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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  January 17, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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thinking states begin to respond with direct missile attacks on american proxies. in this regard, i want to say that an attack, a missile strike on the anti-iran forces, behind which is israel and the united states, were delving into iraq. this decision was made by the supreme leader of iran and the aerospace forces of the islamic revolutionary guard corps carried out a targeted, highly accurate and effective strike. more at a distance. of course, in general, i want to say that iran is demonstrating, well , simply the colossal capabilities of its military industry, for us this is very important a partner, primarily in the field of economic interaction, is a key element of the north-south corridor, which is critically important for the russian economy, in this regard , strengthening the entire range of russian-iranian ties, including in the field of military-technical cooperation, which is absolutely legal and not susceptible. sanctions
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by the un security council, this is also a conscious choice. and, of course, the visit, today’s visit, the minister of foreign affairs of north korea meeting with senior officials of the russian federation, we are wonderful we understand that we need new military and geopolitical alliances to contain global evil, so those countries that were previously called outcasts today form the vanguard of those. aggressive forces in the world that oppose american hegemony, especially since the hegemon is decrepit, it becomes dangerous for itself, the story of the us secretary of defense, lloyd austin, is a clear demonstration of this. we'll be back in a minute, here's the employment agreement, all you have to do is sign it, you're angry, angry, angry.
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more seriously, you sit and think here don’t think about it, that’s all here , to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just take a look, let's go.
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this is for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen , just a minute, we have a big day today, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, daring, white, well, you know, for every tough fighter there’s an even cooler one will find, they fell in love. who is good for you,
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your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, reppin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we watch . we stand up for what we have, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. what can you say about the tank, white tiger?
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mom says: eat away your mind. this world is worth it to see him. snake charmers are the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. russia has always defended its interests, and our country will defend them now, putin said. the president said that in the special operation zone, our military has the initiative. the residents of ukraine were simply brainwashed, although no one has ever encroached on their independence.
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putin described the results of the counter-offensive of the armed forces of ukraine as a complete and absolute failure. one of the main problems of strikes of this kind, this.
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but the initiative is completely in the hands of the russian armed forces, if this continues, ukrainian statehood may be dealt an irreparable, very serious blow, but this is their area of ​​​​responsibility, this will then be the result of their policy and their rule. said that among those who left russia, more and more people want to return to their homeland for various reasons, in particular, the president explained this by the fact that it is difficult for people with traditional values ​​to live in the west, where instead the values ​​are inclusive and tolerant for girls and
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boys, shared toilets. in addition, putin emphasized that the new regions are an integral part of russia , it was impossible to rig elections there, because unlike the united states, where... since in the united states the previous elections were rigged through voting by mail, well, it is clear that voting by mail, they bought
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ballots for 10 dollars, entered them in without any, without any, without any supervision from the observers there. threw in mailboxes are all there, but it’s impossible to force people to come, you can’t force them to drop off automatic machines, if people didn’t want to, they simply wouldn’t come to the polling stations at all.
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it’s tiring, the guys can’t do it anymore, it ’s raining, then mud, then snow, add to this the losses. losses are much more important, especially against the background of the constant pressure of russian soldiers. in this footage, russian units are destroying ukrainian fortifications in the vicinity of donetsk, and the bmp crew is moving into position with targeted fire. shoots the enemy opornik, and this is combat the work of the kuban artillerymen under the marina,
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the calculation of the howitzer with an accurate hit, destroys the temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces. the russians have weapons, and we will now look at an example, this is exactly it, it is called tornado s, and it is one of the best rocket launchers in russia. it's actually a multiple launch rocket system, as we see, that can fire multiple missiles at once, but the russians switched theirs. attention to the launch of individual very valuable guided missiles. they are guided by the russian satellite system and can attack the desired coordinates with an accuracy of up to a meter. ukrainian militants publish footage showing the main military tank of the american army, the abrams, which washington handed over to kiev in the amount of 31 pieces, never appeared at the front. drivers and mechanics for american tanks will now be sought at the labor exchange. vacancies will appear on the website of employment centers, the ukrainian ministry of defense reported. with help.
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because what is at stake for ukraine is the existence of this nation, the existence of this country. commander of the ground forces ukraine stated that the ukrainian armed forces, which is now in active defense. may still surprise you. our goals remain unchanged: holding our positions, exhausting the enemy,” said syrsky. ukrainian troops are conducting small counterattacks, which the commander called active defense. they keep the enemy on their toes, looking for opportunities to strike, but fighting on both sides is still on a smaller scale to conserve ammunition and men. russia has also probably learned to contain its losses, syrsky said. zelensky too
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trying its best to surprise today. as politikov writes, the latest attempts to return attention to the country, the ukrainian president speaks at the world argumentative forum in the swiss capital of bernie, the government board was received modestly without a red carpet of a guard of honor, near zelensky’s ramp they were greeted by two flower beds filled with black flowers. the only person from the country's leadership who attended the official handshake ceremony was the head of the swiss foreign ministry, cassis. the further route took place on military helicopters, which, in terms of the number of passengers more reminiscent. zelensky will speak at the annual world economic forum in davos to try to return western attention to his country, and a visit to switzerland could be his last chance. the ukrainian conflict has recently received little interest in western countries, and financial and military assistance to kiev has become increasingly uncertain as the fighting has continued for almost 2 years. previously, the elites
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in the west received zelensky as a dear guest, but now the president of ukraine you have to make an effort. to avoid being just another onlooker at their party? should russia be involved in the summit? what matters most is that regarding the list of countries, we are open to everyone, to all countries of the world that respect our sovereignty and territorial integrity, so draw your own conclusions about who we invite. the main achievement of the meeting of national security officials from 83 states, who, the day before the opening of the preparatory forum, studied the so-called formula. zelensky became a group photo with a lot of participants from a larger number of countries, mockingly - writes fiinnancial times. the white house wants ukraine to change its strategy in the fight against the russian army, moving from attack to defense. jake sullivan will convey the corresponding message from his boss, president joe biden, to zelensky on the sidelines of the world economic forum in davos. zelensky understands the meaning of such
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a decision, although he would not like to hear it or talk about it publicly, so he must tell tsallivan. so that he would respond to biden and remind the us congress that ukraine can conduct an adequate defense only if the us and its allies ensure that it has all the necessary means. zelensky should also tell tsallivan that kiev will stop driving western tanks through well -mined trenches, since there is no point in this. well, putin has just commented on what is happening in the baltic states, the local russophobic authorities are simply throwing russian people outside the cordon. recently. directly affects the security of russia, the president also said about the long-suffering relocants, they are now returning home, 40%, according to the economist, he is already back in moscow.
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the reasons are very different for everyone, but for many, those with traditional views. as a result, it is difficult not to get confused in the toilets, more and more people want to return to their homeland from those who left, it is difficult to raise, raise children in the conditions that are being created in some western countries today, well, excuse me, common toilets for boys and girls, something else, but it has become, it has already become such an everyday, ordinary thing and... those who once left for various reasons, they are already many are returning or are thinking of returning, it is very difficult to live in such conditions for people with traditional, normal human values, but we will do everything to preserve them, to preserve this
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cultural code of the peoples of our country, in general, of course, this is very an interesting topic about... vacancies, putin was asked about this, of course, not by chance, stories of those who left and those who returned often arise, the reasons, as the president said, are really very different, but among the reasons it is very very common such that we have more freedom here for entrepreneurs, less regulation, less taxes, it is much easier to register your business, communication is much easier... with an official, in this sense, they felt it, they left, they plunged into all this bureaucracy, into all these tax rates are 30 plus percent, and many... come back? vitaly toich? well, on the one hand, this is so, it’s just that western civilization, what they used to call
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the west, in all its forms, both institutionally and in essence, is rapidly moving not towards decline, towards its disappearance, and russian civilization, as almost everyone now admits, but... as much as putin has already said here , there are few people who look at it differently, the russian civilization of the state is on the rise, but this happens historically, i always said that for about 70, 75 years - this is the development of such large state or international formations, further dying in connection with which the soviet union is cut off. year of his life disappeared, the european union will also disappear soon, so this is all normal, but this does not mean that we no longer have any shortcomings there
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left, our bureaucracy is so wonderful, the officials just, well, you ’re not exaggerating, they adore, i’m quoting the host of the 60 minutes program, you said, zhen, that our officials once said among the reasons, they name. with the coverage of our elections in the same detail as the american presidential elections, and i understand that we have much less intrigue, since there really is no competitor to putin, and there this intrigue remains, but i would still like more attention to this, and by the way.. .take some time, let's talk, yes, i will, well, now i will only pay attention in the sense that there is some other candidate who has not yet
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been officially approved as candidates, but there is some strange lady whose participation, if, god forbid, she is approved as a candidate , other than trivializing these elections, it won’t give any other effect, here we are in a free country. there is no need to confuse freedom with endless vulgarity, you yourself are against communal toilets, this is also freedom, and uh, so, it can vulgarize, which actually she makes her presence, and this is not pluralism - by the way, it has nothing to do with politics, but this is such a detail, i mean, these are american.
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a world war is a clash in a large theater of military operations, at a minimum it must be a continent and the corresponding maritime waters must fight with each other. powers not a great power alone destroys, good or bad , some small but great powers the first world war, the napoleonic campaign, many believe this is exactly what the second world war was like kilometers, 1500 km, vitali toevich, it’s not enough for you right now, our great power russia is at war with another, well, decaying, but america,
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well... well, you can adhere to this opinion, i explain what a world war is, definition, and this is always in conflict, great powers are always in a competitive struggle with each other, including armed and peripheral, but we in the soviet union did not call it a struggle with the anglo-saxon world in the usa. which was in africa, was in latin america, was in asia, we don’t they called it the third world war , they still called it the cold war, it’s not just that people are already used to it, we are living in the conditions of the third world war, they probably also supplied long-range missiles and tens of hundreds of tanks to africa, while there are no great world powers yet, plus in the data conditions, this of course also presupposes
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a nuclear outcome. he has a phrase - a game, a small phrase sometimes plays a decisive role in the long term, he said that it’s like they’re sending russians, russian-speaking people out of bounds in the baltic states, this affects our security our safety, something in this spirit , indeed, in my opinion,
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before the break you rightly said that what we saved from was world shame, but now they are not afraid of this shame, it is their valor, these baltic states in their current form, they were all allies of hitler, in the forties, when they became part of the soviet union, they ceased to be so, so this is all well known, and the fact that germany is supposedly given this for.. well, we still need to see, it seems that germany is so weakened, geopolitically, economically, now that they gave it to the farmer, you can go , but there is no doubt, especially in latvia, where the largest percentage of the russian population and russian speakers in estonia are afraid, and for this they asked even before the twenty-third year,
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before twenty-second year. these nato troops asked for on their territory, they are afraid of an uprising of russian people there, and the local russian population behaves rather passively, but let us remember in 2007 this whole story with the brodzov soldiers, how fiercely the local ruling elite destroyed this resistance around this statue of a soviet soldier on the grave actually.
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now they will say, we said that russia, now ukraine, will then attack the baltic states, we predicted so, you involuntarily quote bilt, who refused to comment on peskov, it is written there that... that immediately after the victory in ukraine putin will achieve an uprising russians in the baltics, take over the baltics and annul nato. and then world war iii, i apologize in advance. has always been a tabloid newspaper, the main tabloid newspaper in germany, this does not mean that there is a tabloid newspaper or there will be a russian uprising, this does not mean that sometimes they say the right things there, so now i will not lead there.
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the death of our outstanding actor is not reported by the western press, but we report on awards, death, divorce and god knows what else, it’s all overcrowded, and also... are they still running ? are russian films still running in america? are american films running now? go we were forbidden to show them not to you you in the sense of your kanaluvich of russia within
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sanctions, well, hollywood heard they came out well, okay, besides your button there are still many buttons on we don’t know any other buttons so we are on...
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but i don’t know why you don’t want to understand what i’m talking about, this concerns education, culture , once again, i said somewhere recently , low culture now determines the state of minds, alas, this is all gone, it
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’s behind us, mass culture, but mass culture, you will also say that on russian tv channels, in music competitions not in english, there are no songs sung in english. this was also banned in english vitali totali toch, on saturday i went with my child to the cinema to see the bremen town musicians, there were a dozen trailers before the show, that’s all.
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these words are parasites, which i don’t
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like so much, especially when i hear from young people, like from students, well, people who receive higher education, that’s how it is instead of that, now i don’t even remember this word, rafal kringe, no no , it is russians that are precisely russians with russian roots, expressions that are popular in the modern environment and are used for this. you see, when in this studio
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there was condemnation of the behavior of the people there, and some in this studio, standing here, by the way, at that moment, said that there was something wrong there, i also wanted to ban everything, and then it turned out that the authorities they showed solidarity with my opinion, they banned something, one after another after these bans, they say no one banned anything, people. many people realized and apologized today, now there are all sorts of emeralds in different places in turtlenecks, some black, some gray, they came out in front of the stealers and began to talk the right words, how much without swearing, without swearing , which they usually express in dinner life on stage, and you say, bans don’t give anything, there wasn’t a ban, they give for a rapper in a sock , so he realized everything, what? that the drum did not sit down, he left the day before, and in the spring
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, as part of the conscription, he will go to the army, vitaly toevich, such a person has a lot of sweat, this is just 25, it came to us from the west, because beautiful bodies, naked bodies are beautiful and young - these are beautiful, but there is no need to display them in every yard, there is one of them claims that they are not beautiful, not young, old, old and obese. that’s right, that’s why i say, if only there were beautiful ones, the complaints are not in this, but what is the introduction, and not in a timely manner, i think in ukraine in a timely manner, so, the whole strength of everything that happened, jokes aside, of course, was not timely , some are dying in the trenches, while others are now and for some other reason without a coward, in short, the meaning, our strength, in many ways, it lay precisely in the fact that... as if the closure did not happen, but happened accordingly as would switch, that is, there is china,
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for example, they also speak english with him, so the same fixies were sold right there, the sudoska itself, if you want to create your own masculine, yes create it, now all the conditions for this have been created, subsidize, the cinemas are all physically located in russian culture, that is , as if they were trying to push it through there, that is, stimulate it, that is, in fact , the meaning of the ban is of course very interesting, very promising, as if, well, what to do in china, it stimulates exports cultural increase by 5.2%, like today. he banned everything, but at first , let’s say, he initially didn’t have permission, he gradually allowed it, in this, in this sense, we have liberal laws, i’m not afraid of this, glory, compared to china for sure, but not everyone comes to live in china.
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laws restrictive actions on the internet are not related to what you say there, they are related to where you can access what resources, this is a question, respectively , of a political, legal component, i am trying to prove that when i say, accordingly, about the fact that there is a correspondingly stricter internet
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, accordingly the rules for not connecting, this is due to technological features, there is no need to argue, the question is different, that what is happening now, how it would be possible to do now, make some kind of force, create .
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you have to somehow learn from this, so what ’s the special meaning? first, why the american system, why everything that happens in the usa is of course important, because everything there is turned to the internal component, including, as it were, in relation to ukraine, in as for taiwan, everything that concerns the middle east, it all develops into an internal component, what you need to know from all this is, accordingly, february 24, this is new hampshire, and therefore a special operation,
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and if trump becomes, most likely, after south carolina, he will become, as it were, the main candidate, and will finally be nominated for super tuesdays, respectively, then in this case the likelihood that the ukrainian agenda will go off the track and the likelihood of concluding an agreement on financing is considered extremely insignificant, unlikely, let’s formulate it this way from the point of view, accordingly, simply a forecast component, so from this point of view, by this time the track associated with iran will be exacerbated, absolutely , this is already happening, we now see what is happening, this is it will naturally lead to an aggravation of the situation with china, that is, other tracks will arise, because all the players who are regionally located there will simply try to cross biden, they will...
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i remind you, now they will come up with a new disease for us, we must definitely get it, they will give us a vaccine, we will begin to distinguish ourselves with them, for the russians they will delay these vaccines, and we will invent our own, we have already invented ours, so now we need theirs accordingly modernize slightly, if we are going to talk about something, that is, the same goes for health, the biggest problem is communication with marking, which is now very important, now due to the fact that there is an overlap of the same red seas there are all passages there by a scoop of the fleet, this is one of the few companies that goes back and forth, there too... as if some features are contained, but it is the only job, why is this important, now the total has banned passages, the total is the largest by the way , before this mizui, this is a japanese company, now the cost of insurance, insurance is calculated from the cost. the average cost of a gas carrier is 20 million dollars, the cost of the vessel, 1% is 2 million just for
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passing through the red sea, this is 10% if 20 million, then 1% is 2 million 200.000, if 20 million 200 million, 200 million, crazy money, 200, in short 200 million, one, that is, these are only large amounts. the highest military rate, by the way, at one time there were no such rates there in the same black sea, what’s this all for? moreover, this is already having a very serious impact on the cost of passage of all goods that pass through there, and this has not yet begun, the most dangerous part of this process, which can develop very seriously, is connected specifically with the part that concerns the involvement of iran, but there is still no third world war, our dmitry melnikov is in direct communication, show us dima. it’s cold, dima, there’s advertising now, just a second and we’ll be right back, mosfilm,
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the main film studios in russia are celebrating their anniversary. andrei konchalovsky , svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev
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, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, look carefully, look, agreement sign, we sign for two, three at the same time, we sign, we look, we look, maybe we can go to me?
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just watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour of all the liberated territories, what impression is happening, russia is coming. and the city lives, boris kobchevnikov’s program life and fate from monday to friday on rtr, there is no life, you need to go to the capital, it’s at the mine seems to have rushed, as if in a mine, misha is in the mine , we look at the weekend, you are gathered far away, we are going to moscow, val, and you, burning bridges behind you, other people’s houses? and someone else’s life, but your own didn’t work out, i so want to look back, i look at my eyes and i can’t believe
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it, are you back at all? i don’t know, i was looking for a new life, some kind of happiness and found nothing, happiness turns out to be waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness, on sunday on rt. even on weekends we don’t part with our loved ones, the hero of our favorite tv series sklepotovsky is our guest, i love all of you, understand? this is not your wife, it looks like this one was kissing.
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further, but not orekhova, this, this is iowa , the numbers don’t bother you, no, yes, hello , colleagues, if we count, of course, these severe siberian frosts that gripped the midwest due to russian interference in the american elections, then this interference is complete in fact, these were the frostiest and coldest primaries in the history of iowa, but last night, despite this, was
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really hot. yesterday we were able to visit several election areas. here in the city of dumaen, this is the capital of the state of iowa, all the residents, without exception , with whom we spoke, with whom we managed to communicate, were going to vote for trump, in fact, that’s what happened, the caucuses themselves, as they are called, this is a republican primary, this is such a meeting of like-minded people in a narrow circle, a discussion of candidates, after which the voting itself takes place, it takes place in different ways, some vote traditionally with ballots and ballot boxes, others simply write the names of candidates on pieces of paper, but actually taking into account... the fact that the result was known in advance, the very fact of coming in such weather, and it was 7 pm, there was a snowstorm, in fact, can already be considered a civil feat, as for the results, then, if not surprises, then remarkable factors two, of course, this is donald trump's record 51%, a crushing victory, trump took iowa, beating his contenders by almost more than two, twice the second remarkable
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fact was, of course. ron disantes' place, even the day before nicky haley was tipped for second place in the republican race, but just a few hours before the vote everything changed by 2%, desantis beat haley, now she, nevertheless, she remains in the race, ahead of her is a nusher, who, it is believed, can give her revenge in which everything it’s not so clear with trump, since democratic voters can also vote there, and haley has been active in recent days. in their field, as for the fourth candidate vivika ramaswamy, who scored a little more than 7%, he announced yesterday that he was withdrawing from election race, will support trump, for which he received , of course, great gratitude from him, in fact, throughout the entire election campaign he was called the second trump, since all his rhetoric, including international, actually echoed trump, now vivica ramos is more you
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no, three main candidates, well, the map shows how the votes were distributed. 98 out of nine, 99 counties are trump counties, only one county won by niki haley, such a blue spot on the red trump map of iowa. next prime marries in january on the 22nd-23rd, in fact, they will become, if not decisive, then more likely to fix the order, the state of affairs that has formed now, but the record trump percentage that he received can, in principle, be named. the beginning of trump’s return to the white house, we will watch how it goes further , since we remember that he still has trials, that is, the battle will have to be fought on two fronts at once, but we saw that biden has already congratulated trump on his victory, because, of course , not to pay attention to such a convincing crushing result, white the house simply couldn’t, colleagues, thank you very much, our dmitry melnikov from aeva,
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such an american backwoods town, the town of demoy. they remember iowa for only two reasons: about the caucuses, these prime ministers who are starting the election campaign, about khrushchev’s visit to the farmer gerst, corn, when there’s corn, please, in general, as we understand, everything is fine in the war, yes , and it’s a pity what a rhyme could have turned out, but let’s go back to europe, to zelensky, events are developing there, zelensky a lot today said. of course, as usual , he vilified our president, but also presented what he calls a formula for peace, although there is nothing about peace there, well, everyone understands this perfectly well, what he discussed, but the main thing here is not even what zelensky said , because of course there are people who believe in aliens, there are those who believe there are more than a hundred genders, and there are those who believe in some kind of subjectivity of zelensky, what is important here is that how many yes they said 83,
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if not i’m mistaken, the states that supported what zelensky said, and these are the ones, that is, this... means that these people are not for peace in ukraine, because i doubt, i am sure that all these 83 states that supported zelensky to one degree or another, they think in categories, to save ukraine, yes, or save... they only took a photo, this does not mean that they supported, there is no photo of zelensky himself, which is noteworthy, he has not arrived at this moment, well, maybe they haven’t wandered yet or they didn’t put on the blouse there that he needed for a selfie, so they don’t think in those categories in order to save ukraine, they don’t think in just one category, that is to cause damage to russia, here is the nato general secretary today, as he said, and the fact that we, as he says, are helping ukraine, is not charity, it is an investment in ours, in theirs, as he said without...
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today on rtr, and soon we’ll be watching new episodes. skrif, i can’t live without you. the floor is shaking,
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the walls are shaking, big changes have come. in the new season, with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, from this room, absolutely without faces, we make three different functional areas. ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling there will be a lot it’s clear, and dreams become reality, look. let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, there is no family in russia
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where its hero is not remembered to be, and the eyes are young. the soldiers from the faded photographs look this look is like the highest court for the guys. that now they are growing up and the boys cannot lie or deceive, turn the bottom of the road, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovoy, the legendary, favorite film of the officers, on sunday on rtr. we gathered
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about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes grandma, herself hungry, but she brings this whore to the shelter, she says...
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from monday to thursday on rtr. unusual shots, the head of the ministry of finance anton silanov, who, as you know, is interested in motorcycles and spearfishing, after participating in the finance day at the russian exhibition, decided to take a break from work issues at the vdnkh skating rink. silanov took to the ice with olympic champions victoria senitsina and nikita katsalapov and showed that he stands confidently on skates, just as the russian financial system holds up. at the end of this day we are ready to go out on the ice here, unfortunately, there are no hockey rinks, we actually have a hockey team, today we looked at the issues of financial culture, financial culture is no less important than physical education, so combinations. that's it,
11:00 am
really cool shots, news, look, bye, all the best, thank you very much, the news is going on air on the russian tv channel, i greet you, i'm maria sittel. hello. nato armored vehicles, warehouses and control centers for ukrainian drones. work on enemy targets in reporting from the nwo zone. rosavtodor recommends refraining from trips along the belarus, don and m12 east highways. hundreds of cars spent last night in the snow.


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