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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  January 17, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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the zaks is alone and demands to register his marriage with himself, that’s all, strictly speaking , that’s where it all ends, now this is also within the framework of inclusivity, probably possible, i think that this will soon be fashionable in the west, but what’s the point anyway all these actions, i think that this is not even begging for help from the west, not so much even attracting attention to oneself, but rather an imitation of support from the west for domestic consumption. the throne is shaking, he is increasingly criticized in ukraine, including including, because western aid is cut off , the west has something to do today, so he is engaged in imitation, but no, they support me, there was a conference in davos, the visit of rishi sunak fell into the same pocket and an agreement was signed, a wonderful agreement that ukraine and great britain are powerful allies and will support each other during the war, but... it is not this specific one that is specified,
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the next one, but what will the next war be? it is very likely that the next war will be between great britain and argentina over the falkland and molvina islands , that is, the british fooled zelensky again, now he must carry out mobilization with reserves, he will then have to send more marines to the falklands to fight for his ally, great britain, she loves to fight with the wrong hands, britain is lucky, ukraine will help her . the fleet, wow, that means, well , at least, at least the cannon fodder is ukrainian, so these are all imitation procedures, well, an important point about the main fear of democracy supporters around the world, a possible victory trump in democratic elections, but democracy can suffer as a result of democratic elections. trump is really gaining momentum, what exactly is this? this is essentially an uprising
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of the deep people of america against the deep state, yes, because no dirt sticks to trump, the more they pour on him, the more people are convinced that good boots must be taken, as was said in the famous film, that’s why, but we they shouldn’t relax either, because the deep state won’t give up without a fight, they they most likely understand that the democrats are stuck with their candidate. if it is biden, the probability is already approaching 90% that they will be defeated, but they work within the republican party, and i think that their candidate, the candidate of the deep state , is nicky haley, of course, you need to take a closer look at this lady, she was only recently gaining 3 -4%, now already 19%. she is a career, career representative of the deep state, she was the permanent representative of the united states to the united nations. she was
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the governor of south carolina, look what she speaks about the war in ukraine, she speaks in such a way that excuse me, biden and his administration will seem like plush toys, we have to fight, we have to invest money, this is a rare opportunity to fight with someone else’s hands, a tough consistent position, another symptom of what’s inside the republican party , on which, so to speak, someone is pinning their hopes.
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wants ukraine to change its strategy in the fight against the russian army, from attack to defense. jake salevan will convey the corresponding statement from his boss, president joe biden zelensky, on the sidelines of the world economic forum in davos. zelensky understands. the point of such a decision , although he would not like to hear it or talk about it publicly: the ukrainian counteroffensive had failed, the russians were too well dug in, and the ukrainians had lost too many soldiers and used up too much ammunition, especially for air defense against the relentless russian missile attacks. attack is always more difficult than defense, but for ukraine now this cannot be the case speech. in the event of a ceasefire, russia will take advantage of the pause to rearm and resupply in order to later resume a full-scale attack on ukrainian society. therefore zelensky. should tell sullivan to respond biden remind the us congress that ukraine can only conduct an adequate defense if the us and its allies ensure that it has all the necessary capabilities. the most shocking thing here is how strong the west has already betrayed kiev, so zelensky must whisper to salivana what both already know. of course we will stop
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chasing our western abrams, leopard and challenger tanks through a well-mined mud trench while the russians attack us with drones. instead, we will try to hold on to what we still have. as for ukraine, at least this year there can be no optimism, only strongholds of courage. of course, interesting processes are taking place against the backdrop of elections with the united states. they tripled their purchases of russian oil. they are buying russian oil through the roof. that is, they themselves set the maximum price and are now buying our oil is above the ceiling. they tripled their purchases of uranium from russia. more than a billion dollars worth of uranium has recently been purchased, that is, our trade, which was barely alive even before the svo, is now experiencing, excuse me, i’ll use this term, a renaissance, during
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a brutal, commercial, hybrid and real war on the battlefield . please, to be honest, i don’t really understand where people like this come from in our society. hopes for donald trump, look, we have some kind of love for donald trump, we saw donald trump as president for 4 years, what good did we get from donald trump, sanctions, and in one package for the first time we were named with iran and north korea, a strike on syria, were they really sanctions, well, look at the current sanctions, who were the flowers, so what’s the difference and that there were sanctions under obama, what what's there?
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jointly ukraine-nato. who were they teaching against then? well, clearly, not against romania and not against hungary, they were directed against russia. now, in my opinion, recent events have shown another interesting trend, they have demonstrated what they agreed on merkel and obama, just 10 years ago in
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1914. remember, on the eve of maidan there was a munich conference, and there both obama and merkel said germany should become. sometimes the eastern european flank of nato. what we see today: practicing exercises for the deployment of german troops to the baltic states. there are already voices in poland about the possibility of deploying german troops. slovakia and romania are considering the possibility of transferring german troops. that is, in exchange for a conflict with russia, they were given the opportunity to restore their traditional sphere of influence in the eastern europe. it turns out a new layout. strength, look, it is very similar to the one that was on the eve of the second world war, thirty -seven-thirty-nine, who were the main partners of the third reich against us, the baltic countries, poland, then in thirty-nine they already quarreled, hungary
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and romania, then, in the soviet union, we expected a slightly different scenario, the great patriotic war, that it would begin as a coalition conflict in germany along with these. small states, yes, let me also remind you about finland and sweden, the northern flank, on su, after this, let someone say that geopolitics is not a science, yes, how clearly and accurately it reproduces... the situation that was in the late thirties, essentially in this direction, that is, i am talking about the fact that germany receives the right to restore their sphere of influence in eastern europe, this is what this will lead to, this is more interesting, let me remind you that all these countries took territories from germany after the second world war and evicted 12-15 million germans. i’m sure the germans will remember them as soon as they station their troops there. there, i hope, russia only will not run again to save these
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west slavic countries under their cries that we are brothers who need to be saved, to save such , in the sense of joining, no, from the germans, such brothers are a rescuer, but how do we save again, only in an embrace, but given poland received four german provinces and gave them the so-called czechoslovakia, and all were former german provinces.
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on rtr: the most cruel aristocrat in
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history, i am the power here, i am the power, the bloody master and other historians. ical series, we watch only on the platform, we see how many in total there are 16 animals in your family , why stop, you offered a goat first, a goose, there were ducks, ducklings, bendyuks, he ’s not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog, leva, well, i beg you, leva, if you were a person , among friends, a program for
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the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, everything, everything, come on, come on, save your strength, everything will be fine, this is our new obstetrician-gynecologist, ulitina kira vladimirovna, and this guy of yours is cool, he’s generally what is he like, and sergei nikolaevich, oh, he’s a star, i feel so bad without you, and you and i will get married, and damn, i forgot, you have a pregnant wife, what are we going to do? well, that’s it, robin, rest assured, i won’t just leave this, you’ll both regret it, but do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail? doctor snail on saturday at rta, happy birthday to you
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fear, valentina telechkina, frankly about the secret, in kindergarten i sang a chestushka, and i’m small, neat, and of course there was applause, that’s how it is for me... with black pankratov, with zaradik nakhopetov, not a single novel, or rather one, who is here for a long 50 years, here he is my golden one, the kingdom of heaven is my huge loss, i’m not leaving yet, i still talk to him all the time, it’s difficult, so i’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate
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of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. we watch movies and tv series, watch opera, watch ballet, watch theater , watch concerts and festivals, watch competitions and master classes, watch films about history and art, watch educational lectures, watch science programs, watch interviews and talk shows, watch news , russia culture on platform, we look, the voting results in new regions of russia could not be falsified, unlike the results of the elections in the united states, where they voted by mail,
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he only said that putin, if they are trying to impose on us from over the hill, as they say... sing democracy, nothing will work out for them, well, idiots - this is about the ukrainian authorities, who agreed to fight and then banned negotiations, i want to express my gratitude to you, to all the people who live in these border areas, for their courage, unity, we will do everything, to support them, what -
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to the squares, what military sense is there in this, none, zero, and why are they doing this? there is an answer, and the first thing is to show your people their sponsors, who provide money for weapons and ammunition, to show that they are able to respond to russia’s actions when russia... in order to solve one of the main tasks of the demilitarization of ukraine, carries out targeted strikes on the military infrastructure and enterprises of the military-industrial complex throughout the entire depth of ukrainian territory, high-precision and long-range weapons actions, so they are trying to show that they , too, can do something, but instead of
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solving military problems, they act in such a barbaric way. the signature is there, we have the document , they just told us, we need to give some kind of sign , that russia really intends to resolve these issues, peacefully, we need to withdraw the troops from kiev, they did,
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a day later they threw all the agreements in the trash , they have now said publicly, including the head of this very... and the negotiating group, and he, by the way, the head of the ruling party in parliament, in the rada, said, yes, we were ready, we missed it, because the then british prime minister arrived, mr. johnson persuaded us not to implement these agreements, well, idiots, no, and to speak directly, well, if, then, we would have gone for it, everything was already finished a long time ago, a year and a half ago. well, this is just to once again emphasize that they are not independent people, this is clear to everyone, this is obvious to the whole world. igor yuryevich, turn the delivery into neki. such an extended version ramshtein at zelensky, his team didn’t work out, but there were still hopes, what did we see in davos, some gatherings, zelensky,
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with a puffy face with the expression of a beaten dog, tried to smile, joke , the american curators were sitting opposite, well, they also giggled, but there was no special joy in general, we couldn’t read it on their faces, so it was an absolutely dead-end, unsuccessful event, which never became a gathering point, consolidation of the forces opposing russia, we talked and went our separate ways until the next meeting, a failure.
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risks are growing for us, obviously increasing the activity of the russian armed forces in launching missile attacks on key defense and military infrastructure facilities in ukraine is also a conscious course that we will implement in order to reduce the terrorist threat from ukraine for our territories, our cities, our citizens. now what about the united states of america. indeed, i share the point of view that was voiced here, it was voiced by the respected deputy isaev, that for donald trump the risks are objectively growing, and
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the risks are not just political competition, because that he is gaining momentum, he is spinning up the flywheel of his election campaign and as soon as his risks, the risks for the democrats. these chances will be as great as possible, yes , perhaps an attempt will be made, such forces in the united states to become a real republican candidate, there is, to physically eliminate donald trump, in order to prevent his physical participation in the presidential elections. in the usa there is a practice of political assassinations, we remember the kennedy brothers, one of them was a senator, the second president. it has never been revealed who financed, stood by and implemented such political assassinations, therefore, purely objectively, for us it’s either a bind or trump,
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but trump needs to strengthen his physical security, it is clear that the former us president is guarded by secret service agents, but nevertheless, given the risks for him, a politician needs to be multiplied for this strengthen the question. security, because its liquidation, further opposition to the democratic candidate, niki halley, behind her is the american military-industrial complex, boeing, race, and what we call the deep state, the cia, the nsa very influential clans, including texas oil producers, who are betting on nicky halley as a war candidate. it is a candidate for world war iii under the flag of the united states of america. and the question is very serious. and of course, we see that the instability that the united
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states of america generates, today a responsible state is beginning to respond with direct missile strikes on american proxies. in this regard, i want to say that the attack, the missile strike on the anti-iranian forces, behind which israel and the united states stand, were digging. v iraq, this decision was made by the supreme leader of iran and the aerospace forces of the islamic revolutionary guard corps carried out a targeted, high-precision and effective strike, at a distance of more than a thousand km, of course, in general, i want to say that iran is demonstrating, well, simply the colossal capabilities of its military industry, for this is a very important partner for us, primarily in the field of economic interaction; it is a key element of the north-south corridor. which is critically important for the russian economy, in this regard, strengthening the entire spectrum russian-iranian ties, including in the field of military-technical cooperation,
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