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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 19, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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almost 2 years after the start of the full-scale russian invasion, there are no signs that russian president vladimir putin plans to retreat.
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is carrying classified information to show these senior lawmakers the seriousness of the need to help ukraine, and this was almost directly and even exclusively related to mike johnson. did you support former president trump in the '24 race? president trump and i are very close, we communicate very closely. i'm
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convinced he will be the next president united states that he will win his second term and i'm really looking forward to that because we need him to come back and fix this country, how often do you talk to him, quite often, about once every few days. trump said, i will stop the war, i can stop the war, i will sit with putin and zelensky at the same table, then the question is, what will trump do after this, if russia is after ukraine.
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tim adams, if trump wins the us presidential election in november, it will be a step back that will make life more difficult canada. prime minister justin trudeau announced this after trump’s triumph at the iowa caucus, without once interfering in the pre-elected situation in the united states. the ex-head of british intelligence, micheste richard dearlove, went even further. according to him, trump's return to the white house would be a threat to britain's national security. dirlov is afraid that before... trump it is no longer europeans, american businessmen. caption: he wins, business, watch out. entrepreneurs are told that donald will wreak havoc and prevent them from doing business in peace and making money, some kind of hysteria, by god. democrats are clearly desperate in iowa to stop trump... even
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a provocation at one of the state's polling stations helped, local democrats re-registered, changed their minds to republicans in order to vote for nicky haley. one of haley's sponsors, andy sabin, directly admitted that her election campaign is sponsored by representatives of the democrats, look, this is how trump commented on it. on social networks, he posted a photo of a certain hybrid of nicky haley and hillary clinton, that is stated that haley is not at all... “a republican, but a sent cossack.” biden’s team doesn’t shy away from some really nasty tactics. the court in the absurd case of trump's harassment of the writer carol, which allegedly took place in the last century, does not want to let donald go to his mother-in-law's funeral. trump wants to travel to florida with milania to support his wife at her mother's funeral, but the judge refused to reschedule the hearing. now the most important thing, clint's former advisor. james carville spread
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the sensational news that trump, you believe it or not, syphilis. this is how he commented on the red spots on the palms of the ex-president of america. allegedly. very similar to a venereal disease. they immediately remembered that trump has lost weight, often looks tired, and misspoke during public events. did you understand? this is donald the sick and frail retiree, not biden with dementia. and it is trump who is also sick, and not the pentagon chief who is treating his prostate. biden is incapable of debating with trump. the media calls him a great wizard, who attacks and moves towards the golden position. next comes mass censorship. last night, cnn refused to air trump's victory speech. let's see. donald trump claims
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victory with historically high levels of support on price. if the numbers are to be believed, it's the largest victory for an inactive president in this relatively muted race. campaign on the main issue, if trump's language is so offensive, broadcast it and it will turn off voters, because this is coming out of cnn, yes, no, the real reason is that cnn is censoring trump, you can't save democracy with censorship, the censorship campaign is part of their idea of ​​stability, the disinformation campaign from the deep state has begun, british intelligence said: trump is a threat to national security, what i'm really concerned about is trump. you see, the democrats like it when british intelligence interferes in our elections, but not russian intelligence. look, we need to talk about a presidential candidate
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who is too old, who stutters, who sometimes has trouble formulate even a simple proposal, and who will be the oldest president in history by the end of his term, and i'm not talking about biden. i'm talking about his republican opponent now, septuagenarian former president donald trump, because if we 're going to have a discussion about age, reservations, speech and mental competence, then we need to talk about trump, we need to talk about it. democrats, oh there was a mosquito here, i don't want mosquitoes flying near me.
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we are aware of health discussions america's oldest president, eighty- one-year-old joe biden, but now there is also growing concern about his rival, donald trump. as he raised his right hand in greeting as he left trump tower on wednesday morning, strange red spots became visible. it's the latest in a long list of troubling symptoms as he carried boxes of pizza to the fire station during the election campaign. company in iowa, he was noticeably dragging his right leg. the usually energetic leader looked weary in the lobby of an iowa hotel. after a long day of campaigning, and his walking still looking a little unsteady , trump's speech errors have increased, he once confused barack obama with joe biden, and
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sometimes he confuses people's names with places. due to his noticeable weight loss and gaunt face, rumors have arisen that trump is using such popular weight loss drugs. all these episodes are... stains, which has given rise to many hilarious conspiracy theories on the internet. referring to the orange tint of his face, one person speculated that the bizarre marks on his arms must there may be traces of artificial tanning. another person joked: too many jelly donuts. people said the red marks on his hands could be from red ink on
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top secret documents. there were jokes online that he had burned his hands trying to curl his hair before court on wednesday morning. many speculated that the former president had just finished a meal with ketchup or tomato sauce, so his fingers were simply covered in food residue. others thought that perhaps the red marks were actually blisters caused by what he used new golf clubs or engaged in other activities that involved friction. well, today zelensky once again proved that he has not only no political sense, but also no brains. the kiev clown in davos insulted trump in absentia, who merely stated that he gets along well with putin and will quickly end the war in ukraine if he is elected president. zelensky said: “think first, then speak.” did zelensky think well before...
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the air is probably no longer free, like chapalina, if you are ukrainian, just fight.
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a new bill on mobilization will be submitted to the verkhovna rada on february 6, ukrainian pravda reports, according to the publication’s sources. the new draft law is no different from the previous one, that is, the rule will remain on reducing the mobilization age to 25 years, and on the seizure of property of draft dodgers. they are not slowing down, mobilization has reached the point that doctors simply refuse to treat men of military age without a certificate from the military commissar, in the hope of being saved, residents of ukraine even turn to fortune tellers, the cost of an appointment with a psychic is from 4,000 hryvnia for half an hour, if translated into ours, this is more than 9. filmmakers were even inspired by the esotericism and announced the release of
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the russophopian film “the witch of kanatopa”. this is a mystical horror about a witch from the city of kanotop, who fight the russians with the help of magical powers. according to the screenwriter, the plot of the film contains the meaning of a place for all russians. well, while filming is going on, people who call themselves psychics continue to clog the brains of ukrainians. predict nuclear strikes, cataclysms, destruction of all humanity, zelensky’s victory, while no one predicts. and it shows. they show me a tree from which blood is dripping. ukraine is on the border.
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ukraine is on the brink of destruction. ukraine. tinisha for gold, blow, blow should
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soon be, wave, but we don’t have any further, a lot of chemistry and radiation, the fate of ukraine is difficult, there will be important hours in europe, there will be difficult times in europe, economy, destruction, chaos, panic, chaos, panic, what is the fate of mobilization in ukraine? won't people be grabbed right from the street, yes, you 're asking me about that, it will be conflict-ridden, so military, king of swords, five of pentacles. rods, nothing will change, that is, it will all be uncivilized, people, like they were grabbed on the streets, it will be like that, it will escalate further, well, that’s it. the average cost of seeing a psychic now is from 5.00 hryvnia , why is it so expensive, why is it so expensive, i do n’t know why it’s so expensive, and why, during a full-scale invasion , psychics suddenly became so popular, because
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people want to know the future of the night. the story of a ukrainian woman from konotop in modern warfare. actually a witch everyone is absolutely a woman. the shooting of the first scene took place during the first autumn frost, but this was not a hindrance for the actors. a little cold. this film will cost over half a million dollars.
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a mystical horror with ukrainian mythology about the strength of a ukrainian woman, the filmmakers promise to show it on big screens in 2020. the tv channel of the ukrainian oligarch penchuk designated crimea as russian, which was still not very clear, a hint or a mistake? i propose to introduce sanctions immediately into the register of health resorts. pinchuk himself is zelensky’s main sponsor. this is what it looks like now new logo of the traditional ukrainian breakfast penchuk on the swiss forum. if you think that this is some kind of scribbling from a three-year-old child, then... you are mistaken, this is a painting by the modern progressive ukrainian artist nikita kadan. the phrase “staan,” which translates to “be with ukraine,” is written, uugland reports, although so many times that it is almost impossible to read. the canvas supposedly symbolizes that such statements of support have been voiced so many times that they have long ceased
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to mean anything. look. thank you everyone for coming to our traditional meeting, the ukrainian breakfast, behind me you can see the work of the ukrainian artist nikita kadan from the series repeated conversations, here is the original of this painting, i purchased it at an auction so that the proceeds would go to the degade. apu. this happened in april 2023, almost a year ago. in this picture you can see the phrase: “support ukraine.” however, these words have been spoken so many times that their meanings are hard to grasp. when the phrase is said again again, it stops mean something. you know, great creators can predict the future, speak and explain it better than anyone else, even
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politicians. and this work from april 2023 describes the current situation.
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opposition to the western world, we must keep this in mind when we hear opinions about fatigue from this war. we need to be prepared for a long confrontation. we must help ukraine, but i also believe that we must start peace negotiations. but until ukraine is strong, it is difficult to talk about a peaceful solution. we must help ukraine fight. ultimately, this is what you have to do to get the job done. this is a very... important stage for britain, and it is also very important for our entire generation. britain was the first to supply tanks to ukraine, the first to provide long-range artillery and long-range shells. we support ukrainians in this fight and will do so.
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yes, politicians say: we need to do this, bankers and lawyers unite and find a way out, this is what they are paid for. there was something else, but i forgot what i wanted to say. but a little more about western minds that are trying to justify science why gay fathers are better than normal fathers. sociologists from belgium, italy, and the usa conducted a sociological survey about the situation in the family and how your responsibilities are divided. does the child play around with how happy everyone is? a total of 67 gay families and a total of 67 heterosexual couples took part in the study.
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as a result, sociologists came to an incredible conclusion: gay dads, children are happier and more obedient than those of normal mothers and fathers, and gay families in general, share responsibilities better, get more pleasure in sex and... or suppression of gender identity, then convincing a boy that he is a boy is telling a girl that she is a girl in scotland
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would be a crime. another, no less crazy news hit the headlines of merivon, rocha moreis, who is having an affair with a doll, this, alas, is not a joke, the woman believes. an inanimate object with her husband, other trippy dolls play the role of their children, a doll, a husband named marcelo, allegedly even experiences stress due to the need to provide for the family, a “dollsexual” tells reporters, remember this term: a dollsexual is a woman who is sexually attracted to...
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a social network user commented, the husband looks so excited, i have already examined your wife, looked at the timing, everything is fine, most likely the child will appear today, if there are any difficulties, pain, sensations, just be next to you and talk.
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that they share parenting duties with her trippy husband marcelo, expenses are rising and he has to pay for food, clothes, rent, water, electricity, medicine, so he is a little worried about how to pay bills, but despite the worries, he always dreamed of a family and children, so this is all he ever wanted, - the woman said, incredible, of course, they also say marcelo snores in his sleep, earns little and drinks a lot,
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now he is gradually being leveled by the forces of the southern military district, they really took it in the morning, today the settlement is fun, this is really important, because further there is an opportunity to get out, that is, there are two options for the development of events, either continue to move along the railway track to settlement and go to the flank to the rear, i apologize to the positions of the ukranazis in the disputed, or move west to the discord there already to the west towards seversk, accordingly, they are now gaining a foothold, our fighters have already gained a foothold there, and well, accordingly, we continue to wait development of events, it is clear that they will not stop there, they managed to take this settlement due to the fact that the day before the dominant northern heights were taken and today they forced the remnants of the ukranazis who were in
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this settlement to withdraw, because we had very advantageous positions, the kranazis in this area had a choice of either dying there under our fire or retreating, they decided to retreat. pash, about the artyomovsk direction, please tell us if there is progress there, the footage that the ministry of defense published today, of course, also incredible captures, it would seem, but what is it, yes, a dugout. at the same time, you see these battles, what is called contact combat, do you understand how difficult everything is at the front? well, yes, indeed, this is so, ours fighters, they perform feats there every day, because when i was repeatedly present during the assault actions of our fighters, i saw with my own eyes how this happens, it really is, as you correctly noted,
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full contact. and contact sometimes comes to the point of almost close combat, there are 3-5 meters between the attackers and the defenders, this is really such a quite serious test and both for physics and for the psyche, you need to be very well, let’s say with very steely nerves , our fighters despite this are advancing they are really mastering branding forward if we talk about temov’s direction , we are moving slowly, we are moving. in the direction of chasov yar, and this is such a large junction of the ukronazis, the nearest settlement there is bogdanovka, well, this whole bogdanovka line there to the south, kleshcheevka, andreevka, kurdyumovka, we are slowly having tactical successes there. also pash, numerous notes appear that the war has finally become a war of drones, we are talking about...


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