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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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a new daily mail article claims former governor and current republican candidate niki halley had affairs with her communications consultant and married lobbyist before she became palmate's chief executive, two witnesses and larry merchant signed an affidavit in ten, claiming that they would have had
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a relationship with haley before she became governor. haley had previously denied the ties, although republican party insiders in south carolina claimed the ties were quite open and widely known. us ambassador to the un niki halley is furious about denying rumors that she had an affair with president trump. this is completely untrue, it is highly offensive, and it is disgusting. the affidavit was given in response to a request from a group called conservatives for truth in politics. they put pressure on hayley on issues such as her analogy and her love life. the document describes an affair that began in 2007 . wil fox said that it was his first time with hayley. they kissed in an suv outside a columbia restaurant, and then their meetings continued for several months in his car, in her apartment and office, in a government building. insiders told numerous
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republican party insiders told the daily mail that they were well aware of haley's infidelity, including stories of passionate affairs in the backseat of her cadillac suv, lap caresses, lovers in bars and nights spent together in a duplex in columbia, south carolina. this is not the first times when we hear about accusations that she was unfaithful to her husband. more than a year ago, there were reports that she allegedly had an affair with skory loszki. who was one of her chief advisers, but these affairs in south carolina seem to be an open secret again , and i am somewhat puzzled that it took so long for them to actually become known to the public. previously , these affidavits were only reported in very specific local media in south carolina. it seems that now is the time it's a bad time to go public with this story as halley is rapidly closing the gap on donald trump in new hampshire and trying.
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he worries that russia and china are head and shoulders ahead of the united states in terms of nuclear forces. the authors of the material, senators roger wicker and dette fischer, criticize the white house. in their opinion, the biden administration does not want to prepare for a world where washington has two serious nuclear opponents at once. lawmakers are warning. beijing tested a new weapon capable of delivering nuclear strikes from orbit with virtually no warning. china also built for. for 3 years there have been more silos for zabsko
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nuclear missiles than the states have had in the last half century, and moscow, in principle, has the world's largest nuclear forces and heavy intercontinental ballistic missiles with practically unlimited range. in some types of nuclear weapons carriers , russia and the united states need superiority, senators estimate it to be 10 to one. the british tested a new laser weapon. dragonfire system at hebreds proving ground successful hit air targets, according to the uk ministry of defense. among the advantages of energy weapons are the highest accuracy and the extremely low cost of a shot.
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the british ministry of defense announced that it has carried out the country's first test of high-power laser weapons against air targets at... the dragonfire laser system is classified as a long-range weapon , but is designed as a line- of-sight weapon, meaning it can hit any visible target. an example of dragonfire's high accuracy is its ability to hit coins worth one point, fortunes per kilometer, laser -guided energy weapons operating at the speed of light, using an intense beam of light to strike targets, resulting in structural failure or worse. consequence if it hits, for example, a warhead. the cost-effectiveness of dragonfire is emphasized by the fact that its startup within 10 minutes is equivalent to the operation of a conventional heater for an hour. in connection with the conflict in ukraine , the use of unmanned aerial vehicles has become a novelty.
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devices. small and some are very small uavs that you can buy online for just a couple hundred dollars. they have cameras installed on them and we have seen thousands of these devices in use. for dropping grenades into tank hatches and coordinating artillery fire, there are thousands, tens of thousands of them, they pose an absolute threat. in such conditions , high-energy laser weapons can be relatively cheap, very accurate and can do the same job as air defense missiles costing thousands of pounds. the tests were carried out at the uk ministry of defense training ground, on the hybrid islands, on the west coast of scotland.
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are not ready to have such a weapon on the battlefield, when i see the date twenty-nine, i don’t think they will immediately use it, so it’s just an advertising effect, an innovation effect. the book showman was published in the usa, dedicated to fallian with a title that is not the most respectful for a president, zelensky. the author of the book is simon schuster, senior correspondent for time in schuster's book, zelensky's political transformation, reports the wall street journal. a...
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is a sovereign country, is completely under the control of the united states, this is what provoked the war, fitsou notes. this idea is being developed by the russian foreign intelligence service. svr director naryshkin said that american advisers are already represented in all key ukrainian government departments. and now the united states has moved on to forming a colonial administration in ukraine. it will consist of ukrainians who have undergone training.
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just waiting to see how events will develop further. this could be our victory, victory above us, everything will directly depend on our western partners, nato countries. the financial times also writes that the vseushniki are losing hope of victory and are preparing for a protracted war; they do not expect any breakthroughs in the coming year in kiev. zelensky, who...
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cnn talks about the monstrous conditions in which the dry soldiers have to fight , compares what is happening at the front with the first world war. trenches. overrun by rats and mice, which destroy equipment, spread diseases, and undermine the combat effectiveness of ukrainian units. on these incredible in the footage, a russian military man repeats the feat of a fighter with the call sign babay, but dodges not just one, but two ukrainian fpv drones at once. we cannot penetrate the defense that the russian federation has built, even in the same zaporozhye direction,
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because everything has been done there seriously, everything has been done there with the right approaches, they are pushing us in some directions, and we are retreating, this means that questions there is for our defense, for construction. secretary of the rada committee on national security kostenko complains that the defensive lines the russian army is better than the armed forces of ukraine. ukrainian terrorist. buddanov, in an interview with the financial times, admits that this year will be difficult for kiev and claims that it will not be possible to do without mobilization. there are not enough soldiers in the ukrainian army. adviser ze podal also speaks about the difficult situations on the battlefield. the situation is complicated, because the intensity of the fighting does not decrease, regardless of climatic factors, the intensity of the fighting is high, the war will continue, according to putin’s vision, until he conquers the entire territory of ukraine, until he achieves dominance in europe, until not
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... russia's actions, the average age of a ukrainian soldier is 43 years old, the quality of reinforcements is getting lower and lower each time, military commissars are catching unfortunate recruits even at funerals of military personnel, relatives are gathering for the funeral, people started coming and tetsekashniks are bitches, they came to the funeral to hand out summonses , take off your uniform, because of you , our boys who are coming from the front will soon become a bitch, people will shy away or... even with full help from the west, ukraine will not be able to regain the territory that it
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has lost since the beginning of the conflict, writes on pages of bloomberg, professor hel bretz. in his opinion, kiev can achieve at least some success next year, but for this it must survive the twenty-fourth. the west must increase assistance to the zelensky regime, otherwise kiev is doomed to defeat. ukraine is expected to spend this year working to strengthen itself. of its military-industrial complex by restoring its strength in anticipation of even more intense fighting in 2025, an american official said, before another attempt at a major ukrainian counteroffensive to divide russian troops into in the southern city of melitopol, likely for at least another couple of years, said a u.s. military official stationed in europe. without washington's help to kiev, russia will continue to advance and will break ukraine, biden said, speaking to the mayors of american cities. according to the us president, after ukraine, putin may then attack poland or the balkan
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countries. nbc news writes about the warning that white house representatives made to the leader of congress: if aid to kiev is not urgently approved, russia could win the war in a matter of weeks. speaker of the house representatives johnson demands specifics from the biden administration. we need to know what the strategy is, where is the final point, how can ukraine get out of this conflict? before christmas, i met with president zelensky here in washington and he said that they did not receive the weapons systems that they asked for. in other words, the white house is not even providing the support that is needed, and at the same time asking for even more billions. representatives of ukraine and the united states conducted the first joint inspection of american weapons transferred to kiev, the ukrainian press reported. ministry of defense this happened after news appeared that the pentagon had lost a billion dollars worth of weapons and equipment for the ukrainian armed forces. in total , we are talking about about 40 thousand units of weapons and military equipment. the new york post writes
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that american financiers in davos refused to invest in zelensky due to the ukrainian president’s reluctance to negotiate with russia. samze claims that mira doesn’t want it , allegedly putin is inviting trump to kiev. how do you imagine the end of this war? is it possible for your two to peacefully coexist? countries while putin is in power in russia? he will never want this, never, he does not want any peace with ukraine, he still wants to occupy the entire country.
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well, it seems zelensky and podalyak are contradicting each other, one says that there can be no negotiations and so on, and the other says that some kind of negotiations with russia are possible, well, after some critical defeat or some tactical defeat, already even the memes went like this, which means how this golum was talking to himself, but here they are, as it were they are talking to themselves, in fact , each of them gives out two important hopes that this nazi regime has, what zelensky hopes for, what he is actually talking about, he is talking about one main thing for him, this is the support of the west, we are without we won’t do anything in the west, and if trump comes , it will be bad and so on, that is, he bets on the west, the west will help us, he
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believes in this benderist scheme, and what podalak says is hopes for riots in russia, like he said that if we put something there tactical defeat, in russia, if something goes wrong here at the front, then riots will arise in russia, the social infrastructure will crumble, which means that some social problems will arise, and so on, this is where we actually turn around and can offer this his very formula for peace on their so-called terms, at the same time...
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the military-industrial complex cannot increase their weapons , they have big problems with energy, and the military-industrial complex heavy industry is, after all, energy, and they themselves abandoned energy cheap russian energy and everything switched there to green to some kind, with which there are also problems, so it is not possible to increase the necessary production of weapons for a full-fledged war, the armies that they can field, well, i don’t think even any spaniards or french at all.
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for now, they still need to help defend to the extreme, which they will actually do, as they say, to the extreme, realizing that they will surrender later, even if russia is ukraine, they will surrender it in such a disheveled state, in such a bombed-out state, that again - russian resources after all will spend money in order to restore it later
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, which is again not bad for them, that’s their strategy for now, but for now the point is the matter, while they are thinking there, anyway they are all... thinking about what will happen to the american elections, because the americans are the hegemon, everything depends on them, who will be elected there, that’s how europe will be built, so a lot really depends on these elections, and of course, nicky haley is very dangerous, it’s not for nothing that trump called her a representative of the deep state, what it is, i remember it very well from speeches at the un, she always spoke as a democrat, practically as a representative... of the deep state, she - not to say that she promoted the trump agenda, what she said was absolutely indistinguishable from the speeches of some clinton woman or someone else -well, now the fact that she... has also been involved in sex scandals, yes, this also only indicates that in spirit she is, as they say, not a republican, just now we didn’t have any problems with that, but you are
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you kidding me, we were just now witnesses of the scandals with jeffrey epstein , and what’s up on the island, which means that the entire elite of the democratic party gathered, starting with the clintons, a huge number of hollywood stars who, by the way, supported clinton during her nomination, they were all there on the island, and so on . she is, to a large extent, a branch of the british in america, so they are all swirling there, this whole crowd that thinks that in order to rejuvenate, in order to live longer, you need to copulate with young girls, they have all these and the temple, therefore, the occasion there corresponding to jeff rshtein, jeff rshtein had the corresponding... rituals, so to speak, yes, they pray there to urabaros, which means, which, so to speak, rounds off this worldly existence of youth, old age and so on,
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that is, well, in general, there is metaphysics involved, sex, drugs and rock and roll all over the world, well, they live happily, yes, they lived happily, yes they lived, now some have hanged themselves, yes, some are in prison, well, the rest think , what should they do with it, when the tapes come to light with all the perversions, and they... are lying somewhere, this is still unknown, they are lying in order to emerge at the right moment or, well, of course, they may never emerge now, well, in general, nikki haley behaves like a traitor, she is taking - now, well, in fact, she is stabbing trump in the back, taking away, taking away his votes and support, and the fact that she is simply criticizing him is open on republican platforms, but this is essentially a dummy candidate. who is working in trump’s rear, well, let’s see, there’s a lot of time left, after a while, it’ll just be it is clear whether she has enough votes
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to pass or whether she will still be eliminated, but in any case , she is an obstacle for trump, the democrats are not going to give up without a fight, especially since the gap between trump and biden is not so big, and if everything - these two forces will come together, if they don’t... put up other candidates, what hope was there, it will simply mean that these elections they will repeat the next one, well, they will repeat the last elections, only on a more, so to speak, higher turn of the spiral , that is, everything will be much more seriously and could lead to a real civil war, of course, biden will not easily give up power to trump and there will be much more fraud. larger-scale than in the previous elections, and trump is ready for this, please, no, i’m glad that everyone is immersed in american domestic politics, respectively, the election, as in
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the economy, let’s dive deeper into it, and the decision of the landing party to support trump actually nullifies helly’s ability to participate in the primary in general, the fact is that trump is the second choice of the paratroopers at 62% his voters, and accordingly, the most dangerous thing is not... we have tomorrow, as we all said, on tuesday, and after scott supported him and after desantis supported him, then most likely trump can now quickly leave over 60, if he goes
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over 60, and khali doesn’t make it over 40, then she will be filmed before south carolina, or immediately after it. new hampshire is the only state, as we all said in unison, in which haley had the only chance to beat trump, after the landing was removed, there are practically no such chances, even, even before the removal landing trump started gaining there, that’s why he criticized her, in fact, he wants to go beyond 50, if trump goes over 50 in newmshi, in the only state in which he could not go beyond 50, for a long time, as if the only state in all 50 us states , which means that by march everything will be decided, that is, his main competitors are already falling under him, trump is a very strong player, he is building his own sect and his own republicans there, look how - landing from under him, that he said it, the only one who there they still support plus or minus, as it were, in the lower house. he promised not to call desantes names anymore, so he said i won’t insult you anymore, let’s listen, you will continue to kiss the ring in the usa, vitaly.
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a little more than an hour after florida gov. ron desantis bowed out of the republican presidential primary and endorsed donald trump, the former president handed out his version of consolation prizes. will i use rondo sansimonius from sansimonius hypocrite? he said after speaking briefly at his campaign headquarters in new hampshire. i say that this name has been officially retired. the nickname, which has been a staple of his social media posts and appearances for much of the past year, has run its course, the person said. who asked him if he would continue to use it, his statement from the campaign had a conciliatory tone, saying that we were honored to receive such support, he was very kind and supportive, so i appreciate it, - trump said at the rally. the lenient winner, he of all his competitors who swore allegiance to him, the so-called kissed the ring, in the american understanding there is such a concept as if organized crime groups are actually going, but a very important point, in fact, whoever officially recognizes the victory, then
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speaks out events...
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in front of new hampshire and calmly was able to do fine , as if well, why does she want to be vice president, the question is not what she wants, the question is what the voters want, the fact is that trump the problem is that he has a small second position, which is biden's problem, and biden's problem is that why is his age important, in case something happens to the president, accordingly , the vice president of the recruiting becomes, as it were, on his position, kamala harris has very poor electoral ratings , in fact, she has a very difficult vice presidency, so everyone is afraid of this age, because the vice president is weak, against this background, accordingly , this is also an important argument, and he can not... without her, because they are going to the second elections in groups, this is the problem, now trump has not yet elected a vice president, there is no serious influence on that yet, and even trump’s age is not discussed, because he is still alone there , when there is a vice president, he can become either a very serious support or a very serious problem, so the struggle for the vice presidency in the trump camp is now very actively unfolding, this will be a very important player, i remind you, the vice president sits in the senate , he's doing internationally, biden was assigned
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various functions, so as if there were... under biden, harris did absolutely nothing, she was pushed aside from everywhere, in fact, yes, but this is in a situation of a strong team, when you have a sales force, when you you have blinky, everyone else , when you have a not very strong, as it were, well , that is, like a president who lacks attention to everything, but when you have a strong president, for example, with the same bama, who specializes in the internal agenda , external agenda, especially people, who has experience like haley, this is like a big question, so now the stacker, as i understand it, everyone else is trying to dump her, this is the question that everything will be resolved in the next 2 months, well, in fact, everything was said, as if everything will be decided.
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china is preparing for the arrival of the republicans and trump, respectively, iran is preparing for the arrival of the republicans and trump, how much it will come is another question, but they will definitely come to the senate, so from this point of view, many players of the european union are at davos half the time was dedicated to what would happen if he came there,
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by the way, he was occupied with this. accordingly means to start huh?


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