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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  January 18, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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it is obvious that the enemy does not have so many reserves, nevertheless, there are still weapons, a lot of them are imported, western-style, and indeed, if there had not been such support from nato countries, then everything would have ended much later previously, now even a slight reduction in such supplies obviously affects the morale of ukrainian units, but most importantly, the actual course of hostilities, they have less and less. opportunities
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to carry out those tasks, some napoleonic ones, which were previously set in front of the armed formations of ukraine , they should now at least hold out somewhere , while ours are now making really great efforts, overcoming enemy resistance, and are advancing, but we must understand that, after all , the modern nature of combat operations is, to a large extent, new technologies, this and kamika drones, with which the country is also saturated with the enemy, they create quite a lot of problems for our military, problems, of course, our guys cope with, although it is not simple and not easy, but here we are we understand that these actions that are now being carried out by the ministry of defense, our units, are in fact, so to speak, preparation for larger-scale and intensive advances that are possible in the future, since... the difference in potentials and
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the difference in capabilities of the two sides is now changing significantly in our benefit. thank you very much, nikolai dolgachev, our renowned military commander from the special military operation zone. remarkable news comes and continues to come from davos. china rejected ukraine's request for a meeting with prime minister of the people's republic of china litsyan and president zelensky. politico reports this with reference to a senior american official.
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su, it is far from exhausted, and the fact that we now have the initiative is very good, we must continue to conduct active operations in the tactical zone, not allowing them to maneuver, transfer reserves from one direction to another, sooner or later this will lead to the collapse of this the tactical zone itself, and what does a collapse mean when there is no more strength to plug the holes? this is a collapse, so then we'll go forward, well, of course, then we will go forward , by the way, i liked the first time that the american press told the truth, remember, they showed wounded ukrainian soldiers there, and literally, that means the correspondent says, the future of ukrainian soldiers and doctors depends on american help, so it is, as soon as they... stop
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providing this help, the soldiers and doctors will be alive, they will be alive in the new ukraine, without the fascist regime, they will live normally, raise children, not the ones they showed us there in the uk, but normal children. now, as for dovos, of course, dovos is an economic forum, a world economic forum, and its significance is serious, because on the sidelines there, in addition to economic issues, many political issues are discussed. of course, zelensky could not miss the opportunity to shine there , to show off, thereby showing, first of all , to his people who remained that he was doing something and was still counting, because if you prepare official visits, this is quite a difficult job, it is necessary to coordinate schedules, select dates, but on official visits... it’s hard for western leaders to make
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direct promises, but here the routine phrases about supporting ukraine, in general, are of no use to anyone else. does not oblige, by the way, there were also shots about caviar, the question is whose caviar? after all, no one in europe or america has it, and our caviar, our russian one, is eaten by reptiles, then everything is clear, mushrooms, powders, girls, friends, by the way, the european commission has initiated an inspection... how the supplies of european weapons are realized, there is a special this structure means they are 1 february they should present a report, i think they will learn a lot of interesting things, well , as for the price tags, you give them money, they spend it there for fun, in general,
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in addition to everything, there are serious moments, really serious points, information was passed , that they are discussing some kind of disease x. the next pandemic and so on and so forth, this is what we need to watch more closely, because more than 400 american biological laboratories around the world have not gone anywhere, they continue to engage in research and production all kinds of infection, in place of all these governments who have these facilities on their territory. yes, i would be very, very concerned, well, very, very concerned. now the united states, you know, the election year, in general, trump’s results in iowa, they show that the democrats
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are not doing very well at all, it’s not for nothing that he was summoned to court again, then after these interesting results, here. what's important? the main thing is that americans now have no time for ukraine. and they hand over this ukrainian suitcase without a handle to their european these subordinates, these guys themselves will continue to drag him until the americans sort it out for themselves. another indirect reason for this is the reaction of the americans to iran’s strikes on... a facility, a facility in iraq, a facility in syria, by the way, literally a couple of tens of kilometers away the iranians struck there, and hop, the americans decide to evacuate their base, well,
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one from, at the same time they tell us that they didn’t lose a single person, they didn’t lose anything, everything was very good for them, not really. they're all screwed there if compare the facts, it becomes interesting , everything else sucks, it’s the twenty-fifth year , you know, in order to continue carrying the ukrainian suitcase in europe, they need to justify these own movements and speed up the production of ammunition, equipment, restoration, junk, everything, that’s why they appear these ones here. the idea that someone will attack them, listen, well, andreevich, i understand correctly that in order for us, if we believe their plans and are really going to cut a corridor to kaliningrad, in order to control
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suvalta corridor, it is necessary to at least capture lithuania, latvia and estonia, absolutely not, that is, just go there with tanks. it’s impossible, or rather, it’s probably possible to get through , but it’s impossible to control, that is , it’s a big deal, there are a lot of other ways, more economical, but much more effective, that’s what they’re portraying there, listen, well these are people without military education, well, since their carts are run by non-professionals, so there’s nothing particularly surprising here, this is another a serious point that in my opinion should be addressed.
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therefore, behind this we need to carefully look at this matter and react, as for austin, already in prison, you know, i would be in his place. i would write a report to biden and go to russia for treatment, because there he will be healed, poor thing, judging by what we saw, it’s not that we wish him much health, well , we still feel sorry for the man, no matter what, but alive. it is not customary in our traditions to mock gray, wretched patients, but this particular person is achieving strategic defeat russia, so we feel a little at home here.
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this is a bilateral agreement; it will provide ukraine with security guarantees. we are also going to supply about 40
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skalp missiles, several hundred mines, which our ukrainian friends are so waiting for. we have also moved to a military economy, which will allow us to produce more weapons for ukraine, in particular the caesar systems, which they also need and are waiting for. we will continue to provide ukraine with everything it needs, train its soldiers so that they can stand on front, and also protect the sky thanks to what i said above. and everyone. just some half a century ago, but what about half a century, about 20 years ago, we considered
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france one of the friendliest countries in europe. i even remember very well that in the nineties there were very serious hopes at the top that france, for the sake of friendship with russia , would stop the process of nato expansion to the east. there were even such hopes. i remember there were always hopes that france would mediate in any diplomatic conflict between. americans. by the way, i also remember the president valerigiscard destin said that if there is a conflict in the world, then there is no need to be afraid, while the russian americans are quarreling, the french are already preparing a table in the elysee palace to organize negotiations, and this raised france itself to a very great height. in fact, france, without sufficient economic potential, became the third power in the world. in fact, france, thanks to gallism, acted as a mediator between first the soviet
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union and the americans, and then between russia and the rest of the west for a certain time. what happens now? now we see that france is not just turning into, let’s say, a pillar of anti-russian policy. at first france abandoned, as they said, any pretensions to greatness and became the junior partner. not even the united states, but great britain. remember the lancaster declaration of 2010, the priority partnership between france and the uk. what is great britain? a country whose nuclear potential, whose armed forces are included in the american planning system. that is, in essence, the americans created such a scheme that france will be the junior partner, not even us, but let’s say, our junior. a partner, as they said in the middle ages, a vassal of my vassal, yes, it turns out, this is the scheme.
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the french agreed to this. the first, consequence, they lost their positions in the mediterranean sea, the americans and the british quickly forced them out of there. further, the french began to lose their influence in eastern europe, and now france is gradually being led to the third decision, to organize conflicts with russia. if france goes further along this line, it will turns into just another anti-russian state, a leader for such the most embittered state. eastern europe, even ahead of scholz in this, is still somehow balancing. france is already beginning to claim the role of such an informal leader of the anti-russian bloc. at the same time, the prime minister of niger, freed from french influence, is right now on a visit to moscow, the plane has landed in snow-covered pulkovo, for several
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days they will discuss cooperation in the military sphere, well, that is, another one.
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this niche has long been occupied by poland and the countries of eastern europe, why do americans need another poland, especially far from russia. but the cute boys in power are probably already embarrassed to joke, but every time i really want to report that the first thing the homosexual head of the french foreign ministry did was go to a meeting with kuleba in kiev, we are waiting for the prime minister in ukraine, french, he also... homosexual. we'll be back. mosfilm. the main film studio in russia celebrates its anniversary. andrei konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev, ivan bessonov, oleg
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basilashvili, svetlana nemolyaeva, stanislav lyubshin, sergei shakur. fyodor dobranravov, irina kupchenko , alexander zatsepin, alexey rybnikov , sergey bezrukov , alexey kravchenko, nikita kologriev, irina pegova, pavel derevyanko, pilogea, dima bilan, sergey mazaev, ildar abdrazakov, khibla gerzmava, yuri bashmet and the new russia state symphony orchestra. "daria zlatopolskaya, andrey molarov and karan shakhnazarov in a grandiose concert, the first 100 years, anniversary of the mosfilm film studio, live broadcast from first pavilion, on friday mrtr.
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happy birthday vastorka, valentina telechkina, openly about the innermost, in kindergarten i sang a chestushka, and i’m little, neatly! and of course there was applause, i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow, how it received you, you did not regret it, sent articles about me that i had an affair with korolkov, with black pankratov, with zaradik nakhopetov, not a single novel, or rather one, which is for a long 50 years, here it is my golden one, the kingdom of heaven, this is huge... my loss, i still i won’t leave, i still talk to him all the time, it’s difficult, so i’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a man with boris
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korchevnikov on friday on rtr, oh, everyone in one carriage, great, don’t push it, on saturday, once ours to live. you won’t get bored on vacation with such colleagues, polina and i are happy to receive you here in our home, romantic wedding, pal, i beg you, don’t move, we’ll fall, i’m afraid of heights, i’ll run to the embankment there and back, okay , i have a meeting there, but in more detail, what we will do it, we leave as we leave, take it and carry it, sea, sun, sklifos, saturday on rtr. “i am confident that we can build
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a new multipolar architecture,” said gen. guterres. in his opinion, such a world order will be fair for both developed and developing countries. now there is no justice in the world - i made a discovery. noted that geopolitical disagreements negatively affect the world economy, a clear illustration of ginsek’s words is how zelensky’s western sponsors are going to divide the main wealth of ukraine - chernozems. let me remind you, about a quarter of europe’s reserves of fertile land are concentrated in the country. as if it was no big deal, the widow and former us secretary of commerce penny pritska spoke about them. they say that black soils will help in the restoration of ukraine. she transparently hints that if the ukrainians sell their land to western business, they will... be given something or not, because the bulk of black soils are already concentrated in our donbass, as well as in the east
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of ukraine, in the kharkov and poltava regions, well in the odessa region, odessa, as said putin, russian city. the reconstruction of ukraine is the largest such project since the second world war, unlike other similar projects in afghanistan and iraq, ukraine has a combination of highly skilled labor, a powerful state apparatus, a willing population, and the prospect of joining the eec and nato, this a very strong combination of factors. in addition, there is the most fertile soil in the world, which can feed the world, as well as a large number of it specialists who
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do not require high wages. and all of this together makes the country's built recovery situation very attractive, but the challenge is that we are in a state of war, so first of all we must deal with this problem before we begin the reconstruction. please.


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