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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  January 17, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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economy, generation and heat supply organizations, as well as heating networks , so that the already updated information is brought to the attention of the deputies, and we, for our part, will take these issues for additional control. as far as i know, today the minister of housing and communal services construction will meet with the deputies of the committee state duma. in the evening after the big news, watch the continuation today.
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she was at the avant-garde, that is, dill were located in the center in a circle. it was truly a strategic point, it was a height from which our positions were clearly visible, and it was very convenient for dill to shoot from it. assault troops work with constant artillery support. before attacking militant positions, the crew clears enemy trenches for several days. the position of the artillery crews is connected like this in a trench. this was done for safety, and now the artillerymen are preparing for combat work. before the capture of this fortified ukrainian armed forces, a diversionary maneuver was developed to the west of donetsk, because of which the enemy thought that his attack head-on. we lured them in order to confuse the enemy's tracks, so that they would think that we would constantly advance from there, and this happened more than once, we confused them, confused them, constantly took them with live bait, so they stuck out, we processed them with... right away
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, it turns out they were distracted by the second group, they started working on it, and at that moment we had already approached the trenches. after adjustment from the drone, the crew destroys the target. shot! operators of the lancet 238 artillery brigade loitering munitions discover a ukrainian armed forces tank, who is preparing to strike in our direction. after the first strike, enemy equipment and crew were destroyed. stanislav nazarov, kadanovich, andrey rude. vesti, donbass. supporting the special operation participants and their family members is a priority in the work of the state duma. the chairman of the chamber, vyacheslav volodin, recalled this yesterday at the first plenary meeting of the spring session. one of the first documents that deputies voted for was the bill on volunteer insurance. report by anna semyonova. the session is spring and like the first swallow at the main entrance to an official deputy's seat is parked among the foreign cars in the state duma. okay, by the way, last year
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the state duma switched to saving mode on contributions to international organizations, air travel and business trips, and reduced expenses by one billion 200 million rubles. there are 425 deputies in the conference room today; they will have to consider almost a thousand bills during the spring session. the absolute priority remains the same, supporting sbo participants and their families. the goals of the special military operation will be achieved, ukraine must be free, must be neutral state, ukraine should not have weapons that were imported from outside, and, of course, the kiev nazi regime should be brought to justice. one of the first
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bills that the state duma is considering is on insuring volunteers for military service; payments will be the same as for military personnel.
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now support for those who are raising three or more children is very different from region to region, the new law should determine the standard of federal assistance, specific measures are needed, our proposal for a basic income for families with children, for resolving mortgages and parental salary, to solve the problem there are still no places in kindergartens, and many are forced to leave the child at home, at least give the minimum subsistence allowance for the child, this... new people, traditionally focused on the problems of entrepreneurs, believe that deputies should participate in the development of updated national projects. the country today needs development projects, the time of stability throughout the world is over, in russia, it also ended a long time ago, we must
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admit this. to replace the demand economy, the russian president proposed an economy proposals, this is active work with the market. and of course, parliament could not ignore the topics. it must be admitted that the state of the generating capacities, tets, gres, is not always at the proper level. those who privatized these capacities in the nineties receive profits, but do not think that modernization is necessary, they must be maintained in proper condition, this parliamentary session will be special in just a few minutes. 2 months of presidential elections, among the candidates for the highest post there are three deputies, how are the presidential race and parliamentary work compatible, how you will work? as for the schedule, we will be able to combine, we have already worked in this direction, and one will not interfere with the other,
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sometimes once every 6 years such things happen, as for the opening session, it will be very intense, and today. the state duma reviewed the document, which was just presented by the leader of the ldpr. deputies expressed extreme indignation at the decision of the plovdiv city council to demolish alyosha, the famous monument to the soviet soldier. tomorrow the bulgarian parliament was supposed to discuss this topic, but by the evening it became it's clear. the topic was removed from the agenda. work will continue on legislation on the integration of new regions; in march after the presidential elections, it is the parliament that will have to consider and approve the new cabinet of ministers. and nikolai zakharov, news from the state duma. the three-day working trip of the communist party presidential candidate nikolai kharitonov to the khabarovsk territory ended at the far eastern state university of transport. about the conversation with students nadezhda kurilina.
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nikolai kharitonov began his speech at the university of railway transport with an excursion into the history of russia, the development of the far eastern territories. the tree is full of roots if we forget what the nazis did. the best students from all faculties of the university gathered for a meeting with the presidential candidate and the chairman of the duma committee for the development of the far east and the arctic. the far eastern state transport university is one of the oldest universities in the region, almost 90 years old. now it includes 10 institutes, including the institute of military affairs, among its graduates there are many famous people, just to name only the first russian minister of railways. federation gennady fodiev and world champion in powerlifting vladimir bondarenko. a question from future specialists in various fields: what conditions will be created for life and professional growth in the region in the coming years is of interest not only to education and jobs, but also to support young families. nikolai kharitonov
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emphasized: the far east is the key to the development of the economy of the entire country. we need to get ahead, produce products, but if we talk about the food program, environmentally friendly products. feed yourself , earn money from it, don’t be shy , earn money, sell it, and so on and so forth, therefore, from the thirteenth year, when the president of russia vladimirovich at the federal meeting, addressing the federal assembly, the population. countries said: the 21st century , the development of the far east is difficult, we all remember that time, but today a lot is being done, including in the khavarovsky region. nikolai kharitonov recalled that there is a legislative basis for the development of the territory, these are special presidential decrees, 75 federal laws and more than 450 government regulations. nadezhda kurilina, vladislav boyko, vesti khabarovsk. economic growth and smart decisions they make. the relationship between citizens and banks is simpler and more comfortable; our financial achievements were demonstrated at the exhibition of national economic achievements, and
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prime minister mishustin was shown the digital avatars of his deputies, a report by olga armyakova. everything that is important is here now on the map of national projects, the government’s coordination center at vdnkh, where up-to-date information in numbers and graphs flows, is not just an exhibition pavilion, a work space where deputy prime ministers hold meetings, solving operational problems, and hold a meeting on financial literacy, the improvement of which is the most important condition for economic growth. after
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institutes, after colleges, universities, we all get a profession, it gives us the opportunity to earn money, but it is no less important to learn how to properly manage our savings. this is the main task of the new strategy for increasing financial literacy, and , by the way, it was approved. after a kaleidoscope of regions, when everyone had time to talk about themselves, the marathon of federal authorities starts at vdnh first in line, and this is clear from the stand, the financial block of the government, the presentation of which begins with new financial instruments. the head of the ministry of finance suggests opening an account to the deputy head of the central bank. the two departments, on behalf of the president, worked together to create a new long-term savings program, and are now the first to test it. cool, congratulations, you made the right decision, you are now a participant in the program
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long-term anton germanovich, and you ask what everyone will save for, and what will you save for? we, as the ministry of finance, and i , as part of the ministry of finance, will naturally save to create a safety net, and this is the main task of long-term savings, when part of the earnings can be directed to a non-state pension fund, one of the first operators of which was sberg. by investing, the bank will ensure profitability, the profit is also guaranteed by the state, co-financing the accumulation, during the first years up to 10,800 rubles. that is, if a depositor contributes 3.0 rubles per month , each ruble will double, by 2030 9 million people can take part in the program, and this will attract over a trillion rubles to the budget, the expenses of which this year are normally, as they said, 36.6 rubles.
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the mir card is working successfully, the system of fast payments is developing, or here is a completely new digital solution from sberbank. which bank you are, you can make any transaction on any of our terminals or terminals, it doesn’t matter if it’s alpha bank or vtb bank or any other russian bank federation. 40 million transactions per month , according to german gref , foreign companies are connected to these transactions, like the russian analogue of swift, on the domestic financial messaging system.
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3%, manufacturing industry by 7.5%. positive changes are visible in every industry. we managed to neutralize external risks.
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from above, we will stop this because it does not make sense, instead we will try to hold on to what we still have, but we can only defend our position if you from the usa and europe continue to send we need drones, missiles and bullets, as well as materials for the construction of fortifications. the author of the article is amazed at how much the west has already betrayed kiev, referring to the position of the hungarian prime minister orban and the republicans in
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the united states, without for some reason mentioning the prime minister of slovakia robert fico, who called the selection useless. we must use all means to protect the interests of hungarian farmers from ukrainian dumped
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agricultural products of often questionable quality. whatever one may say, the entrance doors for ukraine are in the european union.
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there is no doubt that kuleby personally or members of his family will not fight, which is why he wastes words so easily. the situation at the front is critical, this is what the french journalists who visited the trenches in the ssu heard. it’s exhausting, the guys can’t do it anymore, rain, mud, cold, and of course, there are losses. our fellow citizens are gradually forgetting that the war is still going on, because they are far from the front, and of course, the west is forgetting about this even faster. zelensky spoke out against freezing the conflict in davos. demanded frozen russian assets transfer to ukraine. the head of the european commission, ursula von derleen, said that we must continue to support kiev. nato secretary general stoltenberg patted zelensky on the shoulder during the meeting. and then acknowledged russia's military successes and said that the west should never underestimate russia, which seems to be the most profound thought voiced at this davos. evgeny reshitnev
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and maxim shchepilov, lead. the movement of freight passenger transport is limited on the m-5 federal highway in bashkartastan due to bad weather. uninvited body and stormy wind caught many drivers by surprise. report by murat zaripov. visibility on a narrow two-lane road. sections do not exceed 10 m, oncoming cars appear as if out of nowhere, and even following your lane you can drive into a snowdrift. fortunately , the burvikov brigade was nearby and came to the rescue. the driver got caught in a snow drift, we help him out. anyway, we never leave anyone in trouble, about five people helped. the speed is minimal, but even this does not save from minor accidents. snow drifts on the highway grow literally in a matter of minutes. with fields of straight snow dunes. covers the roads, the snow blowers don’t even have time to clear it, and literally it takes about five minutes to drive, it’s already impossible to drive, this driver was lucky, the accident that occurred due to bad weather turned out
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to be not too serious, a much larger accident occurred on the m7 highway near kazan, there according to eyewitnesses , at least 15 cars collided; the situation is also difficult on the border of bashkyrtastan and tatarstan; here, due to a snowstorm , traffic for freight and passenger route transport was limited yesterday. here such snow dumps along the road are formed literally in a few hours due to strong winds, as a result, the road service has to literally rescue heavy trucks that end up in such snow traps in parking lots. there are rescuers on duty on the routes, who, if necessary , are ready to deploy heating points, it’s better to go further and in free conditions, if possible, it’s better to rest somewhere , wait, the number of roads on which restrictions have been introduced continues to increase, as does the length congestion? the traffic jam on the m-5 highway already exceeds 40 km. murat zaripov, sergey shilipin, zemfir abzalov, news: republic of bashkyrtastan. investigative committees and
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the prosecutor's office of the murmansk region are looking into the circumstances of the death of billionaire andrei godunov and his friend, entrepreneur igor slonsky, who was covered by an avalanche in the khibiny mountains. as the ministry of emergency situations said, they went on a snowmobile hike, but the group was not registered; they went to an extremely dangerous area of ​​​​the city. array. report by oleg posobin. search and rescue operation near the ramsay gorge on mount petrelius, employees of the ministry of emergency situations arrived at the site of the avalanche. the bodies of forty-eight-year-old billionaire andrei godunov and his friend, entrepreneur igor slansky, were found. the investigative committee confirmed the identities of the dead tourists. the khibiny mountain range is considered one of the safest places in the north-west of the country, but this is only if you cooperate with the official organizers of such tours. however, in the mountains. there is a certain number of those who carry tourists, which is called gray. who was the organizer of this holiday, now they are finding out: the ministry of emergency situations announced the danger of avalanche on the same day, but whether
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the billionaire and his comrade knew about this is unknown. as a result of the incident , two people who were traveling on snowmobiles as part of an unregistered tourist group were trapped under the rubble. andrey godynov, founder of online laptop stores nb computers, samsung branded retail chain, brand shop. the archibin is that - conditions of poor visibility, since, uh, the snowmobile tourist does not see where he is going at any moment in front of him
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there may be a cliff from which it is very easy to fly into the abyss, is it possible to drive in the khibiny yourself, it is better not to risk it. rescuers say that when going on an extreme vacation, you need to not only inform the ministry of emergency situations, but also undergo certain training. if you ever decide to go snowmobiling, you should keep this in mind. a vehicle of increased danger, which classifies it as extreme. snowmobile rides once became fatal for the presenter of children's television programs sergei suponev and for actress marina levtova. the death of entrepreneurs in khibiny is being investigated by the prosecutor's office, which is conducting an investigation by the investigative committee. currently , the investigation is carrying out the necessary verification activities and has ordered forensic medical examinations. the initiation of a criminal case has not yet been reported.
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devices have already disappeared from marketplaces, sites that posted such advertisements will now be blocked. last year, 12 thousand drivers received fines for turning over. will the new ban change the statistics of violations? this is a report by sergei samokha. with a wave of the baton, approximately every fiftieth car in the stream is sent to the side of the road. who just got off the highway, who parked in a snowdrift? the reason, however. it doesn’t matter, the number must be readable, it’s okay , they violated the answer, the inspectors make allowances for the weather and let you go in peace and with a warning, the maximum that can be imposed for dirty numbers is a fine of 500 rubles. another thing is the deliberate concealment of license plates, all kinds of stickers, grids and frames, shifters, driving with such technical features is equivalent to movement of stateless registration numbers, and this is already
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a judicial matter... with the help of such upside-down frames, drivers try to evade fines for speeding and unpaid parking. in 2023, employees of the capital's traffic inspectorate compiled more than 12 thousand administrative materials, which included various device devices that allowed one to hide the license plate number. many thematic sites offer to buy frames of a dozen modifications at prices ranging from 5 to 30,000. at least that's how it was. before today, such pages can now be blocked. the dragomilovsky court considered that this information calls for an administrative offense, for citizens to commit such offenses, and of course does not comply with the law. one of the largest online stores selling specific goods is no longer open. the court ruling threatened to block a large marketplace, but the aggregators quickly removed the prohibited limits from sales, but the actual ban on...
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eldorado for spare parts seekers. salesman immediately warns, the product is specific, purchase on... there are folding ones, there are flippers, folding ones are less fawn, fawn shifters, you can see them right away. to completely ban the sale of such devices , a law is needed, however, it is already clear that there will be fewer violations involving hiding numbers , they won’t be able to bring the frame home, and not everyone can drive to get it somewhere. sergey samokha, valery kupri, alexander felatov ilika dzhuvakhishvili, news. the production of medicines in the capital has
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already increased 2 and a half times in this area. works about 100 enterprises, one of the most powerful pharmaceutical clusters in the country is being created on the basis of technopolis moscow. vital, life-saving drugs, antibiotics, immunomodulators and others are put on the domestic market and exported. oksana maksimova will continue the topic. boxes with medicines are even loaded here for shipment using a high-tech method. the biocad pharmaceutical complex in zelenograd is 4,300 km of innovation. they also produce medicines for psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disorders glands. the full production cycle makes
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the enterprise independent and closed. systems. before entering production, raw materials undergo strict incoming control. laboratory specialists carefully examine the composition, right down to the packaging in which the product arrived at the enterprise. the wellfarm pharmaceutical factory, which has only been operating for a year, has the widest profile of antibiotics - zithramycin for the treatment of respiratory tract infections, antiviral acyclovir, and anesthetic bupivocaine. a total of 80 titles for all areas of therapy. geporin, which we produce, in comparison with analogues previously purchased by us.
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economically balanced, this allows us to expect that in pharmacies and medical institutions... the city will always have important drugs in stock and at an affordable price. oksana maksimova, ilya popov, ilya kuzmin and yulia antipova, lead. in the stupensky district of the moscow region, a conflict is flaring up between the owners of the land on which a charitable equestrian club is located. volunteer search engines help children with special needs free of charge. the owners of the site are trying with all their might to stop work of the club. report by maria temnikova. scary footage. a fourteen-year-old girl is against a multi-ton machine, she is trying to prevent the passage to the hangar from being blocked, this video was filmed at a stable in the stupinsky district , there is a real war between the owners here, this tractor is specially parked so that we cannot drive the car or start sawdust, and well
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accordingly, we also will not drag the hay, the dirty tricks are minor and not so much, two cars blocked the whole span, he propped up the stall with the car, where the mare was in foal, and we again, they dismantled this stall and took it out. horses and people have been living in a state of siege for a year now, since part of the land came under the control of a certain konstantin pavlov, it is he who drives the tractor, it all started completely differently, two friends bought the land with abandoned hangars, they planned to build an exemplary stable, but later one decided to sell her share, at that time i did not have the funds that she wanted to sell, she offered to my former partner, he also did not have the funds, but he said i will collect and buy and...
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now there are 30 horses in the stable, most of them belong to a private charitable foundation, they were rescued from various situations, and here they live out their horse life. wave your leg. plush ponies, a bead and a blizzard, just one of these, came here 3 years ago, when their owner left the country. only the workers with ponies remained. the workers didn’t really want to take care of the ponies, they just started selling them for meat. volunteers bought the two remaining ponies and brought them here. now the minihorses are working on...
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we are slowly training the horses not to be afraid of their shadows, to react more calmly to the light. now two horses trained in search will have to be sold to buy hay. due to adult problems, it seems that special children suffer the most, conflicts sometimes unfold before their eyes. now valeria has filed a lawsuit for the division of shares, this procedure will indicate who owns what territory, perhaps stopping the conflict, but how long the trial will drag on is unknown, it is going on in parallel criminal proceedings, arson case. marya. an abandoned wasteland was turned into a point of attraction for townspeople and tourists. one of the highest hills in the city, eagle hill, has been transformed. report by maria yezhevskaya. from this point
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in vladivostok, not only the golden horn opens up, but also the omorsky bay, and uusuriysky bay is also visible, the height where a generation of students greeted sunrises and saw off sunsets. now it’s truly a place for romantic meetings with... family vacations, transforming eagle hill is the decision of the townspeople to implement the architects and builders were only a year old, the federal project needed to achieve spectacular results in a short period of time. the peculiarity of this territory in general is that it used to be an abandoned, completely abandoned wasteland overgrown with tall weeds, taking into account the topography, we turned it into a view, an amphitheater, and a recreation area. in the playground, the hill had to be replaced by clay soil and rock, and then in verenitsa concrete mixers went here, then the concrete was polished, a relief surface was created on the stairs, it is the paths that set the rhythm, leading to the observation the site was decorated
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, of course, mostly with landscaping, but at the same time they tried to preserve the existing trees as much as possible, for this it was necessary in other cases to move and both the paths and stairs to be slightly shifted from... positions in order to avoid cutting down as much as possible. in the spring, vladivostok residents will be able to truly appreciate the new site, but already now it attracts both tourists and those who live and work in the city center. i came from here, well, we arrived, we just heard a lot of this point, cool atmosphere, what the view is very good, all these places have changed before my eyes, here in our youth we sat, had picnics, i’m glad that this place appeared, because the city is slowly becoming more cultural, you can still see the work that it is being done, it’s very good for children cozy, they always like it, cool, yeah, and this is not the last dog vladivostok. which will change its appearance, thanks to the federal
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project in the twenty-fourth, a new park will appear on vatutina, a pedestrian trail on kirov and an exemplary nazhigura street. maria izhevskaya, daniil kostin, lead primorye. more than 540 thousand people have already joined the all-russian competition; this is a family competition that unites generations through common causes. and the start of a large-scale project was announced by the president in september. the remote stage is currently underway and needs to be completed. more than 40 tasks. reporting by sofia kitral. semiatskikh from voluyki, strong and friendly, ninamikhal and vladimir antonovich have three children and six grandchildren. let's tell tv viewers a little about your family, what is it like? the most friendly, cheerful, creative, active, athletic, generous, noisy, kind, kind, creative, extraordinary. polite, friendly
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, such self-presentation is a serious bid for victory, the all-russian competition is a family thing for us, nina mikhalovna was the first to know and became an ideological inspirer for her relatives , they have been carrying out the task of the remote stage since october, we began to meet even more often, then somehow, well, somehow one family, everyone kind of has their own business, that’s it, otherwise they started getting together all weekend, because we need to think through the task, we need to somehow do it...
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antonovich recently received thanks two children of nina mikhailovna and vladimir the governor for active volunteer work, and the daughter-in-law bakes fresh bread every day for our military. in general , all members of this family are involved in volunteering. the skornetskys live in the border region, feel the need for national unification more acutely and simply cannot pass by if difficulties overtake someone. and this is a family thing for us. sofia, vladislav pluzhnik, lead
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belgorod. and then we will conduct regional ones. a new line for the production of stainless steel pipes was launched in the volgograd region. now the volzhsky plant is a leader in the production of such products. this project will fully meet russian needs. with details asya kostyuchenko. as experts say, the life of a pipe begins with the blank. at the new site, the products undergo final finishing. this is where the products are packaged and prepared for shipment. this section is fully automated, the equipment is new, modern, including an automatic ultrasonic testing installation, which is specially of the latest modification. earned for our workshop stainless steel pipes undergo strict
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quality control; specialists can see what material the product is made from and what has been tested at all stages of production. at the exit, the pipe turns out to be, well , completely from all sides, it will be examined. it should be noted that for each pipe, in fact, a passport is created for the system, allowing the customer to see the quality of the pipe is guaranteed, in a modern pipe rolling shop. not only the equipment, but also the design of the room. the new production site is a technological art space. in his more than 100 colors were used in the design, different shades of steel were used during its production and processing. modern architectural solutions were applied to the outside of the workshop. attention is drawn to the graphic designs on the facades and the new entrance gates for freight transport in the form of pipes. the launched stainless steel pipe finishing section is the second stage of a large-scale investment project. previously , the workpiece acceptance and preparation area was modernized . it should be noted that
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we completed this line as part of a large investment program that leads. pipes for the energy sector, for enterprises in the energy sector, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical industries; based on the results of sales, we
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plan to reach 55 thousand tons of pipe production. made from alloy steels, non-chewable steels, which will fully meet the needs of russian industry, we are becoming the main, major player on the territory of the russian federation, in addition, we have good potential for exporting our products for its outside. the head of the region, andrei bocherov, emphasized that it is important to attract the modernized site for early career guidance of young people and for industrial tourism, for... all the necessary conditions have been created for the metallurgists of the region, the launch of a new site has a strong start 2024 this year industrialists have big plans: the implementation of serious investment projects will continue at various sites. asya kostyuchenko, alexander shirashov, lead volgograd from volzhsky. in russia, the coming year has been declared the year of the family.
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a large family of proshkins from novosibirsk calls him theirs. there 20 children are growing up, 14 of them are adopted. now they are together. the proshkin family does the usual thing, every evening they play board games, watch movies, family gatherings in the kitchen at the common table to talk, this time they gathered for a special occasion. they are preparing for a federal competition with a symbolic name, this is our family, they are learning a new song, yelling, this is a loon, this is a different generation, our generation sings calmly there, the whole family is participating in the project, mom, dad and 20 children,
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six of whom are relatives, rest the foster children were not afraid to take on such responsibility; the parents have extensive experience in working with children who find themselves in difficult lives. situation, we had a meeting yesterday, our family spent 3 hours without leaving the kitchen, we talked about serious topics, which, probably , maybe even not all married couples are ready to talk about, the fact that children come from different families, they are not from one family, and naturally, there are injuries, there are also some very experiences, not very good, yes, let’s say so, to put it mildly, and all this needs to be done somehow explain to each other in a way, because for some it is acceptable, for another child it is unacceptable, but for me it may be completely unacceptable, right? and when we get together, we discuss, there are rules for the whole family , simple ones: always be honest, thank each other, forgive, forget insults, just love, each of them is respected, many children chose the proshkin family, being already in their teens, today they call their foster parents, mom, dad, like family,
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how do you like your foster mom, i first went out so, i looked at her, and on the second day i went out to meet her in corona and it was already great. today, not all the guys are good at the common table, many are in training , the proshkins boldly call their family sports, they even opened a gym in the village, among the children there are international-class masters of sports in powerlifting, the girls have a different favorite activity, they volunteer, help in charity events, someone took their studies seriously, i want either the it field or business informatics, not bad, but what? for this you are already making a computer now soon i’ll start to sort of restore all sorts of programs, slowly learn programming languages, but i’m already starting, i have two books, in the evening, when... they return from training, lessons, extra classes, the family will gather again at one table, finish learning the song, together they will prepare dinner, this, by
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the way, is also one of the tasks of the competition, thousands of families from all regions of russia take part in it, the winners will receive certificates for improving their living conditions and travel, but the main reward for all participants, without exception, is a united happy family. my sun fell on me. and fishermen return to their desks, young northerners spent the winter holidays with their parents in the vastness of the tundra, from there they are taken to boarding schools in small groups by helicopter. about 200 children are to be delivered to dudinka alone. report by anastasia blednonogaya. this is the first group of children to return from the new year holidays. in the waiting room, little tundra dwellers are greeted by employees of the dudin
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boarding school. a general medical examination is a mandatory procedure before check-in. we need to make sure the children are okay health. when children arrive, we examine them for their skin, for head lice, and we measure the children’s height, weight, and their health status. children come from home, they are all clean, healthy, there are no viral diseases , the children spent about a month in the tundra, they look rested, although they did not sit idly at home, unlike city children, indigenous northerners from an early age work on an equal basis with adults, first they got up in the morning, helped mom, let him go in the evening, came and cleaned up, i cut wood for mom, dad and i went fishing, i helped him, i helped him i drove a yamaha, i...
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looks. dima and gena lampai are twins and study in the fourth grade. they spend most of the year at the boarding school and enjoy going to classes. when we study, we have speech therapists, these classes, like psychologists there, go well, you can sculpt there. children of tundra dwellers receive five meals a day. the state also provides everything necessary, hygiene products, clothing, office supplies, and textbooks. today there are 192 children living in the dudinsky boarding school, in taimyr as a whole there are about 600. anastasia blindonog. lead krasnoyarsk izdudinki. preparations for the feast of the epiphany are being completed in moscow. in the capital region, over 200
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swimming holes were installed on the night of january 19. within the city , there are swimming pools in almost all districts of large parks, such as sokolnik, izmailovo, fili, mitino, northern tushino, pokrovsky streshnevo. each point will be equipped with everything necessary. wooden flooring, handrails for descent and ascent, changing rooms, heating points. and nutrition. an ice temple is being built on a lake in the kurgan region. epiphany ablutions will take place inside. report by daria khaidukova. every saturday and sunday, georgy terentyevich helps the priest at the altar in the church. today i am still preparing for a spiritual feat. epiphany ablutions are ahead. a resident of chastoazerye has not missed them for the last 15 years. sins are not washed away, but grace is felt. well , before you swim. for example, i pray to the lord, well, a week. i kiss you that i ask that everything be fine, that everything be fine. preparation for baptism is not only
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spiritual; ice blocks are sawed by local builders, brick by brick, although frost, no matter the wind, the temple will still be built. you take it and punch it harder so that the seam is saturated and strong. they say there are about 2,000 ice bricks here, but, of course, no one counted for sure. this year the font is being made in a new place; the blower will happen on the lake. the main event of the baptism holiday, at the stroke of midnight, to enter the water - this is the culmination of epiphany night, the tradition of chistoyozersky swimming is 20 years old this year, they started with an ordinary ice-hole, then they made a font on lake martynovo, here is a new page, now this road leads to the ice temple, and how they believe orthodox, to purification. local authorities made a font for everyone in 2004, the idea was not only supported, but also finalized. from... the very next year we began to bring an ordinary heated vehicle, where there was a potbelly stove, a stove
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, and make it out of ice, so gradually it... in the wind out of ice, so that nothing would interfere from above, it would not blow from the side, it turned into an ice temple, we are installing electricity, and installing a bathhouse, and two locker rooms for men and women, from neighboring districts and regions, to come to baptism in cleanliness has become a tradition for hundreds of believers; guests are expected at the local church, long before midnight. the lord says: where two or three gather in my name, so... and i, in the midst of them in our beautiful village there will be a huge holiday, the black coffee group will perform, and the doros ensemble will also perform, then we will serve a festive service, whoever has the strength and energy, they will go with a religious procession and plunge into jordan. the holiday will begin in chista zeryya on the evening of january 18, after baptism, the font will be open for several
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weeks daria khaidukova, anton noskov, anastasia kazadoi, hosted by zor. residents of blagoveshchensk, hei, china held a joint walking festival. the sports event took place on the embankment, along the border river. our correspondent, maria gomlevaya, joined the amur lovers of an active lifestyle. instead of a sofa and a tv series with their favorite delicacies, more than 200 blagoveshchensk residents chose to exercise on... on the amur embankment, exercises will help warm up before the march on foot, we start from the amphitheater to the lighthouse, approximate the length of our route is 2 km. future rivermen, youth members, activists of public organizations lined up in a single column, in the first rows were fans of nordic walking, among them tatyana the non-singing, says interest in the sport has not faded since her youth, when she achieved success at the gto festivals. took
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second place at the gto. oh, what were you doing, doing push-ups? we did pull-ups, we swam, we played volleyball, we ran a distance, plus 10 points, patriotic songs and chants add 10 points to a good mood, jokes victoria badieva , she took her grandson arthur to the writing festival , it’s good for health, but why, fresh air, movement, positive emotions, definitely, charge, cheerfulness, energy, walks in the cold are recommended by doctors, they help fight headaches and strengthen the heart , walking. they have a hardening effect on the body, doctors say, that is, they increase immunity, and walking also helps strengthen the muscle frame and even promotes the loss of extra pounds. to keep your teeth from chattering from the cold, you need more move, assure elizaveta medvedeva. she has been figure skating for 5 years and spends all year round on the ice; in her free time she likes to walk with friends, including along the embankment in winter. at first it was cold, but as we walked
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we immediately warmed up. emotions, emotions, good. the walking festival is being held on both banks of the amur for the second time; those who did not have time to join those marching along the embankment of the border river in blagovishchensk are expected next year. maria gumleva and sergey betkov, conduct the amur region.
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reception tretikova yes, thank you, i’ll tell you, tamara, everything is fine, the operation is over, now oleg mikhailovich will come to you,
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thank you, hello, hello! there, well, he’s alive, everything is fine, he’s alive, he’s alive, everyone is alive, well, thank god, everything is alive, calm down, i’ll listen. there is no need to study, we need to show it to a psychiatrist, i understand, i’m a little confused , i don’t know what to do, i’ll tell you what we should do, the main thing is not to be nervous, calm down, marin, i’ll now introduce you to my wife, meet me, this is mine wife, marina, hello, this is tamara, tamara vladimirovna, my new boss, is now very nice, very nice. and tamri, i’m in order, i’ll come to you now, uh
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-huh, okay, everything’s fine, thank you, what should i bring you, water, tea, coffee, water, water, okay, i’ll bring it now. thank you, please, we are evaluating real work, nothing that i had an operation with dr. bragin today, but nothing that he doesn’t work for us at all, and we will still deal with this case, but it’s clear that it’s clear, that’s all i see, alin, let's go, let's go, it's spring, so i don't do this anymore heard, okay?
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hello, hello, hello, i'm glad to see you, thank you for coming, thank you. no, it’s unclear, i don’t understand anything , i’m sorry, can i drop off my things with you, i need to go to the hospital to see my father urgently, why to
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the hospital, i called him recently, his voice was cheerful, yes, i just called, and that the phone they took him, some strangers, they said that he was taken to the hospital, we have to go, take me! with you, of course, good morning , good nina, give me the card, sedarenko, sedorenko, third card from the top, hello, i'll take the card, but take what you want, for the sake of god , hello, kulyakov, hello, dear, hello, no, hello, sign, but not that magazine, this magazine, here you go, maybe that’s enough already, sit on the internet like a teenager, and there’s not much work, that’s it, i’m done, i’m here , i'm with you, i need you, tell me what? did you subscribe to my blog naturally and did you read my last post? i didn’t read the last one, i hope you won’t post anything about palova’s birthday, well, you’re offending that i’m a grown girl, not me, only the internal history of the department and photographs only with permission,
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that's it, and you know that if you have a lot of subscribers, they will offer you advertising for money, advertising for me is not normal, you are running a blog, you haven’t delved into this topic, but what will i advertise, well, i don’t know, cream there are some yoghurts, creams, yoghurts, where am i and where is all this, no, you’re a television star, you know that better, have you been there yet?
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where am i? oh, oh, hello, hello, my good one, hello, my good one, i’m so happy that i came to you. did i promise you a gift? yes, there is a gift you have in room, come on! oh, hello, hurray, thank you, young parents, congratulations, and we congratulate you, congratulations, come here , take off your clothes, it’s coming, yes, that’s what i wanted, i had to go home straight away, well, now we’ll eat, we’ll go, when you pick him up ?
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charm, charm, no, you know that among fans there are many inadequate ones, fans, they paint you, so what, maybe he ’s just a young man, you’re waiting for someone, hello, hello, hello, i’m here, come to me, yes , please, this is for you, this is you at the workplace, it seems, it seems, it’s true, it seems, why are you standing there, don’t come up, don’t remind me, no one has sent me... from me, thank you, dr. kulyakov, i’ll call you, listen, yes, it’s really nice, how do you know me, so i’m your fan, and you are my subscriber, exactly, great, nina, and you vasily, vasily, it’s very nice, listen , no, i’m really pleased, you study, you work, i study in copper, so you can say that we are colleagues, and of course , that’s why you’re interested, i really wanted to meet you and invite you to a restaurant, where, for dinner in a restaurant, oh, vasily, stop, call your mother to the restaurant
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, she will be very pleased, no , you know, i want you, you know how old i am, 18, exactly, i have two children, and i know this from your blog, but this is me doesn’t bother me at all, especially since i love children, you haven’t seen my children yet, you can’t love them and don’t need to, so all the best, all the best to you, just no, in your blog you give the impression of a rather easy-going person rise, well, why understate the impression, well, i’m not underestimating, i may be on...
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klikov, young boys are pestering me, i saw, but no, well, come to dinner , invite me to dinner, fine, no, go, he invited you to a restaurant, and not to the forest, where i ’ll go with him, to me he's fit to be a son , they'll put me in prison, nina, relax, he's a nice guy, a bit strange, really, but he's got long hair, just like you love, how do you know that i love him, by god. dress modestly without these miniskirts of yours, otherwise he will say, then you provoked him, what kind of miniskirts, and you actually saw me in a miniskirt, kulakov, and i i’ll go, you go, i haven’t put on makeup , but you put on makeup, yes, if anything happens, call me when they kill me, no, when they kill me, don’t call, but just call me, you know how i’ll go, so that everyone can see, so that everyone they were jealous that they were gossiping, the kulyaks, and faina?
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he’ll die of envy, oh, he’ll really die, he’ll die, grandma , tomorrow we’ll go to that area, where the big slide is, yes, tomorrow, i don’t know, you took me by surprise, let’s figure it out tomorrow, and morning, evening wiser, and ilyush, now we ’ll have lunch with grandma, grandpa, and then let's go to our house, tomorrow we will also be at our house, we will go somewhere for a walk, why go to your house, well, because this is now your house too, why do i need another house? will i live with my grandparents? well, well, look, we are your parents now, and who should the child live with? with your parents, right? well, you are parents for the sake of appearance, in order to pick me up from my grandfather? no, ilyush, no, we are not just for show, of course, we are real parents, you will live with us, you can move to your grandparents there, i don’t know, weekends holidays, you can come at any time, but no, i’ll live with my grandparents.
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i will come to you, ilyush, but this should be decided by adults, i don’t want to live with you, i don’t know you, i love only my grandparents, i want to stay with them, we don’t know you very well either, well, it will be time for us to get to know each other better, i will never go to you, well, let him stay at least for the night. are you going too? yes, can you imagine, pirogov said to go, and what’s surprising to me is about the weekend. maybe we'll go to the theater? well let's see, we're the closest to the scene of the accident is a hospital, so let's go. alex, you remain in the main reception area, without talking. well, okay, really, well, well, let
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him stay for one night. no, we won’t take him away from here later, he won’t get used to us at all. did you hear what he said? yes, i hear him? he says, i can hear him saying this, i’ll tell you more, while we were driving here, he didn’t even look at me, he didn’t say a word, well, it’s not like the village should drag him home, well, for one, one night , let him stay, and tomorrow, see for yourself let's come, let's go for a walk, rent bicycles , that's it, i decided, you're home, ilya , let's go, look, we consulted and decided that today you will stay with your grandparents for one night, hurray, hurray! and hurray for table to table, let's put it here and take a seat, so citizens, we're all moving away from the car, moving away, moving away, moving away, that's enough, that's it, grigory, block the traffic there, yes, yes,
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yes, there, yes, here, here, grigorich, look from the other side so that we don’t leave, hello, great. which means we have two victims here, we need an ambulance, there are two people in the car, i don’t know if they are alive , no, hello, we have a patient left in the car, now the rescuer will pull him out, what’s wrong with him, now i don’t know , they were transporting him with an acute stomach, what have you done , soldiers, take care of these , i then? that’s it, calm down, i’m a doctor, there’s no need to hit me, they’re looking at me now, eyes, carefully , it hurts, my stomach probably hit the steering wheel , yeah, i realized that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, lie down, don’t throw up, it hurts so much , that’s it, yeah, i got it, nikolai, hold on, we’ll get you out now,
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look at me, please, what are these? not alive yes, we ourselves don’t know, we arrived, it’s bad , help , it’s already painful, that’s it, i understand what you did, and how many people suffered because of you, and i have to do with it, and you were driving, you yourself know the order, that it’s my fault , calm down, guys, let’s be quiet , let’s not interfere with us doing our work, one, one, one, come on, oh, i, dim, make a tire, dima, got it, okay, now we won’t continue, what do you have, we are two people, injured, we are pinned down to get it out, we will cut the car, open it up, i
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can examine them, you can, while we are preparing the equipment, tell me, he is alive, sasha, calm down, i’m doing just that, he’s alive, he’s just unconscious, now i’ll come to you. why are you pinching your legs, your neck hurts a little, i understand that you are allergic to the medicine, just a second, girl, girl, just close your eyes, they’re about to fly into the warm air, we’ll cover you with a protective coating, okay, take these two to the drain, close it the president will cut the victims out of the car. the girl needs to have her neck fixed and numbed.
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thank you, what complaints did the clinic have before the accident, acute cutting pain in the abdomen, bushiness, one-time vomiting, i’m suffocating, i can’t breathe i can, please be patient, we’ll help you now, he has tachycardia, he has a mild tachycardia, he needs to be punctured urgently, when did you do this for him? no, but i’ve seen it many times, now it will be a little unpleasant, but you can be patient.
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all you have to do is be patient a little, hold on, come on, everything’s fine, if you help, now he’ll pull you out, better you, arina, i’ve never done this, i can’t do it, but i guys, are you kidding me or what? okay, i'll do it, please be patient, now, two, doctor, move away, it's dangerous here. let me do it, arina, come on, he take a breath now, breathe calmly, now
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we’ll take you to the hospital. well, he didn’t recognize me, it’s really bad, so sit down, what do the doctors say? dementia has set in, he goes away, it’s not just that he holds him or does something, but what can you do, they support everything with infusions, i’ll go to the doctor. no, no, it’s not worth it, why isn’t he there, you came in , uh-huh, i’ll call him, thank you, we need to prepare
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for the bad, and someday we’ll prepare for the good, someday we’ll go, maybe we’ll have some time to sleep, let’s go, well, we have to hold on. yes, yeah, we'll send it at our speed, i don't know, we need to i’ll ask pirogovo, you’re great, you’re just lucky, which means i’m just unlucky. help, please, let's
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, let's take all the corners, raise the count of two, one, two, we ran, we carried it to the shelter, carefully, carefully, sasha.
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do you want more fish, there are some coals left, no, thank you, well, i need to clean up, cut the vegetables, no, thank you, i’m not hungry, no, i’m really full. it’s not frozen, it’s cold
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, it seems to be blowing from the water, it’s warm, the weather is very good, really. do you want us to swim? and now i say, let’s lift up and swim. bragi, there is no need to go anywhere swim, i beg you, really, everything is very good, the air is wonderful, the food is very tasty, i’ve eaten enough for a year to come, i’ve had enough to breathe for 2 years to come, thank you for getting everything out. everything is just wonderful, but now tell me, really, why? what why? dragged me, why? listen to egorov,
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maybe you’ll take me back to work at sklif as a surgeon in your department? i thought you were staying for two weeks, but no, i came forever, well, take it, i’ll take it if you want, i want, you’re staying with me, i don’t think it’s appropriate now, right, do you think? we're not like that at all do you remember dancing in gorikova park? of course i remember. i remember evrything. shall we dance? no, i won't fit in. you won't fit in.
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tamarka called, my daughter, i understand, wants to come to us for the holidays, yeah, so what did you tell her, we need to decide, we need to decide, we need to decide. where to come to us, whether we exist, we need to decide, and i want to go home, to you, katya,
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to us! so we are waiting for you, why is it so easy mosfilm, the main film studios in russia are celebrating their anniversary. andrei konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev, ivan bessonov,
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look, love is when you look at one direction, look , look, look, you want to look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign simultaneously one, two, three, sign, look, let's see,
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maybe we can go to my place and just watch a movie. every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down... this is our new obstetrician-gynecologist, kira vladimirovna ulitina. tell me, is this cool guy of yours,
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what is he all about, and sergei nikolaevich, oh, he’s a star, i feel so bad without you, we’ll get married, and damn it, i forgot, you have a pregnant wife, sneto, what are we going to do? well, that's it, robin hood , rest assured, i won't leave this so easily, both of you will regret it, but do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail, doctor snail on saturday at the rta, or maybe we'll go to some delicious restaurant let's get drunk, get drunk, but i really can't do much, i have a heart, yes, i forgot, you're old, but you're always young,
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you look great, thank you, thank you for arrived, thank you. you didn’t want to, then, yes , now, i miss you so much, this is some kind of nightmare, i beg you, i’m moving, but why did we leave then? gave in, then it was right, but then we, but we are crazy, well
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, let’s say you’re crazy, and i’m crazy. talya, we have an accident, yes, they will bring a few more people, tanya, what a fashion, several
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people, we need to know exactly how many people, we need to prepare the operating rooms, sergei anatolyevich, we have brought victims after an accident, come, receptionist, please, you there it’s like alive, yes alive, alive, van, and why do you think it’s my fault, you? mikhail evgenevich, we have a patient in our reception after an accident, please come , thank you, the doctor will come now, just be a little patient, doctor, i was driving, but, but
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it’s not my fault, i was only distracted for a second, for a second i could have cost life. paina igorevna, let's not accuse you, rub yourself, well, you have free fluid, interpetal and in the pelvis, you are shown yours. wait, the police will come. now we will prepare you for the operation, alex, let's go, you i need it, come on quickly, please, where , the patient was being transported with an acute abdomen, he had an accident, we performed a puncture on him, we suspect an acute injury, urgently operate, i’m very sorry, who will operate, i will, and i, and you will assist, and this who said, i said it, i already... i can handle
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it, well, just don’t throw jelly, i allowed the pies, i know about the pies, and gave the go-ahead , we’ll try, there’s no need to try anything, we’ll do it, god bless, vazha called, yes, the doctor is already on his way, it’s very painful, my husband and i went grocery shopping, we have such a tradition, every week for travel together with groceries, it hurts , it hurts, get up, and her husband, he ’s been lying unconscious since the accident, an operating room is needed, no, for now it’s only vrt, sasha, sasha, tanya, who, here’s the girl, so, third degree burn, area of ​​damage at least 20%, we injected her with a painkiller, she lost consciousness before she lost consciousness, so we have a stop, resuscitation room, it’s urgent, why are you standing, take him, we lower him
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, i’m behind the resuscitation kit, where is my wife, calm down, you don’t need to be nervous now, no need to talk, we will help you now, don’t say, but it would be nice to speed up, young people, laparoscopy will no longer help, you need to do a laparatomy in order to adequately sweep, well, maybe you’ll start doing something , read lectures, i say. he’s still nervous, well, come on, otherwise i ’ll lie down here and fall asleep too. dim, let's start. yes. skypel. comrade, comrade, let 's not interfere with doctors' work. yes, go your separate ways. discharge. discharge,
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the time of death is recorded. where is eva, where is mine, don’t talk now, please, you can’t say now that there is a spodoral hematoma, it is necessary to operate, i will warn the operating unit, so i will not perform such an operation on one, i need a neurosurgeon,
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i will remove it. where is my wife, where is eva, he always talks about his wife, what will i tell him, so far only about the operation, kulyakov needs an assistant, the third operating room, arin, with kulikov, faima igorevna, we need a neurosurgeon, okay, okay, so, i have to go like this. and i need to find my wife, there are no signs of a concussion, you’re lucky, that is, it’s just a split forehead, well, that is, yes, now i’ll treat the wound and you can go, i’ll wait for vanka, i will make sure that everything is fine with him, and we are partners, and his daughter is also marrying my son on saturday, so consider
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them relatives. congratulations, imagine, vanka says that it was my fault that the accident happened, he says, you distracted me, he says how could i distract you, well, i wanted to show him the video, it’s funny, you know about the monkey, maybe they saw it, no, let me show you, but the truth is the video is funny, now , wait, here, here it is, you see, well , look, what the hell, what the hell, remove this video, don’t show it to anyone else, sit calmly, please let me process you, okay, hello, sorry, our parents were brought here after an accident, parents' last name. viktorovich and aksyonov egor semyonovich, shlepin is undergoing an operation, and this is my father, what’s wrong with him, girl, the operation will end, the doctor will come out and answer all the questions, and egor semyonovich, the examiner, so guys, you’ll have to wait, you can
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sit here for now , we need to find the source of the bleeding, we’ll do a laparatomy, yes, let’s get started, you do it yourself, i’ll help, how much? yes, you can go deeper, don't be afraid, i'm not i'm afraid, well done, clamp, yes, clamp, i can start the inspection, proceed, look after the liver, he has a rupture of the right hepatic vein, the pressure does not hold, it's bad , clamp, here, hold it, and also, well, hold it here, i hope everything will be fine, dad , dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, how are you, yes, okay, it’s okay, uncle egor, don’t touch us, we arrived as soon as you called, what happened, how the accident happened, there, vanka, in
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general, jumped through the red light, so we crashed into the ambulance, and also hit the car, so, and he was distracted, so he didn’t notice the traffic light, yes, yes, this can’t be... it can’t be, my dad has been driving for so many years, guys, forgive me, it ’s my fault, you know, i found a funny video there with a monkey, so i wanted to show him , began to show, he was distracted, egor, you’re a fool, who’s distracting the driver, damn, ivan viktorovich was driving. it’s his fault that you stopped the bleeding, what’s next , bypass nastomas, right, get started, let’s do it, no, this is your operation now, i’m only helping, and if i
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do something wrong, i’ll hurt him, you don’t have to do it wrong, you have to do it right, then you won’t do any harm, go ahead, okay, i understand, i’ll proceed to the anastomosis, and dry it, you know? you’re doing great, good, you’re holding on, but during my first operation i almost peed myself out of fear, i’d like to see that, let’s look at the liver, yes i’ll see, dry it, so what, who’s defeating you there, about that only nikolai yuryevich knows, you see this, yes, this spilled water, maybe we’ll call someone, i can handle it, wash it. well, so far everyone is great, the pressure is normal, but we have a slight brodycardia, this won’t stop us, and nothing will stop us, but what should you do with broken ribs? oh, nothing , we observe, the ribs are the tenth thing, on
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a large napkin, uh-huh, you see that the source of perforation is a perforated ulcer, this is a turn, the appendix had nothing to do with it, it turns out that so, i’m dangerous for business. let it go, maybe not, it’s not my form either, you won’t know until things get complicated, what a pity that i wasn’t allowed to film the operation, my mother-in-law has an ulcer, so can you imagine, i if i showed this to her, she would run to the doctor , otherwise i won’t drag her, you’re great, thank you, not for another napkin, well, i don’t know how many pies will give you points, but you’re great, thank you, tanya, yes, relative ... here, yes , here, his daughter, yes, i am the daughter, well, dr. arina ilinichna, tell me, hello, my father is alive, hello, alive, alive, the operation went as usual, and his condition
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is now stable, he in intensive care, we 'll watch him for a couple more days, then we'll move the ward, i can see him, no, you know, after all, the operation was difficult, let him rest today, come tomorrow, thank you very much, thank you, please, for that, goodbye, goodbye, hello, captain gusakov, regarding a fatal accident, i need to interview the participants, i participant, i will testify, tell me, are you going to, look at the brooch i found, let’s go straight to my chest, would i have breasts like yours? maybe i would put a ruin on my car, why don’t i wear bright lipstick now i’ll give it to you , oh, are you mocking my drawing? looks like it’s not necessary. i would also like it, oh, you
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are such kind people, such a good team , with the whole world, collect dates, and what’s the worst thing if you don’t find a date, you’ll sit in some century, without children, with a man, drink good wine at his expense, you will probably become famous , an, you saw, let's ask to draw you too, a masterpiece, and me too, nin, let me give you an upgrade, so to speak, plastic surgery, i'll remove the nasolabials, enlarge my breasts , lips, and so on, kulakov , good, don’t be jealous, i have everything... a chic battery for youth, maybe i i’ll also pose in nude style, nude, yeah, nude , bye, my friends, i’m watching you, i’m not indifferent to you, you decided to legalize your relationship again, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, it’s right that you ? you were pulled out first, then
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the rescuer began to get your wife, at that moment a fire broke out in the interior of the car, she received third- degree burns, given the accompanying injuries, her heart could not stand it, i’m very sorry. hello everyone, this is what i want to share with you today, my dear subscribers, i’m thinking about what i’m thinking about that you don’t care about this it’s not going well, my dear, i’ve gotten tired of it. i'm sorry, anina, but her shift is already over,
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great, great, sorry, i got into a taxi , stuck in a traffic jam, i was late, i'm 18 years old, i have two children, and i've been waiting for you for 10 minutes, well , maybe, you will find the strength to forgive the fool, well, maybe they ordered a restaurant, of course, and a taxi is waiting, a delicious dinner, somehow i’m not hungry, then maybe dessert, well, there is only dessert, vasily, yes, i ’ll take you under hand, well, as if we, in general, as if, of course, thank you, wow,
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for such a restaurant, i think you’re great dressed, the girls are in dresses and shoes, and i mean, you’re wearing a wonderful jacket and jeans that suit you very well, in my opinion, just right, to hell with the rule, that’s right, and maybe there’s also wine, oh, no, that’s enough, that’s it, that’s enough , that’s enough, i won’t, no, what are you, let’s not be shy, vasya, and take this wine, what kind, tell me, here’s the third one, phos, it’s ridiculously expensive, do you deserve it?
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and our social networks are all clear, please , girl, thank you, i myself, please, no, i really want to drink to you, to your wit, and of course, beauty, well then to yours youthful courage, maybe we’ll go somewhere today to celebrate my first.
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haven't had enough owls today yet? no , and that means i go up to the reporter, and he tells me, i’m not waiting for you, i’m waiting for another journalist, but what should i do, what did you do, i’m not at a loss and tell him, but i’m not looking for vasya, i’m looking for another artist oh, vasya, you are impudent. they say correctly, the city is being insolent, yes, i agree, i had a very tasty dinner, uh-huh, luxurious, no, i ’ll go away for a minute, yes, of course, i’ll be there soon.
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excuse me, please, the kitchen is closing, i can i count you out? yes, of course, i and my companion, a young man, went away for a minute, he’ll come back now and we’ll settle the bill, okay, but he, in my opinion, has been gone for half an hour, maybe something happened, i’ll go and have a look, if possible, one minute .
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he won’t come back, i’m sorry, your so-called companion won’t come back, why is it because he ditched you. i’ve already seen this, he won’t come back, believe me, there’s no one in the toilet, here’s your bill, sorry for looking at me like that, there’s no problem at all . it's okay, girl, can i see you? just a second, i just hoped that the young man would pay, since he invited me to dinner, i understand, but you will have to, but i don’t mind, i just don’t have enough of this amount, i can leave the deposit, then i ’ll come tomorrow to pay, just a second, everything you
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think about me now is not true at all. hello, i'm the manager of this restaurant, konstantin, did something happen? i came with a young man, he had to pay for dinner, i simply didn’t have enough money. can i leave some kind of collateral, well? please, i will come tomorrow, i will pay everything. i 'm sorry, but that's not how we do things. you will have to pay or we will be forced to call the police. i will cry. no, this is impossible. konstantin, everything is fine. give me your phone number , i don’t give my phone number to strangers, but you pay for strangers, you always meet men so dashingly, only when
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they throw me out for dinner, listen, tomorrow i ’ll transfer everything to you on the card, honestly, i’ll tell you i guarantee i’m not... so i work at the kleifasovsky institute, everyone knows me there, they can vouch for me, you know , our professions are related, i work in medical equipment, you see how it coincided, let me take you, no need, maybe i ’ll give you my phone number, by god, i’m so embarrassed, it’s okay, damn, please , thank you, “goodbye, goodbye, thank you, goodbye, well, how can this be, i don’t understand, i just can’t wrap my head around it, or maybe something happened to the person, maybe he needed to leave , nothing happened to her, forgive me for being rude, these are common options,
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you know, get drunk for free , drink some good wine, unfortunately, i’ve already seen this one, young, another man’s name is sister, and as i understand it, you’re not married, oh, let’s not go around and around, i’m divorced with two children , you don’t need me at all, how do you know who i need, for i move through, you are a respectable man, judging by the way you paid for my account, not poor, well, how do you understand people, i have already seen, sarcasm, sarcasm, by the way, i came, this is my home, thank you, i... understood, i'm a salesman, and i also have two children, but you’re probably right, two more children is too much, that
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’s what i told her, give me your phone number and we’ll say goodbye, but i won’t give you a phone number, you think i invited you to dinner, it was it’s very nice to talk, no need, goodbye, goodbye , sasha, what didn’t you say, i would inject you, that i would jerk you, i do this by the hour, better give me a napkin, are you sure about this, doctor? come on, i'm a gynecologist, i know all the doctors in moscow, she's the best drinker, hold on, come on, how sick these injections are, these
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hormones, it’s very hard, you’ve become angry , yes, i can hit you, why are you laughing , come on, get out, oh, it hurts, carefully, yes, come on, crush me, galya, yes, sergegi, i’m returning it safe, i was in they’re just angelina julie, well, i’m glad, at least they helped , they should have, i didn’t understand, everything went fine, hi, hi, girls, hi, nin, great, listen, i’ll give it up, i’ll return it, i picked up honey from you, but from me, everything is going well, oh, if i hadn’t given up, it could have been even
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worse, the doctor said 2 more days, obana, unexpectedly, and why aren’t you on duty, what are you, they kicked me out of the clinic, they just let me go , i needed to talk, wow, intrigue, yes, don’t leave later, i need to talk, i need to.
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you won’t get bored on vacation with such colleagues , polina and i are happy to host you here in our home, a romantic date, i beg you, don’t move, we’ll fall, i ’m afraid of heights, i’ll run to the embankment there and back, okay, i have there is a meeting, and in more detail, what we will do, we leave as we leave, take it and carry it, sea, sun, sklifosovsky, on saturday on rtr, there are places
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that fascinate, because they are part cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, have you already understood what vietnam is like? favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try the taste, oh, your eyes widen, how delicious everything is, like my mother? he says, the mind is clear, this world is worth seeing, a media caster, this is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret everything light, on saturday on rtr. there’s no life
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, you need to go to the capital, it’s like rushing to the mine, as if to the mine, misha is at the mine face, we look at the weekend, it’s far away, you’ve gathered, we’re going to moscow, val, and you, i’m burning bridges behind me, other people’s houses, someone else’s life, but my own didn’t work out. i so want to look back, i look at my eyes , i don’t believe it, you’re back, or something, at all , but i don’t know, you were looking for a new life, some kind of happiness, and found nothing, happiness, it turns out, is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible find lost happiness, on sunday on rtr.
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here is the employment agreement, here is the pen, i have prepared everything, all that remains is to sign , here is the clause regarding the salary, write the amount you think is necessary, well, within reason, it’s not about the money, well, you need it too, you’re worried about there is no need to worry about the clinic where you work now, i will call the head physician and offer them this candidacy: instead of you, that they will pray for him for the rest of their lives, well, admit to yourself that you yourself want to return, yes, you can, irinik, oh , oh, what kind of people, sorry, i didn’t know you were busy, but what segami on a permanent basis, on a permanent basis, as you put it, gennady ilyevich , today begins to work in our department
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as a surgeon, just like that, private, private, well, the leader of me... you know what kind of, this chair is worthy to occupy only irina alekseevna. help me, oleg mikhailovich, persuade me to return to work. i persuade you, persuade me more, when you come to us, oleg mikhailovich, and you and i, under the wise leadership of ilina lisevna, will accomplish many feats of labor. well, about i don’t know the feat. but there is something heroic in this, here you go, something familiar, where does this come from? menhouse, here, thank you very much, and tomorrow, in the morning, i’m waiting for you to go to work, you, gennadivich, i’ll ask you to stay, sit down, excuse me,
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are you just spying on something, or something, i sprained my ankle, what ’s wrong? i’m so glad to see you, oleg mikhailovich , oh, so glad, and i’m so glad, everything is fine, life is getting better, it’s getting better, whatever, nin, hello, great, pyotr petrovich bezukhov, 43 years old, unconscious, blood pressure.
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i made a wish, let's go chat, aren't you afraid to leave your post before me, he has krivitsky, krivitsky, luda, 5 minutes, please tell me, oh, such things, such things, van, have you seen my brooch, but that pretty one there's a cameo in the middle, no, i didn't see it, well, well, where did i put it, well, i remember exactly that i put it in... here, yes, thank you, okay, that's it, i went for a walk, wait, come on sit down, ilya, you’ve been just walking lately, you’ve been reading books, i’m reading, i’m reading
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, that’s it, i ran, ilya, hang up the scarf, it’s cool, okay, oh, fruit, don’t you think it’s he became somewhat distant, after the orphanage it takes time for the child to come to his senses, we need to talk about school. think, well, this year , let him finish his studies in this one, but from next year, i don’t even know, it would be nice if he stayed in the old one, vanya, have pity on me, i have to go back and forth to the other end of the city every day, i understand, i i found a school, a good one, next to us, good teachers, let’s put him there and place him, well, go ahead, but it’s next to us, yes , that means we need to consult with the kids , with the parents, yeah, let’s call them if they free, let them come, and we'll discuss everything , well, i'll call, of course, where did i put my brooch, where, oh, talk, damn, damn,
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play and give it back, come on, hurry up, come on, come on, hurry up, come on, come on, i brought it, yeah, look. that it’s a fake, you’re a fake, get out of here, let me see, get out, hold on, little money for ice cream, what else do you have there , there’s a full box, i’ll bring more, only you pay more, the whole department collected me, right for the parade saw off, yes, now everyone asks me, well, how is it, i say, luxury, everything is gorgeous, horror, right? i prize, and i told you, you would come with me , the winner, i win everything , except i would live happily, well, i already lived with you, you
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don’t suit me, you throw your socks everywhere, and then pashka plays with them, well that means , you’re also a bad cook, you’re a fool yourself, okay, it’s okay, there’s going to be a holiday on our street, huh? i was already celebrating , i’ll go, my girls have been waiting for me, how old are the girls, 82, 88, well, still young, but they do such things, miracles, okay, a hundred, don’t be sour, i’m not a hundred, but you’re like lenin to me, more alive than anyone else alive, thanks for the compliment.
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i’m going to need a facial jaw for surgery now, call the third surgery, let them send someone, why call someone, gennady ilyevich krivitsky returned to work with us, again did something in his historical homeland, well, the main thing is that he returned, sergey anatolyevich, okay, call krivitsky and khanina, hurry up, otherwise i already have a patient on the table, okay.
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what kind of kipish is kulyakov? is that why you alarmed the entire department? i've been here for a long time. well, it's just amazing. are you always late with us? how is our new lover? you you know, the best previous one, although i didn’t do it either. how is our old new husband? very good, is the patient sleeping? sweet. yes yes. i need your help, stay on call today, please, and i’ll put aksyonov in your place and supervise him myself, but no... the question is,
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is it something serious? yes, this is taksenov, he was treating a sore throat and a couple of days ago he closed his sick leave, everything seemed to be fine, but today the patient’s mother called, made a scandal, said that they didn’t complete the treatment, but in general she’s a normal woman, i’ve known her for a long time, so i promised her that i’ll send the best doctor, and the best doctor is you, thank you, as well as nikolai. in a terribly depressed state, but agreed to go to the clinic, come to us, he trusts you very much, i’ll come, well, i’m off, wait, you wanted to say something, don’t go back, today i ’ll tell you what should... be in
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first aid kit in each of us's houses, simple and such words, they brought my husband to the ambulance, can you help, so quietly, this is someone who is pregnant, nervous, husband's last name, bezukhov, pyotr petrovich, bezukhov was taken for an operation recently, a very good doctor, kulikov sergey anatolyevich, he’s very good to all of us , when something is known, he’ll come downstairs and say, let’s go home, leave me your phone number, can i sit, why do you need me here, i’ll sit with me so calmly, please, some water , yes, thank you. how many weeks, how long? 35, oh, 35, we still need to go for a walk, rest before the fight, it’s early, so, early, lord, why did he buy this car, i don’t understand, we live in a five-story building, we have a mortgage in a one-room apartment, it’s normal, yes, it’s expensive i took the car, a simple worker, i’m just a teacher, why and why this is a car for you, it has an air suspension, so it worked, it crushed my head. that’s it, wait, receptionist, on
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a visit, this is how i work, you sit calmly, think about good things and don’t get nervous, i’m nearby, hello, doctor, please come, we’re looking forward to seeing you, you understand me, son vitalik. he recently had a sore throat and was on sick leave for a week, maybe even a little more , my name is ema viktorovna, i’m a mother, you can just, emma, i, of course, i really wanted to call an ambulance, but he became stubborn and said that it was too much work, vitalik is there, vitalik, doctor, vitalik, take off your headphones , here is the doctor, he should examine you, can you hear me, son, you know, doctor, i suspect that... why, i read
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medical literature on the internet, so you know more than me directly , it seems to me that these are mediaostty , vitalik, listen to what your uncle is telling you, vitalik, hi, i’m looking at you, i’ll call you soon, no, no, i need to give a project today, i’m packing my things, will you go with them, me they won’t pay, why do you need money, you ’ll die anyway? one more hour, that's all, she will go up or down, your mom will tell you more, she’s on tv, hello, hello, accept the challenge, male, 30 years old, paraphalic obscess, zakrasnopolskaya 14, anything, help, just close the basin.
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oh, sergey anatolyevich, gennady elvich, welcome back, he would have hugged him if he hadn’t washed himself. and it’s just me, sergei anatolvich. anechka, greetings. hello, hello, gennady ledivich, what do we have there? but we have a combined injury, a fracture of the facial skull and the ear was torn off. lord, where did he end up like this? well then this feast of earless people crawled under the car to check something there. the suspension was pneumatic, in general, it slammed shut. oh, it’s better to have a simpler machine. yes, it’s better not to have any car at all, you don’t need it, sergei anatolyevich, you will always have one that will give you a lift. so, multiple injuries, here, judging by the shadow, a large hematoma. well, in general, we need a neurosurgeon. vaina igoryevna, die away, find out if shelman can come to us? yeah, ah!
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oh, bragin, great, oleg mikhailovich, what a meeting, what do you have here, paraphryngeal, abscesses, caught the last second, pricking him. i’m taking pain relief, otherwise the guy is in shock, okay , team number 26175, yes, thank you, doctor, thank you very much, i’ll write
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a thank you to tamara vladimirovna, write, ah, well, that’s it, i’ve worked myself up, it hurts, it hurts, that’s what was missing there just, come on, breathe , calmly, that now a wonderful gynecologist will come and look at you, this gynecologist is like this, he took my child, i had a boy, i have a boy, i have two , you have the first, the first, yes, you’re calling , sasha, sasha, great, yes, i'm here, girl, hello, hello, i'm alexandra alekseevna, pokrovskaya, what happened, i grabbed it downstairs. it’s very painful, it’s been a long time, it started recently, what’s your deadline, but 35, yeah, so i can see you, you can go out , yes, i’ll try now, don’t rush, nin, where should we go, okay, let’s go, here, come in, no hurry
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, thank you, okay, you're coming through, now i'm, i'll be right there, okay, yes, thank you, thank you, yes, cost, hello, sasha, are you at work now, i'm working, of course, yes, well, i stopped at the police station for ilyusha, what? “i don’t really know myself, i’ll figure it out in general, you can find pavlova, warn her that i will be delayed, yes, yes , i will tell you, okay, you call me, just, okay, nena, tell pavlova, kostya is delayed there a little, everything is fine, nothing happened, ilyusha did something, but he ’s figuring it out, kids, yeah, kids, you can come in, yes, i’m here. yeah, you recognize ilya khromov, yes, of course, this is my mother’s family, why don’t you keep an eye on the child, but how did he get to you, we detained a group of teenagers who were trying to sell
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jewelry to random passers-by, we after them we’ve been following for a long time and they immediately told us the name of the supplier, who just happened to be nearby, although they said a small one who was carrying things around, but we found out the name ourselves. did you just give them my phone number? yes, well done, i guessed it, listen, the key is missing, i don’t understand, clothes, food, attention, maybe toys, phones, tablets,
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or maybe you don’t like something, i won’t do this anymore, i won’t do this anymore i won't. you are visited by people in a state of depression, when the movie ended right at takeoff, i started having very strong headaches, this was a doctor who treated in a non-traditional way; he gave the task of making
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a watercolor drawing. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. in the far north-west of russia, beyond the arctic circle, lies a veritable treasure trove of nature. peninsula, sometimes called russian lapland, the nature of the kola region is surprisingly diverse, including taiga, mountain ranges, tundra, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola peninsula. washes the barintse in the sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current, it does not freeze all year round. in
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the east and south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by an ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity - the legendary hyperborea - was located right here, on the kola peninsula. from the first note, beauty, repen, with the first phrase, better a bird in your hands than a feather in one place, shallowly swimming, braid, with the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, business, or something, we from the first grade together, we are responsible for everything we do: also together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the brigade,
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slow down from the car, i’m running, the whole brigade, we’re just looking at the platform, why don’t they mark it? who is there, a local doctor, and do you have an id, well, what id, i’m not a policeman, i have no fever, oh, hello, hello, handsome, merci, can i go, yes, perhaps i can, slippers, put on, no, i have shoe covers, no, you have shoe covers, and i have slippers
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, i’m already done with that, then it’s up to you to make things look better, we have several operations to do here, to make things look beautiful, i hope, that after your beauty restoration, natasha rostova will be happy, oh, there was a joke again, you were very nervous because of the mozh, the uterus has become toned, the tone needs to be removed, you have chosen the maternity hospital in which you will be the first, it’s a good maternity hospital, i’ll call you an ambulance, you’ll go in your forty-first? there is a preservation there to stabilize your condition, lyushka , or you can just somehow, i don’t know, maybe
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give some kind of injection here, please, well, now i don’t have half of my face where i can’t go, that’s all - that's it, stop, stop, yes, stop being nervous, you have there’s a baby, okay, let’s do this, i ’ll leave you here with my husband now, i’ll observe, i’ll put you on an iv, i ’ll take your tone, but then you’ll definitely go to your soper. it lies here, it crumbles there, let’s be serious, you called the local doctor, why? doctor,
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please take a cookie, admit it, i ’ll leave now, no, no, no, no, please don’t leave, i’ll tell you everything, you can, yes, here’s a statement about your weight loss. and the reason is personal circumstances, sign it and see. and what's in there? look, interesting case, patient 52 years, i think, first do a craneotomy, and then remove the tumor in fragments, you can remove it in one fragment, but how do you get to it? access through the left parietal region, then separate large vessels and nerves, bandage small ones, then remove them, i did that, why are you looking? not good. “me
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too, bye, and it’s been a long time since i’ve had this kind of shortness of breath, a long time ago, yeah, but have i had troubles in my heart for a long time, a long time ago?” “uh-huh, uh-huh, give me a pen, the pulse is frequent, for a long time, always, clear, well, let’s look at these paths, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, and
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the whites are always yellow, yes, constantly, oh, what such, here, that, oh, doctor, something is somehow wrong, where it’s not good, where, where, where, clearly, that means it’s true, your whites are absolutely white , there’s no interruption in your heart, your pulse is normal, your condition is quite good healthy person , tell me why you called me, oh, i’ll open the door, okay, who’s there, me, it’s me, sonya, open up, i haven’t come, can you imagine, seriously, i still haven’t come, and i’m dying there, hello, hello, who is this for you, it’s me, the local doctor, the local police officer, you know, i also called the local police officer, but he didn’t come to me, but my leg hurts a lot, so wait, you called the district police officer, yes, what’s your last name,
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well, nosova, and yours is milovanova, forty-third, yes, so i was coming to you, right? i mixed up the apartments, didn’t you call the doctor? well, no, well, no, so what, sonya, you stole a doctor from me, but you didn’t steal it, well, you borrowed it, well, for half an hour, yeah, i’m bending over there , and you’re drinking tea here, and my knee is swollen, and i i’m sitting here alone, well, i wanted to, well, at least talk to someone, this is my doctor, i ’ll talk to him, let’s go, okay, i’m i treated him to some cookies , i know for sure, a mouse hanged himself at home, but it’s not true, i bought a waffle cake, so i wanted to treat you too, and why don’t you treat each other, but i’m tired of her, well, how many times can you treat each other, so ok, let me examine your knee, sit down, sit down, show your knee, doctor, actually my knee is
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not very swollen, to be completely honest, it’s not swollen, sometimes it hurts... that is, that is, we have heard about it that a doctor appeared at the station, a very young cute, so you bought a waffle cake, yes, okay, girls, i have half an hour, bring your creativity, put on a teapot, oh, great, save me!
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what do you have there? well, in general, the situation is as follows: it turns out that our elyusha has been stealing jewelry from his mother’s box for some time, giving it to spain, and today these morons were caught. lord, what a horror, where is he now? well, where? they released me under my responsibility, took him home, colonel nikolaevich, it’s my day off today, well, yes, i lied to him about the strikus, we walked in park, i don’t know, they were delayed, so what now? well, guardianship took him. for control, and lyusha also got a nickname, the little one who sculpted, carries things, sculpted, you know what she sculpted, no? doctors. ivan nikolaevich, you and i, we sculpted. okay, i'm already late. wait, wait, what should we do about
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this? i don't know. i don't have a plan. isaiah valery, 25 years old, was delivered by ambulance in critical condition, hemodynamics are unstable. the pictures show two fractures. so it seems to me that it’s not really our business, where he hung from where, as far as i understand, no alcohol was found in the blood, which means we have a difficult operation ahead of us, let's start with pleural drainage, then the abdomen, then
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fractures, we are working, that is, we are all working, that is, yes, and even i, i said, everything seems to me we are a great team, folder. “hello, hello , a guy came to see you, i don’t know his last name, he fell from the roof, fell from the roof on an excursion, isaev , his last name is in the worst condition isaev, who are you to him? i’m nobody to him, i’m a tour guide, how are you feeling , comrade guide, when in front of your eyes on an official excursion a man falls from the roof , what are you saying, everything is safe, there is a fence, we have mandatory instructions before starting, we have been working under a license for several years now, well, he wanted to take this selfie on the edge, this is an amateur performance, this is not instruction, it
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’s not it must be, but you understand, this could have happened not only on the roof, but on any walking tour there are 20 of them, i can’t keep track of everyone, the organization should be responsible for this, listen, pray to god that the guy survives, i don’t know, what do you want to wait, well wait or call me i won’t say anything now, there is an operation going on, thank you, bezukhov has a relative and a wife. bezokhova , she’s pregnant, she felt bad, sasha took her there in the second ward, yeah, bezokhov himself, yes, you’ll live, thank god, he’ll continue to do krivisky, yeah, nina, and so is your subscriber, well, that’s enough already , by the way, how did the date go, it would be better if he took me to the forest, otherwise it was too romantic, go to the bezukhovoy, i’m going, it means i turned out to be inadequate, but i beat you, but don’t you have a tour of the bars? and to the bathhouses, to the bars, to get drunk i'd like to, hello, hello, what's your
7:59 pm
name? nina, it’s very nice, my name is sergei anatolyevich kulyakov, i operated on your husband, but what if he’s alive? don’t worry, he’s alive, the operation went well, but unfortunately, there are still several plastic surgeries ahead to restore his appearance, and the ear, the ear, was reattached, thank god.
8:00 pm
sash, what happened, everything is fine, well, everything is fine, yes, the doctor gave permission, just don’t worry, you are under my control, thank you, hello, i decided to assist you, at the same time see how you are working, unexpectedly. to be honest, i promised the interns.


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