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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  January 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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with russia, gas pipelines, we are destroying all this, we are imposing sanctions, but we will quickly win and after that we can take a big two-handed saw and start sawing up the russian economy, resources, we will share all this very well, germany, don’t worry, we will give you ukraine, there there is already a gouleiter , appointed in the form of klitschko, everything will be fine with you, but years go by without attracting, and the bet will not play on and... it is already clear that it will not play, it is not playing and will not play, the europeans understand quite clearly that they did all this, they cut off everything that you can, and what next, continue to supply shells to ukraine, but why, i remind you, ukraine is not particularly paying for them, and there will be no benefits from this, that is, this is all some kind of help , yes, that is, they are wasting resources, obviously understanding , that there will be no return, the only motivator...
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that is why germany looks attentively at the usa, says: you put the missiles first, and then we, or you never know, yes, we understand that you are constantly putting pressure on us, but that’s all - yes, let’s do it a little, first you, then us, and it will turn out like with leopards, yes, you promised us that you are abrams, and we are leopards after you, we are leopards, yes, but where are your abrams, no, they are somewhere in the forest they say, no one in the war i saw it, although it exists.
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trolik, they are somewhere in the territory of ukraine in the angara, they were even rolled out strictly according to the film dmb, yes, you see abrams, no, yes , he is, he is somewhere in the forest there, that means, what else, the americans too everyone understands that the only possible motivation is fear for the european allies, in quotes, their own, so we have to whip up this fear, so we release the duda, and the duda talks about how russian imperialism is now immediately, if it wins... all of europe immediately immediately khan, then the coalition of evil, by the way, i wonder where this came from coalition of evil, who organized it, and what they are going to do about it, if it really exists, yes, but you have to scare, despite the fact that objectively, even europeans, looking at the americans themselves, understand that americans are not very afraid of this when american senators say: no, we will not supply anything, first mexico and the border, this means that american senators understand very clearly that... does not
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pose a threat to the united states, whether we like it or not, but they they understand that they have no idea, there are other more pressing problems, if everything were the other way around, well, probably, the question would not be resolved now in the senate, whether to allocate money to ukraine or not to allocate money to ukraine, whether to allocate this much or allocate this much, that’s all if everyone would gather their strength and really go and fight russia somehow, but the problem is that they cannot understand how this money will be repaid later, or rather...
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a huge number of problems with ukrainian business, with the ukrainian government, we remember there we’re looking at a classic story, yes , but the chinese had practically transferred the money before, the americans said, stop, stop, don’t, yes, well, as if china had certainly not forgotten this completely, yes, and of course, in this sense, well now ukraine is left alone, absolutely, it no longer has anyone is of no interest to anyone. by and large, the only
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interest is how to get out of this situation now without completely losing face. biden doesn’t need a repeat of afghanistan right now before the elections, but they will look for some options. dollars that the americans poured into afghanistan, then fled from there, disgracing themselves on the entire planet, where the plan for the development of the ukrainian war speaks. further direct quote, johnson states: “i don’t like putin either.” i would also like putin
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to lose this war, but i don’t see any prospects. hill, today they published a note on the topic that this was joe biden’s last trump card, he... behind the scenes invited those who make the decision, a live broadcast was to begin, as part of this meeting, at the end it was planned to announce that an agreement had been reached , sumer, this elderly citizen, kept his main word and promised that if we don’t give money now, in exactly a month putin will win. he uttered these words, it was not possible to reach an agreement, the broadcast was canceled, there was no money given. we'll be back in a minute. the main
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film studios of russia are celebrating their anniversary. andrei konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev, ivan bessonov, oleg basilash. yuri bashmet and the new russia state symphony orchestra, daria zlatopolskaya, andrei malarev and karan shekhnazarov in a grand concert, the first 100 years, the anniversary
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of the mosfilm film studio, live broadcast from the first pavilion, on friday on rtr. there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers, looking from photographs of faded ones, this look is like the highest court, for the guys, what now. grow up and the boys cannot lie or deceive , the bottom of the road, turn, to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovoy, the legendary,
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favorite film of the officers, on sunday narter, who want to be in the
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know, between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat, the most intelligent creature in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why not, eva eva, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on media. platform watch substation: the first podcasts we watch. we work in
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the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth, our job is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. what is your status? busy, right? my snow queen’s heart has melted , you don’t need me, you want your child, your tests are ready, how everything turned out, it’s good, but to be honest, it’s bad, something happened to me, i tried, i can’t live without you, skleifosovsky today on rtr. so, after trump’s triumphant victory at the caucuses in
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the war, donald scored 51% ahead of everyone. biden is trying his best to ruin the life of his competitor. the court refused to postpone the hearing in order to release trump at the funeral of his mother-in-law, mother milania trump. donald claims that the judge hates him and says appoint a judge. donald trump, about the fact that trump, you won’t believe it, has syphilis. this is how he commented on the red spots on the palms of the ex-president of america. allegedly they are very similar to venereal disease. they immediately remembered that... trump has lost weight, often looks tired, and sometimes
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misspoke during public events, well, that is, you understand, yes, it’s trump, it turns out, who misspoke, trump, not biden, has dementia, and is also sick it is trump, and not the chief of the pentagon, who treats the prostate. we are aware of discussions about the health of the oldest president. america has eighty-one-year-old joe biden, but now there is also growing concern about his rival donald trump. when he raised his right hand in greeting, leaving trump tour on wednesday morning, strange red spots became visible. in the latest in a long list of worrying symptoms, he noticeably dragged his right leg as he carried boxes of pizza to the fire station during an election campaign in iowa. the usually energetic leader looked weary in the lobby of an iowa hotel after a long day of campaigning. company and his walking also looked a little uncertain, the number of mistakes in trump’s speech increased, he once confused
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barack obama with joe biden, sometimes he confuses names of people, names of places, due to noticeable weight loss and haggard face , rumors arose that trump was using such popular weight loss drugs. all these episodes have raised concerns about trump's health and questions about whether he is being affected by extremely high demands, the reaction to trump's conundrum has been quick, strange and so, washington, fast forward to live, three news' own correspondent, igor naimushin, igor, well, it’s cool that you have political strategists, you, i have in washington, political strategists, naturally american, also, to make it clear, republicans have already written on social networks. it’s not syphilis, he may have burned his boot, or maybe it
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’s palitan, well, that is, it’s definitely not syphilis, but it’s obvious that the democrats are suffering terribly because of donald’s appearance, because of his ratings, because of- for the success in iowa, what the democrats themselves are trying to do in order to tighten up their candidate joe biden and the nightly negotiations, it is clear that this is the main one. they won’t give it, as i understand it, they didn’t. olga, hello, they didn’t give me the main argument i used. biden is the possible consequences for the united states, nato around the world, the impending defeat of ukraine without new supplies of western aid, and he is ready to make any possible, well, acceptable deals to protect the border and tighten immigration laws. it must be said that, unlike democrats, republicans they are in no
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hurry to come to such an agreement, because the speaker of the house of representatives, he... literally said after the completion this meeting, this chorale, even, where not only congressional leaders came, but also leading members and chairmen of relevant committees, that in fact the republicans’ demands remain regarding tightening the border, and these demands, as we now understand, are not comparable with those concessions which the american administration is ready to agree to, well , strictly speaking, that’s why it’s still unclear how... such discussions will end, how likely is it for the parties to come to an agreement next week? the senate will begin to consider biden's bill on national security goals , which will already include ideas for protecting the border, the same deal, if they reach an agreement they will be able to pass the bill through
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the senate, it could get to the house of representatives by the end of january, but there biden it is not controlled, it is not even that it is not controlled by him, it is rather under the influence of donald trump, who is precisely the main political enemy of the american president, speaker mike johnson is precisely among the supporters of the ex-president, the prospects for this deal are not clear at all in the house of representatives, jake salevan said in davos literally 2 days ago: they hope that they will be able to close the issue in a few weeks, but in fact... in fact , the reality is this that it will hardly be possible to close it in a few weeks. biden's ratings are also a separate issue, is there a chance to save the candidate and is there a chance to replace the candidate if he is so bad? biden has no alternative candidates, biden has no alternative rivals among the democrats. in
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in february, the first primaries will be held in carolina, but in fact in the absence of anyone. who could compete with biden, the current president is the only possible candidate from the democratic party, a real candidate for re-election, and we must understand that he is of course running for a new term together with vice president kamalai hares, who, as we understand, in the event why am i ready to replace the head of state in this post? i can’t help but ask a question about the frost, we have baptism today, the people are... yakutia is already plunging, in yakutia -40, in america -20, 17 dead, you can’t cope, but america is not ready for such severe cold, unfortunately, it is clear that here we need to talk not about america as a whole, as a country , and in some states that are not used to living in severe frost, for example, here in washington this is the first snow in 2 years, the frost
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is quite severe, and this is not due to the thermometer. it seems like it’s -7 outside the window now, but we don’t have central heating, and we have to stay in a warm room clothes in order not to freeze, so as for the roads, i understand that this topic is also troubling, the roads are generally clean, but many cars have summer tires, so accidents are the most common business at this time, as for the work of other services and government bodies, well, the schools were in favor...
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the department also temporarily transferred them to remote work, as they said, as jeanpierre said, karina jeanpierre, the white house press secretary, just to people didn't freeze. thank you very much, unviable state, this is your america. igor naimushin, ria news' own correspondent in washington. the frost is -7, their schools are closed. ask. returning to ukraine, here. what alexey petrovich was talking about, the creation of these coalitions, i frankly don’t understand this idea at all, or is it that france produces more artillery weapons, that means it. this is not so, the problem of the european military-industrial complex is not that they produce little
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and can produce more, the problem of the military-industrial complex europe is that they killed it in the nineties, now it urgently needs to be restored, in order to urgently restore it, a political solution is needed, and there is no such political solution, and the political solution is not... at the level of the european union, because the money is generally national and in order to revive, yes, there were many very factories, especially for the production of soviet weapons, in poland, in bulgaria, in slovakia, in the smaller czech republic, in bulgaria, yes, in hungary, well there, i don’t remember, but a little was, all this was killed in order to in western europe. also killed, but there for several obvious reasons, in order to restore investments are needed in western europe - these are private investments, in order
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for there to be private investments, so to speak, guarantees are needed, long-term contracts are needed for 10-15-20 years, well, okay, in western europe , these, so to speak, given the devastation of warehouses, such guarantees can be provided and contracts can be concluded, but in eastern europe, well, who will need them? once the ukrainian conflict is over, who will? needed there will be soviet 152-mm artillery shells or mines for our mortars or any other weapons for soviet equipment, which no longer exist, because all aviation, all armored vehicles, most of the artillery weapons of the rszz, all of this was disposed of during the conflict, if you look to the figures that were announced at the final meeting of the minister of defense: 14.00 armored vehicles. there are 553 planes, 249 helicopters, that is, everything that was raked out to zero, so how
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will they restore it, will they to restore, for now, for now there is a lot of talk, but uh, let’s just say, there are not very many practical things, the hope is mainly, of course, in the united states, in the united states, so we saw the plot, we saw the problems. which biden, the democratic party and, in general, this entire aid package to ukraine are experiencing. now i would like to say this: analyzing the last months of the american media, or rather the western media, what was said in davos, two subjects that are, in principle , being discussed in the west: what will russia do in 2024? two options: or russia will go on the offensive and try... so to speak, not only will it liberate those territories that are already part of the russian federation, meaning four subjects, but it will go further, and at the
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same time they are exiled, they are still very closely monitoring everything the statements of our president, when the president says that it is necessary to move eliko, perhaps from kharkov, the front line in order to stop shelling of russian territory, they record this, when the president says that odessa is a russian city, they do this too... we’re not just sitting in the trenches , we’re moving forward, yes, it’s still, so to speak, not very easy for us to take these flooded ones, you and i are for the first option, i’m generally for the first,
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of course, but let’s see, let’s have an ellipsis here let's break through, what can you say about the white tiger tank, it's white, it 's the only one the germans have, it doesn't have a crew, they say it's like some kind of ghost, all these games were stuck in the swamps, but it's not, believe the mystic, it's here , you think he will appear, he will appear, he is looking for me. white tiger, film by karen shakhnazarov, on friday on rtr. floor
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trembling, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work a lot , uh... plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look, let me into your home, big
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changes, he represents you, and sergei nikolaevich, oh, he ’s a star, i feel so bad without you, and we ’ll get married, and damn, i forgot, you have a pregnant wife, snaith, what are we going to do ? well, that’s it, robin, rest assured, i won’t just leave this, you’ll both regret it, but do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail? doctor snail? on
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saturday at rtf. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, why watch the elections? the proud grandfather came home. i am from one party was sent as observers. i will be vigilant over the elections so that the people and election commissions do everything according to the law. like a spy. in their films, i immediately dressed up my grandfather as a secret agent and got him binoculars, i have such vision that i can see any violation like an eagle, besides , i went through special training, according to russian law, a smartphone is enough for me, now my granddaughter knows which icon to press , i’m trained in the procedure, i bought a cooler camera, i won’t be lost, my friend, i won’t let society down.
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aside freely, important, honestly convenient, used to watching videos online, it stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. so, in yakutia it’s about 40 minutes, but even in such weather on the lena river , kreshchanskie bathing centers across the country have already equipped more than 3.00 swimming pools. a huge number of russians are going to take a dip in jordan this night in honor of the orthodox holiday.
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well, look at the holiday news, bye, thank you, dear friends. hello at russia vesti tv channel, in the studio of denis polanchukov and the main thing for this hour: ranges need to be increased, how is the production of missiles for the ministry of defense going and what must be done? sergei shaigu checked the implementation of the state defense order. russian paratroopers stormed a stronghold of ukrainian
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militants northwest of artyom. ukraine as mercenaries was recognized by western journalists after the russian strike. in kharkov. the german bundestag voted against the supply of long-range missiles to ukraine. moscow took a snow blow. the strongest the cyclone has already hit st. petersburg, bryansk, oryol, kursk, smolensk and voronezh regions. and more than 3,000 baths throughout the country. epiphany bathing has already begun in the far east. the ministry of defense reports the liberation of the village of vesyoloye in the donetsk direction. we literally just received the latest data on the progress of the special operation . so,
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the enemy was hit by fire near kleshcheevka and andreevka. also , according to the department , 91 unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down in the northern military district zone over the past 24 hours. two missiles intercepted.u. american gliding bomb'. we move in uazs, go at maximum speed, ahead we have to cover about 2 km on foot through the forest belt. at the line of combat contact in the vicinity of lisichansk
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, the unit commander with the call sign snow meets us and talks about the recent attack by enemy fpv drones. then the volunteers lost the truck. repeaters are hung on large wings so that they can communicate. the fact that the artillerymen’s position is already close, we understand while on the road, the work of long-range howitzers can be heard for many kilometers, a gun, a shot! eight rounds per minute, the battery
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hits ukrainian ukrainian fortifications located more than 20 km away, which means it hits the enemy’s second and third lines of defense at the tor ledge. first charge, aim and report. mortar batteries are already operating in the immediate vicinity of the front line. the strikes are carried out not only on the trenches of the ukrainian military, but also on the reverse slopes of the heights, where, according to intelligence data, the enemy is trying to accumulate manpower for subsequent rotation. shot. firing range more than 4 km and an optical sight make it possible to deliver precise strikes against strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces located at some distance from the front line. we worked on a thousand pieces in 3 days, we worked on technology, on evacuation , the evacuation also remained there, 661, yes, fire, such intensive work of artillerymen and mortar batteries, serious fire
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support for volunteer battalions that successfully suppress any attempts to break through the ukrainian military in krasnolimansk direction. fascism, which grew on the territory of ukraine, we faced it face to face, it is necessary. to completely destroy it, this is the main reason why everyone is here, so victory will definitely be ours. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, anatoly tyurkin, lead the kremen forest, torsky ledge. sergei shaigu checked the progress of the state defense order at one of the closed enterprises near moscow. in the workshops of the raduga design bureau, the minister was shown guided missiles of various classes, air, ground, anti-radar and anti-ship. first, svo, production volumes. precision weapons have been increased eightfold, the company doubled its staff, updated production lines and switched to 12-hour shifts. the minister had questions about the technical characteristics of one of the manufactured products. range 250 km
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, 250 km, this is what i want to tell you about, 250 km, we generally need ranges of 300 today, 300 km for 300. because what we see today is ours, but the range needs to increase, works, a powerful atmospheric front that formed on... baltic reached the russian capital, moscow is covered with snow, gusts of storm wind are intensifying, atmospheric pressure is rapidly dropping, visibility on the roads is decreasing, tomorrow bad weather will cover kazan, nizhny novgorod and cheboksary. the volga regions have still not recovered from the previous blow of the snow storm. employees of the ministry of emergency situations are helping to eliminate the consequences on the federal roads of the samara, penza, ulyanovsk and orenburg regions. meter-long snowdrifts are cleared using special equipment for drivers of stuck cars. deliver gasoline, drinking water and hot food. the weather situation remains
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difficult. the state traffic inspectorate strongly recommends canceling long trips. implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects that change the life of entire regions. vladimir putin discussed today at a meeting with the head of the bam-tunnel stroy most group of companies, ruslan baysarov. this is the largest enterprise in russia that specializes in the construction of tunnels, transport crossings, roads, ports, and berths. as well as hydraulic structures of runways. baysarov reported, what is his company, that his company has begun the design and construction of a new railway bridge between russia and china. the planned export volumes that will go through it are 20 million tons per year, and other large projects are being implemented ahead of schedule. how do you assess the situation? we have started construction of the metro in the krasnoyarsk territory. at the peak of construction will be involved.
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region, a bridge across the yakuze with a total length of 10 km, 2 km of which is the bridge part. thanks to the decisions you made, we began to cost reducing deadlines. we immediately purchased inert materials and metal structures and began building. how many people did you work for under 2.0? yes, absolutely true. the new bridge over the zeevo river in the mur region is one of the most complex and important. infrastructure projects in recent years. construction began on instructions
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from vladimir putin. stroy most put it into operation almost a year ahead of schedule, despite all the difficulties that were associated with the peculiarities of the local climate. the bridge opened to traffic in december. the central election headquarters of candidate vladimir putin is preparing to transfer to the cycle the signatures collected in support of the current head of state. now their total number is approaching 3 million. and that’s it.
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nikolai kharitonov, presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation, presented his election program in moscow today. if the communists win the elections, in particular they plan to nationalize the country's tax base and introduce a progressive taxation scale. these measures, according to kharitonov, will help develop the agricultural industry. food, whatever your heart
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desires, right here, every second family has many children, this is an example of how pressing problems can be solved, the year of the family was announced this year, but if the year of the family, and we remember, those sitting in this hall probably remember , many , including me, received an apartment from the state for free, why was it possible then, now it’s not possible, but why don’t we today, and i said this out loud, the year of the family, let ’s give you... the court a percentage to give to young people in the first 20 years and not an apartment there 15-25-36 m2, but in advance 100, 120, 150 with the expectation of birth of two three. learned economists. the main topic is how to reduce the socio-economic disproportion between russian regions. as the leader of the liberal democrats noted. overcoming regional differences is one of the key tasks
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of the state. this process should be facilitated by innovative methods for managing the implementation of new legislative initiatives. legislation, taxes should remain in the regions, banking opportunities for the population, and many other things - a little more distant echelon, environmental improvement is the most unfavorable regions, of course, roads, using the potential of the defense-industrial complex, creating new jobs in the defense-industrial complex. residents of new regions must receive medical care under the ums policy. in full, prime minister mikhail mishustin spoke about this at a government meeting; according to him, in the donetsk, lugansk republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions, the system is still being fine-tuned, but social obligations must be fulfilled now. government approved the financial security rule. it is very important that
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social obligations to people are fulfilled during the transition period. they would have the opportunity to go to a clinic or hospital, but naturally. receive free treatment, including high-tech services. almost 39 billion rubles have been allocated for such purposes. i ask the heads of new regions to take personal control of the situation with the implementation of the basic compulsory medical insurance program; people’s complaints about health should not go unattended and, of course, without caring relations on the part of medical personnel and doctors. you're watching the news, that's what we'll talk about later in our program. the head of mitt russia, sergei lavrov, showed the journalist.
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on friday on rtr. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels - all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. let's look, look. in the app or on the website , there’s no life, you need to go to the capital, what’s this, at the mine it seems to have rushed, like at the mine, misha is at the mine face, we look at the weekend, it’s far away you’ve gathered, we’re going to moscow, val, and you’re burning
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bridges behind you, other people’s houses, other people’s lives, but your own hasn’t worked out, that’s how you want it. look back, i look into my eyes, i don’t believe, you came back , or something, at all, but i don’t know, i was looking for a new life, some kind of happiness and found nothing, happiness, it turns out, is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness, on sunday on rtr, i still have pain here, here it hurts, here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely. creeps up gradually to be healthy, the most the main thing is to remember the principle of 3p, this, by the way, is officially proven, proper nutrition, how to eat properly?
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we watch movies and tv series, watch opera, watch ballet, watch theater, watch concerts and festivals, watch competitions and master classes, watch films about history and art, watch educational lectures, watch programs about science, watch interviews and talk shows. we watch the news, we watch documentaries, russia culture on the platform we look,
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what is your status, busy, yes, the heart of my snow queen has melted, you don’t need me, you want to. your child, your analysis is ready, like varina, it’s good, but to be honest, it’s bad , something happened, i tried, i can’t live without you, sklifosovsky, today on rtr, and soon we’ll watch new episodes, the disease is easier to prevent, than to treat it, so i warn you about the premiere episode from klifosovsky... the best prevention. you watch the news, we continue the release. from
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the middle east, news about air raids comes one after another. syria said its southern province was under attack by jordan. 11 people died, including women and children. previously islamabad responded to tehran blow for blow. pakistani aircraft targeted militant targets and also killed and injured civilians. about what is happening in the region. alexander belibov. the pakistani army struck the outskirts of the iranian border town of siravan at five o'clock in the morning. reportedly, for this purpose, pakistani fighters even entered the airspace of a neighboring state. officially, the pakistani foreign ministry named the positions of terrorist groups as the target of this attack, and also announced the liquidation several militants. today's actions were taken in light of credible intelligence of impending large-scale terrorist activity. iran, in turn, reported that as a result of several missile attacks, nine people were killed, including women and children. the attack by
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the pakistani army on the border region of iran was a response to yesterday's attack by the islamic revolutionary guard corps on one of the border pakistani provinces. according to the ksr, the target of the attack was the headquarters of the terrorist group. je chalit. none of the citizens of our neighbor, brother and friend pakistan, were targeted by the iranians. drones and missiles. an organization called jaysh al-adel is an iranian terrorist group. she is taking refuge in some areas of pakistan's baluchistan province. the islamic republic continues to take revenge on militants for the explosions at the mausalee of general qasem sulaymaniyah 2 weeks ago and at the same time demonstrates to the entire world community that iran can overtake its enemies, no matter where they are. iran wants to send two messages: one to the inner world, the other to the outer. this is essentially the same message, which says that it is not worth fighting with iran. the mutual exchange of blows led to a sharp escalation of tensions
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between the two countries. the iranian army in the southeast of the country is on alert. local residents on social networks report that pakistani planes are circling over the border areas. islamabad, in turn, closed all border points with iran, sending additional army troops units to the iranian border. last night another one. the attack reportedly targeted drone and missile launchers, with which the ansarallah group continues to fire at ships in the southern red sea and the gulf of adon. the day before, as the houthis themselves stated, they managed to hit an american merchant ship with an anti-ship missile; as a result of a direct hit, a fire started on board, along with ships in the red sea. as the president of egypt said yesterday, military escalation in the region could lead to the conflict
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in the middle east will expand on several fronts at once. the more the us and uk bomb this country, the less willing the houthis are to negotiate. this statement was made by the head of the russian amid sergei lavrov at a press conference, summing up the work of russian diplomacy in the past year. the united states, together with the british and some of its other allies , exceeded, violated, simply trampled upon all conceivable norms of international law, including the security council resolution, which only called for the protection of commercial shipping, to bomb yemen, no one authorized anyone
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and... the justifying statements that come from washington, they look, you know, somehow very pathetic, i would say. one of the questions concerned the possibility of a diplomatic settlement of moscow's differences with washington and brussels. sergei lavrov noted that the collective west is ready for dialogue only on its own terms, and then on the sidelines, in the public space, russophobia is reaching unprecedented proportions. and one of the proofs is the eu manual. how to behave with russian diplomats, or the same iraq: european diplomats should avoid bilateral contacts with russian representatives; attending any events organized by the russian side is excluded. this rule applies to festive receptions; on february 23, may 9, i
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draw your attention to the issue of the fight against nazism.
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leader, and for the sake of this leadership, support for ukraine must continue. the french media discuss and comment on the news about the russian precision strike on kharkov. death of 60 foreign mercenaries, most of them were with french passports, official paris does not comment. and against the backdrop of silence , journalists themselves are trying to figure out the situation, as it turns out that the french are participating in the conflict on the side of kiev, former military men, often with far-right views. this is an open secret. contacts with these fighters in ukraine, told us that approximately 60 to 70 french became part of the ukrainian formations. another 200-300 people with dual citizenship served in the ukrainian foreign region. according to the laws of the fifth republic , mercenary activities are strictly prohibited, at the same time, as
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political scientists were reminded on the arti tv channel, paris more than once. almost 600 foreign mercenaries fighting on the side of kiev, this was discussed today in lugansk at an operational meeting dedicated to the crime against civilians and the russian military. it was announced that documents hidden in isu were found on the territory of azovstal in mariupol, containing the number of units, as well as data on shelling of donbass in the period from 2015 to 2017. nice
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interesting find, keep in mind documentary from sources. that is , this is the explanation why we launched a special military operation, because they destroyed the inhabitants of donbass during this period, and there are documents that are generally inhumane, where there are children, civilians. yes, the central part, not for border guards, not for the military, but for civilians, but where next? a destructive cyclone with showers, thunderstorms and squally winds swept through the south of brazil. more than a million people were left without electricity, 49 cities were affected, several federal highways were flooded, about a dozen roads destroyed. the gusts were so powerful that they easily demolished billboards, knocked down huge trees and tore off the roofs of buildings. now the elements are moving towards the river. modern office space, about 200 workplaces, two dozen reception windows and a convenient electronic queue.
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the head office of sberbank was officially opened in simferopol today with plans for further expansion. jaana shcherbaty will tell you more. the head office of sberbank opened today in a modern building in the very center of simferopol in crimea, here crimeans can receive any banking services. from the design. business, all this can be done in one place, the head building of sberbank is five floors of office space , a large department with 22 windows. the office was opened today by the head of the bank, german gref. today , there are sberbank offices in all major cities of the peninsula; the first one was opened 9 months ago, and the number of clients is growing. within a year we already have a market share of 12%. we posted today, we have 14 offices here in crimea, we have about 130 terminals, we entered crimea at a very good pace,
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and we will move at the same pace this year. the sberbank branch in crimea increases competition in the banking sector and the quality of services on the peninsula is growing. guys come from other regions, teach crimeans, one way or another, that is, how would it be for our people there in any case. saviors patriarch of moscow all russia kirill. as the patriarch noted, on the feast of epiphany, believers especially feel divine grace in the form of illuminated water. cooperi is now being prepared all over the country. there will be more than 3.0 of them. in the far east
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in some areas of siberia, orthodox christians have already received baptism. residents of yakutsk came to the ice holes after the evening service, even despite the 30 degree frost. jordan was established on the leni river. krasnoyarsk residents will be there. plunge into an artificial font, the ice on the yenisei is not strong, it is dangerous to go out on it, an unusual jordan in yekaterinburg, it was filled with artesian water. tonight, after the big news, watch the continuation of the ninth season of the medical drama with khlefosovsky, don’t miss two episodes at once. vesti continues to monitor developments in russia abroad, stay with us. we continue to graduate up to 25 military personnel, two self-propelled guns, three vehicles in the armed forces of ukraine were destroyed over the past 24 hours in the kherson direction. also among the targets hit
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were a fuel base, three ammunition depots and two.


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