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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  January 19, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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as you correctly noted, full contact, and contact sometimes reaches the point of almost close combat , there are 3-5 m between the attackers and the defenders, this is really such a rather serious test and both for physics and for the psyche, it must be very - well, let's just say, with very steely nerves, our fighters, despite this , are moving forward, really taking possession of the dugouts, if we talk about the temov direction... we are moving, slowly moving in the direction of chasov yar, and this is such a large hub of the ukranazis, to the nearest populated area, there it is bogdanovka, well , this whole line of bogdanovka there to the south, klishcheevka, andreevka, kurdyumovka, we are slowly having tactical successes there. also pash, there are numerous notes that the war has finally become a war of drones, we are talking about... in piwi drones, that this is the main
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weapon, almost the main weapon of the armed forces of both countries, in this type of weapons we have parity, although ukrainians are coming up with various tricks in order to fight to disrupt the frequencies of our drones, how true is this? well evgeniy, firstly, this is really correct, you noticed that this war, this is a war of drones, this is really true, even the shortage of ammunition that the armed forces of ukraine is really experiencing now, they compensate with drones, there are really quite a lot of drones, both for reconnaissance and fpv, attack drones that they use, but i’ll say that you’re really right in noticing that there is parity now, that is, we, too , now the situation with drones has changed very much for the better, and we are also actively using them, but let’s say about burned armored vehicles
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, the vast majority of armored vehicles, of course, are burned with the help of drones, or are first rendered incapacitated with the help of guns or other means, and then achieved with the help of drones, moreover, we can say that about the number of drones, that they really don’t hesitate, let’s say the ugronazis spend a drone even on one fighter, if they notice one fighter, they... spend a drone on him, so we can imagine how many drones are used, as for means of electronic warfare , it is also used everywhere, used by us , and by the forces of the ukrainian armed forces, it really exists, during assaults, for example, i noticed, yes, when we need to work with our attack drones, support, support of our assault groups, they turn off the rap accordingly , at this moment they immediately... blow out
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their attack drones, that is, here there is also , how to say, a double-edged situation that the rep system, it, uh, well, let’s say, it’s on some, on some moment must be turned off for our, our attack uav squads, at this moment they also understand, raise their drones. thank you very much, pasha, thank you, pavel, pavel kukushkin, military correspondent, on direct communication the front line on the news from the attack on kharkov, 60 foreign mercenaries were destroyed at once, almost all of them are french, an urgent message has just arrived from the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of foreign affairs the french ambassador has been summoned to explain the circumstances, and a simple question will probably be asked: has paris entered into a war with moscow, or what?
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not to take it, but i would still like to say that it is necessary to separate the puppet regime , a completely pro-western bulgarian, and the bulgarian people, although it is clear that the propaganda machine is also working very hard there, in fact, for the west, bulgaria, well, this is some kind of periphery, incomprehensible with cheap labor, which should be used to arm ukraine , yes, in the old days, in soviet times, a fairly highly developed economy, a bulgarian cosmonaut... a bulgarian cosmonaut
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flew into space on our orbital station, even if he was with the americans and germans of some kind a bulgarian will fly now, it’s even impossible to imagine this, well, what happened to bulgaria, there were 9 million before the destruction of the soviet union, now there are six, it’s just the same degradation and depopulation of this state, all the countries of eastern europe and other states must understand that everything that is connected with a close connection, cooperation with the west means depopulation, destruction of the economy, they are pushing them towards this, they have completely their own interests, and the main interest in western large economies is the struggle for power, you also showed stories in usa, look at this political performance. yes, of course, one part of the american elite is fighting against another part of the elite for huge capital, there is no democracy, germany was shown the same, the initiative is even shared, some of the deputies of the sending coalitions, but since this comes from the cdu
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opponents, and also a fight for power, we are we won’t support it, it’s good that there is such a split, that is, they still have their own interests, all these conflicts that arise, well, this story is more procedural, yes it is. and ukraine not because of threats from ukraine or nato, but because ukrainian democracy was afraid. well, i was in ukraine before the maidan period, i can say, we need to clearly understand that there can be no democracy, no capitalist system, it’s a chimera. they also tried to introduce democracy to us,
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to impose democracy in a socialist system, in a socialist system of democracy, this highest form does not exist, of course, democracy, it’s all chimerical, they tried to us, to us. destroy the economy and enterprises and the population, but we have capitalism now, we have after the beginning special military operation, society is changing, and this change is for the better, so capitalism, we already have a system with a strengthening role of the state, because without the role of the state the country cannot develop, a mixed economy, just as it is combined in the chinese ...
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this is killing and a special military operation cuts off many, this is very good, that is , this is a socialist special military operation, the most actively developing economies in the world now in terms of development rates, these are the economies of socialist countries, from the point of view from the point of view of greater capitalism than in china , it is impossible to find, well , you must admit, i do not agree, i do not agree, now from the point of view of these statements of theirs, you see, the question is that we saw from... the same thing as what there is democracy there, yes, we can say that in the third rech there is also democracy, in ukraine the communist party has been banned for 10 years, all soviet monuments are standing down, the monument is now to russians, that means poets, writers, yes, this is the process that is going on, they are, the more they talk about
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democracy, the more it means something they are going to destroy and bomb, they destroyed yugoslavia under the rule of democracy, they bombed libya, and before that vietnam. before that, korea , in fact, a completely destructive policy, but we still must build a system of relationships with peoples, today ukrainians don’t talk about this, we need to talk more, what a holiday is today , a big holiday, 370 years, the perislavl rada, the greatest event when under the leadership of bogdan khmelnitsky, the ukrainian people decided to become part of russia, to live with us, the struggle was some kind of national... against made a choice, the greatest choice, and this is also polish national and religious oppression, it was a progressive decision, but of course , i do not rule out that they have already reached our common history, including bringing
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criminal charges in ukraine for what people say that we had a common state, tomorrow maybe they will rename khmelnitsky, but they haven’t gotten there yet, here’s nazism, here’s... history, therefore, the more we talk and prove the need for technical connections and development fraternal peoples, despite the abyss that is now happening from the point. they will finally understand that the future of ukraine cannot be under someone else’s heel, polish,
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german, american, but there can only be friendship, alliance and even possible reunification within one large state with the russian federation. by the way, almost the last monument that has not yet been demolished in kiev has probably been forgotten, the news just came that zelensky, by the way, is seeking a telephone conversation with citizenpin...
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ukrainian leaders did not hide their desire meet with chinese officials in switzerland this week, but president volodymyr zelensky went home without getting the meeting he wanted, a blow to kiev. the chinese delegation in switzerland had every opportunity to do this, because it sat opposite its ukrainian counterparts, whether in bern or at the world economic forum in davos. any meeting would satisfy the old one.
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i know the leader of china xijin, and he makes a decision, and in ukraine i make a decision, i don’t need dialogues, any kind, i need important ones decisions from leaders who make have the power to make decisions. china's decision not to meet with the ukrainians appeared intentional and not the result of scheduling problems. one senior us official said beijing rejected kiev's request for a meeting at one point during a visit to switzerland. another senior us official said. that china refused any meetings after russia called on it to end diplomatic contacts with
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ukraine, chinese officials did not respond to a request for comment. take the crown away from the boy already, otherwise it’s not the level of a person. ask. yes, well, he's nervous. in addition , everyone saw that he did not meet with biden there, with the secretary of state. with biden as an adviser. he’s not on blinkin’s level, and he’s not on salevan’s level. yes, and he met with them with... he met with them only with biden , well, in general, it’s clear why he’s nervous - i also managed to disrespect trump, and by the way , i’m telling you, based on this inscription, and you know , many people even know this inscription perceive like this is not stand for ukrain but that this is actually satan for ukrain if you look, then in general you can read it like this, yes satan. they say that well, this is definitely
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the second part of the picture, yes, although others also show that ukraine is doing crazy things, yes it’s true, that means this is kind of the most important impression, and now i mean i’m trying to pinchuk how the feroalloy plant was squeezed out , he's just gone crazy, that's all. well, yes, that means yes, by the way, i also looked at it, well, you fool, where are you going, go away from here, it will only be worse for you there, that means , and so, how is zelensky doing, what did he get, after all -
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tell me, well, just what we imagined, well, plus we are all concerned, interested in how there are some opportunities for peace or not, and so on and so forth, zelensky also answers them, he tells them, yes, putin is generally a maniac and you want to attack you, they are his comrade, excuse me, a maniac - this is a movie for teenagers, we are millionaires and
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billionaires here, tell us about the strategy, what will it be? and he stares at us like this here you are, and that means we will fight and you can’t breathe freely there in ukraine now , and so on, in general, they are of course full of space from these speeches of his, and he almost feels that he is communicating with him, so to speak, because of this he is starting to get nervous here - here he starts chatting, which means then they ask him another question, yes, that means, well , they ask him before the western leaders say, well , look how we understand further. there’s like 150 billion ukrainian army so that it can defeat the russian one, here’s zaporozhye there, well, no, it didn’t work out, now what if next year to do, you need not 150 billion, but like 300 billion , yes, well, it’s logical, that means now they say this, the number 300 is some kind of magic, that’s exactly how much they stole from us, now
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it means they say that, well, it’s probably the russians by this time they will make themselves twice as many armies, which means... they have raked out practically all the military warehouses, yes, except for the americans, but the americans understand that if they raked out their warehouses, they are afraid that the chinese will immediately take taiwan after that, this is impossible shovel, all of europe has chosen warehouses, so it’s no longer possible from warehouses if you take this money, you need to launch this military-industrial complex and
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make these new weapons, and this is not 600, this is already a trillion, they say: so... well , it turns out that if you, if you don’t change the strategy , strategies before , then then not 150 billion, trillion, you will make this decision or what, what should we expect at all, and these begin to spin, spin, zelensky, he came up with some kind of trick, yes , we heard, that means he’s telling the europeans , let's catch ukrainian men all over europe, such integration will happen european, yes, everyone will be caught there like animals. yes, you have 800,000 there, we need them, they say that we can’t do that, here in general, you know, if they are caught, they can still start terrorist attacks there, there will be a clash with the police and so on, we don’t do that maybe, zelensky then came up with some kind of trick, but he says, but we are not all of them for the war, they will deal with our economy, you say that you don’t have enough money for us, here we are, so now we will
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establish the economy, there and so on, calls from the bank security service , or something, to ordinary people, so he says, let us catch them like animals, yes, that means you’re here, we’ll force them to work here and of course we won’t let them breathe free, that’s what he has there drama in this davos, well, that’s why of course it turned out to be a failure, because they just can’t agree on what to do next, well, it’s also important for us to agree on this, there are several options, one of these is, well, a trillion, well, they’re too much like i would be shocked, by the way, i’m afghanistan 3 trillion - just go such a booze, kuleba says, give us everything, well, this is for many years, yes, but here they are told that 1 trillion must be given over the next year, they just say. i don’t know what to do, here, by the way, i’ll also explain to you, as they told me, what the situation in germany is connected with these taurus missiles, i don’t think that there are any peace-loving things there,
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yes, but we’ve already thought about it , the germans are such peace-loving people, so that’s what it’s all about, that means there is a fundamental difference between german missiles and american and british missiles, in that that the americans-british are giving them the old modification, yes, but the new ones, which means they should now have missiles, which means they can do it this way, well, never mind, the russians will find out. destroy these modifications, but the americans and the british will have new missiles, as if we could, but the germans don’t have this program, they have these taurus missiles, that’s all they will have, so if they supply the ukrainian army, we, well how long do we need, i think, well, a month and a half, we will learn how to shoot them down, and after that , well, another missile as trophies let’s take it, we’ll study everything, which means we’ll know how to shoot it down and send it back...
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the flight range is 500 km against the backdrop of the fact that hodges the day before and breedlove today called on ukraine to turn the peninsula into an uninhabited territory in the near future, of course, the transfer of taurus to ukraine is that very red line, which is awkward to talk about, but as if it is crossed, then we really have nothing to lose.
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irina kubchenko, sergey bezrukov, alexey kravchenko, nikita kologriv, alexander shirvint, alexander samoilenko, maxim overin, irina pegova, anton shagin, pavel derevyanka.
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ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m
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generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, no matter how you look at it. let me into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, no life, you need to go to the capital, it seems like it exploded at the mine, like at a mine, having missed the face, we look at the weekend. and you burn bridges behind you.


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