such a hailstone, my own father, raised his hand, i’ll buy it like that.
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well, how long are you going to lie there like a log? every month his affairs went worse and worse, until finally, 3 months ago , creditors initiated bankruptcy proceedings, all this is a lie, everything was completely different, i believe them, you believe them too, how can you be like that? indifferent, don’t you understand that indifference is worse than a crime, what needs to be done to you so that you can finally feel human pain, be silent, don’t answer, that’s all, lights out, go to bed, it’s already late.
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good evening, igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg, in the news studio, briefly about the main thing. the house burned down, the child died. investigators opened a criminal case into
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the fire in toksovo. new look, smolny announced a competition to update the design of st. petersburg buses. stronger than cancer, seventeen-year-old sasha is fighting cancer, you can help. hundreds of lovebirds remained for the winter in the leningrad region, why this could end badly for them. a terrible tragedy happened at night. toksovo , an eleven-year-old boy died in a fire in his own house. around 2 a.m. the attic caught fire. according to the ministry of emergency situations, this is where the child slept. my parents were on the first floor. the fire cut off their path to the top. a mother tried to save her son using the stairs outside the house. went up to the attic and broke the window. but flames burst out from there. the woman suffered burns.
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investigators worked at the scene all day . the fire completely destroyed the house and a parked car. the boy could not be saved. the dog also died. a criminal case was initiated under part one of article 109 due to death due to negligence, at the moment the investigative committee is conducting an inspection of the scene and will also conduct it to establish all the circumstances of the case. the parents were hospitalized with burns. according to preliminary data, the reasons fire - short circuit of an electrical appliance in the boy's room. there was no fire alarm in the house. the police opened a criminal case into the beating of a man in the elevator of an old high-rise building on okhtinskaya alley in murino. a video of the unequal fight appeared on the internet. in the footage , two men enter the cabin, one of them half naked. first, he explains something expressively, then rushes at his opponent with his fists. beats him until he loses consciousness and drags him out of the elevator. the thirty-six-year-old fighter was quickly detained. police officer the man admitted that the conflict with his neighbor
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occurred against the backdrop of drinking alcohol together. previously, rowdy people had already been prosecuted for drinking alcohol and petty hooliganism. a criminal case was opened under the article battery. the joint project of our television company, one of the largest, continues. charitable organizations of the country rusfond. tv viewers can contribute to raising money for the treatment of seriously ill children; this time, seventeen-year-old sasha artyomov needs help; he has a malignant disease of the lymphatic system. give expensive proton therapy can save a child’s life. victoria golchinskaya will continue. seventeen-year-old sasha takes every step with great difficulty, but he really wants to look at all the plants in the winter garden that resemble the nature of his native one. there, in june last year, sasha was diagnosed with khotshkin's lymphoma. i didn't want to believe
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that my child had cancer. i showed this diagnosis to my husband, he locked himself in the bathroom and screamed for an hour. you see, a husband who served his fatherland all his life and is an absolutely self-possessed person, he screamed when he learned this is our only child. first, sasha developed a tumor; numerous examinations showed that the disease had affected the lymph nodes of the neck, chest and abdominal cavity, as well as the spleen and bone marrow. and according to the results of ptct , radioactive glucose accumulates there, in organs that are affected by cancer. and when we looked at the disk, the photograph, my child was like a starry sky, his whole body was glowing, everyone was amazed. organs. doctors performed jewelry surgery to remove the tumor on her neck. the tumor was located next to the carotid artery, but the tests did not
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end there. sasha underwent six courses of high-dose chemotherapy. the young man's weight increased significantly as a result of hormonal treatment. i felt nauseous, and furthermore, i might have felt nauseous; i couldn’t stand the smells of food well. chemotherapy is the answer, but in order to adequately reduce the risks of relapse for the purpose of consolidation, yes, that is, let’s say, in order to stabilize the effect, it is necessary to conduct a course of protonnotherium on all these areas that were affected earlier. in this situation, the prognosis is good. to overcome the disease, sasha needs 16 sessions of proton therapy. during this procedure, maximum doses of radiation are directed into the tumor cells in a gentle manner, protecting them at the same time. parents need to pay for proton therapy themselves; its
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cost is more than 2.5 million rubles. for a family this amount is unaffordable. if we wait until march for these quotas, then he simply won’t make it, i’ll lose him. he's all i have. the family hopes for help from caring people. sasha is a real hero, he is not going to give up. he supports his mother and makes plans for the future. he will grow up as soon as possible, so that my parents would not worry and would not have to go to the hospital every time, and not only go to the city of st. petersburg in a car, but it would be possible. and also to return home as soon as possible, learn several foreign languages, go
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fishing with my dad, when i finally recover, then my most basic dreams will definitely come true. victoria golchinskaya, yuri moroz and yuri smirnov, lead st. petersburg. to help sasha, you need to send an sms with the word children to number 5542, message cost 75 rubles. the money collected will be used to pay for complex operations and medications, but on the website of our television company and on the website of rusfond you can find out how much money was collected and which of the children they saved the life of. students who are graduates of the stieglitz academy will create interiors for the new generation of st. petersburg buses. an agreement on this was signed by representatives of the university and the passengers autotrans enterprise. now they will hold a competition for the best design. this was stated by governor alexander beglov, who was present at the ceremony. she was held at the base of bus depot number one,
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where an exhibition of rare cars was held. the mayor was shown cars, convertibles, minibuses and military trucks from different eras; their design, the mayor noted, should inspire young professionals. it is very important for us that both production workers and future managers, planners, and designers work together. this is a step towards mutual cooperation in order to create new models, which we are doing today. the best projects will be selected. nominations interior, exterior and driver's workplace. the results of the competition will be announced in may of this year. the winners' works will take their place in the technical specifications for upcoming transport deliveries. alexander beglov inspected new public transport, purchased at the expense of the budget; over the past 2 years, 3,500 buses and more than 500 trams have entered the routes. among them is the davlatov carriage, in the cabin of which there is
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an interactive passenger information system, as well. express bus to pulkovo airport, where a system for printing boarding passes has appeared. we put in public transport reprinter, because today, well, taking into account the fact that everyone has mobile phones, you can register, but if you come to the city, on a business trip or something else, you do not have the opportunity to print out your boarding pass, so as not to stand in line at the airport, you can basically print it out on the bus. petersburg. the transport system is being reformed by the complex, funds have been allocated not only for the purchase of rolling stock, but for the modernization of infrastructure, and the restructuring of all city depots is ahead. at twenty in the third year we made about 70 km of wire, these are wires, pendants, that is, these are such poles, this is quite complex and intensive work, and in the twenty-third we reconstructed 19 substations, we have a total of 86 of them, of course, we are also reconstructing social
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facilities, in particularly for children of employees. for the pupils of the institution, alexander biglov gave an impromptu tour of the new tram. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast, in the studio leonid petrov. the big minus will return, and there will be almost no precipitation. on wednesday in st. petersburg and the region. according to data from the gaters of the center of st. petersburg on january 17. in the leningrad region, cloudy with clearings, in the afternoon the temperature is expected to be about 13° below zero, down to -15 it can get cold in tikhina and baksitogorsk, from 11 to 14°, weather forecasters promise in volkhov, kirisha, gatchina and in vyborg. in st. petersburg in the daytime it will be -12, mostly without precipitation, the sun
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will come out, the blowing will not be strong at all from the southwest. wind, on thursday night in the city it was already down to -15 and also without snowfall. have a nice day mood in any weather. residents of the leningrad region are concerned about the fate of the swans left for the winter; due to strong, prolonged drizzles, parking areas suitable for birds freeze. yulia vasilyeva will continue. at night there was snow again, the ducks were completely covered. now they are real floating snowdrifts. they usually stay in the leningrad region for the winter. hundreds of species of swimming birds, the mallard constantly, but even for her, the most experienced feathered polar explorer, this is not easy. according to observations, there was no winter like now specialists, about 10 years, the frosts are long and severe, of all the known parking places, half froze. vooksa is still flowing, and here 25 swans are trying to survive until spring. at first there was only one family left, but already
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in the fall you can’t fly anywhere, but they are cute. so, little by little, there are already a lot of families here, which is good, but the winters are not like that - if they were so cold, the little ones would all freeze. here is the first whooper swan. an adult female flies in screaming and lands on the water. the first whooper swan arrived, it arrived with sounds, it was clear that the place known to him, that is, with sounds he called others uh. i waited for an answer, but we did not hear an answer. the situation is strange, usually whoopers move in groups, individuals are very vulnerable, but the newcomer immediately became interested in the predator, the crow twitched. grabbed the swan by the tail and, having received a rebuff, flew away, not far away, she will wait for the female to weaken , but this is unlikely, the swan, with all its external grace, is a very strong bird and wintering for this species over the past few years has become
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part of the life strategy, why fly somewhere ? then thousands of kilometers away, if there is food, there is open water, and part of the population adapts and lives, it is not a fragile bird, it can always take care of itself. and getting food, even -45 for a swan is not a problem if there is open water and the opportunity to get food for benthic invertebrates, however, the smaller the hole, the more tense the situation in the flock. in a small polynya , skirmishes between males very often occur, and these can be very bloody skirmishes; they try to grab the base of the wing, where the vessels are concentrated, the most painful places. swimming birds will be held on january 20-21, then it will be known how many white birds winter in the leningrad region. last year there were hundreds of them. if the reservoirs continue to freeze, all the remaining swans will gather in
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one ice hole, a fierce struggle for survival cannot be avoided, but things could be even worse. during several hours of observation , no one joined our female. this may mean that the swans declared the site at vooksa unsuitable. swans have such a long neck. in order to get food in shallow waters and the depth at which they feed, this the depth is exactly equal to the length of their neck. due to the recent abundant melting and due to the fact that the ice that has risen on the laduga interferes with the free flow in the vooks system, the water level in it has risen by more than a meter, and the length of the swan’s neck is now not enough to get food from the bottom. if the situation continues to deteriorate, the birds may have to be helped. cold is not dangerous for them, hunger is fatal. in zoos, swans are fed with special grain mixtures and boiled vegetables; in the most severe cold they try not to disturb them, even for spectacular shots. the less the bird
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moves, the more precious energy it manages to save. after all, she stayed for the winter so she could fly less. yulia vasilyeva, daniil zhironki, dmitry dolgov, alexander gorokhov, lead st. petersburg from the leningrad region. this was the news from st. petersburg, all the best! as a child, talking about the possibility of going into outer space, what scared me most was the thought that if suddenly something was wrong with the spacesuit, i would explode, i want
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to find out if this is so. hello anton, is it enough? forces vacuum and vacuum in the usual sense of this word in space, so that i or a person would explode or boil or somehow quickly and painfully collapse. well the short answer is yes, enough. yes, that is, i would have directly exploded, rather, yes, space, the environment is very rarefied, it is not an absolute void, but still very rarefied, and naturally, if this happens there, a living creature will end up in outer space in such a strong vacuum , even at such fairly low temperatures, then the internal pressure, pressure inside the lungs, yes, it will most likely just turn these lungs outward, there the liquid in your eyes will most likely boil, right? in general, nothing so romantic and good will happen, everything that i imagined as a child will happen, it will happen, in general, well, in general, yes, i understand correctly, the term light year means the distance that light travels in a year, yes , that is, if
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the universe was formed 13 billion years ago, yes, then to determine this, we had to look 13 billion light years from the epicenter of creation, look, there is some subtlety, our universe...
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space, very simple, probably the simplest analogy - imagine a balloon on which you put two dots, just put two dots with a marker, and you start this balloon inflate the ball , and you see that these two points begin to move apart, in fact, from the point of view of each of these points, it is not moving anywhere, it has no speed relative to the ball, but due to the fact that you are stretching the ball , you seem to be inflating it, for these points a new surface, a new space is born. but we are from the sun, the sun is not moving away from us, yes, because we are connected by a strong force, that we are, as it were, on a ball, that is , visually we would probably move away, well, no, the point here is that we are connected by forces gravity with the sun and these gravitational forces, the effect of these gravitational forces is stronger than the effect of this stretching of space, so yes, we are not moving away, and our galaxy is not swelling it either, but individual galaxies are quite moving away from each other, i ask for your patience and forgiveness for stupid questions, but to assume that on earth... we can
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be guided there by conditional perspective, yes, we understand that now i see you of this size, if you move further away, you will be smaller, yes, for example, if assume that two different airplane models would have the same shape, one would be larger, the other smaller , yes, flying at different altitudes, they would seem to us the same size, yes, for example, on the ground we understand that we can emit something that - this is the light or impulse that, reflecting from this object, will return to us.
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or he, for example, is 5 m tall, but at the same time he stands so far away that he seems very small, the probability tends to zero, yes, the same thing works in astrophysics, we have nearby stars, more precisely, when we are talking about measuring distance, a nearby star is a star , let’s say, you can even say so, a nearby star is an object of distance to which we can measure in a direct geometric way, kilometers, that is, we can simply measure in kilometers.
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like, well, there are such cypheid stars, stars type of star deltaciphea , that is, there is a constellation cyphea, there is a star delta , this is its designation, and this star has some physical features, it pulsates, it expands and contracts, and the period of these pulsations is related to how much this star bright, the brighter it is, the slower it expands and contracts; the weaker it shines, the faster it expands and contracts. it
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was necessary to discover such stars, this was done by genreta and levit, also at the beginning of the 20th century, now, if we find such star, pulsation period, which does not depend on distance. we just see that it changes its brightness, we find such a star in another galaxy, we measure the period, we can immediately calculate, by analogy with our stars, we can calculate its luminosity, then its distance, that’s exactly it, that’s exactly it exactly as i am now describing, edwin hubble worked and the distances to the first nearest galaxies were calculated, such as the andromeda nebula, and sitting with you, i understand that i am as if on another planet, i don’t know anything i understand, but i really want to understand, but how to understand? i can’t imagine, maybe you would recommend to us and to our viewers any series of programs, starting from the very basics, yes, no, i honestly tried to tell you how it is, and at the same time in a way that would be understandable, although well, again, yes, these
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are probably some of the magic of modern science, these things are quite standard for professional scientists, i understand that they are unusual for people who are not directly involved in science, in fact there is a lot of things there - you can look and where you can learn some basics of astronomy, but there is some kind of series of programs on all topics, starting there from the earth of the moon to cosmology, how our universe works in a language accessible there to nine, ten, eleventh graders, after all, in the ninth, tenth and eleventh grade are still fresh, the rest of the subjects, and there is some kind of plasticity, probably, of the brain that we absorb more easily, maybe you and i will film a series of programs for adults from already a little. a ossified brain that will help us understand what it’s all up there and how this is happening, that is, astronomy for those who have already graduated from astronomy for adults, why not, you can try, thank you very much, then i will wait from you for the topic of the next program and wait for you in this studio, thank you for the invitation, thank you very much,
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thank you. in our last meeting with olga, i asked her next time, that is, today, to tell us about wintering in the arctic, namely almost at the pole. olga, hello, hello, i once spent a little more than a week in the arctic in a motorhome, not comparable, of course, with you, but there it was it’s -35 there, it’s probably almost summer for you, how... do you girl manage to cope with all this, what’s going on there, it’s -50-70 and yes, and what’s going on there in general, how is it there, i can’t to imagine that it would be twice as difficult as it was for me then, listen, well, in fact, when they say more than 50 -50, the difference is not particularly felt, i
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spent the winter at the bilenshausen station, where there are no such low temperatures, -70 -80 - this... yes it happens 20, somewhere in rare cases it happens 40 at our russian stations, so you arrive for the winter , academician fedorov, who brought you , leaves, the ship leaves, the seasonal staff, who were there in the summer and did their
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kind of scientific work, leaves, and you remain this small closed team in complete autonomy, in complete isolation from the mainland for a whole year, until a new one comes... polar explorers live in the amount of 16 people, whom you yourself did not specifically select, yes, which were given to you by god, then this begins such rubbing with sharp corners, grinding in, it’s a blessing when, at the end of winter, the team emerges as such united comrades, almost like one family, when everyone already knows everything about each other, and in general they are probably even tired to some extent. from each other, but some time will pass, and people will be drawn back, a year without relatives is quite a long time, probably, it is also especially long for those who remain on the mainland here, do everyone have families? very different, very, there are loners, and there are very strong
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family men, i really like the way he talks about this is dima serov, a polar explorer, he is an aerologist by profession and has spent the winter as a boss for many years. stations in antarctica, he has a lot of wintering quarters, when i got attached to him with a question, how is it that your wife lets you go there, that’s how it’s like that there for a year and a half there without each other, so he says: you know... i once i really liked how she told her friends, well, there was some kind of feast and there, too, everyone pestered her with this question, and she said, you know, i knew who i was marrying, this ability to wait, to love , support, as if to understand that this is important to a person, your loved one, dear person, yes this is important, this is his life, and telephone video communication is available, not satellites, here are the usual ones, an ordinary cell phone, but food and water,
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look, within a year you you are in general in an absolutely sterile zone, because there are no bacteria in antarctica, you can get sick, catch a cold there, yes, catch something like... the internet is very well equipped and
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now all stations are connected to the possibility in this photo in general , an operation that took place for the first time in antarctica, how to put it correctly, by straightening bones that had healed incorrectly, that is, a person had a fracture, the bone had healed incorrectly, so he kind of had it, well, they did something like that in antactite. no one did it, these guys were the first to do this, well, i see that this is such an open operation, well, yes, this is directly a polar hospital run by the russian antarctic expedition, which is part of the arctic antarctic scientific research institute, which in turn is part roshydromet, of course, there are polar doctors who are specially trained for antarctica, who are taught to treat teeth, no matter what their profession. as a rule , surgeons and traumatologists go , that is, this is mandatory, an engineer is also required, yes, he
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is also a dentist part-time, that is , in normal times he works with you, if something happens, he goes to the hospital, as a rule , doctors find some extra shifts for themselves, some help for the cook, some help for the des, somewhere else, something else, well, that is, somehow to help themselves still, it’s busy, and the food is brought by academician fedorov, or treshnikov, in general , food comes to the ships. because you find yourself in a tuna where there is no money in circulation, where you have nothing to spend it on,
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because there are no these factors that greatly influence us here on the mainland and somehow motivate our behavior, everything depends very much there from what is inside a person, how kind you are, how much you can forgive some shortcomings, how patient you are, how much sense of humor you have, if, for example, some bad things came to someone there news from... home there, maybe different, you will support or not, you will find some words, you, well, this is important, this is the polar spirit, it lies precisely in what you know how and you want living like this, and romantically, is difficult and even unusual, i never thought about what’s true, because money is not needed there, everything is built on mutual assistance and respect, of course, out of the corner of my eye, unfortunately, i could only look at photographs . which we have on the screen and saw that there is incredible beauty there, natural phenomena, and animals, yeah, you have
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there is probably some archive of the beauties of antarctica that we could talk about, of course, if you don’t mind, i would like to look a little more into the nature of antarctica, what it is like, yes, then next time we’ll talk about it, let’s, thank you very much , see you soon, recently passing a railway crossing along the way from the village where my farm is located, i saw that there was no longer a house in which a certain railway worker sat, who served some section of the track, apparently, but costs a minibus, nearby there is a house built from planks from raft, and there is an antenna made of boards and aluminum cans, and
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a man is on duty there around the clock, and i then realized that a railway worker, apparently like a polar explorer, like... a policeman always in the service, alexey, hello, hello, right do i understand that this is a replacement house, this is, well, in a sense , an analogue of the track lineman’s house, or is it not a lineman at all, a person who stands at the crossing, is on duty, this is one service, these are railway workers, railway workers, and he may also be a lineman at a crossing, perhaps just a lineman, he could, or rather, they don’t exist now, a lineman. or he could simply be a watchman, but one way or another this is the service of the track, this is a whole huge poetic page in the history of railways, as it is sung in dunaevsky’s song , a distant guard at the edge of the track, as before at a siding, you are a lineman, your wide path is distant, you watch like a sentry, yes, indeed, from such a house, well, it’s
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a luxurious house, yes it looks luxurious, but in such a house lived a family, about nine people on... a stretch of 15 km one way, there 15 in another, there is nothing, no housing, nothing , right next to this crossing, probably about five kilometers away, there is a stop where there is one panel two-story house, well, probably with eight or 16 apartments, there is no road to it, yeah, and as i understand it, just such families live there, what else can you do where there is no road, that’s right, only a railroad, only a railroad. the artery of life is not without reason, what is its name? honestly, it’s even scary to talk on camera, but some people close to me know that sometimes i get stuck somehow, i think how nice it would be to be a watchman somewhere in a cabin, somewhere far in the north, to go there for six months and sit, but it seems to me that this is much better, you can bring some benefit, of course, so what kind of benefit did they bring, every shift, and it’s interesting, all the people
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go into the house in a thunderstorm, and the trackman, on the contrary, is on the track, all the people in the heat go into the house, the trackman... with a wrench, with a hammer on his shoulder, so as not to miss not a single crutch, to see if the rail is cracked, such houses stand across every 3.4 km of the way, that is, from balogoy to polotsk there were 290 of them. living houses, but look how, under the tsar, in what architectural quality these houses were built by the architect stanislavsky, an old-time house modeled on the baloga-sedlicz railway, recently a new monument appeared in russia, the layout and design were the same, and it ’s interesting how beautiful it was , how beautiful it was and how amazing it was in the sense that the road was strategic, but
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all the residential properties were commissioned first turn, not military, but residential facilities of the line were commissioned in... not so much, no, no, there are photographs hanging inside, by the way, we also have, the history of the construction of the line, old engineers and so on, this time to on the fifth anniversary , it was decided to open this
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guard house as a gift in the kuzhenkino museum complex near balagoy, they found it in this form, 230 km beyond... 200 km from this place, they dismantled it, it was like this, they dismantled it he, that is, he was not found on the railway, on the railway only for after 200 km, it’s not that someone has already taken him to their village, no, that is, kuzhenkina is located near balogoe, it’s near torobets, so the decision was made, you know, a wonderful master, a wonderful person and railway worker, vyacheslav alexandrovich petrov, head of the rzhev ng, rzhev distance of civil structures, made the absolutely correct decision. it’s better to dismantle it, take the frame apart, make it a museum monument there in kuzhenkino, that’s how it was done, they brought it, you see, an old soup, they started putting windows there. i want it here to say that these are not some restorers, these are russian people, russian guys, craftsmen, carpenters, these left-handers , look, here is a roofer, for example, vadim
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shakhov, i just admire this man, how he covered with roofing iron as a result of this, it was built and reconstructed on an old log house, naturally with new cladding, strictly according to the drawings , this house appeared, when you get there, it feels like... you're flying back, well, 100 years ago, yes, it’s 1904, and you’re flying somewhere into the sky, really, that’s it there is a feeling that there is harmony here , here it is right, this is how we should live correctly, in this regard, the healing edifying meaning of antiquity, in my opinion, is very important for us, i am very glad that we have here in russia such a seemingly small monument, but another tribute, respect to loved ones and the spirit of those distant years of the beginning of the 20th century. well, tell me honestly in confidence, you participated in this process, of course, tell me, if it’s not a secret, how can this be implemented, because it’s probably not
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architectural monuments, they are probably on the balance sheet of the railway, how to spend funds on this, who signs, is there help from above or is it, on the contrary, an idea from below, or is it your initiative, as you know, this is the initiative of enthusiasts, of course, but in general it is a good one freedom, kuzhenkin is purely the people. monument, here people just went not according to the principle of how not to do it, but according to the principle of how to do it, they treated it with love, and where there is love, there is god, everything worked out, somewhere as operating costs, somewhere somehow, that is, they found a way to implement it into life, of course, if it was some kind of restoration office, then it’s unlikely that this house would have been there, all the rest, it’s just that people put their soul into it, understanding the meaning what's happening, what they're doing, thank god, thank god. yes, thank you very much and thank you to those who had a hand in this and whose good will it was. thank you for the opportunity
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to talk about this, we are waiting for you, see you, thank you.
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