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tv   Sto k odnomu  RUSSIA1  January 20, 2024 10:10am-11:00am MSK

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at the same time, you have to walk slowly on slippery ice, i say again, it feels like you have a lot in your pants, and you are walking slowly, your center of gravity is not here, not here, and not here, on this line your center of gravity is, here here, bending over like this , you walk carefully, placing your foot from the heel to the full foot, and keep the center of gravity here, one stick is not... when two sticks are good, the same thing from year to year, the injury does not get smaller, doctors have washed, casts, x-rays, pain relief, operations, so protect yourself, well, at least somehow from this, and we’re going next, it's time to answer your questions, what you sent me this week, what my dear editors selected for me, hello!
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notice that when sleeping on the left side at night , the attacks of arrhythmia return, please tell me, doctor, this pattern can help identify the causes of arrhythmia, thank you, no, it can’t, the left side, it begins to feel this coincidence, it does not provoke attacks in any way , 60 years old , attacks of ventricular arrhythmia, medications, come on... i’ll dial now, there can’t be a call
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installed, please, it’s clear, subscriber, not subscriber, okay, but what i actually wanted to ask is a young guy or girl, this is one situation, 60 years old, there are probably a lot of risk factors, probably this is an arrhythmia manifestation of an existing atherosclerosis, i need know what his weight is, what his sugar is, what his cholesterol is, whether he smokes or not, his risk factors, it is unlikely that this person is isolated. phenomenon, but this, by the way, atrial fibrillation is also a supraventricular arrhythmia, but if there was atrial fibrillation, you would they said that there is chaotic movement of the heart, i just mean that in addition to the drugs for arrhythmia, which he does not need, i ’m not sure, by the way, there are different, so to speak, approaches and these things, well, if it’s attacks, then yes, but it is possible that he needs to take a lot of other medications to prevent atherosclerosis, or to treat its manifestations, if... it already exists, and the chances
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are great, so do not attribute everything to artrhythmia, consider it as a manifestation of vascular atherosclerosis, and this is already completely different scenarios, so here it is, he needs try with physical activity, he needs daily monitoring, what’s wrong with his blood pressure, and so on, let’s move on, hello, my name is elena, i’m 56 years old, i live in the city of volgograd, from some. at night while i sleep , my hands began to go numb, but not only do they go numb, they burn very much, from this discomfort, i wake up, i need to make some movements to make this all go away, what should i do, which doctor should i contact , thank you very much, goodbye, your diagnosis is carpal tunnel syndrome, when in the narrow space between the bones that form this tunnel with a dense ligament, swelling occurs and it becomes compressed. two nerves
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that further irritate, you can have the whole hand, you can have two fingers and a half, you can have these two fingers, and it can hurt, burn, right, as you say, why does this happen, well... in different ways, firstly, you need to check the thyroid gland, more and more often today we encounter insufficient function of the thyroid gland, and this generally leads to fluid retention, and here in this moscow place it starts to become numb, second, some medications, especially those used... for breast cancer, then for many years, for 5 years you have to take anti-estrogen drugs, also in 15% leads to this phenomenon, but we call the most common this is computer mouse syndrome, this is in knitters, this is in people who sit behind the wheel for a long time, this is in those who work with their hands, like with computers, this is tension, this happens, almost 99.9% of carpal tunnel syndrome treatment, well, this is - or... taking non-steroidal
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anti-inflammatory drugs at night, a very effective splint, that’s how many people laugh that it hurts so much, and you a splint, you buy a splint at the pharmacy for your hand in your own size. they are different and you sleep in a splint at night. 80% of people experience relief, then it goes away, just without medications, but if not, then, so to speak, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and sometimes it hurts so bad that you have to give hormones, already hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, but not for long, and almost once, but you have to, and sometimes even have to go for surgery, when it becomes painfully long, this ligament is cut, but this is already... rare, so go and treat your carpal tunnel syndrome. good afternoon, dear doctor myasnikov, my name is polina pere, i am from the city of konnopaga, the republic of karelia. as you know, in summer we have white nights, and winters are long and dark. my mother and many of my
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friends have difficulties in the winter. it's hard to fall asleep in the evening and almost impossible to get up in the morning. i would like to understand. falling asleep and how to help my mom. i will be glad to receive your advice. well, first of all , advice number one. with age, it becomes more difficult for mothers and older people in general to produce vitamin d in the conditions of the polar night, especially in winter, she should take vitamin d in a dose of 1. international units per day, every single day. this time. as for falling asleep, well , live like on a submarine on an artificial schedule. you understand? go to bed at the same time, if it’s always night for you, that means you go to bed at the time you chose for yourself, let’s say at 10:00 in the evening, get up at 6 am, and so on every single day , well, so to speak, if you have electric lighting in the room, at night you turn it off, during the day
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you turn it on, well, something like this, so let’s move on, good afternoon, my name is evgeniy martyanov , i am 40 years old, i am from the city of lobnya. i have been worried about problems with my stomach or esophagus for almost 2 years now. the main discomfort is somewhere in the solar plexus area. i take medications for heartburn, i did a lot of fgds procedures, several times, this gut swallowing, but the doctors didn’t do anything they say, that is, they can’t even find the source of the problem, they just say: take pills for heartburn, that’s all. the main problem is that when, well... you have to push the food back out, i do n’t understand what the problem is, the feeling of heaviness, it even
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becomes difficult to breathe, if i don’t take heartburn medications for a day or two, the heartburn returns, thank you, yes, well, look, let’s not constantly have this discomfort, sometimes even now we’ll look for pain in the same place in a forty-year-old healthy man, although anything can happen, but you have a painfully clear connection with food intake, you take drugs like meprazole, as i understand, heartburn makes you feel better, but this chronic heartburn could, of course, cause some complications in the esophagus, but on the other hand, gastroscopy should have revealed this, now we we'll ask you when was the last time you did this. good morning. yes, good morning, doctor myasnyakov. i'm considering your question now. yes, yes, good. my question is the following. when was the last time you had a gastroscopy? eh, about six months ago i was in moniki. yeah, she was different somehow
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from the previous ones? you know, they found nothing in dolgoprudny and moniki, but in moniki they found mild erosion of the esophagus. only they prescribed no , of course, they prescribed types of prozole, yes, or there are some prozoles, look, as i see the problem, you have severe rosive gastritis, yes, you treat it with drugs to reduce heartburn, but they do not work enough, you undoubtedly have that you are walking away, this is already a change in the esophagus, so you confirm this by the fact that you have erosion there, by the way, which maybe you'll heal...
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it's probably heleobacter pylori, did they treat you with antibiotics? no, what do you mean no? they didn’t do a test on them, well, it’s strange for me to hear, because this is the first thing you should do, i agree, well... conversations, they are meaningless, until you go and treat heleobacter pylori, if they even do a test, they us negative, which means what else could happen, during gastroscopy, sometimes it lives in colonies, they may not get in, because such pronounced erosive gastritis is as pronounced symptoms of erosion on...
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ru, look at life more cheerfully, move, winter, a triumphant peasant climbs onto a branch, pulls himself up, further, why eating lard is especially useful in winter, and which lard is better to choose, air fresheners, in whom they can cause asthma , why sometimes asthma medications don’t help and how to live well with asthma? life and we will talk about the benefits of small doses of lard, for whom small
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doses of lard are especially recommended, lard is an absolutely irreplaceable product, why in winter there is a strong craving for lard, smoked lard is also useful, lard can fry, today we will talk about such a common thing as bronchial asthma, the tubes through which we breathe begin to spasm, a seriously complicating factor that increases mortality and provokes attacks, often they cannot exhale like that, very important. yes, it’s not visible, nothing yet, no one even guesses, by touch, yes, wow, this is
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cool, yes, yes, why does everyone in this department do what they want? sklefosovsky, on monday on rtr, and soon we’ll watch new episodes, paul, don’t start with the war, i beg you, i just returned, such changes are coming in my life. you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underside, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much will it be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who? he talks a lot and loudly at work , if you answer, then with humor, i chop oak, don’t
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pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, not god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100k alone. tomorrow at rtr, that’s it, come on, come on, save your strength, everything will be fine, this is our new obstetrician-gynecologist, kira vladimirovna ulitina. tell me, is this cool guy of yours, what is he anyway? what is he like, and sergei nikolaevich, oh , he’s a star, i feel so bad without you, and
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we’ll get married, and damn, i forgot, you have a pregnant wife with her, what are we going to do, what are you, that’s it, robin hood, rest assured, i won’t just leave this, you’ll both regret it, and do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail, doctor snail, today on rtf. everything about the elections in russia. we will tell you in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, how to vote on a trip, 1 2 3 4 5 we are going to the village to relax, but our grandfather thinks that vacation can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but his mother told him, vote directly in the village, be a mobile
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voter, dad and mom supported it, by the way, i already wrote a statement to everyone about this. we are going to the village with our family, animals, adults and children, relax in nature and choose mobile, choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient, thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia-1, we have a column with you, we have time, and we will talk about the benefits of small doses of lard, to paraphrase: the phrase of a famous comedian: small doses of lard are harmless in any quantities. lard, it would seem, is a frankly harmful product, well, it ’s just a lot of cholesterol and a wild amount
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of calories, come on, my little bird, come on, come on, come on, i understand that you have here... of course , the situation is not the time for food, but there’s always lard to eat you can, okay, we ’ll leave it to you like this, maybe you’ll get to that point, now we’ll make a small sandwich, then we’ll talk about who is especially recommended for small doses of lard, i’m removing all religious motives now, yes, because we know that a number of population groups, so to speak, do not eat lard for various reasons. so, it would seem, at first glance , a frankly harmful product, over the course of many years, betrayed by anafya’s doctors, i grew up that lard was harmful, that lard was fatty, and my smart mother, then a senior researcher at
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the institute of nutrition, said, they’re all lying, lard healthy, lard contains essential fatty acids acids, orchidonic acids, which have a beneficial effect on cholesterol metabolism , which can strengthen the blood vessels of the heart, and so on and so forth, seemed strange to me, because i only heard this from my mother, having already entered college, i also once talked about the benefits of lard, small i heard little before, but even then i started going on hikes. and i began to understand that this turns out to be a very convenient thing, especially in winter, especially when there is a lot of strength, especially when you need a lot of energy to generate heat, lard is an absolutely irreplaceable product, any traveler, any climber will tell you that lard is an irreplaceable thing, so that in this
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volume there is so much energy, so much satiety , and so on, nothing can replace it. you are going up the mountain, you have nuts with you, you have raisins with you and you have lard with you, there are no other options, you will already live on this, just remember that there are healthy fatty acids, biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect both on cholesterol metabolism and on the condition of the vascular wall, and therefore the heart and blood vessels, again in small doses, medicine and poison differ only in dose.
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properties than usual, because any smoked product, giving a certain taste, is also a carcinogen, and so on and so forth, there is no benefit in smoked products, well, apart from the taste, it is better to have pure lard or with or with streaks of meat, i eat meat with streaks , because it tastes better, but we are talking about the benefits of lard, we are talking about pure lard, meat is already meat, it does not contain all these linolinic, orchidonic acids and so on, it’s just the taste of meat. this is meat, lard - this is lard, and moreover, if there are never parasites in pure lard, but they do not live there, then they can be in meat. if there is a problem with the pancreas, should you take enzymes when eating? sala, what are the problems? what they tell you, you have chronic pancreatitis - this happens to every fifth person, only chronic pancreatitis is a fairly rare diagnosis,
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90% of people diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis do not have this diagnosis, this is a serious diagnosis that manifests itself clinically in malabsorption, frequent diarrhea, but not cooking fatty foods, and these people undoubtedly just need to give up... why eat lard if you really can’t digest it, that is, if you eat lard and you tolerate it, try it, eat it, tolerate it, then you won’t need any enzymes are needed, and if you can’t bear it , then don’t choke and don’t need to take any enzymes, you either eat it or don’t eat it, you can fry it in lard, oh yes, here’s scrambled eggs, in sunflower oil, butter in lard, these are three different dishes, how healthy it is to fry sali. you understand why, actually no, there will be cracklings left in there, you know, the point is that the benefit is lard, this is such a piece a day,
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you can’t even fry an egg on this piece, and i just said that medicine and poison differ only in dose, well, yes , if you fried it, well, that means you don’t eat that day, but if you fry it, why not, i really love fried potatoes in lard, but you’re still sinning, what difference does it make how much lard? if you look at how much lard i put in a frying pan, well, about half i get lard, half potatoes, well then the lard is fried, you add everything to the potatoes, but it’s delicious, you don’t have to do it every day, but in the taiga we do it, we do it right in the cauldron on the fire, we melt the lard, throw some potatoes in there, it’s very tasty, so winter requires additional... sources of energy, by the way, heat is produced in the liver , our main thermal station is the liver, it requires energy, if you don’t eat lard, it
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will require carbohydrates, carbohydrates, in general , quickly, high-calorie and quickly digestible food, lard, by the way, will help you limit carbohydrates, because, so to speak, the body, receiving energy and necessary substances from here, will no longer demand carbohydrates so greedily. now i’ll go pour myself some coffee and we’ll move on to the next section, the section on medical history, today we’ll talk about such a common thing as bronchial asthma, one of our viewers contacted us and asked a question, now she’s in contact with us, hello, and my name is ekaterina, i’m 43 years old, it’s very nice. 10 years ago i was diagnosed with bronchial asthma, and i am treating it, of course, but i take pills, medicines
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, everything as prescribed, last year i was on vacation at the seaside, but i didn’t use any medications at all, i have a question: does the climate really have this effect, or did it just seem to me, tell me, really. .. you use inhalers, right? of course, how often do you have to use inhalers today? five times a day, and at night? at night, well, since i probably wake up once, have you been in a hospital? yes, of course, when they were lying down this year? in the last 12 months, yes, in march, yeah, and what are your doctors telling you? they are happy, well , they say that we will cure, we will cure you, we will cure you, and we will cure me, no,
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seriously, they tell you that your treatment is not helping, that you are absolutely not compensated, you need to switch to other forms of treatment, more aggressive and switch today, they tell you this , they tell me this, we me... the treatment method, but we switch to other drugs, but everything is the same, but where do you live, in voronezh, in voronezh, yes, they give you hormones, yes, in tablets, yes, the dose, oh, i don’t remember now, don’t remember, i’ve been on hormones for a long time, but five years, probably, maybe six, maybe six, but how many types of inhalers do you have? two, currently two, currently two,
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are you still taking any other medications? yes, from hypertension , from hypertension, and allergies, and i have a terrible allergy to almost everything, to chemistry , to animals, yeah, so you left, there was nothing, yes, there was nothing at sea, there was nothing, great, i even i didn’t use an inhaler, it’s clear, let’s now look at...
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mortality, and covid provoked an exacerbation asthma is very very common, in children and especially in adults, because any infectious agent entering the bronchi, which are already narrowed, causes swelling, causes the accumulation of mucus, clogs the space of the bronchi, they swell and, accordingly, exhalation and inhalation , but exhalation is especially difficult. when we do spirometry, that is, we breathe , we see that if the peak is like this, that’s one thing, but in people with bronchial asthma it is, so to speak, smoothed out, they cannot exhale like that, when it is a chronic form, but there is a chronic obstructive disease lungs, this is a little different, it’s not for nothing
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that they say barrel-shaped chest, because... the air seems to pump up the chest, but it doesn’t come out, what’s wrong with our patient, why am i saying that this is all a problem, she has a serious one, what do we want to achieve treatment, when we start treatment, the goal is the following , an inhaler, when we say, you know, doctor, and often you use inhalers, and not once a day, once... a short-acting bronchodilator should be used two or less times a week, second, an inhaler short- acting should be used less than two
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once a month at night, and at the same time the functional breathing test should be close to normal, this should still be, well, at least like this, these are the goals, what is the problem, how often do you go to the doctor? once every three months , once every 3 months, yes, well, everything is like that, but life goes on, one week you use the eshalator twice, and the other three, and then four, and then winter, and then there was a virus, and then something... then i go out into the street, i just start to feel out of breath, or i do, i decided to do physical education, i started walking, for something i have an intensifying paroxysmal,
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that is, life does not stand still, it does not... avoid triggers, brachial asthma, this is probably what concerns you, well, because you have a classic, you left the city of voronezh for the sea, you haven’t even used an inhaler for 2 weeks, but... at home, you take two types of inhalers, you take hormones in tablet form, you take powerful treatment, it absolutely doesn’t work for you, you get a simple conclusion: you have something... then there are things at home that
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provoke your asthma so much that medications don’t cope, that's what can be a provocateur - bronchial asthma, i'll tell you later too. cultural pause, do you want us to reconsider this application or the website, by the way, there is asthma of physical effort, that is, when after physical effort asthma is provoked, the question is whether it is necessary to stop physical effort in this situation or not? i’ll catch up and tell you, then, how to live with asthma? and a full life, what is critical thinking, why is it important to learn to possess it? how to avoid the trigger, treatment may be unsuccessful, in fact, asthma can provoke, by the way, the most interesting thing is that some medications can have an effect, by the way,
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there is also hormonal asthma, when you are now here at the top of the step, you need to move up the step, here, you need to add how to maintain critical thinking, don’t you understand? the threat of artificial intelligence for you is as long as the toy speaks with my or another face or in a similar voice, well , let’s say, let’s imagine me as a sitter, they just do everything so that we, so to speak, it was easier to follow them. it takes a long time to chase a woman, and you are a marital snake, police colonel petrov, loved to outline his mother-in-law with chalk while she was sleeping, so he looked like his mother, just some kind of little brat. very irritable, doesn’t eat caviar, doesn’t eat crabs, director of the company, bought tea for weight loss, didn’t read the instructions , parade of humor, premiere today on rtr,
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no life, we need to go to the capital, it’s our evil, it seems like we rushed like our evil, misha in the face, looking at... behind us bridges, other people's houses, someone else's life, but our own didn't work out, so i want to look back, i look at my eyes and i can’t believe it, you’re back or something, completely , but i don’t know, you were looking for a new life, some kind of happiness, and found nothing, happiness turns out to be me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness in sunday on rtr,
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the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with a new renovation. ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, in our living room heroes, real stone flowers will soon bloom, after dismantling a lot will become clear. and dreams become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every
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sunday on rtr. thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching, russia alone, we are moving on, we are talking about bronchial asthma, we have a connection with a patient who is not very successful. it’s being treated, by the way, you look great, in fact, you’re smiling, so we’re talking about how to avoid triggers, how to avoid provocateurs, well, first of all, if we’ve been talking since childhood, when we have a diagnosis of asthma, what should we do, we should do allergy tests to understand what you are allergic to, because as long as you are exposed to the allergen... treatment may be unsuccessful, by the way, a risk factor
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for asthma - this is overweight , obesity, this is a classic, this is smoking, at least you don’t smoke, no, but no one smokes at home, no, because second-hand smoking is also a very big problem, and of course these are chemicals, air fresheners , all this causes in a large percentage of cases it causes asthma, or rather provokes asthma. by the way, do you have carpets, bedspreads at home or have you already gone through all this? everything has already passed, yes, because these domestic ones, ticks, moths, and so on and so forth, insects, and for asmatic people it is specially recommended to cover the pillow, the blanket, so that everything is no rags, no carpets, no rugs, all this it should be sterile, all this should be smooth, well, yes, you are already like that, i told you what, you are a person with such experience, in fact, asma can provoke... and cold air, by the way, when
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we talk about asthma of physical effort, we are talking about the fact that the effort should not be stopped, it is not because you are intensifying, you are breathing frequently, cold air, maybe dry air, we suggest putting on a mask or something like this not like with covid, but such a boloclava so that the air is warm, humid, because it can cause such a reaction in the bronchial wall, by the way, the most interesting thing is that some me...
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well, if i were you now, i don’t know, i would think about how i would move to the sea, yes, very much many people start, my mother-in-law once suffered from psorius, that’s how she ended up in sochi, why would i give a bunch of medications without understanding what causes such a strong provocation, i don’t know, by the way, there is also hormonal asthma when it gets worse during pregnancy , gets worse during menstruation, we teach... to walk up the steps in quotes, you
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are now here at the top of the steps, but we’re not talking about you, but about other people, you resort to a short-acting inhaler, which i pressed, it worked immediately, less is equal twice a week, while you have nights once or twice a month. this is how you initially live, you generally don’t need anything, as soon as you have three more times a week, as soon as you have three times a month, you wake up more, you need to move up a step, here, you need to add another inhaler, already long-acting , it’s not enough for you, you still... can’t get down to these two times a week
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or less, or twice a month at night, you add hormones to the spray too, you already you add local hormonal therapy , it’s not enough for you, this goal is not there, then you need to contact a doctor, you move on, take hormones in tablets, increase the dose, and so on, as soon as you add , say, a hormonal spray. once your decline begins, you wait 2 weeks and go down, you remove the hormonal spray, then you still have 2 weeks, only two attacks a week and no attacks at night, you
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remove the long-lasting spray, you remain on a short-term course, that is, you and you should be clearly taught the symptoms, how many times you have... do you use a short-acting inhaler during the day, how many times at night, in a week, in a month , what should you step-by-step add, you must know, must have, must do and must be in contact with your doctor, you must keep a diary, which time every 3 months or earlier , see a doctor, your situation, well , just like that , in absentia, i can only say one thing: i don’t know what hormones and how long you are taking, but in my... understanding, if you put everything together and lay it out correctly, after all , this is the situation where you have five seizures per it shouldn’t be two days at night, in any case, and if i were your attending physician, i would deal with you more than once every 3 months, maybe i should say, a chronic infection, what’s wrong with your
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hormonal profile, go over your allergies again, triggers, that is, i am not satisfied with the treatment, i know that it can be... much more effective, but it requires work on your part, and on the part of your doctors, good luck to you, i feel you are an optimist, yes, of course , no, why am i saying, you have a serious illness, really serious, you have a serious course asthma, you take a bunch of pills, and you smile, it’s clear that you are a good person, in a good mood, you understand, you have a bright smile, this, by the way, is very important, good health to you, good health, thank you very much, we ’re going. so, a section for soul and body, and today an extremely important topic is how to maintain critical thinking in the modern world, because our brother is fooling, but it has always been like this, you understand, in fact, such
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a small preface, we are people of the older generation and people living in russia, somehow we don’t feel the offensive very acutely artificial intelligence. that we find ourselves in some other reality, here i have a son, let’s say, his friends, they are really nervous, they say: dad, you don’t understand, we are getting into another world, you don’t understand the threat of artificial intelligence, for this is still a toy for you, this is something that no, not in 10 years, probably not even in five, in 3 years it will enter your life, it will be...
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artificial intelligence, but extremely similar, so the image, here it is written by doctor mesnyakov, well, let’s say, just imagine me gray-haired, as he says, i should introduce you, imagine me in shorts, that’s it, he will generate here, remember, i said, a medicine for hypertension. my friends, whom i have known for many years, respected people, generals, i apologize, start calling me and says: sasha, you advertised such a medicine for hypertension, for parasites, for fungus, for something else, how to take it, i bought it , my mother bought it from me, she only bought it because of you,
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i say, listen, as much as you can, well, i say, well, there’s no such thing, well, well, well, you don’t so naive, they believe, they buy , you should listen less, no matter how strange it may sound around you, because we already see that if we go to the internet, it is impossible to find the truth there, it is somewhere, even in medicine, you go somewhere- then god knows what
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, it’s also impossible to find any information, but this is the truthful one, everything is aimed at arousing in us some emotions, usually negative, in order to intimidate us and know to fuck something, obedience, money, something else, we... no new bond medicine will help you, well, it won’t help, but you spent 40 years trying to get back pain by sitting, not doing anything,
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moving incorrectly, and now you want some medicine to help you, or you don’t want to take the medicine, i tell you as much as i can, take the medicine for hypertension constantly, regularly, without breaks , you don’t want it, you’re bleeding your liver, and you believe that some doctor myasnikov or some doctor tyutkin invented a medicine for you, as they write: that pharmaceutical companies are trying to fight this medicine , because then it will not be their profit and so on, and you fall for this crap, this cheap-cheap crap, people responsible for the security of many very serious structures are bought like little children, but how is that? we, of course, were brought up correctly that we must believe, we must believe the newspapers, we must believe our friends, we must believe the word. but today it turns out that the world is different, the world is hard , that world no longer exists, today you can’t trust anyone but yourself, so don’t be naive,
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look at any postulate from all sides, is it so, and especially scammers, i’m silent, but after all, 90% of scammers act very simply, and they do it quickly, you would have brought it yourself, and you run quickly, quickly, give it, but they are still there... and other difficulties of our life today, that’s how it is, and we must be ready, start preparing now, that’s it,
11:00 am
the doctor was with you, i wish you good health to meet me again, goodbye. hello on the russia tv channel , denis polunchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour. russian paratroopers stormed another ukrainian armed forces stronghold near artyomovsk. our troops are destroying ukrainian defenses along the entire front line. paris cannot prohibit the french from going to fight in ukraine. president macron called for a russian victory in ukraine to be excluded.


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