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tv   Morozova  RUSSIA1  January 18, 2024 3:50am-4:42am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] a large fire most likely occurred near the davidson gallery in seattle, which damaged more than 100 works of art. now experts are assessing the losses, and apparently, some paintings by picasso, rembrandt, goya, and escher have been lost forever. but most of the priceless works will still be preserved. the oldest work in the collection dates back to the end of the 15th century, and the newest were created last week. and here's the irony of fate. already in february, all the paintings were due. move to a new building, new ones, here's a useful invention russian scientists would have to, by the way, they created a heat-resistant material, metal, buildings from which will not collapse during a fire while people are being evacuated, and steel that saves lives, andrey nekul. it seems that it can be stronger than steel, but at a temperature of just over 400 degrees, structures made from it quickly lose their load-bearing
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capacity. in the event of a fire, it only takes... 15, or even five minutes for the metal beams to bend and the roof to end up on the floor; during this time, let alone getting people out, rescuers do not have time to get to the scene of the emergency and fix it. the situation was solved by scientists mrs. , which mean that at the moment of heating , special reinforcing nanoparticles are formed in the structure of the steel, plus the correct cooling rolling modes were applied, as a result the metal softens twice as slowly, this is shown in particular by such tests on a tensile testing machine with a furnace. moreover, after a fire, such an alloy can become even stronger, which means that the building will not have to be demolished even after a major fire, this is especially important when it is located in a hard-to-reach place. the same arctic
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zone. where in fact the availability of building materials there is very small, and extremely limited, but it ’s precisely the use of this grade of steel that can make it possible to continue to operate the buildings. one big one the company has already started producing such rolled steel, it will be used in the construction of sports complexes, workshops and shopping centers, and scientists go further and are working, for example, on recipes for the atmosphere of resistant steel, which is popular today among designers, it gives color to a product made from it... not paint is rust, only its structure is not loose, as usual, it is a strong protective film, this is also due to the introduction of alloying additives, such as copper and chromium, now they are thinking about controlling the color of rust. there is a certain the theory of the formation of a collage even defined by color, up to dark gray, the dark gray color will be, it will be rust, but not in our usual understanding, like borax color, but the main task is to make such steel very strong so that
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it is not suitable only... for art objects for decorating facades, but also for the construction of bridges that will not need to be painted. here's what's next: import of drug replacement. russian pharmacists plan to produce dozens of analogues of foreign drugs this year, new developments will be announced soon we'll tell you. what is your status? busy? yes, my snow queen's heart melted. you don’t need me, you want your child.
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your tests are ready. people are so caught, not indifferent, support in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, there is no
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family in russia where its hero is not remembered and the eyes of young soldiers look from photographs of faded ones. this look is like the highest court, for the guys who are growing up now, and the boys cannot lie, deceive, or go astray, on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunov, the legendary, favorite film officers. on sunday on rtr. how many animals are there in your family? 16.
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why stop? he offered the goat first. there were ducks, ducklings, bendyuks. he 's not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog. lyovochka, i beg you very much. lyova, well, well, if you were human. among friends, a program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. a miracle of technology that won't get you far, enthusiasts from the usa assembled a chopper in their garage, but it turned out to be difficult to drive. it's good that there are tests. it is not reported how much such a vehicle weighs, but three of us had to roll it out; as a result of the test drive , no one was injured, but it is still better
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to choose safer means of transportation, which our ivan zenkevich talks about, yes, what, for example, an intelligent one is capable of all-wheel drive, you want to know, very, come on, in the description of the new models. more and more often you can find the phrase intellectual complete drive sounds intriguing, but what is hidden behind this in practice, new technologies or a marketing ploy? let's figure it out. the all-wheel drive system on modern passenger cars can be divided into two types: the first is permanent all-wheel drive on all wheels, it does not turn off. the second option is a hard-wired drive, this is when the driver chooses the mode himself. turn on all-wheel drive or not, the first type is quite expensive and entails high fuel consumption, the second is used mainly on serious suvs and pickups. and finally one more option is that same intelligent
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all-wheel drive. this is when the car control unit determines the driving conditions under which there is a need to automatically connect the clutch, transferring additional rotation to the wheels, or not. moreover, such a circuit with automatic connection. today, almost all all-wheel drive crossovers are equipped with a rear axle; its main advantage is fuel economy, since torque is not constantly transmitted to the second axle, but only when necessary. the on-board computer polls in a split second several dozen sensors and decides where to distribute torque and apply effort on the steering wheel, that is, physically a person cannot do this faster than a computer. such a system has one more advantage - preset driving modes. for example, turn on the snow mode. the gas pedal does not respond immediately to pressing, with a delay, and not as sharply as we are used to. this is
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necessary to avoid slipping. when driving in this mode, up to 80% of the traction goes to the front wheels. this is necessary to minimize risk of skidding when turning. there are other useful settings in the system. sand mode. it is needed not only for traveling in the desert, it will be useful to you either in deep snow or in mud, because it allows the car to drive under tension. the car starts at higher speeds, gear changes occur later. other manufacturers may have other modes, and this is a useful thing that will help you not get stuck off-road. the main thing is not to forget that the presence of intelligent all-wheel drive will not turn a city crossover into a full-fledged all-terrain vehicle. donkey, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves the remensky musicians, the magnificent five, this is my
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group, why have i never seen you and princess, i actually sing too, you clearly need a rebrandin, the bremen musicians, grab them. good operation, are you not with us? sklifosovsky, today 21:20 on the russia channel. help with fuel, mobile rescuers and free tea, traffic collapse on highways in six regions due to bad weather, a record in construction and growth in indicators in other areas, at a meeting with the government the president spoke about inflation, hands off alyosha and no to fascism, with these slogans the residents of plovdiv are protesting against the demolition of the monument. war to the liberator. the news
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will tell you about the main thing in ver tarasov’s studio. hello. it was not the weather that stopped the movement of the country's key federal highways and hit the volga region with renewed force. in tatarstan , more than the monthly norm of precipitation fell on monday. and every hour, with every hour, the difficulties caused by bad weather are growing like a snowball . the snowdrifts on the roadway reached halfway. despite restrictions on drifts the night before the m5 ural m7 highways stalled. bus traffic in all directions was temporarily closed; a powerful atlantic cyclone in central russia accelerated to storm speeds. mobile teams of rescuers came to the aid of drivers, and krasiv highways brought in all the necessary equipment. emergency commissioners distribute fuel to those in need. on some sections, the congestion has already been partially eliminated,
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but it is clear. other spheres of the country's life. according to vladimir putin, inflation at the end of last year amounted to 7.4% it will be possible to reduce it. according to the results of the past year, gdp will increase by at least 35%, which is a good indicator for the russian economy. at the same time, growth was achieved mainly due to domestic consumer and investment. industrial production, construction, agriculture, tourism , freight turnover has grown, but as for construction, we returned to this issue several times, 110, in my opinion, 10 million square meters, that’s where we have housing. took place, this is, of course, an absolute record,
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there has never been anything like this in the history of russia, i i want to congratulate the builders on this, this is a very good indicator, although there are also challenges, inflation is 7.4%, uh, i really hope that - through joint efforts with uh, with the participation of the bank of russia, of course, we will be able to come to a - solution this task, over the 10 months of last year, real wage growth was 7.7%, this is not bad, but keeping in mind inflationary processes, it is necessary to compare one with the other. and an important topic was the development of the far east, benefits for priority development areas were discussed, they will be used to create new
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transport and logistics capacities in the region. for russia and, probably, for the whole world , thank you for your work, but you made a decision, of course, an act of will, you know, like the russian language, it is very voluminous, so will in russian means both strength of character and will - this is desire, and will is freedom, and for my part i want to thank you, everyone who takes part in the work of the headquarters, volunteers, of course, especially in, so to speak,
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difficult territories, bye, bye. yes ammunition, fuel base two radars were hit in the northern military district zone over the past 24 hours, combat work was carried out by missile troops, artillery and combat drone crews, at least six attacks by ukrainian attack aircraft were repelled in the donetsk direction alone. 650 mercenary militants were eliminated in all areas of the special operation. in bulgarian plovdiv, hundreds of people came out to defend the famous monument to the soviet liberator soldier. hands off alyosha, not fascism. such slogans were unfurled by activists in front of the entrance to the mayor's office. fearing the resonance, the deputies formally changed the agenda to clarify the cost
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works the day before, the city council proposed moving the eleven-meter sculpture - a symbol of the city, the country of victory in world war ii, to the museum of communism. for defenders of the monument, the option of moving it looks like trampling on the memory of thousands of fighters against fascism. the l76 transport aircraft of the russian ministry of emergency situations delivered another batch of humanitarian aid to egypt for the population of the gas sector. russian rescuers handed over 30 tons of humanitarian aid to representatives of the egyptian red crescent society. further aid will be sent to palestine. only eighteen emercom flights have already transported 420 tons of food, medicine and basic necessities. israel, meanwhile , continued to attack facilities in the gas sector on the west bank of the jordan river. again there are dead and wounded. the total number of victims of the israeli operation is already over 24 thousand palestinians. in israel, there was a clash with the police between protesters for peace in gaza. farmer protests in germany went to the obl. but they started
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in france. agricultural machinery filled the streets of toulouse. farmers protest against growth taxes and unfair competition. logs and hay and manure were dumped from bodies and... trailers right on the street. towards evening, the participants began to make fires. firefighters were called to the protest site. this is a message, don't switch. novosibirsk instrument builders manufactured new equipment for the siberian ring spring scientific center. this year, the construction is entering the home stretch, and our correspondent olga durnykh will tell you how an engineering miracle was achieved under the conditions of sanctions. amazing siberian ring spring photons. skif, one of the largest scientific construction projects in russia, could have stalled. due to sanctions, foreign companies refused to cooperate, but the siberians did not give up. to
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cope on their own, the institute of scientific instruments modernized the buildings and today presented ready-made frontends. this is such a chain of equipment necessary to bring synchrotron radiation from the storage ring where it was born to research stations, where scientists will work with it until three frontends are ready, visually they are of course similar to each other at each other, but in reality everyone is different. for different diffraction stations, important for the study of materials, stations for fast processes and high-energy, in demand in many areas, for example, tomography of any archaeological site. you can’t destroy it and see how this man died, whom our archaeologists dug up there, they take his skull, do a tomography right at the synchrotron source and actually see that he had either a spear embedded there, or even some kind of material. they'll do it by spring three more frontends, in the summer they will begin installation on site in koltsovo, complex equipment,
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vacuum pumps, sensors, cooling and emergency systems, this was the first time this was done at the institute of instrumentation, but certainly not the last. the next projects of c sources are already looming ahead, this is at the kurchatov institute, in protvina, on russky island. there is an opportunity now to release a fairly competitive, high-tech product, and accordingly, create jobs and attract taxes to the novosibirsk region. but while all attention is paid to the main project on its territory, this year the synchrotron radiation source will be launched, next year the first research at the stations will begin. olga durnyv, denis fstegneev, host novosibirs. all news is always available on the media platform. we watch it in the application or on the website meet the morning on the
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russia channel. let's start. come on, come on with a smile. more more more. that's good, so, it's the morning of russia, don't oversleep, the main thing is, good morning, hello everyone, this is your morning on the russia channel, not only soar like you, but exercise on the trampoline extreme sports enthusiasts from brazil attached a spring net to a hot air balloon, staged
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a circus performance in the sky of such skydiving, i have not seen, but you, and you, well, after the jumps, acrobats with parachutes artistically swung down, the dizzying flight was filmed on several cameras, when they posted an impressive video in network, he gained almost 20 million views in a day, with his beloved dog: it would be possible to do this in the sky, pets will be allowed to be transported on a seat next to each other in the cabin of the plane, airlines have finally met halfway passengers, and the way on board is also open for quite large animals, alexander blinnikov studied the new rules of transportation. come on, breathe, breathe, breathe, you already need to lose weight. post-holiday advice turns out to be relevant not only for people. svetlana dianova’s well-fed dogs love the outdoors, but in fact they are indoors, because the girl goes on long-distance air travel. they don’t take bulldogs, they just don’t let them in, i don’t want to check them into the luggage compartment, as it’s quite dangerous for them. a living creature among dirty suitcases is a risky undertaking, especially
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more pet incidents occur regularly. for example, the american bully timon never made it to moscow from chelyabinsk last year. the village was alive, the dead one arrived, but what kind of mockery is this? and the story of victor the cat, who was not allowed on the plane, seems to have spread all over the world. the pet has already died, but thanks to the incident involving him , the rules for transporting animals have moved forward. animals were always allowed into the aircraft cabin, but their weight and size were limited to a minimum. now these parameters enlarged, and your favorite pet can fly in the next seat. the carrier, of course , remains, only now it is not under the chair, it is located at the porthole, and the size and weight of the container have become larger. no more than 50 cm 30 and 30, and this is a rigid container, but it’s semi-solid. container is 50-32-30 container size, the weight of the animal together with the container should be no more than 15 kg.
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a waterproof diaper is placed on the chair, after which the carrier is installed and fastened with a seat belt. aeroflot is testing new rules until march 20, but later they can be maintained on a permanent basis. plans to fly with a pet must be indicated when booking; the ticket will cost at the adult passenger rate. number of places for animals on the flight. depends on the type of aircraft, and there can be both a cat and a dog in the cabin, but the airline clarified that such passengers will sit in different parts of the plane. other airlines have similar offers, for example, s7 and north star are ready to provide a cross for carrying pets weighing up to 23 kg. we have our own requirements at ural airlines, alrosa and uteira, pet owners ardently support innovations. as a dog lover, it seems to me that it’s good to take the dog with you, but the dog may not be so. worries if not only people are happy next to their owner, but also animals; according to veterinarians, any over-ice for a pet is a lot of stress, but
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having the owner nearby helps to cope with it, the endocrine system is actively working, at the level of synthesis of hormones that are directly needed for all systems to work correctly when there is an owner nearby, to whom the animal is accustomed, even the presence of a smell, the presence of the owner’s gaze has a positive effect on the pet itself. by the way, airlines do not limit the type. a pet, it could even be a parrot with a lizard, there is only one important condition: the entire flight, the animal must be in a carrier so that the journey is comfortable for all passengers. well , it’s clear whose area of ​​responsibility is for the safe travel of a pet; there are many questions for those who accompany tourists and people. instructors and guides will have to undergo a medical examination from september. the project was published by the ministry of health for public discussion. first of all, tourists will not be allowed to visit them. who suffers from mental disorders, the guide is expected to undergo an examination by a psychiatrist-narcologist, laboratory tests to determine chronic
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drug use, and other specialists. let's discuss in the studio the chairman of the expert council of the state duma committee on tourism, christopher konstantinityev. hello christopher, of course we are of course, let's return to the topic of medical contraindications for instructors, i generally want to understand their registry, registration system? guides, guides, excursion guides, but if we are talking specifically about traveling in mountainous areas, then there is a requirement for professional skills, competencies and health, you noted an important component - mental, narcotic, and of course physical preparation. here, of course, it is very important, in addition to the fact that there will be certification, to also control that on all routes in all sections there are exactly
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certified professionals, future guides will have to visit ophthalmologists. history for 500 rubles. don’t you think that all this comes down to the need for centralized control, because on the sites there are a lot of dubious offers about extreme tourism, well, who should check all the certificates from this register, who is actually involved in this matter, some probably specialized department, there is
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profile committee of the state duma, in each region there is either a ministry or a department... in the department, the tourism committee, on the other in most regions there is a ministry of the party, this can also be centralized through regulation of the activities of tourism aggregators, because today the promotion and sale of these services are usually carried out on the sites of such aggregators, and now it is at the site of the state duma with the participation of all key tourism aggregators that the project is being discussed and finalized of the law related to the activities of aggregators, this part can also be partially resolved through such issues by the ministry. economic development delegated powers on tourism, and there are certain big advantages to this, because the ministry
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does not have a narrow profile, but very... other opportunities that can also be and are used to regulate and develop tourism, additional support measures that are related to small businesses , development of financial institutions and others to teach, but on the other hand, a specialized government body, as you said, the ministry of such a body has the advantage that it is centrally engaged exclusively in tourism and receives all the attention and power directs at it, because it has its own advantages, has its own characteristics , and that format, thank you, and the tour instructors spoke with... the chairman of the expert council of the state duma committee on tourism , christopher konstantinidi, enthusiastically, like the first day, it seems like nothing, all the golden hands, many sklifosovsky believes today at 21:20 on the russia channel, and soon we will watch new episodes:
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changes in our personal life, at work... i won’t say yet. our pharmacists successfully replace imported medications that have become unavailable or prohibitively expensive due to sanctions. the national labor productivity project helps enterprises develop new drugs and increase production. this drug is at the development stage, it helps people from bloating, from... any drug gets into production thanks to the engineers and technologists working here, only they decide how to produce this or that medicine. this is where the techniques in general, and probably the life of the drug, are born. next, these methods are sent to all laboratories of our plant, in-production controls, service quality control. irina came to the plant 2 years ago, after graduating from kemerovo
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state university she immediately found herself in an era of change, due to the sanctions that... they limited the import of medicines, it was necessary not only to increase production, but to launch generics to replace unavailable foreign drugs, so every certified chemist here is worth gold. we have significantly expanded the pharmaceutical development laboratory and the drug development area itself. we have introduced about 50 new drugs, which, in principle, cover all therapeutic groups. and they are analogues of imported drugs. in the coming year they plan to launch another 60 import-substituting products. drugs, and the increased production volume can be assessed by looking at the cyclopean warehouse of finished products, which is controlled by automation. this production line, which is currently producing a new drug to lower cholesterol, was built from scratch and launched a little over a year ago. the line is fully automated, raw materials are loaded by pneumatic transport and transferred to stages of preparation without human intervention, that
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is, the person actually presses the buttons and transfers the raw materials themselves. here the tablets are already in a sealed blister. the first stages of production take place in a sterile area, where operators are not even allowed to wear cosmetics. but the last stage of packaging remained a bottleneck until recently. productivity increased using lean production methods, and at the same time, working conditions became better. more convenient, more comfortable, yes, that is, we used to paste distinctive labels manually, print them ourselves and stick them with glue. optimization thanks to the national project , labor productivity was achieved; now more than 5.00 enterprises are participating in it, employing over one and a half million people. thanks to his support, more than 4.0 enterprises increased their profits by 318 billion rubles. by the way, the pharmaceutical plant in saransk was one of the first to join the national project, back in 2018. the ampoule production was chosen as the starting site, which we completely reconstructed and rebuilt during the implementation of this project, which made it possible
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to increase the productivity of the site by 30%. and, most importantly, speed up the reconfiguration of lines for the production of new drugs. one of the results is that last fall the first batch of an import-substituting drug for the treatment of diabetes, weight loss and prevention of comorbidities was released. cardiovascular diseases, now it is planned to create a federal biotechnology center on the basis of the enterprise, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism. this is some kind of parallel agenda, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch
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on the media platform, watch, the first podcasts we watch, what can you say about the tank, white tiger, this white devil is not your thing teeth, it’s the only one the germans have, they don’t have it and it’s important. he is a white tiger here, a film by karen shakhnazarov on friday on rtr, there was no sadness, a woman bought a pig, once you get
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a pet, life will never be the same again. our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally
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some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen , watch, on the media platform let's watch.
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substation. in a grand concert, the first 100 years, anniversary of the mosfilm film studio, live broadcast from the first pavilion. on friday on rtr, all the blame for bad ecology, i found solace in a study by british scientists, it turns out that polluted air forces people to lead a sedentary lifestyle, an increase in the concentration of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere reduces physical activity by 22 minutes a day, the explanation is so far, people because of... a favorable
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environmental situation, they don’t want to go outside again; passivity is especially dangerous for people with chronic diseases, they need stress like air. and here we have the release of a film drama by alexei german the younger, about the heroism and courage of soviet female pilots during the great patriotic war. these planes were delivered to the cinema specifically for the premiere of the film air. the main characters of the film flew on the same fighters, complete immersion. into the plot, the story about soviet pilots was highly appreciated by all the guests of the closed premiere. a movie with powerful stories, with powerful characters, a very large-scale picture, yes, it’s as if it’s very interesting, unfortunately, women very often perform feats that even men are not enough to do. air is a dramatic story of young pilots who defended the path of life in 1942, fragile girls learn to conquer themselves, adapt to terrible circumstances and risk their lives every day,
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it proves. immersion in what is happening, viewers will be able to feel themselves at the controls of an airplane going on the attack. air battles were created using new technologies that combined giant cranes, complex built-in graphics systems. we lifted the planes on special hydraulic devices to a height of up to 10 m, and behind them there were screens where real flights were projected, creating gravity, gravity, vibration, turbulence, we twisted without any hands, because on our thing that created. gravity, that
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for a second i thought that he would have enough counters now, it gave this feeling of overload, this feeling of overcoming, but the impressive filming of air battles is not able to overshadow the heightened feelings of the heroes, who are between life and death, against the backdrop in the midst of intense military events , a story of friendship, forgiveness and love unfolds; you want to howl, scream, because you have lost your love, but you must restrain and kill these emotions, terrible emotions, rage. history from january 18 in all cinemas in the country. and then, mexican meat, pasta with alfredo sauce. this does not change the restaurant my colleague visited, but some of
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the dishes. in school canteens, alas, not all that children go to, about new food standards, we’ll talk to the guest after the news, come on, let’s go with a smile, morning of russia, don’t spill it, the main thing. the news will tell about the main thing in russia abroad, in the studio of ver tarasov, hello, we are starting a message from the ministry of defense, the department confirmed that our military carried out a high-precision strike on the point of temporary deployment of foreign fighters in kharkov, the basis of which were french mercenaries. ukrainian sources are distributing this video, more than 60 militants were killed, over twenty were delivered.
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to medical institutions. bad weather stopped the movement of key federal highways of the country and hit the volga region with renewed force in since monday, tatarstan has received more than a month's worth of precipitation; with every hour , the difficulties caused by bad weather are growing like a snowball. the snowdrifts on the roadway reached half a meter. despite the restrictions on drifts , the m5 ural, m-7 volga, and m12 vostok highways stalled the night before. next came various sections of regional roads in penza, ulyanovsk, samara, and orenbur. regions of bashkiria and chuvashia. bus traffic in all directions was temporarily closed. powerful atlantic cyclone central russia accelerated to assault speeds. mobile phones came to the aid of drivers. kraschi highway rescue teams brought in all the necessary equipment. emergency commissioners are delivering fuel to those in need now on certain sections, the congestion has already been partially eliminated, but the snowstorms continue, the situation remains extremely difficult. according to forecasts, in just 24 hours tatarstan will be covered by an avalanche again.
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a big conversation between the president and the government, the main topic being the situation in the economy and other areas of the country’s life. inflation based on results last year was 7.4%. according to
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vladimir putin. i very much hope that - through joint efforts with the participation of the bank of russia, of course, we will be able to approach - to solving this problem. for 10 months of last year, real wage growth amounted to 7.7%. this is not bad, but keeping in mind inflationary processes, it is necessary to... sort of compare one with the other. and the development of the far east became an important topic. benefits for the priority development area were discussed; they will be used to create new transport and logistics capacities in the region. pagestan recalls its ambassador from tehran following an iranian missile attack on
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baluchistan province late tuesday. this was reported by the pakistani foreign ministry. earlier, the diplomat was handed a note stating that islamabad reserves the right to respond to aggression. iran attacked pakistan. in history, the islamic revolutionary guard corps destroyed the base of the terrorist group jaysh al-adli, which had repeatedly attacked iranian security forces. according to media reports, two children were killed and three more were injured. this was already the third iran's blow to its neighbors. iraq and syria were also shelled the day before. farmer protests in germany went to ubol, but they began in france. large agricultural machinery filled the streets of toulouse. farmers are protesting against it. rising taxes and unfair competition. more than 400 tractors and trucks came to the city from kuzov, logs, hay and manure were dumped right on the street. towards evening, the participants began to make fires. firefighters were called to the protest site. traffic on the streets of toulouse turned out to be
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blocked. in germany, snowfalls, frosts, and freezing rain caused the cancellation of air and rail flights. more than 500 planes were unable to take off or land at frankfurt airport alone. 250 more flights. several long- distance trains were cancelled. don't switch. track enemy movements, adjust artillery fire, and drop ammunition on fortified areas. this is all the work of drone operators. alexander learned about how... those who see the battlefield from a bird's eye view are trained podoprigora. modern technologies have made their own adjustments, introducing military operations. the god of war has always been artillery, but in our realities it has eyes. the operators accounted for hundreds of destroyed enemy tanks and thousands of destroyed nationalists. day and
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night, our fighters are in search of targets, but it all starts not on the line of combat contact, in the pilot training center. one of these was created in the 132nd brigade of the first army corps of the russian armed forces. before the actual flight, operators practice their skills on special simulators. to the pilots you need to be able to handle completely different models of drones, know their technical characteristics, capabilities and limitations. here, operators are trained in the tactics of using the so-called birds, including methods of covert deployment, coordination with other types of weapons and the basics of engineering. if enemy jammers are working, you need to know how to restore control settings. the most important. part of connecting ammunition to the model, in this case the error is unacceptable. there is also an interesting corner in the training center. all this trophy collected by our military personnel from the battlefields. but this, for example, is mavic. which passed into the hands of ukrainian militants, but after a short flight it was returned home with the help of
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electronic warfare. one of the latest examples is the ukrainian baba yaga drone, which is not the first unit for this. our fighters shot down in the shallow rear. with its help, the enemy wanted to strike at russian equipment, but this plan was not destined to come true. these are the guys from the infantry, it turns out, they shot him down with the help of a thermal imager, they saw him, they shot him down they called, we arrived, they took him away. will end, i will come home, it is with this faith that, meter by meter, pushing the front line away from donetsk, gorlovka, yasenovataya and other
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front-line cities, our military personnel beat the enemy around the clock. alexander podoprigora, oleg bondarenko, vesti donetsk. the first geneticist doctor in the district appeared at the imalo perinatal center. the doctor advises couples with reproductive health problems , pregnant women with hereditary diseases, as well as children. the cost of genetic research is considerable, but the district the government issues it to newlyweds. certificates for the procedure; in total, more than one and a half thousand couples have already received them. report by vitaly toropov. it is in the chromosomes that genes are located that store information from height and skin color to hereditary diseases, even predisposition to certain types of cancer. science received this opportunity relatively recently, so there are only a few doctors with the appropriate qualifications. nelya volkova is completely alone for the time being. don't be intimidated by the amount of work. it's a little scary, but i think we can handle it. in perinatal
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the center is now an ex-obstetrician who has been working for seven years, has graduated, has successfully received accreditation, and has been in service since december. the work is incredibly responsible, not easy, but interesting. we now have modern technologies, but this still allows us to identify some pathologies and prevent the birth of children with some kind of chromosomal or genetic pathology. we have been waiting for such a specialist in the center since the very moment of opening, since 2016, we had to use telemedicine services for several years, but when we realized that it was easier to raise and train our own, no regrets. the speed of information processing has increased significantly. rado and the management of the institution. those women who could not get an in-person consultation with this doctor, for example, had to leave the country, they can now safely come to our prenatal center. for a consultation, and in the november perinatal center there is an honorary wall of extreme babies, for example
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, these two wonderful twins were born weighing six hundred grams at the twenty -fifth week, but today they are alive and well, like all the heroes of this wall. by the way, today the perinatal center is 100% staffed, exclusively by professional staff, and every year approximately... 1,900 babies appear within these walls. last year, by the way, boys outnumbered girls, although not by much, and genetic examinations are now carried out here at a rate of 5-7 per day, that is, the work of the november perinatal specialists has become much more predictable and calmer, just like childbirth in other ways from yamal mothers. vitaly turopov, andrey dobrikov, lead yamal. all news is always available on media platform, look in the application or on the website stay on the channel.
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russia, come on, let's smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia , good morning, hello, your morning on the russia channel, let's cheer up those who still won't wake up, svetlana abramova, vladislav zavyalov, with you , straight from the christmas tree, one of the most famous inhabitants of the moscow zoo, the red book panda ruyi, is celebrating winter


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