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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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defense of kiev and odessa, isn’t this a swiss production, swiss, switzerland is a separate conversation, switzerland was initially a neutral state, after six months of a special operation, it joined the anti-russian coalition and is providing weapons to ukraine, so about neutrality, these are the assurances about peace negotiations, we still believe not really, you stop killing russians with your weapons, then we’ll talk to you about ursula fonder, well then...
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in the usual black sweater with a ukrainian trident and khaki pants without changing clothes after flying to switzerland, zelensky makes a special address at the international economic forum. the new york times reports that for the first time the ukrainian president is not asking for weapons for offensive victories, but asking exclusively for money. according to zelensky, the security of the planet depends on the ukrainian economy if money is not given.
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and how many men and women of your country are you willing to send to defend another country, and if you have to fight putin together in the coming years, wouldn't it be better to put an end to him and his military strategy now? western curators at the same time , he clearly does not believe the promises of the ukrainian president; biden’s security advisor, who, according to bloomberg, on the sidelines of the forum conveyed to zelensky the white house’s demand to go on the defensive, said that he would move forward on the issue of allocating money to ukraine.
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of course, the fight is not over yet, russia has planted dense minefields along the entire front line to make it more difficult for ukraine to conquer territory. during the open part of the negotiations with the american delegation, zelensky refused the first word, grimaced his face and suggested start to blinkin, the us secretary of state laughed in response, saying that he supposedly does not understand who is the boss here, promising zelensky that washington and brussels will strongly support kiev in interviews...
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15 times at once. zelensky called the russian president a predator who took 13 years of peace from donbass, who started the so -called ato; in 2014, the ukrainian president did not publicly recall. putin
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personifies war, we all know that he is the only reason why various wars and conflicts continue, why everyone attempts to restore peace failed. after 2014, there was an attempt to freeze the war in donbass. but putin is a predator who cannot be satisfied with frozen food, and we must defend ourselves. putin himself said that ukraine failed the counter-offensive, and if this continues, then soon there will be nothing left of ukraine at all. kiev could have stopped the war a year and a half ago. having fulfilled the istanbul agreements, but idiots have settled in kiev, hence the problems. in the head of the negotiation group, from the outside ukraine, he even put his signature on it. now, including the head of this very negotiating group, they have said publicly.
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he said: yes, we were ready, we missed it, because the then british prime minister, mr. johnson, came and persuaded us not to implement these. with biden's national security advisor fell under the influence of russian propaganda. ermak, speaking at a panel called ukrainian horizons, admitted that kiev had indeed illegally occupied part of the territories. during this period of time, we have already occupied almost more than 600 days of this invasion.
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real information. russia is failing to achieve its strategic goals. first of all , this is a military failure. russia's failure is also economic. sanctions have cut the country's economy away from modern technology and innovation, but we must continue to strengthen our resistance to them. ukrainians need predictable financing throughout the twenty-fourth year and beyond. they need a constant supply of weapons. general. he stated that the best way to achieve an end to the war - to increase arms supplies a few hours later, still the same stoltenberg. in an interview with the agency , bloomberg said that the conflict was turning into a war of attrition and called on the west to reckon
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with russia. in 2023 it was dedicated to the counter-offensive, the twenty-second defense against putin's invasion and the unification of allies. what is the plan for... in connection will take place next tuesday , january 23, his american colleague austin informed the ukrainian minister of defense umirov about this. he called kiev, apparently from the sofa, from home, from the austin hospital, he was discharged, we know, but he has not yet returned to work,
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according to the washington post, austin needs care and regular medical dressings. how long to wait for the return of the seventy-year-old minister, officially. they don’t report, they say the prognosis is good, austin’s hospitalization itself was a complete surprise for biden, the us president found out about the hospital, found out about the operation only a week later, that is, in a week biden didn’t miss austin and never remembered the army, so it turns out that the scandal itself overgrows rators details with a link to a transcript of a call to the ambulance from... home writes that austin was initially sent a car without sirens and flashing lights, so as not to attract attention, they said on the phone, probably the wife said, we don’t want a fuss, we’ll try to hide a small
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problem on place. a single call to 911 indicates that the secretary of defense asked the dispatcher not to report.
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he was vomiting, was there blood in his stool, austin's doctor said in a statement that the secretary of state was experiencing severe pain in his leg, thigh and stomach. i will also be outside the residence waiting for the ambulance to take him inside. we have a great army with great people there.
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let’s highlight the results of the final meeting a little , insofar as it seems quite
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instructive, well, important, well, firstly, let’s summarize, as they say, increasing the number of participants from 66 to 82 did not lead to an increase in quality. let me remind you that this is the fourth so-called meeting in the hopenhagen format, that is, as they say, a certain plan has already been laid down. tasted, roughly speaking, those participants who , strictly speaking, should have either directly
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or indirectly behind the scenes, spoken out on the topic under discussion, this is the first, second, there was no china among the serious participants, the third of the so-called absolute majority was accepted by the participants mainly , participation in the event was mainly, well, average level representatives of either diplomatic departments, or economic representatives were not sent.
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potential settlement of this ukrainian knot, there’s simply no point, well probably the last very important result is that zelensky’s formula, strictly speaking, did not pass. it was clear, it was visible, on this basis there were no specific agreements, again propaganda promises, nothing more, summing up the final result, we can say the following : this kind of event, in the format in which it was held, it is this event rather, it is not of such
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a purely, so to speak, propaganda nature, yes, but it causes... diplomatic damage, and i would even say harm, if you really do something in this direction, it must be done in a completely different way, well, well, this is what is called synchronizing watches, but we met and chatted, it’s okay, well, what’s the problem for them, on tuesday romshtein, they’ll give weapons, that is, we are recording this, so that we are recording this, in order to understand that these diplomatic efforts, which, so to speak, well, roughly... speaking, are being undertaken, they so far lead to the opposite result at the diplomatic level. yes they will give, it's clear that they will provide weapons, but nevertheless it is very significant that precisely on the diplomatic level, on the international diplomatic level, nothing is working out for them, no consolidation around the west in relation to ukraine is happening. well, maybe the latter, it’s just
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the lack of consolidation, but orban doesn’t give money, but he will, he also said this. said, this is a very important moment, this is a harmful event for us, well, the last thing, perhaps, that i would like to emphasize is that - as it were, switzerland’s participation here in this event, in particular, personally by the head of the foreign diplomatic service of switzerland , cases, he is a trained person, a diplomat, experienced, and he even kind of signed off,
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in fact, of his powerlessness in this event, having realized what was wrong... with the participation of all interested parties, here this is a new element that was not clearly, clearly stated, what and what is meant without the participation of all interested parties, which is why, strictly speaking, summing up the final results, we can say that this is such a ritual traditional, for without us, nothing will work out, absolutely, but he recorded this question, that’s the question, well, how many of these have already been
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recorded, well, a lot, the situation again does not change, no, it does not change, but i repeat... however less so, these kinds of events, in terms of potential advances towards a settlement, are capable of causing serious practical damage, i would still like to emphasize this point, yes, despite the fact that all the territorial, so to speak, spells, statements , all this is of a propaganda nature, however however, nevertheless, and i would also like to say such a parallel cross-section that i would like to carry out, that in the latter...
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here is the stretching of real infrastructure, the drawing in of new, so to speak, well, roughly speaking, nato members, yes, in the northern period, during the so-called prague commitment
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to nato potential, that is, they must revise about 500 national programs, these new, so to speak, nato members, in order to fully comply with nato requirements, this is a rather serious, so to speak, requirement that, by the way, by the way, it applies to all nato states and...
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100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from
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pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is seven, eight, seven and eight, how many, who is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i’m an oak. chop , don’t pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 k alone, every saturday and sunday on rtr. this is for you, well, get some sleep , gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big
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day, a big holiday, wow, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, daring, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, we fell in love with them , yes, who is dear to you , your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, only on the platform we watch . everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, honestly convenient, why
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cameras are used in elections. today my dad and i found ourselves in a new place together, he wanted to vote , choose a candidate, we walked in, i immediately froze, dad, why are there so many cameras here, monitoring the progress of fair elections by the people guarantees the law of our rights on guard, if there is a suspicion that a violation has occurred, this incident will be recorded for a moment, observation, to choose in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers look from photographs of faded ones, this look is like the highest court, for the guys who are growing up now, and the boys
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are not allowed. not to lie, not to deceive, not to turn aside from the path, on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovoy, the legendary, favorite film of the officers, on sunday on rtr, ex-commander of the us troops. hodges told the group that crimea is a key territory that will determine the outcome of the ukrainian war. in this regard, a retired american general, you should not pay attention to the fact that he is retired, as a rule, what he says and hodges formulates, then becomes mainstream for current generals, and so he calls on the kiev regime, meaning
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the failure of the counter-offensive. to make the russian peninsula of crimea uninhabitable, that is, to carry out terrorist attacks against crimeans and inflict a massive bomb attack on russia. attention. russian president vladimir putin has continued to demonstrate that russia is not interested in negotiating with ukraine out of good faith, and that russia's maximalist goals in ukraine are tantamount to being completely ukrainian. capitulations remain unchanged. on january 16, putin said that the ukrainian peace formula is an attempt to encourage us to abandon the gains that we have realized over the past year and a half. but this is impossible, everyone understands that this is impossible, he added. putin has also markedly stepped up his long-standing efforts to create the information conditions for future escalation against the baltic states, which he is pursuing as part of a broader effort to weaken nato. putin also said the phrase: what is happening now in latvia in other baltic republics, when the russians
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people are thrown out. just outside the cordon - these are very serious things that directly affect the security of our country. he spoke about the plans of the latvian authorities to deport from the country russian citizens who did not apply for a new type of residence within the prescribed period. please, in a few hours there will be a meeting between biden and representatives of the lower house of parliament in the person of the speaker of the lower house of parliament, representatives, well, that is, the speaker is a representative of the democratic minority.
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maneuver to pass this bill, so you need to understand that all actions that are happening now, all these tough statements, as if informational, they are connected with only two things: in fact, with one thing, this is with financing, with financing from the american component, because here there are, as it were, strict limits on the part of, respectively, the european union , who will continue to make this decision at the beginning of february, in fact, this is the reason for this type of statement regarding the fact that active military operations of active military operations of active military actions will begin there now. domat military operations.


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