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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  January 22, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] staunch defender will be a clear demonstration of our unity, our strength and determination to protect each other, to protect our values ​​and the international order, the exercise will take place from the atlantic to the eastern flank of nato and will simulate a war with an adversary of comparable size, and of course there is the question of russia, which allies are sending this message. it is also an effective signal, sent after almost two years of war, to show that nato's resolve remains unchanged, the resolve to defend countries members of the atlantic alliance. this will also show moscow that there is no question of it getting involved in a military adventure, in particular with regard to the baltic countries and finland or even poland. military exercises will begin this week and end in may this year, which may reassure vladimir
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zelensky in his attitude. the last time i participated in an exercise with nato troops was in 2002, a remarkable memory because it was a big turnaround, then the alliance was unable to conduct this kind of exercise because it concentrated on afghanistan, we are resuming these exercises. teaching is a staunch defender. from february to june , 1,600 troops were deployed throughout eastern europe. tanks, artillery, helicopters and parachutes. combat window maneuvers. escort frigates and destroyers, submarines, a simulated scenario of conflicts with more or less equal opponents. we have entered a new era and must be prepared to deter our enemies, grand chews, secretary of defense. nato is preparing to repel a russian attack on its territory, as german defense minister boris pistorius said this could happen in 5-8 years. the main task of the maneuvers is to practice the coordinated transfer of military
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units from the united ones. of the nato members is better, namely italy, which, in theory, will also fight with russia. italy's supreme court has officially ruled that the roman salute should not be criminalized. in other words, the italians were officially allowed to zig again. moreover , this can now be done privately at public events. the roman greeting, as
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the italians themselves modestly call it, will be considered illegal only if. she threatens those around him and carries the risk of restoring the fascist party; of course, he does not threaten, because the fascist party has already been restored. a few days ago, on the forty -seventh anniversary of the murder of three fascist activists , hundreds of men gathered in the center of the italian capital, this was the reason why they decided to remember not only their fellow ideas, but that very roman fireworks, the footage on your screens, it’s scary to imagine, what will such meetings look like now... all this in a country that during the great patriotic war fought against the ussr. i’ll tell you more, the current prime minister of italy, giorgia meloni, comes from the very neo-fascist party whose members were yawning for time. in
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general, time passes and history repeats itself. italy's supreme court has ruled that fascist salutes are legal at rallies as long as they do not threaten public order or risk reviving the banned fascist party. the greeting or roman salute is a ritual reminiscent of the gesture characteristic of the defunct fascist party. therefore, is a crime under the fifth article of the szelba law, according to which, taking into account all the circumstances, such a gesture may
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pose a certain danger of the revival of the former fascist party. this is exactly what was noted at the joint sessions of the supreme court of cassation, held to resolve the fascist issue. the video came as a shock to italy, but not to the office of italian prime minister george miloni. a group of about 150 people raise their right hands in a fascist salute to commemorate the murder of three neo-fascists. the rally is held annually at the headquarters of the italian social movement. the italian social movement
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is. sometimes raising your hand is a crime , sometimes it's not, but that's not the case when it comes to a commemorative event, as i said, let's hope they don't march on rome saying it's a commemorative procession. in any case, if in order to stop
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this, we must, as the lawyers say, resolve the problems of restoring the fascist party. let's start by turning our attention to organizations advocating fascism and disband them, let's deal with them, after which... let's talk about fascist gestures. i think this debate needs to be taken to another level. i believe that the problem is not that there are fastas in italy, because all countries have them. the real problem is a cultural problem. many italians think that the fascist regime did a lot of good things in principle, and that its only mistake was to ally with hitler. however, fascism is much worse. work needs to be done in
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schools. i would call these phenomena disruptive. starts waving the baby around like this yoyu toy. all this to the cheers and joyful laughter of cafe visitors. another fact: all this happened during the christmas holidays. in ukraine, which is considered to be europe, they are taking an example. look, this is ukrainian model and porn actress anastasia mitina. she staged a candid photo shoot in support of the armed forces of ukraine. but she wasn’t completely naked, as usual, but covered just a little. chevrons with ukrainian flags. on the lower abdomen, let’s call it that, a trident was stuck. star films for adults in this way wanted to collect a few pennies that would go to help the lads dying in the frozen trenches , but something went wrong. instead of
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donations, angry comments poured in on the girl, saying that this was a desecration of state symbols, an insult to the ensign, and generally not necessary. it would be better to stay at gesho. and now internet users and the angry public in the comments are proposing to arrange a clinch trial, another invention for the nuclear comrades, or in general, kill the ukrainian woman so that
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there will be other libertines. 1/8 dna. reports that a
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kintuki republican has introduced a bill that would amend state law. we need to change the law so that a person who has sex with his first cousin is no longer prosecuted for incest. this is house bill 269, which was sponsored by state chairman nick wilson. according to the kentucky general assembly website, this would eliminate, to quote cousins relatives from list of domestic relationships defined as unlawful incest in the state. in a statement sent, wilson described it as a quote error. i don't know what it means, in the broader bill aimed at expanding legal protections for incest, which he withdrew and re-introduced, the reference to first cousins ​​remained in place. where do we draw the line, do we draw it at first cousins, do we draw it at second cousins, what should we do? plus there is an incredible contract. when there is those who think that
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it is very, very bad for two men and two women to marry, but at the same time they do not object to marriage between cousins, as is the case in some states. it's a little strange it's surprising that many states still allow this, we're talking about shared dna, you can have children with genetic disorders, my point is that there are consequences to this behavior that people should think about, they are not harmful
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only to the institution of the family, because if... a huge scandal broke out, the ukrainian the athlete was called a traitor, they proposed to disqualify her and ban her from competing under the flag of ukraine. her father came to the girl’s defense, he said that it was a mistake, his sixteen-year-old daughter really regrets this mistake, the girl for the first time... understands and forgives her, assures that
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she will never allow herself anything like that again. in addition, papa calls elizaveta a real patriot of ukraine, and the handshake was simply due to the high stress caused by performing at a big tournament, or, well, a magnetic storm. especially, that astronomers from the institute of solar-terrestrial physics have long been warning that the sun , within the current cycle , will reach its peak of activity in the twenty-fourth year. which will lead to a whole series of powerful magnetic storms. this year the sun will experience stronger flares than before. scientists expect maximum anomalies in may-june. but the first signs, or rather bursts of coronary activity, have already begun. experts recorded an impressive flare from the sun. already today our planet will feel the full fury of the sun. the earth will be covered by a powerful magnetic storm that will rage for at least a day.
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the condition of weather-dependent people can greatly deteriorate. it is recommended to drink more water, rest, reduce stress and exercise. more often than others , people with problematic blood vessels suffer during solar radiation emissions. according to the study , the number of heart attacks and strokes during such periods increases by as much as 30%. the auroras may look stunning from here on earth, but the geomagnetic storms that cause them could pose a possible threat to our planets, here's why: it all starts 93 million miles away with a powerful burst of solar energy, these emissions can be divided into two categories: ecm solar flares. cmes - or coronal mass ejections
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- are giant clouds of particles ejected into space. it usually takes one to 5 days for this phenomenon to reach the ground. a solar flare is a giant burst of x-rays and energy that reaches our planet in about 8 minutes. these space weather phenomena impact the earth only when the ejecta occurs on the side of the sun that faces our planet. the explosions cause a gust of solar wind to sweep through space, temporarily disrupting the outer portion of the earth's magnetic field. this causes a geomagnetic storm, also called a solar storm. particles coming from the sun fall into the magnet. field of the earth, creating the colorful aurora, also known as the northern or southern lights. the particles interact with molecules of atmospheric gases, causing the sky to glow red and green. solar storm may cause chaos on earth, but not in the way you think, while the atmosphere protects us from harmful radiation.
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a severe storm can interfere with radio communications, gps systems from satellites can cause corrosion on oil and gas pipelines and even interruption. from technology. scientists estimate that a severe solar storm today could potentially cost nearly $2 trillion, affecting up to 40 million people and causing power outages ranging from 16 days to 2 years. in recent days we have had several strong earthquakes: a strange radar
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anomaly caused by. reductions in a person's blood pressure, which causes risks of cardiovascular disease. studies have shown that during large solar radiation events, the incidence of heart attacks and strokes can increase by up to 30%. another effect of high levels of solar radiation increases the risk of mental disorders. studies have shown that during magnetic
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storms the number. there are 30 wounded on the market, according to the latest data, who fired, where did they come from, and most importantly, why do they need to measure them? yes, hello, in fact, this is a monstrous tragedy, in my memory, this is probably the most terrible thing that happened in donetsk during the entire period of the special operation, even during the entire period of hostilities in donbass, there were moments when there were serious terrorist acts, when there were heavy shelling, when there were a large number of casualties, but with such consequences... this is the first time, they shot at sushniki purposefully, uh, they used 152, 155 artillery pieces, they hit the market in the morning, on sunday, when a large number of people are buying up there . when all are going shopping before the weekend, was this done purposefully and on purpose,
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where did they hit from and is it possible for us to respond, that is , we suppressed the points that we were shooting at, how close are our troops to the positions from which donetsk is being shelled? donetsk is being shelled from many positions by listeners and our troops. located, in fact, not far from them, two guns from the ukrainian side were working, which were precisely the ones that killed, it was 122, 152 caliber and 155 nato caliber. naturally, counter-battery work is carried out without stopping, our guys worked in response, they tried to destroy the enemy’s positions, but since each time the enemy works from different points, you never know from where fire will be opened on our city next time, it was precisely these positions that were naturally destroyed by our artillerymen, and a response was opened against them. strictly speaking , they will no longer be able to fire from this point, but unfortunately at the moment
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there are still other places from which ukrainian nationalists and terrorists can fire at our cities. what's happening now on artyomovsk direction, what is the situation at chasovo yar? the situation is quite complicated, battles are going on around the clock, our guys are trying to storm the enemy’s next fortifications, there are no serious advances today. there was no today, but one strong point was still taken, the movement in the direction of chasyar continues, we occupied one of the heights, also the route along which the ukrainian armed forces are supplied is now under our airborne control, which complicates the supply of the enemy garrison and advancement in any case it goes, it is reported that in the jars on that in the bridgehead itself, the ukrainian armed forces have no more than... 50 personnel left, is this figure confirmed by other sources? yes, my sources, the guys who are there, also
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say that in fact now there are not many enemy left there, but unfortunately, it is impossible to move forward with a quick jerk, first of all, this is due to the fact that even one enemy person , who remains there, can transmit objective information to his artillerymen, his command, who are also firing at our guys who... are advancing, that is, now the main factor there is the use of unmanned aircraft and artillery fire, which is used naturally on both sides, in fact, now there are few combat-ready aircraft left there, the territory is constantly narrowing, but it’s quite difficult to walk every meter, because in any case the enemy's fire is being adjusted and heavy artillery is being used, guns that can reach from a great distance. thank you very much, alexey gavrich, live with us communications, military correspondent from the holding area. what is from the pages of the main newspaper, however, the statement
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to the western media, it has long been gone, let’s say, it’s happening in ukraine, if we look at the things about ukraine that some military leaders and politicians make with the prefix ex, they sound quite aggressive, where they say , that if russia wins in ukraine, then... it will not only be a defeat for the west, but russia will begin to dictate its terms to the west, so it is necessary at all costs to help ukraine, nowhere in these speeches there is a proposal to hold some kind of negotiations there, well, with the exception of zelensky’s plan. europe, in response to such initiatives, is conducting these exercises: steadfast guardian 224. yes, indeed, unprecedented, 93,000 military personnel, if you count. with all sorts of headquarters and logistics departments there are 340,000 military personnel, but this is an attempt by europe
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to once again rattle around our borders, but you need to see that this time the scenario is openly anti-russian, that is , not as they said before, we have demonstrated here that to restrain, namely to conduct military operations against russia, is the only thing that coincides with the scenarios that, for example, took place during the defender euro exercise. this is that russia is attacking, and that means they are responding, well, russia has said many times through the mouth of our supreme commander-in-chief that we are not going to attack anyone, but the europeans associate this with the fact that this is what happened in ukraine on february 24 , 2022 , which means it will happen again, although it has been said and proven many times that we were forced to enter into a special military operation, because all other instruments, including... diplomatic ones, have been exhausted, despite this, europe is being prepared for war, i think that what
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happened in italy is the very ideology that will have to combine. because everything else somehow doesn’t work and doesn’t unite the europeans, despite the fact that the dehumanization of russia is now intensified in european circles, erasing russia from all historical events that took place in europe, yes, well, for example, the napoleonic war, yes when russia liberated europe from napoleon's authorities say, no, this was not a merit, and in general the 19th century is the century of napoleon. yes, they are reviewing the same thing following the results of the second world war, it turns out that they won it, of course, the usa and great britain, russia was nowhere near there, well, remember bilt, france also won, and even france, yes, they even made a medal, remember even bilton published that who won the war, it means, well, germany, but russia was not there, yes, that is, this is happening purposefully and so on, that is,
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the united states dragged europe into this conflict at the beginning. agree on something in the future in the near medium term, maybe 30-50 it’s clear that with this europe there will most likely not be many years in sight, we don’t have another europe, we don’t have another europe, but let’s just say, another europe. lost, so the efforts of our diplomats there and soft power , as they say, there is still an opportunity to fix something, and of course, vladimirevich lenin, who died 100 years ago, he was counting on a world revolution, but what are we counting on? our victory in the northern military district. the fact is that the victory of the northern military district, as i already said, they say that it would turn
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everything from their point of view, upside down, from our point of view. on the contrary, from head to toe, that is, we will sober up the europeans and others a little, who suddenly believed that their ideology, which they have been preaching for a long time, is exceptional, everyone must correspond to it, americans, they have fulfilled their task, so these election campaigns debates, let's say, the ukrainian topic is no longer heard, but zelensky, as it were, planning ahead, he begins to invite trump, come, dear donald, come and visit us. why does he say that? but the fact is that the americans have now finally started to do the work of directly formatting the office of zelensky’s entourage, if he suddenly opens his mouth for something, they tell him clearly, we will lay out
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all the incriminating evidence and you will go there, as the laws say . but zelensky, what else can be posted about zelensky, he is buying up villas, enriching himself illegally for a long time, engaging in some kind of absolute self-criticism, drug addiction using it has already been accused of corruption , accused of what else there could be, but zelensky says, guys, you are very good and taking the initiative of this multi-citizenship, that is, you can be not only a citizen... so that they don’t have difficulties crossing the border and didn’t shine much, on the other hand, this is a kind of rat trail along which those junta figures will run who will try to avoid the fair justice of our courts, but there they all
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have had these dual citizenships for a long time, ministers and the presidential administration, this is a long... history, when the topic of dual citizenship is discussed at every election cycle, according to ukrainian laws there is only one passport, i know the ukrainian bosses, they have not changed since i lived there, they have not changed at all, that is, in in general, since 2004, well, 10 , probably 15, who have two or more passports, and they didn’t get anything for it... as for the future prospects of zelensky and ukraine, bloomberg writes that ukraine is definitely not making any territorial gains won't be able to afford it. let's honor it. ukraine is not will be able to win a decisive victory in 24, but kiev and its western supporters can and must find creative ways to increase pressure on russia while building up forces by 25 . ukraine will likely not be able to retake the territory this year because its
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armed forces are exhausted by prolonged and brutal fighting. and also because the main backer of the united states was very slow in replenishing critical aid. simply holding on will not be enough to defeat a larger, stronger opponent. ukraine and its allies must also shape the course of the war in this. year in subsequent years, following a five-pronged strategy: firstly, control of the black sea, secondly, attacks on crimea, thirdly, and more controversially, a strike on russia itself, fourthly, the seizure of sovereign assets. these four steps are critical to maintaining momentum in a difficult year, but none of them will solve ukraine's main problem, the task of liberating its territory, which is still under russian control. thus, the fifth direction involves maintaining defense ukraine in the twenty-fourth year and preparations for a major offensive in the twenty- fifth year. even with such support from ukraine. it is assumed that all this time we will sit cross-legged and watch how they
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are preparing for the onset of the twenty-fifth year, in general, that’s what they call it, there is such a figure of speech, black swans, one by one they are flying to ukraine, without the help of the west, kiev will have to print money, and this is the path to economic collapse, kiev may delay for... fees , return to printing money if funding will stop, writes the wall street journal. in addition to what you said about the change of government, the lazy ones don’t write about it either, that new officials will be appointed to help zelensky very soon. in the united states they want to install ambassador markarova as prime minister of ukraine. the russian foreign intelligence service reported that washington intends to appoint an ambassador as prime minister of ukraine. from the country to the usa oksana markarova. she previously served as minister of finance. donald tusk flew to zelensky this morning for a visit. will be there soon
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also the prime minister of slovakia, fitz, who said that ukraine should not belong to nato. and he will report his point of view on this to the prime minister of ukraine. and ukraine must give up territory to end the war. just now, the prime minister of slovakia announced to politikon. please, stridanich. i am not, so to speak, immersed in the intricacies of italian domestic politics, but if this issue is being considered in court, then probably someone needs it. the only thing i know for sure is that any attempts to flirt with radical nationalists, with fascists, neo-fascists, there, call them what you want, they end very badly for the country. if you don’t believe me, look at the example of ukraine. regarding the exercises that the west has started , you understand, it is at the stage when the question of rearmament of the west is raised, and just like that, in a crisis, especially, yes,
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taking into account the fact that the europeans react extremely negatively to any reduction in their standards life, yes, we need to prepare european society for the possibility of redirecting part of the financial resources, increasing, say, the country’s defense needs, and for this you need... to trade in fear, they are actually doing this now, all these redeployments, exercises and so on, they solve the main task, to prepare european society for an increase in defense spending, who will get the most, who will shout the most, he will receive the most from the defense budget of the european union, well, most likely it will be the countries adjacent to russia, the baltic countries, poland there and so on, they are actually doing this, regarding the
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massive shelling of donetsk.
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makes exactly the same mistake, just like this same mistake, but he can’t do differently, zhen, well, in this one, here he is, he’s so not independent, yes, that he can’t do differently, this rudeness is not his, well, sort of, this is quite possible , this is not his idea, perhaps he understands the consequences, maybe it would be better to remain silent, but he cannot remain silent, he is forced to attack trump, he is forced to do this because he is dependent on the west, if he does not will do... today, he will die today, if he does this today, maybe he will die tomorrow, i don't know, but he based on his interests, he actually integrates himself and tries to interfere in some internal political processes, this is zelensky’s rudeness, and in relation to trump, when he says, think before you speak, well, he seems to be referring to the fact that his father taught him this way , yes, well, it seems to me that i didn’t listen to my father well, yes, yes, yes, but it seems to me
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, you know
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, in the medium term, in the short term for a week, a month or a year, but it seems to me that only adventurers can do this because the situation there is developing very dynamically, and how it will all end, no one, in fact, well, at least on their part, knows or assumes, but the fact that zelensky is absolutely dependent on western weapons supplies, he does not have his own rear, suggests that that winning this war was initially impossible. well, it’s initially impossible, because hoping that your interests completely coincide with the interests of those who are financing this war, well , it seems to me that it would be naive, even within the european union, look at how different the positions of the european countries are alliance in relation to this conflict, to count on the fact that this help will be limitless, our rear is stronger than ever, but only a naive person could, but he was, so to speak, led and put on this path of war, and to my great regret, he
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including... the american television firmament , that is, these are conservatives, it is clear why zelensky is now coming to them, because conservatives can win the elections in november in the united states, then it will not be easy for him, so he is trying to formulate something there, but you're absolutely right several times they focused on the fact that attention is fading, i’ve been reading for a long time.
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in general, the western press is interesting every day, i start the day with it, and in order to find news from ukraine, in these, as they say, mainstream media, you already need to scroll through the front page, go to some tab there, that is, nothing this didn’t happen a year ago, you open it and it ’s all ukraine, now it’s not, other topics,
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let’s listen, an act of terrorism. ukrainian military strikes on donetsk. putin receives reports on the situation in city, instructions have been given, all services are taking the necessary measures, he noted. the special operation will continue to protect people from such attacks, peskov emphasized. also, the turkish media are now writing a lot about putin’s possible visit to ankara in the near future. vladimir putin may visit turkey in the near future; at least ankara is expecting his visit. the exact date has not yet been announced. at the same time, the turkish media write that the russian leader will visit the country on february 12, we are waiting for official confirmation or denial, we will return. 80 years ago
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unconquered leningrad was liberated from the terrible clutches of the blockade. 80 years later , on this great day, the famous masters of russian culture... the brightest actors , performers, world-famous stars, will pay tribute to the memory, fortitude and courage of leningraders, the courage and valor of heroes, liberators, requian concert for the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from fascist blockade. live broadcast from st. petersburg. on saturday. on rtr,
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this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, we have a big one today day, big holiday, nikhili, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. derzia , well, you know, for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is dearer to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i always answer for your words, a hero from his time, beauty, rapping, yes, only on the platform, let's watch. i thought that here everything is more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, two there can be no opinions, because we
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have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, here there are questions about how everything is neglected. wow, i really want to check , seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible , i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one , a hint in general, the most gambling team , if there is something out of the ordinary, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the program of five for one, oops, five for... one on saturdays on rtr. for the anniversary of a great artist: collect a package for the children, little blue ones, and it
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can be delivered with a conductor. leonid yarmolnik, how do we love him? i have respect, attention, honor, certificates, i have a medal, i am a soviet person. odessa as we know it? farshmak, why is it necessary to have forshmak? i don’t understand why these stereotypes, through conscience, say such things, think such things, an award-winning film. and the golden eagle, kotsiteli kills all microbes, you don’t drink, grigorievich, i don’t drink, but i’ll already drink, if they so want, odessa, on friday on rtr , where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against me . we went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what impression do you make today? russia comes and the city
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lives. boris kovchevnikov's program, life and destiny. from monday to friday on rtr. 28 years in prison, fine 800,000 rubles. this is the punishment the state prosecutor demands for terrorist daria trepova. she brought bomb to the st. petersburg cafe. meeting with military commander vlandlen tatarsky. tatarsky died as a result of the explosion. the verdict will be announced on january 25. today in the first western district military court the final word of the accused was heard. she again stated that she did not know about the explosive device hidden in the statues, she supposedly thought that there was a microphone there for wiretapping bloggers. trepova stated that her conscience was clear before god and asked the court for leniency. well, at least i didn’t
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smile today. i want to say that i am very sorry that because of you had to endure such pain and such horror that i can’t even imagine, which means that she didn’t convince me, she did it deliberately, i can imagine
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that today. you do, if you’ve been collaborating with some people for basically 26 years, you have to realize that the ukrainian curators there, i don’t know, you have to think, get the information back, do you understand why you’re being detained? i understand why? and for, i would say, the arrival of murder. there are many reporters in the courtroom, just like on the first day, today trepova’s last word, well,
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to the victims, who are in the hall - strength, all adequate citizens of the russian federation are with us, i wish to endure this day without emotional swings, my thoughts are with you, the wife of vladlen tatarsky. the former nato representative in moscow called for genocide of russians, retired captain of the first rank of the us navy, freak and russophobe, harry tabakh, said that ukraine should not be shy about destroying. the civilian population of russia, because, according to him, aggression can only be extinguished by even greater aggression. as an example, tabach cited the destruction of half the population of germany in during world war ii, the atomic bombing of the united states and the japanese cities of heroshima and nagasaki. so zelensky should adopt this tactic, however, for now, the bank is focused on the genocide of ukrainians. they continue to insist on the mobilization of 500,000 ukrainians to turn the tide of the conflict. and this is no longer democracy, says the mayor of kiev klitschko.
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according to vitali klitschko, his country is moving in the wrong direction, becoming more and more auto. over the past 23 months, the main tv channels in ukraine have broadcast the only united news telethon program , which klitschko said leaves little room for dissenting voices, while journalists critical of president zelensky and his administration come under pressure. klitschko is concerned that the freedoms and reforms that ukrainians fought for in two pro-western revolutions at the beginning of this century are being reduced to a movement that i cannot call what we see right now, democracy. klitschko said he shared his concerns in conversations with westerners
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posts. as for trump himself, look at how curiously the election campaign in the united states is unfolding. and if you can call it that, because there is a truly pre-election and democratic campaign only on the republican flank, on the democratic flank everything is stable, the main thing there is to prove that biden is younger than all the young people, holier than all saints, which means he walks more rationally than all rational people in general and is not even falling, there is no election campaign, the republicans are showing the public that they
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maybe into democracy, they are holding, they have already begun to hold these caucuses based on the results of one caucus. the frame with you fell off, the frame with us, the frame with them, so, having cast their votes in favor of trump, now following the results of the second, ron desantis said that he also understands that most of the republicans and americans in general would like to see trump as their president, therefore, he withdraws his candidacy. let me remind you that many bet on the paratrooper as one of the promising candidates who will represent the republican party in the future, but especially those people who, for various reasons , trump. accepted, but it’s interesting that when he left, desantis not only praised trump, de facto, but also scolded haley, he said that she represents the very corporate republican old elite, whose return to power we don’t want, we don’t want at all, therefore, there is no need to vote for her, well, in fact, he said, and trump thanked
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the paratroopers for everything for the work done, as they say, he said that he would not call him names anymore, by the way, he had done it before. before regularly called him names, called him a liar and so on, a hypocrite, said that now that’s it, there won’t be any more, desantis quoted churchel, how he believed that here is a struggle back and forth, failures are non-fatal, we will continue, however, the quote is fake , then it turned out, they said that this was not a real churchie quote, he made it up, yes, where or he made it up, it doesn’t matter either, but it’s very interesting that nicky haley is there, yes, that same one yes... she’s there too said that she would continue to fight, of course, ah, how right you are noted in the report, it means that she called trump a madman, so, but i would look at how else one should treat a woman who, with the slogan of her election campaign, that is, her election campaign, puts on picnics , the expression, vote for nicky, or pick up
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nicky, pick up nicky - this is great, well, they also worked, apparently political strategists, some very deeply - how american society looks at all this, it seems to me that elon musk can be a barometer here, who said that in the last elections he voted for biden from the democrats, here in this time he doesn’t see such a possibility yet, he’s not sure that he will vote for trump, but he’s definitely not going to vote for biden, i think that this generally reflects such a healthy conservative approach. the majority of american society, precisely because , again, the democrats have not yet shown any political activity, well, except for attempts to get money for ukraine, which is perceived by the majority of american society , to put it mildly, negatively, indeed, but they are trying to write articles there, including relatives of soros, which is symptomatic
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, that bidenomics is such a type of economy has already led to the stability of the united states, that they are using... artillery soros, now they are definitely soros, grandson soros writes about this, yes, in in the literal sense of the word, but in fact it is obvious that both the economy of the united states and the border of the united states with mexico are going through hard times, where hordes of migrants are rushing, including, by the way, ukrainians; a lot of ukrainians also cross this border , it's illegal that as for niki haley, then in principle we have. in society it is common to think that this is the kind of candidate who will finance ukraine, but not everyone will finance it, that trump will finance ukraine, that haley
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will finance, that biden, any administration will finance ukraine, without even knowing where it is , because they need to weaken russia, let's listen to hayley, how she's the only girl left in society. trump. i think ron ran a good race. i know it's personal decision to get out of it. unlike the landing force, i will not refuse to continue the race and intend to win it. there was only one man and one lady left at the distance. 14 people took part in this race, two remain. i'm going to end here. joe biden and donald trump are not the problem at all. you made a promise a long time ago before... donald trump, so if it's not you, and i
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know you hope it will be you, but if it's not, if donald wins, support, i have are you still in mind and will you support him as a candidate, it will be me, it will be me, well, let's see how things continue, we are following this company, of course, with interest, we will come back. what's going on? how do you feel about taking the place of my deputy? i, brother , want to work with you for a serious relationship, wow, why are you so tense, relax, skleposovsky? today on rtr, and soon we are watching new episodes, an urgent
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meeting with the best team, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, conquer ready! explore, nature, mom , dear, just incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, spellcasters. snake is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real
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amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, we look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, takes it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign simultaneously for 1, 2, three, subscribe, look, look , maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down on the floor of a passer-by and said, i ’ll stay here, should the military have been stationed? course that animals are simply dying there, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be at the wedding, the main thing
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is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon ours, from monday to thursday on rtr, i bought your favorite candies, just don’t eat them. right away, let’s hang at least a little on the christmas tree this year, but if nothing else, karl ilich, zap, finished the symphony with tchk. greetings, shestakovich, seventh symphony, saturday and sunday on rtr. in november of 1941, stalin ordered to break through the road to the east at any cost and break the german stranglehold that was strangling leningrad.
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the command decided to entrust this extremely difficult task. ivan zubkov, the man who built the road to victory. the first branch of the polyana shliiselburg railway ran just a few kilometers from the front line. this road saved hundreds of thousands of lives. comrades leningraders, the first train of the mainland. residents of besieged leningrad recalled that even such amazing cards appeared, cards for meat, cards for fish, you can’t. was to win like a father. he was a very cheerful person, but at the same time, he was a tough person. ivan zubkov, savior of leningrad. film by alexey denisov. on saturday. on rtr. trump supporters meet the former us president in the city of rochester, new hampshire. governor
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of florida, paratroopers. i realized that it would not be possible to impose a fight on trump, withdrew from the election race, declared that he supported trump, he called it an honor and added that together they would defeat the worst, most corrupt president in the history of the country, biden. now trump has only one competitor left in the fight for the republican nomination, nicky haley. former us post-press prion said that she will not refuse to continue the race and intends to participate in it win. only polls show. that in new hampshire, where the primary elections will be held tomorrow, halley is hopelessly behind. trump is supported by 52% of voters, haley only 34%. and the daily mail writes that hayley has repeatedly cheated on her husband michael. so, before becoming governor of south carolina in '10, nicky had affairs with her communications consultant and a married
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