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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 17, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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i am sure that the phone will now ring for another day; our telephone operators have a lot of work to do. thank you very much for this meeting. that's all for today, friends, take care of yourself and your loved ones. goodbye. happy birthday waka, valentina telechkina , frankly sacred, in kindergarten i sang a chestushka, and i’m small, neat, and of course there was applause, i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow, how it received you, you they didn’t regret it, they sent articles about me that i...
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on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen , just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, daring, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one will find. you fell in love with them, but who is dearer to you,
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your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, we only look at the platform. hello, dear friends, comrades, live broadcast of your favorite program 60 minutes in hot pursuit. so, the economic forum
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finally started, ukraine took the main place on the agenda, zelensky from the podium asked for money, and not only western money. new this year was the demand to immediately give ukraine 300 billion of frozen russian assets, although there is a problem here. us special representative for economic recovery of ukraine pritzker said that this is not possible yet.
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discussed the war, but did not disclose details. bloomberg, we remember, previously reported that white the house demands that zelensky go on the defensive, although the armed forces of ukraine have already been on the defensive for the last two or three months. zelensky in dovos warned the west against freezing the war and actually stated that nato promised to introduce a war with russia until the last ukrainian, suddenly halfway there. as if they were tired, they began to say
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that there was no more money for weapons, saying that we agreed differently, well, traditionally , zelensky began to scare everyone. at this stage , the chief gynecologist of the european union, ursula, is not even working on any new packages of military assistance to ukraine or the united states. stated that since kiev has not yet been taken by the russians, it means that ukraine has already won, so we can settle down.”
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and if we must fight putin together in the years to come, wouldn't it be better to put an end to him and his military strategy now, while our bravest men and women are already doing it, they are the chance for peace, they are the ones,
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mr. president, i'm glad you can feel the warmth from those present in the hall, i have never seen this hall so much.
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behind closed doors, but what i have to say is that we must be able to supply ukraine with the necessary resources to producing the weapons it needs to be able to achieve the results it needs. us secretary of state antony blinken met with ukrainian president vladimir at the world economic forum in davos.
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russia also receives weapons from both north korea and iran. over these 2 years , we have shown that we are not only capable of defending ourselves, but even capable. i repeat, during this time alone, almost 600 days of this invasion, we have already occupied more than 50% of our territories.
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it's not an easy task to underestimate russia definitely not worth it. wars are by nature unpredictable, and no one can say for sure how this war will end or when, but we do know that we cannot allow president putin to win, because this would not only be a tragedy for ukrainians, but also a real danger for us. can europe win the war in ukraine? without the usa?
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the specifics of the leisure time of the world elites in the swiss dovos, secret parties, where not only conflicts can be explained, including alcohol flowing like a river, but they are also actively taking drugs. daiily mail, a british newspaper, says that in davos there is even a certain house of medical psychedelics, where politicians, businessmen and show business stars allegedly try glucinogenic mushrooms from the underground.
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they come to the city from all over switzerland and all over europe. this is how american journalist thacker carlson described it. crowds of prostitutes flocked to the docks to service sad older men who mistakenly believe they can rule the world. ukrainian president zelensky is also there. but unlike prostitutes who do their job in a week annual revenue, the ukrainian delegation
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has not yet been able to receive anything from the european-americans. in addition to hugs and selfies, ermak took a photo on the sidelines with biden’s national security advisor and posted it on the internet for success. once a year, the world's elite from all sectors attend a five-day conference in the snowy town of dovoz in switzerland, complete with caviar, champagne and all manner of debauchery after the hard work is done. this year's theme is restoring trust. the forum is attended by 3,000 guests, political heavyweights such as the president of france emmanuel macron. secretary of state antony blinken and national security adviser jake sullivan will compete for
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invitations to the best cocktail parties this year. executives and dignitaries mingle over caviar , $1 bottles of champagne and lavish parties to which only the world's elite are invited. former donald trump administration communications director and financier anthony skoromuchi, who visited dovoz for years, during the conference hosts a wine evening at the europa hotel, where bottles of wine and champagne will cost you almost $1.00. per bottle, vev parties have in the past been attended by the likes of mat damon, richard branson, andrea bacelli and jill biden. other high-level events and select evenings organized after the negotiations were offered to distinguished guests. something more than just alcohol. psychedelic drug company offered participants microdoses of magic mushrooms during fortieth session and house speaker medical psychedelics in davos. one of the organizers of the psychedelic house in davos said: "we spark curiosity with a neon sign out front. once people are curious and brave enough to come here, they realize that this is not some one-room electronic
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dance party." according to the swiss army , in 2016, five swiss soldiers deployed for protection were sent home after testing positive for cocaine, seven more were were brought to disciplinary liability for using cannabis, because upon returning from vacation they were allegedly in a state of drug intoxication. all 12 soldiers used cannabis, five of them additionally used cocaine, a swiss army spokesman said. technology leaders and celebrities, including naomi campbell, will also be in attendance , vying for invitation to the most exclusive party at davos, secret cocktail parties with cut-out canapes frequented. dinners with billionaires, followed by a night of dancing, this is how elite vef will spend their evenings relaxing. as the times' research shows, every year at least 100 sex workers join the list of who's who of the world, which will bring pleasure to those present
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and balance the global issues discussed. the thirty-six-year-old man is currently living in the hotel. not far from davos plans to stay there for days in the evening, the demand for services is huge, but it is not disclosed who exactly uses them, the chic prostitute solomé balcius does not want to hear about criticism regarding the exploitation of her professional group by the powerful upper class. if this were the case, we would have to rethink a lot, then every service would be directly exploitative. accordingly, she likes to live by the motto, i would rather take money from the rich than from the poor. and for those who want to experience an altered state of consciousness, pharmaceutical companies will offer microdoses of magic mushrooms, while the four-day event will be replete with cocktail parties where you can enter by invitation only. well , continuing military assistance for zelensky
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is madness, the european union has no chance of defeating russia, the war in ukraine is a problem for america. mep from slovakia radakovsky, as they say now, gave away his base at the plenary session of the european parliament in strasbourg, and immediately got a bunch of problems. the icing on the cake of his fabulous speech was a warning: if nato does not stop supporting the murder of the slavs, then the slavs will unite as brothers and raze western europe to the ground, taking the floor after.
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years in prison, the law also specifies that a note immediately on the summons means that the mobilized person must appear at the place of appearance no later than within 6 hours from the moment of its receipt. newsweek writes that in connection with the russian threat, poland may be transferred to poland for the first time since world war ii, you probably won’t believe it, it will be transferred to poland.
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it will take seven generations before german soldiers can set foot on polish soil, now having swallowed national pride, warsaw, according to the deputy minister foreign affairs andrzej schein, is open to helping germany defend poland from the russians, which so influenced the radical change in posture, for which reason poland is ready to strengthen the eastern flank of nato, even with help. germany, which not so long ago, we already remember, demanded reparations. it is necessary to understand that russophobia has been cultivated in the country for years; in the minds of the poles there is a strong conviction that russia is still the main enemy, which can be fought even together with germany. the situation is similar among
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polish neighbors, the baltic states, who are already they have not hidden their feelings for a long time, for example, the president of latvia, an open homosexual, which in this context does not matter, revealed the reason for joining nato. the following is a direct quote, from the first days of the weeks. from the first months after gaining independence , they realized that sooner or later russia would take away this independence. right now, the west is seriously preparing to fight with russia for the baltic states as early as december of this year. according to the germans, a border conflict will begin in the suwalki corridor area. before that russia will finally take over ukraine.
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they will expand the conflict in ukraine by attacking nato countries. russia has always been a threat, and countries in the east, like finland, have always understood this. unfortunately, large countries like germany seemed to have been sleeping all this time. our german colleagues gained access to a secret bundeswehr document called defense alliance 2025. according to him, the conflict will begin in the near future, with a new wave of mobilization in russia.
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if putin just uses his tank forces built up to close this passage, these countries will be cut off, european countries will then have to break this blockade with their own tank forces, which must be at least as large as the russian ones, and maybe even larger, otherwise they will have to watch how putin's troops are taking over the region, the infamous military exercises of 2014 showed that nato will lose in this battle, even with american support, but it will be even more difficult to win without us help. however, the main the interest is to cut off the baltic countries from the rest of the nato member countries. that is why the germans believe that
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tension may arise in this region. as a result of this conflict, an extraordinary meeting will be convened. during this time, the russians will continue to accumulate troops and equipment in the area. according to the germans, we are talking about two tank divisions, one infantry division, and a division headquarters of more than 700 soldiers. and nato will be forced to respond. the most interesting thing is that this scenario ends, according to the germans, within a month from the beginning this conflict, something must happen, that’s what they don’t specify. we had a short discussion about the rearmament of the bundeswehr, as well as the nato alliance, and some deadlines were mentioned. the minister of defense himself said that it would take. from 5 to 7 years after the end of the war in ukraine, i think a little differently, i base this assumption on the current capabilities of the bundeswehr and its allies as well.


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