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tv   Privet Andrei  RUSSIA1  January 20, 2024 5:50pm-8:00pm MSK

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got out and went to wander around the carriage, the rzhud company expressed regret over the death of the animal and apologized to its owners. conductors will be prohibited from removing animals from the train. in such cases, the discovered animal will be handed over to workers at stations, stopping points, and representatives of animal protection organizations will be called. the pet owner has already thanked everyone who took part in the search and worried about the cat. stated that he would do everything to ensure that the perpetrators were punished. sverdlovskaya the transport prosecutor's office has already begun proceedings. testing of electric buses has begun on the streets of krasnoyarsk. 20 cars made in russia and belarus entered the production line at once. there was no experience in operating such equipment in harsh siberian conditions, although manufacturers prepared the machines for low temperatures down to -40. electric buses run on a full battery.
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almost thousands of swans now winter in the altai territory; for almost half a century they have been flying to the bright lake, which, thanks to the warm springs... freezes even in severe frost.
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birds have long been accustomed to the presence of people and willingly swim to bridges; together with numerous tourists , our correspondent, ksenia klimina, saw the swan lake of the altai wintering grounds. early in the morning at dawn, the long necks of whooping swans line up in a row, waiting for breakfast. alexey, yegertai, has been here for 5 years now. lebedinnaya reserve performs the same ritual. birds are already like family to him; in the fall, swans come here for the winter, and each time there are only more hungry mouths in the bird family. they come back every year already with offspring, that is, these gray ones are this year’s broods. at the end of the second year of life they become full-fledged, white. the ice-free lake is a natural monument, unique in its kind. essentially, it is one big spring. and in the summer we... in the winter
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there is even a frost of forty degrees, the water temperature in the lake is approximately the same, about +6°, thanks to the large number of springs, the water here is clean and transparent, how long ago the birds chose this reservoir is unknown, and this is not particularly important tourists who find themselves in a winter fairy tale, it is difficult to remain without impressions, because such beauty, especially at dawn, we came from the altai mountains, we brought guests with us from sevastopol. so that they, too , can admire such unique phenomena when swans fly to us in altai in winter. for guests of the reserve, equipped observation platforms have set up a heating point this year; the reserve is developing the entire territory, which brings income to the activity, because the territory of the reserve is not only a light lake where nesting swans, this is 38,200 hectares of land just along the banks of katunin.
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we are following developments in russia abroad, stay tuned. we continue the release. people's artest of russia stanislav. nikolai burlyaev, president of
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the golden knight forum. the award should help the revival of russian dramatic theater, in the tradition of which the artist deeply lives in every role. the largest film studio in russia and europe. mosfilm celebrates its centenary. over the years, hundreds of world cinema masterpieces have been created there. directors, actors and viewers call it the domestic dream factory. and even the century-old birthday of the shoot. the process does not stop. mosfilm is the leading enterprise in the country's film industry, equipped with the most technologically advanced equipment. unique specialists have worked and are working here. report by polina iermalaeva. a subset of shostakovich from the film first echelon
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, great faces and images flash on the screen, shots from the cinema, as if from life. a carriage on the steps of the potemkin staircase and a rushing carriage, the helmet of alexander nevsky and... the courier, the centuries-old history of mass film, this after all, the history of the country, esenstein brought me to his set of ivan the terrible, i was 6 years old, but that was 80 years ago, but already 60 years ago i was filming scenes from the first film the first teacher, in the legendary first pavilion, from where today the orchestra can be heard throughout the country yuri bashmet, konchalovsky once built the set for the siberiada, shukshin filmed kalina krasnaya, and bondarchuk shot the scene of rostova’s first ballat, in film.
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high on wings, but since such an anniversary really happens once every 100 years, you can celebrate it at least for a whole year. name found a film studio. the worker and the collective farmer became a symbol of the mast film after the war, first appearing in the film alexandrova's spring. in general, i thought that masfilm was my country before, but when workers and collective farmers appeared, i thought that this was my country. fedor dobronravov will sing about hares today, with alexander zatsepin himself at the piano. in the dark blue forest, where aspens tremble, where sorcerers fly from oak trees. foliage page history of the domestic dream factory to the accompaniment of melody for your favorite massfilm films - this is artemyev’s music. ivals evgeniya dogi is a kind of affectionate and gentle
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animal. the theme from the movie beware of the car plays and that same twenty volga drives out onto the stage. remembering eldar. separates the face of russian cinema with a song from the belarusian train station, the audience sings while standing along with andrei smirnov. a deadly fire awaits us, everything was fun. the main guests, of course, are veterans of musfilm, ninety-
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four-year-old igor mayorov, the sound engineer of the film the cranes are flying. my years, my wealth, my films that were created, in which i understood.
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oh, gennady elvich, have a good rest, yes, yes, i would like to, thank you, ira, oh, aren’t you ready yet, are you crazy? we have to be at the station in an hour, do you remember that we have a train, that we are finally going to the sea, with the best people of our department, it’s a pity, really, that kulyakov can’t because of its repairs, ir, well, we we’re going to sochi, please , put it all away, the boss let you go, i ’m not going anywhere, well, no, vir, please, not this, well, no, well, maybe we ’ve discussed everything with you again, game, get ready. why are we sitting? kostya, you won’t be late, you’re a taxi,
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calling? even more than we wanted. i don’t want to go there at all, what haven’t i seen there? why didn’t you see it? you didn’t even ask me, you just put a pelifaka , ilyushenka, you will be very happy there, it won’t be, ilyush, you will live in a separate house, in someone else’s house, lyukha, stop right now, otherwise i won’t go, hurray, i , finally i’m going alone, that ’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, let’s go, let’s go, that’s it, let’s go, let’s go, wait , i have to sit down on the path, that’s right, on the path, definitely, sit down, i’ve prepared the documents. i checked the graphics with shaiman talked, and warned loshino, that
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’s it, faina remains in the department, she will still call all the time to report, now he calmed me down, that’s it, time, train, let’s go, called a taxi, has been waiting for a long time, took the documents, yes, exactly, yeah, ok, did you forget your birth certificate? hurray, quietly, how could you forget , i put everything together, passports, on top of the certificate, why are we taking passports, certificate, why should i do it without me, no, and if i didn’t ask you, well, at least don’t get in trouble there, what are you come straight to me, what's the best terrible person, no, no, no, you’re just the wisest and most responsible among us all, don’t suck up, everything will be fine, what should i bring you from there, while the kids are here, i’ll miss you, don’t be bored, i thought, maybe, like you too... come on, bring me a mermaid made of shells, oh-oh, son, wait, wait, it’s late, mother, tears of years,
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come on, my dear, rest, okay, bye, my dear, come on, my girl, come on, that's it , oh, cardigan, come on, that's it, i haven't forgotten, take care of yourself, well done, that's it, bye, bye, bye, oh, that's it ok, thank you, god, well, they still have a lot of time, look, i found a photo, here is our graduating class, wait, i put on the yachkini, seventy-second year, so, well, find me here, and why look for you, here you are , and you haven’t changed at all, you’re just old bald, you’re not old, but bald, and very smart, come on in.
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oh, there's the fifth carriage, yeah, well , well, i'll go to the rest of the meeting, buy you something, no, thank you very much, yes, seryozh, if it's not too much trouble, a couple of bottles, okay, thank you, seryozh, get out your passport , so, i printed everything out, so that there would be no scandals in the compartment, you sleep on the bottom
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bunk, it wasn’t enough for you and your heart to fall down to me from the second bunk, yes, maybe... and after your injury you can climb there, let someone younger climb there, now i’ll fall asleep anywhere, because i haven’t slept all night, why? i tried to count how many children would go with us, i couldn’t , there will be a bunch of them, we will travel in a separate compartment, we will live in a separate hotel, in a room overlooking the sea, we will sunbathe and swim, i won’t swim i can, why is pasha mowing? where do i know that he is coughing, pash, that you are coughing, are you kidding me, you told him once that he is coughing, now he will do it all the time, he is harmful, open your mouth, i will show you, you don’t have anything to chew there , there’s nothing, and if he got sick, no one got sick, calm down , varika would have had it yesterday, nina, why did i say that, everything’s fine, oh, ours or something, ours, exactly
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, hey guys, you’re here, hi, now we're coming down to you. yes, this is all for you, how lucky i am, and me too, it’s like all the other passengers lucky, ilyukha, well, good company, don’t be jealous, let’s help unload, but i’m not jealous, i’m generally a free person, i’m undergoing renovations, so we’re preparing passports and holding the children’s hands, we’re on the seventh, i remember , right on the toilet,
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so here’s the opacha. there is no one, great, it would have been like this all the way, certificate and passport, that’s right, of course, certificate, come on , marine, what compartment, our fourth, different names, yeah, yes, yes, i see, everything is fine, let’s pass, we’ll walk carefully , oh, neza, now, what will happen, look, our counselor, you have three, yes, yes, oops, listen, i need this, why, recharge the phone, sat there, yes, come on, come on, crawl, our fourth, run, run, maybe someone is behind the house, i can handle it, amazing, pasha, come here, oh, lord, well,
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the wheels are dirty, but it’s okay, hello, hello, children, be careful! be careful, that's nice, hello, hello, so , let me, yes, yes, come on, this is my place, and yours, please, of course, of course , come in, thank you, girl, forgive me, for god's sake, could you come with us in some places, don’t even dream about it, i bought this place in 3 months, i won’t climb up, obviously. and you know, we are lucky that children are not traveling with us in the compartment, it’s okay, this kocha will get you here, hello, where am i here, i ’m here, come on, we need help, well, where, come on, yes, here you see what a mess we have, dear passengers, it's leaving soon, the socket doesn't work, but there is another one, and
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the other one doesn't work either, be careful, who invented the train? oh, are we on our way already? yes, of course, we're going, let's run faster, i need to get out, guys, i need to go out. run , come on, come on, wait, what, you’re not a passenger , of course not, i’m a mourner, well, didn’t you hear the announcement that the mourner must leave the carriages, the train is leaving, it’s not like
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you’ll hear in such noise, well, what? now to do something, get out in tula , there will be a stop, what a tula, what am i going to do there at night to buy gingerbread, but there are some waders left , he didn’t have time, so you need to pull the stop valve, i won’t let you pull anything, what are you doing? violation, oleg, nothing funny, i have repairs, the head of the trains, this is not a department, really, i apologize for the trouble, but the person accompanying me didn’t come out in moscow, now he wants to pull the stop valve, but what other option do i have, i’m not ready to go to sochi, why are you a free person, you can move around calmly in your beloved homeland, bragen, shut up, it means this: you can get off at the next stop, i can’t help you anymore, that’s it, seryoga, let’s stay already, that’s enough, of course, stay, that is, how you stay, without a ticket, no, you can’t, yes, i don’t need your train, well, let me out, stop, you're fighting with us, bragin, don't interfere,
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bragin, oleg mikhailovich, well, you don't recognize who, well, you operated on me 5 years ago in sklif, but of course, exactly, i remember, i remember, boris fedorovich, alexander borisovich , but exactly, i remember, exactly, well, the spleen, remember, yes, of course. how is she doing? well, did you cut it out for me? well, yes, yes, i remember, i definitely cut it out, yes, we are going on vacation, but we decided to unite with families, friends, and escape to sochi. you see, with adventures, help, alexander borisovich, well, this is a highly qualified specialist, the best surgeon at the sklefosobsk institute. well, if we’re friends, then we’ll leave it. thank you. it’s not so-so, i, friends, don’t have to leave it. shut up, lyuba, if a person has a passport, if there is free space, post it. out of respect for my colleague mikhailovich. thank you very much, well, if anything, please contact me, have a nice trip, well, give
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me your passport, i’m having repairs, wait, your repairs, thank you very much, it’s true that he was operated on, probably not a coincidence, that’s it, we’re in the house, who there, girls, it’s us, you’ll forgive us, but we have nowhere else to go, the men were crowded into our compartment, kill sasha upstairs with us, if you like it here with us, it will work out for you, so, well, since our women have gone to bed, let’s not waste time, well, at least it’s not a rhyme, but it’s true, like
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they say, tea, yeah, so what are we going to drink for, so, you know, i’m glad that the earring is coming with us, earring, let’s do it for you, come on, pure adventurers, admit it, we planned this in advance, yes, and so in the winter , yes, but where am i going to live, listen, well, we’ll come up with something... we have a huge house there, there ’s plenty of places, i’ll show you the pictures, well, where am i going to sleep today, i don’t have swimming trunks and i don’t have any money, you’ve already gone to hell whining, you won’t replace it, let’s give the original just for your health, great health, what are we going to do, like what? well, is it necessary to get hot? well, well , let’s even play, you feel good, bragin, great, in the cities, in the towns, well , why exaggerate, hide and seek, i’m serious about you. i say, well, you can play a sea battle, dream-faces, checkers for money, bouncer, give me forfeits, good game, here
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, give me a cap, so we hand over the forfeits, and there are these you have to write, but it’s not necessary, you can just write anything, come on, any thing, just not huge ones, come on, great, 2 rubles, please return it, what? do this phantom, let's just not crow, tell this phantom some scary story from personal experience, well, yes, something about the first operation, who is there, who, who, who, you, then i 'll tell you a scary story about the blue one grandfather, who drank a lot, this was my first duty,
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“i pronounced him dead, they took him to the mork, and i went to sleep in the staff room, that is, you we parted ways, something bad was already in the air, and they told me that when an ominous silence sets in, stay away from the morgue, but something pulled me there, because i had to check on my grandfather. i had to check, i told myself, if i had made a mistake. i was riding in the elevator towards the morgue, the elevator doors opened and a blue grandfather stood in front of me, give me your heart, you’ve gone
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crazy or something, get out of here, like... what was the flooding that didn’t happen, if it had happened, i’m the first i knew him, he was in a diabetic coma, his sugar dropped, well, well true, i sent him to the mortuary corps, did you come up with all this, did you come up with it, well, honestly did you come up with it , i checked in general, of course, yes, yes , yes, a science fiction writer, i’m actually, i can write a detective story, okay, let’s move on, let's play, akhalay-makhalay, what can this fan do? and now i’m going to scare the conductor, but here you go, guys, i’m a free rider, they’re about to drop me off, so what do you want, stop, stop, stop, stop, with your butts, damn it, what are you doing.
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come on, come on, come on, well, yes, i want blood, quietly, blood, drunk or something, a complete fool, should i call the train manager again, there is no need for the train manager, excuse me, they were playing forfeits, i got tired of the task of scaring you, well done, it worked out, i won, well, do you want me to wash the floors here for you, nothing... i want, i want you left, closed the door, excuse me, an adult, a doctor, why are you behaving like this, left you here with a bird’s rights, why are you being disgraceful, not ashamed, shameful, you don’t even consider me a person, as if i were service personnel, tea, coffee, bring it, put it away, yes, look,
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just close it, let's leave, guys, explain to me, why are you so granny, for everything, well, well , why, seryoga is infectious, you drink cognac, oh, i drank it, you guessed it, it’s forbidden to drink it on the train, oh, oh, be careful, be careful, excuse me, i
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i’d better sit down, yes, where are you going with such a big group , i wasn’t planning on anyone at all, i remember that, yes, and the rest, well, the rest, where, to rest, for a good road, let’s continue playing, come on, come on, oh, ahalaihalai , well, there isn’t much of a choice anymore, so what should this phantom do, sing a song, well, in an original way, but in a woman’s voice, damn, would i have gotten that fanta? oh , hold on guys, i don’t know, you got it, i have no hearing, no voice, we forgave you, give this microphone to the studio, you asked for it, that’s it, microphone, yes, one, one, oh, oh, yes , now, oh, it’s not evening, but it’s not evening, i’m
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praying for a little prayer already, let seryoga not sleep. oh, denitsy on the right, sir, open field, open field, uh, i didn’t understand, it’s that you’re having a concert here, are you crazy, forgive me, please, you’re just an artist.
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clowns, clowns, conducts, well , some kind of station, it’s already cleared up, well, according to the numbers, what does it mean by the numbers, come on, hello, and my phantom, here’s a stop for you now, no, no, that won’t work, let’s do it as it’s supposed to in the game. so, what should this phantom do? this phantom should go to the stops, buy us breakfast, that's it, we, i accept the challenge,
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train stop, 5 minutes, hurry up, got it, come on, come on!
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why sleep, we’re going to have breakfast now, and there we’ve been in place for three hours, and what are we going to do, or what ? yeah, where's the bragin? yes, but where is bragin?
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well, that’s not fun, now we’ll be left without bragin, which means the main thing now is not marina wake her up and don’t say anything to her, i went to the conductor, now i’ll turn on the tap and give her the pies. thank you, no, no, forget about this stop valve
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, no one will let you pull it, lyuba , please, just once for my sake, and i warned your friend that a short stop, no big deal, will catch up with you on the next train, like he will catch up, well, please, well, as an exception, well, very simply, well, okay. comrade conductor, call the train manager, and i will, if you don’t move away from the stop valve, and you’re serious, maybe we won’t like each other, well, i already you didn’t like it anymore, have you thought about it? sklifosovsky on monday on rtr. and soon, we will watch new episodes. skrif, i can’t live without you. in the far north-west of russia, beyond the arctic circle, lies a veritable treasure trove of nature. kola peninsula. sometimes called russian lapland,
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the nature of the kola region is surprisingly diverse, including taiga and tundra mountain ranges, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola peninsula washes. warmed by the warm atlantic current, it does not freeze all year round. in the east and in the south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by an ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity, the legendary hyperborea, was located right here, on the kola peninsula. why do you need to go to the capital, that it seems to have rushed to the mine
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, as if in a mine, misha is at the mine face, we look at the weekend, you are gathered far away, we are going to moscow, val, and you, burning bridges behind you, other people’s houses, other people’s lives, and it didn’t work out, i so want to look back, i look at it with my eyes, i don’t believe it, you returned it or something... to everything, but not i know, i was looking for a new life, some kind of happiness , and found nothing, happiness turns out to be waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness, on sunday on rtr, russia, traditional, modern,
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i will help, come on, well fuck you, sit down , thank you, thank you, hold it, carefully, they are elite, nothing, well, thank you, catch up, good luck, thank you, yes gomez, if we don’t smoke. push it some more, and gennadivich, yes
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, and bragin is still with you, yes, and have you been sitting all night or something, well, yes, but you tell him that it’s time to come to us... it’s time, yes, yes, yes, that’s it you're fine, yes, uh-huh, ok, uh-huh. yes, uh-huh, come on, come
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on, oh, another stop, this is a technical stop, it’s forbidden to get out, it wasn’t enough that i was looking for you all here, running around. what have you finished playing? is it even all because of you? you said, come out, i want breakfast , i have nothing to do with it, it was his idea to play forfeits, in general then, come on, come on, quickly, quickly, come on, come on, come on, quickly, where are you, come on, oleg mikhailovich, that you were running after the train, that it gives, okay
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, don’t sleep, we don’t sleep, and you’re actually going to sleep, where they carry you, and they sat, they were talking, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly , pasha, hold my hand, thank you, come on, come on, stand here, don’t go anywhere, anywhere, so that i don’t look for you, i understand, hold, hold the suitcase.
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let me understand, so that the child seat is in this place, look, there’s the sea, come here, i ’ll get off, get off, petya, petya, you’re crazy , the train has already arrived, that’s it, finish your bololaika, let’s get dressed, the train has arrived, there’s traffic jams , yes, i asked you to warn you in advance, i told you, well, you need to look at your watch, you also don’t have a watch with ourselves, that's it, that's it, we've arrived, so, did we call a taxi?
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i’m already tired of this rest, okay , oh, let’s go, let’s go, hold on so i can see you, okay, i won’t forgive him for this, let’s go, let’s go, hold on! we're still holding on, everything's fine, okay, guys , i'm sorry, oh, everyone, it's great, it's good that you have a birthday in the summer, well, hello, hello, so, so, where are all the lasers, they went ahead, listen, you surprise? cleans, sets, cooks, polina does it all, you won’t believe it, listen, but i don’t believe it, everything is so quiet, parking
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paid, there’s nowhere to park the car , but of course, well, this is the south, you like to sing gypsies, i love, well , here we come, well, well, well, here we go down, down, that’s it, we’ve come to help you, no, not it’s necessary, i thank you myself , so, thank you, but how much you add, i didn’t understand, i didn’t understand either, but we agreed, yes, but how much you add, so figure it out yourself, and for what? ok, thank you, thank you , no one is locked... welcome, well, it’s okay, they’ll open it now, don’t be nervous, i just want to take a shower, hey, hey, people, we’ve arrived, look
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what a cute little hotel with balconies and one of them is ours, yeah, with a view of the sea, listen, maybe we should have invited kulyakov, no, no kulyakov, yes, this is our vacation, i want to be with...
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thank you, thank you, hello, oh , i’m valentina, come to me, yes, hello, everything is waiting for you, i’m kostya lazarev, i’ve been texting you , yes, yes, i, please come in, i’m very glad, welcome to your vacation, it’s somehow beautiful here, as they say, if there is something... krasnodar region, be careful, please pass, so, stop, wait, you must be four, with a baby, who is this man? valentina, i’ll explain everything to you now, this is our good friend, colleague, sergei antolyevich kulyakov, doctor, traumatologist, jack of all trades, treats, repairs, legs, arms, well, but he pulled himself together at the last moment, but i didn’t i managed to warn you, i’m glad that he got ready, but he will live... where will valentin live, well, you have such a house, there’s definitely room for one, but the house is big, but on the second floor there are four places prepared for you and for
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the baby, i live on the first floor, you give me you offer to move a man with you, it’s funny, peace, we’re breaking into the wrong place, this is house 30, and we have chikalovo 55, fraction 3, funny. well, not really, how much did you overpay this driver? it doesn’t matter, let’s go, you know where to go, left, right, i don’t know, i’m still very optimistic, i see, here’s 55/3, you see, there’s 30, and here it’s already 55/3, south, culture, we’ve arrived, mother! they arrived, hello, hello, well, finally, finally
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, hello, yuchay, yes, i know, hello, so what we have is, let's go to the house, to the house, to, jump, pavlushka, hi, that's it, come on, run, hello, oh! oh, god, god, god, listen, go crazy, come on, come on , go, show things, yes things, calm down, knocks later, oh well, okay, why did you call us so many cities, lived peacefully, why did we you need to be called, nin, i can’t, what a beauty, look, this is all your site, ours, listen, that’s not all, he’s there, there’s more conversations, valentina, listen, it’s not free, we’ll pay you extra? your baby is already crying, in short, come in, please, come in, come in, that’s it, let’s go, guys they'll figure it out, be careful, there are steps, bones,
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things, backwaters. come on, come in, help, lyukh , come in, come in, get up, girls, yeah, and i, your friend said, you ’re fixing your hands and feet, you can fix the bench , i’ll try, so the living conditions are like this, kitchen, folding bed, no air conditioning , i agree, please. well, come on in, are you afraid, or what? well, have you decided? well, i told you, come on, where are your things? in moscow. what's your name? sergey. and me, valentina. very
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nice. and me. here. open, open, well open, what are you afraid of, i'm a folding phone i'll bring it now, have a good rest. hello, good day, hello, you are the krivitskys and pavlova, yes, yes, here and there, please, welcome, my name is hamlet, i will make your vacation in sochi unforgettable, i have prepared the best room for you, good, with a view ago, wait, you wrote that it was on
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the sea, with a partial view of the sea, the sea from there. it’s also partially visible, you can use the key, you need it, but i have to warn you, the air conditioner is temporarily not working, it’s not working, tomorrow i’ll fix it, i’m already prepared, what are you talking about say, yes, about the water, hot , sometimes they turn it off, often, every day, well, basically not for long, is there anything else we should know, are you afraid of spiders, i mean, well, did you have one living there in the corner?
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polina, hey, where is the nearest pharmacy here, you just arrived, it’s already bad for someone who isn’t bad, she’s just going crazy, the maternal instinct is overly developed, so surgery, what about meat, you’ve long since become so adequate , firstly, a long time ago, secondly, don’t accept my bad experience, it didn’t end well, put it down,
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in general, crawl off your bare butt, take it off.
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oh, what a beauty, friends, i want to introduce you to our daughter, come on, come on in, yuliy postukova, yes. come on, come on yulya pastukhova, come on over to the children to play, rustle, rustle, rustle, rustle, children, as promised, keep it, petya, thank you, otherwise without the things that you have with the apartment there, and renovations, so yulia, come on, come on from under the table, excuse me, irina aleksivna, yulka, pasha, quickly from under the table, sit down, watermelon, normal. this is still kostya’s toast, well, let’s have a toast, there’s a toast, there’s a toast, that polina and i are happy to see you here to receive you in your own home, this, of course
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, cannot be expressed in words, no words are enough , we had to prepare, as it is impossible to prepare for such a surprise, we dreamed of seeing you here, but we simply did not hope, did not believe in this happiness, they just didn’t know that dreams come true. oh, i remembered the movie, when it was , who are you seeing off, dad, dad, on sunday, oh my little mouse, i turned to the left, the tower
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is standing, i wrote this song in about 10 minutes, it’s always so heartwarming here, because it’s a nugget . songs from the heart, evening show andrei malakhov, on sunday on rtr, there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers from photographs of faded ones. this look, like the highest court, for the children who are growing up now, and the boys
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cannot, neither lie nor deceive, nor go astray, on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovoy, the legendary, beloved film. chesers on sunday on rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, into the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room absolutely faceless, we are making three different functional zones... the ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i
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adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, in the living room real stone flowers will soon bloom for our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you see. let us into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, we are waiting for the wave, we are waiting for the wave,
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then child, this is some kind of miracle, not levushka, best of all, tell me, and i behave better than anyone, let's go, what's the matter with us, girls, hello, and polina pastukhova is at home, oh, no, no, they're all at the sea, they walk there, relax, sunbathe, with their lives they are enjoying themselves, oh, how, listen, i was supposed to come yesterday , i couldn’t come, my sveta gave birth and the birth was so difficult, well, listen, she gave birth and it’s good that it’s not hard for you, it’s still great, you wanted something, yes, polina gives her injections, i walk, her arm is painfully light, it’s high, far away, but i walk because it’s good they give you, okay, well, wait , why did you go in vain, i’m also a doctor, i... i also gave you
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a calm injection, but don’t be afraid, you ’ve come here with a large group of doctors, we’re all friends again with palina, come on , thank you, i’ll try, sit for 5 minutes with her , can you hear me, pash, yes, no matter what, don’t be afraid, we ’re all friends here, we’ve all fallen, yes, i understand , there are too many children, well, yes, everyone has a couple , we are both colleagues and friends, you can’t keep track of everyone, i bought too much, come here, come, come. grab a towel, oh, her teeth are chattering, oh my god they froze my child, so , there is a proposal, now our whole company should go to the mountains, an observation deck, there is a glass bridge, absolutely transparent, 100 m high, who is going, i, but we can’t , what, have you forgotten, we rented a boat, now we’ll go to sea, who’s with us, me, oleg mikhailovich.
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uh, no, no, who's up for the tasting? i, and i have a much better proposal, to replace nina and look after the child, well, who, oleg, it’s so dishonest, seryoga, are you going to the tasting? yes, i would love to, i’ve been plowed here. oleg, can you help me? i'm with the child, by the way. in short, it’s clear, we’re going home and tasting everything there. that's it, let's go, let's go home, put on your slippers. there is a paint tool, it will find it, guys, bye , that's it, bye, bye, bye, oh, ninochka, i didn’t even understand whether you gave me an injection or not, i didn’t feel anything, even better than polina, honestly , but you are money changers, just between us, by the way, a wonderful obstetrician-gynecologist came with us, she can look at your child’s light, thank you very much, see you goodbye, don't get sick, good for you, good health, okay, if anything happens, come, pasha, pasha, where
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are you? what? lord, are you kidding me? i asked you not to go in there, everything there is sharp, there are nails, if she puts something in your mouth, it’s better, now i’ll put leva down and take her. well, what is going on? yes, you are my only, good person, now, now i’ll come, can’t you do it yourself? oh, oh, you ’re my little bunny, you’re my best person in the world, you’re behaving normally, i’m coming, i’m coming, pash, you’re welcome! you're not on friendly terms with your head today, no, come to me, that's it, let's go to lunch , that's it, let's go to lunch, yes, yes, wait, yes , what is this, they all brought you in today , well, they weren't late, and you went for a walk, yes, you booked for surname lazarev, so we go through, put a vest on the child, and she grew up here, a leg. come on
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, come on, lyukha, back, bush, take the bag, come on, yeah , thank you, wait, wait, can i join you guys, there’s no room anymore, please, it’s our last day in sochi, we’ve never been to sea, and tomorrow to the north, besides, we are newlyweds, well, i can take it, of course, if people don’t mind, please. yes, don’t mind, let’s climb in, it’s time to go and welcome, oh, look, what’s there, no, well, we’re ready, let’s go!
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hi, everything is fine, we’ve arrived, how are you, i’m so gorgeous, in my opinion, i’m the best, the children are sleeping, before that. they ate, before that they had lunch , before that they had breakfast, then they peed , then they pooped, before that, by the way, they also pooped , then for some reason they pooped again again, okay, that’s all in general, well, i’m sorry, now i’ll let you go, but like the sea- that's all, happy, golden child,
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angelic character, no one knows from whom, polina, why are you, why are you upset, and a woman came without you, what’s her name, natalya fedorovna, for whom you make shukola, right, huh? she asked me, i did it, only she said, you inject her with two cubes, i believed it, injected two cubes, yes, yes, yes, everything is correct, thank you very much, you’re fine, i’m downstairs myself, she’s our neighbor, she lives alone she’s been here for a long time, she’s completely alone, well, i’m helping her, she’s a little lonely, she has a friend, sveta gave birth to her, by the way, i offered her services our sasha as a gynecologist, let her look at her, why are you laughing, what’s so funny you said, i didn’t understand you. in general, well, ninka, svetka, this is a goat, i mean a goat, well , a goat in the literal sense with horns, with a tail , that’s it, that’s it, nothing else is needed, so listen, i’ll take the roller for myself, take it
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whatever you want, take it, a roller and a roller for the shaft, listen, you’re building a nest there or something, and i ’m working on the bed, thank you for the rest, bragin!
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the first thing we had to buy were slippers for the stones, aquasocks, what, they
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they're called aquasocks, i don't know what they're called, but i'm already mad, i 've knocked out all my legs, that's it, lie down and rest, why don't you go swimming? what, you see that there are children all around , where, everywhere, i still can’t survive the train, yesterday’s dinner here, firstly, they poured sweet juice on me, it feels like i’m still all sticky, the shepherd’s daughter shouted at ear, that i just still can’t hear anything, and bragin’s daughter, the youngest, for some reason always ate from my plate, why i don’t know, probably mine tastes better, ah, okay, you can. well, now, sergey, you in order? oh, i just beg you , please take care of your feet, the stones there are very sharp, everything is fine, everything, i cleaned it, there’s just a mole
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dead, dad, where, where, well, don’t , stones clogged the drain, the water started flowing, oh , and i went, and valentina’s help, if i spend the entire vacation fixing something at your place, my vacation will be reduced to a minimum. if you want to relax to the maximum, then you see, across the road, it says there are no places, okay, where is the platform? there i put plywood there, but i don’t like it, please look at it like this, yeah, gleb, gled! come on, grab it
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, gleb, cling on, just a little more, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, take it , come on, oops, come on, come on, help, support my glasses so as not to break them, come on, turn it over on your knee, on your knee, yeah, it’s like water , well, everything is clear, it’s rotten, it needs to be replaced, the boards are there, let’s do this, i’ll take it apart so that no one falls temporarily, and then the material will appear, i’ll do everything, okay, i have the tools, but what ones are needed, well, a nail puller, a hammer, well, i’ll bring it now, they’re dirty, uh-huh, get out of the sun, please, who are you bothering? er, i’m an israeli , i know how to handle the sun, lord, how is it in nice, i don’t know, i
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wasn’t there, yes, but i was on the cote d’azur at a conference, well, how is it in nice, it’s good in nice, but here it’s like... then dearer, ira, i really want aperol, my love, well, go get some piroli, i’m relaxing. well, i won’t bother you, okay, it’s better
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not to, thank you very much, every time i tell you not to go to the edge with these photos, but shut up, they keep climbing and climbing, be careful, he has a bad heart, girl, don’t bother him, i’ll figure it out, i’m a doctor, i woke up, i woke up, get up. thanks to gleb , the journey ends, thank you very much, please climb back in, come on, come on, irk, it looks like i burned out today, stop it, please stop it, otherwise i’ll kill you, fuck you, i’ll kill you, despicable time,
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stop screaming, and i recognized your voice , what it is, a person wanted to sing, so he started singing, again you and we also live here, this is such a coincidence, this is not a coincidence , this is a disaster, i didn’t understand, i say, this is not a coincidence, but a catastrophe, what's on your head a catastrophe, or... in my head, something really sucks for me today , is it true, something is bothering me, come on, i have a fever, i don’t know, well, let’s go, let’s go, well, it’s just really bad , what do you know, oh, i’ll smear it, feast, that’s it, i took apart the bridge, the boards where you throw them, and the boards, boards, boards, good... it doesn’t matter here, yeah, well, i’m free, no, something else- you want, well, i, i
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just thought, you know, well, a surgeon came from moscow to rest, and i’m here with stones on the board, maybe you’ll have a drink with me for olives, if you want, i want, well come on in, i... said, waving your crab , talked, said, who didn’t dry me, but there was no sun, a complete haze, i would n’t have burned like that in advance, and there in august it’s generally 40-45, but if you paid pay attention, here it is also august and also 40, drink water when it burns, you need to drink a lot of water, and i will smear you with sour cream, what kind of sandy methane, you are a doctor, listen, people spend their entire lives. smeared yourself with sour cream, smeared yourself wonderfully the next day, vira, stop it, you
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're crazy, vira, this is stupidity, well, honestly word, well, because sour cream is fatty, so what? fat can only aggravate the burn , are you serious, seriously, this fat can aggravate the burn, it’s not fat, it’s lumps, okay, well, should i go to the pharmacy now, or something, look for aloe, i saw it in the hallway flower, alo, bring it here, what is it, i ’m the head of the department of the skalfosovsky institute, now i have to go steal a flower, for my sake, where is your mercy, you took the hippocratic oath, oh, i woke up, be healthy, be healthy, dad, lord, thank you, come on, come on, come on, oops, get along,
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let him play, here. and we’ll tear you apart, that oh, idiot, darling, oh, they burned us, who , well, this is the purple one, saw me steal a flower, and what are you, yeah, don’t admit it, otherwise we ’ll look like idiots, we and so now we look like idiots, i ask you to be more careful, okay, okay, uh-huh, oh, be healthy, dad, oh , vigorous, of course, liqueur, do you want me to get drunk, why, i want you to rest, i’m completely tortured you with your stones, you're very tough, yes, yeah, but
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how much did you do yourself, oh, i don't know how much she degrees, i actually can not only pour liqueurs, i can boil, i can swirl.
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to lose with us, what are you yelling about, be a man, well, be a man, come on, my forehead already hurts from your shalbans, god, you ’re cheating, why should i cheat, because that’s who you are, watch your language, how terrible is it that you talk like that? sasha, calm down, take it and apologize, i won’t, pick up the card, no need.
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let's sit down, i'm a doctor, i'll help you, sit down, there's a doctor with you, the pressure is back and forth, back and forth, there's a tanometer, there's, sit, i’m a doctor, just tell me where i ’ll bring it, to the kitchen, the kitchen is there, yes, that’s it, sit, wait, breathe calmly. hello,
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hello, my name is alexey, congratulations, i see you sitting so upset, i think, yes, i’ll cheer you up, what? i haven’t come up with an idea yet, okay, maybe a glass of the crown, wouldn’t you like it? yes, i want to, seriously, yes , seriously, let's go, why sit , we'll go on scooters, yes, i know a great place, no, i was joking, then i'll put it on, let's go on foot, put it on, i'm lucky, yes, yes, you me... watch more than once, yes, no, better once, what are you taking, kodivan, but my flower, how can this be, you know that
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you can’t talk while measuring the pressure, yes, it’s really a little elevated, but everything is normal, yes, yes, i’ll write a diagram on how to take it medicine if you do this, is sasha at home? sashay, no, only waders. listen, ilyukh, you’re really acting like a pig. here you go, i’ll go now, find sasha,
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bring her, and you’ll apologize? i won't. kostya, do you really want to leave him alone? wait, if you don't, you'll go tomorrow to moscow and no sea for you at all. it's okay, he's quiet. let's go to the room. oh you little one, you woke me up! come to me, sergey anatolyevich, yes, i’m here! stay with anton for 5-10 minutes, i don’t have time, kostya, sasha doesn’t. and ilyusha? he is 10 years old. leave it, we 'll sit. although, you know, excuse me, i’m on my own. me myself. well, well, no, well, don’t be afraid, what, what? somehow she was scared of me, and i can’t,
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you are a kind woman, it’s like saying, without thinking twice, gleb, this is how the victim introduced himself, jumped into the water to save the new one smartphone, in the turmoil, the man was completely for... it was that he didn’t know how to swim, well , don’t you, don’t get sick, what’s wrong, what are you doing, it’s just that the children weren’t breathing, we don’t need illnesses here, so pay attention , the group is so evil , but the one who was on the boat was moskvich , konstantin lazarev, this is about our boy, finally, yes, he was not at a loss, together with captain repenko, he pulled gleb out of the water, gleb’s fiancee said that her husband was unconscious and did not show any sign .
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what happened, what happened? and what is this? what about the article? yes, you are a hero us, look, look, and it turned out that konstantin is not a simple muscovite, not a simple one, a doctor at the skryfosovsky research institute, a hero, but what happened? no, nothing, nothing, everything is fine, listen, how can i get closer to the beach here? come on, i'll see you off, come on, that's it, good photo, yes, let's continue, come on. now, konstantin was not at a loss and began to resuscitate gleb. when asked to share details, konstantin replied that
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the phone could not be saved. in general, it turned out that there was no tumor, just that this woman was deeply pregnant at 60 years old. holy shit, i mean, you're right. mercy, listen, i’m renting an apartment not far from here, maybe you’ll continue to come to me, why should we continue, let’s continue with me, well , let’s dance, listen, i have a beloved husband, and i also have a son, so you and i will dance, right here, i’m not coming to you...
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tell me, what about this krutov of yours, what is he all about, and sergei nikolaevich, oh, he’s a star, i feel so bad without you, we’ll get married , and damn it, i forgot, you have pregnant wife with her, what are we going to do? that's it, robin, rest assured, i
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this. i just won’t leave you, both of you will regret it, and do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail, doctor snail, today on ptf, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open all the boards, we can handle it, if you ask, then with podbokh, surname... which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would be an oak , chop, no, pluck, problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else?
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she doesn't pick up the phone, but maybe she did it on purpose i want to be alone and think there. i don’t know, let’s start with the embankment, yeah, the main thing is, don’t panic, everything will be fine, but give me your phone, i’ll call her, come on, come on, hold it, bone, you’re fine, what about the salt?
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i love you, you can’t describe it in a few words. come here, the child categorically demands you, excuse me, let’s go, it didn’t work out , we went mushroom hunting, she’s not here either, in short, ilyukha doesn’t accept her, she doesn’t accept him, it’s not clear what to do about it. we need
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a family psychologist, polina and i had a similar experience, it helped us, yes, we seem to have everything wonderful, everything is never perfect, even with your own children, especially with adopted children, i can’t force him to love her, i can’t, i’ll give you the doctor’s phone number, be sure to contact him, i understand, there she is. oh look, they're dancing.
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god, bragin, what a beauty!
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oh! hey, girls, don’t be jealous, i have the most handsome husband, iryushka, hello, now i’m going to play cards, it’s me, your evil mother, aren’t you sleeping, but sitting here, let’s quickly go to the room, what’s wrong with her- for me, come here. "i'm not going, let's go to bed, i'm not going, come to your senses, don’t touch her, so, i told both of us to go to bed, quickly, quickly, baptize us, i understand,
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i’ll go myself, ugh, sergey anatolyevich, good evening, hello, good, i’m coming to you, this is a failure, don’t be ashamed of your own feelings, don’t change plans, let’s go for a swim.
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it's pieces alone! it’s me, sleep, good morning, well, generally at 5:00 in the morning people are sleeping, well, now i’m not sleeping anymore, i’m listening, i wanted to ask you to listen to me, can you? i mean, what’s up ir, sing, i’ll figure it out, i ’m wheezing and coughing, but yes, of course, wait for me, i’ll be right there, okay. they why were you completely stunned? the owner is sick , what a lack of portability, oh, i said,
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wait, let's go, okay, once again, how great that... you have with you, quietly, quietly, once again, everything is fine, light and clean, you are so attentive, do you want me to take you to the park of southern cultures, completely free of charge, but why don’t we want it, just as we want it, what happened, your wife just listened to me, what kind of sock do you want? yes, well, just santa claus, a spider, in my room, a spider, in this hotel, in my opinion, no one sleeps, probably gosh, huge, he built a nest for himself, drive him away, that’s how it is.
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if you have any health problems , contact me directly, i’m also a decent doctor , i’ll probably be able to help you, agreed, agreed, let’s go, yes, you know, this is not just a spider, this is a huge spider, it has furry, black legs , he was sitting on the bed, he was sitting on the bed, he made a nest there, i assure you. how are you feeling?
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it's bad, i'm very ashamed. yes, tell me, was ilyushka scared because of me? i was scared for you when you didn't answer the phone, when i didn’t know where to look for you throughout this city. kos, forgive me, please, i really am very ashamed. in short, we need to go to a family psychologist. okay, let's go, you won't leave me, what a fool you are, but where will i throw you, but where will i throw you into this river? i talked to elyukha , explained to him the whole situation that happened on the beach, he seemed to understand, he even promised that when he woke up, i’m sorry, kostya, i love you so much, forgive me, really, forgive me, i’m very ashamed, they forgot, they forgot. guys, guys, nina marina called and asked to come to
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the shepherds and babysit the children, that is, all the children? yes, yes, yes, i’ll sit, where , sash, are you sure, of course, yes, i and anton can leave, leave, no, that’s it, i ran to get ready, i’m not going anywhere anyway, that’s all, we’ll take the hit ourselves , yes, i would drown you, right here, i love you so much, that’s it, come on, carefully, my head is still spinning. so i have half an hour while anton sleeps. yeah, come on, come on, come on, come on, lord, there are so many
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people, there’s nowhere for an apple, oh, girls, well, this nightmare, where to sit , don’t grumble, we’ll figure it out now, seaside, but there are no sun loungers available, they’re crazy, or something, and you ask, wait, wait, wait, oops, girls, have you seen the prices for sun loungers, 700 rubles, it doesn’t bother you, no, no, there are such beaches everywhere, he gave me money, so we relax in a cafe while kostya, sashay and the children sit for fun, no, well, bradin , of course, is a millionaire, perhaps, yes, no, i don’t feel sorry, but it seems to me that this is indecent, just say that this is indecent, listen, but laseri is ours, and he had so many beautiful women, he found yourself, oh, okay, by the way, why don’t she and sashka have children of their own, and there ’s a complicated story, then everything is fine, the main thing is that he ’s happy with her, yes, that’s really the most important thing, girls, let’s get hot, let’s get hot, so , and who should pay, a kilogram of these tomatoes. by the way, i saw a tomato, i saw it, red
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, why are you like a child, well, i’m not coming, honey, do it for me, yes, of course, which ones do you like, no, no, no, i want this one, this one, here you go this one, these two , i know everything, listen, you wanted to fix the platform, you need nails, but there are boards, no, that means i need to buy boards, how much 200 rubles, please, thank you very much and it’s better in general for self-tapping screws, you need to buy a drill, but the drill is expensive, well, well, you can use nails. oh, let's go quickly, hello, you have two sun loungers, your fee is 1,400 rubles. that's it, start right, and don't deny yourself anything, thank you, have a nice holiday, thank you, please, i'm already having a nice rest, girls, there's some guy there, girl, i know him, van, who's that, an old friend , an old novel, what is a novel right away? i see you, not you, marina, hi, marina, hi, hi, listen,
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how many years, how many winters and 15, probably , well, oh, girls, and this is vanya, my... keep myself in shape, play tennis, go to the gym, swim, where do you have so much time, tell me, i i’m not good with sports at all, two children, a job, a husband, but i have neither a wife, nor children, nor a job, i’m a lone wolf, although i also have... two, the first one was taken by my wife to israel 15 years ago, he and i we don’t see each other, now you will tell your whole fate, tell me please, look at how your eyes are good, my eyes will be blinded by such a dawn, your eyes will blind me, it will be good, so shorts show me, here i’ll take shorts and a shirt, for everything 300 and we’ll take it, yes, please pack
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it, hey, hey, hey, does anyone have water, wait, i have it, now, now, on the road, on, on, nah, nah, hey, you see me, i see, i feel sick, i’m dizzy, yes
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, i’m sorry, call an ambulance, i won’t fight, call an ambulance, i’m going to have a concussion, i’ll die, you won’t die, you ’re lucky, i’m a doctor, go to the hospital now . let's go , and then maybe to prison, uh, where, where are you going, you lie down, that you and i are tied up now, where are you going, i'm going there too, fast, it's adler central market, we broke the thief's head, thief, to whom, to you, to whom, what 's going on, how do you feel about taking the place of my deputy, me? i’m glad to work with you, and my serious relationship, wow, are you so tense, relax, skleposovsky, on monday on rtr, and soon we’ll watch new episodes, skrif, i
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can’t live without you.
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life is not what, you need to go to the capital, it seems like it rushed to the mine, like at the mine, misha is at the mine face, we look at the weekend, val, far away you are gathered, we are in moscow, val, and you, i’m burning behind you are bridges, other people's houses, other people's lives. but my own didn’t work out, i really want to look back, i can’t believe my eyes, you returned it, or what ? at all? i don’t know, i was looking for a new life, some kind of happiness, and found nothing, it turns out that happiness is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness? on
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sunday on rtr? athlete igor kuznetsov, or are you with me, or is there war? who is to blame that her marriage collapsed and how her wedding dress can save someone now, and also why her song from twenty years ago is now being sung by everyone the world, and what connects her with alexander ovechkin, pavel bure and vladimir ferinovsky. malakhov on monday on rtr. girls, i suggest you take a ride on a catamaran, completely free. free, no, we can’t, just wait. what is toxic? oh, toxic, toxic , this is very close to me, i have children volodya, with whom i live, they speak with this slend, we agree, no, we don’t agree, we have 700 rubles
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for a chaise lounge, damn it, you’re toxic too, polina, you stuffy, that's it, that's it, that's it, girls, beauties, roll around, don't be silly, marina, i'm so glad to see you see, come on, come on, i'll show you now, i 'm gunya, come on, run forward, i'll roll you away, pakukha, pakukha, there's a shadow in my eyes, yes, it happens, you have a concussion, i even lost consciousness, bastards, steal it wasn’t necessary, no
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one wanted to harm you, i think the cat needs a consultation with a neurologist, i’ll figure it out, go , where are we going, we called the police, which police, why the police, because you stole your wallet, oh, hello, hi, oleg, thank you for coming, this is who, and this is me with him. yes, we're leaving now, the police have arrived, well that’s it, let’s go explain, he hit the asphalt when he handed in, i understand, uh-huh , why don’t you go, and i’ll stay to help you, yes , by the way, my name is oleg mikhailovich, i’m a surgeon, elena dmitrievna, a traumatologist, it’s very nice , will you treat me or get to know me, no, now we will treat you, follow your finger, left, right.
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men, aunt val, is it really possible to throw bags at people, but what if you killed him? well , pashenka didn’t kill him, it’s true, but they returned the wallet to you three, i returned it to myself, well, what’s wrong with him, it’s okay, with your robber, slight concussion, you can take it, you will report him, of course we will, he stole our wallet, pasha, val, wait, he was already hurt, well, i have no claims against him, let’s go, then we’ll sign a waiver of claims, will you allow me? oleg mikhailovich
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, i recognized you, since you’re here, maybe look at one patient, we can’t make a diagnosis, with great pleasure, where to go, yeah, it’s a great trip, but it’s time for us, girls, come on, really, seriously, bye.
7:44 pm
a beautiful bamboo grove, and hamlet, have in mind that we are old sick people, oh, oh, just don’t generalize, you... what a beauty, swans swim, god,
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how, how do we miss such specialists? you helped me a lot, oleg, if you wouldn’t like to stay and work with us, then where am i going to leave my people? no no, i’m only as part of a cultural exchange, then as part of a cultural exchange, i want to ask you to look at another patient, yes, of course, this is my son, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, where are you wandering around, did you look at your watch?
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i should pick up the child, choose, ilyusha, quietly, quiet, quiet, let's go home, go swimming now , let's go, you're not hungry, okay, hungry , that's it, let's go eat, let's go, my girl, let's go, quickly, don't be upset, everything is fine, yes, thank you, childish, tell me the route, in my opinion, he decided to get rid of... the rival, that i don’t hear anything, nothing, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, carefully, branches, i’m holding, so, carefully, masha, my wife, and i met here in sochi, she there was a vacationer, and i was working in a restaurant then, uh-huh, you know, i served her, oh, back and forth, she twirled there, yes, across the bridge, neatly, so why is he
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telling us all this, and why is it interesting? no, i know it’s not interesting, no, i wonder why , i know that like everyone else, but for me it was not like everyone else, she shone like the sun, and i went blind, got married, lived 10 years together, but then she was gone, and what happened, the trompe came off in a dream, and i became alone, well , that’s probably how life is, people lose. close people, but it seems to me that loneliness is not forever, but the memory is forever, it is always in my heart, my masha, that’s it, i’m as cheerful as fresh as may morning, where are we going, and we are going, please come in, kolya, kolya, please come out,
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hello, be quiet, be careful. kolya , i want to introduce you, this is my colleague, hello, hello, my name is oleg, give me your hand, oleg will take a look at you, and maybe they’ll advise you on something, mom, again you advised 300 people, no one knows what’s going on i ’m doing well, 300 tips are good, 301 is better, show me the documents and statements, yes, yes, of course, thank you, sit down, there is something here... don’t be, yes, yes, help us, we ’ve been walking for half a day, we can’t find a way out , we are lost, yes, carefully, it's all very simple, you need to go back across the bridge, then go right, no, no, guide us, i beg you, no, no, hamlet, you better guide us, yes, i remember the way, we will return just fine,
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i beg you , ok then. let's go, be careful, tell us your impressions at the hotel in the evening, about the excursion, definitely, but not here, to the right, to the right, carefully, thank god, to be honest, i'm already fed up with it, well, we're looking for the grotto, probably there, right, yeah, my intuition tells me, let’s go, when you want vision, you want to ask when am i starting to go blind? kolya, just answer! 4 months ago, type 1 diabetes, yes, he has been on insulin since childhood. well, tell me how it started, i woke up in the morning, realizing that everything was somehow blurry, i thought it would pass, you never know, it didn’t , then, further, further, i didn’t
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tell my mother, i waited until it came on its own, it only got worse, he didn’t tell me anything for a month, then i accidentally noticed that he was squinting and couldn’t see well, i started questioning him, only then did he admit it, send it to kokulis, he said it was a cataract.
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the pillow will be cheaper, no, we’ll buy a big one sofa, normal, why are you sneezing all the time , you have a cold, everything is fine , something got in your nose, in the end, in the end i will soon go blind, i already have terrible double vision, and i only see the outline of objects, never no one will help me, well, never say never, you can see everything perfectly, even without glasses, and at the age of 17 i will be blind, if only, i’m certainly not an ophthalmologist and i don’t have the right to make a diagnosis, but...” it seems to me that the whole problem is due to diabetic retinopathy and that is why the lens transplant did not help, we need to deal with the main diagnosis, that
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the diagnosis was made incorrectly, so much time was lost, this operation is in vain, we need to go to moscow and a good specialist, i have just such a doctor, give me a pen and paper, bring me a little bag, he is a very good doctor. works in eye diseases, you call him and he will tell you what needs to be done, prescribe treatment, perhaps you may even need surgery, alexey fedorovich dergachev, and you know, king, this doctor operated on me myself when i completely lost my sight, mom, i didn’t i want to go blind, kulya, kulya, what are you, what are you, what are you? paul, listen, let 's move to moscow, and we'll go here on vacation while we can rent out all this stuff,
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i miss moscow, the sklif, i saw everyone again, i would become an ordinary surgeon if... they’ll call, of course , deciding, gnyusha, next time , yes, i’ll rely only on... intuition , you’ll jump over, no, i’d better pick it up, wait, oh, thank you, oh, where is that damn pile, oleg,
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thank you, yes nothing for now, thank you, i am very grateful to you, you, thank you, that’s all. ok, everything will be fine, you, you are very he’s a good person, that’s for sure, thank you, when you’re in moscow, call me, keep me informed, okay, everything will be fine, thank you, sergey anatolyevich, sergey anatolyevich. i don’t understand something, have you decided to stay here or will you still go with us to moscow? lazarev, i’m a grown man, free mind you, come on, come on! take a break, it’s hot
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, and drink some water from my source, dear, thank you, valentina, there aren’t enough screws, i need to buy something to eat, my hard worker, god, what a beauty, here ’s valentin, that’s what it means, the man in the house. this really, oh, my craftsman, oh, kostya, go to the beach, like your vladimir, aka vladimir, he is vladimir, a good man, we are trying to live together, she has two children, well, it’s difficult, we are establishing relationships, they are in a language camp, we're here, he's working, i honestly thought i'd never be with anyone again, well, we'll see, but you're good. “i’m good, well, that’s the main
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thing, well, yes, why is neklyudov calling, go to hell, it’s neklyudov, he’s calling, he’s playing for dad , well, at least send him money, well, he sends as much as he can, why not his money, if the children don’t have a father, it’s clear that petka wants to go back to moscow, oh well, what nonsense, it was worth it to fence this and go back to moscow, but i myself am in shock, we just got into this mortgage for the house, and he ends up in moscow wants, and what do you want, me, i want to pay off the mortgage? after your injury, you know that life doesn’t end after an injury, uh-huh, damn, i want to go to the toilet, be patient, what do you have to endure, no one to sit down?”
7:57 pm
no, then run, i’ll stand on the nix, let ’s wait, ladies and gentlemen, you can start selling tickets, pay attention to the jury and so on, oh, honored plastic surgeon, stay a little sleepy, okay, rogin, i ’ll run to the embankment, there and back, okay, i have a meeting there, but in more detail, you remember, i told you when the girls and i were on the beach, i quite by chance met an old friend.
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you are my bead, my cranberry, my goddess, let's go, let's go, daddy will feed you, let's go, let's go, vit, i don't understand why exactly today we need to buy this sofa, i mean, well, i mean, everyone is accommodated , no one is complaining, why today, paul, i don’t understand you, then there is not enough space for everyone, now everyone is accommodated, so don’t fool me, we are buying today, because the store has a great promotion, a nice beautiful sofa with a big discount, let's speed up. look , i'll tell the people what's going on, i don't recognize you , you've become so economical and disgusting, yes, i 've always been so economical, excuse me, hello, hello, you wrote urgently what happened, i wanted to talk to you , it’s a delicate conversation, i don’t even know how to start , just tell it like it is, i need money.
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quite a large amount, loans , clearly, i need money now, but i simply have no one else to ask, of course, i’ll tell you what’s going on, i rented a car here to go to the mountains, when i was returning back, i hit a man, yes it’s okay, minor injuries, but he threw himself under my wheels, i ’m not guilty of anything at all, in general, now he’s blackmailing me. threatens to go to the police, he has a video of the attack, ira, ay, come here , what’s wrong, come here, what happened, just quiet, what’s wrong, listen, you’re scaring me, come on, i’ll help, what the hell, lord, how did you get here, come on, what are you doing, my clever one, come on, just be careful, take care of your hands,
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now, what happened, but wait, what is this? look, don’t you think that this is very similar to a divorce, it seems, but i have no other options, i’ll have to pay him, and i just don’t have money right now, yeah, i ’ll give you everything in moscow, i should get a percentage of it one transaction. literally a month later van, you yourself understand that all this looks very strange, we haven’t seen each other for 15 years, suddenly, yes, yes, you’re right, forget it.


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