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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  January 22, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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devices, which are also used in combat. unmanned aircraft at this time is one of the most promising areas, since a small drone with a low cost can hit a small target even in motion, and it hits almost every time. but it should be noted that for this unmanned aircraft, in fact, the rep systems are very much in the way, both on our side and on the enemy’s side. we use a lot of different systems that fight drones. installed along the entire line front, are installed on combat vehicles, there are those that cover a small radius , there are those with extensive overlap, there are directional stations and so on, that is, this is not a secret, because they have been used for a long time, even on the internet you can buy small rep stations for yourself, in principle, this is, let’s say, already a normal practice, it is sold everywhere, and the basic principles of rap are the creation of interference, either video transmission, or interference in the signal from the operator’s console, that is, the operator can either lose contact with the drone
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or lose the video signal from it, then naturally it will no longer achieve its goal. i heard this interview that you are talking about, she talks about optical guidance and practically artificial intelligence, that our drone will soon be able to pass through the enemy’s rap and even getting into the range of this rap, it will be able to identify the target itself, which was indicated to him in advance and to reach it without the participation of an operator, i have no doubt that this will soon confirm that now on... we have this actively used , i can’t, because i haven’t seen it with my own eyes, but the developments are very serious, we already know everything that our new inferno copter has now appeared, which can do carpet bombing, the so-called , it’s practically now out of reach of the enemy and can carry more than 4 kg of payload, that’s nine rounds of ammunition that it drops in threes, that is , it’s actually a very, very formidable weapon, thank you very much, comprehensive comments about stopping at front. o
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technological breakthrough, by the way, we are not talking about it, yes, ukrainian propagandists are talking about it, alexey gavrish, military correspondent with us in direct communication and the zone of special military operation, of course, i would like to believe that we really made this technological breakthrough or we will do it in the near future, but even if we do it, we won’t tell anyone about it yet, the french ambassador, who was summoned to the russian foreign ministry, was... stated that the death of the french, meaning, of course, french mercenaries in kharkov, more than 60 people were killed, according to defense reports, lies on the conscience of paris , reports our ministry of foreign affairs, and regarding where they started, several officials at once, i emphasize, neither former nor retired persons of nato, nato countries, report an inevitable war with russia within three, five , eight, who... there are even 20 years old, here is
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news in this vein: the baltic countries are going to build 600 bunkers and a defense line on their border with russia in the coming years, reports the estonian ministry of defense. the agreement in riga was signed by the defense ministers of estonia, latvia and lithuania. yuri vyacheslavovich. indeed, the statements made by officials, serious officials of western countries, well, sort of. there are several meanings here, well, the first meaning is obvious that they need, including through these statements , to mobilize the society of these countries, yes, so that the residents of these states, already tired of constant propaganda from the point of view of the need to support ukraine, already feel, guys, russia will win , then you are next, so let's continue, support us in this destructive.
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initiated, including with a nato country - this is a serious, well, actually a threat to the existence of the world, so this hysteria that is happening, on the one hand it is panic, on the other hand it is really... a serious danger, why? because they don’t talk about it, but the same kuleba is actually a provocateur, these statements about the need to escalate the conflict are a call for terrorist attacks on the territory of the russian federation, because they are unable to seriously change anything at the front, and he says: escalation is necessary. escalation what? these are blows, blows such terrorist ones as they carried out on december 30 in peaceful belgorod. and the death of children and peaceful objects, yes, that’s why this junta, it’s really ready to bring, regionalist activities, and the west encourages, looks, it actually gathers within the framework of this artillery alliance to help, on the other hand, why are they talking
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about shell famine or on the contrary, the need to strengthen this area, if you look at combat losses, then... 80-90% is from artillery, yes, from different sides, and in general, if we take, for example, the 20th century, artillery largely decided the fate of wars, yes, the first world war, 1915, the so-called great retreat of the russian army was associated with the artillery, shell famine, and, on the other hand, the second world war, the great patriotic war war, the soviet union, despite the fact that it opposed this virtually... entire european machine under the auspices of hitler and germany, surpassed germany in producing both artillery and mortar shells, including one of the components, well, a little more, only the soviet union was russia and in terms of territory in number, yes, but we
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understand that most of the territory was captured by nazi troops, the urals, siberia, evacuated factories in the volga region, they produced necessary products, so the question of... artillery starvation or, conversely, the availability of weapons, is a very important question when you talk about numbers, well, by the way, the board of the ministry of defense, which was held before the new year, really showed that such an increase is enough , our defense industry, our military have an understanding of what to do, but the numbers have become known, these numbers are impressive, what was done in a year was increased 5.6 times. production of tanks, yes, 3 and a half times of armored personnel carriers, 16.88 tenths of drones, 17 and a half times of artillery shells, can you imagine what a colossal leap it was, plus the prospects are also quite serious
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build-up, this is to ensure victory, therefore the military-industrial complex russian federation works very powerfully, the west understands the gap and is trying to increase it.
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will be when russia, india, china, let's listen to rob bauer, who is already predicting a war for the entire bloc with our
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country, we cannot take this seriously, we cannot take this. we must realize that peace is not a given state, that is why we have plans, that is why we are preparing for conflict with russia. there have been big changes in the military, but the debate is much broader. we are talking about the industrial base. that people need to realize that they have a role to play. to you you need to have a system that will allow you to find more people in case of war, whether you like it or not? we will have to rely on an industrial base capable of producing enough weapons, fast enough, to be able to continue conflict should it arise. nato is not looking for war, but it must be prepared for it. you need to stock up on water and batteries for radios and flashlights in order to...
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with strategic security in the world in europe and by the way, statements by a number of biden administration officials about that if the ukrainian money does not reach ukraine, then almost, and not almost, which means that american troops can ... be sent to ukraine, here is bauer’s statement that within 20
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years, which means that europe and nato will be preparing for war with russia, that is, if we sum it all up, it arises, well, on the one hand, it is clear that this reflects a kind of growing emotional, psychological, well, if not disorder, then this excitement here is a crazy search for some kind of explanation, so to speak, on the other hand, this is of course an attempt especially by biden to put pressure on his opponents. in the minds of biden and him and austin and others, it means that the political elites of nato and america have a certain image, you know, in quotation marks, of a comfortable escalation, that is, which , in their opinion, supposedly implies, even in the case of the movement of american troops on... the territory of ukraine, the preservation of this status of a non-nuclear conflict, preservation of the territorial-ukrainian zone, and so on
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, well, in fact, even if we rely, as they say, on the classics, there is no second-fresh asitrine, and no, no there is no comfortable escalation in nature; in the event of nato moving to the territory of ukraine or americanization, in any case , the status of the current non-nuclear conflict will of course change. at some stage it will inevitably turn into nuclear, and the territory of ukraine , naturally, will become european territory, but all this will also reach america, that is , there are no, so to speak, comfortable escalations here, this is all a myth that they keep in their heads , well, as if to make life easier, but yesterday, by the way, at the press conference of the great sergei vladivich lavrov, among others, his coverage and detailed analysis of key security issues and russian foreign policy, he rightly, completely touched upon the problems of strategic security and absolutely
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accurately noted that, well, the united states, firstly, dismantled the system, the basic system of strategic treaties, starting there from other than others, only new start remains, the strategic offensive arms treaty 3, but at the same time, it means that washington is, as it were, being pulled out of the general destroyed field of strategic treaty security separately. that we are now going to show you nuclear facilities, that is, they are, as lavrov said at the time...
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as if we were having such a pragmatic concrete conversation, that is, but he somehow talks more realistically in this sense, against this background of the strategic security, or rather crisis and problems, of course, two internal american tracks, well, firstly, this is pressure on mike johnson biden using some kind of intelligence data, which means to push through the so-called ukrainian package, but
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we see that in general republicans aren't they are especially bending over, despite all this blackmail and... this is the so-called mexican protocol, where the border and migration issues and money are a priority, in general it remains, as it were, a priority, and yes, and moreover, well, in some way... in a sense, you can understand the republicans, that is, on the one hand, yes, they don’t want the money to go into a black hole and be stolen, it is unknown where the audit requires, on the other hand, well, they proceed from their pragmatic electoral interests, that is, they are fine understand that this a mexican vacuum cleaner, that means it’s biden
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’s... how were they able to do this, how is it, what state provided them with technological assistance, this remains a big military mystery, the answers are all after the advertisement, how do you work with him, oh well, we’re working with him, i passed the aptitude test, we have severe cases, we need an operating room team, a stress test.
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in the far north-west of russia, above the arctic circle, lies a veritable treasure trove of nature, the kola peninsula. sometimes it is called russian lapland. the nature on kola is surprisingly diverse. this and taiga, and mountain ranges, tundra, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north , the kola peninsula is washed by the barintsevo sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current;
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it does not freeze all year round. in the east and south, the peninsula is separated from... the mainland by the ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity, the legendary hyperborea, was located right here, on the kola peninsula. winner of the golden eagle award. at the factory, negotiations were held that there was nothing to live on, the salary was a third cut down. if only there would be no panic, we are in a democracy. we live, freedom, assembly, demonstrations, what is it, these people, they for... were soviet power, give them the freedom to arrest and judge, and the instigators to the extreme punishment,
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i have a daughter, a girl, i can’t find her, this it’s not human, dear comrades, andrei konchalovsky’s film on friday on rtr, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov , today on rtr, all about elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, honestly convenient, what a ballot is, my sister and i spent the whole day drawing a ballot, wrote down the candidates, didn’t forget mom and dad, put it on very cleverly, a lot of degrees protection, we took
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colored markers, made watermarks , we’ll go vote with it, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot won’t pass, because in russia they mark ballots better than money, very carefully sewn up in them... the most powerful protection, your cunning will not work, people choose honestly, but my dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, the national academy of cinematographic arts of russia presents the main film events and ... movie heroes of 2023 achieving success, discovery and shock,
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everything that is worthy of an award! golden eagle award ceremony. live broadcast on friday on rtr. the west must give kiev $300 billion of frozen russian assets, because putin wants to change the world order and destroy western rules. head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine kulev. asks not to be afraid of escalation with russia; because of this, many opportunities have already been missed. in the same interview, kuleba told how he treated european politicians to borscht and vodka
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and made another confession. it turns out that during the negotiations kuleba wanted to hit the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia, lavrov, pathetic, cowardly kuleba. the most difficult negotiations are those where the interlocutor wants to get up and hit him in the face.
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china is silent, i don’t know, probably now now everyone in china is deciding whether sizenpin’s level is sufficient to talk on the phone with zelensky himself, maybe that’s why they are silent, even zelensky himself, although you see, that is, this is not his level, i ’ll just remind you, just recently, when zelensky was flying in the usa, remember this cbvrde warrior, brazil, yes, argentina, that is , with whom he met in cabverde, this is a small country, where a micro-country with a population of less than half a million met with the prime minister, in brazil, he met with the assistant to the president brazil, yes. that is everything is fine, this is his level, in may last year zelensky met with the special representative of the chinese government for eurasia.


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