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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 19, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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retraction we can be a taster , i always like to eat a lot, or a rescuer, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to see a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, what can you say about the tank, white tiger? this is a white devil, he is the only one of the germans, he has no crew. it
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’s like it’s even like some kind of ghost, all these games are muddy in the swamps, but he’s not, you believe in science, well, here, you think, he’ll appear, appear, he ’s looking for me, a white tiger, a movie like...
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hello, dear friends, comrades, v live broadcast of your favorite program 60 minutes in hot pursuit. we start with breaking news, naturally, from the front. after the liberation of the village of vesyoloye in the dpr, these are northeastern solidar. our forces have already gained a foothold and are developing success throughout the artyomovsky direction, to the south from the city itself there are battles of the uklescheevka, and russian forces are also here.
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you see unique footage of how exactly it is being actively updated at the front, right now the navigator, the operator is aiming at the target, while controlling the flight of the rocket in real mode time, but nato does not believe in reality. chairman of the alliance military committee, admiral baur, said that russia will receive ballistic missiles from tehran. we don't know about this. according to official information, that's all. we produce exclusively ourselves as confirmation of the news that russia destroyed mercenaries, for example, the french near kharkov, with missiles of its own production, iskanders. according to naboron, as a result of that strike , at least 60 mercenaries were killed, of which 22 were french military intelligence officers. room western soldiers used the kindergarten as a headquarters and a hub with...
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the cannon was completely pierced by shrapnel, the rollers were completely destroyed, commander roman and his crew came under fire at the front. much better if we could repair everything here in ukraine, then we could do without all this paperwork at the border, if we had everything here, including spare parts, we could save not only days, but months.
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the damaged tanks are located right here; for the first time in history, journalists were allowed film this transshipment point not far from the front. this is a rare and honest look at the condition of ultra-modern german battle tanks. after several months of fighting. ukraine received more than seventy leopard-2 tanks from the west. how many of them are still in service is a big military secret. in this unit , out of four tanks, only one is operational; the other three, like this one, were either damaged in battle or have technical problems. to keep their leopard-2s in working order, ukrainians are only allowed to carry out routine maintenance, such as replacing filters and checking tracks. at least the instruments came from germany. we adjust the track tension, this requires a lot of experience to feel if it is too tight. but despite the long and downtime in repairs, roman is really delighted with his german tank, it is faster, has an excellent range of destruction, an improved fire control system, but
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the thirty-five-year-old commander still has several proposals for improvement, it is necessary to install a more effective modern armor, we need new protection systems against anti-tank systems and drones, because.
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there is no doubt about it, and the trickle of rather gloomy forecasts associated with his return to the white house chair has turned into some kind of stormy stream. former nato general secretary rasmuson, in an interview with pbs, said that in ukraine nothing good can be expected from trump’s victory, saying that if
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the us congress cannot approve the next package under biden’s democracy, then under trump it will be even more difficult. the theme of europe's loneliness in the case. trump's victory the politics publication continues, writing about the greatest security challenge since the cold war and the frightening prospect of kiev being left without washington’s support. supposedly scholz is increasingly afraid that the country, further direct quote, may be left alone in its arms with a child, as a child, ukraine. in addition, scholz was disappointed in macron, they say, when it comes to providing military assistance to kiev. paris talks beautifully, but practically does nothing. the icing on the cake is us vice president kamela haris, who said she was one hell of a lot. scared, she put it, by the prospect of a trump victory. ordinary ukrainians have
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completely different fears. in this footage , another conflict with the retail center in the odessa minibus , the military commissar shouts at people that he spent a year and a half in the war, they threaten to put him in prison for a year for filming. the passenger responds: she is a witch, and the military commissar will be punished until the eighteenth. we have already shown you the father who sledded his daughter and went to the front.
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from kiev, for what purpose did they come here, to get abroad, so it’s not about what about you were not warned that you would be swimming across the river; it became known when i was already there.
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exceeded it above 60 dollars per barrel, that is, the united states is imposing sanctions against companies in other countries for purchasing russian oil above the price ceiling of 60 dollars, despite the fact that they themselves also buy it above this ceiling. well, the us partners are also, as they say,
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quite good, 20 of the 27 european union countries also continue to buy russian oil, writes the british. the publication clarifies that even those who refused russian oil on paper continue to purchase it, but through india , and at a record pace, of course , at a record price, the hook is big, because of these hypocritical, to put it mildly, swindlers, the whole world is on the verge of another escalation, god forbid, nuclear escalation, they don’t rule out something like armageddon in the white house, it turns out, during biden’s negotiations with senators... us director of national intelligence haines and national security advisor salevan were present as congressmen on ukraine. politicos reports that both described sad things to speaker johnson the consequences that await our entire planet if we refuse to help kiev. johnson was even provided with some secret
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documents, and the whole world is now, of course, wondering what kind of information they contain. nato probably knows something, since they are preparing to conduct the largest exercises since the cold war, with the participation of 90 thousand soldiers, called exercise stalwart defender 2024 , aimed at containing russia in the event of putin’s invasion. they will begin next week, although even this week the world was on the verge of armageddon. iran and nuclear. pakistan exchanged missile air strikes , the yemeni houthis attacked an american ship in the gulf of adon, the united states in response launched another fifth series of strikes, launching 14 tomogaws, another, probably the most terrible blow, was inflicted by the state debt, the houthis will no longer be able to obtain an american visa, but jokes aside,
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the situation is terrible, even the senile biden probably realized that the strikes on e are a senseless and merciless escalation, when he was asked whether us airstrikes were effective, he answered: no, they are ineffective, they don’t work, but they will continue. the american authorities understand that they are literally setting the whole world on fire, while they are not ready to stop, the clock is ticking every day, it is ticking more and more threatening, i’m talking about the so-called doomsday clock, the hands of which are scientists...
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assess the risk of a global catastrophe and set the time on the doomsday clock day. this meeting is held every year to provide a metaphor for how close we are to a nuclear apocalypse, a frightening thought, but scientists hope it will alert the public and put pressure on leaders to do the world is safer. in 2023 , the doomsday clock was set at 90 seconds. midnight, closer than ever, largely due to russia's war in ukraine. in chicago we were given exclusive access to a bulletin of nuclear scientists discussing where to set the clock this year. this is a very dangerous time; we have moved away from the period when it was believed that it was unacceptable to use nuclear weapons. we seem to be entering a period of time where we are already
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in doubt. every major country, including the uk, is investing in its nuclear arsenal. however, nuclear weapons have not been used for 70-80 years, people would say, isn't this fearmongering, there is no way we will do this again. here in scotland, with forces housed in trident ballistic missiles, britain's nuclear deterrent on constant alert, warheads housed inside one of four vengarde submarines, there 's a hell of a lot at stake somewhere out there. yes, the whole point of a nuclear deterrent is that it never actually strikes, people say, oh, you know, this is a weapon system that should never be used, but at the moment it's already...
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nuclear risks continue to play a very important role in determining the timing of doomsday as the effects
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of the climate crisis become increasingly felt - president and ceo of the atomic scientists bulletin rachal bronson said. threats of nuclear escalation in ukraine and nuclear arms races around the world continue to intensify. every year the science and safety advisory board meets together to ask if the person is there.
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well, the head of the country, kuleba, nevertheless called on the west to completely remove the so-called concept of avoiding escalation from the decision-making process, saying that not a single apocalyptic prophecy about russia’s retribution has come true, he says. moscow has not launched a nuclear strike, which means it won’t, and we can continue to provoke. if not a nuclear explosion, then... something like a grandiose political crisis is brewing right now in the united states. the stumbling block, the ukraine project, again ukraine.
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the new york times believes that congressional speaker johnson has not budged from his positions, which are more like, of course, an ultimatum: first money for border protection, the so-called mexican protocol, then again money for construction. 1,500 km of trump’s wall and only then ukraine, preferably after a thorough audit of the billions already sent to zelensky for the meeting with biden, johnson rejected even the compromise agreement that the democrats had so much hoped for. postre journal writes that in exchange for maintaining assistance to kiev biden agreed to tighten border and immigration measures, but the main condition of the republicans is to complete construction. joe couldn't promise trump's wall on the us-mexico border. this is understandable, because he is elected.


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