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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 19, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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but even in such weather our people take a dip in the lena river. in total , more than 3,000 fonts were equipped in russia for the orthodox holiday. be careful. it was a 60 minutes program. now in news. all the best to you and goodbye. bye. thank you my dear. hello on the russia vesti tv channel, in the denis polanchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. in russian regions , the consequences of heavy snowfall are being eliminated. bad weather reached the volga region. difficult situation on federal highways. a group of ukrainian militants destroyed our military from hail multiple launch rocket systems
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several ukrainian armed forces drones were shot down in the southern donetsk direction. the houthis attacked an american tanker in the gulf of adana. orthodox christians celebrate the baptism of the lord. our soldiers performed ablution in the special operation zone. services are going on in churches. powerful rockfall in altai. and the country's main film studio, mosfilm, is celebrating its centenary. so, a quarter of the monthly precipitation fell in moscow, 40% in the moscow region, and 70% in tula . the heavy snowfall, blizzard, blizzard and stormy wind continued all night, the consequences they are now being eliminated not only in the capital. the disaster hit almost the entire territory of the central part. chuvash,
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tatarstan and nizhny novgorod region. in bryansk it became sharply warmer, heavy snowfall gave way to rain. the streets of the city were covered with an icy glaze. pedestrians fell, buses and minibuses could not move or leave stops. passengers had to push and turn the transport, which was slipping on the inclines. in sevastopol and kerch, heavy rain. reports on how the capital region and tatarstan are coping with the onslaught of bad weather our correspondents alexey knor and elmira ismagilova. the furious snowfall that raged all night has now subsided, but weather forecasters are not lifting the yellow level of weather danger in moscow and the moscow region, they say it’s warmer.
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short-term, by the weekend they promise colder temperatures and severe ice again. the temperature will drop significantly, already on saturday night -10-15°, daytime temperatures from -5 to -10°, a gradual decrease in temperature, on sunday it will be another 2-3° colder. heavy snowfall and stormy winds hit the capital the day before in the second in the afternoon, a quarter of the monthly rainfall fell within 24 hours. as a result, the snowdrifts grew by 12 cm. visibility dropped sharply to 500-600 m, nine-minute traffic jams formed on the roads, and as a result, dozens of accidents on the novoryazanskoye highway involved five cars colliding at once, fortunately there were no casualties. trucks got stuck on inclines and blocked roads; emergency data center teams were on duty around the clock on suburban highways. on slopes, they can’t pass, heavy trucks block traffic, we tow them to smooth surface. some avoided traffic jams on skis. we stopped in moscow, there was a traffic jam.
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it wasn’t enough for the city’s public utilities workers to take out almost all the snow removal equipment on the street to combat drifts; the consequences of the rampant elements are still being eliminated. now all the main forces of public utilities are being directed to clearing the central streets and city highways, but the courtyards near the road are not cleared everywhere, and pedestrians have to literally make their way through the snowdrifts. absolutely uncleaned, very difficult to walk. forecasters warn the weather. will continue fever. alexey knor, valery kupri, alexander felatov, lead. a snow storm hit tatarstan again, today there is 100% precipitation. epiphany frosts did not bring us a significant disadvantage, but they did bring heavy snowfall and gusty winds. according to weather forecasters, a month's average precipitation will fall today. a storm warning has been issued again in tatarstan. horror, why?
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it is inconvenient to go to school, and a strong snowstorm is expected with poor visibility. the state traffic inspectorate calls on all road users to be extremely attentive and careful and without extreme necessity. does not travel outside populated areas; there are ten-point traffic jams on city roads due to poor visibility of snow tracks. we are standing, waiting for you on the second route. apparently, he was dragged by the road conditions and crashed into me. where is the hardest place to drive? in yards, car owners have to literally dig out their cars in order to leave. that’s all, i can’t get through, i can’t get out, i can’t go by car, i can barely walk. today from 5:00 am until 12 noon a temporary one has been introduced. traffic restrictions intercity buses, minibuses and cargo vehicles on some sections of federal roads , due to snowstorms, the m12 and m5 highways are again closed, and traffic on the m7 highway is limited for all types of transport.
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1,380 units of road and special equipment were involved in snow removal work on federal and regional roads, as well as municipal roads. elmira smogilova, news. kazan, now to the news that comes from the special operation zone, in the southern donetsk direction near novomikhailovka, our troops repelled a large-scale attack by ukrainian paratroopers. the armed forces of ukraine lost more than 130 military personnel, a polish installation of firecrackers and two german howitzers. in the donetsk sector, su-25 attack aircraft struck ukrainian strongholds and concentrations of manpower with unguided missiles. advanced aviation.
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to the point where the helicopters hit their targets in one gulp, from here it’s about a quarter of an hour’s flight. today , alligators and night hunters are actively working on strongholds. armed forces of ukraine in serebryansky forestry. k-52 drums that completed the task returning to the airbase. and the following groups are already flying to the firing line. strikes against the fortified ukrainian military identified here near the tor ledge are carried out not
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only from the air. grad multiple launch rocket systems operate in entire batteries. which almost continuously replace each other as they consume their ammunition. the enemy is still trying to strike russian positions. they are on the defensive, and cases of using cluster munitions have become more frequent. opponents of fpv drones began to work, that's why we made an anti-drone net. but the best way to avoid a retaliatory strike remains promptness. a couple of minutes after each salvo, combat vehicles are sent to a new firing line. combat work begins immediately after receiving the target coordinates. today it is a fortified area of ​​the ukrainian military in serebryansky forestry.
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meanwhile, front-line su-25 bombers take off in pairs from one of the air bases in southern russia. the entire flight skirts the terrain and, as the pilots say, jumps over power lines. to these bad weather conditions added to the difficulties today. weather conditions did not affect us, we are flying under the clouds at extremely low altitudes using unguided aircraft missiles, and completed a combat mission to launch an air strike in an area where enemy personnel were concentrated. like combat helicopters, hail multiple launch rocket systems. su-25 attack aircraft today are delivering massive strikes against the ukrainian military opposition in the utra salient, preventing not only the transfer of enemy reinforcements to the front line, but even rotation. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, alina
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zykova. news: krasnolimansk direction, serebryansky forestry. that night, near the front line in zaporozhye, kherson and other directions, the soldiers celebrated the holiday of baptism. an elegantly decorated font with a cross, next to a heating point, where hot tea awaited the soldiers after ablution. all this was built in less than an hour by engineering units in the rear zone under the leadership of a military priest, who conducted a prayer service and the ceremony of illuminating the water. hundreds of moscow military the garrison and their families attended the epiphany service in the main church of the armed forces in kubinka near moscow. after the service, everyone could plunge into the illuminated water at the southern gate of the cathedral. immersion in the font or jordan is a ritual that, according to the canons, is not strictly obligatory, but it is for real.
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greeters of siberia far east, believers of the irkutsk region plunged into lake baikal, residents of vladivostok into the sea of ​​japan. about the meaning of this ancient tradition, the strength of spirit and faith. report by ksenia kolchina. really ice water, a degree lower and the ice hole will be covered with a thin crust, but for now the temperature in the font is about zero. residents of vladivostok are plunging into the jordan, carved directly into the sea of ​​japan. this is always a fish hole in the ice of the amur bay. there is a winter swimming club here. the so-called walruses regularly plunge into the icy water, but today many came here for the first time to
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observe the epiphany rite. but many people rush to church and services on this night, because for baptism it is important to cleanse themselves spiritually, diving into an ice hole is not a mandatory church tradition. water is collected in the temples. in orthodoxy it is believed that its healing power lasts throughout the year. the feast of baptism or theophany is a remembrance of the gospel event, when christ came to the bank of the jordan river and was baptized by the prophet john the baptist, then the faces of the holy trinity appeared for the first time, the clergy ask parishioners to treat the water piously that night. there are cases when someone mocks water on this holiday. orthodox believers, in irkutsk
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regions are immersed in lake baikal, in chita, jordan are cut down in lake kenon on the ingada river. vladivostok residents always celebrate the feast of epiphany in salty sea water. this is scalding water - this is river water, actually sea water, it is very soft, so welcoming, i would even say. for many , immersion symbolizes not only purification in epiphany water, but strength of spirit. plunging into a hot tub in bitter cold is a real challenge. it took me probably three years to get to this point, but i finally decided, it’s a little scary, of course. yes, but we are strong, we are russians, god is with us. this morning , divine liturgies will be held in all orthodox churches and the rite of the great consecration of water will be performed again. ksenia kolchina, denis yunak, vadim telegin, alexey kelevro, far eastern news bureau. based on the headquarters of public support for vladimir putin, chess
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clubs of sergei koryakin, the candidate’s confidant, are opening throughout the country. they have already started working in the nizhny novgorod, lipetsk, astrakhan regions, as well as in chuvash and maril. the international grandmaster came to the opening headquarters in yushkaralum, held a simultaneous game session with young chess players, talked with volunteers and a detachment of the young guard. the collection of signatures in support of the current president’s self-propulsion continues. they work in cities. the moscow state central museum of contemporary history of russia is preparing to celebrate the centenary with plans to modernize the permanent exhibition and launch new exhibition projects. the chairman of the russian historical society noted that the museum is one of the largest in the world dedicated to modern history. to the centenary museum, almost a little has been deposited in its funds.
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experience just pride in its past, present and future. you are watching the news, this is what we will talk about later in our program: yemeni houthis attacked the american one. mos film, russia's main film studios, celebrates its anniversary. andrei konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev, ivan bessov, oleg basilashvili, svetlana nemolyaeva, stanislav lyubshin, sergei shakurov,
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and korend shakurov in a grand concert, the first 100 years, anniversary of the mosfilm film studio, live broadcast from the first pavilion, today is mrtr, there is no life, you have to get up,
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what is it like. behind you are bridges, other people's houses, someone else's life , but your own hasn't worked out, i so want to look back , i look into my eyes, i don't believe you've come back , completely, i don't know, you were looking for a new life, some kind of happiness and... what i didn’t find , happiness, it turns out, is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness, on sunday on rtr, what are the next tasks, i’ll tell you this separately, when
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the cameras are turned off, where to go and what to do? just recommended not never read american ones. to fight directly from russia, from china, is nonsense, of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, all this begins the day and ends with this, the first thing they told me is that we have a lot of them, they drill and don’t run, on the helicopter board there is a number one, we will be the first to know about this, alexander grigorievich, hello again, let him in, guys, there are no forces that could hold him, you are probably the first here to show this, pasha, are you filming this , hello, hello, yes, we learned . this one pasha, what is exploding, in the first person , you just tell me what and where these things are happening at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i should always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, again we will see we will show more than others, thank you very much, come in also, on sunday on rtr, everything about
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the elections in russia. we’ll tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote on a smartphone, on sunday early in the morning during an absolute parade the kids shouted: people, get up, everyone, let’s go vote, said mom sleepily, let’s choose remotely, dad supported, electronically let’s choose, the woman said to the grandfather, i’m a father , i’ll go with you, on the paper ballot he loves in our generation, well...
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wow, why are you so tense, relax, slefosovsky, on monday on prt. we'll be watching new episodes soon. are such changes coming to my life? you watch the news, we
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continue the release. the state duma will consider an appeal to the french parliament at its next meeting, speaker vyacheslav volodin announced this. deputies want to find out how more than 60 french mercenaries who were killed in kharkov last tuesday. turned out to be in ukraine, given that the activities of mercenaries according to the laws of the fifth republic itself are prohibited by law. paris, despite a lot of evidence, tried to disown its compatriots. the french ambassador has been summoned to the russian foreign ministry today. engineering reconnaissance of combat control of all types of drones and remote mining vehicles. this is only part of the skills that a cadet at the tyumen engineering command school acquires. vys produces unique military specialists. with tank cover and house curtain,
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combat engineering reconnaissance is a huge complex of the latest unique skills that are taught at the tyumen engineering command school; there are no other similar ones in any army in the world. all types of drones are being mastered; reconnaissance drones are helping unnoticed. enemy groups. wolves i'm falcon welcome. i discovered a sabotage group in square 2210, i am transmitting the coordinates. supreme skill, mastery of kamikaze drones. for this purpose, the school built its own quaddrome and developed a virtual training system, including for roy flights, several units of three drones. we fly in stabilization mode. another brainchild of tyumen military engineering is the rosamakha remote mining machine. seriously complicating the enemy's movement. essentially, rosamakh is an atv mounted on a ride-on vehicle with an installation of eight cassettes like this, with many small but very dangerous anti-personnel
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mines. by shooting them right on the move, the operator can mine an area of ​​more than a hectare in 5 minutes. such minefields are laid on the enemy's path of movement, forcing him to retreat with losses or change direction to where they are already expected. our cadets, of course, learn to determine precisely using uavs. with the help of uavs, it can determine signs of the installation of mine barriers, and, accordingly, movements in the forest and in the forest, movement in the field, movement at night, movement in any weather conditions of the enemy. some of the cadets of the tyumen school themselves have combat experience. i was incredibly proud when i cleared mines on the territory of the city of mariupol, because i looked at these people, they needed help, and i saw fear in their eyes, we helped.
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however, they claim that the missiles fell near the ship. washington has shelled yemen for the fifth time in a week, reporting the destruction of two anti-ship missiles that the houthis were preparing to launch. the white
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house has said it will continue to attack the rebels until they stop attacking the ship in the red sea, although biden himself admits that this is not producing results. are airstrikes effective in yemen? when you say they work, do they stop the houthis? no. not will continue, yes, well, representatives of the rebellious movement of yemen, who do not intend to retreat and will attack all ships that have anything to do with israel, so as not to come under attack, many crews in the red sea are now signing their ships, instead of data about the point purpose of the phrase "we are not associated with israel." due to the escalation of the middle east conflict and continuous attacks on the gas sector this year. there were noticeably fewer pilgrims for baptism at the jordan river, but despite everything, the vaults of the church of the holy sepulcher in jerusalem were illuminated festive lighting. report by sergei pashkov. erased with an eraser the usual,
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crowded, multilingual and noisy joy of the bright christian holidays of the holy land, on the day of epiphany, the greek orthodox patriarch of jerusalem aphophilus ii canceled the traditional parade of scout school bands. only the singing of psalms, this time without the roar of drums and the sound of bagpipes, the patriarchal procession descended from the monastery of john the baptist down to the banks of the jordan river. silently. just as silently, 2.0 years ago, jesus descended from the mountain of temptation to the place of his baptism. this time the religious procession was not accompanied by a crowd of thousands of pilgrims from the orthodox world, but those who were able to get to the israeli or jordanian banks of the small but great river heard every word of the epiphany service this time. it is important for a believer to visit those places that are connected with
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earthly life. the jordan, the cold, muddy loam, the fast waters of the river, few decided to take a plunge on this day, but the feeling of grace remains unshakable. this is uncreated energy that helps us fight throughout life passions, with sins, this is necessary. traditionally concluding the ceremony, the patriarch of jerusalem conveys a blessing to russian orthodox christians. bless you,
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lord, for it is said. seek peace and follow it. the solemn service in jerusalem in the greek border of kaphalikon, the church of the holy sepulcher, takes place this time under brightly illuminated arches. just the day before , russian specialists and installers and restorers from the moscow archangel michael foundation installed a unique illumination of the mosaic dome and brought the sesquicentennial the huge temple lamps dropped, and darkness could not cover this light. even in times of difficult trials. sergey poshkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, news from the banks of the jordan river. in altai, a massive rockfall cut off more than 30 thousand people from the regional center. stone blocks fell on the chuya highway last night, one lane of the road was completely destroyed, voids formed under the second, traffic was blocked in both directions. the authorities in cut-off settlements have the necessary supply of fuel, food and
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medicines. the weekend will be abnormally frosty in most of the far eastern region; emergency warnings about this have been announced on sakhalin in the khabarovsk territory, in yakutia it is again below 50. in the european part , the temperature is also going down. i welcome victoria chernikova to our studio. victoria, hello, are we going to be cold again? well, not like in the far east, but the epiphany frosts are not canceled, they will only come a little later, in siberia there is a fairly moderate and uniform temperature background, in the south -15. 20 exception tyumen there -7 and kyzyl where -28. waves of heat and cold are sweeping across european territory. frosts will intensify in the north; in murmansk the sun will be in the north-west, there will be light snow in places; it will get colder again in the center. the zone of heavy precipitation will go to the volga and there will be about zero. almost the entire south is covered in rain. it will get a little colder in crimea, in socha it is still -15. in st. petersburg on saturday -14, without significant temperatures.
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masterpieces of cinema, for the anniversary of masfilm , there will be a festive concert on our tv channel tonight with the participation of cinema stars of different generations, don’t miss it right after the big ones news. well, the news continues to monitor developments. stay with us.


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