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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 18, 2024 9:20pm-10:25pm MSK

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the concept of sin is a category, excuse me, of course, religious, a society that has abandoned religious dogmas in principle cannot talk about morality, macron, talking about morality, well then they will disperse their government, no, well, someone can talk about morality, they condemn aggression, someone says, people who, at the same time as they wring their hands and worry about the fate of ukraine,
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the war that has been going on since the fourteenth year, since the fourteenth year, it still can’t be compared, let me remind you, 15,000 people have died in 8 years, that’s right , at the initial stage conflict, now what gives more diverse international structures, i ’m talking about civilians, and among the 15,000 there were not only civilians, yes, but there were scum in the ssu, so what are we talking about, russia, which every time...
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who once again took it and missed and fucked, but these screams, this wringing of hands, examination, a family died in odessa, children were torn to pieces in belgorod, in belgorod on new year’s, the west says, no, well, that’s what we think that this is an absolutely moral right of ukraine, are you idiots, and after that if you want us in russia to treat you the same way, they generally understand that for us all this bastard is. well, i’ve completely lost all right to talk about russia , with russia, but they are lucky that our president is a very polite person, and when they call him, they pick up the phone, but i think that macron might one day hear someone like that on the phone, politely, politely, that he will never call again, what to talk about now with macron, what to talk about with this nonentity, this bastard, london. well, in
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general, for him it’s a struggle of generations, london, the struggle of generations, who are you fighting with, london , the thief sits on the thief, drives the thieves, scoundrels who, a few years later, say, yes, by the way, iraq was like that, we got everything, they say, they say, the british, the british prime minister , they say, well, yes, we deceived the whole world then, so where is the responsibility, where are the frozen british assets transferred?
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the security of the entire free world, what, just what, what did russia do that threatened the security and free world, by not dying, by the very fact of existence, the fact that, unlike china, which they do not understand, russia offers and represents an alternative european path, yes, an alternative civilizational path, china for them is as if from a completely different planet, another universe, they... do not touch, they they don’t understand, and russia, based on christian morality, being a great christian and great muslim state, of course, is scary for them, what the west can accuse russia of, what sins and crimes, what sins and crimes the west has not invented for us over the millennium of our existence, and how...
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historical, but we must understand that chercheli was an absolute criminal of guilt, by the way, this is his personal fault, in the use, in particular, of chemical weapons, yeah, if someone just forgot, chercheli was like that bloody alcoholic, that my mother is not grieving, russians may seem narrow-minded, impudent or
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even stupid people, but all that remains is to pray to those who stand in their way, well, well, well, well, no need. don't underestimate the russians like that. sergey aleksanovich. yes. well, if we say this seriously, that concerns their threats about the third world war or something like that, i think that this is only possible if our carols really shake. lavrov, the minister says that maybe they think that they will waver here. i think that the calculation consists, among other things, in this, yes, of imposing an endless land war on foreign territory, where it is possible, in principle , and maybe partially to use nato armed forces. here. in that, and under the conditions that russia either has nothing, or it will not be able to respond, so to speak, in general, in in any case, it will not use nuclear weapons in any cases, it seems to me that they are trying to push through this very concept, the situation in ukraine convinces them of something, if we talk about the possibility of using nuclear weapons, well, it’s clear that it’s better about
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this, let the experts talk, but i won’t speak from a military point of view, from a, you know, civilizational point of view, i personally think that a real third world war with the use of nuclear weapons will lead to the death of civilization. white civilization will disappear from the face of the earth, and the beneficiaries will be china, india and what is called the global south, because of course it is possible to compare the current situation with the second world war and the first, but any parallels are lame, in the first second world war, in fact, it was about a battle between the masters of this world, but there was nothing around there were no competitors, no one , in case of defeat, so to speak, for example, of one or another, could raise this power...
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there will be a moment of ascent, and such, so to speak, incredible ascent there of just such countries that seem to be like, so to say that today western civilization perceives them as competitors, another story will begin. another story will begin, yes, the history, so to speak, of relations between china, india, the muslim world, although it is not consolidated, so to speak, and there are no figures comparable to india, china, so, but nevertheless , another story will begin, it will be, it will be so to speak, a very big, so to speak, catastrophic, tragic stage in the history of the world, and, taking into account the specifics of , yes, that means, cultural, historical hypothetical development, i think that in general the whole world will change very much , by the way, this will not mean a stop as... the confrontation will just really begin a different era, these, so to speak, idiots understand this, i don’t know, in all these
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capitals, they don’t understand, it’s hard for me to say, to be honest, sometimes it seems to me that some kind of homosexuality of the brain, as if takes away their last intellectual abilities, by the way, i do not exclude this, but in general i think that they are, to a large extent, so to speak, are trying to convince us that let's let’s fight, as it were, but only you don’t use nuclear weapons, so i hope that the knees, well, at least, you know how, i wouldn’t want any war at all, but... especially since it’s so huge, but for this, in order for it not to happen, it is necessary to convince the enemy that such damage will be caused to him that he will not endure, we, unfortunately, spent 30 years convincing them that we are incredibly predictable, very friendly, so to speak, reliable, reliable partners, simultaneously with those reforms, wonderful, in quotes, which took place in our armed forces, we convinced them that they could play with us like this, but this means one topic, the second topic, which i would like to briefly touch on, so to speak, is still,
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charai, greta thunberg, i didn’t recognize you right away, i don’t recognize who you are, no, who you are, yes, we didn’t recognize you from makeup, so i infected you, that’s what the x virus is , yes, yes, that’s it, that’s how it went, and they’re like that they always substitute red, she blows into their brains, no, tied up, no, well, well, well, listen, well, look, serious people are sitting, why do morons relate to this, well, this speaks of degradation, by the way, unfortunately, when i reason, i reason...
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a disease, but there is no disease yet, but 19 scientists in the uk are already working on developing a serum, this is a question about science, by the way, yes, that is, a disease no, but they are already making a vaccine for it, yes, that is, what lies ahead? what am i talking about? what i mean is that in fact, the methods of governing this world can be different, war seems to be one of the most extreme, yes, but i think that many other different models are being developed. formatting of this situation and one of them is this is an attempt to control, manipulate the whole world through, well, falsification, or maybe the launch of the next pandemics, after all , regarding the past covid pandemic, well, it worked, it worked great, i think that the experiment was a success for people, and well 90 percent yes, there was a virus , that’s true, but firstly, we never found out where it came from, it seems to me that we are a little bit protective of our chinese, so to speak,
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friends here, without understanding where it came from this covid virus started, the chinese are blaming it. the chinese, but i am absolutely sure that it could not have happened here without scientists, of course, it could not have happened without scientists here, it happened by chance, and another question, by the way, also relates to the question of, then, such a pseudo-religious faith of people who do not believe in science , science is something that will definitely lead us to prosperity, just in case , look, covid has claimed the lives of tens of millions of people, all over the world, simply because some scientists worked one way or another on these situations, but ... however, whether it is so or not, when we do it discussed then, so to speak, including in your studio, i was talking about a simple thing, firstly, this situation is obviously inflated and exaggerated, firstly, secondly, the mechanisms for managing huge masses of people, and in a variety of countries, even with different political systems, with contradictions between each other, they were forced to follow the same protocol, they saw how it would be, they measured the reaction, and at the same time
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they promoted certain changes in the economy for this purpose, i mean remotely, so to speak, methods. so please let me tell you, in this way , one of the mechanisms, once it was worked out, now it’s as if they threw a certain ball, that maybe it’s 20 times stronger, and what the gentleman from the cart said , he said that it is necessary to create a supranational
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scheme for coordinating the actions of everyone in order for this to move in one direction or another; are such schemes possible?
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this is another question, and the main thing, the main thing, is who will manage it, who will manage it? yes, you can say, oh, you know, such conspiracy theories, so to speak, things all that stuff, you know, we live in an era when talking with a grin about conspiracy theories is no longer inappropriate, no longer inappropriate, because there is such a huge amount of what is possible in these heads there can be any schemes, well, looking at the realities, i think that any conspiracy theorist nervously smokes, of course, there can be any schemes, they will stop at nothing, including death, there may be tens of millions of people there, if this is necessary... to do it and i think that in davos was another, so to speak, test ball in this sense, in in this sense, it has been neglected, so the forms of governance of the world can be different, i think that collective for the collective west , war is, well, one of the possibilities, and only if they are confident in their success, these are other things, i’m sure will at least try, in this situation in this situation i’m finishing, after all, let
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’s say so honestly, i think that it would be nice, at least behind closed doors , to figure out what the role is, so to speak, gentlemen scientists, this or that others were playing, playing the emergence of new, so to speak, diseases. secondly, we need to understand whether we should, like in those years, yes, rush to implement the protocols of all other supranational organizations, as we rushed, and third, first of all, yes, national interests should come first , adequately creating, and then everything else, attempts to come to an agreement with someone, someone will like it, fulfill someone’s protocol, and so on and so forth, because unfortunately, there is no reason to trust these... does the current american think the elite and even then, what they show us as the political leadership of the united states as part
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of what sergei sanch called white civilization, but even as part of the christian, even as part of the jewish-christian, definitely not, in my opinion, yes, in my opinion, they don’t think about it at all, the point is it’s not even about these shamans, although this is also a very interesting story, it’s even a rollback of religious thinking. because this is already quite like this, you know , this is an offering, a sacrifice, wow, there, and so on, this is there, this is very far, therefore
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here, of course, we must understand that when we talk there, they think irrationally, they think that they think rationally, only they think on a different plane, they don’t feel sorry for this civilization, what is a swabian, and since i’m what they say about he wrote and read him, which... is not often found in our country, so, i can tell you, but he does not think of himself as part of human civilization, he is already somewhere else, so he takes on some people as his co-author people from the second level who process his ideas, which are already somewhere out there completely in the post-human world, so that we can at least read it, so i would very carefully harari from here.
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they steal there too, but even these outcasts believed that they steal there somehow differently, well , more intelligently or something, well, somehow, well, i don’t
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know, that’s what i thought, but now i look at it this way in retrospect all these stories of corruption, so they steal even, as they say, more openly than they stole from us in the nineties, so they steal from us like they do now they steal in europe, in america, in the western world in general. back in the 2000s , it wasn’t customary for us, we had a guy who stole like that, then for a while, excuse me, he sewed mittens, well then, though now he’s a major human rights activist and a sponsor of the opposition, yes, but actually, actually was no longer accepted , but this is some kind of finaloptheos, but this shows, first of all, the level of degradation, now, after all, i’ll say a few words about shamans, you’re talking about a person who went down in world history by what he was clever enough to call...
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who is up to his neck in the blood of innocent victims them people, well, he ordered, yes , he ordered pichugin, he carried out everything there, meaning he passed on orders, and now he pretends to be a moral authority and teaches us all, this is the question, the western approach, and his as a moral one, but authority for russia, well, as you know, a lecture for someone, excuse me for this anecdote, i have a lot of respect for agricultural workers, an expensive anecdote was in soviet times lectures for collective farmers, but it’s clear that this man... knitting mittens is a moral authority for us, well there for the natives, yes, but they accept it, at least as morally as the second, this, by the way, says that
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what’s going on with morality, that they have gone... already beyond the boundaries of normal human morality, but i ’ll tell you this, isn’t the principle a model morality along with bill clinton and all the other pedophiles, now everyone will tell you, this is different, moreover, i ’ll tell you this, ainshtein just took it and hanged himself, i don’t know with what, i don’t know, i’ll tell you this, you can laugh, or you don’t have to laugh , but in our country these are the people who have made a great name for themselves...
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to the fore, because they are all in the same positions, all on the same, if not higher salaries, all very well established, but still i will return to the shamans, i will tell you this, if a shaman appears, as in any economic, if anyone has forgotten, davos is an economic forum, yes, we also had different cases at economic forums, yes,
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that means, sorry. bring cans of water take away your money yes that means i would even say chance, but nevertheless, it means there’s nothing to say if it appears, but it’s not means that there is nothing to be done, yes, the west is in a strategic dead end, in a moral dead end, but in order for this dead end to turn into a strategic defeat for the west, something must be done, on its own...
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an operational exercise, but nevertheless , by the standards of the great patriotic war, especially its beginning, this is a combined arms army, this is a very large formation, look at what is being done in terms of technical support, i am absolutely sure that german technical groups are already on the territory, on the territory of ukraine, absolutely in this sure, so it is, yes, the french have already actually admitted that they are doing something there, they are going on the attack.
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and some others, well, well , it’s understandable, the french foreign ministry, advertising, what’s going on, how do you feel about taking the place of my deputy, i’m glad to work with you on a serious relationship,
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wow. why are you so tense, relax, skleposovsky on monday on rtr. news of the week without the noise of dust, put on the shelves news of the week with dmitry kiselyov sunday on rtr no life in the capital, what is it? at the mine it seems to have rushed like at the mine at the face we look at the weekend it’s far away so you’re going to moscow. and you burn bridges behind you, other people’s houses, other people’s lives, but your own didn’t work out, i so want to look back, i look in my eyes , i don’t believe it, you came back, or something, completely, i don’t
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know, you were looking for a new life, some kind of happiness, and i didn’t find anything, happiness, it turns out, is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness on sunday at artta. the garage floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have arrived, a new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are in sight. turn into projects , real stone flowers will bloom, then i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, in the living rooms of our heroes, soon after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams
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become reality, as you look, let them into your home, big changes, iran and pakistan will exchange blows. everyone said, oh well, stop it, that is, why should they? biden has become talkative here, but has no strength. listen to grandfather. here, who says
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that his money is bad, but we will continue to hit yemen. but for now, but as always, i will never be able to agree with my editors, because they do not understand that there is no text. biden, these are always translations, his videos. biden can't write. biden can only pronounce texts written to him. therefore, any text message from biden is a transcript of what grandfather tried to say after reading the teleprompt. so, my grandfather said that the issue of further us assistance to ukraine rests on the minority in congress, airstrikes on yemen will continue. and that's the moment when this happens, at the end of the us in iraq there are explosions. after the explosion in erbil , sirens sounded at the consulate in iraqi kurdistan. on the outskirts of the international airport of the de facto capital of the autonomous region, rbili , a strong explosion occurred, al jazeera reports. semin arkaevich, what's going on there? well,
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about pakistan and iran, well, no war there will be no between them, i think they understand that pakistan could not help but respond, yes, but he seemed to answer, you offended us, but we will also offend you a little, but... very bellicose, but they live basically biljustan is a province in pakistan, 44% of the territory of pakistan occupies with a population of five percent, and sestan biljustan is in iran, yes, everything is fine, and we could say: oh well, some balochis, somewhere they are shooting someone there and so on and so forth, but the fact is that this is again a struggle for global logistics, we see that ansaralu, which no one recently knew what it was, suddenly it happened that, excuse me, many european sectors of the economy
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are in a difficult situation, there is no supply of auto parts from china, from other asian countries to the largest automakers in europe, which means kadr has stopped supplying liquefied gas along this route and in general god knows what ’s going on, right? and now the question of logistics, the fact is that geographically, this same baluchastan and these same balochis are very warlike and so on, and it is located on the main highways logistics, which are interesting for us, but... chinese headache, the chinese at one time thought that we would give money to the pakistanis, we would embezzle 49 billion dollars from gwadar, and we would exploit it, we would go there to africa from there, yes, we will, through gwadar, they also connect through the northern ugur autonomous region, through the karakarum shoshe, exit there, then to south china, it turned out that it was not so simple, these same balochs, who have a lot of different terrorist groups. there, i won’t list them all, there is the balochistan liberation front, the army
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, and so on, they have now launched a large-scale insurgent war, and almost every month they either fight something with the chinese or attack, and so on and so on, and the problem arises where we invest money, what to do with this logistics, and for us it is important that in the neighboring iranian sestan-biljstan there is the port of charebahar, where we are also striving, we say, now we will lay everything there, we will lay it there and do it right, thank god, the south will work, maybe maybe, yes, we will trade with india, with southeast asia, we will also go to africa, but the fact is that the same events are happening there, so this is important for us, now there is a struggle, by and large , for control over logical systems, will the americans control these structures in order to undermine such a system, which means the chinese system, by the way, is a significant part of their program, this is one train, one track, that’s exactly where it lies, so to speak, yes, where such problems have arisen now , i think so, yes iranian version. the united states , its allies, let’s call it that, support these
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terrorist groups, they are destabilizing the situation in every possible way so that , well, the situation in this region and, according to their version again, as for kurdistan, the baluchi separatist organizations are connected with the kurdish ones, although this is something else at the end of iran, as they say, who are also supported, they are backed by the usa and israel, and that they are using them, but now interesting things are emerging after these attacks and so on, it turns out... we love them, they are good to us
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, under no circumstances should we go out, we can’t do everything there without them, yes, the us congress is immediately discussing the issue of strengthening, which means financing the possibility of creating a powerful anti-missile and anti-aircraft system on the territory of iraqi kurdistan defense against iranian drone missiles , the issue is immediately discussed, the plan comes up, it means people are working there too, why not on the territory of the entire iraqi kurdistan, this population is 11-12 million people for every 85,000 km, for these resources, they could if solutions these difficult problems, including within
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contradictions, but have a very serious influence on the destabilization of iran, and not only iran, we say, if american troops leave iraq, who will be supplied in syria, yes, so if this happens , there is a small 8-10 kilometers, and these are those kurds who love turkey or don’t love it, which means very much, which means there is a lot, which erbi loves turkey very much at all. slightly other kurds of sulaymaniyah party of the patricians of the soviet do not like america they seem to love turkey is not exactly loved by israel, and iran is also a little bit fond of it. this is sulaymaniyah, this is the talabani clan and not everything is simple there, but they say in the end we will measure them, everything will be very good, then they get entry there.
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not everything is simple, but they are doing this and then they will gain access to the north-east of syria, where there are 900 americans helping other kurds who are hostile to the kurds in erbeli, and in this way another quasi-state will be created, another proxy, that is it's time to liberate the middle east texas, and in the middle east there is such a perestroika going on, you know, who is doing what, where to
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gain a foothold and what can be done on their own, but as for pakistan, iran, well, they have one enemy, it’s called belarusian separatism. as for the exchange of pleasantries between pakistan and iran, belushian separatism is not a new topic; it has caused a lot of trouble for the iranians and pakistanis, and indeed there is quite a lot of china there too.
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gas sector, having failed, therefore, not to free the hostages, not to defeat hamas, to destroy which without achieving any goals in hamas, which means that israel, well, of course, with the assistance of the cia, took up terrorism, in principle, israel has always been doing this, so here, as if i have no evidence,
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but it’s difficult to refute, we all know that when israel needs to eliminate some -something of a nuclear physicist, he does it perfectly. well, and so on and so forth, in general , said, done, israeli , i apologize, iranian intelligence worked, in my opinion, quite well, because well , the strikes that were carried out on iraqi kurdistan in syrian idleb, in the end after all, they didn’t start the third world war against pakistani terrorists, that is , they were quite careful, but at the same time they actually eliminated those who, in the iranians’ opinion, were specifically involved. today's terrorist attack, abdalahian said in davos that these our and ballistic strikes should not be associated with what is happening in the gas sector, but he meant there is no direct connection, but of course there is an indirect connection, this is all a fight against those who do not want to give iran, and then china and russia in brackets, develop, and good, that you started with satanism, but really
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, really, the point is the satanists, who today find themselves in a very difficult situation, for a very long time they managed to ride on this... satanist doctrine, well, there is one well-known american satanist, there is also the church of satan with a monument to baphamet such a lavey, described, in general, do what gives you pleasure, and if someone bothers you, destroy him, but this is one of the rules in their satanic bible, they did what they like for a very long time, then, that they enjoy on all levels, starting from pedophilia, ending, therefore, with theft, genocide of other peoples and so on, and...
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they have been bombing for years by a coalition led by the united states of america, but not by satanists, believers, religious people, people who have a goal, and this goal , she is much higher. bend over the hegemon
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, how did it happen, well, not only geography, yes , it’s clear, this is the neck of a bottle, it’s clear, yes, the red sea, everything is clear, this is babalmandeb, yes, but not only this, but it should be something else, here it is for me this friend of mine explains , he says, you know, they believe in god, they have an understanding that... yes, there was husi, the boss, they killed him there, his brother came, now they’re trying to kill him too, but everyone knows the rules games that are prescribed not by a specific person, but by god, in principle, whether a boss, a subordinate, a stormtrooper, an officer, no matter who, they know that the rules are the same, and they were not written by a person, and we follow these rules, no matter , whether they kill our commander there or not, ka... i’ll clarify for the viewers that suleimani was not a less professional person , nothing changes, this is just for our
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houthis, no, well, the iranians, yes, i mean, they killed suleimani, but what came in his place was not that they destroyed him, again believing , that now everything will collapse, it was hussein al-husi who was the founder, i, i just - this is not a shia and jafarites, for whom it’s clear to kasam sulaymaniyah , no, no, i’m just so that we won’t be accused later, that... no, not in any case, well, you said, you said about the shiite arc, i’ll judge it in terms of the axis resistance that iran has built , as semyon arkaevich said, and the houthis - whether the american ship was fucked up or not, anyone knows, they say yes, no, well, they say they were fucked up, i’m answering the question, they weren’t fucked up or not , why can they, but saudi arabia, for example, cannot, why can they, for example, stand up for the palestinians, not in words, like comrade erdogan, but backing up words with deeds, while others cannot, that’s it. entered like anyone, as specialists in
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organizing genocides, that is, that is, people don’t have any at all, that’s who to be silent, speaking so politely, and a satanist would not understand this motivation, this logic, these rules, this is precisely what explains the most stupid question of the bbc presenter to the yemeni official, where to say? but in one thing they are right, so that they fly to washington or something, everything is a little deeper and wider, they are right,
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in fact, the houthis threaten their national security and the dollar, they threaten the image of the americans in the world, if the americans do not solve the problem of the red sea , they will show weakness, they will show weakness, in the background, okay, if this had happened 20 years ago, you know, but against the backdrop of how they were leaving afghanistan against the backdrop of the fact that they ... achieved nothing in iraq, achieved nothing in syria, can’t achieve anything in ukraine, maybe they’re just weak, or maybe they ’re just really weak, and besides, the main weakness is not military, but intellectual, of course, well , because they called scholz’s liverwurst, and he’s also just jellied meat, he’s just real jelly, compared to vodzeltz, a powerful brawn , compared to these two, no, the point is what's going on with blinkin and salevan.
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yes, but how can the houthis relate to those who call them the axis of evil, that’s what i’m saying, in general i think it’s time to create it, i encourage this in every program, so i think it ’s necessary to give the opportunity to train a small korean, north korean partisan detachment , a few chinese, you don’t need to take a lot, a couple or three million people at most, a platform for sharing experiences, yes, absolutely right, no more, that’s just no more, but why more,
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the truth is no more, of course. when they talk about the death of general suleimani, they always think only about iran, and i remember that the day before the death of general suleimani , the chief of the general staff of taiwan crashed in a helicopter, the next day the chief of intelligence of kurdistan, you know, it seems to me that all these operations they and these regions for the united states, they are somehow connected and are much closer to each other than we might think, yes, that is, here is just a retrospective of the quarter that... was before the coup attempt in sri lanka, where chinese the port of hambantota for 99 years, today it is gwadar, this is the chinese port of chahbahar, this is also a port where chinese interests are loaded, where iranian oil is loaded, which goes to, before that the husites, and before that, in fact, a border clash between myanmar and the china corridor, indian ocean, isn’t this all one big strategy of the united states,
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which has already declared an unspoken cold war on china, which is no longer similar to a cold war. in fact, this is a hot war against our chinese partners, they seem fine to me understand what is happening for me in general, the iran-pakistan clash is some kind of nonsense, because these are, first of all , two members of the sco, pakistan since the seventeenth year, iran since last year, which means there is no such country in pakistan and no such a country that pakistan would love like iran, because it is also a muslim country, accordingly, there are polls of public opinion there up to 70%, and what’s interesting is happening, now here you are... in pakistan it will be february 8th and it will change parliament and, as a result, will choose this the parliament will be prime minister and there will be elections between a pro-army, pro-chinese, pro-russian example and one that is neutral towards the united states, because if the conflict flares up now, pakistan will forget about india , which means it will completely reorient itself towards some kind of anti-russian, anti-iranian axis and will forget about china, that is this essentially
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knocks out the no need, no need, yes, but let me remind you that imrankhan, who was demolished. in pakistan, he was the first to come to vladimir putin on february 24, which means he didn’t refuse to hold negotiations due to the start special military operation , yes, accordingly, he said that he was set up, and before that he was set up, which means at the olympics in beijing, where he was also a guest, accordingly, he showed his pro-chinese and pro-russian position very clearly, so well , i’m not an expert in the middle east directly, i understand that a blow to chinese logistics, where the port of gwadar owes chinese oil... to wage a proxy war against the chinese interests of one belt and one road, this is now happening for the twenty-fourth year already and the houthis iran-pakistan means resistance, what next? well, that is , there is no positive trend, but what about the
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fact that shamans don’t appear all the time? it seems to me that everyone has already understood how it will all end, it’s not that there’s nothing to talk about, but it’s scary, that there will be a recession in all these territories and so on, i just wanted to focus on an important point for just one minute, so we are all in some kind of false - construction that the united states will leave now, and it is not enough for the united states to leave immediately, some kind of ideal world will appear, will not appear, a world will appear that will burn here, burn there , and so on, what does this mean, the second point, about which organizations? here may be the emergence of this alternative world in the sco, but china alone, here it is, its lone voice, which calls on iran and pakistan, means making peace, but there must be russia here, russia, which must set trends in this shanghai organization, called on them make peace, i didn’t hear, maybe i, expressed concern, expressed concern, i didn’t hear that, well, let me call them make peace, we can call here, no, but
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india and china, by the way, we could put together with our fingers. iran and pakistan understand quite well why and why whom they hit everything there , it’s just based on the principle you hit me by accident somewhere, everything is normal, i got the same terrorist groups, i hope so, but i’ll just remind you that it seems to me that you on your program they said that they raised the issue of creating unified forces. security of the sco, and iran did not just say that there should be a pact security and not an attack between the two countries, he probably foresaw something like this, i honestly really want this whole situation to be resolved,
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because 200 million pakistan is a nuclear state, iran is on the verge of creating nuclear weapons, pakistan is absolutely a heterogeneous country, if it starts there, of course, who paid pakistan for nuclear weapons, saudi arabia, saudi arabia, and what kind of relations does saudi arabia have with iran, are they good?
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because no one deals with america, america deals with everyone and calculates at once according to 10-15 options, no one is involved in america and at the same time everyone is just waiting, or maybe they won’t hit us, or maybe they will blow us away, or maybe we will somehow come to an agreement.
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“all these games are dirty in the swamps, but he doesn’t , you believe in mysticism, you think he will appear here, he will appear, he is looking for me, the white tiger, a film by karen shakhnazarov, on friday, on rtr, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is a door scratched by dogs, he
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could become a zoologist or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 dash 34 years old, we can do pull-ups. a taster, i love there is always a lot or to save. but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr.
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you will both regret this, but at least you know, rest assured, i won’t leave this so easily, that in the hospital they call you a snail, doctor snail on saturday at the rta.
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aleksandrovich said, well, listen, in fact, partly these thoughts that they have some kind of control modules there, partly, i won’t even say this, i’ll just ask a question, are not based are they based on the fact that we greatly overestimate them, that we think that these people are really able to build such complex circuits, well, that’s also kind of a big question, it seems to me that these people really like the same people who gathered at davos thinks that probably oh, how cool they are, how they came up with everything, how they still rule the world. in fact, it seems to me that their situation is much worse, but this does not mean that this will be very good for us. so , i will report for the united states america, it means that the iowa caucus has passed, trump triumphantly won there. and vivi karamasuami is of indian origin, which means he’s such a trump for young people, he withdrew from the race and supported it.


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