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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 18, 2024 10:25pm-11:31pm MSK

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that they have some kind of control modules there, partly, i won’t even say this, i’ll just ask the question whether they are based on the fact that we greatly overestimate them, that we think that these people are really capable build such complex circuits, well, that’s also kind of a big question, it seems to me that these people really like the same people who gathered at davos to think that, probably, oh, how cool they are, how they came up with everything, how they -they still rule the world, but in fact it seems to me that their situation is much... worse, but this is not this means that this will be very good for us. so, i’ll report for the united states of america, it means that the iowa caucus has passed, trump triumphantly won there, and vivi kramasuami is such a hindu origin, that means that trump is for the youth, that means he withdrew from the race, supported donald trump, spoke with a very tough speech in negemshir together with trump, he literally said the following: this is a country in the midst of a war, let’s do it.
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well, that is, there is niki halley, yes, who stands for exactly the same wars for which biden, who is a crypto-democrat, yes , well, that’s what they call me, that’s why these are quotes, yes, yes, she’s like that, she’s called that, although in reality she simply became a neocon, so she just quit the trump administration, where she also no matter how she shone, it means she had pacifist sentiments, but of course the non-cons immediately took her into circulation, so she’s the same as vika vikonuvan , for example, now, but biden always talks about how we need to condemn them.. .they
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should not be allowed on television, which is accountable, which means, well, to the ruling party, after all, like party television, and like liberal channels, they always talk about what is actually needed, and since they are going to imprison us as soon as they come to power, that means we must imprison them earlier, which means let me remind you that repressions of this kind are also a form of civil war, it’s just that for some reason the democrats think that they will carry out the repressions, but this is not a fact, another country too... about this they are tense, well, it will only get worse, so i just see that the situation is sliding further and further, you know, all sorts of events there in charlottesville in 2017, 2020, some kind of clashes, that means these very black squads of black lives matter, who got to all sorts of suburban residences of the rednecks, met armed resistance there, then brought in their own armed columns, we saw mainly what happened in cities, where they simply went unpunished. or shops, but these are
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democratic cities, so, but in fact , they almost, so to speak, did not arise these clashes, january 6, the current confrontation, this is the storming of the capitol in the twenty-first year, the current confrontation in texas between the armed forces of the united states, the national guard of texas, which means eaglepass this point texas will be free, yes necessarily, that means, accordingly the feds, and they are going to transfer the case to the ministry of justice, which means hello. fbi agents, so what, as if they would shoot at each other, well , maybe not, but in general, this is unfolding further and further in the form of a civil war, and all this is happening under an administration that, apparently , does not manage anything at all, does not manage anything at all, neither outside the country nor inside, i am more than sure that they will again miss the deadline, which means, accordingly, the adoption of a regular budget, but god bless him, this is possible, this is an obvious story, but the most important thing here is that there is no peace.
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for a long time, everything that now appears as if none of them wants to give up, it will be hegemony, that’s what we continue to talk about, how to put it so to speak, america will flare up, america is clear, so that it does not go out, yes , but this does not mean that it will burn, as if yes, in fact, this will be a colossal problem for the whole world, well , let's still save them, we will save them,
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awareness of the problem will not means the need to save them, this means the need for a clear understanding of what steps we must take to ensure our security, this is a nuclear power, i can’t even say now. naval strike groups, american military bases, the formation of the so-called personnel, that is, pmcs, which semyon arkadovich said, this will all turn into well-armed gangs all over the world, nuclear weapons, you know, it’s like the difference between a very very bloody mayor
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who puts all the residents of the city in prison if he goes to a street in the wrong place, suddenly someone gets killed for no reason, and a city that is in the grip of gang violence , these are two different types of calls.
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during the biden administration, we realized that we need to look not at washington, but at which of the liberal political clans gives this order, in the twenty-fifth year this issue will be removed from the agenda, because many of them will become autonomous and will act on their own, and for some time will have mobility and technological superiority and, by the way, much more personnel motivation, because they will need to survive... as if no one will wait for us to buy an aircraft carrier for this business, why, well, how to idese better why let it sink here and here and here i think that a very very good first step was taken by sergei viktorich that he outlined the idea of ​​this eurasia without the american one without all these
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external ones, he clogged it up with an aircraft carrier, all of this is also not alone, you don’t need it, you need it, it’s heavy for scrap metal only if you hand it over, well, is this what , or a museum? well, look, that is, one first step has already been taken, but it seems to me that preparation for this kind of scenario in itself is already a strong international move, the first step has been taken, we said that eurasia should be without external players, by the way, this is here will start moving, not this will not solve the problem immediately automatically, but these are correct, the correct first note of this suite, the second note should be like this: america is on the path of collapse, this is a country with a dollar, with nuclear weapons. cells in countries in all countries of the world, this must be inherited , this must come, that is, this must be done with this between the sco neighbors, this particular problem must be discussed, this has been
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the main international problem since 1925, in my opinion, even if there is a small probability that this will happen, and it might pine, no, why, and then there’s no need to pine.
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there are fewer missiles in one salvo, so as a military trickster, such expressions
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, incorrect use of terminology and even incorrect emphasis in military words are extremely alarming, because if you get confused in such little things, well, you don’t understand the main thing or don’t understand the essence, or have never dealt with this issue at all, i mean issues of planning, delivering massive and group strikes. but there is no talk of any salvos there, but he also, by the way, then several times it was all a volley, a volley, a volley, apparently, since the time of the avaroro salvo, he had something deposited somewhere there, in fact, this is the planning of either a massive or a group fire strike - this it’s a rather complicated thing , it’s necessary, i’m just telling you the diagram itself, it’s necessary to develop a very precise and detailed schedule, because if, for example, this strike is delivered by long-range aviation , missile forces, artillery, unmanned aerial vehicles, but by the navy, then , for example, the same, for example, long-range aviation, but
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the whole point is that, for example, all weapons must enter the detection zones of enemy reaction stations and the zones of destruction of anti-aircraft missile weapons at the same time, well then the greatest effect is achieved, and if so , then in exact accordance with this time, for example, strategic bombers of long-range aviation, but for them the exact time and weapon suspensions must be determined and ... the crews take seats on the planes, and take off minute by minute, then they have to fly for several hours before release points for products, let’s say, and this should be taken into account in the schedule, according to which completely different times should be for the mik-31 aircraft and dagger missiles, because there are different standards, again, the fleet, the fleet doesn’t do anything quickly there at all , because operational deployment takes quite a lot of time, this means hours, days, also in accordance with the exact time in this schedule.
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just now, as they say, the dust has settled, after the explosion of warheads of missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles, the ukrainian the side immediately declares, and literally a few hours will take place, say, at 3:00 am the attack, at 9:00 am they already rapport: 90 cruise missiles took part in the attack, 80 were shot down, 35 were unmanned, i’m giving arbitrary figures, but they are somewhere- then approximately correspond to the order, there were 35 unmanned aerial vehicles. 27 were shot down, 10 daggers were shot down, 10 were shot down, that’s what
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surprises me in this regard, i am, of course, fully aware that the actual numbers are, well, neither the one nor the other side during the armed conflict, the data according to the situation, but it shouldn’t be voiced, because well, these are the rules of the game by and large, well, there’s no need to lie uncontrollably either , there’s no need to lie uncontrollably, how can you so quickly determine how many cruise missiles, daggers, or even just wings were there? . the winged one flaps, it fell, it means they were shot down, it hit somewhere, what they shot down, it doesn’t matter , it was shot down by the factory, the bases were shot down, it flies , it doesn’t continue to fly, it means it was shot down, it promised to shoot down with shovels, with jars of cucumbers, in a few hours the crews can only report on how many launches were made, how many anti-aircraft guided missiles have been used up, that's all, because in the future it is necessary to at least clarify within 24 hours what is where? where to collect shooting cards, photo control results, apply this to the data of the military technical troops, draw up a strike diagram,
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only then can you write a detailed combat report, no, mikhail mikhailovich, it’s still clear that you are not a pr man, they have already written everything in advance , their strike is not over yet, the release is already ready, that’s it, but as for 10 out of 10 daggers shot down, no, guys, it’s savlami, all the daggers are shot down by savlami, naughty stuff well, it’s a hack , an armored combat unit, and it’s flying there at terrible speed, well, firstly, well, if i were the director, that’s how, strictly speaking, i would organize the defeat, firstly, we need location facilities, which we have there are no armed forces of ukraine, well, these are, for example, stations like sky m, in order to see it at a distance of several hundred kilometers, then live fire at it must be carried out, as a rule,
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with a concentration of fire, that is, so that this dagger hits it several anti-aircraft missile divisions, for sure appointed... time with the accuracy of issuing target designations, then, again , a special warhead is needed to hit such weapons, that is, as a rule, with larger, so to speak, ready-made striking elements, from a larger faction, why? because otherwise you won’t shoot down - don’t tell all the secrets of how to try to shoot down, again, preferably, preferably, during live firing, by the way, ukrainians. they don’t know the words, cause the warhead of this weapon to detonate so that it could not hit the object, and they never even voiced this in their official communications, since i highly doubt that they shot down at least one dagger, well , at least they did not present a single piece of evidence, and those fragments, by the way, were westerners they never repeat this after them, which is why i say that the westerners - and
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the debris that they put out there at their exhibitions, well, they can actually be collected from those objects that were hit.
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yes, but they are simply approaching that one in threes, with unfurled banners fatal line, where at the age of 18 to 50 there will be no fighting men left in ukraine at all, well, this is the problem of napoleon bonoparte, when in the fourteenth year it was already difficult to find men at all who could become friends, but mikhail mikhailovich, correct me , if i understand correctly, that
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means they now want to call up half a million there, yes, that’s half a million, which not only needs to be called up there. they need to be dressed, they need to be armed, they need to be trained, they need to be transported to the places where they will be dressed, shod, to the places, then , where they will be trained, to the places where they will coordinate with the equipment that should be available by this moment, only then will they become relatively combat-ready units that will need to be delivered to the places of deployment in order to they had the opportunity there to fulfill the tasks formulated by them on time , this is not...
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hopes in this regard are only in the west, after all - there is a big problem with the junior command staff, i mean sergeants, they also cannot be trained in 1-2 months, again - by the command staff the level is the same - who, by and large , is fighting this, this is a unit of a company battalion, a regiment-brigade, these are the kind of people where you need to somehow find them for these 500,000, you also can’t train them in one month, that is this is a lot of problems, again, all this requires... you can’t do it without money, because it was just clear to carry out these, it’s not like they said in the program 500,000 tomorrow they will appear, a week later they will be there the banners had already begun to develop and... these battalions and regiments went to the front line in three steps, no, that doesn’t happen, i’m talking now , when i talk to people who are fighting, they say that the quality of training has dropped very much,
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that is, yes, of course, there are still people there who have undergone some kind of training, but the overwhelming majority the majority, but we have already seen this, we saw it when in the summer they threw in troshniks, yeah, buying time to prepare reserves, but we don’t see now that anyone is seriously preparing in france or germany. in england this is also not visible, because the west also needs to allocate money for this, and most importantly, this is not the first world war, you cannot give people small arms in their hands and send them to the front line, you still have to, by some amount of proportionality to the weapon, even i say, that is, you have to give them something that ukraine cannot afford for itself, it has theirs simply no, this also needs to be looked at, well, here all the hope is in the west, and the west somehow and how to give to the west, because one of the problems of the ukrainian army. this is different for now, what exists, this is what, well, you give, why, for example, is there so much talk now about fpv drones, well, because this is a form
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replacement, well, with loitering artillery ammunition, but this is not the same function, for some reason the general public has the feeling that one drone is one target, this is not even close at all, as a rule, only successful ones are included in the videos application, and not every launch of this drone leads to the destruction of an enemy object, just not every enemy, but just in the opposite direction, that is , you just need to very clearly understand that this is by no means a panacea, but study, study, study military matter in a real way. to fortunately, we remember these lessons, we did not abandon the great russian soviet military school, unlike the ukrainians, who were stuck in nowhere, left one, and did not come to the other. that's all, see you on sunday.
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oh, hi, mash, hi, yur, excuse me, listen, how are things going with your prayers? why are you all glowing? masha, can you imagine , arkhangelsky called me yesterday, well, he’s going to operate on varka, yeah, what can you imagine, what does that mean, he’s a great surgeon, he’s god himself, i studied with him, i know, he’s over 15 not years there wasn’t a single failed operation, yes, that’s it, and it’s not dangerous, what month is it in, it can’t be more dangerous than it was, if varka doesn’t hold up, or there’s a miscarriage again, i ’ll go crazy. and arkhangelsky is not just a chance , it’s a 100% guarantee, come in, this is exactly where i need it, listen, i’m incredibly happy for you,
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okay, okay, semyon efimovich, hello, marya sergeevna, can i disturb you, glad to see you, you’re on business , my dear, semyon efemovich, please tell me, do you have an examination of lebedev’s paternity in your department, now let's take a look, now we'll take a look, yeah, yeah , i found it at karim's in production, but he's not there today, and where is he, when will he be, on friday he went for... dehumation, but then he called and said that he was sick, i allowed him not to return, he warned me that he would be ill for some time, but what about the examination and exhumation, what did he take with him? what’s wrong, i put it in the refrigerator, it’ll arrive in a couple of days, let’s put it to work? did he not report to you how the exhumation went? no, what? so you don't know anything? what should i know? let's call him? not anywhere let’s call him, he’s a refugee, he’s renting
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a room somewhere, there’s no phone. well, semyon efimovich, if he’s not really needed, he’ll have to wait until he gets better and shows up. well, you don’t have his phone number or his address. okay, semyon ifimovich, thank you, goodbye. goodbye, masha. mashenka, come to me, your boss is on the line. listen, marya sergeevna, hello, gorchakov told me where to look for you, have you finished there yet? yes, i think so, then get out, our car is already waiting for you. hello, what happened? half an hour ago the corpse of professor arkhangelsky was found at the entrance of his own house, he is a world-famous surgeon, you have heard about him, you have heard. then you understand that the case will be put to
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control. only in the city, but in the general, it’s a pity that it happened to twins, it’s a pity that in our area, in general, you are needed, well, mashenka, back into battle, so what this time, murder, yura, just murder , ready, hello, hello, marchergen, volodya, remove the strangers, priests are allowed, marchergen, firstly, your generals are not the boss here, secondly, i’m driving everyone around, well ok, lesh, let's get all the strangers out of here, seryozha, connect, come on, that 's it, turn off the camera, guys, turn it off,
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that's it, the shooting is over , it's so sad, mashenka, lying on the ground with a broken head, a great doctor, by the way , i took everything off, yes , you can work, there was a blow to the head from behind, i see only one so far... but very strong, apparently, death occurred almost instantly, look, a white metal whip or a crowbar, it looks like you were waiting at the entrance when you came out, hit on the head from behind and left, the dog was driven to the road and lost track, briefcase just unbuttoned, nothing was taken from there , the wallet is in the pocket, so it looks like it’s not a robbery, how do you know that nothing was taken, according to the wife there were only pieces of
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paper, dissertations, all sorts of reviews, articles, no material assets, the entrance doors were processed, and they found all the triggers , picked them up, theirs too, mal sergeevna, as much as you can reproach old sins , they took the prints of the entrance doors inside, but you yourself understand, they checked the distillers on a door-to-door basis, someone scared them off, the briefcase was opened, but they couldn’t rummage through it i made it, i did it myself i was going to go to the apartments to ask around, maybe someone was returning after a night shift or was going to take out the trash, so what? let's start with blessings, find something to sit on, okay, vinokurov, well, where are you looking, good afternoon, i am alexander fedorovich's deputy, and
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my last name is evgeniy yanovich gerotsky. “i was just told how i can help? now our employees will come to your institute, we will need to inspect alexander fedorovich’s office and interrogate his colleagues. please provide access to the institute for interrogation. scoundrels, for what? i i hope yulia evgenievna didn’t see this? no, she was only informed that alexander fedorovich had died. with your permission, i will go to her. hello. hello. hello, do i need to sign anything?
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no, this is not necessary. how many times have i told him that he needs to leave this country, after all, everyone called him everywhere, and he is a patriot, a patriot.
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tell me, did alexander fedorovich perform paid operations? alexander fedorovich took obviously hopelessly sick people to the institute and treated them completely free of charge, but there should be some kind of motive, accident, robbery or coincidence, i just don’t believe it, motive? this is ordinary hooliganism, alcoholics, drug addicts, who else would walk around the courtyards? this is already being worked on, but we need to check. other versions, maybe he had enemies at the institute or in his personal life, maybe he had unsuccessful operations, in recent years he had no unsuccessful operations at all, the patients felt only gratitude towards him, no, of course, he had scientific opponents , but there were few of them, but
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somehow it’s all funny, generally the kindest soul there was a man, hello, hello, good afternoon, good afternoon. saida saberovna, this is an investigator from the prosecutor's office,
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open alexander fedorovich's office. lord, what is this? well, who's hand went up? what a holy man he was, what a saint he was! man, how many people he saved, how many people owe their lives to him , i don’t know what will happen now, oh, what will happen now, saida sabirovna, you can go , please warn all the heads of departments to gather in my office in half an hour, ok, thanks, evgeniy yanovich, let's deal with the briefcase first, since you need it. these papers, okay , another investigator will inspect the office, so i beg you, please lock the office, keep the key with you, don’t let anyone in until the investigator arrives, i will do everything as you say, sit here at the table, i i’ll free up a corner for you now, don’t touch anything on
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the table, i’ll find somewhere to sit, let’s do this, and you ’ll tell me what kind of document it is? and i ’ll write a report, agreed, agreed, so this is a dissertation? melikhova, dissertation chanov, and this, this seems to be a draft article in a medical periodical, yes, each of his articles could decorate any scientific journal, the editors prayed for him, and these are the current orders for the institute, what we need now, perhaps, everything, excuse me.
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and what's that? it looks like money transactions. last names dollar amount? let me take a look. well, yes, the amounts are in dollars, but the numbers, look, are very small. it was alexander fedorovich who distributed fees for the publication of scientific articles in foreign countries. publications, you know, nowadays every opportunity to earn extra money for the not-so-superfluous scientist alexander fedorovich, his connections were enormous, so he helped many people get articles into a reputable publication, yeah, it’s clear, we’ve already arrived , marya sergeevna, we’re already working slowly, volodya, drop me off at the top, no problem, marya sergeevna, let’s go, i'll take you, let's go. but you were right, marya sergeevna
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, the arkhangelskys’ daughter didn’t spend the night at home, she and her boyfriend were traveling to finland for 3 days , you’re thinking about leva, perhaps the young man was set up to offend, he handed over the post, accepted the post, hello, hello, what can you hear, while there is no wilderness , you should go to the second floor to the right office of the victim, i just examined the briefcase, looked around in the office, but didn’t write the inspection , look, i took it out of the briefcase, it seemed interesting, and this is... a protocol from the scene incident, is it clear that your geneticist? my geneticist got sick, he went straight from the cemetery to get sick, i don’t know the addresses or phone numbers, i don’t know the morgue, it’s strange, more than that, listen, i ’ll look at the weekend reports in the main offices, maybe where there is an ownerless corpse, female, you’ll be in the main office, please pick it up from experts, ready-made examination, okay, gorchakov, oh, they’ll probably give you several people to work on this case, maybe we’ll put at least one on the phone about the wandering dead, huh? why not, let's do this , we'll meet in the office in the evening,
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we'll agree on everything, good luck, and to you, oh, lord, oh, the old lady with a scythe came, who's next, masha, little mortal, you're ours, just don't come near me, you ! now it’s a bad omen, where did he get so much, here did he get so much, and they also buried frankenstein’s grandfather, also by the way, it couldn’t have happened without you, that he’s not everything, today professor arkhangelsky was killed, but you should know your area, and shura was quite close to him, and frankenstein’s grandfather arkhangelsky, yes, that was his name, send him home, see how... he’s in condition, he ’s already changed, he’s with came
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in the morning, and he still has a day on duty, natalya, let's take him to the sledovsky room, there won't be anyone there until six, come on, let's try, mask, mother, don't come near me, don't touch me, you're a bad omen, well, go like my good one, natasha, don’t let her, i want to live, let’s go, let’s go, roof, here’s another one step, by you... i’m listening, vasenka, hello, this is shvetsova, how
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about my request, from the eighty-ninth corpse there was no one, did not appear , he was on a spree, it’s probably a full moon, yesterday, today, no one was buried in the closed ones, yesterday no one at all, today two were in the open, i myself thundered, okay, there’s another thing, at the shura headquarters, strumin just got into the trash right on duty, he calls me death with a scythe, he says that because of me arkhangelsky was killed, in general, what nonsense - then he carries, you understand, if they see him in this state, a second, wait, hello, yes, mommy, definitely, definitely, so come on, help, colleague, okay, i’ll look for someone, maybe there will be comrade volunteers at my post, natasha panova is here and... i ’m running away, my work is just a sea, well, run , death with a scythe, work, you have to have a conscience , young man, here, by the way , there’s a queue, but i’m not going to an appointment, i’m going to work, i work here, show me the documents, yes, why on earth am i i’ll show you my documents, then get in line, i
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haven’t been able to get an appointment with the prosecutor for three weeks now, it’s all because of people like you, too, new russians keep coming to me, solving all the problems, wrinkling my clothes, well, why should i fight for you or what? and you fight, and i’ll see what all the noise is here, zonka, they won’t let me in, that lady, she’s jealous, citizen, let go of your hand, what do you allow yourself, come on in, you’re in the prosecutor’s office or where, citizen, swear you’ll be at a logging site, they’re not shy, they’re chatting right at the workplace and they’re accepting that they’re tired, they decided that i’m rushing to get an appointment without waiting in line. office hours they are all nervous, our boss is meticulous, talks to everyone in detail, but these have their own interests on their minds, why did this take longer, why didn’t i get an appointment at all, there are many of them, and i’m alone, every day, every day to everyone, what- that’s what you need from me, no, with our people, the better, the better they are, it’s a shame, but we
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don’t sleep at night for them, so about the nights, you can... be more detailed. zoya, hello. the reception hasn't started? it will begin now. zonenka, honey. zonenka, i need a warrant to arrest this one. do you think i'll make it in time? well, ask yourself viktor ivanovich. uh, uh, why hasn’t he been arrested yet? well, you heard, i came for a sanction. have you forgotten that you can’t handcuff a minor until he ’s been arrested? in my opinion, he is only 16 years old . yes, but how can i take him down the street? he's twitchy, damn it. i don’t know, it’s your problem, let’s film it, film it, film it, film it, i’ll keep an eye on him myself, otherwise the prosecutor will hit you in the face. now he will interrogate himself as a prosecutor. behave decently, you understand, zenenka, you understand, i
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came to you about the offices. to confer with you, after all, we will soon be reshuffling, well, half the floor downstairs has been renovated, now it will probably be easier to breathe, but can i somehow get a job in the seventh, to be honest, i would just like to be closer to you, m, in every sense, nikolai petrovich, you confuse me with such conversations, so, come on, come on, come on, come on, what are your plans for the evening? what are you implying? yes, i’m not hinting at anything, i’m just saying in plain text that madam, i’m crazy about you. zonenka, while viktor ivanovich is interrogating this and i’ll quickly fly behind the convoy, a? kvartsov, you started fighting with the children. zoya, this child supplied drugs all through school,
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what passions, go away, uh, man! while i was getting out from behind the table there, he hit the window, grabbed it, held it right next to my eye, lost it all, i think, i’ll die now in the line of duty, maybe then i’ll be awarded posthumously, yeah, look at what he’s doing with his hands there , he hid a lot, but nothing, more show-offs, he’s a fool. mother, where is the idiot who brought him here? what's happened? what, what bracelets should be put on these idiots, and you need to cheat like should, and if he had a pen at the prosecutor, and so show help where our first aid kit was, i’ll call him soon.
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who's next for an appointment with the prosecutor , please come in, woman, you seem to be the first, they called an ambulance, the prosecutor was knocked out, they gave him an injection, put him on a stretcher , well, it was not a day, but some kind of madhouse, listen, and you where are you going? with fillonov, what stuck? yes, yes, drink some coffee, but bitterlings, bitterlings, bitterlings, and what about bitterlings? i cried for him for 2 years, you can say he is in my opinion. doesn’t even understand what’s going on, and then he’s his wife loves, she makes scandals for him, and he gives her flowers and coffee in bed. and the filons were washed
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by the only man who, after drinking , helped me wash the dishes. do you think this is a reason to fall apart? oh, i don’t know, probably a reason. they gave me... for children, but he dreams of going to the combat department, like a young boy eager to go into battle, though he has one i can give you, as you wanted, his name? fedya kurochkin, i should arrive now, i asked, let’s introduce him to the topic, i know he’s a good guy, we went together to the exhumation of grandmother petrenko, what’s the second one, second, tell me, darling, what ’s going on? you had a calm professor arkhangelsky, but what kind of business did i have with arkhangelsky? look, i took this
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from his office, if interested people cleaned out the office before me, then at least i got the calendar. so that i see on the piece of paper for the thirteenth day, three telephone numbers, one unknown, the second belongs to the head of the morgue, yuri shcheglov.
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date, arkhangelsky finds out that a certain person is involved in this event, this surprises him
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and even somewhat shocks him, this is the only way i can it’s logical to explain these three signs after the mysterious letter s, look how elegantly, on the thirteenth the professor finds out about the left corpse, on the fourteenth he begins to suspect some kind of s, after 2 days on the seventeenth he is wet by neither light nor charge, yes there is. for this purpose it is logical. gorchakov, if you tell me now what arkhangelsky began to suspect, what relation he had to the left corpse, and most importantly, where did this left corpse come from? so be it, i admit that men are smarter than women. oh, who is this guy anyway? are there any candidates? eat. stasik, friend daughter of professor arkhangelsky. by the way, the professor couldn’t stand him. stasik is arkhangelsky's daughter in finland now. they installed it, an unpleasant young man, 2 years probation according to the old 218 fedya, we will install it, of course we will , uh-huh, write down saida sabirovna, the chief of medicine
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or something, yes, such an elderly aunt, fedya, it turns out that under the white robe of the chief of medicine was hiding a terrible entity head of the mafia, go sit down, your daily duty is now to check reports on the city and region, you will look for the corpse of a woman who is not fresh, not dressed, maybe in anything?
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what have you done? oh well, whenever, whenever, we need to know what kind of fruit you are, but i’m a children’s operative, well, all the information about minors flows to me, including a telephone message from the hospital, do you really know how our doctors call the police, no, i , for example, have no idea, but it’s elementary, the doctor calls and gives the full number of years, the doctor, yes, yeah, and the duty officer writes down the year
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of birth, then the doctor flopped. named the year of birth as the twelfth, and we have a duty officer i counted and wrote down the year of birth 1988 , the next morning a telephone message fell on my desk and the boss said: look into the fact of the beating of a twelve-year-old girl, but i called her at home, a man answered the phone, i said in such a respectable voice: good afternoon, you is bothering me from the police, be kind to me on the phone, katya mikhailova’s parents, after the beating, he fell silent, how so...
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and then i realized that katya mikhailova was 12 years old at the beginning of the century, well, yes, as i imagined imagine how katya mikhailova fights in the yard with with his girlfriends , god’s same dandelions, kenya endured it, yelled at him, that’s all, the man complained about me, saying that the police , instead of looking for the criminal, are cynically mocking the victim and her family, yes fedya, you’re really cynical, okay, okay, guys, let's go. it’s time to treat your teeth, what’s wrong, what’s wrong, did you like the doctor? i liked him as a specialist, there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers
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look out from photographs of faded ones. this look is like the highest court, for the guys who are growing up now, and the boys cannot lie or deceive, the bottom of the road, turn, to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunov, the legendary, favorite film of the officers, on sunday on rtr. mosfilm. the main film studios of russia are celebrating their anniversary. andrei konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev, ivan bessonov.
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state symphony orchestra, new russia, daria zlatopolskaya, andrei malakhov, and koran shakhnazarov in a grand concert, the first 100 years, anniversary of the mos film studio, live broadcast from the first pavilion, in friday on rtr, provocation. there is a difference
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between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat, the most intelligent creatures in our family, are orientals. this is some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you rift, continue the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation, the first podcasts we watch. valentina telechkina. why do you feel depressed at some point? when the movie ended right at takeoff.
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i started having very severe headaches. this was a doctor who treated in an unconventional way. he gave me the task of making a watercolor drawing. the fate of a man with boris. chevnikov on friday on rtr, uh-huh, yeah, yeah, that's it, isn't everything bothering me, it seems no, well then that's it really, and if you agree to wait a couple of minutes, i'll take you, i promised, let's go along that... okay, through the palace, with pleasure, to be honest, i just can’t imagine you, oh, your hat ran away, no i can imagine you in the role of an investigator , you are assigned a pistol, in fact, the main weapon
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of an investigator is the head, no, a ballpoint pen, but why do i need a pistol, well, at least so that i won’t be afraid to go to the dentist, i’m a bad shot anyway, but how about deduction, demonstrate, demonstrate, please, well, here we are, thank you for showing us, what are you doing, it was a pleasure for me to show you off. well, goodbye, goodbye, let me
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look at the filling again, i’ll call you. in what century did i decide to meet my wife, in what century, i think maybe i’m wrong about something, i should meet him halfway, look for a common language, i think i’ll meet him halfway, it’s late after all, it’s already dark outside, she’ll see. it will be nice, and mash, you ’re pleased that i came out to meet you, here’s
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masha, all your work.
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something happened somewhere, hello, are you awake? get ready to leave, the car followed you, what happened? rejoice, masha, it’s definitely her, i’ll bet you what you want, who is she? well , she, she, our missing beauty with the latest exhumation. you can go out, fyodor is already arriving. do you have a duty folder? all don’t take it, just grab the inspection report, i have carbon copies of the forms. gorchakov, is it really true? where did you find it? kurochkin found it, he and the duty officer agreed that he would call him back about all the female corpses, he only sat at the control panel for 2 hours, he was lucky. an ownerless lady lies by the railway station. gurchakov, that’s it, i’m flying,
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just don’t eat the protocol, i have it in a single copy, oh it hurts, they found our girl, then herself? tell me how you managed, well, it happens, i literally sat there for 2 hours, then i got lucky, until i see it myself, i won’t believe it, god forbid, that in color, according to all our signs, wrapped in plastic, without clothes and obviously not in the first freshness, without visible damage, arms and legs are intact, in addition, the transport workers swear that the corpse was discovered. not
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earlier than the fifteenth, very, very similar, tf-tf, so as not to jinx it, but i congratulate you, i feel in my heart that she’s done, tomorrow i’ll submit a report to the homicide department, let him try not to accept it, i’m coming with my corpse, you’re only for death send, well , gorchakov, misfire or see for yourself, next to cemetery, without clothes, it’s old enough, we already turned it around, looked, the doctor didn’t find anything special, no stabs, no cuts, no gunshots. if this is not our lady, then the question is, where did she lie on the plastic sheet, why should the corpse be stored somewhere for so long and then taken out under the bridge, and most importantly, where should it be stored for so long? wow, damn, what a cold one, the transport investigator will be happy to give it to us, we have already agreed with the prosecutor on duty, so where is he? over there, let's go.
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colleague, meet investigator shveytsova, we seem to have already met , perhaps we have resolved all the issues, yeah, so if the topic is yours, you can take the corpse and do whatever you want with it, we just agree, the goods cannot be returned or exchanged, i went to look at the goods, ours for you, hello , marya sergeevna, an autumn lady, to say the least. no less, as far as i can judge , there is no external damage, except that the worms ate a little, mainly the face, but until the autopsy i can’t speak out about causing death, so the body found a thread, if necessary, in my opinion, yes, blue wool, as far as i can tell such lighting, but in general i recommend that the examination be carried out in a morgue, do you remember how...


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