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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  January 18, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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passages and fonts to wash away your sins and cleanse yourself spiritually. throughout russia , more than 3.00 fonts will be equipped for baptism. it will be possible to dive into cold water on the night of january 19th. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva. news. in the evening after the big news, watch the continuation of the ninth season of the medical drama with klifosovskaya. don't miss two episodes at once. news continues to follow developments, stay tuned. practice actions during heart surgery , learn how to conduct kidney examinations. such students of the medical institute of the university of penza now have the opportunity. two unique simulators arrived there; they allow you to perform manipulations... as if on a living person.
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report by dina ishmukhametova. input data, open heart surgery, access to the chest has been obtained, the task is to install a conula into the aorta. the aorta has already been taken to the sutures of the holder, please. when first getting acquainted with the work of the simulator, medical students carefully monitor the actions of the teacher, so that next time independently perform similar manipulations on the heart. in this case it’s not difficult, i think, but on a living patient, of course, it will be a little more complicated. on this device you can simulate various situations, at the same time monitor the patient’s condition, heart function, respiration and heart rate on monitors. if there are similar simulators in some medical institutions in the region, then the second simulator, the fibracystoscope, is so far the only one in the region, it is a real device, not even simulator, fibercystoscope, fiber means that, that it is soft, mobile, that is, we can use our finger here... to regulate
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the mobility of this device, for future urologists and nephrologists, this is a unique opportunity to learn and practice the skills of carrying out a difficult procedure, examining the inside of the bladder, the ureters of the kidneys. the simulator is very suitable for my specialty, since i want to become a urological surgeon, that is, my task will include exactly the same manipulations. new equipment was purchased as part of the national project. science and universities, total amount about 7 million rub. every year we graduate more and more cardiovascular surgeons who need to demonstrate these operations, they need to practice these procedures on simulators, so that it is easier for them to more clearly perform this operation on a living person, on a patient. the same goes for the urological simulator. this year we will have seven urologists graduating for the first year, so this one was important to us. apparatus:
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currently , the accreditation and simulation center of psu has more than 50 simulators in service. such a base makes it possible to work out many situations when performing medical cases. dinysh mukhametova, anatoly volnikov, lead penza. one of the longest ice crossings across the amur river was launched in the khabarovsk territory. residents were eagerly awaiting its opening. the winter road reduces travel time by five times. we found out how long the road across the river will last. almost 14 km of winter road, one half runs along a frozen river, the other along islands, road workers have cleared the hummocks and placed warning signs, the road is two-lane on ice, the two-lane road is running at the intersection of the amur, and one lane road goes along the banks, islands, that’s because in order to reduce the load on the ice, that’s why a double one is made. in demand
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, residents of the right-bank villages in winter get to the district center five times faster than at other times of the year, taking a detour along the federal highway khabarovsk-komsomolsk on the amur, which is 150 km. in the summer or when there is mud, it takes us a lot of time to travel, that is, to amursk it is 3 hours, to kamsomorsk 2.5 hours, here we only have 30-40 minutes. exactly for this period, village residents are planning the delivery of building materials, equipment, furniture, and large quantities of food. according to time.
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also through the ice, well, the time seems to be much shorter. more than 2 million rubles were spent from the regional budget on the construction of the ice crossing. these funds go towards maintaining the winter road. the contractor also constantly takes measurements of the thickness of the ice; people’s safety depends on this. the ice road has its own restrictions, it operates from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, the weight of the car should not exceed 10 tons, it is prohibited here overtaking stops, but fishermen are advised to drill their holes away from the road. based on the experience of past years, the winter road will remain open until mid-march, it all depends on the air temperature and the strength of the ice shell. when it becomes less than 40 cm, the crossing will be closed. inna monina, maxim nazarov, lead khabarovsk. in st. petersburg , the legendary cruiser aurora was rescued from ice captivity. the operation was carried out by the crew of the icebreaker nevskaya zastava. the situation on the neva is difficult, severe frosts have grown the ice shell up to 60 cm, even where there is strong
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flow. the ice mass presses on the aurora's hull. granite embankments have an even thicker edge. an accumulation of ice floes from the surface and from the depths formed near the bridges. but a cruiser. successfully released in novokuznetsk , a photo-video recording system began to operate, which can recognize a driver talking on the phone. this is one of the most common traffic violations . maxim kutyrnov will continue. phone car speed explosive cocktails, a regular cause of road accidents. for some reason i didn’t get hit, it’s just a madam, she’s on the phone talks and does not see the pedestrian. this time it was only the nerves that suffered, luckily, here are the opposite examples. using a mobile phone is one of the drivers' distraction factors. the control is carried out with one hand and the driver will not be able to quickly respond to an emergency situation. it
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seems clear how to avoid problems. there are probably calls that need to be answered here now, but you can park and talk. there are also functions where you can answer. what's here and don't keep anything and talk, but talking while driving on a mobile phone on the go still remains among the leaders among violations, yes, it’s difficult to catch someone by the hand, but it was so, today new photo-video recording systems have learned to register this offense too, the first one began service on kirov street . i think it's good, probably still good. photo by boltun, the complex will instantly send the center for automated recording of administrative offenses to the kusbass state traffic inspectorate, this is not a fine yet, the second stage of verification, specialists they will look into it if you... for example, scratched your ear, but there will be no problems, in all other cases, the punishment is an administrative fine in the amount of 1,500 rubles. here is the opinion that an effective inspector on the road or a non-sleeping camera on a pole is divided. the inspector, of course, hopes that the camera may record something wrong.
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it’s generally unpleasant when an inspector stops you, it’s better to use gadgets. to call or not to call, but taking into account that modern photo-video recording systems are able to record speeding when driving on yellow to red, pedestrians, seat belts, traffic on the route lane, it is better not to check whether they work or not. by the way, if you drive under a camera with a phone near your head 50 times a day, you will receive fifty fines. maxim kuturnov, fran shubnikov, vesti kuzbas, novokuznetsk. in sevastopol , the spiritual and patriotic center of the holy righteous warrior fyodor ushakov was illuminated and the navy club-museum was officially opened. report by oksana kolesnikova. amen. glory to you, god. glory to you, heavenly king, illumination of the spiritual and patriotic center holy righteous warrior fyodor ushakov. in the chapel there is an icon depicting the great naval commander; the orthodox church ranked the admiral among the clique of saints in 2001. he cared for everyone as if he were his own son, as
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if he were his closest person. fyodor ushakov, he considered every sailor not just a person, but his friend, his co-worker, his assistant. that’s why the sailors loved him, this love helped them win all battles, absolutely incredible battles. ushakov was called invincible. by his own according to him, he did not lose a single ship in battle, and not a single sailor or officer was captured. the admiral had a large number of orders, but he himself was very modest all his life. this is a copy of fyodor ushakov's uniform with all his awards. among them there is also a turkish difference. chalenk, a silver flower-shaped decoration studded with precious stones. 13 rays extend from the center. the award was given to the russian admiral for the capture of a fortress on the island of corfu. foreign naval commanders. and such an award was presented only twice. it was garazia nelson for his victories also over the french. and our outstanding great admiral fedorich
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ushakov, for the victory of the islanders. now in sevastopol there is this complex, this unique exhibit, it is one of a kind, that’s for sure. well, the most important thing is what we see here. left the monastery as a monk and became the basis for the creation of an icon, it was called sevastopol, consecrated in the vladimir cathedral of the tomb of the admirals. last august, the deputy governor of sevastopol took the icon to the yaroslavl region for the ushakovo festival. an idea arose to bring the icon to rybinsko, pylevo, to the homeland of fyodor fedorovich, to the church where he was baptized, and so that this icon would already take part directly in those events related to the glorification of fyodor fedorovich. the icon visited its homeland, went through a religious procession, and the most important thing for us, as we
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dreamed and planned, with god’s help it all worked out, this icon is already visiting the sites of a special military operation, where it blesses our soldiers for a great victory. now the icon is in the spiritual and patriotic center of fyodor ushakov, he is in the sevastopol wardroom in the artillery bay will welcome its first visitors here in mid-february. we plan to receive visitors until... hours in the form of, well , in terms of a museum, and then we talk about the club, and that is, our company works as a club, that is, meetings, conferences, events of the officers of sevastopol, and public activists of sevastopol, take place here. navy veterans. in addition to the chapel of fyodor ushakov, in the wardroom you can find a large number of exhibits on naval themes and portraits of great naval commanders. the largest collection in russia is also stored here. models, submarines, surface ships. oksana kolesnikova, eduard novozhilov, inna lesenets, vesti sevastopol.
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the victory museum has opened an exhibition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the siege of leningrad. the exhibition includes personal belongings of city residents, photographs, letters. in addition, the costumes in which the artists performed during the siege, as well as the score used by the musicians at the premiere performance of shestakovich’s seventh symphony. heating, and the adjacent one has more meat. the krasnodar safari park switched to winter time. some of its inhabitants moved to closed enclosures, others remained. frost-resistant, feel quite comfortable. maria zaripova saw how they survive the kuban winter. there are only a few minutes left until lunch, but pink flamingos are already lining up. these birds understand perfectly well when it’s time to eat, but they just have a hard time remembering people. the feeding process of flamingos must be careful. they are very shy, they feed at the same time time at 10 o'clock in the morning towards evening at 4-5.
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the diet is varied, for example, small crustaceans are served in the morning, then for dinner there is wheat and a grain mixture; as for the portion sizes, they depend on the temperature outside. the frosts of krasnodar are unpredictable, so we try to suit the temperature regime, that is, if it is very cold, as it was for several days, we... the amount of food increases not only for the birds, but also for the birds that come close to them, because of this, the scalloped turtle seems even welcome in winter, they have a whole feast of vegetables and fruits and even meat. they have a very rich diet, it includes chinese cabbage, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, ordinary tomatoes, fruits such as persimmons, apples, they love us very much, they love carrots. all food is grated and mixed into small squares or straws. this is how turtles easily cope with a hearty lunch in just an hour. the weight category of the saucer is 2.5-3 kg. that is
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, they eat it at once. it's true. they have double feeding twice a day, morning and evening. but the star of the zoo has a lover of jasmine, the geocinth macaw. the diet is at least more modest in size, but no less high in calories. this includes various nuts, dried fruits, especially fresh vegetables and fruits. among them are orange ones. loves green apples, for example , are murakata babies, they love yellow apples more,
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they all also adore oranges and tangerines, we can try to feed, of course, so let's take a piece for this, yes, yes, and just stretch it out, hand it out, zoo employees say that they approached the issue of wintering individually, and transferred heat-loving animals in advance into equipped enclosures, those left outside feel quite comfortable in the cold, as long as the columns... did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday. nikhia, we
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haven't seen each other for a long time. derski, bion. you know, but for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for mine words, heroes of their time, beauty, reppin, the whole brigade, just on the platform we look, “we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters come running, they carried me , another shelling began, they put me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is , let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry, but she’s carrying this
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kurba , shelters, he says, “baby, feed the dogs, hold out”? a helping hand, olga and i made a decision that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, to support me in word , hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do, it's absolutely amazing, monday through thursday. on rtr, oh, everyone is in one carriage, great , don’t push it, on saturday, since our women love to sleep, let’s not waste time, bitches, well, with
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such colleagues you won’t get bored on vacation, polina and i are happy. novosibirsk instrument makers have produced new equipment for the scientific center siberian ring photon source. this year, one of the largest scientific construction projects is reaching the finish line. our correspondent, olga durnykh, will tell you how we managed to accomplish an engineering miracle under the conditions of sanctions. the impressive scale of the siberian ring source of photons, skif, one of the largest scientific construction projects in russia, could stall.
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because of the sanctions, foreign companies refused to cooperate, but the siberians did not give up to cope. necessary in order to bring synchrotron radiation from the storage ring where it was born to research stations , where scientists will already work with it, until three frontends are ready, visually they are of course similar to each other, but in fact they are all different, for different diffraction stations, which is important for the study of materials , stations of fast processes and high energy. in many areas, for example, this is tomography of any archaeological object, yes, you cannot destroy it and see how this person who was dug up there died our archaeologists take his skull, do tamography directly at the synchrotron source and actually see that either a spear, or even some kind of material, went into it. by
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spring they will make three more frontends, in the summer they will begin installation on site in koltsovo, the equipment is complex, battery pumps. sensors, cooling and emergency systems , this was the first time this was done at the institute of instrument engineering, but probably not the last, the next projects of si sources are already looming ahead, this is at the kurchatov institute, in protvina , on russky island, there is an opportunity now release a fairly competitive high-tech product, well, accordingly, create jobs, attract taxes in the novosibirsk region, but for now all attention is paid to the main project on its territory, this year a source of synchrotron radiation. unites several generations of russians, more than half a million people are already participating, the first remote stage is currently underway, family teams will have to complete more than forty tasks.
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report by elena kozhevnikova. beads of happiness - this is what the large gritsenko family calls itself, there are many of them, like busin. i have three children, a son and two daughters. i currently have eight grandchildren. i think that the secret of the fact that my son is like this, i think that the secret is... that a lot is good and unites, reliable, raise your heads firmly, my family is for you, we will stand until the end , for you, my family, with a song through life, will represent the gritsenko family at the all-russian forum alexander, he, his wife and four children, alexander, a hereditary firefighter, the youngest son is also going to follow in his father’s footsteps. just like that there is a legend that this is some great-great-grandfather who once saved a cobot from a fire, and received a gold watch from some
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merchant for this. my father personally served over 30 years in the fire department. well, i served in the fire department for 25 years. along with a successful career and studies, all family members manage to be active in social activities. the gritsenko family in zarechny created a room of good things. ma community, and inclusive. red clothespin. zarechensk residents actively participate in competitions. for them, the loved ones forum will be the eleventh in a row. we lead in moscow with the feeling that we, like bees, will come, get acquainted, buzz, fly away to the regions, and cross-pollinate. and everyone will come up with some new idea, bring with them a new project from this forum. and friendship is a must, no matter where we are, no matter what regions we go to for our festivals, projects, and competitions. we always meet families. at the family dynasty competition , they will have to represent the penden region for 3 days. the gritsenko family is preparing for creative assignments, master classes and a dinner party,
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where they will reveal the recipe for their traditional dish vareniki. we cooked everything, we have apples, meat , potatoes, buckwheat, and onions, especially because, well, our grandmother cooked it, and then it was all passed on, passed on,
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rtr-planet - more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. the loudest premieres. how did i get here? are you having a corporate party or what? what are you? oh, you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for murder based on cunning, what was it on strip? i don’t know, i think it’s a dog, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra, we’ll perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever doesn’t take risks, because luck doesn’t smile, we’ll succeed, i’ll operate. yes, i'm scared, as if i'm not me. unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but there is one, and we will find it. i remind you once again that this is my
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investigation. let's agree in advance. you are the coach, i am the player. a breathtaking show and the best music. do you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head? even i don't know. lyasha wants to read? please read. i can't read. turn on the music blogger. yes. inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste , i poured a bowl of hot water on myself, i’m glad, i say to my wife, i’m leaving, i looked around, she’s already packed my things , peek-a-boo, meetings with the stars, which is more difficult, to become a good person or to stay, the question is of course interesting, both work... and more, you are the most understanding program about animals, in the circle of friends, when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens.
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aired the story of a mysterious disappearance, the whole studio discusses the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and neveska have not communicated for 5 years, advanced documentaries, now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. current news, political investigations, impartial analytics. the program is live for 60 minutes, the news is broadcast, hello, key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole the world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin sits in this chair, he, as you and i remember, enters the hall through these doors, everything without which russia cannot be imagined, only on the rtr planet channel. in
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the depths of your heart there is purity, like a baby’s sleep, the frequency is in some hertz, the silence does not even breathe, we leave defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our souls. hello, this is our program. the targets of ukrainian intelligence services are often ordinary people. those who don't is pleasing to local authorities for various reasons. our hero was targeted by the kiev regime while carrying out a good mission. dill, traditional
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greeting. they won’t always hear you, but it’s good in your heart. there is such a person in donbass, his name is andrei lysenko. his well-worn van usually travels where large humanitarian missions do not reach. with enviable regularity, andrei and his team transport food, building materials, and other little things that are so necessary in everyday life to places where people still live even during shelling. v in such areas, i never wear body armor, helmets or anything related to military paraphernalia, why, because here they are constantly flying, even now there is a drone buzzing there, which sees a person in military uniform or something related to military ammunition, naturally, he can drop ammunition, he can fire a combat drone or aim artillery, but this was not always the case.
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she blinked wide, and then her pupils became narrow and the doctors showed that that’s it, she died. that moment changed his life forever. many then took up arms and went to defend their native lands. andrey acted differently. having loaded his car to capacity with provisions, he drove to the contact line, into the thick of it, where humanitarian convoys did not reach, but where
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people still lived. the first time, all i had was a twist, some funds , i bought a food package and went to the front line, this is in the trudovsky area, people were so grateful, they hugged you, it was so pleasant, i understood so much that help is very necessary, in vain they say that you cannot become famous for good deeds; it was thanks to his good mission that andrei lysenko ended up on the list of enemies. the people of ukraine, but the kiev authorities began to put pressure on the fearless volunteer through the most painful thing, the family. andrey’s wife was suddenly detained when she went to the cherkasy region on personal business. we have in our studio a well-known volunteer throughout the donbass, andrei lysenko. hello andrei. hello. why does ukraine
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consider you an enemy? people, most likely for the reason that she understands that the people of donbass will never be ukrainian, so he believes that everyone who helps, no matter if they are women, children or... they consider us enemies already. andrey, what is the situation with the detention of your wife? it happened, very sad, we had a tragedy in our family, my wife’s sister fell ill with cancer, i helped civilians all the time and we went to the territory of ukraine through kharkov, tried to help save her, well, 3 months and my wife’s sister died. we came to the funeral, buried her and her son, we returned back, and my wife stayed there with two children. these are sisters kids, a special operation began and the borders were closed, that’s it, she couldn’t escape from there, she stayed there for a whole 8 months, when she started, we immediately became enemies of the people,
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they immediately opened a criminal case against me in ukraine, for treason, for collaboration with the occupation forces troops, the most interesting thing is that i had a ukrainian card, on which ukrainian residents from all over ukraine... donated funds to help the residents of donbass, the card was blocked, perhaps someone else from the outside said, maybe reported that his wife was on the territory of ukraine, and the sbu came to the house, where the wife was with the children, took her, where she took her, well, took her for an inquiry, to find out how she is connected with russia, because... for marriage they opened a criminal case and kept her in the sbu for a day and a half. tell me, is it true that she was forced to say something, is there some kind of video ? yes, this video is on the resources of the sbu of ukraine, a video of my refusal. the video
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is a confession that i am such a scoundrel, that i work with the occupation authorities, that russia did the wrong thing. what did they do to her? was she forced to write it down? she has no other choice. a message that she was detained, come here, otherwise we will not release her, we will deal with you, but something could have been done to get her out of there, i informed the international un organization, the osce, well, i
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don’t know for some reason, but she was still released after a day and a half, when you got in touch with her, she was forbidden to get in touch with me, communicated through... taken, over time, naturally, she bought another phone, another sim card, short messages we we corresponded, then it somehow disappeared within a week, it seemed that the surveillance of her had stopped, and we already began to communicate then, if we go back to that video, specifically, how did she renounce you, what did she say? she said that her husband forced her to get a russian passport, yeah, that i renounce him, my husband, that he helps the civilian population, as well as the russian troops, although... i’m with the russians, then no one was helping the russian troops, i think , did not help at the beginning of the svo, they themselves were independently fulfilling their task, that he lives for account of humanitarian money, we vacation there,
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travel abroad, although we have never been anywhere except our abkhazia, the video even clearly shows how she reads it from the text, moves her eyes over the text, stammers. you can’t imagine how you see the person you love when she’s in this hat, in this light, in this and keep a person for a day and a half to make a confession, just imagine what her appearance was like, it’s just terrible, let’s call her to the studio, elena, please come in, hello, hello, elena, how did it happen that you were taken away, we were about to go for medicine. which i need to drink after oncology, then these six people with machine guns appeared on the threshold, who started shouting with their hands behind their heads, i tried to put the key in my pocket, or i don’t even remember, they started, can you hear,
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stop, put your hands up, then they started to search the house, we left the children at home, they sat and watched cartoons, there was something on their tablets, as usual the children were playing. they also went to their room there, they took me to one room, to the children they also put their man with a machine gun, started checking their tablets, well , they started a search, they... started by looking for cards that you were collecting money, helping russia, for some reason they decided that i had a lot of them in my house some gold , some jewelry, but they didn’t find anything, it’s like my sister lived very modestly, and the house was so old, it was in your sister’s house, yes, of course they started checking phones, social networks, everything, but nothing found, but they found out that i... where
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they were, i said that i was going and i didn’t take it, they they said that we were forced to detain you there , came with us, for what, why, they didn’t show it, they just handcuffed me, pulled a hat on my head, additionally wrapped everything with tape, i got out of the car ... very strongly i felt dizzy, i just almost fell, they started me, some support me, others shout there that there is no need to play and act out concerts here, i say that i am after oncology, i may have such a condition, they took me to camera, summoned for questioning, summoned to polygraph, then they said that you failed the polygraph, you need to make a video. i had to say that my husband forced me to get
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a dpr passport and a russian passport and they said , please read this text, learn it by heart, you must pronounce everything word for word, otherwise you simply will not see freedom, you will not leave here, if it weren’t for the children, you wouldn’t even have come out after reading this video, they also said that they feel sorry for the children, because there is no one to leave the children with. i read this video, then, of course, they let me out, but not right away, for another, well, about six hours i was in the cell after this video , of course, it was all very unpleasant, a huge cell, cold, no water, you have nothing, they constantly come, constantly shout at you, ask something, how are you cooperating with russia, you you tell them that you’re not doing anything like that, they forbade me to communicate with my husband, they... they said, you don’t have the right not to call him at all, somehow i
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contacted my husband from another phone from someone else ’s, my husband told me, that there might be some kind of bugs in the house, you might be bugged, so of course i didn’t communicate for a while i was very afraid, and of course my friends and acquaintances turned their backs on me , rumors began to circulate in the city that she was losing ground, that she was a traitor, is it because of this? video, no, because the sbu detained me, word spread, yes, it’s a shame that after the funeral, when you stayed with the children, you were like a hero, everyone appreciated the fact that you stayed with other people’s children , and then everything suddenly changed dramatically, my friends started deleting me from social networks, well , no one talked to me at all, but how did your fate? i started planning what i needed... to somehow leave, take the children and leave
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with them to russia. how old were the children at that time? the children were 9 and 10 years old. let's see a story about a woman who spent 2 years in the dungeons of the sbu. near the yard there were two cars, like military bobbies, like that. here. i stepped out onto the asphalt. they surrounded me and said, show me yours. documents january 17, 2015 olga zaskalko remembers like a bad dream. that day she went to visit her parents in the village of mala-orlovka. and i ended up in the basement for interrogation sbu. her mother found out about this from neighbors. olina’s neighbor, a girl, came running and screamed “kolitki”. olya was arrested. i fainted, how did you get arrested?
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after brutal torture , a criminal case was opened against olga under an article on terrorism. she spent almost 2 years behind bars.
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there was little chance, but hope did not die , it rang all the bells, every morning began with the fact that i had to call, i called, i called until i got through, and they also answered , we turned it on, we entered it into the lists, that’s how it goes there will be an exchange, we don’t know, we don’t know, and it lasted quite a long time, what was that time like? you get up and lie down, lie down, close your eyes, can’t sleep, it was very... it was hard, of course, to wait. the worst thing is the unknown. waiting for who knows what. in our studio we have a resident of the donetsk people's republic, olga zaskalka. hello olga. hello. what charges
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were brought against you? in principle, my story is similar to lena’s, but it just dragged on for a long time, for 2 years. i was detained in the village, i was leaving the house from my mother, and comrades drove up without identification marks in masks and put me in the car was taken away, at first they presented it for participation in the referendum, i’m not an organizer, i was a member of the commission, they immediately brought me near artyomovsk, there is a cafe there, behind the cafe there...
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there were a lot of senyakov, there were a lot of senyakov all over my body, they dressed these packages on the head, they beat on the head, on the limbs, well, on everything , why they could, that’s why they beat, they asked how many times they fought, and why they asked, in order to understand what degree of pain a person would withstand, if two or three childbirth, there you can bludgeon her, she will withstand, usually they hit you on the joints, on the bones , on the arms, on the legs, on the back, on the head, they promised us, now we will change you, we will change you, but you must make concessions to us, either tell us something, or sign something , you will have to go to gorlovka, see where it is, what, how much, what,
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hand it all over to us, if you don’t agree, you will be crossed off the list, all of us from marinenka with pesok were brought from donetsk, well, who lived there, but i got caught, also from mariupol, from the villages, there were 12 of us in the cell then, so olga and i got caught then, like together, together we were there, we made attempts, we hit, they don’t hit lightly, they like it as they please. shockers, squeezing out teeth, that all happened too, they checked you, you strip naked, this
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is also stress, men, not men, as they say, our youngest was 15 years old, the oldest was 73 years old, was physical violence used against you? and then in the court of appeal, due to the fact that i am white fluffy, good characterization, they
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reduced my sentence to 5 years, what was the charge, organizer of a terrorist group, wow , yes, they gave me only the group, only you will never find a group, but you yourself think, someone, apparently , denounced you there, they even reported it to me... the sbu officers in artyomovsk said, they said who, these are my fellow villagers, i feel so they said, the one who came to you, ate, slept, whom you helped , you from afar, i know these people, you saw them after, yes, you looked into their eyes, looked, and that there was a swell in the eyes of many, these are not a single person of action, you still meet with them, of course. after the exchange i was offered a job in donetsk, so i i stayed, i live in a hostel. tell me, did one
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of your relatives try to get you out of there? of course, my son found a lawyer, the lawyer was very interested, he read my case and said that there were more than twenty violations, thanks to him, things probably went faster, his arms and legs were broken because of me. since then, i don’t know whether this person is alive or not, so how did you find out about this? and he called me after the exchange and immediately said that they exchanged three ukrainians for me, one journalist and two more man, so were your relatives looking for you or not , they were looking, my mother went to artyomovsk, wrote a statement, but the answer came that there were no violations,
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write, but a goldfish, a goldfish, well, i just ordered myself to forget it all, wipe it from my memory, i don’t remember her name,
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she was some officer at the camp and said, we need to write an appeal to the president for a pardon, two or three lines, that i am such and such, i ask for a pardon, that’s it, on the second or on the third day they came for me with... earphones, you understood where you were going are they taking you? yes, they told me to exchange, although somewhere there was fear, i think now it’s back to the wall, yes , maybe, later in the program, the bald boy’s family took custody of the adopted children of elena’s late sister, but the girls’ past still remains scary for them a mystery, the youngest girl, of course, she was very much intimidated, because it is unknown in what family. she had wounds, cigarette butts were extinguished on her, the death of an unfamiliar child during the shelling of donetsk turned
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andrei lysenko’s life forever upside down, she lay opposite me and... something happened? i tried, i can't live without you. sklitosovsky. today on rtr. and soon, we will watch new episodes. it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it, so i warn you about the premiere series of strifosovsky, the best prevention.
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there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers, from photographs of faded ones, look, this look, like the highest court, for the children who are now growing up. and the boys can neither lie, nor deceive, nor turn aside from the path, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovy, the legendary, favorite film officers, on sunday on rtr. are you used to watching videos
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online? stopped working? install , open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the app or on the website, no life, need to go to the capital, what did you find? seems to have rushed like ours, misha is in the coal mine, we look at the weekend, you are gathered far away, we are going to moscow, val, and you, i am burning bridges behind me, other people’s houses, other people’s life, but my own didn’t work out, i so want to look back, i see it in my eyes not yours i believe you came back or something, completely, but i don’t
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know, looking for a new life, some kind of happiness. and i didn’t find anything, happiness, it turns out, is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness, on sunday on rtr, happy birthday to vostoroka, valentin telechkin, frankly about the secret, in kindergarten i sang a chestushka, and i. .. small, neat, and, of course, there was applause, i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow, how it received you, you didn’t regret it, they sent articles about me that i had an affair with korolkov, with pankratov black, with zaradik nakhopetov , not a single novel, or rather one, which is
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for many long 50 years, here it is my golden one, the kingdom of heaven is my huge loss, i’m not leaving yet, i still talk to him all the time, it’s difficult, here i am giving you an interview, my first in 10 years. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. earlier in the program, ukrainian special services detained the wife of andrei lysenko, a well-known volunteer in the donbass. the woman was thrown into the basement, intimidated and demanded to renounce her husband. i must was to say that my husband forced me to get a passport. dpr and russian passport, a simple robot suddenly became a sworn enemy of the people overnight, everyone who helps, no matter whether they are women, children or old people, they already consider us enemies. for participating in the referendum for
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the independence of the dpr, rural resident olga zaskalko was sentenced by the kiev regime to eight years in prison. near artyomovsk, there is a cafe there, behind the cafe they had a typical one, they put them up for execution. well, i couldn’t understand why. olga, you said that you forbade remembering this to yourself, yes, they have made such a taboo, but still something breaks through, mostly in dreams. i can’t hear when a man screams loudly, i can’t, it immediately knocks me out of the rocks. how many years have passed already? we were exchanged on december 29th.
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how did they let you go? i joked to everyone that i had escaped, they thought that i was really some kind of bandit there, that i had done something that they shouldn’t have let me go. so, when you were going to your sister’s funeral, did you already know that you would take the children with you? no, it's i felt this way for a long time, i am constantly. i have to write some kind of power of attorney or
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paper so that the children will be handed over to you, so there was such fear, and of course i told my husband that god forbid something happens, we will take the children for ourselves, because i raised my sister , and i couldn’t just leave these children again... go back to the orphanage or somewhere, how did the children survive the death of their mother? they were worried about who they would be with, because they knew, their sister did not hide from them that they were adopted, of course, the eldest girl, she often remembered the orphanage, the younger one, she was more frightened, they were worried about what their future fate would be, who they would be with, andrei, what do you know about the past of these children? it’s very difficult to talk about the past, because we don’t know everything, because we didn’t tell everything, but we know that they also lived in the cherkasy region, in some village, and that they became the grandfather of an older girl, she even when
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her dear sister brought her, she could not eat at all, what does she eat, here we have all that was known to her was some kind of uh psychological complications, perhaps, and the younger girl, of course, she was very... very intimidated, because it was unknown what family she lived in, she had wounds from her they put out cigarette butts , the children were very difficult, they were not given into care, because they always had to pay some money to the guardians, they were given only for adoption, their sister went through the most difficult period with them, one might say, she taught them rejoice, laugh, you accepted a joint decision to take the girls with us , and it was like... and this is not discussed, i told him that the children will be the way they treat you now, well, i think it’s good, you always know how they will come, they hug
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you, the younger girl comes up and says , i love lena, for some reason she doesn’t say: i love you, i love lena and tries to hug, well , for some reason behind her back, that’s how she likes to snuggle, she doesn’t enough because in childhood. and love everything, you are still receiving threats from your side, yes, there were threats to me, and even to my friends, and to many many, there were threats that we would find you and your children.
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elena and andrey do everything so that they finally have a happy childhood, take their children to school, do homework together and play sports. when the sisters lost their adoptive mother in february 2022, they were very worried, they closed in on themselves, and only their new parents were able to bring them back to life. now they have many hobbies that they share as a family. i love to draw and... dance, now in this family there is a good tradition: in on saturday morning, everyone walks together in the park with two labradors, to whom the girls are very attached. our dogs' names are roni and delia. roni is delia's mother. i love the outdoors, so walking the dogs is a great pleasure for me. the lysenka couple are raising sasha and ivanna as their own daughters. they really
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believe that they can give them everything that they were deprived of, love, care and support in any situation. we have two nice girls in our studio, alexandra ivanna. tell us how you live with aunt lena and uncle andrey, life is normal, normal, they are good, yes, tell me a secret, which of you is the boss among you, me, do you go to school? yes, yes, which class? in the sixth, in the fifth, it’s difficult to study, or normal, but what do you dream of becoming, a doctor, you’ll be a doctor, cool, a doctor of what specialization, i don’t know, a pediatrician, you’ll also be a doctor, a pediatrician, that is, you’ll go to medical school, yes, there are two doctors in the family, this is very cool, the son is a doctor, the son is in his sixth year, finishing his sixth year, is that why you want to become a doctor?
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and they speak ukrainian , but they are now trying to learn a language other than russian, it’s difficult for them, but they have it, in my opinion, it’s great, you love gifts, girls, yes, you want to receive a gift from us, yes, we want to give you puzzles, thank you, thank you, 4.00 details, will there be something to do at home? what to do in your spare time? ivana, sasha, thank you very much, you can go collect puzzles, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, you do a lot for them, she deserves it, she’s great for me, without her i wouldn’t have managed in this life at all, well, many people can’t cope without you, when the idea was born and you started helping people, in the fourteenth year in the fourteenth year, when i saw a dying girl, she saw the last of my face, right there. yeah, and
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two girls, well, that is, the whole family died, mother, father, mother, i saw how they were lying dead and one girl was taken to the hospital at 6 years old, at 12 years old she was lying opposite me, her artificial respiration was done, she looked through her eyes blinked, for some reason the pupils were very large, and then bang they became narrow and she looks at me, the doctor says everything, we didn’t save her, i was very worried about this, well, i didn’t want to take up arms in my life, you know, well, there is such pacifism, you know, the expression, well, i didn’t want to kill people, even if he was an enemy, therefore, i’m taking the same risks as our wars, i’m nearby on the front line, but i’m only feeding the civilian population, that’s why i decided... to help people, that’s what you ’re bringing? in different ways, and food, and medicine, and things, diapers, everything that is possible, and in addition, i also send the children on vacation to gelendzhik from the front line, just this year my foundation spent 38
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million rubles on holidays for more than 1,600 children, this is a lot of money, this is a lot of money, in many cities i have , like, areas where people collect, also on my team, they are there collecting things , all the necessary personal hygiene products , i spoke in my address, guys, i say , building materials are needed like this, everything has been collected, collected, everyone has sent building materials, he said, we don’t have enough diapers, we’ve run out, we need to distribute them to people, we collected them, we need them awning, you need some kind of medicine or something, they collect it, and there are also many different cases and you transfer money that way. for treatment and saved not only from hunger, but also cured cancer for people for medical reasons. we have a story about how your trips are going, let's take a look. sasha, drive off, now we are loading the next car. but now they are coming to us,
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here is the delivery point, refugees from the liberated territories, whose houses were burned down, there was absolutely nothing left, they did not come here naked bosses, and we to them. we give out what is necessary, what, you need to refuel, two tires were punctured, one tire was punctured by the stratonauts, the second wheel, when it flew along kolkhoz avenue, apparently ran over a fragment, this is where we drive in like this, turn left, and then turn right, everything is broken for people. now, now that she’s dumbing it down, but there’s no internet here, tell me how the situation is, alarming, coffers are constantly flying, it’s already happened more than once, people were abandoned, yes, so
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it’s advisable to do so as soon as possible complete the procedure, partisan 46, hello, my pretty ones, are you waiting? you're waiting, pretty, yes, you're waiting, my honey, yes you 're waiting, okay, yes, hold on, hold on, how you survive here, that's how you see, we live, you don't live, you survive, we exist, we exist, we hope , after all, they will push them further away, they have stood for 10 years, but i think we will wait for peace. next in the program. andrei lysenko has faithful assistants. his son vladislav and former snaper maria shinkarenko. people call them the "holy trinity". in such places, where it is very dangerous, there is shooting, let’s say, very heavily, then the three of us travel.
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every time the holy trinity brings food, medicine and building materials to people in need, andrei understands that he is doing the right thing. and they say. can i hug you? when they hug you, this warmth just passes through your whole body, then the boy, can i hug you, he says, it’s simply impossible to convey how correctly you did everything. mosfilm: russia's main film studios celebrate their anniversary. andrei konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev. ivan bessov, oleg basilashvili, svetlana nemolyaeva, stanislav lyubshin, sergey shakura , fyodor dobronravov, irina kuvchenko, alexander zatsepin, alexey rybnikov, sergey bezrukov, alexey kravchenko, nikita kologi
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, irina pegova, pavel derevyanka, pilogena, dima bilan, ildara. in one direction, look, look, look, you want
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to look, look, let's look, look, look at the screen, look at me, takes out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time, for two, three, sign let's look, look, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, how many animals are there in your family? 16? why stop, the goat was offered first, the goose, there were ducks, ducklings, bendyuks, he’s not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog, leva, well, i beg you, leva, well, whether you’re a person, in a circle of friends, a program for everyone families, on saturdays on rtr. what can you say about the tank, white tiger? this is the white devil, the germans
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have the only one like him, we understand there is no crew, the white tiger, a film by karen shakhnazarov, on friday rtr. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier? who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours , which was together, what will you have left, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate , from monday to friday on rtr. we’ll tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it
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’s honestly convenient, where to find out everything about the elections, the situation has become tense, you can’t find your grandfather leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer, child, this is your work, open the laptop, i’ll tell you a secret, there are resources about elections on the internet, the site opened immediately with information about the election candidates. those dates are the result of voting in election campaigns. wow, how technological everything is. you can see for yourself by looking on the internet on the tsikrf portal that choosing in the country is free, important, and honestly convenient. come on, come on, save your strength. everything will be fine. this is our new obstetrician-gynecologist.
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rest assured, i won't just leave it like that, you will both regret this, but do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail, doctor snail, on saturday at rta, in russia there are so many opportunities that even the new year can be whatever you want, digital. trendy, brutal, dear, unknown, awesome,
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unstoppable, come to the russia forum exhibition, early in the program, a simple donetsk citizen, andrei lysenko, overnight became a sworn enemy. ukraine, since he began to help victims of shelling. a criminal case was opened in ukraine for treason, for cooperation with the occupying forces. participation in the referendum for the independence of the dpr resulted in 2 years in prison for olga zaskalka, a resident of the village of malaya orlovka . this is how kyiv punished those who disagreed. they beat women with hammers, beat them with sticks, beat them in the mariupol sbu. vlad lusenko and maria shinkarenko joined us.
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hello. hello. do you volunteer together? yes. they call you the holy trinity, why? well, because we do something together everywhere, the three of us, i’m andrey and, well, vice versa, andrey and vlad, yes andrei and vlad, that is, we are everywhere along the front line, we go to places where it may not be so scary, well, no matter how scary, we can take someone with us, to such places where it is very dangerous, they shoot, let’s say very strongly, then the three of us go, lena, how did you let your son go, well, he was 14 years old when... in 2014 it all started, and then the three of us helped, some parcels arrived, people sent them to russia, we went on their own, with their own transport, they carried it all in their hands, he always helped, it was it was hard, there were moments when you just couldn’t feel your legs or arms, we always collected new year’s gifts with him, bought
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candy for the kids, he always helped me everywhere, vlada, it was hard for you, it was always hard, but i tried not to show , but there are advantages, for example, when we were collecting new year's gifts, i just felt like some kind of santa claus, when we tie it all up, package it up, the emotions, of course, are more positive, you feel some kind of warm energy, especially when you meet these people, you liked doing this, no one forced you, no, no one forced you, of course, the first years, when i was still a minor, i couldn’t drive - right under heavy shelling, because my father also bore for me responsibility, when i came of age, i myself chose that i was responsible for my life and could also travel and help people to the hottest spots. maria, how did your story begin in a joint, so to speak, colorful trinity? oh my story began - connected with andrey from the fact that
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the guys and i initially helped him, when and how did we help him? we transferred money to his card, uh-huh, then it so happened that after so much time, in 2000, in my seventeenth year, andrei invited me to take part in such a small play, i was the snow maiden, uh-huh, yes, i was very worried, for the first time , well , andrei put a camera on me, i’m standing there, looking at andrei, and there these kids are all over me, and i’m standing there, my hands are shaking so much, but that was the first one. there once, then it’s fine, then i even liked it, everyone wants to take a photo, everyone is waiting for some kind of gifts, in general, so i sort of started working with andrey, then somewhere, probably at the end of march, early april, andrey offered to go with him to mariupol , but from that moment the three of us began to work, just like working with vlad, super,
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no problems at all, always fun, always something to talk about, and i feel you... positive atmosphere, yes, yes, there are moments like this, something isn’t working out, something needs to be done, there was something like so we were buying food in a supermarket, we were detained for a long time, we were delayed for a long time and we had to go on time, people gathered there under fire, they were waiting, it just saved our lives, it turns out, i was waiting for andrey, he was driving, punctured a tire, they installed it the traffic cops took pictures, took pictures. they recognized him, yes , yes, they recognized him, took a photo with him, they delayed our food , something didn’t work out for them, this hour played a huge role in our lives, because it was exactly the place where we were going to carry food, just a direct hit, everything, there are such coincidences that staying somewhere saves one’s life, this is help, well, apparently we have a good guardian angel, maria, and where are you
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from, from donetsk, as far as i understand, do you have any other story, do you have a combat one? well , i had combat experience in the fourteenth year, i dreamed of joining the army, well, it happened, but due to family circumstances, i did not get into the cadet school, after so much time here, in the fourteenth year, i ended up in the army in fact, initially i was a helper in the kitchen, they didn’t want to take me anywhere, because i’m small, thin, something like they say you can, well, okay, don’t take it, you don’t take it, but at least i helped somehow, i tried to do my best some effort, to do something, to help in some way, even... even if not somewhere in a position, but at least in the dining room, yes, so that the guys would come and eat very tasty, but still then i persuaded, here is one person who is no longer alive, this is zhenya kuzmich, he still took me with him, and i became a sniper, also a little bit, yes, i’m a sniper , also a little bit of me - i was in the artillery and
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my last fate was a tank battalion, then i left in the eighteenth year, in the twenty- second year i... returned, but it turned out that, so as i have two minor children, i am legally, as if in reserve, simply. andrey, maria told you about the situation, this hour saved you.
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it’s hard to see it all and understand it all, you can imagine mariupol all broken, you bring these products, people come out, they sometimes fight for these products, not because that they were bad, because they had been sitting in basements for 2 months, then we saw living people with food, they didn’t know how to behave, and the thing that impressed me was these young girls, they were about 15 years old at 16 , i had chocolates in the car, and you know, they were sorting it out...
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on the second day i brought foam, and nails, film, and tendons, and little by little we began to save at least the load-bearing walls, but
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a shell came and destroyed the new roof, i thank this foundation, be kind, lesinka, for reacting so quickly to everything, and i only wish them good health, i’m raising a little child at home now he’s 8 years old, i’m so... grateful to this foundation, if it weren’t for the foundation, i don’t even know how many things they give us, how many even second-hand ones are these, i’m grateful to these pants, these to the little lights, thanks to the andrey lysinka foundation, the first time i found out about him, it was new year, he came to the club with this scenario, and they told me: run, run, take maly, run, he knows some rhyme, i say, yes, i i came running, and he was driving a car, i didn’t know it was about him, i didn’t even know who it was yet, and he got out of the car, and he said, i’m listening, andrei, come on faster, people have gathered, i’m running, and he drives up, and i started singing a song, something, hi andrei, hi , andrei, he comes out , says, hello, they started dancing , it was so interesting, and then i find out that he, and he
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brought us gifts for everyone, the children were happy, my child was declaring, then near the store he gave such large bags of chicken, sausage there, it’s so important to us, so important, good man, andrey, of course you’re not remember everyone you helped. thank you, thank you very much, without you we are like without horns, andrei aleksandrovich
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does so much for us, he is the first to arrive, where there is shelling, where it is difficult, he helps as much as he can , with food, construction materials, with a kind word, he helps, and even then you have tears in front of our eyes, than he... excuse me, helped to improve the child’s health, we went to elenzhik because it flew to the neighbors nearby, there was no child, no mother , and ardur was afraid. i was even afraid to go into the house after that, if it weren’t for andrei alexandrovich, i don’t know, he helped me go to sea, the psychologist worked with arthur, my deepest regards to the foundation, arthur , hello, hello, i liked the sea, yes, how are you doing now, everything is fine, yeah, and what’s in our hands, drawing, here’s
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to being kind. .. it’s hard for us adults to see some such cases when, in front of a child, he sees this direct hit in the house, and he knows that someone is dying there, it’s scary, it happened, it was very difficult, we got hit under fire and saw the house burning, we arrived, uh, maybe someone needs help, we saw a terrible picture, a mother with he was burned alive as a child, in front of this house the whole arturchik and his grandmother are sitting... cowardly, his grandmother and grandfather are raising him. masha says: we ’re sending the children to the seaside tomorrow, arturchek, and somehow he says together: artuchik, you’ll go to the seaside, we have a place, we always leave a couple of places just in case, we’ll pay for it, nothing else to worry about, but i’ll go , as a result, the next day after this incident he went to the sea, it seemed to help him psychologically, andrey, you do good deeds, do them from the heart, from the heart with the help of a huge number of people,
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thank you. thank you very much, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. hello on the russia tv channel. denis polunchukov is in the studio and most importantly by this hour. russian paratroopers stormed a stronghold of ukrainian militants in the north-west of artyomovsk. armored vehicles and personnel of the armed forces of ukraine were destroyed. what france is silent about after the russian attack on mercenaries in kharkov. pakistan launched retaliatory
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strikes on iranian territory. communicates about the elimination of several militants, negotiations between the countries from descalation failed, sudden warming and the heaviest snowfall in 10 years, a powerful cyclone is approaching the central regions, and more than 3,000 fonts throughout the country, how are preparations for baptism going? at the beginning of the release of news from the special operation zone: four attacks by ukrainian militants were repulsed over the past 24 hours. russian units in the krasnolimansky direction, neo-nazis went on the attack with three assault groups, but were thrown back by our infantrymen at artillery support. another attempt at a counteroffensive by the ukrainian armed forces was thwarted on the kupinsky sector of the front. the militants tried to break through our defense line in two british armored personnel carriers. as a result , we lost one vehicle and personnel. in total , 30 militants were eliminated in this direction within 24 hours. in different areas. the ssu lost
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more than 600 people killed and wounded, and this is footage of the work of our multiple launch rocket systems in the same kupinsky direction. our fighters destroyed three mortar crews with accurate fire, the center control of unmanned aerial vehicles and a combat supply point. the work of artillery, both rocket and cannon, is a serious support for our battles, which suppress any attempts to break through by ukrainian militants. frontline report by our war correspondent alexei baranov. we are moving towards the forward positions of the bars-12 volunteer battalion, the southern groupings of troops, in a uaz, going at maximum speed. ahead you have to cover about 2 km on foot through
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a forest belt. repeaters they hang on large wings so that they have the ability to communicate, so they directly hunt for equipment, fly at low altitudes without losing control, one of the results flies far for us, of course, is deplorable, but thank god, without casualties, after that our mortar battery. destroyed two strong points, so we avenged the kamaz very well. after lesechansk we move to the kremen forest, the path along the line of combat contact in the naliman direction, after the snow has fallen, takes more than 2 hours. about that position the artillerymen are already close, we understand while on the road that the work of long-range howitzers can be heard for many kilometers. gun, shot! eight
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rounds per minute, the battery hits ukrainian ukrainian fortifications located more than 20 km away, which means it hits the enemy’s second and third lines of defense... mortar batteries are already operating in the immediate vicinity of the front line. the strikes are carried out not only on the trenches of the ukrainian military, but also on the reverse slopes of the heights, where, according to intelligence data, the enemy is trying to accumulate manpower for subsequent rotations. shot, a firing range of more than 4 km optical sight allows you to place accurate. strikes on strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine, located at some distance from the front line, worked out a thousand units in 3 days , on equipment, on evacuation they worked out, the evacuation also remained there, 661, yes, fire,
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such intensive work of artillerymen and mortar batteries - serious fire support for volunteer battalions that successfully suppress any attempt by the ukrainian military to break through in the krasnoliman direction. who grew up on the territory ukraine, we came face to face with it, it must be completely destroyed, this is the main reason why everyone is here, so victory will definitely be ours. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, anatoly tyurkin, lead kremenskaya forest, torsky ledge. this morning , pakistani aircraft invaded iranian airspace and carried out strikes on the border area. the target was the objects of the anti-pakistan group biljustan liberation front. the air raid looks like a mirror, a day earlier the islamic revolutionary guard corps hit the islamic revolutionary guard with ballistic missiles missiles and drones targeting anti-iran militant camps in pakistan. alexander belibov
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will continue the topic. the pakistani army launched a strike on the outskirts of the iranian border town of seravan at five o'clock in the morning ; pakistani fighters reportedly even entered neighboring airspace for this purpose. state, the pakistani foreign ministry officially named the positions of terrorist groups as the target of this attack, and also announced the elimination of several militants. iran, in turn, reported that several missile attacks killed seven people, including women and children. the attack by the pakistani army on the iranian border region was a response to yesterday's attack by the islamic revolutionary guard corps on one of the border pakistani provinces. according to ksir, the target of the attack was the headquarters. the islamic revolution deserves praise and gratitude. the islamic republic
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continues to take revenge on militants for the explosions at the mausalee of general qassem soleimani 2 weeks ago and at the same time demonstrates to the entire world community that iran is its enemy can overtake them no matter where they are. iran wants to send two messages: one to the internal world, one to the external world. this is essentially the same message, saying that there is no point in going to war with iran, the recent attacks on iranian citizens or iranian leaders are unacceptable. the mutual exchange of blows led to a rapid escalation of tensions between the two countries. the iranian army in the southeast of the country is on alert. local residents on social networks report that pakistani planes are circling over the border areas. islamad. iran, sending additional army units to the iranian border. pakistan has decided to recall its ambassador from iran and iran's ambassador to pakistan, who is currently on a visit to iran, will not return for now. we have also decided to suspend all
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high-level visits that were ongoing or planned between pakistan and iran in the coming days. last night , the us-british military coalition carried out further attacks on yemen. this time the tomahawks are used by the hussites. beat the american sminskarny. reportedly the target of the attack was launchers of drones and missiles, with the help of which the ansaralah group continues to fire at ships in the southern part of the red sea and the gulf of adon. the day before, as the houthis themselves stated, they managed to hit an american merchant ship with an anti-ship missile. as a result of a direct hit, a fire started on board. along with the ships in the red sea, it seems that the entire middle east is beginning to burn. as the president of egypt said yesterday. military escalation in the region could lead to that the conflict in the middle east will expand on several fronts at once, among which the palestinian-israeli theater of military operations will occupy far from the main place. alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov and aleftina sorokina. news: middle east.
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gusty winds, heavy snow, and low atmospheric pressure. this kind of weather awaits moscow residents in the afternoon. the cyclone is coming from the baltic sea. neighboring belarus has already experienced its power. there are traffic jams and numerous accidents on minsk roads, and drivers on regional roads you have to make every effort not to fly into the ditch. meanwhile, on russian federal highways there are paralyzed people. heavy snowstorms the day before, the situation is gradually returning to normal, traffic has been opened for all types of transport, but kilometer-long traffic jams of heavy trucks on the 15 ural highway still remain; too many trucks have accumulated there over the previous day. the signatures collected in support of the self-nomination of candidate vladimir putin will be sent by his election headquarters to the central election commission next week. now their total number is approaching 3 million, and this is an absolute record for the entire presidential period. election campaigns in russia. the collection of signatures in the regions
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does not stop; on the list of the current president, the north military district soldiers who came to their hometown on a short vacation came to support. residents of sevastopol actively express their civic position on the streets of the city; dozens of mobile points have been deployed. the collection of signatures is carried out with the help of volunteer organizations of the popular front and the united russia party. chairman of the ldpr, leonid slutsky held a round table. services to the population, and many other
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things, a little more distant echelon, environmental improvement, the most unfavorable regions, of course, roads, using the potential of the defense-industrial complex, creating new jobs in the defense-industrial complex. the immortal feat of the inhabitants of the defenders of leningrad. today is the eighty- first anniversary of the breaking of the blockade. the fascist siege lasted 2 years and... 4 months, the hero city on the nevya survived and remained unconquered. speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko urged not to forget at what exorbitant price the great victory was won for the people who were destined to go through it. memoirs of graduates of the leningrad ballet school who witnessed those terrible events in the report by ekaterina fesenko. a graceful turn of the neck.
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the country was attacked by our borders, of course there was no zoo anymore, my father rushed to the store to buy cereal, no one knew then, but they saved the family during the terrible days of the blockade, people were dying around, but the city lived its own life, the leningrad ballet school was evacuated, but in forty-three the radio sounded on zodchiva rossi street , girls and boys were waiting, and seven-year-old tanya had a dream, and although she didn’t fit in age, she was n’t quite enough... she achieved it, but i just wanted to dance, so i wanted to dance, i
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i spent the month of september at school , did nothing, didn’t write, didn’t say anything , i won’t study here, take the ballet school to school, fragile figures , several dozen emaciated children arrived at zodchi vorosi, they could have dreamed of a piece of bread, but they dreamed of dancing , everything was the same, there could be no change,
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it was so round, yes, it was heated, accordingly, and well, we, when it was possible. it was very cold, so we came up and warmed ourselves. the window is sealed, chat from the stove, wooden floor, play, passe. most likely, the small size and better heating capabilities explain the choice of this particular room, but a huge window, a mirror, and with the growing roar of aerial bombs, eight-year-old girls immediately ran out into the corridor and hid behind these thick walls. the children were taken to hospitals in open trucks, the wounded were very we loved it when little ballerinas performed , their ebullient childish energy did not allow us to be afraid, did not allow us to sit still, buzzing noises, they were flying, artillery shelling, well, this already happened, if
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i can say it more simply, our lessons ended, ended early, and we went into the yard, walked, ran on... the soloists soldered their charges with boiling water, and they themselves slowly died. memoirs of vera kostrovitskaya. they cut out these little styles for themselves from the boards, which they screwed directly to her leg, she walked in this, because her legs were swollen, nothing would fit, she couldn’t wear anything, and with these planks... she pounded on the pavements of leningrad. 21 children were taken to the blockade ballet class, four graduated from it, all artists of the kirov theater, teachers. they knew how to rejoice in their childhood during the siege, they made people, spectators, students, and all their lives happy. the victory of every resident of leningrad is
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that even today there are lessons at the oganov school and performances in theaters. ekaterina fesenko, alexey sosyrin, alexander burushkov, galina orlova, vesti petersburg. leningrad, this is what we will talk about further in our program: what france is silent about after the russian strike on mercenaries in kharkov. a destructive cyclone with showers, thunderstorms and squally winds swept through the south of brazil and more than 3,000 fonts throughout the country, as preparations for baptism are underway, about this and more immediately after the advertisement, stay with us. mosfil. the main film studios in russia are celebrating their anniversary. andrei konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev, ivan bessonov, oleg basilashvili, svetlana nemolyaeva, stanislav lyubshin, sergei shakurov, fedor dobronravov, irina kuvchenko, alexander zatsepin, alexey rybnikov, sergey
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bezrukov, alexey kravchenko, nikita kologrivav, irina pegova, pavel derevyanka. from the first pavilion, on friday mrtr. there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers
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look out from photographs of faded ones. this look, like the highest court, for the guys who are now growing up, and the boys cannot lie or deceive, the bottom of the road, turn, to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovoy, the legendary, favorite film of the officers. on sunday on rtr, if you come to my house, the first thing you you will see, this is a door scratched by dogs, he
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could become a zoologist, or an athlete, we took the gto standards for... 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups, a taster, i like to eat a lot and... always or a rescuer, but he is a doctor , which everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and
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a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, this is conditional some kind of parallel agenda, what do you care about nerif? in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch , substation, the first podcasts we watch, what is your status, busy, yes, the heart of my snow queen melted. you don’t need me, you want your child, your tests are ready, like varian, good, but to be honest, it
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’s bad, something happened, i tried, i can’t live without you, skletosovsky, today on rtr, and soon watch new episodes, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat it, therefore... warning the prime minister of syria strifasovsky is the best prevention. you watch the news, we continue the release. the french press chose to refrain from commenting on the death of its citizens in kharkov. the day before, the russian ministry of defense announced a high-precision strike on a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries, where, according to the department, about 60 militants, mostly with french passports, were killed. according to the laws of the fifth republic on...
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white house coordinator kirvey emphasized that without the united states, the entire system of assistance to kiev would immediately collapse, since the rest of the donor countries today look up to washington as a leader, and for the sake of...
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a safe country, they voted for him , the opposition spoke out against, there was disagreement among the ruling conservatives, the former minister of migration affairs, robert jenrick demanded that migrants be deprived of any opportunity to appeal to international courts. we are a sovereign parliament, power is in our hands, we have freedom of choice, the law is our servant, not our master. in on the eve of general parliamentary elections, a split within one's own party. obviously , prime minister sunak is concerned about much more than the number of migrants arriving in the country. the confusion in london is beginning to irritate the rwandan president. british journalists hounded him at the davos summit. is rwanda a safe country for refugees? this is not a problem for rwanda, but for the uk. paul kagami said that he was ready to return the money to the british if none of the migrants reached his country. later there were clarifications
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that the agreement with london for the return of funds.
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federal highways are flooded, about a dozen roads are destroyed, and now the disaster is moving towards rio daneira. in anticipation of the baptism , more than 3.00 fonts were equipped throughout the country; all of them were inspected by employees of the ministry of emergency situations, first of all they checked the bottom for the presence of sharp objects. during the holiday , rescuers, doctors and police will be on duty at each jordan. bathing has already begun on the lena river in yakutia, where it is now -40, in moscow, in the cathedral of christ the savior, a morning liturgy is being held before. epiphany christmas eve. festive bathing traditionally begins after the evening service on january 18 and continues until the next evening. report by alexandra usatenk. the sound of an ice drill breaks the ringing silence on lake chartage. experts take water samples and if it turns out to be safe, a swimming pool will be installed here. about 30 liters of water are required from one font,
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25 liters are used for parasitological indicators. and the rest for chemical and microbiological. it is believed that at baptism all bodies of water and even tap water become clean and safe, but all prepared ice holes checked carefully. in this laboratory, water is examined using several parameters. this is necessary in order to ensure the safety of people who bathe in these baths. anyone in the academic district of yekaterinburg can take a dip in a plunge pool with artesian water. more than 20,000 liters have already been poured into the artificial jordan. water, last year we had about 1,800 visitors, this year we expect 2,000. for safe swimming in open waters, the ice thickness must be at least 25 cm. this parameter is monitored when preparing jordan rescuers, but there are exceptions: this year in krasnoyarsk the kupel, as well as the requirements for it, are special. because
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the yenisei is non-freezing, even in the most severe frost, for the safety of visitors... an artificial font will be installed here, the water temperature in it will not be higher than 4°, since the water will be supplied directly from the river, warm scarves will be installed nearby for changing clothes, in on epiphany night , rescuers and doctors will be on duty next to the font. two swimming places will be equipped in krasnoyarsk. experts remind us of the need follow safety rules and conduct baptismal rites only in designated places. natural jordan will be patrolled by police. there is a fee for going out on flights in the city. fine from 500 to 3000 rubles. it is believed that everyone who plunges into epiphany water will receive cleansing and deliverance from sins. the ritual is popular even among those who are far from religion, but the church belongs to it and...
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don’t miss two episodes at once, the news continues to follow the developments, stay with us. good afternoon everyone, in these january days honored artist of russia alexey nilov notes:
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there is nothing censored. scandals in the media, alcohol, high-profile divorces overshadowed other aspects of alexei nilov’s life and forced him not to reveal to journalists what was truly significant. the history of the family and the path to faith, the ancestors of the old believers and four generations of stage ministers in one family. unknown hero friends from the front line and friends whom the whole country knows. today in our studio are the closest people of alexei nilovin. you want to say the kindest things. the best words, i would go with you to reconnaissance, i love you very much, well, alexey nilov, let’s meet our guest, hello, thank you, very
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glad to see you, thank you for coming, hello, so, what kind of working country do i have i'm probably all working today, so let's sit here, hello! “hello, hello, in what mood are you getting ready to celebrate your birthday, tell me, everything is fine, i can’t say that it’s very joyful, that it’s fun, because 10 years ago i had an anniversary, if only i was now 50 years, now i would be celebrating my 40th birthday, that would be fun, this would be benjamin button, now it’s somehow, well, i humbly accept it, i was told that you didn’t celebrate the new year. i didn’t celebrate the new year myself, because there is a fast, we celebrate in church, we come to the temple at midnight to celebrate the new year, after that we go to the refectory for a lenten
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meal, and then when we come at night - on january 7th for christmas , then we are no longer fasting for meals, a page of that biography that i did not know is a service in the army. in chernobyl, i was not a volunteer there, i was called up in november of the eighty-fifth year for military service in chernigov, this is 80 km from chernobyl, i have a first-degree liquidator certificate, and the first degree is until november of the eighty-sixth year, until then, when they started, when they admitted that something happened at chernobyl, when they started giving some documents, and you had health consequences after that, it’s not for me to judge, but to whom, well, i have two sons.. .after chernobyl, it's great, i don't i know what the consequences are, because i asked, then i asked, we didn’t feel well, no, we didn’t take this seriously. because no one knew or
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understood anything, uh-huh, something banged, something banged somewhere, some kind of komsomol enthusiasm, we need to run somewhere, liquidate something, save something, everything is very dignified, some dosimeters they hung us, and we were nearby, uh, curled piles, dug some holes, then when they measured these dosimeters, one had it, it was off scale, the other had nothing, that is, well, without gas masks, and they told me that well, yo you'll see in 30. because now maybe it will slip through, but we saved ourselves, they told us the recipe, we drove out the radiation, the recipe is very simple, lard, bread, moonshine, but we were told that these help, and somehow this particular recipe really suited us soul , we believed, but it’s interesting that your colleague, if we talk about faith, became the rector of the holy trois... cathedral in
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the city of angarsk, protereus vladimir kilin gets in touch with us and says hello, my dear friend, dear alexey gennadievich, cordially congratulations on on a significant date in your life, i wish that on your birthday and all the days of your life, the lord will give you health, spiritual physical health and his help without losing weight, i love, i remember, i pray. thank you, father, thank you, thank you, speaking about your friend, he was a director, yes, and before he came to vera, he managed to work in the theater, when you came to the temple, i was baptized in 1983, on june 26, it was trinity , but somehow, probably , there was something in me that made me walk and walk and walk toward all this and absolutely consciously... got baptized
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at the age of 19, well , let’s listen to what you and your dad told about family and traditions about faith, attention, everyone came to faith in their own way, some never left it, i mean the whole thing, let’s say , on my mother’s side, many, many things are mixed up, i can say that de...
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then, right before his death, he passed away heavily, in my mother’s arms, in my father’s arms, in me , just, yes, his last breath, and he was simply not in consciousness and as i told you, he suddenly, in delirium, began to read some prayers that were completely non-canonical, that is, something there is the heavenly christ, some, well , so ancient, it can be seen completely from... the subcortex from somewhere in his subconscious, but probably i came to eighty in 1983, i was completely consciously baptized at the age of 19, probably because that something like this was embedded in me completely subconsciously in the subcortex, i felt that i needed it, so you got married three times, two, two, that is, the first time i got married in... god bless my memory,
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probably in ninety-three year, that's because i tried so many times to start living to start a family correctly, i tried it very sincerely, then we separated, when with my wedding wife, i submitted a petition addressed to our metropolitan vladimir at that time through father gennady. then father gennady gave me an official paper, where it was written that my request for dissolution of the church marriage was granted and a blessing for the second, i was very surprised, because i say, i did not ask for any blessing for the second, i just asked to dissolve, to which the father gennady said, it’s not for you to judge if the metropolitan wrote the second blessing, which means i’m saying, i’m not going to ever get married again and it’s not up to you to decide either.
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then 10 years later i came to my father gennady and said that i met lena, well , it was in 2004, and... in 2008 he married us, where do you have a real hero, but he went through the great patriotic war, grandfather, yes , my grandfather served a lot, a great patriot, he stood on the pulkovo heights, he was an artilleryman, he defended st. petersburg, well, such a fate is quite serious, then , in my opinion, in...
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for about 70 years, probably, now he’s in school taught uh poems, that means he read them, my grandfather is amazing, amazing, a carpenter, so i’m not the son of a carpenter, the grandson of a carpenter, when you experienced clinical death, did you meet someone in this - this is a very, very - interesting, long story, like... somewhere , when we were filming in the streets of broken lamps, we drank and didn’t hide it, we walked, didn’t hide it, because there’s actually nothing wrong with that, we were doing some kind of light shocking stuff, people came up to us some stupid correspondents and interviewers asked some questions that
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they considered it supposedly interesting to their readers and viewers, that is, how much they drank, how many wives they had, on this topic, and we actually teased them somehow... that yes, yes, in liters, just in barrels, they told all this, then someone asked me something, where this information came from, i don’t know, there really was some moment when i was very tired, probably i had some kind of cardiac arrest, they called an ambulance, a doctor arrived, well, well, it wasn’t a coma, not at all, but it doesn’t matter, about two years later after the first article, i already read that i had two clinical deaths and... a third clinical death in the press, in detail about them, it all ended in the media, that is, judging by the reports, yes, rumors about my death greatly exaggerated, no, i didn’t see anyone,
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although in principle i was in quite serious situations, medical, but i didn’t see anyone there, it’s probably just too early, i can...
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you know, it’s as if he’s walking nearby my brother is with me, here is my double, mine is lyosha, i i’m proud of this that i was lucky in this life to meet such a person as alexei nilov, thank you, lyosha, thank you in return, my dear, thank you, and you became friends on the streets of broken streetlights or earlier, we became friends on makhovaya street at the theater institute, but there were broken lanterns.
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and it’s true that you were going to go to svo, but they didn’t take you, well, it’s probably too late for me to be a volunteer, i think that i can just do much more useful here than for both the guys and for the guys, because i have there are a lot of comrades who are now they are fighting, and we are loading cars here. we bought three gazelles, we are loading the cars with the necessary supplies, we illuminated the regiment’s banners in the church, we have
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video congratulations today from the guys too, alexey gennadievich, we congratulate you on your anniversary, on behalf of our commander of the 201st separate stralkov regiment, we want to wish you health, strong success in your creative work life, and also. we are conveying to you a fact that was signed by our commander, alexei ni, with gratitude from the soldiers of the 201st separate regiment. lyosh, be healthy, happiness and health to you. alexey gennadievich, thank you very much for your support, the coastal public organization where you are vice-president. thank you for your enormous help, for your enormous support and wish you long life and health, happy
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anniversary to you, dear. thank you guys, thank you very much. well, i think it's time to meet your wife, she's here today, very excited. let's invite the beautiful elena, lena nilova. in addition to my husband’s 20th anniversary. i met you this year , they told me, tell me, how did you manage to bring this guy to the altar, too? i wonder how you manage to put up with me for 20 years, and it’s my fault that they met, because lyoshenka was not feeling well, we were filming at night at that time, and i say, lenochka, please, my name is in the frame, you don’t lyoshenka force him to drink tea, because he has a completely cold, lenochka sat down, gave him tea, fortunately for our great, for 20 years now. i was very tired after
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my shift, we were filming at night when the store closed, we were filming an advertisement at night, and i said, guys, i’ll sleep here on the window sills, i’ll go, you’ll wake me up when necessary, i left and you asked it, politely, and another woman said what’s your name lena, lenochka, look, somewhere nilov is lying here on the windowsill, lena went. you were asleep, you don’t know how it was, she told me later, but you also have the feeling that nilov in the media and nilo in life are completely different people, the imagination of journalists sometimes goes off scale, and i know the truth, that’s why i addressed, excuse me , once to journalists, i say, guys, if everything that you write about me, about that amount - consumed, and so on and so forth, should have been lying in the south a long time ago...
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coffee after tea, lena even says that i read some poetry, which in general, well, probably, that
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is, i i was impressed, but then in the morning i just say, well, let’s go home, yes, let’s go home, we went home, we haven’t parted for 20 years, but the main thing is that lyosha says in all his interviews that he made his career because of leni , you agree, i am lenin and... even outwardly i began to resemble lenin a little, but sometimes you talk so much about yourself, you know, at my age, having graduated from two institutes, including the theater...
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they play various different roles, especially in some action films, on the set we developed such a trusting relationship, something in my heart told me to somehow turn to him , so that it becomes...
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mosfilm. the main film studios in russia are celebrating their anniversary. andrei konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev, ivan bessonov, oleg basilashvili, svetlana nemolyaeva, stanislav lyubshin, sergei shakurov, fedor dobronravov, irina kuvchenko, alexander zatsepin, alexey rybnikov, sergey bezruk.
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first 100 years, anniversary of the mosfilm film studio, live broadcast from the first pavilion, on friday on rtr.
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what can you say about the white tiger tank? this is the white devil, the only one of his kind among the germans.
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during the flight, the movie ended, i started having very strong headaches, there was a doctor who treated me in a non-traditional way, and he gave me the task of making a watercolor drawing, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, all in one carriage, great, don’t push it . on saturday, since ours women sleep, let's not waste time in vain, with such colleagues on vacation. you’re so busy, polina and i are happy to host you here in our home, have a romantic date, i beg you, don’t move, we’ll fall now, i’m afraid of heights, i’ll run to
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the embankment back and forth, okay, i have a meeting there, huh in more detail, what are we going to do, we leave as we leave, take it and carry it, sea, sun, sklifosovsky, on saturday on rtr. that alexei nilov had no options and his acting fate was predetermined long before birth, but the path to the audience's hearts was slow, although the success that fell after the role of captain
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larin became truly deafening and the guy from the respected artistic leningrad dynasty had to go through the most severe tests with copper pipes, i try to behave much more modestly when i drink, much more freely when i am sober. the eve of his sixtieth birthday in our studio, the favorite of millions of viewers, alexey nilov. but it seems to me that now the time has come to meet your daughter elizabeth, she is here today, and it seems to me that the love of a father i feel closer to my daughter only as the years go by, more and more. meet elizaveta nelova! i just adore you, this is my favorite photo , i just have it on the ringer on my phone, i thought you said i love andrey, this is after you, and how do you
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congratulate dad, tell me what you should give him, what needs to be given, well, i think, first of all, love, but we give it for no reason. no holidays, no birthdays, every day, and we try to give joy to dad, but you are a child from the first lesha’s marriage, these are the childhood memories you and your dad have, these are the childhood memories i have, most likely thanks to the photographs of my grandfather that he took, there are a lot of them, here are my grandparents and me. we have a very touching relationship with your grandfather , let's look at the family, or maybe we'll sing something, a skull lived in a cemetery,
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loved a slender cranberry, a man didn't drink, a book date, come on, let's finish it all, come on, so am i, i’ve relaxed, now i don’t have anything about me, it’s just a lick. gennady petrovich began to talk about pavel petrovich, that is, if we are talking about a dynasty, such a big word, pavlo petrovich, gennady petrovich, alexey gennadyvich, somehow everything is serious, all the same and elizaveta alekseevna, when they ask why, how, i say, well, they are to blame for everything genes, well, that is, everything seems to come from there, yes, yes, yes, yes, i have been serving at the komissarzhevskaya theater for 16 years. this is the place where my parents’ teachers are still next to me, now they are my colleagues and mentors, and
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my parents’ classmates and classmates are also next to me on stage, lenochka simonova, this is tatyana borisovna kuznetsova, here’s kostya temidov, it just happened somehow. here is gennady petrovich, dad from the edge, here is galina pankratievna, with her future classmate , maalysh.


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