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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 18, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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area. according to the germans, we are talking about two tank divisions, one infantry division, and a division headquarters of more than 70,000 soldiers. and nato will be forced to take countermeasures against russia. by may 2025 , the allies will have deployed 3,000 soldiers to the region, including 30,000 bundeswehr soldiers. the most interesting thing is that this scenario ends there. according to the germans, within a month from the beginning of this conflict, something should happen, that's what they do not specify. we had a short discussion about the rearmament of the bundeswehr, as well as the alliance nato, and some deadlines were named. the minister of defense himself said that this would take 5 to 7 years after the end of the war in ukraine. i think a little differently, i base this assumption on the current capabilities of the bundeswehr and its allies, as well as russia's plans for war with nato. if i look at both factors and add them together, i get a shorter period of time. of course, we will not fight with russia in the next 2-3 years. within 2-3 years we should be
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able to create a deterrent capability in europe together with nato to be able to successfully deter such scenarios convincingly. in principle, russia's military strategy is based on two components: the first is military capabilities, such as those currently deployed in ukraine. the second is willpower, the willpower to survive in a fight with nato, and also to assume that nato will not take more and more risks during hostilities with russia, in this area we simply lack the willpower to...
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austin's hospitalization itself came as a complete surprise even to biden; he learned about the hospital operation exactly a week later, then during the week, biden didn’t miss austin and didn’t think about the army even once. the scandal itself is growing in detail, reuther, citing a transcript of the call to the ambulance, writes that austin was initially called for an ambulance without sirens and flashing lights, so as not to attract attention. on the phone they said it was probably my wife. we don't want to make any noise, we'll try to hide
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the minister's small problem. according to the daily beast, austin was in pre-pregnancy . answering the question: the ambulance, whether the pentagon chief retains complete clarity of mind and whether his consciousness is confused, they did not answer very legibly, they said something about nausea, pain in the area of ​​the abdominal cavity, hips and legs. in general, these are the symptoms that us hegemony causes in most of the civilized world.
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is he mentally confused or something like that? was he vomiting, was there blood in his stool? no. experienced severe pain in my leg,
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hip and abdomen. i will also be outside the residence waiting for the ambulance to take him inside. we have an excellent army, when there are excellent people there, we have such people, i know them, they do not appear on television, these are not the same people, oh whom you are reading is not the same person who is now managing military operations from a laptop from the hospital, this is what he is doing, if he is managing anything at all, i am not sure about this, but it is terrible, for 5 days we did not even know where our minister of defense is located,
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well, now the very harsh realities of modern ukraine, the lure catchers from the shopping center besieged the house, this is odessa, its male residents are asking for friends. hand them medicines and food along a rope; soon, apparently, ukrainian military commissars will start breaking into apartments, or they will start taking ladders with them and storming apartments for future conscripts, while now there is no escape from the military commissars even in the toilet, it’s a sin, of course, to laugh, but the ukrainian lad, look, tried to hide from the employees. the shopping center in klaset on the street, though it didn’t help. the military commissars got it and from there, by the way, as we were told many times, village toilets in the form of a hole in the floor are exceptional only in russia. but it turns out that in one european country,
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completely covered from head to toe with democracy, such closets are also present. in general, this is europe. recruit zelinsky's cannon fodder they will help themselves. estonian mep jack madison proposes not to spend money on maintaining ukrainian men of military age in the european union, of whom there are almost 800,000 potential soldiers, but to forcefully deport them home to ridna nenka, so that zelensky does not have a shortage. in the artyomovsk direction, russian troops are right now very close to the chachovo yar. urban battles may begin in the near future, the battle will be, as you understand, fierce, today the russian army has made very serious progress south of novomikhailovka, this in the marina direction, in so they are retreating on a wide front, our army managed to recapture more than 7
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km; in the kherson direction, the ukrainian ferrymen were able to withdraw several marines from krynoki to the right. judging by this particular footage, this particular marine will no longer be able to hold a weapon in his hands, because his hands were frozen, amputation was ahead. an eloquent illustration of what is happening on the banks of the dnieper, the dead ukrainian military terminal starlink mask. well, the split between zelensky and zaluzhny after all impossible to hide. former deputy minister for internal affairs.
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arrange a screening to try to coordinate his candidacy with the us secretary of state. shot, as the russian army advances in eastern ukraine, american bradley infantry fighting vehicles play a key role in supporting the ukrainian armed forces in battle. i don't know if we're ready, the crew members say, and then open fire with powerful twenty-five-millimeter guns, helping the infantrymen repel an attack from the russians, the commander with the call sign barbie said that now their bradley is doing everything possible. i doubt we'd be talking to you now if we didn't
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have bradley. most likely, the northern flank would already be lost without them; they have no time to waste on completing the next task, they are waiting for the russians to do it themselves. trying to move forward, according to crew members, the bradleys also have the initiative at night and can find a target with their thermal imaging sights. they have come a long way since the failed counteroffensive. but ukrainians fear this could end soon if congress the us will not do what is so expected here , additional funding for military assistance , american and ukrainian officials say that the ukrainian armed forces are already forced to save some ammunition, and you know, another reason why the ukrainians say bradley is so important to them is the fact that this infantry fighting vehicle also raises the morale of the patrols.
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the equipment breaks down, we want to beat the russians, but we can’t, we can’t just for technical reasons, we can just damn it. for technical reasons, yes, let's go back, back a couple of steps, let's go back, back a couple of steps, back, back, back, lie down, people, most of the people who came, like me, as volunteers, they are no longer there, because those who came in the first days, the first days were hard, very hard, not just me, but now, i i’m not saying that it’s easy now, you know,
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a vital american tool for ukrainian troops, each gun fired thousands of shells at russian positions over several months, covering the troops storming russian positions. but now russia is in a strong position and with superior firepower and is threatening new a major offensive as the fate of additional us military aid for ukraine continues to be blocked by congress. our team was taken to a ukrainian artillery position near the front line. this is an american galubina m37, hidden in the forest. the soldiers showed us a meager supply of artillery shells. the commander says that at the beginning of the war they could fire 200 shells a day. there are only 20 shells here, is that a lot or a little? clearly,
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this is a very small number, they know that every shell is now counted by ukrainians forces are forced to limit the number of shots, due to a lack of ammunition, more and more ukrainian soldiers are injured and killed, were your comrades among them? yes , this happens often, doctors remove the fragments. vadim’s back at this point in the hospital near the front, sometimes dozens of seriously wounded people are admitted here in a few hours. in total, i saw about 15 thousand seriously wounded. 1500 victims that you personally witnessed. yes, so i've long since passed the stage where i react emotionally or can appreciate the reality of what's happening. vladimir was injured by a russian drone, and his comrade was killed.
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people are sitting without electricity, in total in the usa due to frosts in january of this year, today
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on the seventeenth 17 people have already died, one person per day, during the entire time of the apocalypse thousands of flights were canceled, schools, offices, restaurants are closed, frosts hit the oil industry , production fell by half. the new york times warns americans about the danger of frostbite, reports that today the cold will reach the south. parts of the country will be affected by texas arizona and the north of the country the mercury table dropped below -30 and you and i won’t be surprised by such frosts.
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but for the residents of yakutia this is just everyday life. look, there -52, soap bubbles freeze on the fly and loudly fall like pieces of ice. 246 americans froze to death in 2020 in texas. it was -15 there. in aimikoni, at -55, the first marathon in history took place. two worlds, two shapiras. arctic storm whipped through the northeast with strong winds and blinding snow, and bitterly cold snowfall forced airlines to cancel or delay flights in new york airport guards, more than 200 flights have been canceled since
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yesterday. hundreds of passengers are stranded on the tarmac, some for nearly 7 hours, after de-icing trucks run out of fuel, house is in full swing in the midwest, and at chicago's ohare airport, a wind chill of -28° makes work difficult. snowy weather in washington, d.c. forced republican leaders. house of representatives cancel scheduled votes. this comes just days before the government could be subject to partial shutdown if lawmakers fail to pass a funding extension by friday, jan. 19. the first votes are now expected around 1:30 p.m. on january 17. however, lawmakers will continue to discuss several bills. the rules committee will attempt to reconvene for a scheduled meeting and also
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prepare the bill for a vote later this week, although it is likely that some committee members may. after days of freezing snow, major u.s. cities woke up to find schools offices are closed and more than 1,300 flights have been canceled on the east coast, for many locations. snow, philadelphia faced a similar snowstorm. temperatures remain below freezing in the interior of the country, with short-term warming predicted, but a new cold snap is expected by the end of the week. wind chill in the rocky mountains
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of the great plains of the midwest dropped to -34° celsius. we have a lot of. this morning i was on the road, the battery was fully charged, but the heater is working, the heated seats and steering wheel too, and i also warm up the interior before getting into the car, this uses up a lot of battery. after temperatures dropped to double digits below zero, those charging ports stopped working, leaving many tesla owners stuck
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in long lines here since sunday. everything is just frozen, now i have to call a tow truck to take the car to a service center. tesla is the only option available right now. the south is also experiencing unusual cold weather conditions, icy roads, causing havoc in alabama. this truck is sliding down the highway in houston. since midnight, there have been more than 100 accidents due to slippery roads. you know, texans are usually used to the heat in the summer. this is very unusual for us. i mean what it feels like to have temperatures of 19° below zero in dalys and 21° below zero in fort. yes, you have already seen how everything is closing, the number of delays is starting to increase, i think that this list will only get longer, but now
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there is really terrible news from half of the medical committee in the world there is no specialized healthcare organization , this rather depressing fact is reported by the british daily mail: people responsible for the coronavirus pandemic. it turns out that they knew nothing about medicine , but they are well versed in gender reassignment and sexuality; out of 21 members of the committee, seven of them, and this is a minute, are trans, so you don’t have to wonder why vos so ardently defends the rights of lgbt people, but the health problems of citizens of the united west. sizzles and here you already need a specialized specialist, a psychiatrist, here’s what they call confirmation: the woman came out
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got married, got married, attention to a tropical doll, gave birth to three triplicious children to her triplicious husband, and now claims that her family life became more complicated after giving birth because her husband began to experience stress due to... the need to provide for a large family, once again , husband, trippy doll, this is also a sexual deviation for them, a new norm, and please treat it with respect. the day before, a film about the most famous british transgender couple, honey and jake, was released in britain. the film tells the story of how perverts are trying. to give a family, the authors assure that the film was shot over the course of a year, starting from the first meeting of a non-binary family with a surrogate mother,
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and this, as stated, is an instruction for those who are afraid to say that they are gay or trans, the film is now being shown in cinemas.
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i went through medical transition as part of this process i went through changes that meant i couldn't have my own children. i can't believe we've gotten to this point, it's absolutely
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insane. i think it's my way of coping with the fact that i physically can't stand your own child is to try to be as involved in this process as possible. i currently work in the financial sector, having left the army 6 months ago, i joined the armed forces in 2009 at the age of 22, served in the army for about 10 years, during which time i was promoted to the rank of captain. rebok is due in a month. while it's not perfect that someone else is carrying our baby, it's still sweet, we're lucky that so far everything is going according to plan, now i just can't wait to meet our little girl, can you imagine such a situation in ukraine, for example, a military commissar comes to them and doesn’t understand who to mobilize, either her or him, in the end he will go to england and
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mobilize the doll. with whom the unfortunate woman lives, let's go to the front, nikolai dolgachev, our legendary military correspondent and head of the lugansk state television and radio broadcasting company, is in direct contact with us. nikolay, how is the situation in the west hysterical, in all western media, that we are moving forward, advancing, preparing a general offensive, how things really stand, hello, now active. intensive combat operations are being conducted along the entire line of combat contact, and indeed, the nature of the combat operations , offensive on the part of our units, is not a breakthrough of the front, but nevertheless an improvement in the position in almost all directions, the enemy is suffering very heavy losses and is now forced to use reserves, pull up, patch up holes, but at the same time our active aviation is working, artillery is active and those
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units that are engaged in strikes, once attack, but all attacks with large were repulsed with losses to the enemy, our units are now systematically, measuredly , according to a predetermined plan, continue systematic advances and are conducting offensive actions, since zelensky just said with satisfaction that without western help russia would immediately seize ukraine, asked not to carry out military in this regard, an experiment, as
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a person... highly experienced, you will probably be able to find the words to explain whether everything is so bad with the ukrainian army now, whether they really have such a shortage of weapons, what about their mop-reserve, what is the ukrainian army basically like now, reading the western press, it seems that everything, corpses, defeatists, nothing came of it, while you look at the fronts, you understand that it ’s hard for us in the war, of course , combat operations are not simple and not easy, and with truly heroic efforts, our units are now literally fighting back meter by meter, while it is obvious that western politicians have already sensed the fear, yes, maybe the smell of a decaying ukrainian armed vehicle, because
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they really have a huge... not so much, however, they still have weapons, a lot of them are imported western models, and indeed, if there had not been such support from nato countries, then everything would have ended much previously, now even a slight reduction in such supplies obviously affects the morale of ukrainian units, but most importantly, the actual course of hostilities, they have less and less.


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