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tv   Pervie 100 let  RUSSIA1  January 19, 2024 9:30pm-11:41pm MSK

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as soon as he appears, try to treat him with fire and maneuver, i understand, do it, yes, listen, sergeant, you keep the hatches open, don’t close them at all.
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what do you think, we shouldn’t want to, we’re tankers , in fact we don’t drink before a battle, it’s impossible, how many guys got burned out on booze, but berdyev is okay, he can do it, he’s a gunner and a drunkard, right berdyev?
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you think he will appear, he will appear, he is looking for me.
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on sunday, oh my chumpy, turn left, the chick is standing, i hope. andrei malakhov's evening show on sunday on rtr.
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so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday , we haven’t seen each other for a long time, well, you know, for every cool fighter you’re cool, you fell in love with them , but who’s good for you, don’t ask stupid questions now, they’re loved until still , you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, reppin, the whole brigade, just look at the platform, there was no sadness, a woman bought a piglet,
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once you get a pet, life will never be the same again . will set everyone up. it's incredibly charming. the face that forgives everything, they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, at first they shoved a red snake into me, our hearts skipped a beat, you the most understanding program about animals, among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family. on saturday on rtr.
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we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's look, look. in the application or on the website, the woman drives the dol, who is the conjugal snake, police colonel petrov, he loved to outline his mother-in-law with chalk while she was sleeping, he looked so much like his mother, he was like some kind of little child, very picky , he doesn’t eat caviar, he doesn’t eat crabs, the director of the company bought tea for weight loss, he didn’t read the instructions, but in vain , a parade of humor, premieres on saturday on rts. oh, everyone is in one carriage, it’s great , don’t force it, on saturday, since our women are taking us to bed, let’s not waste time, bitches, well , you won’t get bored on vacation with such colleagues,
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polina and i are happy to receive you here, in our home , romantic date, i love you i beg you, don’t move, we’ll fall down. i’ll run back and forth to the embankment , okay, i have a meeting there, but in more detail , what are we going to do, we leave as we leave, take it and carry it, sea, sun, sklifosovsky, on saturday on rtr, lead weeks without the noise of dust, lay out on the shelves, talk about the week with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr.
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smear the hook!
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this thirty-four will destroy our khan, listen to my command, let’s go now, i’ll go to his right and hit him with an armor-piercing weapon under the turret, understand? yes, let's go!
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shoot, hook, shoot, he's gone, he's gone, shoot, i don't see him.
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hook, get out, where, look outside, assess the situation, there is.
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the commander, he’s not there, not at all, he’s gone, no, hook, he’s not gone, he’s behind. how did he miss from such a distance, in
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the back, but he would have turned us into a mess and our helmets would not have been found. okay, go ahead and drag the 27 to 32 with a clamp, wounded. where is he?
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how did he end up behind you, i think i chickened out on you, i don’t think you chickened out, if you had thought, you would have shot him, he just outwitted you, blepov was burned in vain, you reported to me that the germans were a miracle. destroyed our experimental tank, he accurately reported. in this case, why is there still no submission for awarding government awards to its crew? this battle was witnessed by only one person, the deputy chief of army counterintelligence, major fedotov. from the very fact of the destruction of this tiger, he did not see, he saw how our tank hit
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it twice, then it disappeared. what do you mean disappeared? the battle took place on the outskirts of the kornilovsky forest, behind it there was a solid swamp, this tiger apparently drowned in it, apparently, that is, maybe he didn’t drown, after the battle, this tiger never showed up anywhere, here are his tracks, here he is in one move. i left, i'll continue. no, and how to understand this? suppose he did pass through the swamp, it’s not clear how
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, but he did, in that case there would be traces of his caterpillars on the other side, there are none, the sappers searched every centimeter there, but no, alexey , he drowned, history cannot recover him, but he is there. naydenov keeps repeating one thing, he left, naydenov went crazy, listen, alexey, it happens, you know, in this war many people went crazy, many more will go crazy, you know that he he prays to the tank god, to whom god, the tank god, he has his own god, you know, the tank one.
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i wish you good health, what kind of wind is our baggage store, tailwind, how are you? we’re not fighting, where can i be found, and there’s his farm, jean hook,
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hook, if you drag a woman into a special purpose tank again, i’ll personally be there for you, i understand, that’s for sure. stand! what is this, berdyev? foreman, berdyev, i ask, what is in these flasks? this is german snaps, comrade of the guard, captain. yesterday he found two barrels of it in a cellar in a neighboring village. berdyev, and that they didn’t warn that the germans were deliberately leaving poisoned schnapps in order to inflict losses on our personnel. i hear you, hook, where were they found? tanks, which tanks? shot down, not far from here, these are ours, 41. burned.
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naydenov, naydionov, by the way, the senior
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in rank is talking to you, leave him alone, captain. naydenov, white tiger, like white tigor, he did not drown. did he, well, fly through the swamp through the air? wait, sharipov. why do you think he didn’t drown? he's gone and
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getting ready. what, what is he waiting for when we let’s start attacking, the tank god told you this, yes, but this god, he’s somewhere in the sky, on the clouds, he has a throne. he sits on it, there are all the tanks around that died in the battles, and what he looks like, this god, he is in overalls, in a tank helmet, he has a thirty-four, golden, when he sits in it, lightning begins to roar and flashes. you see
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, and he helps you in battle, he helps, i hear the tanks, all the tanks are talking, but no one hears them, but i... they, when shells fly at them, warn me, i get away from the shells, so they they help me, they want me to i lived, they want me to burn this white tiger, to take revenge, i told you that he
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was crazy, i told you, now do you understand? i understand , this crew needs to be disbanded , the one found should be sent to the hospital for treatment, kryuk and berdyev should be transferred to other crews, they have completely disbanded, why are you silent , what do you think, alexey, i don’t think anything, let’s go, what are the next tasks, i’ll tell you that separately, when...
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there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers, from photographs of faded ones, look, this look, like the highest court, for the kids who are now
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growing up and... now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could become a zoologist or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can pull it up as a taster. i like to eat a lot
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always, or a lifesaver. but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them. important, honestly it’s convenient, how to vote if you’re sick, grandma is busy in the morning, she’s looking for something on her phone, here’s the number of the election commission, i’ll vote at home, adult citizens of the country
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are given all the opportunities, even those who are motionless are offered a solution to call the elections home, taking a portable box, he comes to nimsia, carries out the procedure, and registers it in advance with the voting on the road. “that means the elections are equal, citizens of my country, it’s free to choose in the country , it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, there’s no life, we need to go to the capital, it seems to have rushed, like ours, look at the weekend, you’re far away we’ve gathered, and you’re burning bridges behind you.” other people’s houses, someone else’s life, but your own didn’t work out, i so want to look back , i can’t believe my eyes, you brought it back, or something, completely, but i don’t know, you were looking for a new life, some kind of happiness and didn’t find anything, happiness,
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it turns out, is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness on sunday on rtr,
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there is no such tank, and what do you think about it now? what i think cannot be.
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they are moving tightly, you can set fire to one battery, comrade army commander, 10 km ahead that’s all cleared out, not a single fascist remained until the crossing.
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they figured out who the hell is hitting, where from , comrade commander, give the command to retreat, quickly, there is, well,
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not a damn thing in sight, but where the hell are we...
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on monday on rtr, and soon we’ll watch new
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episodes , for me the injury is absent from work for a long time, everything else is nonsense.
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on sunday, oh you are my chubby, my baby, i turned to the left, the lid is standing, i wrote this song in 10 minutes. songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov's evening show on sunday on rtr, look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, want to look. third, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign
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at the same time for 1, 2, three, sign up , look, look, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie.
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hook, do you see the barn on the right? that's right, hit the wall at the tower level with an armor-piercing weapon, yes!
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ready, tramp, this is not ours, this is t4.
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we’ve arrived, yes, berda, now let’s dance.
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the tower is jammed on him, finish him off, hook!
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the cannon was blown apart.
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at home, that’s right, you should come in.
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he disappeared, he fell through the ground, he was burning, he was burning badly, and the germans didn’t have crew sitting in their tanks burning, you know, they had to abandon him. i don't think it has a crew. this is the story, comrade kamandan. this is
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serious? have i poured you too much yet? after the battle , i asked the man i found how he predicted that the tiger was now... shooting and you know, he answered me that his tank warned that tanks anticipate a shot at themselves and warn their own about it mechanics, but they don’t hear them, which means he hears, are you out of your mind, can he hear tanks? how else can one explain his incredible ability to sense the appearance of this tiger? how could he know that he would appear again at the swamp, waiting in ambush for the start
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of our attack? you said naydenov hates this tiger with fierce hatred because it burned his tank, but why then, if he hears the warning of his tank, he didn’t hear it that time. had this ability, it appeared when he burned down, mikhail eferimovich, that is, how he burned down, what do you want to say this, after ninety percent burns people do not survive, and naydenov then burned out, burned out and was born again, a different person, ideally suited for war, he... is its product, just like this tiger, and you, that means, alexey nikolaevich ,
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you believe in mysticism, in what i say, mikhail efremovich, there is no more mysticism than in darwin’s theory of the evolution of living organisms, under the influence of the conditions of their existence. or do you consider darwin’s theory mystical, i don’t know about darwin, but i believe in god and the devil, i believed in the war, although, of course, a communist, like you, remember, major, my army is moving towards berlin at a speed of 50 km a day, and nothing can stop it, as for darwin, i’ll say this, you’re tired. i’m tired, that’s why all sorts of nonsense comes into my head, i ’ll give you 10 days leave, rest, come to your senses, come back, we’ll take berlin.
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your seats are here.
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german commissioners, have they familiarized themselves with the act of complete unconditional surrender? haben sie den text für die unterzeichnung der vollständigen und bedinggungslosen kapitulation zur kenntnis genommen? do representatives of the german high command agree to sign the act of complete.losen kapitulation zu unterschreiben? ja, wir wollen, da.
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german delegation.
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then red, the heat is very good, i wonder where they got all this, i think it was in a restaurant, it looks like it’s from a schlemmer.
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never, come here.
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wissen sie, ich habe zum ersten mal im leben, you know, for the first time in my life i’m eating fresh frozen strawberries with cream. what? what did i say that was funny? sorry, marshal, absolutely nothing.
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that's right,
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i straightened it out, i see you have a complete set, it’s my fault, i didn’t hear them arrive, there was even more traction, i loaded 14 more. light up, german, french, where is the crew, but where do you know where?
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“the end of the war, that’s it, until i burn him, the war won’t end, comrade colonel, he’s gone, he ’s jealous of the fight with you, no, he ’s waiting. he’s waiting, he’ll wait 20 years, 50, maybe 100, he
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’ll crawl out. you know that this needs to be done
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? europe is destroyed.
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well done, somehow caught me in the last round, finally heard me, the series is good. jab's knockout is guaranteed, but he has a cast-iron jaw, there was no knockout, it will be when he it will be, he’s not the youth who are already sniffling in the back of their heads, everyone has their own term, ray mysser is 25, he just
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started training, after 2 years he won the olympics, the olympics are good, you need money immediately, well, today you will get something from victory, it’s a one-time thing payment, you need it on an ongoing basis, so you got angry, the keys are aggression, you have the final ahead and there, you know, the opponent will be stronger than here, yes, of course, you have to, you have to. break it, if you're lucky, you'll leave as a professional, you want the wba train, but who doesn't want it, so, well, cross, table, i ordered, victory, it should be noted, no, no, no, guys, i, i can’t, i promised sveta, if i win, i’ll celebrate with her, so i’m going to change clothes, actually, well, you go, now , excuse me, how proud i am of you, you are the most, the kindest , the strongest, i love you very much, just a second, i’ll quickly change clothes, literally a moment, and we’ll go get the rings, i’m now guys, well, here you are figure out why there are such
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discrepancies, i don’t know, it’s a mistake or some piece of paper was put in the wrong place, come on, in the end after all, it's your job, do it, great. yes, i’m sure everything is fine, we ’ll figure it out, i’ll check it myself, okay, now i’ll go to the office and check everything, wait, which office, today is sunday, you and i are going to madellon. where, sorry, again you don’t remember anything, this is the most fashionable new club, you promised me that you would go there with me today? alya, we
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will definitely go there, but not today i have urgent matters, yes, really urgent ones, i need to go to the office now, wait, i don’t understand anything at all, you are the owner, you have deputies, well, let them work on sunday, but why should you spend your legal day off in the office, are you a boss or not ? boss, ala, yes, you know, bosses sometimes work on weekends too, sorry , hello denievich, it’s good that you called, look, the situation is like this, i’m on my way to the office now , it will be very good if you come there too, i say, drop everything and come to the office, i’m waiting for you there, why on earth should i sit on sunday and listen to your eternal telephone conversations, i’m already silent about the fact that you and i have been dating for a year, but i don’t understand who i am to you, your beloved woman or just? this is my personal life, i started talking, and my personal life, yes, great, great, that is, you can treat me like this, yes, that is
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, you can joke about me like this , i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to offend you, i’m sorry, why are you you allow yourself this, but do i really deserve it? sorry, i blurted out without thinking , i'll be right back, wait, do you like this ring, yes or no, i don't know, but they really are all the same, well, how are they the same, they're all different, that's it... . rings 585 samples, these 750, there are rings made of solid gold, there are blown ones, take a minute, i’m here now, thank you,
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hello, can i tell you something, yes, i need something original so that the fair half is completely satisfied, eldy, this is just crap, i just started talking to him normally, seriously, he just got up and left, well, i, i don’t know, maybe this is how... here we have an exclusive, pay attention to this this ring, the diamonds here are with a very rare blue tint, diamonds five pieces, all like... one crystal clear, fully cut, the most important thing is that we have this ring in a single copy, it’s really very beautiful, but i’ll take this one with white diamonds, okay, cash card, card, excuse me, eh could you help us, yes, yes, just a minute, i'll be there in a minute, please, uh-huh, thank you, i'll write out the check now, i'll be there in a minute, yes, lin. patapov, if you
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are not interested in anything else in life except your fucking work, that’s your problem. hello, i'm not finished yet. i'm a woman and i need please note, i don't want to be just an addition to your suit. i want a family. i want children, you know? and believe me, there will be a man who will really appreciate it and understand it. al, listen, don't interrupt me. so, i'm leaving you. thank you for your purchase, thank you, goodbye , have you chosen anything? yes, that ’s great, we’ll arrange it now, the wedding is coming soon, in
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a week. “here’s the wedding, congratulations , i don’t understand, dim, dim, dim, what are you talking about, well, i, dim, dim, well, i really don’t know who it is, this is the first time i ’ve seen him, well, dimochka, dima, well, you want i'll go him i’ll rent it out, or i’ll throw it away in the end, but don’t.
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it’s so strange that he gave me something at all , it’s so expensive, and show-off is just all, he showed me that he has more money, and i’m a lightning striker, well, never mind, we’ll see , in a couple of years, who will be richer, so what, well, dim, well, it doesn’t matter to me how much money you have, really, you are the most important person in my life, i love you very much, but do you love me? that’s it, tomorrow we’ll go put away your suit, i have it, dim, well, it’s not a sports suit, but who is where, miron, grab your bag, don’t leave, youth, stand, stand, stand, bag here,
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let go, yes! have you healed , what is your life? that's it. what happened here? colt
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, it looks like a corpse, call our people, show us the documents , our fourth, seventh murder, i hit him, we were attacked by two bandits, dima tried to protect us, i didn’t know what to do, i grabbed this turbo and.. .you hit him, i did it, i did it, of course, on my day off did something happen at work? no , nothing special, the courier just called me and asked me to meet him, here’s a package marked urgently, so nothing special, come on, thank you, maybe you need something, no,
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no, you, you go home, rest, go somewhere -something with friends to a club, some kind of model, some fashionable club, come on. where did the bully come from? well, i already told you, he attacked dima from behind and hung on him. uh-huh, and you grabbed the pipe and hit his bully on the head? yes, yes, weren’t you afraid to miss? well, he was hanging on yours the groom. well, i don’t know, it somehow, somehow everything happened very quickly by itself, i don’t remember, really. svetlana borisovna, tell me, did you play sports, maybe you played there, i don’t know, volleyball, handball, or maybe tennis? no, i work
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as a translator in a publishing house. yeah, that is, they didn’t play sports, didn’t play anything, and so they immediately took it and accurately hit the chaotically moving head. yes, there were drives before, no, write, from my words it is written down correctly, number and signature, fiklists, this is grymov, i have a murder suspect, let’s put her in cell five. like the camera, why? girl, did you actually kill a person or did you forget? what do you think, do you want me to give you some tea and let you go home? well, it was
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self-defense, i was just defending myself, great, great, while we find out whether it’s self-defense or not, you’ll sit in a cell, spend a day or two with us, then we’ll send you to a pre-trial detention center, duty officer. wait, well, maybe there’s something else for the pre-trial detention center, there is, put your hands behind your back, yes, yes, of course, but dima, you don’t put him in jail, no, he’s a witness, we’ll ask a couple of questions and he’ll go home, thank you, thank you, goodbye. goodbye, light, dim, where are you taking her? dim, everything will be fine, don’t worry. light, i’ll get you out of here, tomorrow, i’ll hire the best lawyer, just don’t worry. yes, please
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prepare. please, a complete package of documents for the oil refinery , tomorrow i will go there, it was important, well, in general, she grabbed a piece of pipe, hit the bully on the head from behind, he fell, well , of course, died on the spot, you should contact the police they reported, no, they happened by accident, apparently a police patrol was passing by, they already recorded the death. the first testimony was taken , but the picture is clear to me, there is a clear fact of excess of self-defense, i had a similar case, i fiddled around a fair bit, but in the end the client was acquitted, and this is the main thing, that is, you will take it, well, why not, great,
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how much, how much it will cost, first you need to make a deposit of 200,000, this is the standard amount for such an article, 12,000 for registration, around 5,000 is an hourly rate. well, let's look further circumstances. i’ll say right away that to hush up a murder is not even intentional, it’s not a cheap matter, you’ll have to feed many. i understand your situation, what can i do, such prices? well, if i don’t have that kind of money, well , don’t be upset right away, you can come up with something, sell something, a house, a car, take out a loan, or you’ll have to deal with an appointed lawyer, that’s all? i ’ll tell you right away that such a lawyer can be of zero use, yes, yes, yes, so you think, all the best. yeah, yes, tomorrow, well,
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son, did he refuse, well, you said that her and so and so they will justify that this is self-defense, yes, he agreed, only for a deposit for expenses, he said, 3000 is needed, maybe more, these... brake-eating lawyers, they only think about how to make money on someone else’s property , oh, you have to take out a loan, what kind of loan, what kind of an ordinary one, from a bank for a lawyer, my dear, haven’t you forgotten that you have almost a million hanging on you, that’s all for the repairs, you’re thinking about a new loan, but who do you want? will it? mom, well then, take care of yourself,
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maybe sell me the apartment right away, put a knapsack around my neck, go begging through the streets, mom, why are you starting, what are you looking at me for, i won’t take out loans, period , well, the world needs to be pulled out, by the way, she is entitled to a defender by law, you understand that i should be sitting in the cell now, not her , i don’t know what’s there about... coming up to talk, but what about the phone
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, or what? yes , the situation is complicated, over the phone, i need your help, or rather , i need money, i need to give a deposit to the lawyer , he’s accusing my fiancée of murder , oops, that’s pretty cool, it’s the one that’s a devil, we need to get her out, she really killed someone , no, well that is, that is, yes, but this is self-defense, it has nothing to do with it? it's not my fault, you know? listen, dim, maybe you can find a cheaper bride, and a woman shouldn’t cost a man so much. lyokh, what are you talking about, i won’t be in debt, you, will you help or not? uh , listen, excuse me, i have to work now, uh, come on , okay, we’ll be in touch, that’s it, come on, bye, okay, alich, get over there, nastya, oh, good morning, mikhail anatolyevich, what time is it? it's already 1:30,
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so what do i have today? at 12:30 tikhanov from the technical department, at 14 you have a meeting with investors from glavstroy, at 16, your financial director leonid dmitrievich wanted to see you, thank you, good coffee, thank you, young man, i remember you very well. but according to the law , jewelry cannot be returned or exchanged, even if you have a receipt, and you don’t even have a receipt, if there was a manufacturing defect, then you can, again, if you have a receipt, girl , please, well, i don’t know how else to say , i really really need money, contact the pawnshop.
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well, how much will you give? 17. 17? yes. yes, the ring costs 150, but i need at least 100. young man, you are not very aware of the prices of second-hand jewelry. this ring has no antique value, so any. buying, wherever you go, will give you 10-15% of the store price, and then increase its 15-20% in order to at least sell half the price of the initial store price, well , 20, well, the red price, 20, for this ring , this is robbery, well, how can i say it, so will you sell? oh, everyone is in one carriage, great, don’t
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push it, on saturday, since our women are sleeping, let’s not waste time, i’ll drink some juice. with you won’t get bored with such colleagues on vacation, polina and i are happy to host you here in our home, a romantic environment is coming, i beg you, don’t move, we’ll fall, i’m afraid of heights, i’ll run to the embankment, there and back, okay, i have a meeting there, but in more detail, what will we do, we leave as we leave, take it and carry it, sea, sun, sklifosovsky, on saturday. on rtr the floor is trembling, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we
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are making three different ones from this absolutely faceless room functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them in your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, from the first note,
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beauty, repeats, from the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a pen in one place, small swim braid first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, bells, or something, we’ve been together since first grade, we’re also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the team, slow down from cars, running, the whole team. only on the platform watch. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original,
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open, great, so different, but dear to everyone. russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. it's always so soulful here because nuggets. i introduced him, songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov’s evening show on sunday on rtr, good afternoon,
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hello, my name is tumana. larisa viktorovna, i am your lawyer, you are the same, he was the one who agreed with you, no, no one agreed with me, it’s just that your case has been in progress for a long time, but an application for defense was never received, and i, as a colleague of lawyers , was offered to take on this case, so i’m already a lawyer by appointment, that is, how is this by appointment? according to the law of the russian federation, any citizen of our country has the right to defense, if you don’t have a personal lawyer, then one can be assigned to you, it’s clear, but how much it will cost, if you are acquitted, which i’m almost sure of, then you won’t
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have to pay anything, but otherwise the state will charge you for services provided at government rates. it's not that big of a sum, so don't worry. well, do you agree? yes, yes, of course, this is it. great, larisa viktorovna, very nice, svetlana, or just larisa. so first i 'd like to ask a few questions. svetlana, who is dmitry pashkov, with whom you were when you were attacked? “this is my fiancé , where did you meet? six months ago at
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a bus stop, it was a very funny story, he came up to me and said that girl, i really like you, but i didn’t listen to him, i immediately left, and then the next day i go out from work, and he, and he is waiting for me at the same stop already with flowers, somehow, somehow it all turned out like that. it’s beautiful, sorry for the glass, i’ve just been running around like crazy all day, and maybe we’ll switch to you, yes, tell me, tell me, could dmitry push the victim, or maybe he...
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i carefully studied your personal file, and it turns out that you are a master of sports in boxing, is that so? yes, yes, yes, i understand everything, sergei minirovich, i hear you, you know what, get busy.
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i ask again, who hit mironov? and i ’ll answer you again. sveta, tell me, you don’t feel sorry for her at all, now you will leave here, go wherever you want, i don’t know, to a bar, with friends or to the cinema, and she will sit in a cell where... she may already be killed experienced prisoners are pressing, what does it mean to be pressing, who, why are you allowing this, who hit mironov, sveta, okay, write,
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from my words it is written down correctly, the number and signature, and this is your pass, oshkov, you have a good bride, after you , boxer, i really want to ventilate the room, fuck you.
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yours. yes, hello, it’s so good that you answered, this, this is my phone, i lost it, you couldn’t return it to me, of course, for a reward. tell me, can we meet? yes, yes, we can meet. well, why are you shielding him? he’s you, i don’t understand you, women, love, why, why do you take the blame for yourself, for fathers, for sons, for husbands, for lovers, do you think
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that he didn’t imprison you? they'll put you in prison, do you have any idea what a zone is, it's a barracks for 60 people, beds one above the other, gruel and a punishment cell, and you're a beautiful girl, so you'll be there every day, a women's prison, a place much tougher and dirtier than male, they won’t put me in prison, i’m not... guilty of anything, i was just defending myself, yes, but you try, prove it, murder is not robbery of a stall, by the way, this murdered drug addict turned out to be the son of a very famous businessman, and despite the fact that he kicked him out of the house for 2 years already, believe me, he will do everything
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to keep you in jail, just out of principle. well, while there is time to change something, tell me who hit mironov, i am dmitry, you are larisa, yes, you understand, i don’t see her, but... don’t lose any more, thank you very much, oh, how many are not excellent calls, well , i’ll sort this out later, you sit down, no, thank you, i, i need to go, i’m like, i already ordered tea and cakes for us, what? now i have all this myself, well, yes, i won’t leave you in such a difficult situation, but are you
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upset about something? maybe now i can help you, you can, don’t pay attention , i understand, don’t interfere, to be honest, i no longer hoped to get him back, i called, you answered, it’s just some kind of miracle, by the way, where did you find him, near the police on the street, of course. it was there that i spoke on it for the last time, as i didn’t realize right away, but almost forgot, the most important thing is that this is for you, well, that’s why you’re doing this, take it, take it, i just wanted to help, that’s it ok, you are an honest person and worthy of a reward, this money, i searched half the night,
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i didn’t find anything, i need... i don’t have it, show me off, and you , mother, forgive me, i forgot my name, theophany, mother feofania, you’re going to your sister, i’ll stay with my sister , no
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see for a long time, just stay for a while. it won’t be possible to stay, i ’m going to the capital on monastery business, we had a fire, i’ll ask the diocese for money for repairs, and then wisely, i’ll die for christ’s sake, then how much will he give, yes, don’t promise the amount before prison, like you they said the investigator called me and said that... my the niece is sitting in a pre-trial detention center, she was getting ready for the wedding, she sewed a suit, collected money, you see how she turned around. “don’t despair, they’ll figure it out, but she couldn’t kill the little light , she couldn’t, i can feel it in my heart, she’s trusting, like her late mother, i’ll pray for her,
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lord, my poor thing, how is she in prison? let’s go , andrey afanasyev viktorovich, zemtsov , georgy ivanovich, i’m zemtsova, you’re the wife, yes, you ’re always not denied, why, i filed a petition, girl, well, how do i know, write a statement, ask, let’s go, citizen, so, beloved svetlana borisovna, me. and i , you, who, i, aunt, yeah, and you, and i’m the groom , well, we’ve met, so, citizen, you are allowed a date, so sit down
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and wait, your time is 10:25, and you, the groom, are contacting the lawyers, with the investigator , but for now we are leaving, so, isaf evgeniy petrovich, i... wow, good, well, finally, nina, how you took on this monastery on yourself, so you have no time for your sister, how you live, how haggard you are, how you work , so he lives independently, no complaints against me, let's go have breakfast, okay, health, i can’t, well, you understand, there are so many issues that need to be resolved, of course, we’ll discuss all the issues with you, we’ll discuss everything, but first we’ll eat, and then i’ll take you, oh, okay,
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your lipstick, and you, my dear, come in. dmitry, hello, what are you doing here? you don’t want to talk and you don’t need to, you know, i have free time, i can let you down, it’s not worth it, thank you. dmitry, wait, don’t be shy, it’s not difficult for me, i’m not embarrassed, i see that something is very bothering you. "i won't hide it, i like you very much, and i would like you help, maybe coffee, but what kind of coffee, i completely forgot that i called an electrician today,
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all the light bulbs in my house are burned out, and you won’t help me, don’t check his work, i don’t understand anything about this, he pestered me, what you have a socket, what kind of socket you have, you don’t have a socket, the light bulb has a socket, why don’t you have spare light bulbs at home, no, so, help me, okay, let’s go to the hardware store, thank you. “you know, when the investigator called me, i immediately dropped everything and rushed here, by the way, he’s a good person, this is the investigator, that’s how it is with me
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was talking, you, by the way, asked me to reason with you, you don’t know why, why are you silent, tell me what you need?” “ how many times have i told you, don’t be so naive, don’t trust people, it’s him, yes, no, no, dima, a good person, no, it’s not him, it’s not him. all bad
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, until i smell fried, stop talking about him like that, it really hurts my eyes, god, it’s good that your butterfly didn’t live to see this, well, why are you doing this, well, why, my girl, oh, let there be light, well there's no hope for these electricians, i didn’t even call, thank you very much, and i have one more request for you. i'm tired of it, i'm at work all day, i come home only after midnight in the refrigerator in a ball of soot. actually, i love to cook, and i do it quite well, but today i can only offer fruit. thank you. and for all your dreams to
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always come true, fruit, i have such a strange feeling as if i have known you for a very long time. you have a loved one during the season, that’s why you’re so upset, well, you can say so, i can help, really, really, you’re very...
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good, very kind, honest and, excuse me, me. the patriarchate promised to help, and in a few days some money would arrive.
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during this time it was already possible to rebuild a new monastery, how are you working with it, yes , we are working well with it, the aptitude test has been passed, we have serious problems, we need an operating room team, the stress resistance test has been passed, what’s idle, you’re happy, there’s a new test ahead . nothing is visible yet, no one even
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guesses, by touch, yes, wow, this is cool, yes, yes, why in this department does everyone do what they want, sklefosovsky, in monday on rtr, and soon we’ll be watching new episodes, wow, what kind of people, with or without a medical insurance policy, they accept everyone. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is a door scratched by dogs, he could become a zoologist or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 dash 34 years old, we can do pull-ups. a taster, i
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always like to eat a lot, or a rescuer? but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnyakov, every saturday on rtr, no in russia. a family where its hero would not be remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers, from photographs of faded ones, look at this look, like
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the highest court.


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