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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  January 19, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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there’s no life, it’s necessary to stand up, that it seems to have exploded at the mine, like ours, misha is at the mine face, we look at the weekend, god , you’re so far away, we’re going to moscow, val, and you, i’m burning bridges behind me. other people’s houses, someone else’s life, but
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your own didn’t work out, i so want to look back, i look with my eyes, i don’t believe it, you returned it, or what ? at all? i don’t know, i was looking for a new life, some kind of happiness, and found nothing, happiness, it turns out, is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness? on sunday on rtr. even on weekends we don’t part with our loved ones. the heroes of our favorite tv series skliposovsky are visiting us. i love you all, understand? this is not your wife, he seemed to be smiling now.
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called ibogaine, which is extracted from the roots of plants growing in africa, very small doses are supplied to ukraine so that soldiers do not burn out on the battlefield and maintain concentration for a long time, but the dosage is exceeded. cause
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hallucinations, the publication writes that in the usa this substance is completely prohibited, although sometimes it is used illegally to treat addiction to topioids, such as with the help of ibogainan with the son of the current president of america , hunter biden, licked the crack; he himself spoke about this in his memoirs. in the book, hunter shares beautiful things. i consider the experience of my many years of struggle with addiction to both alcohol and drugs, in particular, a variety of psychedelics were used for this, from ibogaine to ketamine, and i allegedly took them in mexico, so as not to violate american law, however, laws that haenter has not yet violated in america, there is not much left, the presidential son is at the center of the next scandal, now this time biden jr. accused of
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buying a gun illegally, hunter was required by law to tell the seller that he was a drug addict, but he did not say so. the lawyers almost hushed up the story, but then the prosecutor's office disclosed court documents, according to which traces of cocaine were found on hunter's pistol case, but of course, traces of cocaine were now not closed. another blow to hunter biden. federal prosecutors say they found traces of cocaine in the holster where biden jr. kept his gun. federal prosecutors are calling on judges to reject hunter biden's request to dismiss gun charges against him. they presented the court with documents saying that last year investigators found traces of cocaine in kabur, where the president's son was kept.
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his weapon, this is what these documents say: an fbi chemical analysis of kubura's sample showed that the substance found was cocaine, that is, investigators literally found cocaine in the holster where the defendant was kept. our weapons, of course, we will not remind our viewers about the dangers of considering cocaine a weapon. these are federal gun-related charges , false statements during the purchase of a firearm, false statements involving information that should be in the possession of a licensed firearms dealer, one count of possession of a firearm by an unlawful user who is dependent on a controlled substance. hunter also faces three criminal charges and six administrative charges. in the state of california, all for evasion of payment taxes. i understand that the president loves his son, but do his staff think that hunter is becoming too much of a liability with the upcoming elections. yes,
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the president’s rating is at the lowest level for a president serving a second term, and these ratings began to be calculated at the end of the second world war. it is quite curious that a party that... opposes the carrying of weapons wants to introduce additional laws on its circulation. there is a person who uses hard drugs and at the same time owns a weapon. madness. irony. or so? why are we only learning about this now? we have known about this for the last 5 years. why are these details being revealed to us only now? we largely know the whole story with hunter biden, but there may be some details that could affect the election. and so we must.
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not a man who still lives with his parents. the liberal media has revealed trump's secret weapon that allowed him to win the iowa caucuses, and it's not even about russian election interference. so, msnbc journalist joy reid said that is to blame for trump's victory. you will not believe. white christians. molvaev, there are 20% more of them than the average in the usa. and these are bad people. they supported donald our trump , supposedly they are sleeping and see how trump will return america to them, which is now being taken away from them by representatives of other races, - said the dark-skinned rit on the air, who tried to expose white supremacists , the journalist was immediately criticized. one
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twitter user accused her of being obsessed with race and religion, while another commentator said the journalist was racist not a sensation at all, sensational.
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use this beautiful day and enchanting nights to rejoice in the wonders of our world, because we are part of its endless secrets and the spirit of the unconquered son
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of light and knowledge. and we say shemham farash, glory to satan. father, well, you saw, you saw what the reaction of those present was, we heard different opinions of those who were there.
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dangerous, has been saying for months, there is a huge shortage of ammunition, ammunition is the number one issue when talking to the military at the front, he said in an interview to the german publication bilt and added that if zelensky is not helped, then putin will win this war. minister of defense shaigo, at the same time, visited the raduga design bureau, which specializes in development. in the production of cruise missiles, we, unlike ukraine, produce our own weapons, and
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do not beg for them from anyone. the head of the defense department examined promising weapons, including the very same -101 and xa-555 missiles. shaigu called for increasing the range of one of the new products from 250 to 300 km. the minister was informed that this missile had recently passed the test, its warhead was. doubled from 450 to 800 kg, very soon our soldiers will have a new weapon in their background. in the footage, russian paratroopers storm the fortification of the armed forces of ukraine near artyomovsk, the trenches are thrown with grenades using a drone,
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soldiers of the ivanovo and yaroslavl airborne formations, under the cover of armored vehicles, surround a strong point and eliminate ukrainian militants. in this video, the lancet knocks out an enemy tank, here the komikaze drone is blown to pieces. russia has intensified military operations along the entire front line, the agency writes, three shots, that's all, the commander says that the lack of ammunition is a real problem, there is a big deficit,
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the democrats in the senate are chuck schumer, and the money is in - heal said in an interview with the publication, the leader in the end was not given again. all participants called the meeting productive, but there was no solution. house speaker johnson, a republican, said he understands the importance. allocation of aid to ukraine, but first biden must resolve the issue of a checkpoint on the southern border. biden, in turn, said he was ready for a compromise, but he didn’t explain which one exactly. us president joe biden is presenting the american public with sending military aid to kiev as an opportunity to create new jobs . in reality, military spending is directed only to those states where weapons manufacturers and
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aerospace companies are located. money spent to help ukraine benefits some americans more than others. everything we do is aimed at provoking russia. we want to provoke them. good news for us in that the russians said: no, thank you, and showed incredible restraint. we are working. russia will be able to make a decisive breakthrough at the front this year, and only a stub will remain from ukraine, writes the german welt. according to the newspaper. lessons from history at the first stage of an armed conflict, russia may take a defensive position, but in the end it will definitely win. kiev is approaching the depletion of critical weapons, the official representative of the us national security council, kirbe, who six months ago claimed that kiev has everything, is tearing his hair out necessary to defeat the russians, when
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asked by journalists what is left in the armed forces of ukraine’s arsenal right now from the show’s answer. the ukrainians are using up artillery shells and hymarc missiles, as well as air defense systems at a fairly high rate, depending on the situation on the battlefield, so their reserves are no doubt dwindling. there are some munitions that they have in abundance that will last for the next 2-3 months, and there are others that they won't last that long, a lot depends on what russia is doing. dear nikolaich. this is how the discussion about i can’t ignore what kind of economy russia has, well, of course capitalist, but the president and the government are always trying to move it in the social direction, especially active since covid, hyperactive since the start of a special military operation, and socialism and social has the same root, so
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our economy is moving in the right direction, you mean that we are social democrats without 5 minutes. what i mean is that we must ensure an increase in people’s incomes, on the one hand, so that it is more social economy, on the other hand, to make sure that they spend as little money as possible so that prices do not rise, in this sense, we must wish success to both the president and the government, well, for example, it seems to me that it would be very useful to implement a moratorium on public services, freeze them because this is one of the drivers, freeze them. freeze services , it’s not that water doesn’t flow or radiators don’t work, heating, freeze utility tariffs, because this is one of the drivers of price growth, this way more social... benefits will increase incomes, people will spend as much as they spend today, their standard of living will rise, their confidence in the future will improve , demographics will also improve, well, in
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general, these are very important things, now to things that are outside the russian federation, here is the economic forum in davos, well, we have already said many times that they talk about anything there , discuss any problems, in fact, except for the problem of the world economy, i would like to remind you of the name, so to speak. that's why everyone has gathered, discussing a new illness, they are discussing ukraine, salevan says that there will be no trust and the split in the world will only increase, and zelensky gives a speech, after which he once again emphasizes that ukraine is just langsknecht, which is now not only men, but also women, for western money i am ready to send him to practically defend the interests of other countries. i quoted him, what else i would like to note in this regard is that zelensky is losing, well, one might say, a political sense,
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one might say, self-control, because within the framework of his speeches at the argumentative forum, he insulted, well, two leaders of the leading countries of the world, i mean putin and senzinpin, and one potential leader, i mean. trump, that is , in several speeches to insult all the leading players in world politics, well, this is not professionalism, or a loss of self-control to the most extreme extent. hysteria, this is called this kind of behavior, has never brought anyone any good, but the loss of political adequacy is the first path to the end of a political career, which, in fact, zelensky, i think, we we wish you, most likely, let's listen, this is really hysterical, the person is worried. i will stop the war, i can stop
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the war, i will sit with putin and zelensky at the same table, as i understand it, there was some kind of conference, and he said that if putin does not stop, he will transfer more weapons to ukraine, and if ukraine does not stop , then he will take away some reserves, then the question is, what will trump do after this, if after ukraine... in any case, well, you have to be polite and adequate when you talk about leading politicians with leading ones, or just about a person who is twice your age,
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i’m telling you as a father, okay, uh, there is a politician from whom zelensky could learn, i mean sergei viktorovich lavrov, who at the press conference noted very important things that he said, well, there were many points, i will touch on literally two, the first is that lavrov says that american former army leaders, former retirees, in fact, in their speeches, somehow very harmoniously, the latter, together in different speeches, call to the destruction of crimea, there commanders, the ex-commander of nato forces in europe, the ex-commander of us forces in europe, bredlov and hotges simultaneously said, let's crimea unican generals, american.
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to speak to the current sane person , he said everything that cannot be said and is not necessary for politics, but they are discussing trump there, again, not the economy. and in this regard, let’s see the whole situation, great britain is coming to the fore, sergei viktorovich slavrov speaks about this. united states, where? and the united states of america, on the one hand,
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we would like someone in europe to take it.
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document, everything is as vague as possible, but it indicates certain figures that will be transferred in the uk next year to the kiev regime, at the same time, chancellor scholz, under pressure from the same americans , allocates 7 billion for armaments, that is, he allocated money for which arms will be purchased for the kiev regime, and what we see the next day is the french president talking about the transfer of weapons, one gets the impression that with german money, of course.
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gives weapons, germany gives money, at this moment the opposition in germany, the christian democrats, not an alternative for germany, want to seem even greater supporters of ukraine and the maximum hawks, they are also putting to a vote the bill on the transfer of taurus missiles. germany has already given away 7 billion, there is no longer a need for these taurus, that is , of course there is, but it is not so urgent, and this gives everyone an opportunity in the internal german political struggle.
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will put pressure on other countries and finance, someone will give money, someone will give weapons, the americans will distance themselves from this for as long as possible, if the american plan comes out that the war in europe continues, while america owes nothing to anyone, the americans will be very happy, we’ll be back in a minute, how do you work with it? okay, we're working with him. proficiency test passed. we have a serious case, we need an operating room team. the stress test has been passed. what's idle? are you happy? and there's a new test ahead. it’s not clear that anything, no one even guesses. to the touch.
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wow, this is cool. yes. why does everyone in this department do what they want? skleposovsky, on monday on rtr, and soon we will watch new episodes, all for the premiere of the new season of the sklifosovsky series. there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, as soon as you get a pet , life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because every one of them is a real
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star, trink-trink, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, i first shoved a snake red, hearts. ours said, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered. and the eyes of the young soldiers from the faded photographs look, this look, like the highest court, for the children who are now growing up, and the boys
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cannot lie, do not deceive, the bottom of the path, turn, to the ninetieth anniversary of the day. the birth of vasily lunovoy, the legendary, favorite film of officers, on sunday on rtr, all about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, why bother... to watch the elections, a proud grandfather came home, i was sent from the party as an observer, i will watch the elections so that the people and the election commissions everything was done according to the law, like in spy films, i was a secret agent, my grandfather immediately got binoculars
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for him, i have such vision that i can see any violation like an eagle, besides, i went through special training, according to russian law, a smartphone is enough for me, i know... white tiger, film by karen shakhnazarov, today on rtr, incredible news for ukrainians
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who earn more than 20 thousand hryvnia, that’s plus or minus 46 thousand rubles, they want to introduce a luxury tax. believe it or not, increase the military levy for them several times, suggested the head of the rada budget committee roksalana pidlasa, the measure says it is purely forced, the west wants to sponsor ukraine less and less. following hungarian prime minister orban, slovak prime minister fitso called the allocation of billions to kiev senseless, the republicans in congress are refusing to agree on assistance to zelensky, head.
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if you compare the budgets of countries or at least us defense spending , the amount that goes to ukraine is, to put it mildly, a very small part of all defense spending. moreover , a huge part of these funds remains in the united states because they are invested in the production of weapons, which then goes to ukraine, and this needs to be explained to american taxpayers that they benefit from this, new jobs are created, so we are offering some kind of deal in the global security market.
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state duma control committee came to us an hour and a half, how many kilometers? well, from the stone bridge, count, it’s clear that 10 kilometers are 10 points, they say passion, that’s what shows on the street. that trump is allegedly suspected of having syphilis, i wasn’t upset, you know why, because the simple thought immediately occurred to me that trump with syphilis, well, well, certainly no worse than biden with dementia, or maybe maybe even better, but this is in the form of a joke, given that there is stress after, every joke has jokes, yes, but in general, of course, today i am impressed by lavrov’s speech. not i know whether my colleagues will agree with me,
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to be honest, i don’t remember such harsh assessments of what is happening in the performance of sergei viktorovich, especially since you know, diplomacy is always words, how they are placed, how the accents are placed, and if you have been doing this for a long time , you see the difference in these assessments, for example, an absolutely stunning assessment regarding the general... activities of the collective west in the un structures, when lavrov says that since 1945, not a single foreign policy action of the collective the west did not comply with the un principle of equal rights of states, i don’t remember such an assessment, second, he actually rearranged the emphasis in the origins of the ukrainian crisis, we have always said that the source of the crisis is.
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i don’t know, a quarter of a step towards discussing those issues that are directly linked to the strategic dialogue, this is international security, this is what lavrov is talking about, and thirdly, again, he said that he does not see any inclinations on the part of washington, washington and collective west in part settlement of the ukrainian crisis, but otherwise i ’ve painted such an apocalyptic picture here, we are ready for anything, we are a little bit, now i’ll lower the degree of this tension a little. we inhaled, we inhaled, now we will exhale, and we will exhale a little, because i just think that now
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, after all, the main state of the collective west in terms of the ukrainian crisis is characterized by the russian word confusion. you know why i think so, because always when the degree of rhetoric is inflated, not supported by directly understandable signals in in real practice, it’s always a question of what’s really going on, and here we are right now...
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such serious diplomats say: listen, well, the story with china, it’s just, you know, a deuce, well, it’s just even a count from the point from the point of view of diplomacy, because to anyone ignorant.
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partner, well, you know, it really is, it’s just a failure from the point of view of diplomacy, the story there is a little harsher, the prime minister of china is not at my level, i only communicate with those who make decisions, because i make the decision myself, in china it’s exclusively shijin, yes, you are right, just cool, yes, i can just imagine the reaction today of the chinese and the prime minister of china, who is in davos and gospo. and comrades , well, they are probably thinking, well, listen, how can i deal with these morons, forgive me this expression, in general, but i return it’s a pity that there is no studio for sinologists, it would be interesting to know how a moron speaks in chinese, in in chinese, i think there is some kind of analogue, but you know, the chinese probably don’t say such words, but the fact that they
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assessed this situation in such a way, i’m just sure of it, well, now the main thing, you see, with all this, there is one thing that cannot be avoided, these are military problems, military history, it is always countable, you can always calculate it simply with an abacus, on a calculator, that’s what you need to solve it or another task, there are always additional factors, courage, talent of a commander, but there are calculable quantities, money, weapons, tanks, guns, planes, shells, everything else, here we are dealing with a completely... economic unit does not exist, here it is just no, she is only because it is pumped up with money and weapons, today the world is structured in such a way that when 50 countries provide you with this support,
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you can fight, but i emphasize that this is a countable quantity, this is the hysteria of zelensky today when he says that without... we we remember, well, pensioners, in this case the tenth question, we are talking about what to fight with your support, it is about pensioners, how and how to fight, when today they tell him that there is no solution in america, that there is 2.5 million pounds billion pounds from london, london, there's two or three from paris, and seven supposed, it is unclear, there were eight, by the way, somewhere a billion disappeared in a week. means from berlin, then you know, this is still, in terms of arithmetic, not what zelensky needs, and even more so with america everything is in big doubt, this doubt today is the main state of the collective west, when everyone beats their chest and says :
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well, how are we supposed to defeat the russians there, we have no other chance, europe will simply be attacked as soon as the zelensky regime, the russian federation, is egged on, germany will simply enter into this conflict already as a state, everyone understands this perfectly well, that’s why the americans are dragging scholz into this war, taking advantage of his, excuse me, plasticine political state, because they believe that he can be dragged there, but it seems that not only scholz is experiencing bear sickness in in this
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case, because he understands its consequences. we will be transported to germany immediately after the advertisement about confusion in just a couple of words, we... kept laughing at ukrainian sorcerers, fortune tellers who are trying to find some kind of support point for ukrainian people, in dovoz invited a shaman for the first time, he read a prayer there, they prayed for the unification of the world in the fight for good, well, that is, this is what the western world looks like now, a shaman’s prayer, look. or is he? this is how we learned that there are
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shamans in switzerland. we'll be back. mosfilm. the main film studios in russia are celebrating their anniversary. andrei konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev, ivan bessonov. oleg basilashvili, svetlana nemolyaeva, stanislav lyubshin, sergei shakur, fedor dobronravov, irina kubchenko, sergei bezrukov, alexey kravchenko, nikita kologriv, alexander shirvint, alexander samoilenko, maxim overin, irina pegova, anton shagin, pavel derevyanka, pilageya, dima bilan,
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oh, all in one carriage, great, don’t push it, on saturday. since our women are sleeping, let’s not waste time, the point is, well, with such colleagues on vacation you won’t get bored, that
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polina and i are happy to host you here in our home, a romantic date is coming, i beg you, don’t move, we’ll fall over , i’m afraid of heights, i’ll run back and forth to the embankment, okay, i’ll meet there, but in more detail, what we’ll do, we’ll leave, like we're leaving, take it and carry it, sea, sun, sklifosovsky on saturday on rtr. happy birthday vastrak. valentina telichkina. frankly about the secret. in kindergarten i sang a scruffy song, and i’m small and neat. and of course, there was applause. this is true for me.
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all the time, it’s difficult, so i’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr, so, sad news for kiev came from germany, i’m not talking about taurus missiles, the supply of which was blocked by the bundestag, the ukrainians in germany are now more often exposed insults, edition. shaw writes that citizens of the square complain that this is happening because of patriotic symbols on the car, for example, and some say that
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this attitude towards refugees from ukraine is due to the fact that... that they speak ukrainian, so now ukrainians in germany are no longer proud of the fact that they are ukrainians; on the contrary, they are embarrassed. the insult occurs, the newspaper writes, because of the germans’ belief that all ukrainians are nazis, and putin wants to liberate ukraine; also in germany they think that rising prices for electricity and gas, germany, the ukrainians are also to blame. olga lyuba lives in berlin. as a ukrainian, olga has experienced hostility since the beginning of the russian invasion of her home country, but lately she has been subjected to verbal abuse almost every week, not only on social networks, but in public. i went shopping at the supermarket with a friend, and we spoke ukrainian, olga says. near the cash register , a dark-skinned man began to insult her. ukraine is part of russia, we shouldn’t feel sorry for ourselves so much,” the man shouted. two weeks later
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when olga was leaving the garage in her car with a blue and yellow ukrainian sticker. a group of young emigrants shouted at her, insulted her and spat at her car. tatyana goncheruk also knows the description of verbal attacks on ukrainians. people often claim that all ukrainians are nazis, that putin only wants to liberate ukraine and that there is no real war. there is also criticism that ukrainians are to blame for rising prices for electricity and gas. events of the last few months, the prospect of a long war, the budget crisis in germany continued rise in prices. obviously, the deterrents for those who oppose it have been weakened. let's move to germany and now , drum roll, we will find out how the most famous member of the bundestag in russia from the alternative for germany party, evgeniy schmidt, voted on the famous law on the transfer of taures to ukraine, evgeniy schmidt
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. or is the ideological bundestag against it? well, actually, a normal vote took place regarding supplies missiles, the question was raised through the bundestag on the topic of sending missiles. naturally, the majority, including our faction, the alternative for germany faction, voted against it, that is, after all, reason prevailed over emotions, the majority did not aggravate the already difficult relations. we remember that how german supplies generally developed, that is, first let’s supply helmets, that is, then let’s supply some other non-lethal weapons, then lethal ones, everything has come to the point that now we are shown footage of burning leopards in the steppes ukraine, of course, that’s all, this causes a very negative, very difficult , emotional emotional background here in
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germany, but of course, the supply of taurus , we are all over... how this could end, that is, attacks on the russians could be carried out with these weapons city ​​and , accordingly, it is possible that later some kind of response is not excluded, no longer against ukraine, but against germany, so of course, here all the red lines have already been crossed and no one would want a further escalation, again, i remember when the weekends or on monday protests... farmers and other people against the fact that prices have been raised here, that is, subsidies are being reduced , and so on, that is , the topic that was often heard was that how come aid to ukraine is doubled, aid is doubled, and in its simple citizens, farmers, agricultural producers, and so on and so forth , that is, in fact , many people stood in solidarity with farmers, their people - they need to tighten their belts, there is no money, the standard of living
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is falling, and so on and so forth, that is, here there is already a question from. .. including the failure to transfer taurus missiles to ukraine. we have just read comments from washington that they hope for a strategic dialogue with us, i immediately remember that i have an old soviet book somewhere at home, i think from 1956, it’s called preparation for the first world war, here you open the letters of the emperors, each sovereign, my brother, i
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hope you will take it into account. strategic dialogues, in principle, if the enemy is in the mood for war, no strategic dialogue will help here, only force will help here, this the first point is that the americans are in the mood for a war with us, with the wrong hands, of course, with the wrong hands they have been waging this war for the last 100 years, they are just testing out, i think, in order to find a more serious enemy, by the way, here is the second news , which we... somehow forgot about today, look at the exchange of blows between pakistan and iran, it is very indicative, because all these years the americans have been thinking about where we can find a soldier for the war with iran,
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the last time they found it was in the eighties v iraq in the form of saddam hussein, we have already forgotten, we consider him an enemy of america, but reagan shook his hand, said, this is our friend, one might say, saddam hussein.
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yes, you can go to the ski season without additional registration, if you have the desire , that is, you get it, but here european officials pay for the state, then you can do it on a scale of seven, she has a meeting of
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finance ministers of the seven, it is quite possible to organize skiing there at state expense all the newspapers write about very active sparklers, but apparently success is connected with this, we need to take a break. can organize, you can organize , what can you say about the white tiger tank, this white devil is not the khozuban one, the germans have the only one, it doesn’t have a crew, they say it’s like some kind of ghost, all these games were dirty in the swamps, but he no. he is here, you think, he will appear, he will appear, he is looking for me,
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the white tiger, a film by karen shakhnazarov, today on rtr. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could become a bailiff or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years, we can pull up, taster. i like to eat a lot always or a lifesaver, but he
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is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on... rtr, that's it, that's it, come on, save your strength , everything will be fine. this is our new obstetrician-gynecologist, kira vladimirovna ulitina. tell me, is this cool guy of yours, what is he all about, and sergei nikolaevich, oh, he’s a star. i feel so bad without you. you and i will get married. oh, damn, i forgot, you have a pregnant wife with her, what are we going to do? well, that's it, robin hood
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, rest assured, i won't leave this so easily, both of you will regret it, but do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail, doctor snail, on saturday at the rta, on sunday, turned to...
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collapse moscow is falling asleep right now, a snowstorm has hit the capital of russia, which , according to forecasts, could become the strongest in 10 years, a yellow level of weather danger has been declared on the roads due to snowfall, winds up to 21 m/s, traffic jams of 10, but by nightfall in moscow it will get warmer, there will be frosts like this there won’t be a year in the capital, look, like this. the weather, guys, snowfalls, in st. petersburg, as you understand, there is also snowfall, and you... yakutia is -40, but even in this weather our
11:00 am
people plunge into the lena river. in total , more than 3,000 fonts were equipped in russia for the orthodox holiday. be careful, there was a 60 minutes program, now lead, all the best to you and goodbye, bye. thank you my dear. hello on the russia vesti tv channel, in the denis polanchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. in russian regions , the consequences of heavy snowfall are being eliminated. bad weather got to the volga region, a difficult situation on federal highways. a group of ukrainian militants destroyed our military using hail multiple launch rocket systems.


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