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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 17, 2024 10:25pm-11:31pm MSK

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every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house , sat down on the floor of a passer-by and said, i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there , donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to there is evil in a wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon theirs, from monday to thursday. on rtr: there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers, looking from photographs of faded ones, this look, like the highest court, for the children who are now growing up and... it’s impossible, no
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to lie, not to deceive, not to go astray, to turn aside, to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovoy, the legendary, beloved, film officers, on sunday on rtr. even on weekends we don’t part with our loved ones, your favorite tv series characters are our guests, i wake up like gogol in a coffin, where am i? we were filming on the beach when we were broken by a stone, olya, smile, you like it very much,
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the 35 years that have just passed or are passing will still be assessed by historians, you won’t be able to see a face to face, a big one will probably be seen from a distance , but it’s clear that the ship is in a very deplorable state , as the classics said, and i would categorically not... call it order, because all these years, with the help of the united states of america , there was a collapse of international institutions, in the most brazen way, these international institutions that were formed as a result of the second world war, were destroyed and collapsed, and what is called pax america, american order, american order, this is present in the american political...
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political science discourse, they talk about it american politicians, blinken spoke about this just now at davos, they are trying to convince someone that there was order, well , what was the order when they bombed yugoslavia, when they started the war in iraq, when they started the war in libya, when it is unclear what they were doing in afghanistan, and they themselves already forget many things, they call the ukrainian conflict, some of them are now the first on the territory. europe, but where was yugoslavia in africa, or what? many will give their assessment of these years, but china has already given an assessment, back in february year, a large document was published by the chinese ministry of defense under the title of the negative aspects of american hegemony, they did not find any order there , they did not see anything good, they did not see anything positive there, and what we now see in the region of the near middle east is more.
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proves that order is collapsing, the americans continue to act without a clear strategy, i’m not talking about the strategy of those who profit from this, i’m talking about the state strategy, about the goals that are articulated, proclaimed, in iraq there will be prosperity , there will be prosperity in afghanistan, in libya, in syria there will be prosperity, well, where is this prosperity, the fact that they themselves are already confused, this... yes, this can be seen from the decisions that they are making now, but justice is needed to say that the european union declared the hamas group terrorist back in 2017, but now it is absolutely true, they are taking targeted sanctions against individual leaders of this group, for example, against yaha sinwar, who is sitting in the gaza strip, well, is he afraid that he will get some accounts will be frozen europeans, a man who does not have such accounts and who spent 22 years.
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is still negotiating with them, because both saudi arabia and the emirates and many others believe that without an inter-yemeni truce there will be no stability in this region, and this is a very important region, the hausites control the red sea coast, this is 10%
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of international trade in in general, and 30% of trade using cargo containers, this hit americans to a lesser extent. they, by the way, suffered the least from the increase in prices for freight, cargo transportation, who suffer the most, asians and europeans, this is again about the personal interests of certain individuals who profit from this, american bankers, the military-industrial complex and so on, but they do not have a clear state strategy, they will lead the region along with the region... the whole the international system of relations has already been brought to a complete dead end, and here it was not russia that was destroying the world that emerged after the second world war, on the contrary, russia is trying to preserve what remains reasonable
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, trying to conduct a dialogue with those who are also trying preserve what is still reasonable. the americans have been striking wherever they wanted in recent years, without sanctions. the un security council, without the consent of many of its allies, well, how did the war in iraq begin, yes, in 2003, then even france and germany, not only russia, objected, in libya they simply bypassed the resolutions of the un security council, interpreted them in their own way, attacked strikes, having previously disarmed muammar gaddafi, well, now strikes are being carried out on yemen, syria and...
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iraq at the international airport of baghdad, and the iranian delegation was then met by iraqi officials, who also died. the americans kept thinking that this supposed order would work.
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basharad, they were betting on someone, on radicals, on islamists in syria, just a few days ago, the israelis launched another strike on syria, which surprised me, because this time the strike was not on pro-iranian groups, one of the members of the syrian leadership was killed liberation army, this is an opposition group that... was led by the americans, i looked, and why did the israelis suddenly hit one of the representatives, but because the israelis discovered that this group and some of its militants maintained ties with the radical hamas movement in palestine, so why did you in
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washington rely on the islamic radicals who negotiated with the taliban in afghanistan, considered by... the un definition according to our terrorist lists, is still considered a terrorist organization, is now in power, because there is no alternative, there is no alternative after ... the americans sat there took several decades to do what they did, here is the answer, iran, which means it struck syria, pakistan, the targets of the radical group jay shal justice army, iraqi kardistan, where it hit targets, well, it is believed that it hit those who cooperates with the israeli intelligence service massat, the iraqis cannot say anything.
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can be traced to a well-thought-out strategy, well , look what the americans did, they stuck a stick in a wasp’s nest, after that the wasps began to sting more often, more, and there is no way out, who who suffered from this, those who became ill, the europeans and china, well, why isn’t there a well-thought-out strategy, there is, well, a strategy of controlled chaos, the so-called, and as for a few words literally about sanctions and hamas, it really is a terrorist organization, well, i still , i wouldn’t be so optimistic. to say that it will not affect them in any way, as we know, immediately after the start of the war around israel, some
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cryptocurrency wallets that belonged to hamas were blocked, then it became known that they actively played in the market, yes, betting against the shekel exchange rate on its fall and the fall of israeli stock indices, they earned almost a billion dollars there, it all ran away, of course, but nevertheless, some kind of financial transactions there, i think, they will try to twist them , especially in the european union, where, as we know, the sanctions regime has been particularly problematic in relations recently. hamas did not work, even many countries recognized them as legitimate , this same government in the gas sector, well , by the way, even in america, in fact, this very council on american-islamic relations, yes cairo is called, well, this is literally the money of muslim brothers associated with hamas, including now sponsoring, financing numerous protests against the continuation of the war in the middle east, that is , living there for a second, look in a few months, financial injections will flow into the gas sector to supposedly restore the destruction. i don’t argue that they will go, but right now
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i think some of them can tighten the screws, here’s a few words about yemen, the situation is the red sea, well, indeed, of course, for world trade, this is a serious blow, yes, the cost of freight has increased by at least 40%, insurance by about 70%, well, we are already seeing the first economic consequences of all this, just today statistics came out on in the united kingdom, the increase in inflation in december was unexpected, well, the increase is quite serious. 4%, that is , inflation in the west has already gone up again, the same thing in the european union is about 3.5%, and the same thing came in the united states a couple of days ago statistics are also 3.5% instead of 3% in november, that is, the american economy is still not immune from this, the whole world, well , is still quite globalized, so an increase in inflation in one place will lead to inflation rising in another place in including in the united states, it seems like it’s 0.5%, 1%.
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i think that he might tell us a lot of interesting things. joe biden, if i’m not mistaken,
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never drove a truck when he was president, so, but here’s the thing kamela haris, yes, i think she went to the munich security conference last year and she had the same puncture there as blinken has now, that is , the plane also broke down, the plane of the vice president, her some military man there sent on board to america. and as for the speech of salevan and blinkin at the davod forum, to be honest, i don’t see much of a contradiction, that is, of course, of course, internally. baide administration, there are different points of view, there is such a fawning position that blinken and lloyd always broadcast austin, the minister of defense, who seems to have now been discharged from the hospital, although no one has seen him yet, so... there is another more, well, not exactly balanced, but smart, probably, yes, a little more intellectually developed position , which salevan sometimes broadcasts, sometimes bill burns , the director of the cia broadcasts, but in this case, yes, if we are talking about blinkin’s speech that we supposedly have already defeated russia, this is of course a story for the domestic consumer, yes, that is, explain to the american voter that in fact, we did not lose in this ukrainian
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counter-offensive, we did not allow the russians to take kiev in 3 days, as the russians supposedly wanted, so this is like a victory for us. as for salevan, he is, of course , trying to a greater extent to explain to the europeans themselves that let’s build a new world order, now our system is gradually becoming a thing of the past, we no longer de facto guarantee you the security that was before, there if read between the lines salevan’s statement, this is what we are talking about, that is , let’s rearm, increase their military spending, we just mentioned today that the europeans seem to be ready to increase military spending, in words indeed yes, but in my opinion the latest statistics for the twenty-third year there are eight or nine countries, maybe already 10 nato countries raised their military spending to this figure of 2%, that is , it is still even less than half, but of course they will try to force the europeans to spend more on weapons, to spend more, including on the ukrainian project, that’s what concerns all these statements that russia will attack the baltic states in 2-3-4 years, then i think that, of course
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, timing is very important, because always when they talk about such a radical scenario, they are looking somewhere towards this...
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another candidate in the republican primaries, trump’s competitor, is still trying to impose some kind of competition on him, but i think that trump will also win quite easily in newhamshire, and maybe he will just get a slightly lower result than he had in iowa, then in two weeks nevada, well, trump is doing great there, and in 2 weeks it’s south carolina, then at the beginning of march super tuesday, that’s when i think trump quite easily wins all 15 states that will vote and it becomes de facto a person who... the supreme court on removing trump from the primary starts around february 5, so i think that they will try to sort it out there in two or three weeks, by the end of february there will be some result. plant, well, perhaps, but in this case, still not imprisoned, but simply removed, removed from primeres
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because trump allegedly participated in this very rebellion or organized it there. rebellion, well, to be honest, there, again , i know american lawyers, everyone expects a decision of either 6x3 or 7x2 in favor of trump, that’s because there really is a republican majority in the supreme court, and judges whom trump himself appointed , well, the case really isn’t worth a damn, because well, you can treat the storming of the capitol on january 6 any way you want, but here it’s kind of purely procedural to remove trump from the elections for something for which he was not charged, that is, he had to be first recognized by the court as a rebel, then removed for this, well, it’s obvious that this is such a politicization of justice, but nevertheless, nevertheless there may be surprises, so i ’m not ready to judge that 100% of the supreme court will definitely take his side, but the likelihood of this is quite high, but if this does not happen, if trump is acquitted by the supreme court, there will be no spiders in his wheels , then on march 5 he wins primeres, everything will be great for him, but we will follow this story with you, well
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, the second story is, of course, everything that concerns the coordination of the budget in congress for ukraine, there are literally 2 days left before the deadline. according to the first shutdown, they will certainly adopt some kind of budget, most likely it will be a short-term budget until mid -march, during which time they will try to agree on something regarding ukraine, well , to be honest, i’m not changing my forecast, i think that there is up to 20 billion dollars quite calmly through the congress can be held, but now the republicans have a new interesting idea: to allocate money to ukraine literally monthly, that is, every month we can send an auditor to see how it was spent there, that zelensky had infactin. what, what at the front, if there is success, then we will give a little more money, financial ease, yes, if there is no money, if there is no success, there will be no money, but of course, the americans have already sent auditors to iraq more than once to no avail.
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return to the final forum, from which many in the world expected some serious progress, including in american foreign policy, in particular with regard to ukraine, well, in the end, already... at least since the fall of last year, the american mainstream press has been quite clear, so to speak , expressed the point of view that ukraine was defeated, that it was not possible to win a military victory over russia, and from this the clear conclusion was made that it is necessary to somehow change the official position of the united states of america on the ukrainian issue, this is not just any tucker carlson , is not some fox news, this...
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with the supply, so to speak, of the latest western weapons systems to ukraine, the last hopes die, that’s why, so to speak, both sullevan and blinken said that ukraine had already won, what else a little, so to speak, and crimea will be ours, so to speak, a breakthrough to melitopol, so to speak, of ukrainian strike groups on the russian-ukrainian front was expected, so... well, as you know, everything ended not at all as expected in washington , and what do we see, but that blinkin and salevan repeat the same his very stupidities
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from last year, that’s what salevan generally said that ukraine had a strategic victory over russia, well, if this is so, then what can there be a conversation about some kind of assistance to ukraine, and what is he smoking? and what they smoke, that’s what i’ll talk about now, so to speak. more than one generation of american diplomats, politicians, representatives of the media, members of the public, and so on and so on, has been raised. people are absolutely sure that america is
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a city on a hill, that it should teach everyone to live the rest of humanity, that if someone , some political figure somewhere in the world does not agree with this american leadership, this means he is a dictator, this means that he is an authoritarian, heads an authoritarian regime, that he...
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but with in general, a problem happened to america, they stopped being scary, but became funny , yeah, and this is something that people can’t afford, but here, of course, zelensky is now handsome, zelensky is really vovchik, well done, at the final press conference in davos he said: no i planned to meet with the chinese prime minister, not my level , there is the prime minister of china, then our prime minister will meet with him, i would be happy to meet with the leader of china, to what extent...
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no, no, we need to talk with state leaders, and well, you also became for states' rights , yes, no, no, no, no, this is serious, for example, support the tech industry in its right to freedom, turn to the free people of california, geven newsum, or something, that’s also an option, what’s the problem, no, no, completely seriously, that is, just ask the question, is the supreme power in united states legitimate?
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north america. and doesn’t it make sense to contact directly the states of north america in order to build a system of relations with them ? this is more than logical in conditions when the united power of north america is not capable of fulfilling its basic fundamental functions, just look at what is happening now on the southern border of the united states, here it has already been said about the iranians’ attack on the territory of pakistan, they struck on the territory of baluchestan, which.
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you see, this country cannot control its southern border as soon as texas, having expelled the federal border guards , said that next, texas was forced to lead its national guard to the border zone, because there was no other way to stop this flow, yes, well, just a small piece, we’ll see, so to speak, what will happen further, well, the road to thousands begins with the first, but i think it might not be so stupid , so to speak, to make a statement to appoint ambassadors. fighting zakharov that we fully support, so to speak, the right of the people of texas to defend their independence, somehow so, no appeal, great idea, that's all, see you.
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we’re suffocating, there’s a fresh guy at the foundry with a knife in his back, a car comes out behind you. it will be 10, i have an exhumation this morning, i won’t have time, starting the day with an old corpse is a bad omen, but if it’s fresh first, then nothing, i ’m waiting for you, my love, take kostya to kindergarten, but there are options, hurry up, you’re yours the dead are waiting, god forbid you are late, they will not forgive you for this and... the investigation will follow the wrong trail, go wake up the child, oh, there are still 10 minutes, let him sleep, you need to wake him up gently, like you me.
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today you will lead me, but what are the complaints? where's mom? mom, mom was called to the corpse.
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hello, maria siryevna, life is in full swing, and where is my beloved man, to whom i owe for the morning surprise, the boss went.
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if you look, half of the apartments have been privatized , so even at the passport office they won’t really say anything, but there is something encouraging, you see, there are rings on the stake, he was imprisoned for robbery, and here is a cross with two crowns, which means he went through crosses, but it’s obvious for a long time, nowadays they don’t do such tattoos, he looks like 45-50 years old, well anyway, once he was in the cross, it means he was arrested at least once in st. petersburg, and if we establish his identity, the devil is warm, the knife is homemade , you can see from the handle, maybe he fermented with someone but didn’t share the bottle? yes, a knife from the zone , maybe he fermented, but not here , i can tell you this without experts, you see traces of blood on the clothes, vertical bleeding, it means he came here with a knife, and here he fell, the sole is dirty, it means there is a repair somewhere, or
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the ceiling or the walls are being painted, for sure, the soles are dirty, which means i should have left it until i was walking, hi, mash, hi, hi, this hasn’t happened for a long time, but remember, masha, you still found that golden time, a night without incident, tea, a cigarette, tea, a cigarette, and home, zhenechka, fast profile, maybe without a corner, hello everyone, whoever i haven’t seen , hello, marya sergeevna , i walked up two stairs, no one said anything, okay, vinokurov, your back is white, that’s an infection, it’s me in the second entrance, painting the walls there, damn it, you’ve run out of film, you there are people with convictions at the site, in the second entrance the father and two sons do not get out of the zones, the sons are now in in jail, dad recently laid back, so...
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with him, i’ll write a report, go to the prosecutor’s office, print out a search warrant, the rest will be finished by gorchikov, let’s start blessing, and what are we doing mashenka, she’s kind of sour today, it’s cold, it’s toothy it hurts, maybe you can give me a pill, i’ll give you a pill, of course, but this is not a solution, let’s rip it out for you now, let’s... we’ll make do with vintage, i ’m cold, what’s cute, pretty, tell me, who are you, who, tell me , i will hear an ambulance, quickly!
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zoe, hello, mash, dance, you have a letter, thank you, from whom, from the defendant kuskin. yes, and i’ll read it out loud, i’ll read it out loud, i know you don’t like his handwriting, yes , dear investigator shvetsova, senior investigator, by the way, forgive me for not contacting you on an official matter, i couldn’t help but write to you, not i might not have written to you, before my case was handled by senior investigator gorchukov, like gorchukov, so senior, our clients know better who is senior, in that five.
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a worthwhile life, but why his gorchekov? for what? robbery, hooliganism, resistance to police officers, serious bodily injuries and in general, i’m not there i remember what else there is, when he managed to do so much, how old is he, 23, i continue , everything in my eyes became blurred, i was ready to directly confess, and i was ready to directly confess to you - my love, if i wasn’t afraid of offending you , when you handed me the protocol, you told me to read it and sign if i completely
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agree, i barely held the pen and signed without reading, at that time i secretly devoured you with my eyes, that’s where the dog is buried, of course, he’ll tell the judge , that he signed the protocol without reading it, because he didn’t think a damn thing out of love, that’s why everything is there it’s written incorrectly, that’s why he concocted this letter so that he could get away with it in court, since with us all the proof is only during the investigation.
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don’t knock, you drop the geranium, it’s not geranium, asparagus, asparagus, that is, if they don’t give you a salary by the end of the week, we’ll eat it, now, now, be patient, yes, you tried rinsing with soda, no, i didn’t, so what? you're rummaging through the safe, but you can't keep the pills in the table, i keep them in the safe, because it's a doc thing, it's panfil's wheels, remember that one? no, i do not remember. opera, they thought it was ecstasy, it turned out to be sidolgin, but in it still contains some kind of drug, so it should help, i found it, look, are you kidding me, maybe i have a sheepskin coat. you'll give her a gift for a falcon, nothing , she's in the cut, it's good to go to waste, look , the examination report is all long, i don't need it, oh, you're really bad , how will you work, you know, when i'm angry, i'm better it turns out, if so, take one rape from me, you want to throw me a netrebina and three of these books, mashenka, you
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will succeed with them all sincerely, i know it’s yours profile, how many things do you have, 11, and i have 17, will you take it, no, did something happen? i tried, i can't live without you. sklitosovsky, tomorrow on rtr. the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into the new season
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with new renovations. reality, as you see, let it into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, no life, you need to go to the capital, it
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seems like it exploded at the mine. how we look at our hisha in the face on the weekend, you are far away, we are going to moscow, val, and you, i am burning bridges behind me, other people’s houses, someone else’s life, but not my own it’s formed, i so want to look back, i look with my eyes, i don’t believe it, you came back, or something, completely, but i don’t know, you were looking for a new life, some kind of happiness and nothing. i didn’t find it, happiness, it turns out , is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness? on sunday on rtr,
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there was no sadness, a woman bought a piglet. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again. it puts everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face that forgives everything, they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them a real star, a secret of dreams, how did you agree to this? at first we pushed in a red snake , our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, does the name
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fillonov mean anything to you? this is someone who used to work in the area. yeah, he's the one. you ’re friends with the regional murderer, what does he say about him? tells different things. i am glad to welcome the new team. let's get to know each other better. by the way, fillonov is not an individual entrepreneur, but nikolai petrovich, kolya. and you, lyosha. masha, mashenka. mashenka, if i hadn’t been married for the third time, y. listen, god, i’m confused, girls, but you don’t have a prosecutor’s office here, but some what’s his name? beauty contest, by the way, for obvious reasons i'm entering today, so i kindly ask you not to run away after 6 or be late. by the way, lyosha. and i’m waiting for you too , well, that’s it, bye, ciao, well, what do you think, what
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do you think, i’m asking you, how much does vydecalon cost, they asked me to congratulate you on their golden wedding, to perform informan s for them.
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zhenya, oh, hee-hee-ha-ha, they don’t let lavrud sleep, you have hardened people’s souls, you don’t feel the real poetry of life, masha is back in cold boots, smiling. come on, you better take an exclusive photo of my cannibal maniac, puzikov? why did he surrender to me? well, you see, the whole press
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of the world is chasing his photo, the local reporters and i ate all my baldness, even they begged for this press. i tell them, you see, until we carry out all the identifications, his image cannot be printed, and they only whine about us from behind. take a better photograph of the operatives in which he detained. and they tell me that in public the back of a maniac is much more interesting than the face of an operative. got it, ash. investigator shvetsova's press has been deprived of accreditation. from the senior investigator. listen, mistress, we’ve almost figured it out, what should we do next? take out the coffin, open the lid, and call us, we’ll process it. the sun has come out. for the first time at such a procedure, a young man, absorb invaluable experience. oh, it's cold. there are swamps under the cemetery, so there is always plenty of water, even in winter, and i
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went to the vonovo region from izgumir, so there is only one pleasure. dry, sand, the coffin was taken out , they shook the sand with a whisk, opened it, and there the skull we needed was in a separate bag, skeletonized pipes, oh, we returned to the hotel , then we decided to go to the telephone point, call the boss, well, i took the bag with me, and the opera subtle mental organization, like you, fedya? and says: why are we going to drag around the city with a skull? i explain to them: you understand, i was rushing to hell in the middle of nowhere for this skull, what if it gets stolen? and he says to me: can you imagine the thief’s face when he will the package open? nothing, uncle fedya, in a year or two there will be nothing sacred left for you, that’s the job. listen, mistress
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, what kind of blind man do you need, row six, place three, and whoever you dug up, from the third and raised, in the coffin you need, petrenko, raisa bronislavna should lie in the coffin , haven’t you seen the sign, in short, see for yourself. sorry, i'm nervous, what should we do? are we going to watch this sweet couple here or are we going to take them to the morgue? so, then, zhen, take pictures, close the coffin and take them both to the morgue, there is something unnatural in this, from the grave
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back to the morgue, we are fedya's lawyers. and not a philosopher, yes, yes, yurochka, hello, mashenka , hello, hello, dear, hello, well, tea, coffee, champagne, whatever you want, more analgesics, well, my tooth hurts, we’re afraid to go to the dentist, i’m afraid, yes, what a fool you are, well, eat the pills, yeah, how do you cook, with god's help, by the way , i said hi to you, i like this photo, mm, hold it, oh, listen, why are you so cold, tea, tea, urgently , by the way, i already arranged it, well, i persuaded you, yes, but what about your exhumation, it was a success, 200%, i mean it ended up in a coffin
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two corpses, stop it, are you kidding or something, i’m not joking, so... well, let’s see, let’s go, let’s go, so, they slipped our grandmother’s gentleman, who is he, i have to ask you, that’s how they buried us, yura, hello, closed coffin, who took it, relatives, well, what shift was at least on duty, well, yurichka, you ask such questions, how do i know what shift was on duty, i heard about doubles in the graves, but in the coffins, excuse me,
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hello , i congratulate you on your birthday, yes, i wish you everything, we’ll see you today, i’m calling about this very issue, what happened, it won’t work out today, masha again anyway, but i’ll be at work until late, well, the cat and i will come to see you on the weekend, yeah. every time it’s the same, you have a family, nina semyonovna, i would love to, but you understand, mashenka, it’s impossible, nina semyonovna, masha, it’s ugly, yes, but it hurts and i wanted to, nothing, someday i will also become a new blood, well, 30, 35 years old, european,
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the skin on my thighs is damaged, eaten. no, it looks like the skin was removed with a sharp instrument, tortured or something, but the devil knows, fingers you can skate it, fingers, now we'll see. no, the fingers are normal, uh-huh, let's make an imprint, mashentsia, my joy , hello, hello, long time no see, listen, not in friendship service, take out some cigarettes , light a cigarette, put it in my teeth, i was walking past, i saw you, no way i could have passed, i came for the autopsy, uh-huh, well, that’s interesting, yura, but the teeth, ma, and the teeth, masha, are excellent, you’ll be envious of, look, first of all, oops everyone...
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they didn’t strangle the old lady, they strangled the old lady, it’s a fact, they strangled her, let’s go home, albina,
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hello, sorry to bother you, marus, where are you, i can’t find you, i urgently need you, albina, come in the evening, we’ll talk, i have a problem, could you urgently pick up kostya from kindergarten and bring him home, he has the keys, but... just need to - to feed him, i’m in the devil’s hands, and you ’re in the car, okay, okay, i’ll pick him up, but first i’ll take him to my brothel for a couple of hours, and then i’ll bring him home in the best possible way, listen, i have urgent business with you , you're not dangerous, okay, agreed, just be sure to feed him, soup in the refrigerator and cutlets, prepare some pasta for him as a side dish, that’s it, oh, well, okay, oh, what are you doing, well, you dug up two coffins, dug them up , for candy, but in the morning one corpse turned out to be alive, for candy, so there is life - balance and... i wonder who gave this settler the lift, and although mash, now anything is possible, i saw that at our entrance they stand with machine guns, such idiots, and so, 5 days ago they brought to us bandits from a showdown, gunshots , it began, so this is
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the story, bandits come at night, tacomonos they were not only let in, but also personally escorted to the bodies, and what did they want, and you understand, they are touching guys, they just came to say goodbye, they cried. superficial damage to the skin is all , but this is why, excuse me, they don’t die, maybe they pumped them full of drugs, i don’t know, chemists will work, of course, but i don’t see any traces of use, well, i don’t understand, i don’t understand, if death is not
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violent, why why the hell should he have been thrown into someone else’s coffin, that means, yurochka, he’s violent, well, i don’t know, then give it to us time to tinker, i hope in three or three days you will at least get a preliminary conclusion, tinker, but i really ask you, you just can’t imagine how i feel about this... dima, that’s all right, little girl, sit down, i’ll give you a ride.
11:27 pm
it’s a good car, vasya , it’s a new car, it’s my first time driving a completely new car, it’s probably worth money, what money, more than my wife, three children, three, you seem to have two, yes three, three, i’m sure i know. you better tell me when you are going to cheat, i have guys in line, let them send a request to the procurator, you better tell me how yura is doing, yura is doing badly , his wife is... not in bed, she has kidney disease, which is not treated in russia, only in america, yura found one professor, a good one professor, talented, lucky, but anything can happen, possibly death, there will be an inexpensive shop here, maybe we’ll stop, it’s easy.
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vasya, i can’t afford this, woman, don’t detain the driver, i beg you, come through, come through! hop, mashulya, this is my automatic cart, please, this is for you, this is for my husband, this is friend, husband, this is a friend, friend, husband, please look, what samaska, we need, let's see, here, that's how many cigarettes.
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please, hello, lenochka , how are you, they've already robbed me for an hour, yes, they're stealing little by little, oh, well, hello, stealing, yes, what is it, and you know why, because this is the chief investigator of the prosecutor's office, my sister, beautiful you live, vasily, can i call you, yes, yeah, thank you. hello, albina, hello, you're already getting ready to go home, okay, me too, me too, i'll be there soon too, that's it for now, i 've been saving, the pipe is expensive, not more expensive money, by the way, take a phone number, it’ll come in handy, what? she said that it will be soon, when
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she says that soon, it means soon, and if she’s delayed, she calls, and i’m nervous, cat, i just like certainty in everything, okay, let’s get ready, and tell me how dad’s relationship is going with his mother, as always, he says that she is a bad mother, she cannot talk to him because she works all the time... and uncle lesha gorchakov says that she needs to get rid of complexes, from which complexes? what is he bad mother? listen, cat, you have a very good mother, a wonderful mother, simply the best in the world. i say this because i know, i am a mother myself. and then, when i first saw her cooking with you little, i told everyone so, here is a ready-made mother-in-law. do you know what a mother-in-law is? this is my grandma.


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