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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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hello, tell us everything about this man, we have known valery since 1983, our eldest daughters studied together, and i worked with his wife, and one day, well, in a feminine conversation, as they say, i shared with tatyana , that i want to have a second child, but it just doesn’t work out, she says, let me talk to valery, he will work with you, well... of course, why not, don’t refuse this, so naturally, valery valentinovich is with me i was studying, there were five sessions, well, my daughter was born, and you you know this story of your wonderful, yes, of course, i know it from childhood, and my parents talked, and valery valentinovich is my godfather. well, have you felt its
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strength and energy yourself? yes, when i was 4 years old, my ear hurt, and they said that most likely i would have a 30% hearing loss, but when we came, he worked with me so quietly that i wasn’t afraid, and it helped me, my hearing i have recovered. and you’re already a mother, right? yes, how old? - 16 and 9, wow, have you seen your daughters filming? no, yeah, but kira today here, kiri, who is 16, you have a chance to meet her, let's invite her , i'm glad to meet you, now we know, well , how do you like it, valery valentinovich, tell me, hello, hello! have you heard about him,
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have you been told? yes, they told me that he was a scary guy, he was shy. okay, valeriyevich, who is easier to treat: adults, children, old people? depending on the situation, depending on the state of the body. yeah, it’s easier than everyone else in the room because you’re a healthy person. thank you very much for your prayers. annette, how do you like it, i think this is your first time are you dating valery valentinovich? yes, this is my first time meeting valery valentinovich. well, i, as a person who is a psychologist by profession, am also in such a difficult position , because indeed, among psychologists at a certain point in life it was very fashionable to retrain as a psychic, to retrain as a healer, because the gift of hypnosis. there is a hypnologist
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who knows how to inspire, moreover, he brings very great benefits, but the cost of services is completely different, so there was such a period, but when i look here, what’s important to me is that i feel that valery valentinovich , a person who is sincere, is not a financially oriented person, but for me this is an indicator, because he really wants to help, i think that’s cool, you said in the last program: about the fact that america also had its own program in psychic intelligence, viktor rubel contacted us, who said that juna, compared to you, is just a child, you said that you are waiting for the return of this person, he at that time i had been living in the usa for 30 years, i want to say that victor rubel returned to russia, our editor-in-chief ksenia zotina met with him.
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one of the cities on the volga, viktor afanasyevich, your visit was completely unexpected, when did you return to russia? well , i didn’t just kind of come, i returned, i now plan to live and work here, because, as they say, visiting is good, but home is better. i lived in california for 30 years, yes, but now i plan to work here. i have very interesting plans that are related to scientific programs, research, extrasensory phenomena, working together with kustov, valery valentinovich, i also plan to study regressive hypnosis, past life regression and some issues of predictive systems,
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astrological and others, this is also, in a sense, connected into one, into one tangle of questions, these are all topics and of course questions. sensory, enhancing extrasensory abilities, helping people, treatment, and help, so to speak, creating conditions for this, i myself am not going to do this, valery valentinovich is engaged in treatment, but i can help with some issues. to do this more effectively, in particular, for example, so that a person is more receptive to the same treatment. there are certain methods for extrasensory perception ; our laboratories have been dealing with these issues of increasing people’s sensitivity to extrasensory influences, and valeriemovich and i want to try to apply this in order to better and more
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effectively help people. i haven't seen it yet. because our things are very complementary, very complementary, he heals people, and i do exactly the kind of things that help people tune in to this. now they said it’s very interesting, in addition to attraction there are also predictions, right? yes, predictions, so the point is that there is such a term.
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among other things, there are some real things from astrology, it’s not for nothing that it has existed for thousands of years, there are real things behind it that stand behind it, i studied these very seriously at one time, i studied with richard tarnas back in the nineties, here i am i’m going to use this topic, i’m also going to use this tool, how do you like the russian winter, great, i’m just delighted. because i haven’t seen winter for many, many years, all this seems very natural to me and unusual at the same time, very memorable, so i’m very glad that i’m here, how long have you not seen each other?
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with a ruble years. but i want to say that he is here today, let's meet a professor at the university of california, a friend of valery kustov, i have been back for as many years as there are winters, good evening, hello, welcome, tell us how your life went abroad, why you was invited to work in the usa, as... advanced research of consciousness, research of the deep unconscious, and
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this was actually my motive when, after graduate school at moscow state university, i tried, so to speak, to go to america, our research in this matter is quite strong ... the soviet union, ideology, stood up, of course, in america at that time they were advanced and, of course, it was very interesting for me to go, get acquainted with these studies, take part in these studies, which i actually did, but when in the process of living and working there, naturally, one year passed, 2 years passed, passed, 3 years passed, and i kind of slowed down there for a longer period, that is, it would have happened as if by itself . there are psychics who can only read information, but cannot heal, and there are those who can only heal, but cannot read, or there is a combo, like this, there is a combination, here you go, we have a combination here, and those who can
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treat, read, but this is rare, this a rarity, most psychics simply read information, the gift of healing is a much rarer gift. and even more so at a high level, a psychic can lose his gift for years if he, for example, does something that is not quite right and treats not quite the right people, let’s say. unfortunately, yes, and many psychics over the years actually lose their gift towards the end of their lives, well, they have almost no capabilities, but valera, valery valentinovich, he is an exception in this regard, on the contrary, so to say, he has everything, all the abilities that he had in his youth, they are actually completely preserved, as far as i can see, and maybe even increased. now we see footage of valery kustov treating a former cia psychic agent, angela ford, here you are too
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communicated with many americans, someone made an impression on you, there is an american kustov, no, i don’t know the american kustov, angela ford, angela ford, one of the strongest psychics, as well as joseph mcmonigal, they both worked in the program stargate, they... took information , once it was against the soviet union, later it was simply against terrorist groups, but none of them were involved in treatment, they did individual consultations, for example, in finding people, there in helping to the investigative authorities and so on, but this is again a collection of information, psychics who treat and treat effectively, that is, in america, as well as here, there are many people who declare that... they do not treat, to what extent they are treating, you need to watch, but uh
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psychics usually vary their abilities , stronger today, weaker tomorrow , so that they remain at a high level - this is a rather rare phenomenon, very rare, i have never seen such people in america, but this is the rule that valeriytinovich talked about here, that and those who they sincerely help, well, this is just such a religious philosophy, but give it away? life for one’s own, yes, this is one of the key points why abilities are preserved if a person works for money, for profit, for the sake of improving his prestige and so on, then this is the way to lose abilities, because everything in the world comes back, this is a natural law, in the east it is called the law of karma, as in any case, as you are...
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he was first a leader the stargate program, then, when this program was closed in 1996, he was
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the head of the fundamental research laboratories, where i already worked at that time, after the closure, that is, i wanted to say, this is not new, if we take the intelligence services, independently of ours, the american or germanic, here in fact, at the dawn of the creation of the soviet state, such an organization was created by the cheka, the serosil extraordinary commission, where one of the first steps was the creation of a special department that... dealt with the issues that our dear guests are dealing with, the leader was not an outsider, and gleb boki, a man who had very serious engineering training, moreover, somewhere in the mid- twenties, there was also such a famous security officer, yakov blyumkin, and so her special expedition they sent them to tibet to get the notorious shambula, maybe it really exists, but they know better, because they feed from there, as i understand it, that was the point, right?
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the expedition was sent there to get these new technologies, if we go back to our time, well, the federal presidential security service is a serious organization, no one will argue, it ’s clear that it is responsible for the safety of the top officials of the state, well, you’ve probably heard , probably about georgy ragozin, major general, who was one of managers, here he is, a group of employees dealt with the same issues that they did, well, he can only say that, well, let’s say, all the things that relate to issues of state security or the protection of top officials. well, these are fairly closed questions. let's do a little advertising now, immediately after this there will be a forecast from valery kustov. what awaits us? don't switch. here is the employment agreement. all that remains is to sign. are you angry? i'm angry, i'm angry with myself for not
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letting you go sooner. i could not. you are a strong woman. to you managed to get rid of the deer. “everything is very, very bad, the matter is whitewashed , you’re not tired of running back and forth, you’re tired , well, stay, what if you change your mind, skleposovsky, today on rtr, i think that here, more seriously, you sit and think, this is not about thinking, this is all here , to play or not to play, yes. yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, so there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just have a look, let's go, it must be edible
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, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one, that's a hint in general. the most passionate team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five- on-one program, oops, five-on-one, on saturdays on rtr, there is no family in russia. one where one’s hero would not be remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers, looking from photographs of faded ones, this look, like the highest court, for the guys who now they are growing up, and the boys cannot,
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not lie, not deceive, not go astray on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovy, the legendary favorite film officers on sunday on rtr mosfilm, the main film studios. russia celebrates its anniversary. andrey konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev, ivan bessonov, oleg basilashvili, svetlana nemolyaeva , stanislav lyubshin, sergey shakurov, fedor dobronravov, irina kubchenko , alexander zatsepin, alexey rybnikov, sergey
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bezrukov, alexey kravchenko, nikita kologrinov. at mosfilm studio, live broadcast from first pavilion. on friday, on rtr. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's look, look. in
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the application or on the website. again. good evening, today, by your numerous requests, healer and psychic valery puskov is back in our studio, who sees people in depth. our guest today is maria bersteneva, actress. how do you like it, valery valentinovich? i am impressed and valery valentinovich, please tell me, i ’m an actress, yes, many actors are afraid - for example, to play some mystical roles, and there are dead people, murders there. lies in the coffin, and i, as a believer, well, understand this fear, at the same time, well, the paradox is that, for example ... this
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is absolutely true, i can also add, please, if you are a believer, prayer will always protect you 100%, and if
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you are an unbeliever, what should you worry about, yes, yes, no, well, thank you, len, that we have a call center, i want to say that the stories with which people call us today viewers, very different, it’s not only health, it’s also problems in personal life, material issues, right now we have connections with the city of yaroslavl, ours. tv viewer arkady rybakov, he is 27 years old, arkady, good evening, you are on air, please speak , hello, andrey, hello, valery valentinovich, hello, dear studio, my name is arkady, i am 27 years old, i am from the city of yaroslavl, i have there is a small enterprise called chop, at the moment i am experiencing certain material problems with chop, i am worried that, based on these problems, my wife will leave me, valery valentinovich, is it worth it? i should continue to do this business, it means that in the month of may, when our economy becomes different, more active, accordingly you will have work for your private enterprise, and your wife
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will not leave you anywhere, thanks for the answer, but i want to say, that in the hall, in the hall we have soseyadova, who came today to thank you, it’s fun with... how much before the illness i weighed 60-62 kg, yeah, well, within a year and a half it suddenly became 39 kg, and valery valentinovich conducted sessions in within 3 days he made sure that i recovered, well, you can hug valery valentinovich, thank you. i want to say, here is my patient, she hasn’t eaten for 11 years, when she appeared at the beginning she said, i asked her what you want
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to eat, she says: i want to eat ice cream, i say, after the third session , eat, eat ice cream, here is her husband sitting, after which session did she eat ice cream, they are beaming, after the third, because she is a very big fan of ice cream, they brought ice cream, they brought meat to... the main, main question, of course, is this the forecast that everyone is waiting for, what awaits us, let's listen to what you told us before the broadcast, but for now we'll also bring a map here, attention, you and i had a lot of conversations, yes, but it is very etched in my memory, we in my opinion, even... there are archival footage somewhere, i was so surprised, i was so amazed, i mean the events that you said would happen in the middle east, you know, i actually see these events and i see
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the zones where these events take place, but they hit or didn’t hit, it’s already shown by time, that is, how does this happen, pictures, or does such energy tension arise, that’s it, then we’ll collect information, when israel and palestine will end all this, can you make such a mini-forecast? just for the future, you know, in the near future, no, this conflict will grow, but here it’s not just israel and palestine, all the countries of the arab east will be involved gradually, doesn’t this smell like the third world war, this particular conflict, the third there will be no world war in our time, in our existence, but you can do this make a forecast for the future, is it likely that someday or everything will be fine? you know, the third world war will be in the seventy-fifth year, 2200. in the seventy
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-fifth year, and russia will then be or already like russia, russia will defend itself in this third world war, it will then be more powerful, russia, china and where - there's america and all the other european countries, as you see the dates, it's so interesting, pictures, pictures with numbers, numbers come from above. well then maybe a few more words, what awaits us, the prices for eggs will increase or decrease, well, taking into account some recommendations, we will wait for a decrease, which means it’s possible, but it’s possible to give our american guest an option, his vision, his, yes,
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let’s do it, by the way, interesting. okay, with pleasure, but i can’t speak by region, which means, firstly, i can say from the point of view of astrology, which i have done quite a lot, and i must tell you that astrology, in principle, cannot predict specific events, astrology itself, it talks about cycles, cycles energy, and let’s say, here are the energy cycles for the year, i owe you...
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now we have a lot of people who don’t believe in the country, don’t believe in a bright future, this is what will happen to them, let’s say next year will there be people well, repent
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of yours?
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during the next 24 hours, our telephone operators will have a lot of work to do. thank you very much for this meeting. that's all for today, friends, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye.


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