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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  January 22, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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yes, it’s me, it’s me who didn’t meet with him, because this is not my level, and then kuleba, well, as i understand it, probably to clear up the situation a little, he said there, requested from the chinese side a meeting between zelensky and sidzenpin, a telephone conversation, not even a meeting, yes , yes, a telephone conversation to communicate, but the ministry of china is silent, well, i don’t know, probably now all of china is deciding whether sizenpin has a sufficient level to talk on the phone with zelensky himself, maybe that’s why they are silent, even zelensky himself, although you see, that is, it’s not his level, i ’m just on... i literally recently, when zelensky flew to the usa, remember this soldier of the kbvrde, brazil, yes, argentina, that is, with whom he met in kabverde, this is a small country, there a micro-country with a population of less than half a million met with the prime minister, in brazil, he met with the assistant to the president of brazil, yes, that is , everything is fine, this is his level, in may last year zelensky met with the special representative of the chinese government for eurasia, then there is just with a representative yes government, this was its level, when special representatives fly to ukraine...
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pritzker was there recently, just a special representative, this is not some kind of official, yes, that is, zelensky is meeting, he’s just flying in from the usa, some kind, i don’t know , assistant, adviser, deputy assistant and so on, it’s just not clear what kind of person, this is a white man, a native meets with him, this is his level, of course, but here he allows himself to be rude to the leader, you know, to our president is flying a lot of different insults there from the west, but i have never heard of our president stooping to such a level. to be rude to someone like zelensky does, but why do they do this , kuleba himself said, yes, give us money, that’s how he said, yes, what ameri, why should the americans give the money, zelensky first they asked, kuleba was asked the same question when zelensky says that your soldiers do not die, and kuleba said that for you this is the best deal in the world, because you are not losing the most valuable thing of the americans, kemera, the minister of foreign affairs, he also said for america that for them it’s all great because they spent it.
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for them, for their lives, and as zelensky said, we are fighting so that american children live longer than we live, he also insulted trump, well, i don’t know what they are counting on, here are 300 billion, but it makes me happy another thing is that ukraine is not everything, this cannot be compared with zelensky, they are mocking ukrainians, today is baptism, and i congratulate, i take this opportunity to all orthodox christians, yes, that is, there is something in ukraine there is discrimination against the orthodox, they postponed it for 2 weeks, and for catholic christmas.
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christmas baptism was moved to that christmas, yes, but today there is google trends, which is there according to requests, in the first place with baptism, yes, even klitschko, look how he’s mocking, you just showed it there, it flashed, i’ll translate it for you there in ukrainian, ocu, this is a schismatic church that was created, yes, they are scaring their prafiyans, yes, that january 19, today the water will not wash away sins, swim at your own peril and risk, well this is idiocy, but klyachko, no matter how stupid he is... that is, he has a tradition of taking a dip in the dnieper, yes, that is, he did not take a dip on january 7, what a fool he is, but somewhere there is faith in god, you know, just yesterday it was the anniversary of the pereoslav rada, yes , which is mistakenly called the reunification of ukraine with russia, in whose honor the russian crimea was given to ukraine in the soviet union, and for the 350th anniversary, but in fact it was an anti-polish uprising, and then the russians were reuniting people, with russian people, here then, in the same way, the russian people in kiev and pereyaslovo were united. catholics
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, these europeans, the same zelenskys molded europeans from them back then, and i hope that soon we will hold such a meeting again. we'll be back. 80 years ago, unconquered leningrad was liberated from the terrible clutches of the blockade. 80 years later, on this great day, glorified... masters of russian culture, the brightest actors, performers, world-famous stars will pay tribute to the memory, perseverance and courage of leningraders, courage and valor liberator heroes. requian concert for the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. live broadcast from st. petersburg. on saturday at
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rtr, i refused, my child refused. how can i find him? we'll look at the weekend. 17 years ago, a boy with a serious diagnosis was admitted to your center, is he alive or not? two operations were carried out successfully, the doctor who operated on him had golden hands. impossible to forget. i want to get a job at a hospital as a volunteer. do you have any experience with volunteer work for your children? you won't be able to escape. it's hard to decide change your life forever. what's so complicated? you take it, change it, and we don’t know each other. you didn’t give birth to me , she doesn’t have children, now she’s just returned to her homeland , my memory didn’t let me down, having taken the first step, she will go to the end, you came to the city to find your son, why were these games of love needed, why is svetlana on rtr on saturday,
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this man had no idea about...
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the fate of the man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. a nightmare, just a nightmare, why didn’t you leave, give birth under a car, on the road? no, we are putting together an orchestra , you can see everything for yourself, he died 3 days ago, i can’t, they met in besieged leningrad, why do you need this soldier, you’re so lonely, karla leach, that karl leach, you’re young, it seems to you that this is forever, nadezhda dmitrievna, let's talk, woman to woman. do you love me? you know everything yourself. you play without black keys, as if from
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a blank slate. in music, this is the beginning of the beginning. seventh symphony, saturday and sunday. on rtr: there is no clarity about the timing of putin’s trip to the dprk, possible dates for the visit are being discussed via diplomatic channels, the kremlin reported today. peskov hinted that this topic was raised at a meeting between the russian president and north korean foreign minister tsoisonghee. people in washington are nervous. senior director for arms control at the us national security council, pronai waddy, said that threats from the dprk could be radical.
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heil 523 system, translated from korean tsunami. the drone's aptly named nuclear charge can cause underwater explosions and destructive radioactive waves. with their help you can destroy not only sea strike groups, but also entire ports or wash away a small city. they don’t hide that the main enemy in finyan is. usa, japan and of course, south korean brothers. tensions continue to rise on the korean
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peninsula as north korea announced it had successfully tested an underwater drone. penan named his new drone hail 523 and it is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. there were tests. related to ballistic missiles, this is what the terminal high altitude
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defense system at site x looks like, commanded by lieutenant colonel jonathan stafforth, commander task force telen. since 2012 , north korea has been threatening guam with its ballistic missiles, they really increased their missile activity, during this period we did not have the necessary missile defense systems, and it so happened that in 2000... now with its help we were able to deploy full-fledged defense capable of providing permanent missile defense for all the people of the united states here on guam. right now, the korean peninsula is on the brink of a catastrophic conflict. this prediction was made by one of the leading american scientists in the field of nuclear energy.
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the european union is preparing a new package of sanctions against russia, reports bloomberg. they plan to approve it by february 24, a kind of gift to zelensky on the second anniversary of the ukrainian conflict. sources expect that the sanctions lists will be expanded and the fight against moscow circumventing the sanctions already imposed will be intensified. against this background, the head of the austrian oil and gas concert omv, alfred stern, is worried that the transit of russian gas to eu countries through ukraine may stop in the near future. in an interview with the press newspaper, he called this a serious threat to
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austria's energy security. the ukrainian government has stated that it does not intend to renew the transit contract, which expires at the end of the year. this will be a serious blow for vienna. the catastrophic consequences of refusing russian gas were recognized in berlin. german economics minister habeck said bluntly: the german economy has become less competitive because of this. last year, germany's gdp fell by 3%. and the forecasts are bad. this is what the stern cover looks like. are you afraid of assassination attempt? mr. robert habeck? why are the germans so angry now, and many hate the vice-chancellor? this evening we agreed on a proposal for the federal budget for the twenty-fourth year. one element of these proposals is to ensure that we support ukraine for as long as necessary. we should be able to continue what we're doing today this year next year. and a year later, the heating centers for the poor on the bundesplatz in wilmersdorf are already practically packed, and this
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despite the fact that it officially begins to operate only in 20 minutes, but i can’t look at how they stand and freeze outside, especially now, when it’s so cold outside, there’s an influx of people wanting to warm up every day. this establishment became an important place for many, such as jurgen schaaff. he is 79 years old and has worked as a miner all his life. his pension, however, is only enough for the bare necessities. i am not entitled to a pension for my deceased husband. and i thought that i would spend my old age with my husband, but he began to slowly become an alcoholic, alcoholism progressed when there are plenty of such stories here. i know a lot of people here, he was 49, he drank himself to death, so they are happy with everything we do for them. heating really helps a lot of people this winter, and at least it won’t be closed until the end of march. we are in the center of zaar bryukin at
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15:9. today i will meet people who would probably never say a single word to me. i will meet people who live on the street. local volunteers took me with them on one of their regular rounds. we decided that today we will start with hartmut and yuri. they sleep under a big bridge right in the center of the city. hartmut is already in his sixties. and i asked how he even held up in such cold weather. it’s probably hard now, yes, yes, first of all my hands are freezing, and this despite the fact that i have two pairs of gloves, and today it’s generally cold, the wind is still blowing very cold.
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us indifference to supporting ukraine. a group of european and canadian parliamentarians , during a visit to washington, appealed to the white house for congress to finally wake up. it turned out that there were no decisions on capital they are not going to accept the hill. however, the europeans themselves are not able to solve anything. the european parliament supported a resolution condemning hungarian prime minister orbán for
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systematically undermining the eu values ​​of the covenant to provide aid to ukraine, reuters reports. the resolution has no legal force; slovakia’s prime minister fitz will not allow brussels to deprive budapest of its veto rights. moreover, he directly stated that he shares orban’s opinion that allocating money to ukraine is pointless, it only leads to new victims. so on at the next summit of eu leaders on february 1 , it is unlikely that it will be possible to agree on the allocation of 50 billion euros to kiev. that's good. this is the tying stage. at this stage, due to weather conditions, we went on the defensive; the enemy is constantly trying to try some offensive actions. foreign weapons are poorly designed for such weather conditions; vehicles will often get stuck in such swamps. in these footage
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, vks pilots are destroying strongholds of ukrainian formations in the vicinity of donetsk to the north. people and liberated rabotin virtually naked hands, says the commander of roto vssu kondrachuk. some local officers regret the mistakes made by the general staff. the russians were waiting for us with a large number of anti-tank weapons. the 47th division attempted to break through the line with the help of leopards and bradleys. but when we started the offensive, the russians destroyed our sapper vehicle and that was the end of it. we were like a bull trying to break through
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a wall. nothing worked. battalion commander taras mikhalchuk complains. there was nothing left of the work. russia conducts daily here assaults. in this footage, which was filmed 5 km from donetsk, militants are repairing an american bradley infantry fighting vehicle for a report on ukrainian tv. as an obvious sign of gratitude to the west for previous supplies, the armor was painted with a nazi swastika. cnn reporter flyikin says that for the defense of the ukrainian armed forces they use mainly soviet equipment and the biggest problem is a lack of shells. three shots, that's all! the commander of the armed forces says that the lack of ammunition is a real problem, there is a large shortage, he recalls that in the zaporozhye direction they used 50-60 shells a day, now the maximum is 20-30. there has been a catastrophic shortage of shells since the end of autumn,
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the mayor of the ukrainian capital klyuchko admits in an interview with the german newspaper bilt. he begs berlin to hand over missiles to kiev. taurus with a range of up to 500 km, which can certainly reach deep into the russian rear. there has been a crazy, huge shortage of shells for months, ammunition is the number one issue when talking to soldiers at the front, taurus missiles are very important for ukraine because their range can be disrupted logistics of russian troops. in addition, the taurus could well be used to destroy russian weapons depots. that's why i would like to send a signal to germany: we are defending our country. but we also defend the entire european union,” klitschko said. with criticism of germany for refusing to supply taurus to ukraine , french defense minister carnu promised to transfer kiev monthly... 50 hamer guided bombs, which can hit targets at a distance of up to 70 km. in addition, every 30 days ukraine
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will receive 3,000 artillery shells from paris, while russian units consume up to 10,000 ammunition per day. ukrainian defense minister umirov, who, as the lemont newspaper wrote, canceled a planned visit to france for security reasons and spoke via video link. with his colleague praised the russian military-industrial complex. we are faced with a difficult enemy. russia has a developed industrial base, and one of its main means of destruction is artillery. the russian military industry allows their troops to fire tens of thousands of shells at ukrainian positions. as the situation on the battlefield shows, there is no alternative to modern artillery. we must continue our efforts to improve our technological advantage, expand ammunition production and increase. zaluzhny again missed the forum of chiefs announced. a similar encounter was already achieved by our artillery. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine
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skipped the meeting in may last year, citing the difficult operational situation. under the same nato general staff, although its participation he used the pretext to refuse a telephone conversation with the commander of nato forces in europe, general cavolle, during the critical phase of the ukrainian counter-offensive. head of the military committee of the north atlantic alliance. admiral baur let slip at the final press conference that kiev reports to the west about every step. the military representative of ukraine to nato salkutsan, on behalf of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, briefly briefed us on the operational situation. according to our assessment, intense fighting is underway; russia’s latest attacks are destructive in nature , although in 2023 the world may have been too optimistic, it is important that in 2024.
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aid to ukraine may remain blocked and this will turn into a disaster - biden said deputy white house press secretary olivia dalton against this background seemed to have gone crazy. accompanying the american president to north carolina on board number one, she demanded to give money to zelensky and said that if he was not helped, the pentagon would have to send troops to ukraine. the president pointed out the seriousness of the consequences for us and for our nato partners in the region if we don't give ukraine the help it needs, and we certainly don't want to be in a position where we have to send in our own troops. what ukraine is now asking the west for is no longer artillery shells and tanks, aircraft, missiles, drones. an interesting revelation
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came from maria berlinskaya, a ukrainian propagandist who literally said in hysterics that russia in terms of drones, their technological properties and range, overcoming reps. is a few steps away from a technological breakthrough , let's listen, technology, technology will now play a key role, the biggest danger is automatic optical navigation guidance systems, now russian engineers are on the verge of a certain technological breakthrough, we are already seeing cases where automatic guidance is used in fpv drones, what this means is that the operator's role is reduced to a minimum. this is not artificial intelligence yet, it is computer vision, that is, automatic target acquisition. actually the device is becoming more and more autonomous. traditional means of electronic
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warfare, which. both, and as for technological superiority, well, it’s good that the enemy evaluates us this way, and i, due to my understanding of the situation due to my immersion in the situation with drones, will say that yes, we produce drones in quantity, and i’ll say enough, we have, excuse the taftology, probably in
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combat... some shortcomings, but they are all being resolved, probably, this lady’s concern is not so groundless, because that i roughly understand what developments are underway, yes, where they can lead, but i also understand that if we had started producing drones and these developments a year, two or three years earlier, taking into account the experience of the syrian operation, taking into account the experience of using drones.
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we would have gone much further, the fact that these are new weapons of war, not only of this war, but of modern war in general, this is absolutely obvious, that the new drones will fly further, that they will be more accurate, that they will hit targets more efficiently, then that they will carry more explosives, this is absolutely certain, military-technical thought is working in this direction, and, unfortunately, the enemy’s too, and i’m not
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just talking about... in this sense, i would warn us all against any illusions , from falling into some such charm, i am misled, because i hear, sometimes incomprehensible to me, some kind of victorious , some slightly joyful reports, reasoning, in ukraine there is not enough shells, ukraine may not have enough shells, but the teams that are there is engaged in the production of drones, which are actively working
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at the front, like... that is, a lack of shells does not mean that the enemy will stop fighting, a lack of shells means that they are now, including within nato, trying to rebuild their military support system for ukraine. latvia has announced that it is ready to accumulate the production of drones. if, say, within six months, or even earlier , this is not such a complicated process, in 3 months, somewhere in latvia, a production facility will be able to produce 50, 70, 100 thousand drones per month,
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which will be sent to... we let's collide with serious problems, a shortage of shells could be in a war 50 years ago, it would seem really something critical, today no, this is firstly, secondly, there is no... judging by what people on the front line say region, there is not such a terrible shortage of shells that the western media tell us about, most likely, rather, this is some kind of information background that should convince the west that ukraine cannot be abandoned, ukraine needs more money, more shells, and people they somehow will scrape together, and most likely, i would venture to assume that now they will try to do the following thing: they will catch the maximum number of people, well, they won’t catch 500,000, as they... want, even if they catch 100, 100 there, even 80, so they will go to the troops, they will form a certain number of light infantry brigades, south africa once fought a war with angola for 15, 10 years only with light infantry units, and i cannot
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say that it was an ineffective war, even soviet military instructors cuban military instructors and the cuban army are not could especially cope with the south african light infantry, they will form a light infantry unit for mobile... defense for active defense this is more than enough, the lack of equipment is not terrible, they will make up for it by simply sitting and not getting out anywhere and trying to hold positions as much as possible anti-tank weapons, mortars, light artillery, perhaps if they are also given an f16 , these units will be covered from above, why not, this is a scheme that will allow ukraine to flounder for a year, and if available sufficient quantities and...
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military production and somehow ukraine will hold out for a year, the losses of ukrainians are of no interest to anyone, even if in a year, even if in two years everything ends with the signing of the surrender of ukraine, anyway, for the west this is also a good result, because how for at least another year they will create tension on the western borders of russia, they will force us to continue to fight, they will still achieve what they sought from the very beginning, the weakening of russia, well, at least economically. moral and so on and so forth, they generally work in a comprehensive manner, in addition to the fact that there is a war at the front, look at how they work on social networks, how to deal with some situations there, let’s remember the situation in makhachkala, yes, when it’s just through social networks the morning of dagestan, a chick project, but it started
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riots, so the enemy should not be underestimated, the enemy is evil, the enemy is motivated, taking into account how many young creative people in ukraine are involved in the production of some... patriotic information content, yes, you need to understand that there is a burnout among people, it is not as big as many of us think, well, yes, they get caught on the streets, but if people are convinced that not today, tomorrow we will beat the muscovite, well, a little -it’s a little left to crush these russians there, because they are told this from every iron, there are no other sources of information, there are no other sources of information, i was told by someone who in berdyansk talked with very pro-russian... very pro-russian people who helped ours from the first days, so they are, when novorussia is still reunited with russia, they were able to come to crimea, they went to crimea to see if the crimean bridge was still standing, because even they doubted that it wasn’t filmed on mosfilm, and
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we’re talking about some kind of burnout there, we just didn’t we represent the level of propaganda, so it is very important for us in this situation to maintain a sound mind, not to be mistaken, not to think that some kind of turning point has already come. no, we still have to plow to plow, including in the field of military developments, modern military developments, it’s good that the enemy is afraid, maybe not they are afraid in vain , i would venture to guess, but you know, yes, the main thing here is not to fall into this feeling that we are already such great fellows, because you know, pride and vanity are always faithful companions of defeat and faithful companions of some next one, such a complex failure, we wouldn’t need this , it seems to me that it’s impossible not to agree with you, andrey, okay, gobidovich, i remind you that the introduction of artificial intelligence is a major topic for
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israel, for example, we are all active we discussed that swarm systems make autonomous activities directly without a pilot, very seriously minimize the possibility of interception, which in principle actually told us, take a deep look, respectively, if your system automatically makes a decision, then you can fly autonomously as much as you like. work with artificial intelligence, everyone who does not understand what generative networks are, how they work, what chips they work on, what is needed in principle for this, as if these are people who are not modern they don’t understand war, in principle, our children do homework using artificial intelligence, they are small, so in our country only children do this in some cases, by the way, with drones, too , initially this was also perceived, i remind you, which was initially implemented in schools, if anyone remembers, the famous systems with drones, everything...
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can also be produced using cryptocurrency - this is already a classic artificial intelligence, of course cryptocurrency - decentralized a network, accordingly, which actually forces, as it were, well, that is, part of this system, that is, all the breakthroughs that were connected around this version, by the way, speaking of the question that the new physical principle is all very close, that is, the uk has just carried out testing , respectively, on lasers for example, quite good ones, by the way, accordingly, new physical principles are actively used , therefore, that is, there the problem rests on the battery, but the point is the following: it is necessary to create, as in japan, as in china, everything else, respectively, maps
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of technological development, very effective , to monitor the situation in other countries, so who is fighting and what they are fighting with, so, accordingly, what kind of innovations are happening now, why is this important, well, first of all, first we will tell , what will happen, and on monday 18:45 moscow time, 15:15 gmt, there will be a meeting between macron and scholz, they will meet in berlin, the discussion will concern 5 billion, which will be submitted to the military fund, the fact is that most likely it’s more difficult for them to put pressure on and, accordingly, orban with a high degree of probability they don’t want to give 30 billion, there are such suspicions, more precisely 20, that’s what is happening accordingly, there is a proposal judging by bloomberg, accordingly they use a separate military fund for this , not to give from the peace fund, but to form a military one, but for now this is not working out, because the countries are not ready to allocate funding, because germany is now squeezed by the budgetary component, france seems to want to fund this whole thing, but for its own military production, that is, that is why these proposals with the caesars, that is, we need to finance it, but we need to find someone else. will invest in the french military-industrial complex , a good attempt, as it were - everyone appreciated it, the germans
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are already investing in the french military-industrial complex, they first wanted to, although they first started with their class , there is a problem with money specifically, what else is the problem, is that if the situation is not accepted, there are 12.5 billion, now there are even 4-5 billion, it’s still half as much, so this fund will also need to be supplemented with something replenish, for this partly as a fallback option, as i understand it, a new voting system is being used, which will involve in the long term going around, as it were, a single... voting with everyone, that is, it will be connected, as it were, with the sovereignty of the european union, but in fact, this is an infringement of individual voices, and why is such an european union needed if you don’t have a voice there, and why is there such a thing about a consensus decision - this is the basis of european solidarity, that’s for sure, that’s why this scheme, which actually very seriously, as it were, simplifies the decision-making of large players, accordingly complicates the component, and how then the majority will be formed, it will be formed numerically either from the level of gdp and from the level of population, this was very actively discussed in fact, because according to the level of population there is poland in fact, one of... well, it’s in the top three out of four, in general, any departure from this system will
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inevitably collapse the european union, well, we’ll just see that on february 1, because, as it were, accordingly the summit is scheduled for this time , accordingly, and just before this time there will be a meeting, why is this important, now the main movement is taking place in the usa, the primaries, everything else, as if accordingly trump is gaining as a position, is now trying to block this long-suffering deal, therefore along the border, as we all understand perfectly well, for the first time in true media they declared such a position, as if, that is, it seemed to be on the agenda, so to speak.
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it was a big mistake to connect the border with ukraine at one time, that is, in fact, such a pig unanimously put it on everyone , that’s because it was like a big mistake, because the election campaign came and the border was everything, it became the main topic, as if everyone was afraid to enter into it, that’s why this main difficulty will be connected with the component, the more trump grows stronger, the less likely the situation on the border will be, and as we know very well, first there will be new hampshire 23, this is tuesday, then there will be south carolina, accordingly, by march 5, super tuesday will still be decided, that is, the majority will vote there. and further, by the way, in april there will most likely be a congress in dalos with a high probability, it will be online, and no labor, without labels, that is, there may be a third candidate, in the entire history of existence for 100 years, well, that’s exactly it election campaign, not a single third candidate got more than 20%, now this probability is very high, by the way, from an electoral point of view, the third candidate will hit
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the democrats more, because trump has a more confused electorate, they don’t vote only for trump, so and democrats they can vote as a second choice, respectively for the third candidate. here he is the most dangerous candidate, because if he goes even with a democratic vice-president, he will eat up votes, that is , he clearly will not win, but the most interesting thing is that they have already registered in 15 states out of 50 as a small party, and there are two two states that are
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so-called swing states are arizona nevada, if arizona and nevada, respectively, received a third candidate during the voting last time, there is a deep the question would be who chose. because there would be an elector for whom they would vote, for whom they would vote, so from this point of view, the first thing is that trump’s position will be strengthened, the second, accordingly, after the candidates are chosen, it will be unpopular, well, in the sense in the view of the global , and trump, respectively, and biden, the third candidate, this will be the most important topic, it will appear in april, accordingly, there are several options, by the way, kennedy jr., who accordingly has a lot, he is also trying register, in some states he can pass as an independent, that is, he can be on the ballot, whoever is undecided in nivan, there are only las vegas and the deserts.
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there is a real treasury of nature, russian lapland, the nature of the nakolsky kola peninsula, sometimes called amazingly diverse, includes taiga,
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mountain ranges, and tundra, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north , the kola peninsula is washed by the barintsevo sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current; it does not freeze all year round. in the east and in the south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by the ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity, the legendary hyperborea, was located. here on the kola peninsula. winner of the golden eagle award. there were conversations at the factory and what to live? no matter what, salaries were cut by a third , as long as panic doesn’t arise, we live in a democracy, freedom, assembly, demonstration,
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what are these people, they harbored a grudge against the soviet regime, give them the freedom to arrest and judge, and the instigators to the extreme punishment my punishment daughter, girl. i can’t find it, it’s not human, dear comrades, a film by andrei konchalovsky, on friday on rtr, whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we do not betray our memory and do not renounce our words, for every word we answer, evening with... look, look,
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look, you want to see, look, let 's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign simultaneously for 1, 2, three , subscribe. look, look, maybe we can go to my place, just let's watch a movie. the british army has successfully tested laser weapons, the kingdom's ministry of defense claims; the dragonfire directed energy system was able to hit several air targets, the report says. now a sensation in the british house of lords in 22 directly said that they were ready to go to war with russia. this was reported by the former deputy head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine.
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the kremlin's plans to end a decade-old agreement allowing british vessels to fish in russia's arctic waters. british courts were allowed to conduct fishery along the coast of russia's colt peninsula in the barints sea for almost 70 years, even at the height of the cold war. the vast quantities of cod and haddock sold in fish & chip shops across the country are traditionally caught in these waters. according to uk fisheries data, a whopping 567 were caught in the barints sea last year alone. ski, but now vladimir putin has declared war on uk fisheries, with his government backing legislation that
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would see russia withdraw from the 1956 agreement and will ban britain from harvesting its revered trisk and haddock reserves. the move implies the russians will use warships to deter any british minesweepers fishing in these waters, in response to britain's decision to impose sanctions on moscow over the war on...
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fishing boats now in russian territorial waters barintsev sea, and somehow tried to reduce the significance of this agreement, which was concluded already in 1956, but i want to note that despite all those sanctions that were imposed on russia, britain was in no hurry to break this agreement, which means that the agreement was still beneficial for london... among other things, it was not only about what was there, while we are still talking about that it is possible to fish there in russian territorial waters, but it was also possible to pass through russian territorial waters, and in such a sensitive area as the arctic, it should be noted that now the english press is talking about the upcoming denunciation of the treaty on the part of moscow , recalls, in fact, the importance of the arctic region, where... significant resources not only of fish, but especially of oil, gas, and , in fact, the transport flows that are there, the transport routes that
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open there due to the melting of the ice , reminds us that for... the arctic, of course, still has a big fight ahead; whether breaking this agreement is an element of this long-term strategic game is difficult to say, but naturally, many experts here in london also note that russia is in in principle, she could have come out long ago and broken this agreement, because britain really introduced sanctions against russia and not only sanctions, britain’s actions in russia have long been assessed as hostile, and as for the economy, then this... for that for understanding in britain that the local market is 50% saturated depends on fish that came from russia, so of course this is sensitive, at one time the producers of these famous british fashion chips felt the burden
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anti-russian sanctions, and now they are being supplemented with...
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years, what kind of rhetoric is this? the fact is that this is not the first british minister of defense to announce an impending global conflict, so this is becoming some kind of trend, there is nothing new in the words that the current minister of defense utters, to be honest, i don’t see, but all these statements, pumping this public opinion is being hyped up. moment when western countries must decide to allocate further assistance, to provide further material assistance to kiev, military assistance , on which zelensky insists, whether this is a coincidence or not, is difficult for me to judge, but the fact remains: on the one hand, the military declares the need to strengthen defense, spend more money on military needs, and accordingly,
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on the other hand, politicians hesitate because they don’t know how to behave... stealing the last shovel of soldiers in order to bury everything that they stole in the war, this is the maximum that they can actually do, according to the statement of this same kuleba, you see, the very fact that the minister of foreign affairs is forced to say that we are not stealing american taxpayers’ money suggests that the topic of corruption has nevertheless come up in the west, and no matter what they say, they say no
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, we have nothing to do with this, this topic has gone... it has gone on very powerfully, so no matter how much they want to, they will not be able to get away from this, by the way, the former ex-minister of defense, you remember these scandals and dismissals of reznikov, today resumed his practice as a lawyer, and no one in ukraine had any questions regarding the corrupt acts of the ex-minister; regarding the pre-voc, based on the results of the pre-vox, apparently, only the thousands of original women who... arrived there were satisfied, and the parties were extremely dissatisfied, why? because zelensky is dissatisfied with the level of support that was expressed towards ukraine, and western partners are dissatisfied with the lack of a new plan, based on the situation that has developed on earth today. agree, it’s one thing when zelensky comes with ten points during the offensive of the ukrainian army, and declares that we will achieve such and such goals.
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it’s another matter when their western partners are already talking about being... a weak person, it seems to me that zelensky demonstrates this regularly, he also managed to insult not only china, but also there, by refusing to meet with the prime minister , but he
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had not yet offered him this meeting, yes, they offered him rhetorically, but he presented it in such a way where to say who the prime minister of china is in general, that i should meet with him, we have a prime minister, this is his level, let him meet with the prime minister of china, but i will not talk about what... china is ready to negotiate and participate in the process , provided that china is confident in the possibility of implementing the proposals that are on the table, just like that , there is absolutely no point in simply taking part in this, regarding korea, you know,
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i say: we, the citizens of leningrad, are not the roar of the cable will shake, and if tomorrow there will be barricades, we will not leave our
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barricades. residents of the besieged city showed that there is something more important and eternal than cold, hunger, fear and even their own life. leningrad symphony on the banks of the niva. on sunday on rtr. the national academy of cinematographic arts and sciences of russia presents. the main film events and film characters of 2023. achievements of luck, discovery and shock, everything that is worthy of an award,
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the golden eagle award ceremony. live broadcast on friday on rtr. now, if you come to my house, first, what you will see is a door scratched by dogs. he could become a bailiff or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 dash 34 years. we can do pull-ups. a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a rescuer, but
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he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact him. specialist dr. myasnikov every saturday on rtr. for the anniversary of a great artist: collect a parcel for the children, little blue ones, and it can be delivered with a conductor. leonid yarmolnik, how do we love him? i have respect, attention, honor, certificates, i have a medal, i am a soviet person. odessa as we know it? farshmak, why does it have to be farshmak? i don’t understand why these stereotypes, you have the conscience to say such things, think such things.
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golden eagle awards katseteli kills everyone's germs , you don't drink, grigorievich, i don't drink, but i 'll already drink if they want it, odessa on friday on rtr, try it, bevite katya lel secretly divorced her husband, businessman and former athlete igor kuznetsov, either you are with me or the war, who is to blame that her marriage collapsed and how was her wedding dress? maybe now to save someone, and also why her song from twenty years ago is now being sung by the whole world, and what connects her with alexander ovechkin, pavel bure and vladimir sherenovsky. malakhov, today on rtr. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? we install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons. programs and
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documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website, the bad weather raged all night in moscow, the snowstorm became the strongest in the last 10 years, watch it if you haven’t seen it. it’s just that a man just jumped out of the subway before my eyes, and there were traffic jams in moscow. watch
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the news right now, it was 60 minutes, all the best to you and goodbye, thank you very much, on the russia channel, in the studio evgeniy roshkov, hello, the main thing is this. day of mourning in the dpr. they bring flowers to the market in donetsk, where 28 people died. several cities of the republic are again under ukrainian shelling in the morning. the crimes of the kiev regime will be discussed today at the un council. sergei lavrov has already arrived in the states. private plane with the russians, a knight who crashed in afghanistan.


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