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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  January 17, 2024 11:30am-2:00pm MSK

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year, only 5% of all government services were available electronically, today this digital maturity is 74%, last year 100% were transferred online, that is, all planned services of socially significant services were transferred, and it costs increased by at least two times, already amounted to 540 billion rubles. tonight after the big news, watch the continuation of the de... news is following the development of major events in russia abroad, stay tuned. a new line for the production of stainless steel pipes was launched in the volgograd region. now the volzhsky plant is the leader in the production of such a product. this project will fully
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meet the needs of the russian energy, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries. with details asya kostyuchenko. as experts say, the life of a pipe begins with the blank. at the new site, the products undergo final finishing. this is where the products are packaged and prepared for shipment. this section is fully automated, the equipment is new, modern, including the installation of an automatic one. specialists can see what kind of workpiece the products are made from made and passed tests at all stages of production. at the exit, the pipe is obtained, well, in general , it will be completely examined from all sides, it should be noted that for each pipe, a passport is essentially created in the system, allowing the customer to see the quality. pipes are guaranteed in
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the pipe rolling shop, not only modern equipment, but also the design of the premises, a new production site, a technological art space, more than 100 colors were used in its design, different shades of steel in the process of its production and processing. modern architectural solutions were applied to the outside of the workshop. attention is drawn to the graphic designs on the facades and the new entrance gates for freight transport in the form of pipes. the neglected area for finishing stainless pipes is already the second stage. headquarters investment project, the area for acceptance and preparation of workpieces was previously modernized. it should be noted that we completed this line as part of a large investment program that is being carried out by tmk in agreement with our region, with administration of the region, to increase the volume of products, special types of rolled metal. launching something new. site will improve
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production efficiency, order fulfillment times will be reduced due to a closed cycle, continuously cast billets will be used as raw materials, and they will be produced here at the enterprise. a large-scale event for the entire industrial complex of the russian federation. on the territory of the volgograd region we can already say with confidence that a modern production of pipes for the energy industry has been created. for enterprise energy sector, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical industries. based on the results of implementation, we plan to reach 55,000 tons of pipe production made from alloy steels and low-life steels, which will fully meet the needs of russian industry. we become the main, major player in the territory. in the russian
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federation, in addition, we have good potential for exporting our products beyond its borders. the head of the region andrey bocherov emphasized that the modernized site is important attract young people for early career guidance and industrial tourism. all necessary conditions have been created for this. for the region's metallurgists, the launch of a new site is a strong start to 2024. industrialists have big plans this year. the implementation of serious investment projects at various sites will continue. and... in russia , the coming year has been declared the year of the family , the large proshkin family from novosibirsk calls it theirs, 20 children are growing up there, 14 of them are adopted, now they are preparing together for the final of the competition, this is our family, secret evgenia goloverda recognized the friendly atmosphere in the house, i sing the first verse alone, and now you all sing together, now yes... all
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together, all the other verses are also all together, the verses are quieter, chorus, family gatherings in the kitchen at the common table for the proshkin family the usual thing, every evening they play board games, watch movies... topics that, probably, maybe even without leaving the kitchen, we talked about seriously , not all married couples are ready to talk, the fact that children come from different families , they are not from the same family, and naturally, there are injuries, there are
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and some very experiences, not very good, yes, let’s say, to put it mildly, and this all needs to be explained to each other in some way, because for some it is acceptable, for... to forgive, forget grievances, just love , each of them is observed, many children have chosen a family to always be honest, to thank each other, the proshkins, being already in their teens, today call their adoptive parents mommy dad, like relatives, how do you like your adoptive mother, i first came out like that, looked at her, so on the second day i i went to meet her in korona already, great, she is very good , not all the guys are at the common table today, many are in training, proshkina boldly calls her family sports, they even opened a gym in the village, there are masters of sports among the children international class in powerlifting
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, girls have a different favorite activity, they volunteer, help in charity events , someone takes their studies seriously, i want either the it field or without... computer science, not bad, but what are you doing for this, already a computer now soon i will start all sorts of things restore programs, slowly learn programming languages, but i’m already starting , i have two books, in the evening, when everyone returns from training, lessons, extra classes, the family will gather at one table again, finish learning the song, cook dinner together, this, by the way, is also one of the tasks of the competition , thousands of families from all regions of russia participate in it. the winners will receive certificates for improving their living conditions and travel, but the main reward for all participants, without exception, is a united, happy family. set my sun down on me. evgenia goloverda,
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evgeniy, host novosibirs. children of the taimir reindeer and... are returning to their desks, young northerners spent the winter holidays with their parents in the vastness of the tundra, from there they are taken to boarding schools in small groups by helicopter, only about 200 children are to be delivered to dudinka, report by anastasia blednogoya. this is the first group of children returning from the new year holidays; the staff of the dudinsk boarding school greets the little tundra dwellers in the waiting room. general medical examination - mandatory procedure before check-in. we need to make sure that the children are in good health. when children arrive, we examine them for their skin, for pediculosis, and we measure the height and weight of the children, and their health status, the children come from home, they are all
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clean, healthy, there are no viral diseases. the guys spent about a month in the tundra, looking rested, although they did not sit idly at home. unlike city children, indigenous northerners have little. years of working equally with adults, first they got up in the morning, they helped my mother, they let me go in the evening, they came they cleaned up there, i cut wood for my mother , my dad and i went fishing, i helped him, i carried his yamaha, i put fish nets, now caring for the children falls on the shoulders of the teachers, they literally replace the family, fedosia fedoseeva works with the kids 20 years old, she herself comes from the khatan tundra, was brought up in a boarding school, she knows from her own experience how difficult it is to experience separation. with her parents, the kids are like family to her. kids are always, of course, separated from their parents, at first it’s very difficult for them to adapt, we show more attention to each child. this is what my school uniform looks like. dima and gena
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lampai are twins, study in the fourth grade, spend most of the year in a boarding school, and enjoy going to classes. when we study, we have locopedists, these psychologists' classes go well. there you can prepare five meals a day for the children of tundra dwellers; the state also provides all necessary hygiene products, clothing, office supplies, and textbooks. today there are 192 children living in the dudinsky boarding school, in taimyr as a whole there are about 600. anastasia blindonog, oleg armash, vesti krasnoyarsk izdudinki. preparations for the feast of the epiphany are being completed in moscow. in the capital region, over 200 swimming holes were installed on the night of january 19. within the city , there are baths in almost all districts of large parks, such as sokolnik, izmailovo, fili, mitina, northern tushino, pokrovsky streshnevo. each point will be equipped with everything necessary, wooden flooring, handrails. for descent and ascent, changing rooms, heating and food points.
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an ice temple is being built in the kurgan region lake epiphany ablutions will take place inside. report by daria khaidukova. every saturday and sunday, georgy terentyevich helps the priest at the altar in the church. today i am still preparing for a spiritual feat. epiphany ablutions are ahead; a resident of chista-azerye has not missed them for the last 15 years. sins are not washed away, but grace is felt. for example, gentlemen, i’ve been praying for a week, probably for a whole week, asking that everything be fine, that everything be fine, preparation for baptism is not only spiritual, ice blocks are being sawed local builders collect , brick by brick, no matter the frost, no matter the wind, the temple will still be built, you take it, punch it harder so that the seam is saturated, it is strong, they say there are about 2 thousand ice bricks here, of course, no one counted for sure, this year font... they are making the main event of the baptism holiday in a new place on the lake. exactly at midnight, entering
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the water is the culmination of epiphany night. the tradition of chisto-azersky swimming is 20 years old this year. we started with an ordinary ice-hole, then made a swimming pool on lake martynovo, here’s a new one page. now this road leads to the ice temple, and, as the orthodox believe, to purification. local authorities made a font for everyone in 2004, not only the idea. supported , but also improved, from the very next year we began to bring an ordinary heated vehicle, where there was a potbelly stove, a stove, and make it out of ice, so gradually it was made of ice, so that nothing would interfere from above, it would not blow from the side, it turned into an ice temple, we are installing electricity, and installing a bathhouse, changing rooms for men, for women, from neighboring districts and regions, coming
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to chestozero for baptism has become a tradition for hundreds of believers; guests are expected at the local church, long before midnight. the lord says: where two or three are gathered in my name, there i am in the midst of them. in our beautiful village there will be a huge holiday, the black coffee group will perform, and the doros ensemble will also perform, then we will serve a festive service at...
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instead of a sofa and a tv series with their favorite delicacies, more than 200 blagoveshchensk residents chose exercises on the amur embankment, exercises will help you warm up before the march on foot, we start from the amphitheater to the lighthouse, the approximate length of our route is 2 km, future rivermen, from their youth, when they achieved success at the gto festivals. took second place at the gto. oh, what did we do, did we do push-ups, did pull-ups, we swam, we played volleyball, we ran the distance. patriotic songs and chants add 10 points to a good mood. victoria badieva is joking. she took her grandson arthur to the walking festival. this is good for health. what, fresh air, movement, positive emotions,
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necessarily, charge, vivacity, energy, walks in the cold are recommended by doctors, they help fight headaches and strengthen the heart. walking has a hardening effect on the body - doctors say, that is, it increases immunity, and walking also helps strengthen the muscle frame, and even helps to lose extra pounds. to prevent your teeth from chattering from the cold, you need to... move more, assure elizaveta medvedeva. she has been involved in figure skating for 5 years and spends all year round on the ice, in his free time he likes to walk with friends, including along the embankment in winter. at first it was cold, while we walked with... we immediately warmed up. emotions? the emotions were good, i liked everything. this is the second time that the walking festival has been held on both banks of the amur. those who did not have time to join those marching along the embankment of the border river in blagovishchensk are expected next year. maria gumleva and sergey petkov, vesti amur region. you're looking at
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100 to one. what is our task? we’ll manage to open it, if you ask, it’s a bulge, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i’m chopping oak, not, plucking, problems , with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for headaches, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr. there’s no life,
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you need to go to the capital, it seems like it’s rushed, misha is at the coalface, look at the weekend, you ’re far away, we’re going to moscow, and you’re burning behind you bridges, other people’s houses, someone else’s life, but your own life didn’t work out, so you want to look back. i don’t know, i was looking for a new life, some kind of happiness, and found nothing, happiness, it turns out, is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness on sunday on rtr,
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we will leave it aside. "we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, our every word is a step towards victory, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, here is the labor agreement, all that remains to be signed here, you are angry, angry, angry with yourself what before didn’t let you go, she helped, you are a strong woman, you managed to get rid of olennikov, everything is very, very bad, the matter is whitewashed, you’re not tired of running back and forth, you’re tired, well, stay, in case you change your mind, sklifosofsky, today on rtr, everyone since i’m crying, it’s very hard
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to remember, i went into my house, sat down on the floor, i said... well, here the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided out of spite there will be a wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon their own, from monday to thursday on rtr. new air routes have opened from kemerovo to mineral waters, via samara and ufa. for passengers it is faster and cheaper, with details. ilya voronin. mineral waters samara and kemerovo - the route of the new flight of the azimut company. after 7 hours of flight, the iron bird arrives at leonov airport. the flight went well, there was a good wind, we arrived 30 minutes ahead of schedule, at an altitude of 3.00 m. we finally saw the lights of your city. this is a very beautiful sight. i even took a photo. in
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at the airport of the capital kusbass, the azimuth company for the first time. there will be new flights to mineral waters on russian planes via samara and ufa. eat every week, for us it’s actually some kind of christmas miracle that such a flight was opened, we are very happy and happy, we always traveled 3 days to samara by car or by train, it’s very difficult, especially with children, so it’s very cool, that now there is such a flight, it’s cheaper than even a train, so we’re very surprised, it’s just some kind of huge gift, free tickets with an open date, another surprise, went to the first passenger and the winner of the lottery, flew to visit his mother, was on vacation, not even...
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kazakhstan to yakutia on a moped. travel blogger evgeniy beskaravayny went on such a long journey to pursue his dream: to see the northern lights. vitaly prokopyev met with the brave extreme sports enthusiast. looking at this guy, many will say how boring my life is. evgeniy beskaravayny, a traveler from kazakhstan among bikers, known as john the dust of the road, came to yakutia from almaty on a moped. here so, on a chinese scooter, evgeniy...
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from there he headed to yakutia, real tundra, beauty, simply indescribable, there is no one, i ’m the only one drinking, thousands of kilometers along the way, the landscapes change like pictures of a kaleidoscope, now , after a month and a half, desperate john reached the heart of the coldest region of the country. a friend met him in yakutsk, provided him with blood and a garage for a scooter, and the traveler brought his hardware. horse in order and warmed up himself, he says that he will never forget this race, this summer an idea came to me, just with browsing the internet, i saw the northern lights
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and decided to go and see them live , that is, the whole trip began precisely with this idea, it was already a good frost, i just caught it near yakutsk, that is, it’s already closer, so to speak, to laziness itself, to the river , so to speak, because there the whole route goes away from the river, the closer we got, the colder it seemed to be, as if the last temperature that we recorded before breaking the thermometer was -55. evgeniy knew where the transport was going , prepared it in advance, installed studded tires from an ak car, insulated the steering wheel and engine , took cans of gasoline with me , we met pyotr makarov in kazakhstan, he helped the biker plan a route around yakutia, he says: petrukha, come, well, there you are, our fellow countryman will go to you, i say, it’s good when he’s driving, i thought, well, maybe he’ll come with me now, he’s like this in winter, i’m like wow in winter on a moped, well, he can do it with us, he suggested where and how to get through, especially in... in yakutia, where cafes, gas stations, because well, we shared 100 km, something like this happened, and the person was not particularly was freezing, but the traveler’s main goal
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has not yet been achieved; now he has to get to peace and travel beyond the arctic circle. john, the dust of the roads has rested and sets out on the road again to fulfill his dream and see the northern lights with his own eyes. vitaly prokopyev soskalan kopyrin, news of yakutia. what are the main messages for this hour? i’m maria sittal, thank you for your attention, all the best and see you, even on weekends we don’t part with our loved ones, our guests are your favorite characters from the skrefosovsky series, i wake up like gogol in to the coffin, where am i? we were filming on the beach when we were hit by a stone. olya, smile, you like it very much, hello andrey,
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andrey malakhov’s evening show, on saturday on rtr. oh, everyone is in one carriage, great, don’t push it, it ’s saturday, since our women have gone to bed, let’s not waste time, that’s the point. you won’t get bored on vacation with such colleagues , polina and i are happy to host you here in our primary home, a romantic date, i beg you, don’t move, we’ll fall, i ’m afraid of heights, i’ll run to the embankment there and back, okay, i have there's a meeting there, and in more detail, what we will do, we leave as we leave, take it and carry it, sea, sun, sklifosovsky, on saturday. on rtr,
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there was no sadness. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face that forgives everything, they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, clack-clack. the secret of dreams! how did you agree to this? we first shoved in a red snake, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in circle of friends, among friends, program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. there is no such family in russia. wherever one’s hero
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is remembered and the eyes of young soldiers from photographs of faded ones look at this look like the highest court for the children who are growing up now, and the boys cannot, neither lie nor deceive, turn to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovoy, legendary, favorite film officers, on sunday on rtr, in the depths of your heart
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there is purity like... a baby, the frequency is in some hertz, silence, even if you don’t breathe, we are leaving defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of their hearts and to the depths of their souls. hello, this is our program. went to the front, taking with him his favorite accordion. he not only defended his homeland himself with arms in hand, but also raised the morale of his comrades. in this village the lights are not extinguished, you are vnetov’s prophecy, gently decorated with bright stars, earthy but.
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summer will come, it will become warm, now it’s winter, sonny, here’s seryozha, we lost you, son, seryozha was kind, sympathetic, the same ordinary guy, like everyone else village, we have a sea of ​​such boys. the village of urluk, trans-baikal territory, here sergei igumnov was born and raised, like all boys, he loved sports, not a day without training, sergei built this sports ground with his father, here he trained when he came on vacation, the kids even came to him, they come here to the fish tank and shout, seryoga, father is looking out the window, seryoga, come to you, friends have come, he didn’t refuse, he found it for him.
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all the people pulled up and listened, in february 2023 the mother hugged her son for the last time, to return home, sergei was no longer destined to, the last time there was a connection, as soon as he called, i noticed that seryozhe ’s eyes went out, went out, i no longer saw life in them, they were burning all the time, his eyes were so mischievous , cheerful, then the look went out.
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on october 11, sergei died, a posthumous fighter, and was awarded the order of courage. hello, in our studio. today is the mother of the deceased soldier sergei igumny, irina. irina, please accept our condolences, we, we know that he passed away very recently in a very short time passed, we're sorry for inviting you, thank you very much for your response, because, of course, we want to tell people about it. blessed memory, sergei, blessed memory, as you found out. that he was gone, and his death, they called me on the phone from our village, completely left-wing people, they said, we heard that seryozha was killed, i withstood the first blow, as if i was sewing in
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my heart, how come, why didn’t we we know, i hung up, after a while i called seryozhin from a friend of mine, they were together. called, but i felt that this man’s voice is completely different, if i knew that he was ringing the bell, well, he talks so cheerfully, says hello, finds out how things are going with my father, then i realized with some feeling that it was as if he was testing the situation, whether we know or not , we talked everything , you didn’t ask him, we dad just... said, like, we heard this news, they told us: don’t believe it, it’s not true, that ’s how it went on, this waiting, almost 4 days, when there was no official confirmation, we lived simply in guesses,
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torment, we believed, we didn’t believe, which, well, this it was hell, it was just hell, all these sensations, and then dad was on shift , his daughter called him, because sasha had already been told for sure that there was no earring, then they came from the village council and officially brought us a funeral, gave it to my father, and in the meantime , i was fighting in the brigade, and called that there had been some slander, that seryozha, no, i’m a mother, i need...
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you to see her, i didn’t want to ignore her, but apparently everything is coming, we need it, as they say, all with our own to see and accept with your eyes, irina, when was the last time you saw seryozha, the last time we saw seryozha 21 february, he looked so sadly, he looked at me, smiled, waved his hand, and i saw him, the last time was february 21, i didn’t see him again, there was a connection with him, yes, periodically he contacted me via video, after to complete tasks, they went out, guys , rested, somewhere they made contact, somewhere
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they went out via video, talked, mostly wrote messages, your heart ached because of him, and you know, not that even your heart ached. our whole house was probably sick, the whole house was just sick, we all felt that something was happening, something it’s not good, there was some kind of premonition, yes , there was a premonition, firstly, there were a lot of crows in the yard, they just filled the whole yard, they sat right on all the poles, well, i’ll go out into the street, but we don’t have anything like that anywhere. only, i say, if, well, something is wrong , the dog was going crazy, she was chasing these crows day and night, some kind of cloud, it’s just that the cloud settled in, it’s just that everything was so pressing,
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i didn’t want to go into the house, i gave up, i wasn’t in the mood for anything, i didn’t even go to work, i just didn’t feel like it i wanted to go there, i didn’t want to, my dad and i felt that... something was going on, something was coming, so trouble came, but when you contacted seryozha, you pretended that everything was fine, yes, but i tried to hear him. i listened to every word as he spoke , he didn’t tell us much, he never complained, never , everything was always fine with him, the main thing is, take care of yourself, mom, take care of yourself, he always wrote in sms messages, well, if he called on video, then we stayed longer we talked a little, if the first wave, when he left, he wrote, i told you i promise, mom, i... i’ll be back, i promise, i said that i’ll be back, i’ll be back, and you
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know, he kept his promise, he returned , though wounded, but he’s alive, the second time he wrote to me, i tell him, son, come back soon, dad and i are waiting for you, we are all waiting for you, we miss you, he just wrote, god willing, we’ll see each other, it seems to me that he even felt that he was leaving, irina, judging by the plot, which we saw, seryozha was...
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a book about small arms, some kind
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of wall book, something caught fire, boy, okay, son, let's write it out for you a book, it was expensive for the money, well, he also collected scrap metal , he paid for this book himself, he didn’t even ask us for a penny, he was used to achieving everything himself, that’s the kind of guy he was, let’s see how wonderful he was guy, how great was he at playing the harmonica? all thoughts, storms of wind are behind us, well
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, hello, mom, my beloved, my beauty, this song, he came from a business trip from the crimea and brought me this song, he composed it himself, yes, this song, yes, he himself composed it for you, yes she dedicated to you, yeah. and he started composing songs early, by the way, you know, at first he didn’t open up that he was writing songs, but you just didn’t know, yes, but he was already writing, yes, he was already doing this, at what age he was, well, probably since the seventh grade, uh-huh, uh-huh, and then how was he, he just needed advice, he needed someone to appreciate him, it doesn’t work out for him, this is important, yes, and the first time he came up to me, mom, read the stickers, you... will like it, i didn’t say it was his, no, i didn’t say it, i didn’t say it right away, but
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sometimes i used to feel, well , it happens, well, somehow it doesn’t work, yes, somewhere the rhyme doesn’t match, then i say, seryozha, it’s not you by chance, but he’ll be shy, leave, but no, what are you, what, no, you have one law there, well, i mean, i’ll say, well, it’s okay, seryozha, it’s fine, but where did you get them, the guy gave them to me, i liked them, the guy gave them to me. yes, and then after lent, and then i got older, mom, look how much you liked it, for example, for example, about this song, when he sang it, i say, more play it, it just somehow immediately sunk into my soul, as if it were dear, the song worked out, i say, play it again, he played it, and then he says: you know, mom, i composed it for you, i say, you himself, he says , yes himself, yeah, you’re great, then in the next song he consulted with me all the time, and how
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did you find out that he was going to the zone from his own, and we didn’t know anything, he just said that we were we're leaving for training. we no one knew that they were leaving somewhere, at what point did you find out from march 8th it was, that’s how started, he had no contact, anywhere, before that he wrote a text message: “mom, i ’m leaving contact, i may be gone for a long time, so he was not in contact, and then when we saw all these events on tv , then we already understood everything, yes we understood where he is, yes, i then tell my father, well , it’s impossible. so that the earring wouldn’t congratulate me on march 8, well, this can’t happen, since, well, don’t worry, you’ll definitely call, then i see the call, it’s someone else’s number, i don’t pick up, it rings again, i don’t pick up again, he writes a text message: “mom, pick up the phone, it’s me, i picked up the phone
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, literally 3 seconds, because the guys were passing this phone to each other, they each needed to call home quickly, mom is alive, you’re fine, don’t worry about you, happy march 8, and i even said i couldn’t say anything, my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth, i couldn’t even say a word , then dad picked up the phone and said that dad, we’re here, don’t worry, everything will be fine, i’ll come back alive, as usual, that’s what i said when he returned, he was wounded, it was in august, at the end, at the end of august, right? also did not tell us in any way that he’s wounded, he called, i can feel it in his voice , he’s talking awkwardly, uh-huh, i say, seryozha , something’s wrong, it’s not okay, something’s wrong with you, why are you talking like that, nothing, everything’s fine, i ’ll call you back later, just on he’ll call for a minute, then later he’ll call again, i
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see, well, that’s not the way to talk to a man, seryozha, what is it, but i have a toothache, i’m here at the base, oh well, the tooth hurts again then that’s it... communications, he was operated on, how many times his jaw was knocked out, then he called, said that he was wounded, and did not even say where he was is because he knew we could come and he didn't want to. everything is fine, don’t worry, but as i found out, i’m subscribed to a group where we send parcels to the guys, send money, it says that they were admitted to the hospital on the list, i read seryozha among the last name, i dial him,
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i say, seryozha, you in a hospital in sevastopol, what are you saying, who told you a lie, i took him a screenshot from... yeah, mom, you can’t hide from you, that’s what he said, yeah, that’s how they found out, he was treated for a long time, then he went to september, his transferred to novorossiysk, in novorossiysk he underwent further treatment, he lost so much weight , he lost as much weight as he could, so the guy... we have such a big guy, he was completely withered, he had two wounds, his leg , his jaw, we have a video of how he came home , let's see this , yes, yeah, we never knew when he would come home, he never said that
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he had set a date, that i would come the day after tomorrow, it was always a surprise for us, they were big pleasant surprises, here he has... there is a song about mom, there are two more turn signal, and i’ll say hello, that’s it, look now, two turn signals, back and forth, here he is, here are two turn signals and he’s home, he came back all the time with a huge bouquet of flowers, all the time so handsome, stately , happy, and all the time it’s this process when they meet him, but we’re not expecting it, really, that’s it, that right now the moment is such a surprise. he comes, he really liked this, he was captivated, when he returned home, he arrived then changed after being wounded, oh, of course. again, he came as a surprise, dad was on shift, and i was giving way to my grandson, dad calls and says,
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open the gate, i’m on my way home from work, i say, you’re on shift, come out, open the gate, but i still can’t give way to my grandson, so i have to get up, go out, but i think i’ll show you now from work, you’ve arrived, you know, i go out into the yard, go out the gate, seryozha is standing, there’s a basket of roses, my father is standing, and the earring is standing, he also had tires, i grabbed it like that, but it’s not there, it’s not dry enough, oh, i’m telling you now, you know, i just want to cry, i just want to burst into tears, i went home, sasha was still at home, my sister, but we don’t know how to meet him, where, in what corner to put him. “we were so happy, we didn’t even understand that the earring was on the doorstep, especially since he came from there when it was peacetime, somehow
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there were no such experiences, well, he’ll go on a business trip, come, yes, that’s where the joy comes from there was no such thing, you see, some kind of sadness took over, so he sat down, looked around like that, even some of his eyes were so aloof, he said, you know, mom, here. i say, now i’ve even arrived, it feels like i’m even unaccustomed to the fact that i once lived here, it’s as if there really was such a thing, yes, he’s changed, and he was talking something about oh, about how there he talked with his father, but he tried not to let me in on these things, with my father, he didn’t tell you, yes, yes, he never said anything unnecessary, he told his father, but they didn’t tell me, i’m very... so i'm worried about all this. let's see how his sister sasha remembers sergei. he always protected me, starting
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from school, when we studied, for example, on the first floor, when i was younger, we couldn’t go up to the third floor, because there were high school students. seryozha was already a high school student, and he constantly came down from the third floor to find out how i was doing, no one offended me. in general, seryozha, a reliable strong shoulder, of course. seryozha was imbued with energy here, which allowed him not to come home for a long time, when he comes here, it was this place that, perhaps, somehow nourished him, or something, maybe even his heart was always here, in our studio sister of sergei and sasha, hello, alexander, hello, sasha, hello, as you remember, always when we talk about seryozha, i have everything. yes, a smile, because he is an unrealistic positive person, and i’ll tell you a story now, i finished the eleventh
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grade and went to ulanuda to enroll . at that time, seryozha already lived in ulanu, worked, and that means i really wanted to enroll in music education, well to become a teacher, but i didn’t know how to play an instrument, unlike... my brother and he’s such a bully, you can’t, you can’t come with me we came to enroll in this music institution, the head of the department accepted us, she saw it like that, i come in, that means i’m little , my tall brother comes in with an accordion, uh-huh, and of course my head of the department immediately thought that he was applying, he yes... when he stretched out this accordion, i sang the song, at some point she even forgot that
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it was me who was doing the act, she fell so much in love with my brother and even, well, yes, yes, sasha, you act like that, and you, sergey, can maybe you will come to us too, that’s what sunk into my soul, because seryozha, he’s talented... you ’re a talented person in everything, this is exactly about seryozha, when he knew how to get into people’s souls, yes, you got in, yes, i got in, when i was throughout this entire study, 4 years of study , the department always asked me: well, sasha, haven’t you changed your mind, brother, we are waiting for him, even when i studied for four years at a music school, i had an instrument... an accordion and it gave me it was so difficult, i, well, i only learned notes, and seryozha
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, he could hear without notes, and i, and i need notes learn. so i’m playing these sanati minuets, i can’t do it, seryozhik malaya, he called me malaya, yeah, give me the accordion, he took the accordion and he played a million scarlet dews for me, he just took the accordion and performed a million alekhros rumor, yes rumor, and i here it’s every note of dorym and asida ’s beans, well, he’s such an original person, i even asked him for advice later, there’s even something i don’t understand at school, i come, seryozha’s just hearing helps me, he is such a little man, he supported, supported in my life in general, he simply supported me tremendously when i finished 11th grade, and i left for ulanuda and seryozha said: “mom, dad, don’t worry, my sister is on me, under
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my control, everything, under my control, under my wing - everything , nothing is required from you, my sister is with me, this is the strength that he gave me, this is this support, yes, this is support, i immediately took off, let’s say i have wings, because seryozha is behind me, and what regarding any general problems that arose there, i directly addressed my brother, because i knew that seryozha, he will solve everything, well, we are parents as much as possible... we tried to protect from everything that there were some, if some moments happened in life, we tried to decide among ourselves, we have such a brother and sister , for example, what moment did seryozha help you decide about something that you couldn’t tell your mom and dad? and you know, um, he still very much forbade me to go somewhere, well, he controlled, controlled, it was dangerous,
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and - when i had a city day in our vulanud and i really wanted to go to the fireworks, i was 20 years old then , come on an adult, well, yes, why not go, and i wanted to ask my mother for permission, how is he like no, you won’t go, yes you won’t go, i ’m like yes, i say, why am i like i’m 20 years old, i well, why don't i go to the fireworks? it’s very dangerous in the city, at that time he worked in a security agency, and he knew all these details, he knew the dangers, accordingly, but he took such care of me when i turned to my mother, so to speak, from hiding it from him, which my mother of course allowed me to do, but why not, but sasha didn’t to go, in the end i went to the fireworks show,
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seryozha called, and he was on a business trip in the crimea. i was alone there in wulanud, he found out how, i don’t know, i don’t know, maybe someone, maybe somehow he has some guys, i don’t know, so he calls me, why, where you went, you know that it’s dangerous there, why are you letting me worry about you now, i’m not around, just like that, i say, my mother allowed me, in short, i held it in my mittens. in the end i called my father, he says, i’m calling my father, cool, yes, in the end, of course, i came home, i couldn’t wait , i couldn’t wait, so i returned home, well, it was impossible for him, more importantly, it was impossible to disobey him, because he was very like that, sasha , it was insulting, honestly, well, at that time, of course
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i it’s a shame, now i’m all, well, you told him then, well, yes, of course. of course, how did you react? well, how he scolded me, he is like that, he scolded me very much, taught, instructed, protected it all, well, now , of course, we have very much lost him as our protection, support, so of course i was not i’m ready to become the eldest, yes, let’s put it this way, because i knew that i had a brother who i would call at any moment and would solve everything. as if i know that i need to be strong for the sake of mommy and daddy and for the sake of my family, for the sake of stinky, i wasn’t ready, of course, because he couldn’t be prepared for this, yes, because he always
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protected me as much as possible, further in... in the program, the mother and sister of the deceased hero sergei igumny will meet his colleague vyacheslav kolochkov. i didn’t let you go, i couldn’t, you are strong woman, you managed to get rid of the deer , everything is very, very bad, they opened a case , you’re not tired of running back and forth, you’re tired
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, well, stay, in case you change your mind , skleposovsky, today on rtr, and soon we’ll watch new episodes, pol, no start with the war, i ask you, we just returned, my... lives such changes are coming, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could become a sportsman or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, tightening we can, taster, i like to eat a lot always or a rescuer, but he is a doctor that
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everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to turn to... specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr. what can you say about the tank, white tiger? this is the white devil for you, not kobanovsky. the germans have the only one like him. it has no crew. they say something like that.
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nazarov on friday on rtr. mosfilm. the main film studios of russia are celebrating their anniversary. andrei konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev, ivan bessonov, oleg basilashvili, svetlana nemolyaeva. stanislav lyubshin, sergey shakurov, fyodor dobronravov, irina kubchenko , alexander zatsepin, alexey rybnikov, sergey bezrukov, alexey kravchenko, nikita kologi
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, irina pegova, pavel derevyanka, pelogeya, dima bilan, sergey mazaev, ildar abdrazakov, yuri bashmet and the state. love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, takes it out, look, look,
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sign the agreement, we sign at the same time on 1 2 3 , subscribe, look, look, maybe let's go to my place and just watch a movie. earlier in the program, sergei igumny’s mother told how the family learned about the death of their son, my dad and i felt that something was happening, something was coming. when trouble came, the sister of the deceased hero shared how she had to cope with the loss of her older brother. of course, i was not ready to become the eldest, let’s put it this way, because i knew that i had a brother who i would call at any moment and would decide everything. we would like to introduce you to sergei’s colleague, who was with him in the last battle, vyacheslav klachkov. vyacheslav. come in,
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please, hello, hello, vyacheslav , hello, hello, hello, vyacheslav, you were wounded in the same battle in which sergei died, we are two days later, and you witnessed how seryozha left? well, not a direct witness, we arrived after the battle, that is , half the group was in battle, half the group was on cover, and after the battle we arrived, we have two 200, initially we didn’t know who, they already told us that it was seryoga. and
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andryukh, the two of them died, that is, in the battle itself we were not right next to each other, do you remember your recent conversations with seryozha, your meeting with him, yes, of course, what he talked about, seryozha talked about a lot of things, he was the kindest person we had in the group, well, that is , starting from the fact that he overpowered the whole group constantly, i remembered my mother and sister, and constantly said that in...
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as soon as we saw each other, we probably went out, we lived two months apart from each other in different bungalows, that is, if i met him on the street, he immediately began to sing to me , yes, by the way, there really was always an accordion with him, yes, he was right next to her, she was next to her, yes, and what songs he played, what songs he sang, a lot, a lot, and we already composed them ourselves, sang along, it lifted our spirits, yes, very much, it saved us to some extent. very strongly, but there was no such thing, seryoga, well, shut up already, no, i bothered him more than anyone, on the contrary, play, yes, play, he no longer went out into the street when he saw me, yes, yes, just seriously, he says glory, that 's it, leave me alone, because, what, what, what, what, what were your favorites, a lonely branch of lilac, but it was he who performed it strongly, a birth branch of lilac, here’s one in one, yes, you know this song?
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well, i always sang to seryozha, we all sang songs together , but this is your family song, no, it’s not a family song, i had just a million songs in my repertoire, we were amazed all the time, seryozha, how many of them are there in your head, the main thing was that he remembered everything, he sang everything, he especially loved these cossack songs, he sang military songs, he knew all the military songs, he had a large, wide repertoire of songs, and moral songs. when he came home, i’m just saying, this house rang, we in my opinion, even the roof was jumping up like that, holiday, holiday, seryozha came home, our neighbors were always happy, because when he came, he went to all the neighbors , sang to everyone, visited everyone, went out in the street to sing, went out to sing, it was so open. slava, tell
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me some fiery story connected with sergei, there are just a lot of them, this is the last time, we were also on a mission, we arrived, and that is , absolutely no one is in the mood, it ’s just this photo, here we are went with this task, so he brought everyone to their senses at once, well, probably about five minutes, first the accordion, and then i connected to him and we somehow did it. i’m just putting something together, and he starts singing everything, our whole group immediately seemed as if they had never been anywhere, they were just resting their souls, yes, seryoga, if we were going somewhere on the weekend, well... we’ve had such days that they let us go there for a day, well, we could afford to leave, but i don’t need anything, just one thing, for him to go to the caravan with me, i don’t need anything else, that’s it, we’re going in to karaoke and he’s already running away from me, and he starts singing everything , everyone around, there are just no singers there
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, they all want him to sing, at first i bore him, then everyone around him asks him to sing, just a million stories in my head with seryoga, i don’t even know which one , the only thing is that he... here is vanka, when he was not yet born, vanka was born on the twenty-sixth, yes, yeah, on the twenty-sixth, yes, we are on the twenty-eighth they came with a task, i just pestered him, i had some kind of instinct, that she gave birth, well, i don’t know, they felt that yes, well, i mean, i tell him to call, but that is, yes, he said, guys, they’re already saying everything, call, he drove him crazy, i said, go, i i say, i won’t ask you to play, well, today, anyway, he says 100%, i say, 100%, i say, call, i’ll find out, i say, i guess i gave birth, i say, we need to celebrate, we’ve been here for 24 hours they give it, he says, but she didn’t give birth, he says, in any case, but in order to call, i had to leave before... well, that is , we just arrived, he’s tired, but i’m his brought it, he went, called, came , said: i’m glad, everything calmed down, he calmed down, you know, he didn’t understand, he didn’t understand these feelings, well, yes, i’m in some kind of limbo, he tells him , that’s when
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the child was born, but he was happy, he was very happy , he saw his son, he only saw him on video, we never got to live, no, no, he didn’t have to, but he had to go on vacation soon through 2 weeks, that’s what they named their son, vanya, irina, and sergei himself learned to play the harmonica or he had, he had teacher, teacher, yes , boris anatolyevich korchanov, he was a little boy in the third grade, he just took him, he didn’t teach at school, he just had a musical education, he just took our kid and also settled on him so that ... he played, i just wanted him to play the harmonica, my husband’s grandfather played the harmonica, so, probably, it’s still somehow genetically transmitted, maybe the earrings are some kind of genetics that passed on the talent, let’s invite boris to our studio karchanov and maxim poluyanov,
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they came with instruments, so, boris, it was you who taught sergei, he came at the end of the second grade, at the beginning of the third grade, since then we have not parted, as if he mastered the accordion, he was perfect, had free improvisation, and in general she had an ear, apparently he was good, he had all the gifts, a man with common inclinations in sports and music, and he and i... of course he was shy about them at first, he was shy, he was afraid that
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someone would hear them, remember the first song, so he showed you the first song, remember your impressions, what you told him, the first mom already said the song, he wrote: i think in 2014, when he had his first business trip to crimea, he came with this song, he was also very shy, i say, seryoga, you have brilliant songs, on these songs youth should be educated, how many of his songs are in your repertoire, we sing two of his songs, this is a song about a mother far from her homeland, now there are new songs that came from there from the front line, men also teach them, he just had talent in everything, here he is. .. seryozha was a patriot to the core since childhood, yeah, so these are the songs that he sang, these are the cossack military ones, he put his soul into them, when he was growing up, he watched all our films about the patriotic war, but this is what is connected with, as they say, with defense of
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the homeland, yes, he strived for this, let's see and listen to how sergei sang, without my native land. i’m suffocating, if i’m away from my homeland, i’m suffocating, i’m without my earthly family, it’s raining on my soul, there’s snow on my soul without you, from afar, let my words fly, hello, dear father, how do you... wash dear, how your fields live, how your forests rustle, i’ve been missing you for a long time, i see you in my dreams. i’m suffocating without my native land, far from
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my homeland i’m suffocating, without my sweet land, it’s raining on my soul, there’s snow on my soul without you, further in the program, a deputy of the state duma will come to support the family of sergei igumny. i sang a frank song in kindergarten, and i’m small, neat, and
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of course there was applause , i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow, the way it received you, you didn’t regret it, they sent articles about me that i had an affair with korolkov, from pankratov the black saradik nakhopetov, not a single novel, or rather one... which is for a long 50 years, here it is my golden one, the kingdom of heaven is my huge loss, i still i won’t leave, i still talk to him all the time, it’s difficult, so i ’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. the most cruel aristocrat in history,
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i am the power here, i am the power, the bloody lady and other historical series, only on platform, look, look. how many animals are there in your family? 16, why stop? first he offered a goat, a goose, there were ducks, ducklings, turkeys, he’s not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog, leva, well, i beg you, leva, well, whether you’re a person, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, according to saturdays on rtr, everything, everything
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, everything, come on, save your strength, everything will be fine, this is our new obstetrician-gynecologist, ulitina kira vladimirovna, tell me, what about this cool guy of yours, what is he like, and sergei nikolaevich, oh, he is a star. i feel so bad without you, but will we get married? damn, i forgot, you have a pregnant wife, what are we going to do with her? well, that’s it, robin, rest assured, i won’t just leave this, you’ll both regret it, but do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail? doctor snail, on saturday on rt. the numbers are coming
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from above, all countries of the arab east will be involved, this conflict will grow, there is a cunning development of events, by your numerous requests, in our studio there is a healer and psychic valery kustov, he will answer calls from viewers online, time has passed, but he was secretly husking and will tell us what awaits us, malakhov, today. on rtr, there’s no life, you need to go to the capital, it ’s at the mine, it seems to have rushed, as if in a mine, misha is at the mine face, we look at the weekend, god, you’ve gathered far away, we’re going to moscow, val, and you, i’m burning bridges behind me , other people’s houses, someone else’s life, but my own didn’t work out, that’s what i want. i can’t believe my eyes, are you back at all? i don’t know, i was looking for a new life, some kind of
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happiness and found nothing, happiness, it turns out that i’m here in our village, which... something, but is it possible to find lost happiness on sunday on rtr. earlier in the program, irina igumnova, the mother of a deceased soldier, recalls how her son came home on business trips, went out on the street and sang, and his colleague vyacheslav klachkov went out and sang. said that sergei never parted with his harmony, there really was always harmony with him, well, yes, yes, he was right with her, everywhere, everywhere in general, she was nearby, yes, yes, you perform on the front line often, well, how often, as our friend oleg anatolyevich calls nilov, kindness to donbass, we had
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three business trips with the rus group, we went, let's invite oleg anatolyevich. olegevich nilov, please , hello, hello, olegevich , hello, hello, my dears, hello, thank you, hello, tell us about the approval, what kind of project this is, the project was born in the fourteenth year, after the famous, well, such a shocking eurovision winner , remember.
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i met through alexander yakovevich mikhailov, a folk artist who in as an honored guest, i came more than once to welcome him, supported him, and he told me: “oleg, in my native village in transbaikalia, there are gorgeous guys, nuggets, real ones, invite them to the festival, that’s how i met russia, borey, maxim , we started working, that’s when..." we started our project in favor of donbass, naturally, these are the strongest participants, laureates, we have a lot of them there, we have already traveled more than once, this year there are 70 concerts with different groups, mainly on the front line, here in hospitals, on training grounds, olatolvich, when you first heard sergei’s songs performed by the guys,
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right away, this is how we went to donbass, it was last year, so... they go on the internet from boris, from the guys from russia, and others laureates of kindness perform these songs , include them in their repertoire, they will sound, they will fight, they will bring our victory closer, and of course, such monuments to sergei, without fail, a festival can and should appear,
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a festival of sergei igumny, let it be regional, maybe a festival, siberia, transbaikal region. well, definitely for approval, the next festival will be on june 14-16 in st. petersburg, we will definitely make a block dedicated to sergei gyumnov and his songs will definitely be heard in this block, one second, you want to sing, maybe you need some kind of pill give you, i need to quickly measure the pressure, so let's pause then pause carefully.
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children grow up to be just as patriotic, so that they have a hero, for their son, for vanechka, this is very important, very important, let’s let's listen to the song mom, outside the window there are rains of snow, sunsets and sunrises. in the south there are storms and winds, sunny summer, but despite the different weather, moods, the thoughts of
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you, my dear side, warm, but despite the different weather, the moods, thoughts of... you , my dear side, i remember every day about you, my dear, while the sand flows, i don’t notice it, the road that leads to you, in my dreams i often see my native house, the street where you are from russia... i, the road that leads to you, in my dreams i often see, my native house, the street, where i grew up and grew up,
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my road is long, i myself don’t believe that it’s very soon, soon, i’ll see you , i’m bringing you a big bouquet as usual, mom , i’ll say hello to you again with two more turns, i’ll say hello to you as usual, mom, i’m bringing you a big bouquet, two more turns, i’ll say hello again, and my heart is getting stronger. bursts out of my chest, i open the doors, now everything is behind me
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, behind me are all my thoughts, the storms of the wind, but hello, mom, my beloved, my beauty, all my thoughts are storming behind me. well, hello, mom, my beloved, my beauty.
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thank you guys, oleg anatolyevich, i know that you have prepared a gift for irina and sasha. please, yes, how beautiful it is mom, definitely, thank you, flowers , here’s a picture, it was made by an artist from st. petersburg anastasia fralova, this work was done with colored pencils, yes, very beautiful, in a few days, such works are, indeed, young artists, students of our art universities. are starting to do this correctly so that the memory of our heroes will be in the house, on the street, at
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our and other programs, thank you very much for such a valuable gift, thank you, thank you, seryozha told his mother, in text messages, take care of yourself, often i said, sasha, take care of yourself, take care. mom, dad, take care of your family , this is the most important thing for you now, and take care of the memory of seryozha, thank you, we will always remember sergei, thank you, thank you, thank you. it was our program, real stories about our people. see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel. see you, see you. there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered. and the eyes of young
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soldiers. from the photographs of the faded, this look looks like the highest court for the children who are now growing up, and the boys cannot lie, nor deceive, nor turn aside from the path, ninety years since the birth of vasily lunovoy. the legendary, favorite film of officers, on sunday on rtr. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories,
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what an impression ? russia comes and the city lives. boris kovchevnikov's program, life and destiny. from monday to friday on rtr. news is broadcast on the russia tv channel. you are welcome. and i'm maria sittel. hello. nato armored vehicles, warehouses and control centers for ukrainian drones. working on enemy targets. in reports from the nwo zone. rosavtodor recommends refraining from traveling on the belarusian highways to don and m12 east. hundreds of cars spent last night in a snow wedge in the ulyanovsk region in tatarstan. pakistani authorities.
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ural federal university in yekaterinburg, conditions of the 20th century. the area of ​​this building is 3500 km, but this is only a small one. from the university campus, this is the second stage of construction. in the donetsk direction over the past 24 hours almost 300 ukrainian military personnel were destroyed, 25 drones were shot down, and at the same time , attacks were carried out on control points of enemy drones in the southern donetsk direction, where at least five of them were hit.
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in this video, artillery paratroopers of the dnepr group fire geotsint howitzers at enemy targets on the right bank, hitting concentrations of manpower and a field warehouse. the tvsu command post is successfully destroyed by army aviation, an attack on k-52 alligator helicopters , fired a series of unguided missiles at the targets, and performed an evasive maneuver to avoid return fire. after which we returned safely to the airfield. in the area of ​​serebryansky forestry , four attacks by attack aircraft in the ukrainian armed forces were repelled. our fighters are supported and covered by crews of long-range guns. the attack is preceded by massive artillery preparation. from the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, report by vesti military correspondent , alexey boranov. and geocinth self-propelled artillery mounts, towed, are dispersed along the line
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of combat contact even before... light, massive artillery barrage here in kremenskoye the forest, of course, should come as a complete surprise to the enemy. fire, fire! artillerymen of the central military district hit enemy strongholds located on the line of combat contact and areas where ukrainian armed forces armored vehicles are concentrated at a distance of up to 30 km from the front line, thereby interfering with the transfer of reinforcements. and the counter-battery fight, a kind of duel of artillerymen in the krasnolimansky direction , is ongoing continuously. you work on your goals, move, and at that moment it starts flying right to where you were standing, just as we’re starting work. begins to work on us, birds fly above us constantly, based on this , our task is to work out and move to a reserve area to support our units, we finish off german self-propelled guns, polish crabs, there are practically no american ones left, three sevens, the so-called
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assault groups know for sure, when the artillery barrage is completed, they therefore advance to the front line with the last volleys of artillery, the armored vehicle with infantry drives up as close as possible. the landing of assault groups at the line of combat contact takes place under providing cover for motorized rifle units of the central military district. the first line of defense in the krasno-limansky direction, we see that the trenches have been dug to their full height, from the enemy’s side there is bustver, from here to the position of the ukrainian military, about a shelf.
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we see concrete pillboxes of machine gunners, bunkers, well dug in with concrete walls with stairs down, they were prepared for not a month, not two, at least a year, that is, they are very well fortified, we understand that there are mercenaries there by their training by their chevrons and clothing. assault workers working on the front line the group, of course, continues to be supported by artillery, under fire from the geocinths, not only those located on the front line. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, anatoly tyurkin, lead the line of combat contact in
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the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansky direction, kremensky forest. several hundred cars spent last night on snow-covered roads in the ulyanovsk region and tatarstan. the bad weather caused many kilometers of traffic jams on the m-12. traffic is blocked in some areas, visibility is zero, on roadsides snowdrifts the size of a man. avtodor is earnestly asking drivers not to travel on the federal highway to the east in the next 24 hours. in the ulyanovsk region, the driver of a truck lost control, blocking traffic in both directions. rescuers are working on the spot. for those who are stuck.
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the day before, a single day of vladimir putin was held throughout the country for the upcoming elections. collecting signatures. the action was organized by the united russia party. it was possible to express one’s civic position at the headquarters of public support for public receptions, regional and local executive committees, as well as branches of the young guard. the process was accompanied by over 2,000 volunteers. despite the weekday, in some regions and bad weather, together. thus , lines were formed to collect signatures, mobile points were organized in hard-to-reach areas, and within a day more than a million people expressed support for the current president. the public headquarters of his presidential candidate vladislav dvankov
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are opening the new people party. today they started working in four cities: moscow, st. petersburg, rostov, nadon and tomsk. in in the russian capital, the headquarters was headed by the deputy head of the faction in the state duma, eva. the candidate plans to present on january 30. today we are finally opening up about public support, there are already 66 headquarters in our regions, there will be 78 in total, today we invite you, we will talk together about the future of russia. on the basis of its public support headquarters, the united russia party is launching a large-scale, very important project to provide psychological assistance to veterans of the northern military district.
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family stay is provided, our fighters are in the sosnovy bor rehabilitation center, where come for rehabilitation with their loved ones. modern practices that are successfully used by local specialists, andrei turchak proposed to be transferred to the headquarters centers for psychological assistance of united russia. today we are in the opening week of more than five of these headquarters. ten regions of the country are opening headquarters this week, which will definitely form a center for psychological assistance, here is the synergy of the proposal that united russia came up with and the practices that have already been developed here in rezan in the whole region, i think it will be such a good base for the program throughout the country. a day according to the program at the ryazan headquarters , andrei turchak met with the wives, loved ones, and relatives of the participants in the special operation.
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that the development of such infrastructure , transport infrastructure in the regions will actively continue, here is the activity of your department, it has a special role, first of all in preventing accidents, accidents, please tell us in more detail what is being done in this direction, the accident rate is being seriously reduced, according to our estimates, the first is everything that concerns air transport by 36%, the highest rate of decline, water transport and rail transport to... the decline is underway. the new campus of the ural federal
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university in yekaterinburg has opened its doors to students and teachers. lectures are now held in spacious rooms that are completely different from the usual classrooms, and the rooms in the new dormitory are more like hotel rooms. and this is just the first stage. builders will have to erect several campus buildings. about implementation national project science and universities. report by kiril bortnikov. the choice is yours, the most important thing is that the essence is stated. students from the urfa institute of physical culture are among the first to settle on the university campus. lectures take place in the new building. when i taught my first class on this wonderful campus, i immediately said that these were conditions of the 21st century. as part of the national project science and universities
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, a modern campus is being created from scratch in yekaterinburg. dozens of classrooms, conference rooms, spacious halls with seating areas, a modern library. the area of ​​this building is 35,000 km2, but this is only a small part of the university campus. the second phase will be three times larger. now this is a large-scale construction site, where several cranes and hundreds of people are building the university of the future. three buildings will be located here: the institute of economics and management. university lyceum and probably the most important building is the institute of radio electronics and information technologies, artificial intelligence, information security, web development, mobile development, microelectronics, these very promising areas will be in the development of this campus. this is how it will all look in 2 years, construction is planned to be completed in 2025, several thousand students will be able to study here, it is planned that bachelors will generally live here to study, not directly leave, well... there will be a campus, then this overall super comfortable. the student moved into
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the new dormitory of the ural federal in among the first, a spacious room for two, which has everything you need. in general, we have a kitchen area here, we cook here, we were immediately given microwaves, kettles, stoves, a refrigerator, so we have enough for two here. and most importantly - a comfortable desktop. five such dormitory buildings are already ready on the campus; they are designed for 8.00 people. students also have access to the aquatic sports palace, this is a legacy of the international university festival, as well as a modern medical center, and the most delicious place on campus - student canteen. the university campus has already begun its life, and in a few years it will definitely be the most important point on the scientific map of the country. kirill bortnikov, nikolay starostin, dmitry komovleeva, lead yekaterinburg. and here are what... we further in our issue: iran launched
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a missile attack on pakistan for the first time in history. pakistan threatens retaliation. joe biden will personally persuade congress to allocate money for ukraine. and in france, farmers are on strike. wine is spilling on the roads, we'll be back on air in a couple of minutes, here's the sales agreement, all that’s left is to straighten up, you’re angry, i’m angry, i’m angry with myself that i didn’t let you go sooner, i couldn’t, you’re a strong woman, we managed to get rid of the deer, everything is very, very bad, the case was dropped, aren’t you tired of running back and forth, you’re tired, well so stay , in case you change your mind, kletosovsky is on rtr today, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad
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is ready, explore, nature, dear mother, simply incredible beauty , you already understood what is... the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it. oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is. as my mother says, you'll lose your mind. this world is worth seeing. snake caster is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for... the owner has a secret for the whole world on saturday on rtr, well, did you get enough sleep gentlemen, just a minute, attention,
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today is a big day, big holiday, yahi! "we haven't seen each other for a long time, you you know, for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is more dear to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of his time , beauty, rapping"? the whole brigade, just on the platform we look. every time i cry. it’s very hard to remember. i went into my house, sat down
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on the floor and said: i’ll stay here. the military had to be informed, that animals simply die there. danets was heavily shelled. but we decided to have an evil wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon theirs, from monday to thursday on rtr, what can you say about the white tiger tank, it’s white, the germans have the only one like that.
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"daria zlatopolskaya, andrei malakhov and karan shakhnazarov in a grandiose concert, the first 100 years. you are watching the news, we continue the release: in the southern donetsk direction, fighters of the vostok group destroyed a company command post , foiled at least three attempts to rotate the armed forces of ukraine near vladimirovka and... novomikhai: enemy lost 120 soldiers. the so-called pumping mortars cope well with combat missions.
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the military correspondent of the news eduard punigov saw the work of the crews from the inside. the mortar crew of the thirty-sixth army of the vostok group is moving to positions in the southern donetsk direction. no special training is required to use the tool. in a few minutes everything is ready for battle. this is the so-called pumping mortar. its main. the task is to carry out targeted strikes on enemy infantry at a distance of approximately 5-6 km from the line of combat contact. i'm aiming my guns to the point where we need to shoot. here are parallel bubbles that need to be aligned, when they give the coordinates of the target, we set the target and align the bubbles. the life of everyone else depends on the work of the gunner. the faster he does his job, the less chance the enemy has of detecting the crew. the pumping mortar tactic is that the soldier. constantly moving, they use pre- prepared positions, just such a plate lies, all the soldiers need is just to deploy the mortar, fire 5-6 shots
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and immediately leave this point. the fighters receive new coordinates from reconnaissance and quickly move to another point. the drone operators tell the soldiers where it is safest to travel, and the air defense protects them from artillery fire and kamikaze drones. now we are going to the firing position. turned up, left , well, so that there was as little chance of the opposite as possible, well, replies from the enemy, today it’s sunny, it’s like
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there are birds in the air and we, the enemy, that is, they see everything everywhere, they shoot everywhere, respectively, what kind of birds does the enemy have they fly, and all sorts of unmanned aerial vehicles, well, as a comic cat flies in , it turns out that there are larger babaigas, let’s say there is a drop ship, which, well, they mostly work at night, mortar men are on duty along. all front lines inflict painful thrusts on enemy defenses and support the offensive operations of our infantry. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. iran launched a missile attack on pakistan for the first time in history. according to the islamic revolutionary guard corps, the base of the terrorist group was attacked jaysh al-adl in biljstan province, which has previously attacked iranian security forces. islamabad condemned tehran's actions and warned of possible ones. iran's neighbors,
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iraq and syria were shelled the day before. tehran's show of force is washington's response to attacks on yemen's houthis, iran's close allies. as bloomberg writes today, the united states and britain say that the bombing of yemen has disrupted the supply of iranian weapons to the ansarallah rebels. well, meanwhile, the escalation first of all disrupts international transportation by red sea. so the largest japanese companies completely suspend shipping. nhk tv channel reported this today. previously, they curtailed transportation related to israel. as an alternative , they will use the route through the cape of good hope in southern africa, which will lead to longer delivery times and higher logistics costs. joe biden will be in person. to persuade congress to allocate money for ukraine, as the white house press service reported, the us president will meet today with congressional leaders, democrats and the main
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republicans who block financial assistance to ukraine and israel, i believe that america does not have money for other people’s problems. biden will have to convince congressmen that this is about the national security of the united states, but for now germany will pay. after a telephone conversation with the us president, chancellor olaf scholz announced on social networks that germany. this year will provide military assistance to ukraine in the amount of more than $7 billion, although previously the amount was half as much. convince western colleagues that this war cannot be fought with money you will help.
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this is a french modification of the british stormshadow, several hundred bombs and a cesar self-propelled gun. the conflict in ukraine and its consequences for france and the whole world became one of the main topics at macron’s press conference the day before. the most striking statements were collected by anastasia popova. for the first 15 minutes of a little over two hours of the press conference, macron talked about the projects of the new government. in the new
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fast-changing world, france is noticeably lagging behind. technologically in industrial terms, especially in comparison with the usa and china, although the ambitions are typically french, to become the third pole in the future geopolitical alignment. yesterday's world is being erased and the world order is disappearing, the war in ukraine has been going on for almost 2 years, the hamas attack on october 7 last year shocked all of europe. we know about the crisis of democracy not only in france, but throughout the world. we need strong diplomacy and economics, which. will not depend on the us or china, to counter any risks, it is necessary to double the military budget to make europe strong. the main external risk for the current head of the elysee palace is russia and paris, obviously very upset that european investments in ukraine have not yet justified themselves, are preparing for new arms supplies and are developing their own bilateral agreement with
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security guarantees, which macron will personally go to kiev to sign. already in february. we must not let the russians win. great britain will act as a guarantor of security for both ukraine and france. we will sign a bilateral agreement, based on which we will transfer about 40 missiles, several hundred bombs and artillery caesar installations. i myself will go to ukraine in february. we europeans must make new decisions in the coming months in order to prevent russia from winning. bring the russian economy to its knees, france is still trying not to fall on them itself. from february 1, the authorities are forced to increase electricity tariffs again by another 10%, in addition to the previous 30%. an attempt to freeze prices cost the treasury 24 billion euros in the twenty- second year, immediately 45 billion euros in the last twenty-third, too expensive for the budget,
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admitted minister of economy bruno liemer, explaining the next increase for the consumer. at the same time, the country's national debt has crossed the 3 trillion euro mark. but macron is worried about something else. the main internal risk, he said, is the rise of far-right sentiment throughout europe. speaking about his main competitor marine lepine, the french president loses his composure for the only time during the entire press conference, and for good reason. the french want something else. judging by the polls, in the upcoming european elections, the national union risks breaking away from macron by a record 10%. anastasia. polio bernadsky european news bureau. against this background , large-scale protests by farmers swept across france. in avignon, protesters set fire to hay, poured wine on the road, and dumped tons of manure on the streets. the demonstrators accused the hypermarkets of receiving income from resales, while the farmers themselves work at a loss. an even larger pile of manure
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was left near the building. administration in toulouse, hundreds of tractors blocked the streets there, paralyzing traffic. farmers criticize emmanuel macron's agricultural policies and seek lower prices for fertilizers and diesel fuel. russia already has 3 million it specialists in the vast sector of the internet economy, and the country is a leader in online services in the field of public administration. and this is just the beginning. successful plans in the field of digitalization.
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increased at least twice, already amounting to 540 billion rubles. tonight, after the big news, watch the continuation of the ninth season of the medical drama sklifosovsky. vesti monitors the development of major events in russia abroad, stay with us. a group of six people, it was a group, which was subordinate to the political leader , i can’t say anything more, you see , time has passed, but the secrecy remains, today in our studio, at your numerous requests
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, valery kustov again, in the ussr , developments were carried out to identify people with superpowers, so in 1989 the secret part was developed 1003, its creator, lieutenant general alexei savin , selected military psychics who could accurately perform it. any task, of course, general savin, he himself is a psychic, he has his own psychic abilities, but i already said that this is general savin and his group, there are many psychics there, i was very interested in the results at the beginning of the work or valentinovich, in terms of the totality of the results, of course you will not find an equal in the world, the number one healer at the world level, even earlier in the usa there was a similar government psychic intelligence program today. a scientist from california who took part in it will appear in our studio. how our psychics competed, why valery was recognized as one of the most powerful healers kustov. valery valentinovich kustov
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is again in our studio today. we are glad to welcome you. you have no idea what kind of excitement your participation in our program causes every time. let me remind you that the call center is open today. you can ask your questions , call our editorial office, valery valentinovich will answer them, but i’ll honestly say that our correspondents are even more impressed, our chief editor ksenia, who interviewed you before the broadcast and look what happened during time of meeting with valeria valentinovich, attention, condition coma, when a person is out of consciousness, well, at least...
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now a soul has appeared here, which means i’m trying to take down information, 18:25, yes, 18:25, that means. let's look at the news today, someone died, an iconic person , his soul slipped through here, today,
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and i already forgot what date it is, today is december, december 1, yes, let's write it down now, filming is taking place december 1, 2023, time 18:25, 18:25, that is, in russia to a significant person on the scale of russia, especially for the far east, this was the first chapter kolyma administration, viktor mikhailov, he spent four decades in kolyma, he was... the first major politician in the region, he
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did a lot for the magadan region, for the far east, it was really very important for russia, people, and you were with you know him, or as you thought , a clot of energy appeared, such a heavy, unusually iconic person, but ksyusha, who interviewed you and spent several days with you, said that in a personal conversation you also said that that’s when you help people and if... help, which requires special energy, involvement, and everything from you, takes away hours and even sometimes days of your life, you know, then this is an interesting question, because it’s all real, that is , in a situation when a child passes away or a person who is not quite old, then i theoretically, not theoretically, but practically at the expense of my life, if i have a desire, a desire? call from above from the highest from the highest powers,
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then at the expense of my days i can give birth to life for him, that is, one day, let’s say 30 years, well like this, approximately, but it’s all real, and even if i take, extend the life of, let’s say, a middle-aged person, and i take my days from the end of my life, and this is for 90 years, then after this one session what does this person have? - time goes by uh... well, the skin becomes corresponding to my age for 90 years, when i found out this, after understanding that the skin is aging, i meet with him again and spend one or two sessions rejuvenating his skin. but now we see footage on the screen, this is 2000, still in rostov-on-don don, clinic number 10, the municipal clinic and the head and... which
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tells exactly that you then appeared at their clinic and are helping a huge number of people, so you remember in general the amount of truth that has passed in all these years before you, considering that you understand, a municipal clinic, we understand what it is, it’s a flow, yes, it’s even more than the journalists who have been interviewing there every day for many years, you know, well, it was a leading clinic where management was treated. and people were coming all the time, when i was hired there from a call from above, then the head tells me how much time you need to make sure that you can treat people, i say 10 days, she says, i give you 3 months, so that you prove that one person is cured, because as if the desire for you to work here came from above, after 10 days she calls me, says: “you can work as much as you want,
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i will explain why this happened, because all those people who were looking for me, naturally, on different levels, i i said one thing, contact me through the chief physician, she realized that many people know me, but let me remind you that on the previous program we also had conversations with the audience, people called, went on air. then let me remind you that maria bordukova from the city of dmitrov in the kursk region addressed us on the air, her nine-year-old daughter vika could not talk, let’s remind her call on the air, then, hello, hello, andrey, hello, valery valentinovich, my name is maria, i have vika, my daughter, she’s 8 years old, she doesn’t talk to childhood, doctors are already saying that she is unlikely to speak, although we have been receiving treatment since she was 3 years old.
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i would really like to, thank you very much, goodbye, thank you very much. mom and vika came to see you, you managed to work with her, yes, of course, and the most interesting thing is that this girl was so restless, and i came to work with her at 100 at night, so that she would sleep or so that yes, well , she slept so that i could work, i know that i remember that after the first session she said a syllable, before that she was generally silent, well, i made a program, that is, in any case, she
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will speak: this effect is cumulative, we really hope and wait and believe that our daughter vika will speak, thank you, valery valentinovich, thank you very much, thank you, thank you very much, we will also hope and, well, our
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correspondent kirill popov went to another heroine , who wrote a letter to our editor after that sensational broadcast, let's see how he sent it... to our tv viewer yulia. tv viewers regularly contact the editors of our program with a request to meet with valery kustov, he also sends letters with words of gratitude to valery valentinovich. and now , just because of one of these letters , we went to the north-west of moscow so that the mother of one and a half year old maya could tell the wonderful story of her child’s salvation. hello, hello, hello! you're filming, right? yes, we are already filming on the fly, hi, hi, mine is now 1 year and 5 months old, when may was born - it just became more troubles, like any other family, uh, well, in general, there were no problems in the first 2 months,
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the child slept a lot of time, everything was dramatic the way it changed, uh, closer to three months, when you systematically began to eat less, when you stand next to the child for an hour with one spoon, he naturally cries all the time, breaks out, but nothing helps, it’s just worse, worse, worse , it’s just that the child understands that now there will be another meal , that’s it, there’s a total refusal, she’s just lying there like a rag, but still we didn’t take a sip of water, of course, in such cases i immediately put in an umbrella, like this umbrella - this is a very thin tube that is inserted goes into the nose. it goes through the esophagus into the stomach , she cries, breaks out, the zonf can only be placed by two people, one holds it, the child screams, turns his head, holds his head, in general, you feel like a rapist, you cried every day, you can probably count on the fingers of one hand
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how many hours , when i didn’t cry, they gave us the main diagnosis of food allergy, a mixed form, gastrointestinal and skin, we had severe rashes on our skin and through... the intestines, of course, the main one, we learned about valery kustov from the program malakhova, he made himself known six months later, i even, to be honest , forgot to think, we went to him five times, and we had no effect, we postponed the sixth session, i don’t remember, for two or 3 weeks and it was during this time that changes occurred for us, during this time we took off the umbrella, well, girl, shall we eat with you? show how beautifully you eat, how beautifully you eat, yum-yum-yum, oh, how great, moishka, delicious porridge, moisha, we would like to express our gratitude to valery kustov, he to us, i i think it helped a lot, remember julia?
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of course, of course, but i want to say that today she came to this program with her maya to personally say thank you, we welcome you. all. children love him, really now, and the whole family loves him, especially the t-shirt, tell me all about it, how many types of foods can a daughter eat now? now we have expanded our diet to 24 products, but i think that we will continue to expand, because now every product that we introduce does not cause the negative reactions that existed before,
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but the main thing is that you also had intolerance to certain foods, and i had intolerance. eggs, it occurred during my first pregnancy, a very strong allergic reaction, it manifested itself as pain in the stomach, in the intestines, very severe pain, nothing. no medicine could work, i just waited until the digestion of this product completely went through, and initially this was not, initially there was no task for me and for valery valentinovich to rid me of this allergy, valery valentinovich just worked from may through me, that’s how he helped me too, i was actually surprised, i didn’t expect this. that is, now you can too - i eat eggs, yes, yes, len, what do you want
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to say to the call center? and i want to say that now one of our spectators is joining our conversation, this is a resident of moscow, anastasia chimmalova, she is 34 years old, she has a very complex disease, medicine cannot cope, let's listen to what she tells us, anastasia, hello, yes, hello, can you hear me. yes yes yes, yes, great, i’m 34 years old, even as a child i began to experience various symptoms, abdominal pain, abdominal disorders, they couldn’t diagnose me for a long time, but in 2016 i was diagnosed with crohn’s disease, this is considered a chronic autoimmune disease, later another disease was added vekhterev, this is also an autoimmune disease. if crown disease is the intestines, then bekhserev's disease is the joints of the spine. now i'm on
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gene-engineering-biological therapy, so i'm in remission, and i have a normal weight, that is, i'm doing well i feel, and so i’m addressing you in this way, that as they have already said, medicine can only maintain remission, treat, it is considered that this is impossible now, but i want to clarify with you, can... can you help me with this? and if not, then maybe you can tell me which direction i should move in order to at least maintain myself in remission? i will cure you of the crown, i will open you up. i know that you have everything planned for months in advance, when can we expect anastasia’s appointment? well, considering that her name is like my eldest. granddaughter, then let her come to me tomorrow,
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this cannot but make me happy, this gives me a chance, you have a very beautiful smile anastasia, thank you, alexander kichaev, psychologist, looking at this, for you this is a kind of david copperfield show. or how do you feel about this? well, actually, of course , i’ve always been quite skeptical about this, because quite a few of my colleagues have retrained as psychics, and i know how they achieved this, by adjusting suggestions and a placebo effect, that is, to a person you inspire that look, everyone has been cured and you will be cured too, and somewhere he finds some resources, some signs that he feels better. here i see that, well , against the facts, against some well-obvious
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things, i have nothing to object to, that is, but by the way, there is some kind of statistics on how many millions of people who appear on earth are born psychics and people who can work with... the body, well, like you, valerich, well , during the years of soviet power, i know the statistics, a grid operation was carried out, where everyone, the entire population of the soviet union, was examined for health, and there we conducted research on extrasensory perception, on 3 million people, without advertising, one psychic, so, gradation, so, gradation, right at the very top... there were six people, let's listen to what you told our editor-in-chief ksenia about this:
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very unique among unique a lot, it’s just that not everyone can develop their abilities, is that what you think, i said this right away, firstly, you have to be stubborn, not be afraid of difficulties, have some kind of situational support , they went through health checks, they went through...
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our woman, let's go to sleep, let's not waste time lose, bitches, with such colleagues you won’t get bored when you’re not on vacation, polina and i are happy to host you here in our home, a romantic date, i beg you, don’t move, we’ll fall, i’m afraid of heights, i ’ll run to the embankment there and back, okay, i have a meeting there, but in more detail, what will we do, we leave as we leave, take it and carry it, sea, sun, lifasovsky on saturday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with new
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renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are out of this rooms, absolutely without faces, we create three different functional zones. ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, just look. let me into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, no life, you need to go to the capital, it’s at the mine, it seems to have rushed, like on
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mine, misha at the mine face, we'll watch it on the weekend. you are going to moscow, val, and you are burning bridges behind you, other people’s houses, other people’s lives, but your own hasn’t worked out, i so want to look back, i look with my eyes, i don’t believe it, you’ve returned, or something, at all, but i don’t know, i was looking for a new life, some kind of happiness, and found nothing, happiness, it turns out, is waiting for me here in our village. but is it possible to find lost happiness? on sunday on rtr. even on weekends we don’t part with our loved ones. the hero
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of our favorite tv series sklifosovsky is our guest. i love you all, understand? on saturday on rtr, good afternoon, today in our studio by your numerous requests.
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and tv viewers, and he also promises to make a forecast for 2024, well, when they checked you there, and the special services, they still gave some tasks one way or another, that is, they told you whether you could extend there for two to 3 years life, that’s how every interaction with a patient is an experiment for me now.
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who dies in serious condition, but this applies to people, say, up to 60 years old, if a person is 90 years old, well, extend his life already as if inhumane, and what’s interesting is that when i initially encountered this factor, the man was young, i noticed when i extended his life and he came out of the impasse and began to live, then his skin aged, i think, what is this skin i got old, i climbed into space. from there the information, you prolong your life at the expense of the end of your life, and at the end of your life your skin is not young, but old, so it began to age, i went there
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, what needs to be done, you need to do this, i began to rejuvenate the skin , patients who are about to live, well, according to age, well there are a lot of sacraments, i won’t say everything, you essentially, at the expense of your life , prolong the life of another person, yes, but not year after year, but this is not the case for every patient. why don’t you feel sorry for yourself , yes , why do i feel sorry for one day per person i give life here, you understand, i’m actually a healer, i accept people, i lead my life very modestly, but there are people whom i treated, they died, well, oncology , let’s say i didn’t treat them, but just as if he accompanied them so that they could leave without illness or pain. you can’t even imagine what a pleasure it is to heal a person, especially a child or the birth of a child, this
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is a pleasure, preparing for the program, we found footage from 1998, where... irina guzheva talks about how she gave birth to a daughter, thanks to your treatment, i don’t know whether you remember her or not, but it’s already passed more than 26 years after these filmings, and today irina gavrilovna guzheva, together with her daughter evenia , came to meet you, we meet her, hello, hello, tell us everything
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about this man, we have known valery since eighty-three, our elders daughters studied together, and i worked with him wife, and one day, well, in a conversation like a woman, as they say, i shared with tatyana that i wanted to have a second child, and not how... it doesn’t work out, she says, let me talk to valery, he will work with you, well, of course, why not refuse this, so naturally, valery valentinovich worked with me, there were five sessions, well, my daughter was born, and you know this story of your wonderful, yes, of course, i have known it since childhood. and my parents communicated and valery valentinovich is my godfather.


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