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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  January 21, 2024 8:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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for the historical russian territory with a predominantly ethnic russian population to go there to some kind of international military alliance, despite the fact that the residents of crimea themselves want to be part of russia, excuse me, we simply could not do otherwise, we really some operations in crimea or somewhere else were carried out with a normal country with a normal government, no, they never did this, they didn’t even keep it in their heads, but why did western countries support the coup? from now on, power in ukraine is a source for us the authorities - a coup d'etat, and not the will of the people , representatives of several countries arrived in 2014, european countries signed guarantees for the peaceful course of the political process, 3 days later they seized power by armed means, they themselves do not fulfill anything, but they demand some kind of fulfillment from us, let 's not play like that, it's a bad sandbox, we don't like this game, they just forced us to respond to this chaos.
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there was no other choice, we had to get involved, we just couldn’t behave differently, or we had to give up everything watching them slurp, eating everything , our original russian, declaring russians in ukraine, not a titular nation, this is what is happening now in latvia, there, when russian people are simply thrown out of the cordon, you know, this is, this is very serious things that directly affect the security of our country, 2014. that after the coup d’etat , military operations began in the donbass, they started a hot war. of course, history will judge everything, but history has already judged a lot, exactly 2 years ago macron in for the kremlin, it is important to listen to his words. i told both mr. zelensky and president putin that only the minsk agreements and the associated normandy format can really resolve and make progress. on the issue of the crisis in ukraine,
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soon the real, original position of france on the minsk agreements was voiced by alland, who signed them. did you think that putin wanted to gain time? no, we wanted to gain time to give ukraine the opportunity to recover, strengthen its military capabilities, while ukraine is able to continue struggle, as long as ukraine is able to force the russians to retreat, there can be no negotiations. more shots taken as well.
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do as much as they are doing now to help ukraine. it was clear to all of us that this was a frozen conflict, but this is what gave ukraine precious time. we took it seriously, and russia took it seriously, but as you can see, the mistake, it seemed small, as small as all the leaders of europe today. in recent months, western weapons have been coming to ukraine.
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and absolutely nothing, we hear that ukraine is not ready today to join nato, we know this thesis, but they immediately say that it will not be accepted tomorrow. audience, do you want to fight with russia? you ask your readers, viewers, users of internet resources, you want, you want france to fight with russia, but this is how it will be, european countries will automatically be drawn into a military conflict with russia, of course, the potential
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of a united organization of nato and russia is not comparable , there will be no winners, and you will find yourself drawn into this conflict, in addition to of your own will, you won’t even have time to blink... and here are macron’s statements made the day before. we can't let russia think it can win. a russian victory would mean the end of european security. that is why we will continue to support ukrainians. we will do this pragmatically and specifically, while continuing to train and equip them in critical areas such as artillery, air defense and long-range strike.
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and now it’s clear why neither macron nor merkel paid any attention to zelensky’s defiant antics during discussions of the minsk agreements, the special status of donbass on an ongoing basis, it is necessary, of course, to extend the validity of the agreement on the special status of individual regions of donbass. and ultimately give this norm a permanent character, as provided for in the minsk agreements. now that it is thoroughly known that france had no intention of fulfilling the minsk agreements, it is useful to re-listen to that telephone conversation. you and
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i, apparently, understand all this completely differently, which means i already told you when we met in person. je les ai sous les yeux, il est bien écrit que le gouvernement l'ukraine, paragraphe 9 et cetera, propose et que c'est en consultation et en accord avec les représentant de certains arrondissement des régions de donetsk et louansk dans le cadre du groupe de contact tripartite, c'est exactement ce qu'on propose de faire, donc je ne sais pas où ton juriste a appris le droit, moi je regarde juste les textes et j'essaie de les appliquer.
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au texte des ukrainiens et il faut faire les choses dans ce sens-là parce que c'est la loi mais ce que tu viens de dire montre d'ailleurs mets en doute quelque part ta propre volonté de respecter les accords de minsk si tu juges que tu as face à toi des autorités non légitimes et terroristes me but can you hear me well now you can hear me well i can tell you i say that these so-called separatists responded to these proposals, they responded but did not respond to them. then, in his address to the russians, putin for the first time uses the words “empire of lies” in relation to the collective west, although the recognition of germany and france
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that the minsk agreements were only a screen , sounded only a year later. yes, you can often hear that politics is a dirty business, perhaps, but not as much, not to the same extent, and where is the justice and truth here, just sheer lies and hypocrisy.
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everything was already completed a year and a half ago, this just once again emphasizes that they are not independent people, this is clear, for everyone, this is for the whole world, this is obvious, with regard to this negotiation process, an attempt to encourage us to abandon those gains, which we implemented for the last year and a half there, but this is impossible, everyone understands that this is impossible, and they, the ruling crudini in ukraine, understand, the western elites understand, everyone understands, it’s just... these so-called peace formulas that they talk about in the west in ukraine,
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this is a continuation of the implementation of the decree of the president of ukraine on the ban on negotiating with russia, that’s what it is, these are prohibitive demands for the negotiation process, but they don’t want it, it’s not necessary, it’s just that if what continues now continues, now it’s completely obvious, not only their counteroffensive failed, but the initiative to... everything is in the hands of the russian armed forces, if this continues, an irreparable, very serious blow may be dealt to ukrainian statehood, but this is their area of ​​​​responsibility. biden says that if putin is not stopped in ukraine, then russia will attack nato. this is complete nonsense, i think that president biden understands this, this is just a figure of speech in order to justify his erroneous policy in the russian direction. is erroneous, because i don’t think that the united states today, bearing
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in mind the prospect of world development, is as interested as they thought there 20 years ago in inflicting and as they publicly declare a strategic defeat of russia, i don’t think that this is in the national interests of the united states itself, this is the first, second, president of any large country, a nato country, especially the sole owner of nato.
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the same question for everyone, aren’t you scared, it’s our business, because we love our homeland, we love russia, who else, if not us, flies in, and the hymers fly by, anything can happen, strong , one might say, people of steel, who have proven that no one and nothing can break them, no one will force them to come to the station, probably everything can be falsified , since in the united states the previous elections were rigged
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through voting by mail, they bought ballots for 10 dollars, wrote them in without anything - observation from the outside, there observers threw everything into mailboxes, but it’s impossible to force them to come, under the spell of a machine gun they didn’t you’ll force it, if people didn’t want to, they just wouldn’t come to the polling stations, that’s called voting with their feet, that’s all, here they came and voted, but what is it, if it’s not democracy, the will of the people, that ’s democracy, so if we from abroad, they are trying to sing something about thumocracy, which they are trying to impose on us, nothing.
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yes, they are hitting squares, what is the military sense in this, none, zero, but why are they doing this? there is an answer: show your people their sponsors who give money and weapons ammunition, to show that they are able to respond to russian actions when russia launches targeted strikes on military infrastructure and enterprises of the military-industrial complex throughout the depths of ukrainian territory. they are trying to show that they, too, can do something, but instead of solving military problems, acting in such a barbaric way, just a naz attack on peaceful settlements, and not with selective weapons, a multiple launch rocket system in areas simply hits everything, one of the main tasks of strikes like this kind - this is to divert the attention of their own population of sponsors, again from
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the complete failure of the so-called counter-offensive, complete and absolute, kolmyks, buryats, tatars, bashkirs, yakuts, chechens, dagestanis, chuvashs, morians, i’m sure everyone here knows why the homeland begins, the small homeland forum, the power of russia, the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. thousands of participants from all over the country, we are working to work in local authorities, the president recommends, it is necessary to attract returning participants special military operation, people, when they decide to do this, yes, when this crucible passes, they return, many life priorities are lined up
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differently, here you will no longer jump without pants at some events, you know, here here .. .everyone looks at life differently, the priorities are different, the values ​​are different, if they have an inclination for work of this kind, of course, they need to be involved in this work. their career ladder has many steps, but at each stage they are closest to people, namely as they say, all the cones fall on them. and you need to find the strength in yourself, find such strings in your soul so that in any case. to support a person, this is talent, eggs are so expensive , you are not responsible for this, we still don’t have to explain, explain, no matter what, we are the local authorities, it is clear that there should definitely be confusion in powers between different levels of government fewer, balanced, implemented at the municipal level decisions, a lot of decisions can be made, good
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intentions are always enough, that’s how they are to implement is another question, and here, of course, dialogue and not comparison are very important. these opportunities with wishes , we received specific answers to many important questions right away, we will extend the school bus program, support for agriculture too, especially since it is demonstrating impressive success, you have blue cheese, no, you have sausages, thank god, we have blue cheese, that’s for sure, but we absolutely need top quality sausages, no, we make sausages too, but of course. small children need special attention now cities and towns, but here are some details that emerged about the greater krasnoyarsk. putin about conversations with the head of one of the largest. company of the country rushydra about moving to siberia , creaked, creaked, said that they would not go, employees, it would be difficult to find specialists on the spot, well, they are going, in the end,
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the decision has been made, they are moving, they are not themselves, it is i who am pushing them there, they don’t want to, in any case, they didn’t want to go anywhere, they are comfortable here in moscow, but we need to develop the territory where these companies work, the main work of roshydra is in the east in siberia, why exactly sit in moscow, if a person comes to public service, he comes in order to... it’s called public service, that is, he comes to serve the state, and what the state is, it’s people, first of all, because when you manage to achieve some positive result, you know what arises, a feeling of trust in what the state as a whole is doing, and this is generally the most important condition for the successful work of all government structures combined, that’s why putin comes out all the years and spends his straight.
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7.4%, i really hope that through joint efforts, with the participation of the bank of russia,
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of course, we will be able to approach the solution of this problem. over the 10 months of last year, real wage growth amounted to 7.7%, this is not bad, but having in view of inflationary processes, it is necessary to compare one with the other, a comparison, judging by these words. maybe the russian economy is developing successfully even in extraordinary circumstances. yesterday here in the kremlin late in the evening and take place at meetings at any time, the cohesion of our society, strengthening our economy is a complete surprise for the enemy, but complete and absolute. pavel, what are the president’s plans for next week? there are many plans, including travel plans. an extremely eventful week, the president is expected to make regional trips, international contacts are coming, there will also be a teleconference with egypt, where
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the first concrete will be poured into the foundation of the fourth unit of the eldaba nuclear power plant. relations between russia and egypt are developing in all directions. very successfully, and also to declare 2024 in russia, the year of the family. the president will participate in events to mark the beginning of the year of the family. of course, in connection with the upcoming tatyana. during the day, a meeting with students is expected, and such communication always brings many surprises. our traces will remain on the dusty paths of distant planets. when there are many similar telegram channels around , publishing the same thing, subscribe to the exclusive telegram channel zarubin, one of the most quoted, watchable political telegram channels, there are the best and most important shots earlier, but we will show more of the rest in our next issue . thank you pavel, with you we say goodbye for the week, and we will meet the audience after a short break, i’m waiting for you in the studio, sunday evening.
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just now in moscow the kremlin showed putin, in particular, a conversation with macron and how macron was acting. says that their main task is to prevent russia from winning, listen, french bastard, are you happy with how your clients shelled the market in donetsk today, you like looking at the torn bodies of grandmothers, you are proud that you are killing russian children, all kinds nationality,
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macron, are you happy? that's what you are you call preventing russia from winning, when russia is demilitarizing ukraine , striking military targets, for some reason the next day there are no reports on how many civilians, grandmothers, women, children have died, but here your bastards, on sunday at the market, there are no civilian object, bodies are visible, not a single military man, are you happy, myakht, french bastard, pathetic nonentity, disgrace of france, are you satisfied with yourself, your nazi ukrainian army, which you support both with weapons and with your fighters, what are you really trying to do
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deny, maybe... be proud of yourself, whose heirs you are: normandy niemen and the great de gaulle or pétain, the disgrace of france, what tradition are you continuing, a pathetic nonentity, you think that the russian people will ever forgive you, don’t even hope, then and the name will be a common noun. in western scenario planning there is and cannot be an alternative to a total war with russia. they have lost their fear. they do not understand that the current situation is such that the growth of a relatively small, in their terms, conflict hundreds of kilometers from their border, could very quickly escalate into a global nuclear war. humanity has not yet walked this
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path. but the fact that they have lost fear, and for them the war with russia has become common place, de facto, has turned into an event that they not only fear, but which they are planning, this is extremely alarming, german defense minister pistorius calls on german society to wake up and be prepared for conflict, i told you everything about macron. everyone praises the swedes for the fact that, although they have not yet become part of nato, they are already preparing their population for a possible war with russia. strategy for the fight against us includes several geographical areas. the anglo-saxons separately highlight the importance of crimea. and so we say, at this moment there is an attack on crimea. each time an attempt to strike at crimea. for
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them it is crimean. the bridge is just a bone in the throat, they dream of destroying crimea. in addition to this direction, they play cards by handing over baltic cards to the emirates. latvia, lithuania and estonia are trying to create a defense line on the borders with russia and belarus. crazy people, while nato recognizes that the framework of confrontation.
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what is going on? biden, behind whom many people see obama coming to an end to centuries of western dominance? i don’t know, the fact that the west is bogged down in conflicts that it has started has become a hostage to its own excessive ambitions, only those who survive or will live to see the end of the conflict will know, when the development process does not need to calm down too early, on friday it’s baptism, well, i’m like ... supported his orthodox friends , plunged into the ice hole under the neck, you are handsome, an amazing priest, here we are talking to him, he himself is from the military, he
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is assigned to a certain brigade, who carries out tasks, and is commanded by a colonel, a hero of russia, there is sergei nikolaevich, an amazing person, so they both stand and tell me, they say: “do you know how we treated you before.” satan is evil and strong, and i am surprised when suddenly here in telegram channels people who are far from what is happening there suddenly began to hear phrases that that’s it, we have already won, the enemy is defeated, he will almost run away, and
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they have nothing , they have nothing, they have nothing, they ironed the neckline at night since friday saturday, it’s scary, they have nothing, but today in donetsk, they fly deep into our country. they have everything and will give it to them, despite the temporary problems with financing, they will give them everything they need to kill us, they don’t care about ukraine, they want to fight with us with the hands of the ukrainians, it’s too early to rest on their laurels, it’s too early to relax, the ukrainians don’t they surrender en masse, and there are cases when they defect, but when they are taken prisoner, first of all, you need to understand that this is the same root.
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they write about this, not everything is known yet, but with those with whom they had no right to enter into sexual relations, that is, up to the age consent pedophilia there girls are 13 to 14 years old, i’ll just quote this for now as westerners write coquettishly under ageed, but
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everything gets here, that is, obviously this is a complete pedophilia, and not a complete pedophile, there is no doubt about it, but the western press about they write about this so coquettishly, they will soon justify pedophilia, 100%, while as is often the case they yes, therefore the plans that we have developed, which were approved in vilnius, are aimed at countering the threat that is russia. therefore the fact that we must be ready to be attacked by russia is not news in itself because those
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are our plans because we are a defensive alliance and we have to be ready and we are ready but we are improving to be ready here with more people with better opportunities. batteries and a flashlight to be sure, you need water, you need to have a radio so you can survive the first 36 hours. these are simple things, but this is where it all begins, with the realization that not everything can be planned, not everything will be easy in these 20 years. i do not speak, that tomorrow something will go wrong, but we must understand that it is not a given that we live in the world. this is why we have plans, this is why we are preparing for conflict with russia and terrorist groups. if it comes to that, if they attack us, we are not looking for any
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conflict, but if they attack us, we must be ready. hello, you attacked us, you attacked us, you forgot, since the fourteenth year, what’s been happening, have you forgotten? and the terrorist groups in the caucasus that worked under your direct management since the nineties, have you forgotten? what are you doing? you read that the russian people forgot something or will forgive you something, yes, what has it come to, even such a cynical nonentity as olaf scholz even put on a uniform, as you see, they dressed me up, but much more important than the wonderful tunic that today the employees of the enterprise gave me a gift; what i saw, what they do here, is of great importance for safety.
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i'll tell you when to stop it, here, then, further, further, further, further, further, scroll further, that's when another plan will go, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, forward, forward, stop, look at this plane, i understand everything that this is the official symbol of the german air force, for any soviet person, this photo evokes associations , i'm not talking about their hand. of course, i’m not talking about the germans, this is at
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the eus plant, does any soviet person have any associations? and italy, which joyfully said that the fascist salute is normal, is possible, if it does not pursue political goals, is older than the roman greeting, ancient roman, everything is clear, the swastika will appear, everything is clear, to justify germany and the germans, not all germans think so, that’s what the bundestag deputy says. chancellor scholz proudly tweeted about his recent telephone conversation with biden, in which he promised that he would now allocate another 7 billion euros for weapons for ukraine. the us, germany and other nato countries have already spent more than $200 billion on weapons and financial assistance to support services in ukraine. and accordingly, to profit. american defense industry, but
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there is no money for our farmers. the war in ukraine is not putin’s aggressive war in violation of international law. rather, this is a consequence of long-term us policy aimed at regime change in russia and the constant destruction of the russian economy. so there are different views. today, by the way, the specialists of the engineering troops showed themselves brilliantly, namely the engineering troops, the chief of the engineering troops, yuri mikhailovich stovitsky, lieutenant general, it so happened that on the same day he had birthday, so we congratulate both the engineering troops and yuri mikhailovich on his birthday, the words are simply gratitude, because the successful results of the 2023 campaign are undoubtedly a gigantic merit of the engineering troops, because
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it will come, and it will, of course, in the middle east, there are subjective and objective prerequisites for this, they often say that wars start because of the economy, because of someone’s greed, this is largely true, but still in order for the war to start and for it to continue , necessary
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a certain state of mind, in one of the warring parties, at least one side, a certain intensity of passionarity. the islamic world should not be overestimated, islam is a young religion, the youngest religion of the great religions on earth, of the world religions, islam is as old as christianity was, when christianity had, for example, the crusades, go and stop them, right ? those campaigns of christ that took place in the christian world, the islamic world is a young world with the passion and spirit inherent in young people.
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it will definitely flare up, it won’t go anywhere , and no matter how sad it is that there will be a war and there will be casualties, the good news for us is that the forces of this so -called western world will be distracted by this, they, well, not to say , in order to completely leave us alone, but they will still forget my forecast, we will not completely forget like their ex from the nineties, you will never forget such an ex, well, get a little distracted by her at...
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when there were gigantic constant protests , millions on the streets in war, protested against the vietnam war , nothing happened to statehood , i mean, nothing happened when martin luther king led countless of his fellow tribesmen on the streets fighting segregation to the monstrous, truly degrading treatment of blacks in in the united states, nothing will happen now in the sense that there will be no barricades,
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this is satanism, not that this happened, but that they are making a cult out of this and sending missionaries around the world to join this cult to kill as many people as possible, preferably young, attractive people, and for this not to become just the norm all over the world, for this to become a fashion all over the world, will do no good. the united states, just as the ancient world did not bring, from the cup overflowing with god's wrath, blood is pouring over the edge, the west is drowning in it. blood will pour on you, our friends and brothers, the slavic world, close close, closer, unity - the oracle of our days announced, perhaps it is welded with iron only with blood, but we will try to solder it with love, and there we will see that... more firmly, this is our appeal to them , written by tyuchy in 1800 for a second in the seventies, but as if he wrote this
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this morning, and here we move on to the third question, naturally the main one, what will happen to ukraine, this is the question, what is love, what is hate? today, when these creatures smeared the heads of grandmothers who were selling sunflower seeds, you know, and carrots in... the market, and we, we, i mean russia, all of great russia, with new territories, planted 400 hectares of forest there, instead of forests, which were destroyed, with interest, with in reserve, the difference in attitude, however, they did not spare theirs, as they consider theirs, as they, more precisely, proclaim theirs, and do not spare, and this is the main proof that they... are not at all their own, as we remember solomon’s parable, yes, when she arrived, two women came,
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one of them had fallen asleep with the child, that ’s what it was called, well, in a dream, unfortunately, it still happens, a newborn baby can be accidentally crushed to death in a dream, now there was only one left, both had newborns, they came to solomon, solomon says, so what, what problems, there is only one child, there are two of you, divide it in half, tear it apart, and take half of it, and that woman who did not agree. she was the mother, this is the most obvious and main answer to the question that arises for a huge number of our fellow citizens, and for me too, i admit, it’s difficult to restrain these same emotions, these same sentiments, i work on myself every day so that to restrain them, and why don’t we, in response, destroy their grandmothers, their markets, their bags of seeds, we won’t tear their babies apart, because they are ours, because they don’t... the mother is tearing apart her baby, this doesn’t happen, this is also proof that they are ours, can we count how many people in kiev are sitting with folded russian flags
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somewhere under the bed? or somewhere in a distant barn, or maybe a small moisture drop somewhere hidden in a closet , or at least just drawn on the heart, we can’t count it, and especially in odessa, well, we know that such people exist, i i know for sure that there are such people even in lvov, not like in kiev and odessa, and what will we do? we will not do this. we’ll try to solder it all together with love, and then we’ll see what’s stronger. well, of course, we need to push this trash as far as possible, our hearts bleed , just even the saying belgorod, for me personally, well, it’s just how they ruined the mood for the new year, really the whole country’s mood, they got it, yes, the blood is terrible,
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monstrous , this woman does not leave me head, which closed the two children with it. an eight-month-old girl died without a leg in the hospital, a nine-year-old girl, also in the hospital, but not so badly wounded, she already knows that her mother died, so she writes down an appeal, thanks for the support, these are our people, listen, so what should we do, well where can we go without kharkov, without the kharkov region, so that they can stand there forever and forever terrorize our people in our belgorod, we can allow it, we cannot allow it, the question of course is when, which again comes down to love. how there should be as few victims as possible, first of all, as few victims as possible of our own, our guys, heroically, it’s absolutely incredible, fighting these videos, when you watch, when he’s wounded crawling in the snow alone and reading poems about mother russia, have you seen , probably yes, maybe he even showed this video on the air, it’s absolutely amazing, of course, here we come to the ultimate
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question, of course they write to me endlessly after this party, which i no longer want to mention, it seems to me that talking about it is the same, not camelpho, like herself, but people they ask, how long can this be, how can this be and happen, then i propose a simple thing, for those people who still do not understand what is happening at the front, that it is our brothers and sisters who are dying there , for you and me, they are fighting there, and at a minimum they need our... understanding, our sympathy, our respect, and, at maximum, our help. and those people who don’t understand that society doesn’t even know what is more outraged, a sock on, excuse me, the penis or 20 million rubles on a woman’s butt. and i still i don’t know what outraged me more, right? it seems to me that it’s both, i mean
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this kind of demonstrative shock against the backdrop of the war. well, he’s like any impressive man, he wants to please his girl, but he knows that the girl won’t be happy at all, not even once, not with her handbag, not with her earrings, if he doesn’t send the same amount to the front, it’s a tax, we agreed, you want give me a handbag, how much did you spend on this handbag, the same amount for the front, if when i buy something for myself, a dress, new shoes, well something that is not optional, but you can live without it, the same amount for the front, or even more,
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i propose introducing a 100% tax on luxury, you buy expensive... precious stones or some kind of super expensive clothes, for example, well, some... something there, well, we know all these brands, stamps, yes , you can do without it, i’m not talking about people, about ordinary people, we are removing them from this happening, it’s already hard for people, but if you are ready to spend 20 million on emerald, well, that means spending the same 20 million on anti-drone guns, on drones, on body armor, on everything that the fighters ask for the same. will go to some kind of, i guess , how it could be, some kind of fund, yes , like, remember, from 13 to 15 for wealthy people, they raised the personal income tax, yes, the tax on individuals, and no one like - i wasn’t particularly angry , it’s okay, it’s great, now it’s functioning, a circle of goodness, they’re treating children, it might be easier to add another 2% there, well, it’ll just be easier systemically, i don’t know, i’m not a tax specialist, well
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, for example, well, it’s necessary, from 13 until 15 to 17, if they don’t want to voluntarily, then you need to do this, and this will solve two problems, the first problem it will solve is, well, stupidly there will be more money, however, you won’t have to collect it all over the world, it won’t be easy. we have from this mentality, though i’m not talking about that, but still it’s unfair when you can just jump around in a sock on your penis , take everything away from everyone, you’ve already been vaccinated to earn countless millions,
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hundreds of millions, from this, and people pay their own blood, forced to think about how to earn a piece of bread, when my subscribers write to me: i have four children, my husband was transferred there from one unit to another, it’s hard for me, we don’t have a car, we didn’t... pay a million rubles. of those, it’s like a billion now, volodya, if not more, of those, he used it to buy a huge estate with fields, with forests, with serfs, with a huge number, it’s
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like now a billion or even more. this is how people lived, this is how the country thanked those who shed blood for it, annexed new territories to it, and achieved its military and, in general, universal glory. well, why can’t we take part in this? what, i know a huge number of people who participate voluntarily, but unfortunately, i know a larger number of wealthy people, and we all know them, who do not participate in any way, if you don’t want to teach us, if we can’t, we will force you, then in our society that same love will come, about which we will see that with it unity is soldered stronger than with iron and blood, the only thing i ask is that they do not perceive it as an indulgence, that is, like i paid, i can now carry it on my ass, that is, it is important that both factors work.
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well, proportionally there’s also 2%, because i i pay this extra 2%, i don’t see absolutely anything wrong with it, moreover, in our financial system it’s simple and it’s not necessary, like 20 years ago, i remember i was standing in the tax office, they were writing something there for half a day numbers.
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but i believe that we should not be embarrassed to explain to our society, our cultural, but i won’t call it an elite, i
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will call it a stratum, yes, which decided that it is the essence of our society, the salt of our society, the salt of our earth , and then listen to them, listen, but there’s not only some baltic singers from variety shows, it turns out, fed the entire soviet union. listen to them, they will leave, now it’s some kind of nightmare, everything will collapse, so it seems to me that there is no need to be embarrassed to explain the seriousness of the situation in which one is. our country, there is no need to be shy about explaining who we are actually at war with, because a huge part of people, if you read it like this, today they think that we are at war with the armed forces of ukraine, but we have not been at war with the armed forces of ukraine for a long time, we have been for more than a year we are not at war with the ukrainian armed forces, everyone asks, what is it? you haven’t figured it out yet, but because we are not at war with the armed forces of ukraine, we are really at war , not even with nato anymore, we are at war with a global force that has chosen
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satanism as its value, there is no need to spare our society, no it’s necessary, this happened , including during the great patriotic war, so i read the memoirs of front-line soldiers, they are very, they are very like that, and not generals, but officer colonels, they very interestingly recalled order number 2 227 not a step ago, a lot of people tell us, here we are they told the truth. that the matter is bad, that we are talking about the life and death of our country, we were told the truth, we need to tell our society not that local clashes are taking place there, what such a process means there, but here we are having some kind of peaceful negotiations, we need to say, that in reality we are talking about the life and death of not only our state, our people, not even society, but...
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they are frightened that this possibility of a collision, a direct military-forceful collision with russia, is approaching too quickly. they talk about how it is necessary get ready, gotta get ready. he already told the truth, he said: “we need 5-7 years to prepare for a clash with russia.” well, he told the truth, now they are not ready. "give us 5-7 years, we
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will prepare the wehrmacht, we will prepare the backlash of the wafe, and not this lousy bundeswehr with one frigate, we will prepare everything, we will have an army of 650, 700, 800, and maybe a million people, not all of them will naturally be germans, but they will recruit, but they will recruit, but by the way, against the background of this, if you look at what is happening on ours." so systematically, quite obviously, there are forces in this world, in this west, who do not want to wait, who want the growth of a big european war here now, that is why they are setting fire to the baltic states, but you know, this is the difference between europe and the united states is becoming more and more obviously dangerous. in
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the united states, there are still people who are afraid of war with russia, in europe, in politically significant places, i don’t see them, well, yes, among the deputies of the bundesphere, the bundestag there are those, a member of the bundeswehr is good , this is a member of the baltic, such a film was good , by the way, you should also watch it, how the intelligentsia still finds a place for itself in certain processes, well, there are, probably, in parliament, france, italy, surely there are such people. but if you look at the political leadership, the war with russia doesn’t scare anyone there, in america it does, and even in the current white house there are people who are afraid of this war, this, this is the guarantee that, unfortunately, margarit simon is the third right world war cannot be avoided and god forbid that it happens somewhere, but still there is a chance that they will set fire somewhere near our territory, well, the last one...
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the liberation of africa, only from other forms of dependence, justice, values, morals, everything is the same, i’m here all the time.
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this is all true, but from the point of view of development, hasn’t there been a turnaround in the last 100 years , nazism, we’re discussing, it started to appear then, nazism, that’s where it comes from, it’s from twenty years, haven’t we done here is this very spread on place, thinking that we are moving forward, and... this means that if the answer is positive, then we definitely have a big world war ahead of us, because, because this is the only way to clear the place, no matter who clears it for further movement, well, we
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have this humanity in we humanity, well , of course it did, well, we didn’t, why don’t we not, we just didn’t, but humanity, of course. humanity, and western civilization, probably, humanity, i am here rather, humanity, yes, i am rather humanity, and the east, and africa has liberated again i fell into dependence, yes, i’ll probably even give up, i have a different assessment of lenin’s role, it just seems to me that in fact, if you look at the entire history of russia, then in the entire history of russia we have not had a political figure who had such an influence on the whole world, that is, lenin’s influence on...
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based on the laws of that historical era in which they operated, this is true, and this is a big topic, and there alexander had a good influence on the whole world, he did not change the course of the world, it seems to me, yes , it was still in that tradition, it was still dynasties, it there were still empires.
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i refused, i refused my child, how can i find him? we'll look at the weekend. 17 years ago, a boy with a serious diagnosis was admitted to your center, is he alive or not? two operations were carried out successfully, the doctor who operated on him was in good hands, i can’t forget, i
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want to get a job at the hospital as a volunteer, and your children have experience in volunteer work, you won’t be able to run away, it’s difficult to decide to change your life forever, but why is it so difficult? you take it, change it, and we don’t know each other, you didn’t give birth with me, no, with her children, i just returned to my homeland , my memory did not let me down, having taken the first step, she will go to the end, you came to the city to find your son, why were these games of love needed, why, svetlana, on saturday on rtr. this man had no idea about the existence of the artist tatyana abramova, yuri belyaev and tatyana abramova did not know. and passing by me, for some reason he put his finger into the hole of my jeans, which
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was located just above the knee, a day later i asked permission to kiss her, and two crazy people met, 10 years old as one day, guy, that’s what you call it, tatyana albertovna, yes, this, this suits me, let’s, yes, he’s throwing himself, i’m wondering how much of each other you really have in these 10 years? they found out well, i ’m a year old, so i’m already 30 years old, who was the first to confess his love, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr,
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today is not only in europe, but in america, moreover, he does not hide it , he is really strong, he is really dangerous, and it always amazes me that when we state this, for some reason we do not see that the answer to this question, the confrontation lies within our country, and we must not only be adequate to this enemy, his... potential, but we must surpass it, and we are not only talking about the armed forces that demonstrate this capability, we are talking about that the whole country , when we must correspond to this, when we say that look how heroically our wars behave, we give honor and respect to this, but we understand and want the whole country not only to see, realize, feel and was, as it were, privy to this, but when we talk about economic issues that are an integral part of our entire life, then here...
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but why do we think that this corresponds to our stage of opposition to the west? no , i don’t agree with this and believe that we should move here exactly in this way, that we cannot have development restrictions in front of us at all, well , how can our country have development restrictions, i don’t even take the potential, i don’t take the resources there opportunities, and i even take the starting stage from which we started, and we we admit today that we spent 30 years, well, not exactly on that, yes we developed, yes we moved forward, but we... could move faster and we are not analyzing this now, we are saying what needs to be done so that from now on move as quickly as possible.
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here we have, for example, a problem with infrastructure, which everyone, everyone, everyone is talking about today, and rightly so, yes, it is a problem, there are many reasons why this happened and is happening, well, one of the reasons, i will highlight it , she is far from the last, this is that this entire construction industry, which is being created beautifully today, we did not see such a pace during the soviet union, but even more so after that. but to a large extent, to a significant extent, not only, but to a significant extent it is based on everything that was created during the soviet era, the infrastructure resource that existed, it simply came to an end, and today we simply need colossal investment a fund that would take care of this infrastructure, not individual inclusions, as a whole, needs to be drawn program and develop, moreover, we must do this only by the state, and what kind of infrastructure so that people understand what and...
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and housing, but we can’t talk about this today and they are talking about building only these large cities, so i’m being gentler i will say, this means that we must spread our population throughout the whole country, this is constantly being talked about throughout the country, but for this to happen, again, it is necessary that builders do not engage in shifting the payment for infrastructure, for housing and communal services in particular, to the population, when this maybe, when they are engaged in the construction of housing, and it is desirable that it is not a high-rise building there
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, the central bank chistyukhin and talk about the need to create a long-term savings program, listen, well, this is great, it means they understand that there is money, but why should we invest this money in banks, why and firstly, with such inflation, not the greatest, with such
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a rate, when we understand that the economy is not developing, you will deposit money for a long time in these funds no. because you you will, you will deposit for a short period of time, you will need interest, you will earn money, and the long-term attraction of resources, funds that the population has, is possible only in the only case when the population sees a revival of the economy, when it understands what the source, the real source income is the created material product, well, listen, well, this is, well, this is simply the truth, and if we develop this, then we can raise money for the population, and today what we are doing is encouraging them to invest in banks 13-14%, right there? deposit, but they are already paying back 18 , 20%, and where, where, where, what industry, we are again faced with this, and we come to you with the understanding that we again, we say, despite this, the government manages, uh, to subsidize the production of the military-industrial complex there, production that is next to the military-industrial complex, we have a division within the economy itself, privileged enterprises, which,
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despite all the actions of the central bank and the ministry of finance, receive money, the rest of the economy, which cannot be in this including, that is, simple... an enterprise that creates material assets for the population, we have with you that rising prices, listen, well, this is a limitation on production, as a consequence of rising prices, but maybe, well, there are answers to the questions, let's already somehow fight this, so i’ll give you two examples, we’ve already tired of citing china as how, well, as a certain one, not a standard, but god, at least there’s something that doesn’t happen exactly like ours, here us we we there recently there was information that the chinese are now finishing up creating well... there will be steam locomotives these electric locomotives run at a speed of 450 km/h, listen, for 15-20 years they didn’t even know what it was, they didn’t know what high-speed lines were, today they have the most high-speed lines in the world, and it’s not just railway road, this is a huge number of enterprises that first built all this, and now operate it, and i want to tell you that this has been implemented, i repeat, this did not
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happen 20 years ago, all this happened, and the twenty-third year marked that in ... i ask that someone is already there to appeal, no, but offer yours, and if not if you can’t, i know what you can praise the central bank for, phenomenal restraint, as much as we talk about them, they never answered, not a single person said, they are ready to come answer questions, well done, here are the mighty people have decided that they will not explain anything to the people,
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they confidently do not explain anything to the people, well , maybe not to end on this note. i would like to say that with all this, we understand that a lot has been done, but this is a lot, it is not yet enough to resist to the collective west, which does not hesitate to announce us. my enemy, they said it well, and now, of course, it’s time to start a story about lenin, but not because there is no pain, and, by the way, i want to note that today zakhar prilepin read goodbye to lenin, two great russian writers came , yesenin and sholokhov, well, that is, they stood in this general queue, which also says a lot, says a lot, so there’s no need to rush, that’s how persevalsky didn’t come, or something, well... i ’m quoting prilepino, i’m just to to what's here there is no need to try, that’s how they first tried to raise, and then to the level of god, and then
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not to brutalize to the level of the devil, that is , someday the time will come when an objective assessment will be given of the activities of this indisputably greatest thinker of all times , according to the communists, an absolute villain according to monarchists, but undeniably an outstanding world- class political figure who changed the history of the twentieth.
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it started now in europe, in asia, in latin america, and none of this would have happened, just sit down and agree on the principles of security, on the principles of existence, when before the new year many people assessed tyrito in the same way, and so did i, many said, well, the ukrainians were defeated, so they won’t give them money, but finally we will still be to finish, many experts said, well , it wasn’t you who said it, i said that you assessed the twenty-third year in your own way about... this
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analyst is his own, which means, it means, as he called it, ukraine is not yet in trouble, he has the article was so famous, where everything was described down to the details of what needs to be done over the course of a year, so we trained ukrainian soldiers for 2 weeks, but in fact... in the first world war, in order to simply give a soldier skills, 22 weeks were needed, now we will have 22 weeks ukrainians for the entire twenty- fourth year, we will give everything to the thief. we won’t give, we’ll give money and it’s over, let’s go to the rest of the articles, the national interesest, which means there are several articles that are also quite interesting from the point of view, even tactics, they don’t hesitate, so you ’re talking about propaganda, here you’re talking about donbass, no one will listen, that’s where they even describe it directly, prepare propagandists, as you did in previous years, we will give you the press, speak out, the russians attacked, the russians are bombing, the russians are destroying ukrainians, this is all... it assumes
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that what you said, yes, our further war, but returning to lenin, to this greatest man, who, well, not me, there , well, for dima, maybe he is not a very popular figure, but for einstein he is very popular , not just that, a genius, the greatest genius, or for the bernard show, or even valenshtein, who said that for 30 years everything will be remembered by deer, just recently, he said, or even... that everyone already recognizes that lenin’s works, just imagine, he lived there for a little over 50 years, and 50 volumes, to write such a number of thoughts, it was possible, and then to pretend them practically, it was possible, so you are talking about a century, about negation, well , essentially speaking, the law of negations of negations, which existed even before lenin, that we are returning to the same point, only in a different era development, there is nothing new here, but
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we are returning to this point, because... when we talk about these percentages for these 20 million that a woman bought for herself or gave her a gift, well, it certainly looks feminine, because we proposed and said, the whole world already invented this a long time ago, a progressive tax, rich you, pay this interest rate, pay the poor, then you will have the means to who is stopping us today from returning to what you are talking about say, this is a personality. in history, which these four approaches in implemented the economy , it didn’t work out, let’s move on, it didn’t work out, let’s move on, it didn’t work out, let’s move on, while , of course, i urge, i don’t urge, to evaluate lenin now, today he will probably be evaluated in the end, well, although i was going to see the announcement, i watched nikonov of glory there, the grandson of molotov with zyuganov, i have not yet watched this program on channel one, but of course it offended me a little, i was offended by the way he
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was assessed. pedophilia, and there is nothing unusual here, they already give the child the opportunity to change the gender of a child, and even sex, he will say , well, the child has no right to engage in, but i remember how we, when we forbade taking children from the orphanage, what a howl arose then from the liberals here, i
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told them then, here i’ll give my own example, from the point of view of lenin’s propaganda today, maybe this is incorrect, here i am an old housekeeper, the state gave me, every day the state gave me porridge in the morning, butter, cheese, not even a little, but it was enough, then they gave me an education , the opportunity to receive this education, higher education, without parents, then i was assigned to odessa, present-day ukraine, then i was reassigned to the voz automobile plant, then i gave birth to three children and two children , they went to kindergarten for free, they provide services. free, maybe not very good, some thought it was in medicine, i got an apartment after 3 years, which means a three-room apartment for free, and before that , after a year of study, a one-room job at the volsk automobile plant, these are all achievements that laid down by lenin, i’m not even talking about the eight-hour working day, which immediately back in the twenties, about women, about their voting rights, at the same time this
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greatest genius must be respected and... the brilliant experience of our country, which would be difficult today. we cannot realize our everyday life, it serves precisely the purposes of a special military operation and the fight against the west, and any other goal, because if i now begin to delve into what alexander mikhailovich said, well, that’s... it was all so elementary, because i worked at the olovsky automobile plant and i worked then in the nineties in so-called russia, where there was a penny tariff, this is what you are talking about now, through this tariff they gave a businessman, the businessman
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produced products for him, paid taxes to the state, and these taxes were enough, the tariff only increased a little on the small tariff estimate component, we can go back to this, we can, who are we? distracted the imf with the west, they said to equalize tariffs with the west, equalize prices, so today i return to experience, to the experience of lenin, to the experience of lenin, well, you may not like it this is lenin’s experience, you may not like communist propaganda, but i was brought up in this, in this communist society, i am there, i did not study in america, i studied here at the institute, then in graduate school, then in another unites, me too i didn’t study in america, i taught there. and but i know that today, when i see the experience of my children studying there, they brilliantly graduated from technical universities, one mine, the other mountain, they could not find a job, when i say that the state sent me to this job, it guaranteed it for me, 3
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for years i could not be fired, and today, when i look at the brilliant concert of mostfilm on friday, wonderful, thank you for it, but of course, even in this sense , i don’t remember lenin, how... who said about cinema, like a karen, like a brilliant cinema, the most important of the arts, although you said correctly, there was no cinema yet , there was no art, but there was already that, there was further added and the circus of that lenin was called lunacharsky, who is 30 years old, you will remember strongly, strongly a lot of films that we shot, so this experience it’s better not to touch lenin with such hands and disgustedly evaluate him as a person from this side. i absolutely agree, but there is a nuance, what you are talking about is no longer lenin, of course, well , this is laid down, this is very important, this is not stalin, what you are talking about, this is brezhnev and him,
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firstly, you have moved on the individual, what shouldn’t have been done, what shouldn’t have been done, it’s just now in america, no need to say shit? what need to do? you need to supply them with naval missiles, that’s all, or say about this that if you supply the ukrainians with long-range missiles, we will put it there , we will put it here, we will put it here, only then they are for them,
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i certainly recognize the merits of lenin, who died long before you studied at your grandfather and ate porridge and so on and it is not known what would have happened and how this grandfather looked like a grandfather if the great empire had not been destroyed, nevertheless... and it’s still a little pity that the royal family, recognized as saints in the russian orthodox church, was executed, so there is no need for it to be perfect without mistakes, but we can now have this discussion continue, it's just for me
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the reality of airplanes, if possible, we can continue this discussion, the only thing is, okay, i ’ll get involved now, it means that regarding the progressive tax scale, there is a very specific explanation, what margarita says is the desire of the people... and their army, and this is true, and did everything possible so that the russian army would disintegrate, destroy the empire, it destroyed, he called, he gave up part of the empire, and lenin, he didn’t give it up, lenin, well, that is.
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a terrible blow by the ukrainian nazis to donetsk, a large number of victims, and, as always, the west will applaud its scum , good evening, vladimir rudolfovich, studio , dear guests, all your large audience, yes, indeed, the kiev regime has once again committed a crime by firing deliberately, i will emphasize this word again: they deliberately beat civilians
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into a crowd of people in donetsk, they struck on purpose , realizing that these strikes had no strategic purpose, that they had no task of advancing the armed forces of ukraine across any territory to the side, i don’t know the strengthening their positions, nothing like that , only the murder of civilians, only this task is facing the kiev regime, they really
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... have channels, neither in the british tabloids, nor in all these publications around brussels, this picture will not appear with a real description of what that citizens were killed, peaceful citizens who do not have weapons in their hands, who are being killed year after year for many years by these very representatives of the kiev regime with western money, look who is behind this, just the other day the ministry. defense of the russian federation announced that it had defeated that
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center of concentration of foreign mercenaries in kharkov, about which so much had already been written, dozens of them were citizens of france. this was immediately followed by a statement from representatives of the elysee palace and other official structures in paris that this was not true, and supposedly this was all an information war. the countries of russia, no, it ’s true, these are the same mercenaries, in this case, these are french mercenaries, they have been with them throughout all this time for many years, there are mercenaries from britain, mercenaries disguised as instructors and inspectors from other countries, all this is led by people who are affiliated with western intelligence services, why this caused such a nervous reaction in paris, and i will now explain. listen to what macron and
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many who now represent the west say. we hear such statements from switzerland, we hear such statements from many other points in this very collective west. they suddenly started talking about negotiations, they suddenly started talking not just about some zelensky formula or the so-called crimean platform, they they began to say that all this needs to be included in the negotiation process, which, of course, makes no sense without moscow. situation on the ground for a way out of this deadlock
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situation for them, they would not supply weapons, would no longer pay for the militarism of the kiev regime and most... most importantly, of course, would stop the supply of mercenaries there in the form of the work of recruiting agencies throughout western europe, but they they don’t do this, on the one hand they mumble something endlessly about some quasi-negotiation process, which of course is not negotiation process, but is purely a game for brussels, washington, london, and the zelensky regime; on the other hand, they continue to sponsor zelensky. with this whole neo-nazi gang. marya vladimirovna, there is a nuance: the french say: “no, these are not mercenaries, because they have their own definition of mercenaries, but they do not say that there are no their citizens there, that is , politely speaking, they hint that yes, there are french there, they are not mercenaries, further vilka. they carry out direct orders from the
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french military command, fighting on the side of the ukrainian armed forces, or they are staunch nazis , french, followers of the petenoks . who are specialized in searching
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for sending people to the territory controlled by the kiev regime so that they implement its orders under the leadership of the rest the collective west, that’s what we’re talking about, we ’ve been talking for many years about the fact that through the websites of ukrainian embassies, consulates general, by the way, even representatives of international organizations, they are recruiting these same mercenaries or volunteers who are paid money, whom the ukrainians like if diplomats were recruited so that there would be more victims there on earth, here is an example.
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supposedly actually act in the interests of peace on the european continent, so if they act in the interests of peace, they have these same recruiting agencies multiplied themselves in the country? rightly, this diplomat’s shuttle is too small, and the german government has decided to appear in the un international court as a third party in the proceedings between south africa and israel. you commented very harshly on this decision of germany. yes, you know, this is a monstrous decision, this is the same disservice, by the way, the easiest of expressions that could be used, the same disservice that, in my opinion, served the german government, not just to israel, we are now even talking about israel not as a state, but as a people,
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and by the way, in a historical context, if you look at the wording with which the german government entered into...
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who committed even the most terrible crimes, having repented, uses their past criminal experience in order to help either solve a crime or prevent a crime in the future. such: and examples exist, but there is only one important detail: this only works if the criminal sincerely repented, and this is active repentance, without any , without any hint that the crime committed by this criminal may be committed by him in the future, or in some way he justifies himself, and you look at that , what is happening in germany, because this is a country that...
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to this regime, a regime that consists of people who marched under torchlight processions, who have ss stripes, the very ones that use symbols, ciphers from those very times of eighty years prescription next, look, it ’s the german government that is already segregating the victims of the siege of leningrad by nationality, declaring that the residents who survived, who... armenians, georgians, and other
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nationalities who went through this hell, are somehow worse from the german government's point of view? look at the position taken by official berlin at the un general assembly, voting against it. germany either abstained from voting, and in recent years, as i already said, they have been voting against, what does this mean, this puts the question is the truth of repentance. germany for the crime of the second world war, this calls into question, but the denazification
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of germany actually worked, this is what we need to talk about now, and this is scary, this is scary not only for our history, we will defend our history, this is scary, including for germany , given the terrible processes of the reincarnation of nazism that are taking place there, by the way, around germany too. you probably heard, i’m sure you talked about it in your programs, that in rome the supreme court of italy allowed the same thing the roman greeting, which implies zegging, which was used by the fascists during the second world war, this is the reality that we now see, with which our country is struggling, but what about the west? good question, marya vladimirovna, as... i understand, you are now preparing for departure, where are you flying? these are all the questions, these are the questions
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that we talked about today, the attacks on peaceful civilian targets in donetsk, inhumane, aimed at killing civilians, the participation of westerners, these same ones as would be civilized, in the form of mercenaries who work in favor of the kiev regime against civilians. was freed from the terrible clutches of the blockade. 80 years later, on this great day,
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renowned masters of russian culture, the brightest actors and world-famous stars will pay tribute to the memory, perseverance and courage of leningraders, the courage and valor of heroes and liberators. requian concert. to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. live broadcast from st. petersburg. january 27. on rtf. this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, it
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’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. daring white , well, you know, for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i always i stand by my words, a hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole crew. we’re just looking at the platform, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we’re going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we had a famine, here comes a grandmother, she is hungry herself
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, but she carries this kurba drive and says: baby, bye... let the media dogs lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us, i came across people like that , caring, support in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you wouldn’t have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, karan georgievich, decide to personally congratulate you on the stolit of musfilm, thank you, well, in my person you congratulate the whole masfilm, yourself too, you
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can say, you are part of the massfilm, by the way, you work here. well, i think you’re right in the beginning, i’m with this, i also talked about this, that in general we still have to realize that the war is not for ukraine, the war is for russia, in general that's the point.
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