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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  January 18, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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which is capable of feeding the world, as well as a large number of it specialists who do not require high wages, in total, all this makes the situation with the reconstruction of the country very attractive, but the challenge is that we are in a state of war, so first of all turn , we must deal with this problem before we begin restoration, please, well, restoration now , let’s go back, well, deal with the war, she suggested it, i remember it as salevan. biden's adviser sat and was interviewed about the plans there from the twenty-second and what the plans are for the twenty-fifth, i don’t remember verbatim what he said, but there the meaning would be how he slipped from optimism to pessimism, they say it’s the twenty-second year and the plan for the twenty- second is to tear the economy to shreds russia, in the twenty-third to defeat russia , they ask what are the plans for the twenty -fourth year, to let putin understand that he will not win, it seems that if in a year they asked him plans for the twenty- fifth year, he would say to ask putin not to punish the losers, but there are plans, now she’s not any of these, well, here’s pritzker, the special representative... the united states for ukraine
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is talking about how ukraine will not be restored, right? but all their plans, so i studied them deeply, although in principle there is nothing to study there. and their plans for restoring ukraine come down to just two things: the first is how to steal 300 billion from russia. they have all the plans, they cost about 300 billion. yes, that’s some kind of magic number. and the second is how to rob ukraine, also under the guise of restoration, that is, here is the land, as she said, very good black soil, there is also naftogaz and other enterprises, there is the railway, everything else that brings in more money, that is, here. take it away, say that this is to raise money for restoration , well, of course, that is, they know how to rob, they restore nothing, just restoration, i literally read it today, just don’t laugh, this is real news, one university in berlin, they are now working on localization of the children's game, the essence of the game is to lay a water supply system in nikolaev, yes, that is, lay out the cards in the correct order from the water source to consumers, there really is no water there, yes, that is, if nikolaev were now part of russia, nikolaev would already have... and
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people would have water pipes, and so do the ukrainians, who are not yet part of nato, yes , they will not have water, but they will have interesting, exciting games, developed specifically in germany for them. blinkin told zelensky, yes, this pot, this magic little pot, there is no, i don’t know , he probably already said 10-15 times in the last few months for this little pot, i have the impression that his childhood was poor, his parents constantly talked to him about the potty as a child, and now he has such a poor ukraine, which he constantly, no juice, yes, that’s where during these 10 years of occupation of ukraine, that’s really the european union didn’t do anything, that’s the same borodyanka, there i can give a bunch of facts that they didn’t do, borodyanka, that’s where zelensky brought johnson, yes, that is, britain officially took patronage over the kiev region, she said there was basically a riot there, borodyanka, all the rest, and what do you think, people were happy, six months have passed, they say, and you know what they said, these two houses there, well, high-rise buildings, there, which were destroyed, yes, where they were photographed, they, he says, we were told that you have these houses...
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no one will be there, a memorial to russian aggression will be erected in this place, this is all restoration, yes, but what is russia doing, for example, in new territories, president putin spoke about these figures in press conference last year in december, and today he named one figure, and so in last year he said that according to the reports that we had, just last year, in the twenty-third year, 16 thousand objects were restored, more than 200 km of roads were repaired, 96 settlements are in the plans and in new territories, they will be completely... rub from the federal budget plus each region of russia, he took patronage over invested, as our president said, 150 cities in new territories are already helping , they plan to invest another 100 billion, here is my native amrosevka in the dpr, yes, that is, for a few days the amur region took the lead, it would seem where is amrosevka in the dpr and where is the amur region, but it is now so much closer to amrosevka than kiev even once was geographically, and domroysovka, it would seem, one night and here after. russia and how much to do, it’s such
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a beautiful story, when you know, one big family, here they are, relatives who are in trouble, they just help, yes, they just help the whole russian world, and what has nato done in ukraine in 10 years , well , tell you what, they built at least one object, where is that crimean bridge in ukraine, it doesn’t matter in what format they built, but nothing, they promised european salaries, the only thing they gave were european tariffs, despite the fact that tariffs in ukraine are several times higher than in russia. russians’ incomes are several times higher than those of ukrainians, that is, nothing is being done , but there are a lot of plans, i’ll just remind you, that is, they have the first plan, this is already post-war, she says restoration, yes, that’s after the second world war, but she’s lying, the soviet union, for example, restored everything in less than two five-year plans, this is the appearance of the modern khreshchatyk in kiev, there is only one building that is more than 100 years old on khreshchatyk, everything else was restored in the early fifties, this is the appearance of the khreshchatyk - these are those stalinist high-rise buildings that were built, that is, the soviet union restored. now russia
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is restoring here too, yes, here are new territories, will restore all of ukraine, of course, today president putin said that according to the results of last year, builders built 110 million km, and built housing, meaning in russia. as for money, the white house said it is not working on a new military aid package because it cannot reach an agreement with republicans. tonight, biden invited representatives of both democrats and republicans, the leaders of both
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congress and the senate, to the white house in order to persuade them not to abandon ukraine. in anticipation of this meeting, johnson, the speaker has just announced. before we even start talking about ukraine, a foreign country for america, we need to solve our internal problems, america's problems, we need to know that ukraine will not become the next afghanistan, said us house speaker mike johnson, well, in afghanistan, the americans imposed their democracy for 20 years, and then the same biden. stood up for the piper and said: we have achieved our goals, there is nothing left of the country, but johnson in particular hints that too much money has been wasted. zelensky’s dovoz visit itself is already being called a failure, there are a lot of words, a lot of loud statements, and
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he won’t bring a penny of money from switzerland. at a time when political disputes in the us and europe making it difficult for ukraine to obtain more funding, zelensky said western indecisiveness on this issue was taking time and could prolong the war for years. zelensky speaks in his usual black sweater with a ukrainian trident and khaki pants, having not changed after flying to switzerland.
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zelensky claims that only he personally is capable. if anyone thinks that speech. is only about us, only about ukraine, then he is fundamentally mistaken, possible directions and even timing of a new russian aggression outside ukraine are becoming more and more obvious. let me honestly ask which european country can provide a capable army today, and how many men and women of your country are willing to send to defend another country, and if we have to fight putin together in the coming years, wouldn't it be better to put an end to him and his military strategy now ? ? western curators clearly do not believe the promises of the ukrainian president. biden security adviser sullivan, who, according to bloomberg, on the sidelines of the forum conveyed to zelensky a white demand at home to go on the defensive, said that it was not possible to make any progress on the issue of allocating money to ukraine. it is better
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to leave the position of the ukrainian armed forces outside the public sphere in the war. secretary of state blinken and i had the opportunity to meet. the united states laughed in response, saying that he supposedly did not understand who was the boss here, promising zelensky that washington and brussels would strongly support kiev. in an interview
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with the american television channel cnbc, blinken said that most of the $61 billion for ukraine, if congress approves allocation of funds will remain in the usa again about the pot. look, there is no magic pot of money. if we don't get the money, it will be a real problem. i think this is a problem for us too, our leadership in the world is being questioned, the money we are asking for will be used in america, goods for ukrainian defense are made in america, and these are jobs for americans. zelensky’s speech at the economic forum in davos was entirely dedicated to putin. he literally repeated the name of the russian leader every minute, in a quarter of an hour, he delivered a speech 15 times at once. zelensky called the russian president a predator who took 13 years of peace from donbass, who?
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economic, sanctions have separated the country's economy from modern technologies and innovations, but we must continue to strengthen their resistance. the ukrainians need predictable funding throughout 2024 and beyond, and they need a constant supply of weapons. nato secretary general stoltenberg was widowed, as if he had a fever. he stated that the best way to achieve an end to the war - to increase arms supplies. a few hours later that's it.
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work and support, only forward, well, the personnel that has just appeared at our disposal, thank you for the joint words on the volunteer board, putin wrote at his campaign headquarters. in an informal setting, the president. thanked those who collected signatures in his support throughout russia,
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the president was especially interested in the box containing 90,000 signatures of the residents of kusbas, on the lid there is coal, the mining of which the region is famous for, this is the first event that the president is holding as a candidate, co-chairman of the headquarters, hero of the dpr, commander of the donetsk sparta battalion, artyom zhogo emphasized that it is especially important for the military that putin is not only the president, but... also the supreme commander in chief, on december 23 we began collecting signatures during this time, in 26 days, we collected 2
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for everyone, this is a new activity, but since we took on it with our friendly team very actively, firstly, in full confidence in our common and your victory, in
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this sense i am not distracted, the performances are going on , thank you very much for such a difficult and... historical moment for russia and, probably, for the whole world, thank you, yes, but you made a decision, this is, of course, an act of will, we meet with people, everyone expresses such support, so of course, this is the most important thing, in general it also distracts you from your main activity, in no case, there are a lot of young guys, their eyes are shining, they come...
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more additional contact with people , getting feedback, you are not only our president, you our supreme commander, and the boys say it all your positive emotions in terms of the fact that it is under your leadership, as the supreme commander-in-chief, that we will achieve all victories, and you can count on support, like all the guys on the front line, whom i personally know, they pass on from their friends, their brothers in arms , and also from all the residents, i think, not only our regions of donbass, we are planning to travel to all regions of russia, i think these words will be supportive wishes to you, most importantly, strength and health, i never forget about this, and you will meet , it is clear that the media and so they spread our conversation, but nevertheless you will meet with the guys, the most, i
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will definitely tell you, they will be simply happy, and i want to thank you for my part. urgent news from the russian ministry of defense: the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a high-precision strike on the point of temporary deployment of foreign fighters in kharkov, of which they formed the basis. french people. konstantin. i have no doubt that signatures in support of the nomination of vladimir vladimirovich putin will be collected. as in the fact that he will win the elections in march presidential candidate vladimir vladimirovich putin. i don't want to talk about davos. i never
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aspired to go there, even in those days when i took part in trips to dlovos. in russia , the entire nineties, early 2000s, right up to, perhaps, the munich speech were considered as evidence of belonging to the top, the elite, and so on, in general, you like tennis more than skiing, i prefer those audiences where we can talk uncut, and where we truly expect to be heard. this is very important for me in the kaleidoscope that you demonstrated in this program of various events, the speech of this deputy is very interesting.
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we eat each other and are full of it, in fact , we were talking, of course, about the eastern slavs in general, then the russians meant everyone who lives in today’s ukraine, belarus, and of course russia, but more broadly speaking, what is happening in the slavic world forces us again remember past times, on this day, the eighteenth of january 370... years ago , the pereslavl rada took place, about which there is a lot what was said afterwards, first nigerian, and then evil and
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falsifying, i want to say, the last time we officially celebrated on the soil of ukraine in pereyaslav, the anniversary of the pereyaslav rada exactly in 2014, i organized a conference there, and a whole plane of people... arrived from moscow with me in order to celebrate this, and after that the maidan happened, that is, it was going on at that time, but the coup happened about a month later, so this is what i want to say about these challenges: yesterday the state duma adopted a statement warning about the consequences of the possible dismantling and destruction of the monument to alyosha in bulgaria, this is a slavic country that became a country due to the fact that, contrary to the will of even our top leaders, russia was involved by the general impulse of the population, in support
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of the bulgarians, who at that moment were oppressed and killed on ottoman territory empires. this was very soon forgotten in bulgaria; in the first world war, bulgaria took the side of the triple alliance, fought with russia, and there was a prince in bulgaria. was a german, ferdinand, founder of the coburg dynasty in bulgaria. then there were other events of the second world war. and again, bulgaria, if not directly at war with russia, fought with serbia and yugoslavia. and in general she was a member of this fascist alliance. this is not the first time that bulgarians have made such mistakes; once again this shows that we, bulgarians, and everyone else need to learn lessons from all this. "we in the slavic world have stopped hearing each other, and what is happening between russia and ukraine is due precisely to
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the fact that for a period of time after the collapse of the soviet union, people in ukraine do not bothered to conclude for themselves what the policies of those people are leading to, whom they elect as presidents, appoint as ministers, elect as deputies, and so on, here there is..."
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as a people, a part of our russian people, so that we can find a common language not in the nearest there in today's, tomorrow's perspective, but in general, in strategic terms for the visible historical perspective , if we, for our own reasons, they, for our own reasons, and we, for our own reasons , will be able to do this, then we will be played out by the west, the united states , and we will always be providers of news about what is happening in this slovenian world, i now mean not only ukraine, i
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mean bulgaria, and serbia, and... poland and the czech republic with slovakia. there is the position of slovakia , which chooses the fitz, there is the position of poland , which chose the seemingly liberal tusk, but who today generally says that if ukraine falters, then poland will be for us, these are speeches from his camp, then poland will mean nothing to us there is no choice but to enter into direct military confrontation with russia. here's to what has it come to? and the voice of this deputy, albeit a very peculiar speech in the european one.
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the fact that the level of confrontation is actually very high, and there are, in fact , staunch opponents of russia inside ukraine, they, you know, are expressed regionally in ukraine, this is western ukraine, and i, for example, am against us making any plans then, including even the prospect of western ukraine, these plans, which were built in tsarist russia, were criticized in tsarist russia; the minister of internal affairs wrote a bad letter to the tsar. i warn him against us laying claim to galicia, because it ’s the same as launching a trojan horse into the russian empire, but for their own reasons they were, stalin made this decision in 1939, and you know, we moved the border to the west , but after the war we fought with this western ukraine until the mid-fifties, it is still unknown , in fact, the decision to sort of measure it, was it justified or was it just a move by krushchev,
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who was so... as for radakovsky, the statement about the slavs who , if unite, raze the entire western world to the ground, made a deputy from slovakia , let's listen, another representative of slovakia spoke after him, he said that the americans look with delight at how the slavs have been killing each other for years, the prime minister of slovakia said : that we will not give money to ukraine to stop the war. i'm listening. now we know we can't beat russia, so we need to stop sending weapons to ukraine. we need to stop supporting the killing of slavs, because if you don't stop, then maybe it will turn out that we slavs will unite as brothers. and i believe that we will unite and we will raze western europe to the ground. i'm
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sure none of those present. he doesn't want that here. the war in ukraine is a problem for the united states, a problem for its interests. the eu is just a vassal of the usa. we need to start peace negotiations, but without the participation of the americans. we need to stop these killings. god grant that this be the opinion of the majority, because in fact , our military is increasingly, often discovering fragments of missiles and other weapons made in slovakia, which arrive or... fell in ukraine. anthony blinken is stuck in davos because his boeing 737 was deemed unsafe to fly. we'll be back. what is your status? busy. my snow queen's heart melted. you
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don't need me at all. your child, your analysis is ready, like everything, it’s good, but to be honest , it’s bad, something happened, i tried, i can’t live without you, sklifosovsky, today on rtr, and soon we’ll watch new episodes, wow, what kind of people , with or without medical insurance? in sklif they welcome everyone, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve , former friend, tear away everything that is ours , which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression they make, and russia comes and
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the city lives , bo program. sokorchevnikovo life and fate from monday to friday on rtr. we watch movies and tv series. let's watch the opera! let's see! ballet, watching theater, watching concerts and festivals, watching competitions and master classes, watching films about history and art, watching educational lectures, we watch programs about science, we watch interviews and talk shows, we watch news, we watch documentaries, russia culture on the platform we watch. it still hurts here, it hurts here, it hurts here. this disease never manifests itself acutely and
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gradually develops. to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle. this, by the way, is officially proven to be proper nutrition. how to properly deal with stress? we have to choose. foods that are not harmful to eat, the right medications, run to the doctor, medicine is like crutches for us, and the right habits, shouldn’t we slap some kefir , and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, about the most important thing, tomorrow at rta, all about the elections, rosi, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, honestly convenient, why during the elections, cameras, today my dad and i found ourselves in a new place together, he wanted to vote, choose a candidate, we walked in, i immediately froze,
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dad, why are there so many cameras here, monitoring the progress of fair elections by the people guarantees the law of our rights on guard, if there will be a suspicion that a violation has occurred, captures a moment of this incident, observation, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, what can you say about the tank, white tiger? this white devil is for you, he is the only one of the germans, he has no crew, well, it’s like some kind of ghost, all these games are dirty in the swamps, but he is not.
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so, for the first time since the covid pandemic, the german economy went into negative territory. last year , germany's gdp fell by 0.3%; among the reasons for the crisis, high inflation, which reduces purchasing power. minister of economy in germany, hubbe publicly said that the german economy has become less competitive due to the refusal of russian gas. at the same time, at night, immediately after a telephone conversation with joe biden, scholz said that, no matter what, berlin will provide zelensky with weapons worth 7 billion. germany is now really in a very
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difficult situation, unlike other countries with which we compete, energy supply germany was built on almost complete dependence on russian gas, thanks to this we had earlier. it was competitive advantage, because we bought gas from russia at a very favorable price, but after russian gas was gone, we lost this competitive advantage, because of this , electricity prices in germany rose, an eloquent illustration of the russian proverb “to spite grandmothers” your ears are full of ice, that’s exactly what the hub is doing right now, but not only with himself, but with the whole country, please , the average price of gas? in 2021 was 0.18 euros or 180 dollars per cubic meter or 180 dollars per thousand cubic meters, in the past year, the average price was 450
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dollars per euro for 1,000 cubic meters, accordingly , even though these are low prices, we see more in the summer, as you know, even the average prices that we see now are about twice as high as what they were before the beginning of the conflict. accordingly, this is the average spot price, that is, in general, the cost of blue fuel for germany was even cheaper, in principle, that is, because pipeline fuel is cheaper than spot at certain moments, the problem is... subsistence and rich people live on approximately
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level of greece, the standard of living is lower than greece , only in the baltic, the worst situation was in portugal all the time, all my life in the european union, as if, well , everything is going in that direction now, in germany the problem is that they have difficulties with the energy sector, they closed all the nuclear power plants, so now they are left with coal , which is relatively expensive, so they had gas, and france had the same protective part. generation and is produced due to nuclear electricity, which is cheaper, but there is already a problem with nuclear reactors, so the problem is that germany was dragging the entire european union on itself, all the corresponding bonds were tied in germany, they were counted from it in principle, so the question is: , to what extent germany will be able to push this direction further, or, accordingly, france will intercept, in fact, the problem arises in some other areas, so from this point of view, the problem is that no matter how cheaper this gas will be, it’s just because it is not pipeline, not to mention the fact that a significant part of it will still have problems with... with the fact that approximately, that is, a significant part of the supplies is now
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provided, for example, by non-american supplies, provided by qatar, the same , qatar is dragging it through the red sea, this is approximately 400 million, 14 million tons they get, respectively, metal tons, these are quite large volumes, for example, american colleagues drag the same amount in the direction of southeast asia, through that the same, respectively, the suvedsky canal and further along the red sea, so the volumes are quite high, the problem is that it is somehow cheaper than this. this will not happen in principle, the second very important problem is that in general there are some difficulties in the european union, they manifest themselves at the municipal level, and we, as you know, are now experiencing bankruptcy of approximately, well, the largest most important municipalities in great britain, including the same municipality in which sunk himself grew up, in which he had a mother, respectively, who ran a pharmacy, a well-known situation now, and why is this important, because one of these municipalities, for example, then he got married advantageously and became rich, that ’s for sure, well, sort of, but still until that time all the stories are about his mother. pharmacy, bought an apple, sold two apples, now no
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, the question is different there, the fact is that with a high degree of probability they will have elections in the second half of this year, so the conservatives, respectively, in a number of these munis councils, every fifth council, according to the association of councils, in of which everyone goes to the council, the council is like our municipality, they have every fifth council, that is, only we have municipalities - this is wow, well, i remind you that, for example, their councils include, for example, birmingham, the second largest size. the city of great britain, and by the way, it also declared bankruptcy, 20% of all municipalities will declare bankruptcy in the next year or two, that is , the so-called 114 will be released, as it were, accordingly, point , that is, they will declare bankruptcy and will begin to reduce the amount of funding from the budget great britain is 64 billion pounds sterlin, and in order to now close the issue before these elections, so as not to lose seats there in these respectively...
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and the volume of external destinations, for example, to the middle east to other directions, accordingly, exceeds by are these volumes okay? what does this mean? this is to the question that it is approximately clear why the libarists are twice ahead of them, by the way, by the way, the problem in the soviets began precisely with joining the conservatives in 2010, therefore the problem is precisely with the unok, now it is being crushed precisely because it seems like internal problems are starting, in germany there are internal problems, in france , by the way, farmers have also rebelled there, i remind you, the same pictures have already appeared there accordingly, with this, france also promises security guarantees for...
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connected with it, they are going to elections, they can lose this war in their elections, they have elections in the next year, germany has great britain, accordingly, as they say, like well we lost now you take us away, and at the same time farmers are holding a rally. they ask for much less than ukraine, internal problems lead to the fact that, accordingly, about 10 times less than ukraine farmers are asking for, right now 480 million, million, well, i remind you, that’s all you give 7 billion everything that you listed at the end of last year, the hardware , the agro-industrial complex, the forestry complex, everything came out, the hardware came out, the agro-industrial complex, the forestry complex came out, that is, in fact, all this
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was predicted at the end of last year, when the reduction took place, but the most important negotiations will take place in 5 hours, 4 hours later at 23:15 moscow time, at 15:15 moscow time... already said it won’t work johnson said on twitter in his, or rather in his former ex, which is absolutely, but i remind you of the meaning, it’s not on twitter, if for you this is important , there is a special statement where he said, let's solve america's problems, this is a statement, this is not twitter, and then we will talk about zelensky, i remind you that the last time he came to the same event, which, accordingly, was also here it is, you see, this is not twitter, do you want to listen, i 'm sorry on the parallel screen wonderful, a true englishman sunok and... we need to know that ukraine will not become the next afghanistan, many people are wondering why this needs to continue and are not getting an answer, i will insist on this
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before we even start talking about ukraine, i will tell the president to all of you and the american one. we are sure that ukraine will not become the new afghanistan, johnson also said it. i remind you that biden did not participate in the negotiations for a long time; this is the first event in which, strictly speaking, he directly officially entered everything is decided now by the door of tesla will defrost first, now, apparently, they have not prepared a proposal specifically for the republican bill, they are simply
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trying to put pressure, as it were, on the need for the supply of weapons itself, but with a high degree of probability, taking into account the fact that this week also a law on the input component will be introduced, and if a parallel bill is introduced in parallel, this could have serious consequences, so the issue rests precisely on the internal political component of the border in fact, in the republican bill, and this is an important factor in the near time of voting, that is, what we will now see in the near future, that is, it will be 20 1515 according to their time in washington, then
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tomorrow until friday they should, as it were, hold this bill, that is, these 2 days, how they actually determine the total funding, i remind you that the bill will assume, and the law will more precisely already assume:
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and the state symphony orchestra new russia, daria zlatopolskaya, andrei maladov and karen shakhnazarov in a grand concert, the first 100 years, the anniversary of the mosfilm film studio, live broadcast from the first pavilion. on friday at rtr, i think everything is more serious here, you are sitting. think, it’s not about thinking, it’s all here, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there
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can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale stomach, when it comes to fleas, i’m out competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check it out, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just take a look, let’s go, this there should be. i had in mind, of course , the bear, when such a stinking little one said, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five- on- one program one, i oops, five for one, on saturdays on rtr.
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“i feel so bad without you, you and i are getting married , and damn, i forgot, you have a pregnant wife, what are we going to do with her, that’s it, robin, rest assured, i won’t leave this so easily, both of you you will regret this, but at least you i know that in the hospital they call you a snail, doctor snail, on saturday on the mouth. happy birthday to vastrakha, valentina telechkina
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, openly about the innermost, in kindergarten i sang a chestushka, and i’m small, neat, and of course there was applause, i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow, how it received you, you didn’t regret sending an article about me. that i had an affair with korolkov, with black pankratov, with zaradik nakhopetov, not a single affair, or rather one, which lasted for 50 long years, here it is my golden one, kingdom heavenly, this is my huge loss, i’m not leaving yet, i still talk to him all the time, it’s difficult, so i’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a person with borisomnikov. on friday on rtr. so, 14 people became
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victims of abnormal frosts in america. the publication dependes reports that in the north of the country the temperature has dropped below 20°, for them this is already an anomaly. and people are freezing right on the street. a cold front will reach the southern states today. in oregon at night, 60,000 people were already left without...
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this semi-trailer is sliding on the highway. in houston icing has caused more than 100 accidents since midnight. on the east coast , new york, philadelphia and washington saw their first significant snowfall in more than 700 days. a snowstorm hits buffalo. throughout the night , local residents desperately dug out the cars. new york governor katie hochul declared a state of emergency. the travel ban extended to some areas after the podolsk scenes. naturally, no frost is scary for only one person in the united states, our chief of the american
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bureau, valentin bogdanov. valya is ours wonderful, although he was born in sunny tashkent, he started his career in yamal , so he’s used to everything, so what, valentin, who is more frostbitten there, democrats or republicans, and good evening, evgeniy, olga, well, soon let's check which one of them is, but in fact, today is an important day, of course, walking on the washington ice, barely maintaining balance. the congressional delegation to biden, and biden, apparently, perceives this as the final battle for ukrainian money, well , the american president is backed up to the wall, and his faithful zelensky is backed up to the wall, so wait, it’s not worth waiting for much, we have already heard the words of republican speaker mike johnson before this meeting, in fact
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, not even in the last couple of weeks. in general, in recent days the situation in america has changed a lot, that’s what i’m talking about, but initially it was believed that the whole problem here was an agreement on financing the tightening of the rules for accepting illegal migrants from latin and, above all, from central america on the mexican border, so they say , if biden makes these concessions, then republicans in the senate they will agree, in the lower house... they will probably even approve the senate’s decision, and the money will go to ukraine, no, this is not true and not quite true at all, but firstly, even in the senate, where there are such hawks as mitch mccon , the mood is completely different, for example, there is a proposal from senator ron johnson from wisconsin, who wants to , firstly, divide ukrainian aid, and secondly, completely
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tie it to the number of migrants, so many migrants came this month. and we will give ukraine less money, increments of 5 billion, monthly can change, but biden has lost his shame, opened the border again, and in general zelensky will not receive anything, this is one concept, there is another concept, the concept of the trumpists, everyone saw iowa, everyone saw the results of trump’s breathtaking success, what does this mean, about that not only trump won in iowa, but the ideology of trumpism won in iowa, on the eve. another ukrainian skeptic, a well-known american, vivi kromoswami, joined, this is already a coalition, these two politicians, in principle, come from the position that ukraine does not need help, and this finds a great response among congressmen in the house of representatives, it is not for nothing that before today’s meeting margery taylor greene , who, who always has on her tongue what is
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on the mind of all other trumpists, says that ukraine does not need to be helped at all, moreover ... last week, she directly warned speaker mike johnson that even without taking into account, leaving out any agreements on ukraine, she, in principle, not only she, the trumpists are in principle against any assistance to ukraine. we still must not forget which moment. we remember the fate of the previous speaker, kevin mccarthy, who lost his post after the only congressman, if memory serves, it was matgets, by the way, also a trumpist, initiated his resignation and... has already hinted, to join some kind of then behind-the-scenes agreements that if mike johnson starts playing around with biden again, he could suffer the same fate that befell kevin mccarthy, and yes , of course, there is a third point, the republicans do not want biden in the election year, biden, whose rating support 33%, biden, who is
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simply in a heap. under a heap of problems, he found success somewhere, well, for example, in migration policy, so in principle they are not interested, not how to help him, whether on the basis of ukraine, or on the basis of migration, so you need to be very skeptical about what is in congress such an agreement may be reached, in fact we see this from the comments, from blinkin’s comment in davos, who says that they do not have a magic pot according to the comments, kirby and so on, in general important today. apparently, well, if not completely closed for zelensky, then it has narrowed to the size of a window through which cold arctic air blows, like here, colleagues, thank you valentin, thank you very much, valentin bogdanov, chief of our american bureau, right from the new york moscow ring road , well, the mkad valentin, yours is
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a bit narrow compared to the moscow ring road. depending on the weather, please. well, maybe i ’m already a political maniac, yes, but why, maybe the confession means, because i think that i’m not a maniac, that means, but they allowed it. and there is a whole concept developed, yes, because people need, people need to be frightened with specifics, for example, it is recommended by the media that if consumption continues to be pushed further and further,
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the plane will shake more in turbulence during the flight, you you mean that you will have problems there because of this, plus new insects will appear, like they are rising, so to speak, from the south to the north, but there are some bugs there, this is all from here the global pudification, the same most they say this is what you say: you think, these are terrible colds, this is also all global warming, this means, this is how it all, so to speak, passes, so people just like this, well, yes, well, well, i say, well, this is it , that there are such installations, they were developed by this environmental, so to speak , environmental coalition, yes, they are promoting this way in the media, that ’s for sure, yes, so it is possible that such large-scale, these reports about such weather, they seem yes they have such... you know the nature of a small political conspiracy, if you allocate money to ukraine, the weather will improve, the logic is like this, no, they will sell it too, now about ukraine and about farming,
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unlike the kosh, who managed to return before the end of the war, i failed, which means you fought, suffered, tamrovich deliberately discarded , to be honest, i didn’t suffer, it was a good party, and besides, i was paid for the performance, and in euros. not so much owners, but rather all sorts of heads of large corporations, well, their salary there is about a thousand dollars , 100 thousand dollars a month, well, approximately then... the ticket there is very expensive , well, the entrance ticket is there, they are prostitutes , expensive hot dogs, expensive, i’m telling you so that you understand, we have prostitutes and drugs, as if
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together they have all this, we don’t have them , neither prostitutes nor drugs, that in general you are not maybe you just confirmed that it belongs, look, they was in vain to go to that’s where you have drugs, it’s haram and it’s not good why? if a person takes drugs, they come there to hang out, get acquainted there, this is the main goal in general, that they don’t come if the person takes drugs, he understands , he’s a weakling, he’ll lose his money, which means that there are wolves there, you have to come as quickly as possible, peck him, beat him and take his money, that’s why they don’t particularly play around with drugs there, some idiots are on the very fringes, and prostitutes - that’s another matter, we’ll find out after the advertisement. we'll be back now, what's your status? busy, yes, my snow queen’s heart melted, you don’t need me, you
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want your child, your tests are ready, it’s good, but to be honest, it’s bad, something happened, i tried, i can’t live without you. sklifosofsky is on rtr today, and soon we are watching new episodes, but what kind of people, with or without a medical insurance policy, accept everyone in sklif, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband.. .... and my code, the most intelligent creature in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why do you care?
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continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch media platform "watch". substation: the first podcasts we watch. god, you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing, to get to know the country, what a beauty it is, it’s enough. taste it, and we will add kiwi there , and enthusiasm, it’s just crazy deliciousness, what’s next, honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products , unique recipes, and you know why people consider proteins living carbohydrates in order to have fun jumping around life, unusual answer, i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health, formula food: what can you say about the tank,
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white tiger? this is a white devil, he is the only one of the germans, he does not have a crew to inspire. white tiger film by karen shakhnazarov on friday on rtr, there was no sadness , the woman bought a piglet. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again. will set everyone up. this is an incredibly charming face
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, to which you forgive everything , they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i ’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, as you agreed to it, first they shoved the red snake colors, our hearts sank, are you the most understanding program about the stomach? in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, well, continuing about the weather, tomorrow there will be record snowfalls in moscow , snowfall will begin at lunchtime, will end on friday, it is expected that about a quarter of a month will fall in one day, but ... a precipitation of 15 mm
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, snowdrifts are expected to be high, look, it was 60 minutes, goodbye, bye. hello on the russia tv channel. denis polunchukov is in the studio and most importantly by this hour. russian paratroopers stormed a stronghold of ukrainian militants northwest of artyomovsk. armored vehicles and personnel of the armed forces of ukraine were destroyed. what france is silent about after the russian attack on mercenaries in kharkov. pakistan struck.


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