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tv   Belii tigr  RUSSIA1  January 19, 2024 11:40pm-1:43am MSK

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i like to eat a lot always or as a lifesaver, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to turn to specialists, dr. myasnikov, every saturday. narter. there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered. and the eyes of young soldiers, looking from photographs of faded ones, this look is like the highest court. for the guys
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who are growing up now and the boys cannot, not lie, not deceive, steal the bottom of the road, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovoy, the legendary, favorite film of the officers, on sunday on rtr. there was no sadness a woman bought a piglet, once you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face, with which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all. well, then i clean up
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, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, trynk-trink, the secret of dreams, as you agreed to this, at first they shoved a red snake into my head, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in circle of friends, among friends, program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. not in real life. we need to go to the capital. what is this? looks like a joke rushed. how are we doing? misha is in the slaughter. let's see on the weekend. are you gathered nearby? we're going to moscow. val. and you? you burn bridges behind you. other people's houses, someone else's life. but my own didn’t work out,
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i really want to look back, i can’t believe my eyes, you returned it, or what? at all? yes, i don’t know, i was looking for a new life, some kind of happiness and found nothing, happiness turns out to be waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness on sunday on rtr. i found a lawyer, he said that the chances are very good, he had such a case, he was acquitted man, so we'll get you out, everything will be fine. i’ll find the money and how are you here,
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holding on, good morning, hello, thank you, there’s still glass inside, you’re taking it off, they undressed him, a little.
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you will speak only with my permission, understand? yes, then keep quiet, and even if something seems strange to you, still keep quiet, yes, okay, i’ll do it. everything you say, hello, can i be a witness, expect to call you, okay, thank you, witness poshkov. eh, it's me! come in! so, then, you confirm that the citizen of your loved one is neither without saying a word, she took a piece of pipe and struck citizen mironov right on the head. yes.
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your honor, i have no further questions. citizen pashkov. thank you. well, as i said. everything will be fine, do the defense have any more witnesses? no, the court is retiring for a ruling. maris, everything is fine, don’t worry, i gave the judge a detailed written explanation, laris, what ’s happening, you promised, what 2 years, i
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told you, everything is under control. yes, mom, listen, buy everything yourself, i won’t come today, i ’m waiting for the light, yes, i’m sure she’ll be acquitted, mom, yes, they will acquit, the court decided to recognize the citizen of her beloved svetlana borisovna , born in 1994, guilty under article 108 of the ukrainian criminal code, part.
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we've arrived, let's go out.
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what's deaf? they said to go out, she’s so clean, listen, she opened her mouth, she was walking out of here , they got up, what’s your name? svetlana! answer your loved one in the form, but it’s not just that you have to be here, well, stop living with snot, forward, forward, forward, where did you go,
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as, why are you bothering? she’s still torn, as if there’s no one else to work with, so what should we do with her now? go ahead, calm down mind your own business, i'm feeling better. well, thank god, mother, but it was a sinful thing for me to decide that you were going to die. i won’t die here, i think, in the monastery, so there’s no need to worry.
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dima, dimochka, i need to talk to you , i know you love sveta, but it’s impossible not to love her, she’s good, kind, dima, dear, i understand that it’s too late, that the trial is over, that sveta has been condemned, i you i beg you, confess everything, why is she sitting there, it’s not her fault, but if you were a man, tell me how it all happened? i you i beg you, tell me, listen, i’m sorry that this happened, but it’s not my fault, i’m sorry
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, i have to go, dima, she loves you, what’s this, shine on the lawyer, i understood everything, you’re at the same time with her, you’re the one my beloved, they left the girl behind, good kids, sveta loves you , she’s in prison for you, i forgive you for the first time, but if this happens again, you’re guaranteed schizo, and in general i don’t recommend hysteria, i don’t like nervous people here, take off your clothes, you’re crazy, take off your clothes and fuck off nasa for processing. faster, here's your place, get up and get away from the fight
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at 10, keep personal belongings in the nightstand, if we find something in the wrong place, we’ll punish you, there are questions, where is everyone, somewhere at work, they’ll come in an hour and meet you. give me a printout for last month for the finnish partner, ask stepanov when to send the next tranche and i’m not here for everyone, i’m busy. yes, okay, mikhail anatolyevich. i have. yourself, mikhail anatolyevich is working, now you can’t go to him, i can, mish,
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i, i offended you, excuse me, people tend to make mistakes, but also. and no one asks you whether you smoke or no? i say: give me cigarettes, well, there’s tea,
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chocolate, i don’t want it, have you landed in a zone without cigarettes, you’re normal, and quickly stand up when the elders are talking to you , what did you learn, so that you know your place, huh? and the fall off, creature, do you hear, and don’t click your beak, chop them off right away, otherwise they’ll sit on your neck and smear why they got up? separated, well, alive, who is this? milka, she’s getting a tenner for murdering her husband, she’s already served half of her sentence, but try it, they make the best cheesecake in
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town here. "i'll go there, i'll go to this city, what is it called, where is the prison, i’ll find some work, i don’t know where, where you’ll go, you’re training, you have an important fight ahead, you have to be in shape, this is your life, this is your future, well, i’ll train there, then, dima, don’t forget, when..." sveta is released, it will be a different person, the zone changes people a lot, listen, i did everything i could, i tried to help her, but even my connections didn’t they helped, she was convicted, because she killed a man,
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this is very serious, or am i wrong? i’m pregnant, we’re going to have a child, a child. i've been feeling sick from food lately , i'm dizzy, it's toxicosis, you know, i'm afraid that in this state i shouldn't sit down for the role, yes, yes, of course, of course, i'll take it,
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we'll have a baby. misha, are you working again? you are an extraordinary person, really, very kind, smart, and most importantly, very wise. i'm incredibly lucky to have you. forgive me for my bad character, but i won’t do it again. i just realized that i couldn’t live without you. you’re everything to me, it’s easier for you, i don’t know, it feels like, you know, i’m falling through somewhere, please bring some water, yes,
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of course. here you go, larisa, larisa, damn, how are you, did i pass out? it’s so good that you ’re here, tim, don’t leave me,
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where are you going, i feel bad, are you? nothing to do, maybe you should take another walk, bro, quickly get to your place, you need to at least go to the toilet, okay, come on, go, just quickly. just, well, go, go to the toilet, go, princess , but if i find out that you are grazing, i’ll strangle you,
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why should i look for you, but i ’ve pressed this beloved one, this new girl is muttering something, she seems all like that correct, but out i didn’t have time to show up, i’ve already been hanging around at night, and i don’t like her either, she’s hysterical, okay, let’s figure it out, she brought it, yes... that ’s all, well, yes, well, i sold as much as i could, well, it’s a bad thing to lose with bavl , well, maybe you’re a christian, but no, well, you gave everything, well, that’s it, look, i’ll find out, the schizo will seem like paradise to you.
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theophany to come out. why do i need this? then it was an accident, but what difference does it make, an accident, not an accident, it was my fault for the death of my sister vsevia, what a mother, but you are incriminating yourself, no, crooked electricians i typed in where my eyes were. what could you do? i couldn’t have been attentive
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, i would have saved human life, it’s my fault , i can’t sleep at night, i see my sister before my eyes, her last glance, i’m done with this... svetya must answer for her sin, maybe this is more important to me than to anyone whatever you are. mother, agatha, how are we without you? you can handle it. oh my god, there will be a trial. i will bear the punishment i deserve, forgive me, forgive me, sister
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eusiriya, forgive me, krishna, so where have you been? “by the way, i didn’t sleep all night, i could have at least called, she pregnant, who is pregnant , you don’t know, and why i don’t know her, so what are you going to do, nothing, wait for the light!” when it comes out, i don’t know, i’ll beg you to forgive me, that is, you want to leave the pregnant woman,
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my example is not enough for you, you forgot how we poked around when your father left us, hmm , i forgot how you cried when you found out that he started another family, do you want this? for your child, no, then dimochka, you must , definitely , introduce me to her tomorrow, definitely, give me your phone number, why do you need it, i don’t need it, take off your clothes, it’s time for shame to eat.
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beloved, golikov is calling you, someone has come to see you, you have a date, what’s wrong with you? “it’s okay, you put yourself in order , let’s go, baby girl, you’re mine, you’re my girl, how are you, how are you, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go eat, what’s wrong with you, did they beat you, no, so nothing, she just ran and fell
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, my darling, what i wanted to ask is, do you eat, eat, my darling, eat, how have you lost weight , i talked to the head of the colony, asked him, well, if i can write an appeal, you know, he promised, good, probably a man, okay, that’s for later, i wanted to know how dima is doing, are you eating, eating, chickens, eating, did you see him, yes, did you see him? well, why are you silent then? dima is yours, not yours anymore, he lives with his lawyer, they are having an affair, no, that can’t be, you eat, eat, yes, maybe i saw them together myself, but no, you’re saying all this on purpose so that i’ll forget about him , yes, if only
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, you understand that i... saw it with my own eyes, then i asked the neighbors, and so they told me that they very often see them together, light, give up on him, you rag, he traitor, say this, he loves you, he loves, he loves me, he is a stranger, there is no need to cover for him, no need, i beg you, write a statement, tell me how it all happened, shut up, i beg you, shut up, you i can’t remain silent if you know everything perfectly well, my... niece, the daughter of my late sister, is in prison for no reason, and this murderer is walking free with his dads, what, aunt, am i wrong, god, what? he is such that you suffer so much because of him, he is the last word, i hate, i hate you, me, the world, the light, where, beloved, where, stand
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, beloved, wait, stop, beloved, beloved, wake up, light, you can hear me, well , thank god, i woke up, life goes on, happy birthday, congratulations, it’s already august, not august yet, but i think that you are today i was born for the second time, do you even remember how you stomped down the stairs, no, it doesn’t matter. the main
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thing is that she remained alive, and not just alive , not a single fracture, some kind of miracle, however , no one would believe who to tell, well, a slight dislocation of the arm does not count, so you were born in the shirt of your loved one, well, or someone for you i pray hard, there is no one to pray for me, for every person, there is someone to pray to. how are you feeling, your head hurts, it will go away, after what happened, it’s nothing, the main thing is that you’re alive, okay, you rest now, and in an hour i’ll come and give you an injection, okay, come on, maybe give yourself some water, no, thank you, you ? have a drink,
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darlings, have a drink, like this, like this, have a drink, that’s good, that’s good. thank you, but sister, it’s a miracle that you stayed alive, thank you, god, god, god, god, if anyone else in your place would have fallen like that, they would have broken their neck, why? ran, my fiance, he lives with another woman , my wife came and said, and you look like a nun, i am a nun, i lived in a monastery,
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and how did you end up here, you are also prisoners, yes, i, like everyone else, bear the duty, you rest, rest, honey. hush, hush, hush, hush, that’s it, that’s it, bend your hand, well, your cross wasn’t found, take it. like it fell through the ground, i looked all over the bed, it was nowhere to be found, it must have evaporated, such a thing was gone, it didn’t seem to be gold, but it was more valuable than any jewel, and what
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was missing was my pectoral cross, gray such. openwork, yes, but how do you know? i'm not sure, but, but it seems to me that the nurse has it in her pocket. asya, asya, come on, come here. what did you want? tell me honestly, are you at your mother’s today? i didn’t take it that i didn’t understand you, why are you so nervous? i, i'm not nervous, asya, what's in your pocket? asya, show me what’s in your pocket, asya, show me, or i’ll get it myself now, what did he
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give up to you, and you understand that stealing from the sick is worse than looting. get out of here so that your spirit is not here, understood? well, okay, work for pennies in this baggage store yourself, what have you heard? asya, come on, wait, pillow, mother, what’s happening to me? at first i have a really bad headache, then i have some visions. now, as if in a fog, i saw how your cross was being stolen, and then i saw where it was, what was wrong with me, you were baptized, yes, this is a vision, this is
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a punishment for you for wanting to lay hands on you, and what’s wrong with this do, malisa, and without telling anyone about your vision. and if i tell someone, if you tell me, people might take advantage, and you will find yourself on the side of evil, you will suffer, this is how our sinful world works, the scoundrel has left, well, thank god, but who do i need to take her place now? i can’t do it with katyum, without an assistant, i’m here alone, i can’t cope, you only need a medical education, preferably, of course, but where can i get it, many want
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to work in a prison hospital, but if i had someone so smart, i’d teach her everything myself , but there’s not a lot of work here, bandage it? maybe you can leave svetlana? she's smart and honest. and quickly grabs what she needs, and olga vitalievna, you can try, light, light, tell me, and if you stay here, instead of general work, yes, drive the woman away, the marital serpent, police colonel petrov, loved to circle. eats, the crabber doesn’t eat,
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the director of the company, bought tea for weight loss , didn’t read the instructions, but in vain, parade of humor, premiere on saturday on рrt, and... bela, you have a pregnant wife, what are we with her? shall we do? well, that's it, robin, rest
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assured, i won't just leave this, you both will regret it, and do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail, doctor snail on saturday at rtf, even on weekends we don’t part with our loved ones, your favorite characters from the series are our guests. i wake up like gogol in a coffin, where i suddenly hear a stop, on the beach we were filming when we were broken by a stone, olya, smile, you really like it, hello andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturday on rtr, i didn’t understand how worth talking about. prisoner of the beloved telegram, hold on, come on, in short, if we
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don’t remove the cages today, everyone understands, well, what about the second detachment, everything is as usual, you hold on, we all walk under god, we’re doing our time it looks like it’s working, urge them on, come on, please, let me go for two days, please, where, you already read in the telegram, it’s not my aunt who died, well, just for 2 days, i’ll move out and come back, well, you give it, let me go, who will sit in your place, am i, am i not a spy camp for you, well, i don’t have anyone else left, i’m completely alone, maybe i don’t have anyone either? it’s okay, i live, go, clean up
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the area, let’s go, we’ve finished the work, come out and line up, mama, what happened, what happened, bring some water, quickly. well, well, well, calm down, calm down, my dear, everything will be fine okay, everything will be fine, you're alive , great, everything will work out, god help you, water , well, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, well, well, drink, drink, drink, drink, well, tell me, tell me, what happened, that my aunt died. what an oret, lord, rest the souls
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of your servants, kingdom of heaven, rest your souls, girl, it ’s very painful to lose your loved ones, you pray, you pray, and the merciful lord will grant forgiveness to the soul of your aunt, and it will be easier for you, i have no one, i’m left alone, but what about alone, and your mother is with you? and your aunt is with you, in after all, your life will always live as a part, you just pray and try to live according to the laws. hello, gar, they mixed it up, they threw it in my mailbox, my son, then he got a letter, you’re happy, they write letters to you, but they only pay me
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for advertising, thank you, uh-huh, thank you, go ahead. deliver me from all evil, cleanse me from the knife of my iniquities, grant me correction of my evil, my repentance and my life, and always delight me from the coming cruel falls, but in nothing when your anger angers a person. love, with it cover my weakness from demons, passions, evil a person from the closet, you can, yes, but god, he, he hears everyone, yes, and that
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he hears everything just like that, yes, what are we talking about, what are we thinking about? what are we asking for? can you ask for anything? yes. just don’t forget that everything is his holy will. the main thing is to pray more often. what if i don’t know how to pray? pray as best you can. any word reaches god. the main thing is that it comes from the heart. “dima doesn’t write to me at all, do you think it’s true that he’s with someone else, i don’t know, the main thing is don’t be upset, wait for your true love, then prison won’t
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prison, no matter what, everything will be fine, you will still be happy, thank you, thank you, madushka, what miracles we have, friends, now we will take a photo, god grant them happiness and financial well-being, yes, that’s right, photo , photo, photo, now, just a second, i still don’t believe that...
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for agathia she is getting an amnesty, this is good. you, comrade colonel, in my opinion, are using the wrong methods in our institution. well, with the neighbors, everything is calm, they sit from bell to bell, but here, every day we let them out, there is strange activity, what are you hinting at? and i i'm not hinting. the question arises about your personal interest, what? do you mean that i take money? from whom? with abbess? do you judge by yourself? yes, i’ve destroyed a whole supermarket here, i’ve completely lost my sense of smell, let’s finish this,
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otherwise i’ll quickly fly into your wings, you ’re free! i don’t understand anything, maybe i crossed someone’s path, someone is just digging under me. here’s the thing, well, tell me, remember
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, documents were seized from your safe, well , everything is in order, well, you can’t say that absolutely everything is in accordance with the law, after all they know these workaround loopholes, everyone uses them, some are lucky for the time being. as they say, if there was a person, there would always be an article, what kind of article, i found out through my channels, in these agreements, it seems, there was something about the shore , i don’t have accounts abroad, this is nonsense, nonsense or not nonsense, well, they say yours... it’s worth it, and as i understand it, not today, tomorrow the documents will be handed over to the prosecutor’s office, let them hand them over, i
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’ll tell everything as it is, i don’t think it’s right, they can close it, so, i, i advise you disappear for a while, a month, two, a year. a year, a month, two, but you’ll disappear here for a week, in the company such a mess will begin in the fund, mish, in order to prove your innocence, it takes time, i think it’s better to spend this time in freedom than in a pre-trial detention center, but at least would be for the first time, but only so that no one knows where you are, even those closest to you, i’ll take myself, she still trusts me, i’ll find something to tell her. i’ll go and figure it out myself, what kind of documents are these? and disappear where? and what do you suggest?
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go to jail? so, so good, let’s say i disappear, but how are you? what am i, i'm simple financial director, i have no legal rights, i have nothing to do with it, but i will be your eyes and ears. okay, yes, take a sim card, send me the number, just for me, okay, that's it, that's it, come on, bye, mish, hi, this. misha, where are you going? on
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a business trip? wait, what business trip? why couldn't you call me before? why do i only find out after the fact, everything suddenly piled up and yes, why did i take so many things? yes, is that a lot? listen, i'm already late, bye, where are you going? i’ll come back to st. petersburg and tell you. save, lord, have mercy on your servant mila,
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words of the divine gospel, and may your grace, infusing, cleansing, illuminating the whole person, dwell in her. women, they heard the news, golikov was removed. they put uvarov in his place, for the duration of the investigation, until they figure out who broke his head, uvarov will be the head of the zone, she finally achieved it, but oh, woman, there’s something wrong here , remember, 3 years ago, tsypu was in a fight then they stabbed him with a knife, but golikov was not removed from his post, but there was a murder, but why was he removed now, it’s a nice little thing, nothing like that, huh? do you think uvarova made a fuss here, otherwise, well that's it, women, idiots, now she will
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turn our souls out, she won't. “if you unfasten me, it won’t happen, what, are you going to sort things out now, but it’s a question of price, filipok, filter the market, but i don’t like that, and i don’t care what you don’t like, from today you will. i have to unbuckle, okay? so, listen, you, shmun , what do you think, if you think that you are messing around with uvarova, this doesn’t mean that you will mess with us,
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who started the fight? i’m asking who started the dragon, come on on the fifth day without walks, let
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smells parasha for a week. did you see who hit you? no, i didn’t see it, do you at least remember anything? i remember. ran to you,
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to me? yes, i got the scoop from you, so i ran, you promised to tell me where my husband hid my money, i didn’t write anything, i’m sure i’m going to die, hush, hush, everything is fine, i won’t survive, everything will be fine. “tell me where he hid them, even before his death i know that milon didn’t hide them, he was robbed when he was drunk by some red-haired woman, so it wasn’t him...”
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“it turns out that i wasted his money, but his money, most likely, his sister stole it, the creature, the fish, she and the house i bought it for myself right away , after i was imprisoned, the children wrote about it." "you know, when i hit him the first time, his eyes were so surprised, he looked at me like a child, everything is fine, but when he died he repeated, i'm sorry
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me, dear, forgive me, that's it, calm down, light, light, come here, quickly, the inspector from the prosecutor's office is calling you, go, run, go, go, go, go, dear. how are you feeling? where were you yesterday with 8 to 9 pm. at the hospital, i help there instead of general work. i am aware. and who can confirm that you were there exactly in this time? don't know. i was there alone, the doctor was away. you are serving a sentence under 108. yes, but this does not mean that your loved one has been convicted, let me decide what it means and what it doesn’t mean, who hit morozova?
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i don’t know, you don’t know, so we learned that morozova left her workplace yesterday to meet with you, for some reason it was at that time that she was attacked, and we also know about the note that was written to her by the citizen-boss , i didn’t write any note to meet with morozovo, i didn’t intend to. "this is your notebook, yes, this is it that same note, this is the place where it was torn out, it looks like, but i didn’t write any note, well, if you want, i’ll write to you that you compared the handwriting, well, listen, if you ’re a nerite.” you can compare the handwriting, you can do a graphological examination, then you will immediately take a look at your loved one, maybe it’s enough to tell me what to do, and they are all
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so smart here, i wrote to you, the state of affairs here leaves much to be desired, check her out for a week, let her sit and think , duty officer. face the wall, come in. the situation is quite clear to me, but for final conclusion, i would like to have more information, ask the witnesses again, check the testimony, if something
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new appears, let me know. okay, alexander vladimorovich, we’ll do everything necessary. goodbye, maria denisovna. have a good trip. thank you. first to the hotel, then you will take the prosecutor's comrade to the station. i want you to write a statement saying that it was you who attacked morozov at the direction of golikov. morozova is alive, no injury. let's carry this out inside the zone as petty hooliganism. we'll give you a formal punishment, two or three weeks, but you won’t sit, i promise. if you agree. for this you will receive additional days off, civilian rations and exemption from household work until the end of the term, but if not, you will leave here a ready-made disabled person.
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doctor, call the doctors, i’ll do everything, seleznyova, i’ll call borisov, let him come and grab his belongings, beloved, hey, beloved, hey!
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well, now everything is normal, the crisis has passed, but she needs to lie down, at least until the evening, so that there is no relapse. srezneva. don’t raise the horse until the evening, she needs to lie down, light, light, take the phone, try to talk to uvarov , record all this on a voice recorder, i understand, hide it, damn it.
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golikov is at the phone, and olga vitalievna, good evening, are you out of your mind, and if uvarova finds your phone number on her, if she realizes that she recorded it, i should call you back on this phone number. so, i’m not doing anything, i’ll be there soon, i’ll come, i’ll call , damn, only women can come up with something like that, asan vladimirovich, this is golikov, i have very important information for you, you haven’t left yet, i’ll be there now.
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here we go? wait for me, engineer, alexey nikitivich, are you really, i’m actually calling, i’m calling. i understand everything, forgive me, but give me 5 minutes, i have very important information, i ask you, just 5 minutes. you have exactly one minute, the life of the convicted loved one is in danger, our paramedic, olga vitalna, just called me , sit down already, well, you’ve decided, i’ll do whatever you say, that’s right. i just don’t
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know what to write, i wasn’t there, shut your mouth, write to the head of the prosecutor’s office of the city of svetlozersk, senior adviser to justice, a.v. timokhin. i, beloved svetlana borisovna, born in 1994. under article 108 of the ukrf, i bring to your attention that, on the instructions of colonel golikov, the aan attacked the convicted morozova, the ls inflicted bodily injury on her. date: signature. i won’t write this, i wasn’t there. what? hurry up, come on. you.
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“you have no right to be on the territory of the zone at all, you have, you have been given to leave , i said to leave, on the way out, are you okay, captain, hand over your weapons, you are under arrest , that’s it
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, you go, i ’ll join you in about an hour , we need to sit with the papers, grigoriev asked me to send the list of participants, well, as usual, i’m careful. what a rush, today is a day off, lar, well, we’ll be late with the lists, we’ll fly with discounted tickets, you understand, okay, bye, let’s be careful. guys, there he is, poshkov! dmitry, hello, please show him the left hook you used at the championship, this
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will give you points, i prove to him that this is a blow towards him, and he defends me, and so and so, that’s right, come on, stand up , if the opponent is healthy, take a lower stance. yes, crouch sits down, checks with a jab, if you see a hole in the defense, the body has been taken away, from the approach to him, but behind hand, dunch, accented , come on, oh, excuse me, but don’t take a picture of us, oh , come on, guys, thank you very much, that’s it, guys,
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that i’m not angry with you and forgive everything, you look 100 to one, y what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the swelling, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how many? who talks a lot and loudly at work , if you answer, then with humor, i would think to chop, not to pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics,
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chemistry is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one. every saturday and sunday on rtr. look, love is when you look in one direction. look, look, look, you want to look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, we sign. let's look, look, maybe we can go to my place and just watch a movie.
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where are we going, handsome man, let me go, maybe i can give you a lift? no, no need, i'm close monastery, monastery, why do you need this holy life, come with us, hang
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out properly, let’s have fun, and guys, i told you, i don’t need it, i’m going to the monastery, monastery, monastery, i got along like a parrot, you’re the bravest thing is it? you have 108, part one, you know what it is, i’ve lost my fear, i see that you don’t know, listen, 108 is not a premeditated murder in excess of self-defense, sorry, little sister, i don’t understand, it’s better, stop it, sit down, get along with these it’s more expensive for prisoners to get involved, good afternoon, hello, where can i find the abbot? lord, mother agafi went to peace a little over a month ago, how? yes. when they leave, i’ll give you a job, we
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call it obedience, you’ll be the boss there, yeah, you have a long skirt, no, that’s okay, we’ll find it.
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well, that's enough, that's it, finish, it's time for lunch, everyone go to the refectory, why don't you go, i don't want to, i'll go for a walk, well, as you know, the mullet can be understood, of course, that the mullet is coming as soon as it manages to hook
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the main thing, convenient, compact, thank you all the best to you. misha, what happened? i received an sms from
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the ceo says that the offshore documents are fake. what does it mean? this means that someone planted them in my personal safe. all that remains is to find out who? how are you going to do this? don't know. don't know. we have to wait another week. and if he says we have to wait, then we have to wait. baby , well, i’m not a kid, i understand, the longer i’m absent, the more chances there are to set me up, don’t panic, on the contrary , concentrate and properly, analyze everything again, if you’re not to blame, there must be a way out, there must- i should, but i need it to be there, and i’ve become a caretaker here, so you can wait until the federal wanted list , no, well, no one will find you here, but they will want to find you, you ate today,
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don’t get started, velino wait until the end of the week, wait, then we’ll get together and think about it , what to do?
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good evening, is there anything you would like? yes, hello, i... and you probably don’t remember me, my name is sveta, i’m sorry , we met a long time ago, you gave me this ring, maybe you remember, wait, yes, yes, indeed, i gave
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you get a ring in a jewelry store as a wedding gift, yes, yes, exactly, yes. “yes, i remember, i noticed you then, you are beautiful , how are you, everything is fine, i just live here not far from the monastery, i saw you, yes, i decided to give this ring to you, it’s yours, take it, well i definitely don’t need it, and those given as gifts don’t give back.” and what are you doing in the monastery ? everything in my life
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changed, i understood a lot. lord , come in, maybe some tea, no, no, what are you, what are you, excuse me for disturbing you , yes, it’s okay, sorry, sorry, goodbye, goodbye.
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where is your husband? i mean that guy i saw you with in the jewelry store, you seemed to be getting married, you know, i don’t really want to talk about it. do you know why dolphins open their eyes when they get nervous? no, i don’t know why, the thing is
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that they... like to be photographed, like that, and what do you do, i’m a translator, english german. in german it’s slick, and in russian it’s a sandwich, all i remember from school in german, well, that’s a lot, then i learned english, now i can’t live without it, here ’s the thing, but i’m thinking about all sorts of nonsense, let’s do better we'll take a photo of you.
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i was interested in photography, he taught me to, we went to a photo club with friends , with my best friend sasha zenin we took such photographs, seagulls, dolphins, we even sent our photos to a competition, great, okay, i have to go, thank you for taking us, of course, thank you , goodbye.
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hello, sorry, i scared you.
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holmes, no, well, after all, it’s nonsense, temporary difficulties, they’re resting in shumograd.
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they gave you all a folder , how do you know, you see, i don’t know how to explain all this, but the fact is that sometimes i see different events that happened to people, like this, i don’t know how, i just see all. “this happened after i fell, fell, no matter where, it doesn’t matter, you have problems
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with the law, well, i’m actually suspected of illegally transferring large sums abroad, but i’m not involved in this, never didn’t hide anything, here, well..." as they say, you became a bargaining chip in someone’s dirty game, well, i understand that every criminal considers you innocent, i know. do you see all this too? i made a cast of the key woman, she's blonde , medium-length straight hair, then she gave this cast to the man and he already put the folder in the safe, yes, he has a tattoo on his
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hand, on his hand? yes, in the form of an anchor, damn it, it can't be, you're sure , yes, i'm sure, very well. misha, i know that you are not guilty, okay, i'll go, yes, please, thank you.
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yes, the email is hanging, my phone is going to go off. yes, listen, you caught me almost at the door. in short, the cruise will last 2 weeks. yes, i envy myself. l, liner, bomb, luxury cabin. no, look, this is our way. first we're going to capra, then
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... we have the cote d'azur, and then spain, he has a house there, of course, i bought a beautiful swimsuit, hello, let me eat, she'll call you back, we'll just discuss spain or the whole cruise,
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hello , leoned mich. misha, what are you doing here? are you in your wow? you can't be here appear? it's okay, i have proof that i'm not guilty. great , and here i am, i’m in a hurry, i’m flying to spain, there’s a legal forum, yes, everyone is flying to spain this winter, by the way, i know who planted fake documents in my safe, who, you, leonit dmich, you, me , never loved,
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you didn’t need me, you were just from... alyonya used me, he, well, in the sense of leonid dmitrievich, he offered me this and paid me well, i, i just came back to you, you believed, and then she blindly made a key from tiif and handed it over leonid dmitrievich, you also forged the signature and transferred the money to your offshore account, and you didn’t even intend to return from the cruise, well, what could be better, a house in spain, see what? everything is fine, everything is very good, now we’ll go to the pre-trial detention center, but already. but there, there is no one there, maybe, maybe tomorrow, although really, come on tomorrow, come on, well, of course, tomorrow.
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mother, hello, hello, mother, i wanted to thank you for everything, it’s like you ’re saying goodbye, yes, it would be better for me to leave, where you’re sure i’m pregnant. who is the child's father? it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that i sinned, i can’t stay here anymore, it would be wrong, you have to
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give birth. and raise a worthy person, there will be atonement for all your sins, don’t cry, everything will be fine, god will help you, let’s go, i ’ll pack you something for the road.
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listen, you were freed a long time ago, come only today, where have you been all this time, i lived in a monastery? holy exaltation monastery in the krasnodar region, but if you don’t believe me, you can check it yourself, this is not our diocese, monasteries to inspect, do you even understand what this threatens you with, well, listen, i tried to register, well, there’s simply nowhere there,
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of course, what were you even doing there, atoning for sins or something, you were imprisoned under article 108, you still had to stay, okay , i’ll forgive you for the first time, fill out the form in the corridor, get your passport, remember, you’ll be late again, you won’t come, i won’t forgive you, thank you, go, it’s a long wait for the passport, if everything is in order with the documents, within a month you will receive a passport, while you have to run around with a certificate, that’s all, i have a lot of work, yes, thank you, goodbye, all the best, honey. sveta, hello, nastya, take arthur, run, svetochka , hello, hello, my dear , she’s back, finally free, and i see
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you’re not you, here i am, how’s the apartment, everything’s fine, you’re already me, svetochka , sorry for my arbitrariness, but i couldn’t help her. here ’s the story, a family with small children, after a fire i was left on the street, but anyway, the apartment is empty and there’s no news from you, i gave them the key, they have at least some there will be housing above your head, don’t think about it, people are good, well, okay, i’ll go and get acquainted, well, yes, of course, of course, yes, my dear. sveta, if you need anything, come see me, okay, thank you.
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please, svetlana borisovna. in general, when our house burned down, we essentially stayed on the street and lived wherever we had to, it’s good if at the station, that’s where we met elena nikolaevna, or rather , she came up to us and offered to live here with you, that’s of course for us it was a great miracle, but what about the relatives. why did they refuse to help you? we we met yegor at the orphanage; we have no relatives. slan borisovna, don’t worry, we’ll move out of the apartment and there won’t be any problems with us. we are very grateful to you, and the only thing is, if you have at least some opportunity, just give us a little time, and we gore, well, where will you find normal housing now? i work at a factory as a foreman, i submitted an application for a dormitory, they must approve it, and we will immediately, as soon as it is approved, we. here, well, until you find
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something suitable for yourself, a month is enough for you, of course, it’s enough, thank you very much, you you are incredibly helpful , thank you very much, what about you, where are you going, this is my hometown , i have a lot of friends here, so i’ll find a place to stay, thank you very much , you are simply saving us, thank you very much, thank you, light, light , hello, hello, i'm rita sokolova, remember me, your neighbor , we lived above you, i moved, how... i went to college, rita, right, oh, how are
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you doing, yes, how- then, little by little, are you visiting or not at all, but i don’t know yet, you’re just like yourself, you look gorgeous, thank you, you married, not married yet, but getting ready, running my own business, i have an art salon, wow, great, what are you doing? well, actually, nothing yet, i just arrived, and you live there on gagarin? no, me, where? are you okay? yes , yes, of course, reed, exactly, exactly, exactly, everything is fine, yes, yes, i had a meeting, but that’s it, my car is there, let’s go now, you ’ll tell me everything on the way. okay, come on, there’s no conversation here anyway.
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svetka, i'm so glad to see you. i'm glad. do you remember how you and i were wearing an elastic band? cut yourself? you always beat me. oh, sveta. salut frère, salut mon gars, comment tu vas? non, je vais très bien et toi , tranquille, je suis là, je suis me balade, là là aussi on se balade avec les amis, mais on ne sait vraiment pas avec cette carte où se trouve le musée, tu peux pas nous aider s'il te plaît, this is my art salon, here you can live until you find yourself.
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here you will sleep, here there are dishes,
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and a kettle, and a microwave, and a refrigerator, there... darling, everything you need, i’m from home i’ll bring it, thank you, make yourself comfortable, oh, what a beautiful bracelet, yes, i really like it too, this is my talisman, i can’t go anywhere without it, dear, hello, i got permission to rent, we can open a new salon, well, actually not yet time to open a new salon, why, business is going well, we are quite...
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good advertising, this is worth spending money on, i think that you should listen to my opinion, as your partner, okay, i agree, oh , let's go, i 'll introduce you, this is my very good friend, sveta, neighbor in the old house, yes, she. he will help us with everything here, and at night he will look after the store, this is my business partner, a close friend, konstantin karmanov, that’s it, i’ll go and show everything, look, yeah, every day we need wet cleaning, yeah,
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and you wipe the entire entrance area, the doors , windows, dust from paintings, from exhibits, yeah. it’s very important to wipe down display windows, there are greasy stains left on them from your hands, but that’s all, it’s clear, yes, uh-huh, come on, go, get comfortable, uh-huh, come on, happily, dear, i went for a manicure, i’ll be there in 2 hours, right? fine, come tomorrow at 11, it’s gilded, i don’t know what age, where i got it, it’s an old lady,
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it was a gift, but don’t copy it, kostyan, everything’s fine, no one. it ’s going to go crazy, it’s purely done, but this little thing needs to be thrown off as soon as possible, i have one lover, he’ll tear it off with his hands , so maybe you’ll pay off the money right away, and kostyan, kosya, well, let’s throw off 30%, and maybe you’ll pay me? that how long should we wait or maybe i ’ll take this little thing from your debt, there’s no need for a long time, well, let ’s do it 50/50, and i helped you with the ark when you needed it he helped and paid the cops money , mind you, it’s not that you owe me money now , you owe me money for the rest of your life, he wanted it as a person
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, okay, listen, now rita will come, don’t hang out here, in half an hour we’ll meet in your office, excuse me , so what are you doing here? well, get out of here, hurry up, i’ll see you here again, i’ll call you where you need to, do you understand me? come on, come on, come on, come on, last time i warn you, who was it? yeah, one bastard. "never mind, listen, i forgot to buy printer paper, you go, well of course, yes, i’ll just drop off the groceries and go straight away, and how much is needed, a couple of packs , not hard, no, just don’t forget the receipts, did
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she really leave any address, no, well, at least where she’s from, you can tell when i signed her up book of pilgrims, she provided a certificate of release, last name is beloved, name is svetlana. i didn’t pay attention to the rest, i said that i studied and worked in moscow, my auntie’s mother is buried somewhere in the provinces, auntie i’ll confess, misha, i’m sorry, i just really want to find her, where were you before, there was an investigation going on, i didn’t could leave moscow.
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“i’ll go if something becomes known, you, well, mish, god bless you, she told me that she met her mother in the colony. i have the address of the colony, i need to ask,
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let’s go, you’re there. oh, bad , help, thank you, everything is fine, fine, thank you, thank you, come on, hold the package, no need, i
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’ll do it myself. how long has your baby been? 4 months, but he’s going to kill himself, maybe help, call a car, maybe it’s necessary , no, everything is fine, be healthy, i’m off, great, we agreed, let’s start with 250, that’s it, all the best. rita, hi, hi, kostya, yes, come here. what's this? this was brought in for evaluation. why
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don't i know anything about this? why didn't you register? yes, i haven't had time yet. okay, wait. how come you didn't have time? what if there’s a check now, and we have an unaccounted for, gilded salary. do you want to go to magadan? rita, don’t exaggerate, they brought it last night, i haven’t had time to process it yet. i’ll... do everything now, don’t worry, it’s normal, you understand what this threatens us with, so why don’t you believe me? no, if you go back to your old ways, you 'll be out of business with me, i won't look at our relationship, rit, well, i promised you, well, i keep my promises, what are you talking about, you’re on fire with me. okay, look, it’s the 19th century, oops,
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they brought it to the auction, class, class, register this too, right this minute, without fail , that’s it, i won’t go back to the accountant today, but you go to work? i'll come and check, work, work. semyon olegovich, hello, hello, semyon olegovich, yes, something with the connection, this is karmanov, yes, yes, i have an interesting copy for you, we can meet today, okay, then tomorrow, i just have one request, please, maybe rita doesn't know about this, oh our meeting, well, yes, that’s my business, simple.
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okay, thank you, that’s it, then see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, yeah, what are you doing here, i’m working, you’ve been here for a long time, but no, i just came, you have to knock, it’s not a public entrance. hello, hello, how are you settled in? are you comfortable? everything seems fine, listen, maybe?
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let's go somewhere, let's have lunch, thank you, i'm not hungry, well, let's sit, talk , it's easier to discuss the terms of cooperation when we stop by, come on, you seem to have already discussed everything, you 've finished the book, but i could offer you something more promising, monetary, thank you, i'm happy with everything. well, as you know, the honor would be offered, but if you decide to, contact me, i’m always happy to help,
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dear, hello, what’s the news, hello, trofimov called. yeah, he said that the necklace is ready, but there’s something with the lock, what’s wrong with it? yes, in my opinion, it needs to be changed, yes, ah, how much does he want for it? uh, 15. okay, let's change it, it's just necessary, so, by the way, i found us a buyer for the garnet bracelet, do you think it's worth keeping it until the auction? not worth it, sell it, yeah. and where he? yes, i don’t even know, since i designed it, i’ve noticed i didn’t see it, in the top drawer of the table, no, where could it have gone? why are you looking at me like that? who should i look at? i have no idea. yesterday there were two visitors, one took a warm evening, in a gray baguette, the second on a bedside table. i
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can't even imagine who could have taken it. everyone is here. you say yours, where is sveta? i haven't seen her since this morning; she hasn't cleaned up. come with me and close the door to the store. good morning, sveta. good morning. do you happen to know where the 19th century garnet bracelet is? no, i don’t know, i didn’t see him, so what? and you don't could you show me your things? why should i show things? something happened? yes, it happened , a garnet bracelet was missing in the salon, i would like to make sure that you don’t have it, do you think i took it, anything is possible, well, well , well, the bag is in front of you, if you want, look, maybe you yourself show
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me your things. not interesting, right? reid, well, i don’t know where it came from, but i didn’t take it, really , i probably planted it with someone, did i plant it? who? what happened to you?
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did he plant this? he? or maybe it's me? wow, where did this come from, it doesn’t cost 3 kopecks,
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this is a gift, a gift, you are trash and a thief, pack up your junk and leave here so that your spirit is not here. that's not mine.
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everything from the very early morning until 16:10, nothing interesting, at that time he parked not far from the service center, and this man of about five got into his car. he talked with zototov for 33 minutes, then returned to work and went, i don’t know if i should say where he doesn’t belong, of course,
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he spent the evening in the company of this girl, what a bastard, i’ll kill him, he’s at home now, at home.


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